How is the wedding night. Wedding night tips for the groom

And they lived happily ever after... This is how most of the famous fairy tales end, the heroes of which celebrated their wedding. Unfortunately, our life is far from a fairy tale, and spoils its life, which every day turns into a routine. But you can make at least one day a fairy tale - the wedding night, so that the memories of it excite your thoughts and be the reason for their reproduction. To do this, you need to spend the wedding night unforgettable, so that the words: “Do you remember, on your wedding night you ...” become the beginning of another unforgettable night ...

Where to spend the first wedding night?
The place for this event should be quiet, secluded, without the presence of strangers behind the wall, at the same time romantic and attuning to intimacy:
  1. Own bedroom. For the first wedding night, you can prepare the bedroom in advance. The room needs to be made as romantic as possible for both of you. Arrange candles of different sizes around the perimeter of the room, pre-record romantic music on a disc, lay new silk linen on the bed, prepare vases for roses that will be presented to you at the wedding. You can pave the way to the bedroom with rose petals, as well as shower them on the bed itself. Prepare your favorite alcoholic drinks (champagne or wine), but remember: they should not be strong. If you share an apartment with your parents, then ask them to spend the night with other relatives. Put a "do not disturb" sign on your front door.
  2. Hotel number. In hotels there are special rooms for newlyweds. Here they will do everything for you, but you will have all the most pleasant: to enjoy each other. Book a chic room, albeit a little expensive, but it will be remembered for a lifetime. If you decide to spend your wedding night in a hotel, then you don't have to worry about someone disturbing you. Do not forget to turn off mobile phones, otherwise the continued congratulations will ruin your evening, and the congratulators - karma.
  3. Jacuzzi. A massage bath, strewn with rose petals, lit by candlelight, next to a bucket of champagne, a whole dish of juicy fruits and light music ... What could be more romantic? Jacuzzi will relax the body after a hard day, relieve you of unnecessary thoughts and help you quickly set you up for a more pleasant continuation of the evening. The hotels have rooms with a jacuzzi, you can ask the managers to prepare it.
  4. Country house. A great option for those who want to spend their wedding night in a quiet, cozy place where no one can disturb the newlyweds. You can also decorate the room for the wedding night as you wish and prepare everything you need. In addition, not only a room, but a whole house will be at your disposal! A romantic atmosphere will be complemented by the chirping of birds, the chirping of grasshoppers and fresh air.
  5. House in a boarding house or camp site. And if he is also on the shore of a lake or river, then an unforgettable wedding night is guaranteed. The house for the newlyweds will be equipped by attentive staff, who will prepare everything you need. You can stay here for the whole weekend, or better for the whole week and enjoy plenty of solitude.
  6. In the land of your dreams. You can immediately after the celebration go to the airport and fly away for a honeymoon to some country. Upon arrival, you will be guaranteed a cozy room that will be decorated for your arrival. You will have as much time as you want at your disposal. Unforgettable to spend the first wedding night in another country will definitely work out, as a radical change of scenery and a sea of ​​​​impressions will benefit your intimacy. You can even spend some unforgettable first wedding nights if your room has a jacuzzi. You can retire not only in the bedroom, but also enjoy each other in the hot tub and even on the beach.
For lovers of extreme
If you and your partner think a cozy bed covered with rose petals is too boring and you want to spend your wedding night in a way that will be remembered for sure, then for such lovers of extreme sports you can also choose interesting options:
  1. Airplane. On board the liner that takes you to the country of your dreams, you can also retire if the flight takes quite a long time. You can feel like the heroes of some overseas movie and retire to the toilet stall. Vivid impressions of proximity at a height are definitely provided to you.
  2. Train. During the move to the place of your honeymoon, you can not waste time in vain and enjoy each other right in the compartment under the romantic sound of wheels.
  3. In a tent on the shore of a lake or river. Fresh air, playful reflections on the water, a full moon, a lonely tent and complete solitude - what else do you need for a memorable wedding night? A place for such an event must be looked after in advance. And most importantly, do not forget the means of protection against mosquitoes, otherwise the first wedding night in the open air will be spoiled.
  4. On the roof of a skyscraper. Some agencies for organizing wedding celebrations also offer services for organizing the first wedding night. And an interesting option is to hold it on the roof of a tall house with a panoramic view of the night city. The organizers will prepare the roof as needed: they will hang lanterns, arrange candles, organize snacks and champagne, and most importantly, a huge bed covered with rose petals right on the roof of the house. Spending the first wedding night on the roof of the house will definitely be unforgettable.
Important little things
To organize the first wedding night, it is not necessary to resort to the standard design of the bedroom, but here are some important points to consider:
  1. Lighting. To create an intimate atmosphere, the light should be moderately muffled. But you don't need to use scented candles. Since the smell from them is far from expected.
  2. Aroma. Aroma plays a very important role in creating a romantic setting. Properly selected aroma will help the newlyweds to relax, increase sexual energy, tune in to the right wave. Aroma oils of bergamot, ylang-ylang, rosemary, lavender, sandalwood, myrrh, neroli, jasmine, cloves are suitable for this.
  3. Music. Music during the wedding night helps to liberate. It is better to prepare it in advance and burn it to disk. It should be calm, not loud, preferably without text.
  4. Appearance. Usually, upon returning to the love nest, the newly-made husband waits for his missus in the crib until she preens in the bathroom. To do this, you need to prepare in advance erotic underwear or a seductive negligee.
  5. The main thing is not to rush. Rushing in bed will not lead to anything good. It is necessary to inflame desire to the limit. To do this, you can give each other an erotic massage or show yourself to your spouse in all its glory by performing an erotic dance. You can soak in the bath together. The main thing is to spend the first wedding night slowly.
  6. Alcohol. Drinks should slightly relax you, but not intoxicate. Otherwise, such an important event as the wedding night may not happen at all or simply not be remembered.
  7. Snack. The perfect snack for honeymooners is fruit, which can be paired with whipped cream, chocolate fountain or fondue. There is no point in spoiling the wedding night with a heaviness in the stomach.
Fatigue can spoil the first night as spouses. Therefore, entrust the celebration to the organizer. And shortly before its end, just slip away without telling anyone. Leaving in English will also add a touch of romanticism to this gala evening.

For many people who have begun sexual relations long before the wedding, the wedding night is not a mysterious and secret ceremony. However, even now there are people who consider the innocence of the bride to be the best virtue. So how should the first wedding night go so that the newlyweds have only pleasant impressions after it?

In fact, arranging the first joint night of the spouses is quite simple, you only need to follow a few rules.

Choosing the right place

This is one of the most important points: it is unlikely that spending the first night in a communal apartment crowded with people always walking back and forth can be called enchanting and pleasant.

It is because of this that newlyweds living with their parents are advised to rent a hotel room, or ask their parents to leave somewhere (the latter is often practiced by Muslims).

If you decide to rent a hotel room, it is better to go ahead and check whether all the conditions are true. After all, it will be extremely unpleasant to see an ordinary room with a tiny shower cabin instead of a luxurious room with a jacuzzi.

Choice of bed linen

The main thing in this matter is not to rely on advertising. Many people have heard or read about the luxury and beauty of silk bedding (this topic is especially often mentioned in romance novels). In fact, silk is an extremely slippery material that absorbs moisture with difficulty. That is why it is worth abandoning the much-desired scarlet silk sheets in favor of ordinary white cotton or linen sheets (this is especially true for Muslims, for whom it is especially important to see confirmation of the girl's innocence).

Creating the Right Atmosphere

This point is better for girls: they are ready to pay attention to such minor details as color combinations of curtains and scented candles: everything should be perfect on the first wedding night!

It is necessary to influence all the senses: take care of pleasant and relaxing music in advance (it is better to choose it together with your spouse, since musical preferences are individual: for someone, relaxing music is a drum solo of a rock band, and for someone - a light symphony), small candles (they will create the necessary semi-darkness, thereby helping the bride overcome her own shyness), incense sticks and incense (select them carefully, as an allergic reaction to one of the components is possible), as well as small snacks (you do not need to cook a dozen pies and a liter of mom's borscht, enough canapes and fresh fruit). Try not to drink alcohol, your maximum is a glass of champagne for relaxation.

Get a beautiful set of underwear in advance so that your man can enjoy foreplay. If you decide to wear a modest white set under your wedding attire, then take a spare openwork underwear: please your spouse, and he will definitely remember this night for a long time. If you are brave enough, you can dance an erotic dance that will arouse your loved one.

If you feel fear, then tell your loved one about it right away - no need to panic, he will definitely understand you and offer you a little distraction.

Try, if possible, to give a leading role to a man: if your spouse loves you, then he will try to make your joint first night unforgettable. But this does not mean at all that you need to be silent if you are hurt or unpleasant - it is better to warn your husband in advance than to treat microtraumas resulting from sexual intercourse later.

If the wedding fell on your menstrual cycle, then do not hesitate to tell your husband about it: most likely, he will understand everything and endure the wedding night.

If you have no experience of sexual intercourse, then you should not watch videos of the corresponding genre or read articles on the Internet - poorly verified information is often published there - it is better to talk with a good friend or relative you trust (it is extremely important that this person has extensive experience in relationships and was happily married.

You don’t need to immediately try to pounce on the bride (especially if this is her first time) - you risk not only scaring the girl, but also hurting her, thereby contributing to the development of sexual coldness in her. If you see that your spouse is uncomfortable, try to cheer her up and distract her: start a light conversation, invite her to try fruit or dance a little. As soon as you feel that the girl has relaxed, offer her a light massage, starting to work on her erogenous zones.

Remember that sexual intercourse is best done when your partner is excited: then she will not experience discomfort during defloration.

The main thing is not to be a rude lover, striving to take everything at once on the first night. Try to be as gentle as possible, surrounding your beloved with care and warmth - then she will enter into the following contacts already on her own initiative, and not because of marital duty. And already further sexual life can be replete with all sorts of experiments (the main thing is that both partners have fun).

If the spouse asks to transfer intimacy for any reason (she has a headache, she feels bad, she is too nervous, and so on), then do not refuse her this. Remember that truly good intimacy can only be with mutual readiness.

How is the first wedding night for different peoples and religious movements?

In African tribes that honor the traditions of their ancestors, an innocent bride is considered a disgrace to her family. That is why girls were deprived of their virginity as early as adolescence or even childhood, which makes the wedding night an ordinary event, and not a night full of secrets and secrets.

The wedding night of the gypsy peoples ends with the solemn hanging of a sheet, on which there must have been blood stains (this confirms the innocence of the bride). If this symbol does not exist, then the girl's family will forever be disgraced.

During the feast preceding the marriage night, Russians prefer to refrain from drinking alcohol. This is due to an old belief: a wedding night spent in a state of intoxication will contribute to the birth of sick children.

Muslims consider the first night of the newlyweds a true sacrament. After all, it is the wedding night that serves as the beginning of a new life for a girl in her husband's family. That is why the wedding night of Muslims is fundamentally different from representatives of other religions. Thus, Muslims consider it unacceptable even to accidentally spy on young spouses, preferring to leave the young in complete solitude so that they perform all the rituals on their own.

One of the most famous rituals of Muslims is covering the second half with honey or all kinds of sweets (it is important to find out in advance if any of the spouses have allergies so that this event does not end tragically). In a similar way, the couple attracts a joyful family life full of pleasant surprises.

In addition, many Muslims consider it unacceptable to spend the first night without preliminary prayers (usually spouses ask Allah for a happy family life and healthy children). In addition, representatives of this religion honor the traditions of the Koran today: Muslims will never hold a wedding night ceremony if the young woman has critical days (at these moments, sexual intercourse is strictly prohibited).

Unfortunately, unlike Muslims, not all nations honor traditions, preferring to have sexual intercourse before the official marriage. Sometimes a bride walks down the aisle while pregnant.

The first wedding night should be arranged by the groom! The groom for the first wedding night should prepare thoroughly. His apartment should be sparkling clean.

So, how to make the night unforgettable and romantic?

First, decide where the night will be!

Put either red semi-sweet wine or good champagne in the refrigerator in advance. Also take care of tasty light meals.

Bed linen should be of soft, durable fabric. Silk may be the best option. It is sleek, slippery and erotic. For example, blue or red tones. Why exactly these colors? Yes, by the fact that other colors wake up everything except eroticism. If you love white, then choose only snow-white linen, not ivory, and with intricate appliqué.

Bring your beloved home in your arms! First, it's an old custom, and second, it's terribly romantic.

Put the whole bedroom to sleep ... with balloons or rose petals pave the way to the bedroom. Arrange candles, prepare pleasant music.

In the bathroom, prepare: new soft washcloths, body gel, shampoo, bath foam and, most importantly, two large terry towels and two terry bathrobes.

Fill up the bath. You can just lie down together in a bubble bath, or you can arrange a champagne bath for your beloved.

Trite, however: do not forget about contraception!

Perhaps the best solution for those terribly tired of the wedding performance will be a sound restful sleep. No marital relationship of any kind. The first marriage may well be the morning. The main thing is that it was pleasant, and not a duty.

Even if a young woman did not have proper sex education, which is observed quite often, by the time of marriage, she is still to some extent prepared for sexual life, knowing something from conversations with friends, from books, popular scientific medical journals . It is considered normal that she awaits her wedding night with excitement and fear, which, as she hopes, will connect her with her beloved man for the rest of her life.

The first wedding night is extremely important for the emergence of female sensuality. It is enough for a man not to show tact, tenderness and understanding, as a young woman may have an aversion to sexual intercourse and sexual coldness for the rest of her life. And whoever she later meets on her life path, it can be very difficult or impossible to fix it.

The fate of a marriage is decided on the wedding night... Do not start a marriage with rape, as it often happens that after this "legitimate rape" a wife's disgust for her husband arises for a long time.

The first wedding night should be full of romance and tenderness, because this happens to any person only once in a lifetime. If a man is affectionate with a young wife, helpful, then this to some extent relieves her constraint, arouses desire.

In physically and mentally healthy people, shyness and embarrassment usually pass quickly. However, a young man must be very delicate and considerate in dealing with a woman on their wedding night, even if they had an extramarital affair. When young people go to bed, the man should caress the woman all the erogenous zones (nipples, inner thighs, clitoris). It is even desirable that a man bring her to orgasm with these caresses. And after 2-3 hours, he must deflorate with all the tenderness and care that he is capable of. Such a woman will accept her husband's caresses with gratitude, wait for them and respond to him in kind.

But if, instead of the expected tenderness, on her wedding night, her woman is faced with rudeness, cynicism and the unbridled desire of a man harassing her, then in the future her psyche will be oppressed, and this is the first step of future sexual coldness. Even a very sexually experienced man should not show all his abilities on their wedding night, as this can very unpleasantly strike a young woman.

Men should remember that the main reasons for disrespect for a husband by a wife can be: weak will, insignificant position in society, physical unattractiveness, rudeness. But the most important thing is rudeness in sexual relations, and especially during the first sexual intercourse.

This inflicts a terrible mental trauma on the young woman, she is disappointed in her chosen one, she becomes disgusted with him. Since that time, sexual intimacy has been associated with rudeness and physical suffering, which, of course, does not decorate the joint life of the spouses in the future.

Many young girls and women are afraid of the life around them and unconsciously try to hide behind the back of their husband, whom they endow in advance with a strong and decisive character. If he turns out to be a soft and timid person, the woman is disappointed and she has a pronounced feeling of hostility towards him.

Intimacy between a man and a woman, especially on the wedding night, should take place in a state of absolute sobriety. This wise law has existed in Rus' since very ancient times and determines the ritual of a wedding feast. It is forbidden for young people to drink intoxicating drinks and eat up during the wedding. This is done because any amount of alcohol has a negative effect on the offspring, and since the first wedding night in sexual terms can be very active, the possibility of conception increases dramatically. And when a child is conceived by parents in a state of intoxication, he is rarely full-fledged, which may not appear immediately, but several years after birth. Sometimes you can make an exception and allow young people to drink a glass of champagne to relieve nervous tension and modesty. In addition, champagne to some extent improves sexual sensitivity. And countless toasts to the cries of "bitter!" unacceptable for young people.

Most people have an erroneous opinion that a woman's defloration must necessarily occur on her wedding night. This is not always the case. Much depends not only on the elasticity of the penis, and on how the hymen is arranged. There are times when it is so dense that it breaks only after a number of attempts. Such phenomena can injure a man who is sexually illiterate, in this case, one should resort to the recommendations and explanations of a sexologist.

There are cases when a woman's hymen is absent from birth or has been damaged as a result of injury, inept washing, during sports. Both men and women should know all these factors in order to avoid misunderstandings and mutual distrust. If a young man is illiterate in matters of sexual life and has never been with a woman before, then the wedding night can also cause him a feeling of anxiety and self-doubt. In this case, a great support for him will be the advice of his father or older brother, with whom he should talk before the wedding.

These more experienced people in matters of sexual life should dispel anxieties young man, tell him how best to behave in certain situations, because if the first attempts are unsuccessful, then for a long time a kind of inhibition in the nerve centers may occur, which is very difficult to treat.

The first wedding night is always a turning point in the life of a man and a woman, even if they have had sexual relations before. It should become unique and special, remembered for a lifetime.

Have you accepted the marriage proposal and are now preparing for the wedding? Oh, this is such a pleasant chore! You buy special editions of fashion magazines, carefully study the cut of Kate Middleton and Charlene Wittstock wedding dresses, leaf through jewelry store catalogs, and in your computer bookmarks you now have links to sites with articles about the latest wedding trends.

Which wedding rings to choose, in which restaurant to celebrate the celebration, whom to invite to the wedding, what hairstyle to do, where to spend the honeymoon - so many questions just make your head spin.

And you, too, are spinning in the very center of this whirlwind, because you really want your wedding day to become truly special and unforgettable!

What's next? Have you forgotten that the wedding is followed by the wedding night? Don't you want to make her special too? It does not matter at all whether or not you and your loved one had an intimate relationship before the wedding. In any case, this is your first night as husband and wife, and it can greatly affect your relationship. And therefore it plays no less significant role than the marriage ceremony itself and the subsequent banquet.

It is better to prepare for your first night in advance so that it goes, as they say, without a hitch. Try to explain this to your future husband, even if he is already tired of having to choose from a dozen completely identical costumes, the one in which he will stand next to you in the wedding palace. And we, in turn, will give you some tips on what to do on the first night after the wedding, and you can use them if necessary.

How to behave and what to do

It is only natural that you dream of spending your wedding night in some fabulous place, for example, in an old European castle on the lake or in a luxurious honeymoon suite of a luxury hotel. It's great if your dream comes true.

But if after the wedding banquet you return to your apartment, where everything is familiar to you to the smallest detail, you don’t need to be upset or feel sorry for yourself: a bad mood is not the best companion of the most romantic night. Even an ordinary city apartment can turn into a wonderful love nest (just remember that the nest where your wedding night takes place is designed only for two: there should not be any strangers in the apartment).

Many newlyweds spend most of their wedding night examining wedding gifts and counting money. We don’t argue, really, we can’t wait to find out what relatives and friends presented to you.

But think about what memories you want to keep about your wedding night? Therefore, do not hastily tear open bright packaging or take out banknotes from glossy envelopes. On such a night, it is better to show impatience of a different kind.

Rose petals, scented candles, silk bed linen are nice, but still optional attributes of this night. Of course, if you want, you can lay a heart of flower petals on the bed or use candles to plunge the room into a mysterious twilight.

But without such an entourage, by and large, you can easily do without. But what a girl really needs to do is to prepare beautiful and sexy underwear. The set can be completed with a transparent peignoir and stockings on a lace belt.

Take care of your appearance too. Even the most persistent make-up after a wedding banquet can “float”. Therefore, do not be lazy and update it, and your husband will definitely appreciate your efforts. Ask a loved one to help you undress. This will spur his sexual desire. Quiet music can play in the background, preferably without words, so that nothing distracts you from the most important thing. And rose petals scattered on the bed can be replaced with a bouquet of your favorite flowers in an elegant vase.

You may want to appear before your husband in a completely new way: for example, turn into a femme fatale or a gentle angel. However, a radical change of image can be risky, after all, the first wedding night is not the right time for such experiments. If you are nervous, save them for later, and tonight stay in your usual "role": this way you will behave naturally.

Offer your husband light snacks, preferably fruit or seafood. Why seafood? The fact is that seafood are aphrodisiacs, i.e. to products that increase sexual desire. Chilled champagne or light white wine will be a great addition to snacks. You can ask your husband to feed you, or, conversely, feed him yourself. Let this innocent game help you relieve stress and relax after a day full of events and excitement.

A joint bath will also allow you to get rid of nervous tension before the wedding night. Add some foam with a subtle pleasant smell to the water and invite your husband to soak in the jacuzzi together. By the way, wine and snacks can be taken with you. Give your husband a massage. Run your fingers all over his body from neck to ankles.

Massage your shoulders and back. Stroke your inner thighs. Touch your lips to its most sensitive places. It is not difficult to do such a massage, and at the same time it can be both relaxing and very sensual. Be sure to tell your husband how much you love him and how happy you are to have him around.

In addition, we recommend that you give your husband a small gift. Which one? It's up to you and only you. Of course, not everyone can afford to present an expensive sports car or a Swiss watch as a surprise gift. But the best gifts are those made with love and from the heart. This is what makes them something special. And your first night is a great opportunity to express your feelings again.

Do you and your loved one have nothing against erotic role-playing games? Then arrange a "theatre of two actors" that night. If you choose your favorite game, then we advise you to come up with some unexpected plot twist secretly from your husband. A small change in the script will give the game an extra spice, and your loved one will be pleasantly surprised. And, of course, you can offer him to try something new - on the wedding night, it is not forbidden to behave as you want.

Sex on the wedding night

Empress Catherine II played tin soldiers with her husband on her wedding night. True, not of his own free will: her husband, Peter III, turned out to be so infantile that he did not feel the slightest attraction to his wife and preferred childish amusements to love games. We sincerely hope that you and your husband are in complete harmony in this matter, and if you still play, then by no means with dolls or soldiers.

Now no one is shocked that most couples enter into an intimate relationship even before the wedding, and some even manage to have a child by the time the marriage is officially formalized. For such couples, the concept of “wedding night” is rather arbitrary, and when they are left alone after the wedding, questions of what to do and how to behave do not arise.

However, even if you already had sex before the wedding, this is not a reason to take your wedding night lightly. On the contrary, you have a wonderful opportunity to return to the moment when you and your loved one were just discovering the joys of sex with each other. What we wrote about above - erotic lingerie, a joint bath, sensual massage - will help you with this.

On your wedding night, ask your husband to be especially gentle and help you relax. When it comes to the main thing, then, in order not to experience discomfort during your first sexual intercourse, take one of the following positions and let your husband lead in your love duet:

1 Lie on your back, place a small pillow under your buttocks, bend your knees and pull your legs towards your chest. This position is recommended as the best for deflowering on the wedding night, since in this position the hymen is stretched and its rupture causes only short-term pain.

2 Lie across the bed with your feet flat on the floor. The husband must stand between your
hips and, leaning on spread arms, insert your penis into the vagina. In this position, the rupture of the hymen also occurs quickly and without much pain.

There is usually little bleeding after defloration. It should pass quickly, but it is better to refrain from repeated sexual acts so that the wound heals. You can express your feelings with the help of caresses and kisses.

No one speaks aloud about the secret of the wedding night, even the parents explain it to the newlyweds with tongue twisters and hints. For some reason, they believe that life itself will teach and, for example, it is not at all necessary for a young man to know about the intricacies of the psychological experiences of the bride. However, the groom himself often finds himself in a state of complete psychological confusion. So, nature itself helps the newlyweds thoroughly and unmistakably.

Until recently, chastity, girlish and youthful purity, preserved until the time of social maturity, caused irony, ridicule among individual representatives of the youth, were awarded the epithet "philistinism". This is again a consequence of the trends of foreign concepts of "free love". They are not only tired of their spokesmen, but frankly, they are tired of lack of ideas, monotonous emptiness, unnatural neglect of feelings, demonstrative contempt for chastity, honesty and dignity. Even in the bourgeois world, interest in this unnatural phenomenon is noticeably lost.

Given the unhealthy trends, we must take a firm stand on virginity. Of course, girls who have lost their virginity should not be neglected. However, virginity may become increasingly important and should be given attention.

The anatomical structure of a woman's organs has its own characteristics. The hymen can be thin, and this immediately leads to minor bleeding after the first intimacy. One and a half hymen is capable of stretching and tearing it may not occur. This should be known to a young man, who in this case may doubt the innocence of his bride. He must also take into account the fact that in an earlier, childhood or adolescent period, the vaginal hymen may be accidentally injured or torn by something. In general, I think that young men should not despair when their chosen ones did not appear untouched. The main thing in the unity of a married couple is complete trust, sincerity and love. It is these qualities that already on the wedding night and in the future help to discover in a loved one moral values, feelings necessary for a happy life.

Finally, a virgin may turn out to be frivolous, licentious, unfaithful. On the contrary, a woman who has had sexual experience is able to reveal unwavering devotion to her beloved.

A young, inexperienced man, who often relies on the advice of his comrades, must first take into account the personal feelings of a woman, not injure them. It is necessary to take into account some advice from specialist doctors. It is good when young people are not ashamed to seek qualified medical instruction before their wedding night. Thanks to this, not only significant physical, but also psychological injuries can be avoided.

It is not necessary to wait for mutual satisfaction, joy, orgasm on the wedding night. This can be prevented not only by pain when the hymen breaks, but also by many other external circumstances of the first “sexual acquaintance”. In subsequent moments of intimate life, the harmony of relationships will begin to be established.

Awkwardness, mistakes - a natural phenomenon for the wedding night

Restraint and hope for complete spiritual and bodily unity always lead to the desired results. And about the desired orgasm for newlyweds during sexual intercourse, then in women it is often late, it comes later, sometimes only after the first birth. Therefore, you should not immediately call your wife cold. When necessary, an experienced gynecologist or sexologist will always suggest both the position and the technique in which the sexual intercourse will become complete and give birth to an incomparable feeling of closeness of lovers.

No less important is the next honeymoon

That's when he and she get to know each other in private and in the most unexpected situations. In one of the registry offices of Moscow, a little more than 400 people registered a marriage within a month, and about 300 young people filed for divorce. What's the matter? In most applications for divorce, incompatibility of characters was indicated. In fact, the reason lay in the amazing similarity of characters. 60 percent of those who broke up had shortcomings not only in sexual, but also in moral education. Therefore, in relations, instead of humanity, tolerance for the habits of the other, due to the previous family upbringing process, both sides turned out to be stubbornness, inability to respect and love each other. Apparently, they did not have the patience to wait, look at each other, get used to it. Premature conclusions about the lack of proper character, mutual, unrestrained irritability, and in fact, the lack of proper education, led to a divorce.

In the old days, matchmakers were interested not only in wealth, the material security of the bride and groom. They were also interested in moral reputation, the degree of upbringing, respect for elders and for society as a whole. The matchmakers were also interested in the health of the young. They understood and knew that, for example, people who abuse alcohol give birth to weak-minded, sick, and even deformed children.

Love is strengthened by tolerance for the shortcomings of past upbringing, by the desire not to cool feelings, but to warm them up with attention, tenderness, and a desire to do good to a loved one. Years will pass, lovers will discover in themselves the necessary moral qualities. Character flaws will disappear, erroneous judgments under the influence of a judicious partner will necessarily experience positive changes. Moral fusion will fully occur only when both will work for the sake of the family and the whole society. The family world, fenced off from the external environment, will break sooner or later.

Sociological surveys of young married couples lead to the conclusion that moral self-education improves the culture of family life. Let's take an example. The young man overslept, hurries to work, has not yet put himself in order. And the wife seeks from her beloved immediate manifestations of feelings, hugs, kisses. From here arise negative emotions, irritability associated with the fear of being late for work.

Great importance have attention and tenderness in intimate life immediately after lovemaking. Nothing offends a woman so much as a husband's manifestation of even a momentary indifference to her affection. For various reasons, failures in sexual intimacy can happen. But they should not be a topic for conversation or reproaches. This is deeply striking. A tactful, loving woman, by her behavior, will certainly eliminate the cause of her husband's failure and psychologically prepare him for a sense of self-confidence. Sexual failures pass without a trace, and harmony of sexual relationships sets in. It is fastened with sincerity, fidelity, devotion.

Prevention of conception

The living conditions of spouses are multifaceted and varied. There are times when a child is temporarily impossible to have. Sometimes spouses want to finish their studies first, settle in a new place, often have to give up a second child until the first child grows up, and sometimes the birth of a child has to be postponed until one of the spouses recovers. To prevent conception, there are many means that, if used correctly, may not be useful for the body at all. But before choosing a contraceptive, be sure to consult your doctor.

The fact is that, depending on the condition of the female genital organs, the presence of inflammatory processes in them, the position of the uterus, appropriate contraceptives are prescribed. In order to prevent pregnancy, it is unacceptable to use such means as lubricating the cervix and ITS cavity with iodine. Such lubricants lead to inflammation of the uterus, general poisoning of the woman's body with iodine. The simplest method of protection is physiological. Conception can only occur within a few days of the menstrual cycle. Fertilization will occur only when the spermatozoa meet with a mature egg.

Remembering that spermatozoa retain the ability to fertilize in the female genital organs for more than 2 days, and the egg cell dies after ovulation on the 3rd-4th day, it becomes clear that conception is possible later on the 6th day after ovulation. So, if sexual intercourse was earlier than 2-3 days before ovulation (sperm viability time) or 6 days after it, then there will be no conception. It is more difficult to accurately determine the onset of ovulation. To do this, you can use the daily record of body temperature. On the first day of ovulation, a woman's body temperature usually rises by 0.5-0.8 degrees. This temperature rise lasts until menstruation. If a woman's menstruation appears after a certain number of days and the temperature also rises on a certain day, then the confidence in accurately determining the onset of ovulation is almost beyond doubt. It is more difficult if menstruation occurs at different intervals. Then it is almost impossible to use this method. -

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