How to transport children in a car new rules. Rules and requirements for transporting children in a car

However, few people know what is the age requirement for children when they are transported in a car with a child car seat. In other words, until what age do you need a child seat in a car to transport children.

All motorists know that child car seats are used all over the world to transport children. However, few people know what is the age requirement for children when they are transported in a car with a child car seat. In other words, until what age do you need a child seat in a car to transport children. In this article, we will answer all the questions that may arise when installing a car seat in a car.

Reasons for using car seats around the world

According to world statistics, the main cause of death of children under the age of 14 is road traffic accidents. In such crashes, 50 per cent of the deaths are among children under the age of 5 who were not properly secured in the car. That is why child car seats were invented, which allow you to securely fix the child in the car and cause the least harm to him in the event of an accident. However, in eighty percent of cases, parents incorrectly fix the child in such a restraint. As a result, children get injuries to the neck, spine and head. A feature of installing a child car seat in the car.

Many car owners with children are interested in the question of where it would be safest to install a child car seat in the car. According to statistics, the safest place is considered to be the seat on the back sofa behind the driver. However, the rules of the road allow the installation of a child car seat even in the front seat next to the driver. A mandatory rule when installing a child car seat in the front seat is to disable the front airbag. And motorists believe that a cradle from a baby stroller can serve as a child restraint in the car, but this is not so. The baby in the carrycot is not properly secured. In addition, the cradle of the stroller can only be installed in the passenger compartment sideways in the direction of travel, which gives too little safety for the child in the event of an accident.

In addition, children under the age of 5 years are recommended to be transported in a car facing against the direction of travel. Accordingly, the child car seat will need to be installed in the passenger compartment backwards. This is due to the physiological characteristics of children at an early age. In a child under 5 years of age, the proportion of the head is much larger in relation to the body. At the same time, the child's neck remains fragile. It is known that in the event of a frontal impact of a car, a person experiences too much stress. After the impact, the unsecured head will continue to move forward, while the shoulders and chest will be held in place by the seat belt. A child under the age of 5, if he sits facing traffic, can get a fracture of the cervical vertebrae during a frontal impact of a car. But if you install a child car seat backwards, then in the event of an impact, the head of a small child will be held by the seat itself.

Many car owners with children are interested in the question of where it would be safest to install a child car seat in the car. According to statistics, the safest place is considered to be the seat on the back sofa behind the driver.

Until what age should children sit in child car seats

The traffic rules of the Russian Federation have clause 22.9, according to which it turns out that children in the passenger compartment of a car must be transported in child car seats under the age of 12 years. Only when the height of the child has become more than 140 centimeters, it can be transported in a car without a child car seat. It is this growth that allows, in the case of fastening with a standard seat belt, to avoid a large one later during an accident. If the child is over 12 years old, but is still less than 140 centimeters tall, traffic regulations recommend that you continue to use the child car seat.

Classification of child car seats

Child car seats are divided into different groups depending on the weight of the child. The maximum weight that a child car seat can support is 36 kilograms. This does not mean that it will fall apart if a child weighing, say, 40 kilograms sits on it. If a child weighs more than 36 kilograms, but his height is less than 140 centimeters, this means that it will not be safe for him to ride in a car wearing a standard seat belt without a child car seat. Such a child should still be seated in a car in a child car seat.

All over the world, child car seats are divided into groups according to the weight and age of the child. This classification is also supported by the Russian GOST. The division into groups allows you to choose a model in accordance with the weight of the child.

* Group 1 rear facing car seats are available.

Group 0 car seat is a car seat designed for newborns and small children. It resembles a stroller basket, equipped with internal seat belts. The infant car seat is installed on the rear sofa perpendicular to the direction of travel and is fixed with a regular car seat belt.

All over the world, child car seats are divided into groups according to the weight and age of the child. This classification is also supported by the Russian GOST. The division into groups allows you to choose a model in accordance with the weight of the child.

Car seat group 0+ (carrying) - designed for babies from birth to about 1 year. The seat has a bowl-shaped body, internal five-point harnesses and a convenient handle for carrying the baby. The car seat is installed facing against the movement of the car. This situation is explained by the need to unload the fragile neck and spine of the baby. Hard braking provokes a deadly “nod” of the head, which is eliminated when the car seat is correctly installed “facing against the direction of travel”.

The group 1 car seat is intended for children who are already sitting confidently, that is, from about 1 year old. It is installed facing in the direction of travel. The seat necessarily has an internal five-point harness or a holding table, as well as a comfortable tilt for sleeping. A child can stay in a Group 1 car seat until they reach a weight of 15-18 kg.

The group 2 car seat is designed for children from 3 to 7 years old. Seats of this group in their pure form are very rare. Typically, child car seat manufacturers combine models into a group of 2-3.

The group 2-3 car seat is designed for children from 3 to 12 years old. It does not have an internal five-point harness, so the child is fastened using a regular seat belt, which is passed through special guides. Some car seats in this group have a slight angle of inclination for relaxation.

A group 3 car seat (booster) is a seat without a back. The booster has a solid construction, armrests and special guides for the seat belt. From a safety point of view, boosters are undesirable, since they lack side protection. Their use is possible if the child is already tall (height over 130-135 cm). But in this case, a full-fledged chair of group 2-3 is a more suitable option. It is often written on boosters that they can be used from the age of 4, which, in our opinion, is unacceptable.

From January 1, 2017, changes in the rules for transporting children come into force. We deal with each of the changes with our expert Alexander Starostin.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has prepared a draft of changes to the traffic rules, which will simplify the rules for transporting children in a car. The draft amendments are posted on the website.

According to the draft amendments to the SDA, the following innovations are planned regarding the rules for transporting children:

22.9. Transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years in a passenger car and truck cab, which design provides for seat belts, must be carried out using child restraint systems appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or using seat belts, and in the front seat of a car - only using child restraint systems appropriate for the weight and height of the child. It is forbidden to transport children under the age of 12 in the back seat of a motorcycle.

What does this mean and how to deal with it? We understand.

A new concept of "child restraint system corresponding to the weight and height of the child" is introduced. Children under 7 years old can now be transported in the back seat of a car only with its help.

A clear description of what a "child restraint system appropriate for the weight and height of the child" is has not yet been given, but it is obvious that it means a child car seat. At the moment, clause 22.9 of the SDA is in force, according to which children under 12 years of age in the back seat must be transported using "child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using seat belts." These “other aids”, which are excluded from paragraph 22.9 of the draft amendments, include boosters, adapters, pads, cushions, etc.

“Transport babies up to 7 years only in car seats! Boosters and other devices are a cheap alternative to avoid punishment,- said "Healthy Children" an expert on the safety of motorsport competitions, a lifeguard. — Since the Rules do not clearly state what the restraint should be, negligent parent drivers, in order to circumvent the law and not receive fines from traffic police inspectors, resort to using any “other means”, up to home pillows and the Soviet Encyclopedia. Entrepreneurial people began to call a cloth with two buttons an adapter or a holding device, referring to only one parameter - that the belt should not pass through the child's neck(adapters are devices that allow you to change the geometry of the passage of a regular car seat belt through the body of a child - approx. Artem Magidovich)».

It is worth adding that Rosstandart initiated changes to European rules that prohibit certification and, as a result, the official sale of seat belt adapters, reports. The use of boosters, the department proposes to allow only children taller than 125 cm.

“When using the “booster plus a child’s height of 125 cm” scheme, the car’s regular seat belt will properly hold the child, his body will fall exactly into those zones that are considered as safe as possible and are designed to preserve vital functions - these are safety zones for the shoulder girdle and head. Adapters do not work in dynamics as manufacturers would like. In a static state, they allow you to change the geometry of the seat belt, and under real loads, as a rule, they work to failure, and everything does not go according to the scenario we would like.”

Children over 7 years old will be allowed to be transported in the back seat without a car seat, using the car's regular seat belts, and in the front seat - only using " child restraint systems appropriate for the weight and height of the child.

Alexander Starostin: “This is the closest to reality, because few people carry schoolchildren in car seats. This is normal, because at the age of 7, children are usually of such a size that they do not feel very comfortable in a car seat. Usually at this age they already fall into standard sizes under the belts and under the seats, which are provided by the manufacturer. According to statistics in frontal collisions, the front of the car is subjected to more overloads than the rear. Therefore, the seat in the back seat will be safer for the child.”

It will now be possible for children to ride in the front seat without auxiliary restraints from the age of 11, and not from 12, as was the case before.

Alexander Starostin: “It all depends on the individual characteristics of the development of the child. Such standards are a kind of average balance. In each case, it is better for parents to decide for themselves whether the child should ride in front without a car seat. It is clear that children want to sit forward as soon as possible and feel like an adult. It is also necessary to take into account that the sizes of seats and interior differ in cars of different classes.

"It is forbidden to leave a child under the age of 7 in the vehicle while it is parked in the absence of an adult." For this violation, it is proposed to impose a fine of 500 rubles.

Alexander Starostin: "I agree. The main problem here is the emotional state of the child and the temperature regime. Children, as a rule, begin to overheat in the car, dehydration occurs, the threat of heat stroke. If the car is started, the child can get over to the controls and mess things up. In addition, there were cases in our country and in Europe when tinted cars with a child in the cabin were taken away on tow trucks, which also led to negative consequences for the health of children.”

One of the main concerns of the driver is the safety of his passengers. While adults only need regular seat belts, children need special restraints.

Since 2007, the presence of such devices when transporting minors has been mandatory, and for driving without a child seat traffic police inspector can issue a fine n to a diligent driver.

Rules for transporting children in a car

Irresponsible drivers often do not think about the safety of the child, neglecting the purchase of a child seat. Statistics show that in the event of an accident, it, although inexpensive, in most cases allows you to save the health and life of a little man.

The rules for transporting children are regulated by clause 22.9 of the SDA of the Russian Federation. Note that in 2017, the legal norms in this area have undergone major changes:

  • A penalty has been introduced for leaving children under 7 years old in a car (paragraph 12.8 in the SDA; a fine of 2,500 rubles in St. Petersburg and Moscow and 500 rubles for all of Russia, prescribed in paragraph 1 of article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).
  • Children from 7 years old to 11 years old inclusive can be transported without a child seat, but only in the rear seats.
  • Child restraints are mandatory for children under 7 in the back seat and children under 12 in the front seat.
  • The term "other devices" is canceled in the SDA.
  • Children under the age of 12 cannot be passengers in the back seat of a motorcycle.

Responsibility for transporting a child without a seat

The fine for not having a child seat is quite high. So, for example, if a driver violates the requirements of paragraph 22.9 of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation at least twice, then the amount of fines will completely cover the cost of a child seat of the middle price category.

The amount of fines is regulated by Article 12.23 (part 3) of the Code of Administrative Offenses and is:

  • for ordinary citizens 3,000 rubles;
  • for officials responsible for the transportation of children, 25,000 rubles;
  • for legal entities - 100,000 rubles.

The driver can pay half the amount if he pays the fine within 20 days of the order being issued.

Note that they will be punished every time a violation is revealed. This does not mean that, having received one fine, the driver can continue to carry a child in a car with traffic violations. He may well be re-punished if another inspector stops him.

It is almost impossible to appeal against the decision of a traffic police officer under this article. There is one rule here: either there is no child seat, or there is one.

The driver will still be fined if:

  • a child, even fastened, is in the arms of an adult passenger;
  • a child of large build and does not fit into a child seat of his age;
  • a child sitting in a child seat is not fastened;
  • not one, but several children sit on one car seat;
  • there are no regular seat belts in the car (if they are on the front seat, then the child in the child seat is put there).

The inspector cannot issue a fine when the car is not moving or a child over 7 years old is sitting on a booster in the back seat. If several children are transported in a car without a car seat, then there will be one fine, because there is one recorded violation: transporting children without a restraint.

Types of restraints

Child seats are required for anyone under 150 cm and under 36 kg and are transported in the front seat. In the back seat, the use of a child seat is mandatory for children under 7 years of age.

In total, there are 5 groups of child restraints, subdivided according to the weight of the child:

  • Group 0 is for children up to 10 kg;
  • Group 0+ is intended for children up to 13 kg;
  • Group 1 for children from 9 kg to 18 kg;
  • Group 2 for children from 15 kg to 25 kg;
  • Group 3 for children from 22 kg to 36 kg.

Note that previously popular adapters for regular FEST belts are not child restraints. Since July 12, 2017, they have actually been banned, since the license from the company producing them has been taken away. According to the results of tests, this type of restraint is recognized as unsafe for children. Thus, the inspector will quite reasonably fine the driver who tries to replace the standard child seat with the FEST adapter.

But boosters are allowed for use, and the inspector will not fine for their use, but on condition that the child is over 7 years old.

These devices are needed so that the regular car belt passes over the chest, and not over the neck of a small passenger. It will not be a big secret that for these purposes in it is possible to use the usualpillows under the booty. But once again, we note that this is for older girls and boys.

As a rule, child seats are attached to the seat using regular belts, and the child is already held by the belts of the car seat itself (ISOFIX system). If the device does not have its own belts, the child is held and fixed using regular belts according to the instructions.

How can a traffic police inspector check if a child is in a car?

Very simple - by visual inspection through the windows of the car, if the windows of the car are tinted, then the inspector may ask to lower them.

But the situation familiar to many drivers with the unauthorized opening of the door by an inspector to check the rules for transporting children is illegal. A police officer can do this only in the presence of invited witnesses or with the help of a video recording, having previously drawn up an inspection report.

If you do not violate anything, it is better to fulfill the request of the inspector to open the door or lower the glass. You will simply lose more time if the traffic police officer decides to carry out the inspection procedure in accordance with the current legislation.

The State traffic inspectorate often carries out preventive measures with names like “a child in a car” - the traffic police crew is located in the morning near a kindergarten or school and “works out” all the approaching cars. And that's right, no matter how it sounds.


Tightening the rules for transporting children has increased the wave of indignation on the part of drivers who believe that they are being “ripped off”. But it is worth remembering that the child is hard to tolerate sudden braking and is easily injured even with a small accident.

A special restraint for a child is an increase in the guarantee of his safety, as well as a guarantee that he will remain alive and unharmed in an accident. The health of a small person is priceless, and one fine for a child seat, as we noted earlier, is quite consistent with half of its cost.

Good luck on the roads!

Traveling with a child for a long or short distance is not uncommon in the modern world. But, before putting a child in a car, it is necessary to study the current rules for transporting children.

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What is it

A child car seat is a device for transporting children in cars. It is installed on a stationary seat and is fixed with standard seat belts. Some car seats have additional seat belts.

This device belongs to child restraint devices (CRD).

Depending on the weight and height of the child, he needs one or another type of child seat. Infants ride in cradles, in a reclining position, and older children sit.

In addition, depending on the age of the child and DUU, it becomes somewhat easier. For example, children aged 10 – 12 years old can ride boosters.

This is such a special seat that does not have a back, but is also attached to a stationary seat with seat belts.

What is regulated

In accordance with applicable law, transportation of children under the age of 12 years, in the car can only be carried out using the remote control.

This standard is established by the current traffic safety rules on the roads.


  • Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation;
  • the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation part 1 and part 2;

How to ride with a child in a car

Riding in a car with a child who has not yet reached 12 year old age, only with a child restraint.

At what age does a child need a car seat?

From birth, if it is planned to be transported by car.

Depending on the age of the child and his weight, certain rules have been established for transporting children with the help of a remote control.

  • if the child weighs less 10 kg, then the child seat - cradle should stand in the car sideways to the direction of travel;
  • if the weight of the child does not exceed 13 kg, then the seat must be placed against the movement of the car;
  • if the child's weight up to 18 kg, then the seat should be in the direction of the car;

    There are car seats that convert into child restraints for older children. Typically this is a group 0/1 which is suitable for children 0 to 4 years(that is, from 3 to 18 kg). These chairs can be installed both against the movement and along the way.

  • chairs designed for children from 9 to 36 kg, are installed only in the direction of the car.

Video: details

Necessary nuances

When transporting children in a car using a car seat. It is worth considering some nuances. First of all, it is the weight and age of the child.

Child seats have been designed to be comfortable for children of all ages. For example if you need to carry a newborn ( for example, extract from the hospital), then he needs a special chair - a cradle, which meets all the anatomical features of the baby.

The situation is similar for older children. Due to their weight, height and anatomical features, they can ride in a car on boosters, and not in full-fledged chairs.

The weight

When choosing a car seat, it is necessary to be guided not by the age of the child, but by its weight, since certain categories of child restraints are developed depending on the weight.

The following categories of child seats have been developed:

  • O must be used for children aged from 0 to half a year. But few people buy such chairs, since their use is quite short;
  • O+ intended for children from birth to one year(weight approx. 13 kg). These chairs are popular. Now they even began to produce baby carriages, in which such a car seat is already built;
  • category 1 intended for children aged from 1 year to 4 years. Maximum weight - 18 kg;
  • category 0+ / 1 - This is the most popular category of car seats;

    Designed for children from birth and up to 3 years, sometimes up to 4 years(weight approx. from 3 kg to 18 kg). Models of such remote controls are somewhat more expensive than all the previous ones, but they will allow you to use them 4 years. This saves a lot of money for parents.

  • category 2 intended for children from 15 to 25 kg(age approx. from 3 years, sometimes from 5 years to 7 - 9 years);
  • category 3 intended for older children weighing from 22 to 36 kg(age approx. 8 – 12 years old);
  • category 0+/ 1 / 2 / 3 - the most expensive and most "sluggish" car seats. This car child seat is intended 0 to 12 years old(weight approx. from 3 to 26 kg).

Until what age do they ride in a child seat

It says that parents are required to transport children in a car using child restraints. This must be done until the child is 12 years.

Upon reaching this age, he can already ride in a stationary seat.

But he must wear a seat belt. In addition, a child who has reached the age 12 years, can already ride in the passenger seat next to the driver.

special needs

Today, car seats are quite in demand - transformers in a car.

They allow you to transfer children of different age categories and different weights.

The fact is that such chairs have the maximum number of regulatory components that can modify the car seat depending on the needs of the child.

Car seat models

There are many models of car seats, but the most popular are:

  • Maxi-Cosi - the country of the Netherlands (Holland);
  • Cybex - Germany;
  • Romer - Germany;
  • Nania - France;
  • Cosatto - England;
  • Coletto - Poland;
  • 4baby - Poland.

The main criterion by which a car seat is evaluated is safety.

But for an objective assessment, the following criteria are also taken into account:

  • reliability in use;
  • durability of use;
  • easy to use in the car;
  • ease of installation in the car;
  • presence/absence of means of additional protection;
  • the quality of the fabric used for the upholstery;
  • the quality of the parts used for fasteners;
  • price. No wonder this parameter is the last one on the list, since parents, first of all, look at safety and reliability.

If the chair is small but the child is not yet 12

As already mentioned, you need to focus not on the age and height of the child, but on his weight. The maximum weight for which car seats are provided is 36 kg. How much does the average child weigh 12 years growth 150 cm.

But, it is worth considering the characteristics of children. For example, the boy can reach the mark in 150 cm and weight 36 kg aged 10 years and the girls and in 14 will weigh less.

Therefore, if the child has not yet turned 12 years, but he has already reached all the necessary criteria, then he can go without a seat, but always fastened.

It is not enough to meet traffic police inspectors who, having seen a child without a car seat, will weigh him and measure his height, and check his age according to the parent's passport.

But, if a discrepancy is found (that is, the child already weighs more than 36 kg and he is already growing 150 cm, and the age is even less 12 years), the parents will have to pay a fine.

What to do if the move is long

If there is a long journey ahead, then it is necessary to provide the child with access to fresh air. In addition, it is necessary to plan stops along the way so that the child can “stretch the bones”.

Of course, car seats are, first of all, the safety of the child, but they hamper the movement of the baby quite strongly.

After a while, he becomes uncomfortable, and he begins to act up.

Responsibility for violations

The absence of a child seat in the car is a violation. If this offense is detected, the driver will be fined 3 000 rubles.

Today's traffic rules clearly regulate the procedure for transporting children in a car. Everyone knows that riding with a child without the use of special restraints is prohibited by law and punishable by a fine. For children without a seat in the car, the driver will have to pay a certain amount. These restrictions apply to the carriage of children under the age of twelve. Persons older than this age are allowed to ride in a car, fastening, like adult passengers, with a regular seat belt.

Why can you get fined for driving with a child?

A fine for children without a seat transported in a car is a well-deserved punishment for a violator. Any vehicle on the road is a source of increased danger. At the same time, at the legislative level, there are no clear explanations of the concept of "holding devices". An important criterion in the selection of appropriate devices for the safety of small passengers is their appropriateness for the height and weight of the child.

It is fundamentally important that during the movement of transport the baby is seated in a restraint - a chair. A fine for children without it is the minimum measure of influence on a driver who neglects the safety rules of his own passengers.

Car seat penalty: is it possible?

Some violators try to find an explanation for their illegal actions in the absence of special fasteners for a car seat. However, for traffic police officers, this circumstance cannot serve as an excuse for violating the Rules of the Road.

By the way, those who paid a fine for a child without a seat should also be aware that an administrative penalty is also imposed in case of improper installation of the restraint. The competence of the traffic police officer also includes drawing up a report on the offender if the device for safe transportation does not correspond to the age and height of the young passenger.

What is a child restraint?

Before understanding in what specific cases the driver is threatened with a fine for children without a seat, it is necessary to decipher what is a child restraint device (CRD). Referring to the system of state standards GOST R 41.44, you can find out the following: DUU is a system for holding a child with the help of special straps, buckles, flexible elements, fasteners and adjusting devices, and in some cases approved by the Rules of the Road, additional devices (removable car seats, cradles for babies, booster seats, etc.). These devices are mounted in the passenger compartment and are designed in such a way that in case of an emergency on the road, sudden braking or collision, minimize the risk of injury to the child by fixing and reducing the mobility of his body.

Categories of car seats for children with different body weights

Shortly before the amendments to the traffic rules, there were disputes among the inhabitants of Russian roads and discussions were held about the possible abolition of the fine for transporting children without a seat. Instead of removing this restriction, the legislator clearly prescribed in the regulatory legal act the division of restraints into several categories:

  1. For newborns and children up to 12 months (weighing up to 10 kg), infant carriers of the zero group should be purchased.
  2. Infants whose weight has not yet reached 13 kg are recommended chairs of the "0+" group.
  3. For children weighing from 9 to 18 kg, the optimal restraint from group "1" is selected.
  4. Group 2 car seat parents need to purchase for a child whose weight is from 15 to 25 kg.
  5. For children whose weight does not exceed 36 kg, use the device of group "3".

The presence of children in the passenger compartment of a car while driving can not only be dangerous to their health. Thus, numerous crash tests have led to the conclusion that the transportation of infants without seats of groups "0" and "0+" is unacceptable due to the high probability of inflicting injuries incompatible with life in the event of any traffic accident.

How much will I have to pay for violating the requirements for transporting a child?

At the same time, the amount of the fine for a child without a seat cannot be called too severe a punishment for a driver who violates traffic rules. This measure of administrative penalty probably sets a different goal - to inflict a "preventive strike" on the attacker's wallet. In addition, the size of the fine for children without a seat differs significantly for individuals-violators and carrier organizations. In accordance with the norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (clause 3, article 12.23), non-compliance with traffic rules within the framework of the requirements for driving with a child under 12 years of age is the basis for a monetary penalty from the driver in the amount of 3,000 rubles. An official for a similar offense will be fined 25 thousand rubles, and for a carrier organization, the amount of the penalty will increase four times.

Will there be a fine for a seven year old child without a seat?

It is also worth paying attention to another fundamentally important point. For children under the age of seven, riding in a car is only allowed with an appropriate restraint.

With the introduction of amendments to the SDA at the beginning of this year, the obligation to equip the passenger seat of a child from 7 to 12 years old with the help of a car seat is partially leveled. So, when transporting in the back seat, it is enough for children to fasten their regular seat belts. At this age, the child has the right to ride in the front seat next to the driver, but only if a child restraint is used.

Circumstances for imposing a monetary penalty on the driver

An important criterion for imposing an administrative penalty are the circumstances under which a fine can be legally imposed for transporting children without a seat. The traffic police gives a detailed explanation of the cases in which punishment cannot be avoided by the offender. A penalty is imposed if:

  • the child sits in the arms of other passengers (even wearing a seat belt);
  • the baby's body weight visually exceeds the permissible limits for the operation of the car seat of the corresponding age group;
  • a young passenger is sitting in a restraint, but the safety of transportation is not ensured by the driver (belts are not fastened);
  • two children are sitting in one car seat;
  • in the passenger compartment, on the rear and / or front seats, there are no seat belts provided for by the standard design of the vehicle.

It is worth noting that when a child reaches the age of 7, the absence of standard seat belts in the rear seats does not allow transportation. If there are seat belts only in the front passenger seat, then the child can be transported in front, but in a car seat.

How to avoid a re-fine?

For the transportation of children in a car without a restraint, a monetary penalty can be imposed more than once. For example, a violating driver was stopped at one of the traffic police posts and issued a fine for driving with a child without a child seat, and after a while the inspector stopped him again - the violator cannot avoid re-drawing up the protocol.

Based on judicial practice, virtually no one was able to appeal against the imposition of an administrative penalty for the unsafe transportation of children in a car. In addition, the risk that children are exposed to while riding in a car is not comparable to the cost of a car seat. Instead of paying fines in the amount of 3,000 rubles, it is more expedient to purchase an inexpensive restraint that will not only save the budget, but most importantly, increase the level of safety of life and health of the child in the car.
