How to make a girl laugh by texting jokes. How to make a girl laugh: successful examples

This article will talk about how to make a girl smile. Even the most modest man who doesn’t like to chat in vain can be instilled with the same sense of humor that makes many girls go crazy. To be a fun person, you don’t have to drive a cool car or dress in the latest fashion. It's enough to be yourself. After all, when a person feels at home, it is then that he allows himself to open up and be the same as his family sees him. So, let's figure out how to make a girl laugh? How can this be done?

How to make a girl laugh

There are many ways to make a girl laugh. Women's nature in itself is frivolous, and you can easily drive a girl crazy, and if you also have a pleasant appearance, you can easily. But we will consider general cases that are suitable for everyone.

Positive thinking

The first thing you need to start with is a positive outlook on the world around you. When you go to meet a girl in a good mood, when she sees you, even if her day is not going well, she will involuntarily smile at you. You will feel light and carefree. Every girl wants to find a man who would support her and could provide moral assistance in a difficult situation.

If you learn to listen to people and be responsive, then the fair sex will appreciate this quality. But don't overdo it with advice. If you don’t know what to say in a particular difficult situation, it’s better to show her with gestures that you empathize with her and that you care about everything that happens.

Naturalness is the key to success

As stated above, try to be yourself. Girls love relaxed and confident guys. If, for example, you make a face in front of a large crowd of people, she will think that for her sake you are ready to forget about the rules of decency. She will laugh and admire this trick for a long time. Come up with funny situations on the go, improvise.

Try to observe your surroundings, in case you notice something that she did not notice. Quickly brainstorm the presentation of the material in your head and direct its gaze to what seemed funny to you. Success in this case is guaranteed.

But sometimes it happens that your humor does not make an impression on her, and you see a grimace on her face. Don't despair; a quick and technical change of topic will help here. Focus her gaze on someone else. A compliment is best. Say how good she looks today, or pay attention to her wardrobe, even if she wears the same thing every day, but, of course, you will be grateful.

Inventing a funny situation

Sometimes it is possible and even necessary to lie a little in order to make a girl laugh. For example, you tell her a story where you are supposedly the main character, and an absurd situation happens to you, which others laugh at. In fact, you made up this story, but at least you will cheer up your partner.

The most important thing is not to overdo it, so as not to get confused in the wilds of what is happening and not to come up with a story that already looks more like a movie than real life. If you show that you can sometimes laugh at yourself, then she will also accept light jokes about you, I don’t think you are criticizing.

Supporting the girl's humor

Try to laugh with the girl. After all, anyone, absolutely any person, loves when her jokes are supported. Even if they are not very funny, try to support them. This will add male solidarity to you in her eyes, and perhaps she will think that mutual understanding in your relationship is at a fairly high level.

Find out which topics touch her sense of humor the most. Study this segment, read interesting situations. If you can't quite make jokes about certain topics, then stick to your line. But you shouldn’t play along too often, the girl may suspect something is wrong, or, sooner or later, with her next story, you will involuntarily show with your appearance that you don’t care. Then it will look very ugly on your part, and will lead to a scandal or severe offense.

Using expressions

If you have phrases in your arsenal that can accidentally make a girl laugh, feel free to use them. Most often, girls laugh when something goes wrong in front of a guy’s eyes, and he accidentally utters a phrase meaning annoyance.

Try to select sentences that do not contain obscene language. After all, if you present this or that phrase that should sound different, in a different interpretation, it will cause both laughter and admiration from the girl. Sometimes use this in relation to her, if something doesn’t work out for her. You can change her bad mood into a positive one with one phrase.

Create laughter through body movements

You also need to make a face or dance in time. With these actions you will answer your question: “How to make a girl laugh?” Most girls go crazy when they see guys making faces. Remember, they are like big children, they laugh if you show them the finger. Know how to choose the moment for such actions. After all, for example, when you go to the theater, or you are invited to a social reception, it is better to refrain from this kind of entertainment for a girl.

The easiest way to make your girlfriend laugh is to pretend that you don’t hear or see her. This will add a certain spice to the game, it will push you so that you pay attention. When she laughs, you should wait a little longer, and then look in her direction, but know or feel this very line. After all, if you overplay it too much, you can thereby offend her.

Flirt with her, make advances as if you don't know each other. This will make her laugh. When you think the moment is right to tickle, you can do so, but do it gently, otherwise you may cause pain with your strong hands.

Maintain balance

It will be a defeat if, after uncontrollable laughter, your positive atmosphere is overshadowed by silence. Never allow this to happen, try to withstand a microscopic pause after the fun and continue the conversation, preferably on some more serious topic.

There is no need to joke all the time; save your reserves for future meetings. At the very least, you will seem less serious and frivolous to the girl. Don't make jokes about your significant other's appearance. After all, for every milady, appearance comes first. You need to use only those jokes that will make the girl laugh, and tell them in such a way that the thread of events is not interrupted. Otherwise, the joke will turn out to be a failure.

These were tips on how to behave in real life with a girl. But how can you make a girl laugh if you can’t see her? After all, many of us now meet and communicate most often on social networks. To make an initial impression on the fair sex, you should interest her in chat communication. Here are a few ways to make a pen pal laugh.

Make a compliment

Without seeing a girl in person, but seeing her photographs, you can immediately judge her appearance. And an original compliment can be a good way to make the life of the one sitting on the other side of the screen more fun. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Carefully examine all her photographs, especially focusing on those that you consider unsuccessful. After all, when you give a compliment to such a photo, your chosen one will be very surprised, and even more so you will attract her with your originality. Try not to make trivial pleasantries. After all, the highlight in this matter is the main thing.

Funny story from life

Funny stories that have ever happened to you, embarrassments, or - this is another example of how to make a girl laugh. Of course, in a live dialogue it is easier and more accessible to tell a story, but in order to amuse my lady through non-verbal communication, you will have to try.

Make the story brighter by adding emoticons or stickers, don’t be afraid to seem funny or stupid. Because that's the whole point. The funnier you present yourself in front of her, the better your situation will be.


The art of flirting is not given to everyone, but everything can be learned. With its help, as strange as it may seem, you can also make a girl laugh in SMS messages. In online communication, flirting is perceived a little differently than in real life. There it is more like a comic game than a serious one. In most cases, girls find flirting with adding emoticons very funny and a little ridiculous on the part of guys.

For example, after quite a long conversation, write to her something like: “Baby, do you want to sit with me and talk about life, and maybe not just talk?” And don’t forget to add emoticons at the end, otherwise it will not be perceived as clearly as it would be expected. Do not be afraid that the girl may think that you are hitting on her, lower the situation and change the topic of conversation (girls are different).

In general, these were the main ways to try to cheer up the opposite sex both in real life and on the Internet. Come up with your own jokes to make the girl laugh, experiment, and don’t be afraid of unfriendly comments addressed to you if you fail. If it doesn't work out with one, it will work out with the other. Remember: a lot depends on laughter and the level of humor in your relationship.



An effective courtship strategy that actually works. If a girl finds you funny and cheerful, then there is a much greater chance that she will not resist you!

Laughter! This is a courtship strategy that really works. If a girl finds you funny, then there is a greater chance that she will not resist your charms! In addition to smoothing over differences between you, humor can help ease tension on a first date, negating negative feelings about “I'm not good enough,” and bringing you closer together. To make a girl laugh, try following these tips:

1. Develop

1.1 Think positively. A positive attitude is closely related to a sense of humor. Be happy and have a positive attitude towards everything around you, this will win her over again and again. If you can, be a source of support when she has problems, she will naturally gravitate towards you.

Try to find positive moments in everyday situations. So, you will give the impression of a good, friendly person with an easy character, and girls like that.

Think about people who give off vibes. If you're not yet comfortable communicating with people, think about what you could use that they do.

Just kidding. If you want to be funny, then joke, sometimes tease her, but always be correct. Serious things can wait.

If you're in a bad mood or upset about something, don't show it, go through it yourself. If she gets the impression that you're depressed about something, that's not a good start to the relationship!

1.2 Learn to be funny. Do you have an innate sense of humor? Do you know how to make people laugh? If not, it's time to learn how to do it. First you need to find out what can make you laugh. Remember everything that you think might be funny and try it for yourself.

Don't try to be funny. Instead, try to see humor in different things and use it. When you do this, you become truly cheerful and start laughing genuinely. She will sense your sincerity and ability to perceive the world as a place full of joy. It is important!

1.3 Be natural. Being funny is an innate quality, provided you are confident in your sense of humor. Here are some tips on how to improve this aspect:

Use body language to convey humor. Your facial expressions, body position, movements and tone of voice affect how funny you look. Feel free to show your ability to express something by making faces. Think of actors like Jim Carrey or bands like Monty Python.

Practice being funny. Observe the world around you and constantly try to come up with an anecdote in your head for a given situation. The more often you do this, the easier and more natural you will be to show humor in a stressful situation.

After all, humor is lighter and works better than a lot of jokes made up by other people.

Be prepared for defeats too. Even comedians have hard days. Be prepared for the fact that your jokes will sometimes only cause a grimace on her face. Laugh it off, laugh at the fact that your joke delivery system is broken. Don't say, "I can't joke." This may be true, but it's not funny. She will agree and think to herself: “I’m bored with him now.”

1.4. Tell funny stories where you are the main character. When telling them, focus on how your qualities helped you get out of difficult situations where others would simply give up.

Show yourself as a guy who sometimes makes mistakes, but quickly picks up and keeps trying until he achieves his goal. The ability to laugh at yourself and your shortcomings will show a girl that you are the kind of guy who can handle criticism and doesn't give up so quickly. Plus, if she realizes that you're good at making fun of yourself, it'll be easier to make fun of her cute weaknesses once you know about them, and she won't feel like you're criticizing her.

2. Focus your attention on the girl

2.1 Respect her. By respecting a girl's personality and qualities, you begin to earn her trust. When there is trust, then it is easier to communicate and it is easier to make her laugh. All girls are different from each other and laugh at different things. What works for one is unlikely to work for the other. Take the time to find out what works best for you.

If it turns out that nothing is funny for a girl, this is a signal that perhaps you are simply not suitable for each other. It could also mean that she is having a bad streak and nothing makes her happy. See how she reacts to the people around her. If he laughs at their jokes but doesn't think your jokes are funny, step aside.

2.2 Listen to her. To come up with something funny, you have to listen. Comedians observe everyone and everything around them to understand people. They record their observations and then share them with the public, expanding the side of life's trials.

If you listen carefully, you will find out what she cares about, what she thinks about, what she believes. All these observations will help you understand what she is laughing at. By listening, you will gather material to come up with something funny, and you will always have something to talk about. Just make sure that what you learn about her and are going to use in jokes is not something “sacred” to her.

2.3 Laugh with her. Laughter is contagious, so this won't be difficult to do. Laughing with her will make you look better in her eyes. If you find her funny and you relate to her jokes, happiness and laughter, it will show her that you are special and try to fit in with her rhythm and sense of humor. Just as you want her to appreciate your sense of humor, she instinctively likes the fact that you find her jokes funny.

Imitate her style of humor. If it's risky, for example, then stick to your style. Do it as much as you can and keep it natural. If your humor is by nature cheerful and kind, then using dark humor will seem unnecessary.

Of course, follow her lead only when you are absolutely confident in her style of humor.

Find out what comedians or movies she likes. Watch them together and laugh. You can introduce her to your preferences when she is already confident enough that you are a cool guy.

Once you know her comedy preferences, try quoting lines from one of those shows. This will show her that you enjoy her humor and it will make you more attractive!

3. Induce Laughter

3.1 Memorize one-liners. They will help a beginner find the right words at the right moment. They will help make you laugh, but do not confuse witticisms with hackneyed phrases and never overuse them. You can find many jokes on the Internet, but below are examples of how you can use such jokes:

Never frown, because someone might fall in love with your smile. If she's feeling a little down, this will cheer her up and she'll realize that you like it when she smiles.

When you reach the end of the rope, tie a knot and hold on. (Franklin D. Roosevelt) If something in her life is upset her, this phrase will show that you care about her and make her laugh.

The knee is a device for finding furniture in your room. This will help make her laugh if she gets bumped.

I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not sure. This can be used when either of you is having a hard time making a decision.

3.2 Be silly. There are a few things that can help you make her laugh. Of course, it all depends on how well you know this girl, and if she appreciates the “tomfoolery”; and remember that the best joke is when you can laugh at yourself:

Touch her like a cat and meow. Ask to be petted.

Make a face. Go to a photo booth together, make funny faces and take pictures. When you look at the photos later, you will probably laugh!

Answer her stupid questions without emotion. For example, if she asks, “Do you go on dates often?”, answer something like this: “Not always, I usually spend all my time living my life, imagining that I have it” (grin). Remember to smile sincerely when you give this answer, and be prepared that these types of answers may not have the desired effect if she thinks you are laughing at her.

Pretend to be dumb. In response to a question, look at her as if you don't know the answer and are having a hard time trying to understand what she asked you. But continue this game as long as it is funny.

Parody some funny moments from comedians like John Cleese or Rowan Atkinson, as long as it's not dangerous. Parody their voices, facial expressions or movements.

Ask her to let you do something really stupid, then do it.

Flirt with her while you fool around.

3.3 Tickle her. If you know her well enough, try tickling her. Tickling will help break down barriers to laughter. It's hard not to laugh when you're being tickled. The main thing is that she doesn’t mind tickling. You're unlikely to get a reward if she hates being tickled and you don't stop. Try this:

Ask her if she is afraid of tickles on her feet.

Regardless of her answer, ask if you can check it.

If she allows, take off her shoes and tickle her foot.

Rise higher. If she laughs and is happy, then everything is fine. Stop if you notice that she doesn't like being tickled and give her a chance to tickle you.

3.4.Do something funny together. Fun, thrill-filled activities will help spark laughter. It's up to you to decide what will work best with your girlfriend, but there are options like going on a bike or scooter ride, taking a city tour, slide, visiting a city park, catching waves at the beach, or even ziplining off a bridge together if you're a bit of a risk taker. . If it's something new and exciting, it will definitely make her laugh.

3.5 Find something to do that makes her laugh when you're not with her. Send her sweet, yet witty emails. The following tips will help make her laugh and will also serve as conversation starters when you meet again:

Find a site that has a lot of funny pictures of cute, furry animals, such as kittens sitting in a shoe, pigs in boots, pandas, cat-dog friendship, etc. Send her some of these pictures to cheer her up.
Send her jokes about things you know will make her laugh. Look for such jokes on the Internet!
Send her your photos.
Share with her links to sites you like.

4. Keep balance

4.1 Laughter should not hang in the air. The moment of transition from laughter to conversation is very important. You just told a joke, she laughed heartily... and then silence. Silence will negate all the good that humor brings to the conversation. You should always have something in reserve.

For example, if you just made a joke and she laughed, at least be prepared to say something like, “So, what do you like about your job?” Keep in mind that you don't need to joke all the time. If you overdo it with jokes, it will become boring and not fun at all. If you are not careful, she will not consider you a funny guy, but just some kind of fool.

4.2 Avoid bitter sarcasm, which will lower you in her eyes. Don't use jokes that border on insulting, they can be offensive or even rude. Avoid telling ethnic jokes or those that discriminate based on gender. These topics are quite complex at the best of times, and especially not worth touching on until you know your girlfriend well enough!

Don't make fun of a woman, her friends or her family. And of course, no jokes about weight or appearance.

Don't joke about her. It doesn't matter how funny or harmless such jokes seem to you. Other than that, don't laugh at her under any circumstances unless you want to see her again.

Avoid speaking badly about people, even in the form of jokes. Not only because humiliating people is not funny, but also because she might think that someday you will switch to her.

Unless you know her well, avoid sarcasm or dark humor. Once you get to know her better, you will already know how she reacts to such humor. When you want to say something like this, do not forget one statement by Agnes Replier that “humor brings insight and tolerance, irony brings a deep and less friendly understanding.” When in doubt, it's better to be friendly than overly smart.

4.3 Relax. Laughter comes spontaneously from funny situations and tries to show the best. And at the same time, there are times when there is no time for laughter at all. Trust your instincts to tell you when not to try to make her laugh, such as when something serious or sad is happening.

In the intention of “making a girl laugh”, the main thing is desire. You can't force someone to do something if they don't want to, unless of course you force them. But you are unlikely to do this if you want to get laughter as a result! If she thinks you're funny, great, but if she doesn't, then you may just have to rethink your tactics and introduce boundaries.

Try not to fool around too much.

Trying to be funny when you're not having fun at all can just bore you and discourage you from spending time with this girl. Don't try too hard!

Laughter will come naturally if you are both relaxed and enjoying each other's company.


Even if you don't intend to date a particular girl, many of these tips can still come in handy when communicating with sisters, colleagues, girlfriends, etc. However, you will have to remove the flirting!

Have a few signature phrases that she can easily remember and repeat.

Be bold with your humor sometimes. This might surprise her.

Wait a second and think of something funny. Or consider whether your joke will actually be funny!

Making a good impression is a difficult and risky business. The only way to impress her is with your humor. But don't let her know what you're trying to do.

Be careful when choosing funny phrases. Many of them have already been beaten and every Internet user knows them. If you're going to use a funny phrase, make sure it's new and appropriate for the situation.

Use news and current events for inspiration.

Watch a few stand-up shows to learn how to regulate your timing. Record everything funny that you can later use in communication with her.

If the joke doesn't work and she looks at you like you're an idiot, the main thing is to remain calm, smile, try to move the conversation to another topic, or make another joke! She will forgive. Say something like, “Didn't you like that joke? Listen to this one!”

Don't listen to music that is too heavy or sad. Better listen to relaxing music. The more exciting and inspiring it is, the better. Music affects mood, behavior and thoughts.


Don't say anything funny about her!

Don't say anything offensive! And while this may be funny to some, it is not to most.

If you've been dating a girl for a while, don't joke about getting married. She might think you're serious when you say this.

If you constantly make jokes around her, she may not take you seriously. Show her your serious side too at times.

Never laugh at your own joke before others.

Before you laugh at any hobby, find out what her favorite activity is. Otherwise, you might just laugh at her life's work.

Don't show her that you are trying your best. Otherwise, she may think that you lack confidence.

If you're just starting to date a girl, don't joke about sex.





Guys without experience of close communication with girls are racking their brains on how to earn their favor when meeting them. Even men who have girlfriends and lovers are perplexed by the question of how to behave in order to strengthen relationships without appearing vulgar and stupid in their eyes. Psychologists say that girls prefer cheerful men who have a sense of humor and know how to cheer up and create a good mood.

The ability to cheer a girl up is the key to success in winning a woman’s heart. The Internet has become an assistant in communicating with girls. Psychologists and experienced “heartthrobs” give recipes on how to cheer up a girl on the Internet and set her up for a romantic relationship.

Cheer up by correspondence

If you like a girl on a dating site or VK, the problem arises of how to start an acquaintance by correspondence. A proven way to interest a girl, making her remember about herself - to cheer and please. Having decided to write to a stranger, go to her page on networks. Look at what is written on the wall, in the questionnaire, photographs with comments. Once you've made your first impression, take action.

Remember successful techniques:

  1. When getting to know each other, don’t act like a tough macho man by sending hackneyed phrases like: “Hi! Are you bored? Let's chat" or "You're cool, let's get to know each other better."
  2. Arouse interest in yourself by flashing a cheerful emoticon.
  3. Then leave a humorous comment on her page to intrigue her. Intrigue makes you want to know what to expect next from a stranger. If you like your sense of humor, your chosen one will respond in the chat.
  4. After receiving the answer, continue the correspondence with a funny story that happened to you. You can retell in the chat a funny incident you read on the forum. Humor will prolong communication by endearing you to your interlocutor.
  5. Use your chosen one's hobbies to strengthen your relationship. Let's say: he takes care of homeless animals, plays sports, loves to design clothes or dance. Send links to funny videos on a topic of interest. By cheering up your virtual friend, you are guaranteed to increase your rating.
  6. The next step is to give a compliment. Write about beauty, wit, the desire to continue communicating with a wonderful interlocutor.

Strengthen the message with a picture of a bouquet of flowers, wishing for a meeting. Praise is a good start to setting up a date.

Don't be discouraged if you don't receive an answer right away. The stranger may be busy with urgent matters. The main thing is, don’t let us forget about your existence. After a pause, remind yourself with a funny picture or a funny home video. Perhaps next time you will find yourself at a moment when a girl needs male attention.

Cheer up a friend

If you have been communicating on the Internet for a long time with a classmate, fellow student, work colleague or virtual friend, it happens that you find yourself at a moment when the girl is sad. It is possible to save a friend from depression by cheering her up by correspondence. Do not write that you are unhappy with her despondency and do not insist on revealing the reason for her sadness. If she wants, she will tell you herself. Try to distract the girl from her worries with your actions.

  1. Switch your friend's thoughts to a positive wave by asking her to answer a witty question that is important to you. Find funny questions on humorous sites in the “Questions” section. Avoid asking abstruse questions or using dark humor, which can aggravate the depression.
  2. Have fun with a fresh joke. Knowing what caused the depression, avoid sending jokes that hint at the cause.
  3. On a holiday or birthday, especially if it falls on a working day, please them with a postcard with a funny picture and a humorous poetic greeting.
  4. If communication takes place constantly, send the girl two photos of yourself. One is a regular one, take the other with a webcam or a selfie, making a funny face. To be creative, put a jester's cap on your head and dress up in cool clothes. Write a comment under the photos: “discover 5 differences.”

Your resourcefulness, sense of humor, and creative thinking will become a lifeline for your friend from the surging wave of melancholy.

Cheer on VK

If you find out that your loved one is worried, upset or sick, and you can’t meet to console her, use social networks. Let's name some tricks on how to cheer up your loved one on VKontakte:

  • go to her VKontakte page, leave likes and humorous comments under pictures and videos;
  • recall funny episodes and incidents from joint leisure by sending a photo collage with captured “happy moments” and a romantic comment;
  • Record a video declaration of love or heartfelt words of support;
  • Find funny home videos on the Internet with kids and animals unexpectedly finding themselves in funny situations;
  • propose joint plans: where to go during vacation, go on a day off, how to have fun celebrating a birthday or upcoming holiday. Usually girls switch from “painful” realities and give free rein to their imagination;
  • send a beautiful song or favorite music with the comment: “this melody sounds in my soul, reminding me of you”;
  • send a love poem of your own composition. Poetic lines written from the heart will make a pleasant impression on your beloved. If you are not a “master of the pen,” pick up lyric poems from the classics.
  • please with a virtual gift. Having chosen a funny toy on the Internet, write a humorous comment under it: “let this elephant deal with your sadness” and send it. If you are at a loss for what to write under a gift, you can find suitable humorous phrases online.

With caring attention, let the girl know that she is loved, desired, and not alone in this “complicated world.” You are a reliable friend you can rely on. The beloved's joyless mood will soon be replaced by optimism and a positive attitude towards the world around her.

Cheer up

Emotional girls are susceptible to mood swings under the influence of various life situations. Having noticed that your loved one has become sad or fallen into despair, take active action.

Only a person in a cheerful mood can lift the spirits of others. Follow humorous accounts on Instagram. Charge yourself with positivity and cheer up a girl you know in the morning via correspondence.

Several techniques will come in handy:

  • wish her a good day and make her smile more often. Send a smiling emoticon or a cheerful picture with the words: “the sun in the window smiles at you with a sunny smile, illuminating the coming day with happiness”;
  • send a video with an endless field of flowers, signing: “I give you all the flowers of the world”;
  • send a picture or video with touchingly frolicking kittens, dogs, kids;
  • write a short, funny SMS. Post “jokes” borrowed from social media. Try to choose short jokes so as not to bore the girl with reading;
  • Don’t forget about compliments that lift the spirits of the fair sex. Write: “Yesterday you looked stunning in a beautiful dress” or: “I can’t forget your beautiful eyes for a minute”;
  • send a photo from a beauty contest with the comment: “hurry to meet me. Don't let them kidnap me";
  • write what funny stories happened to you, friends, colleagues over the past day.

When thinking about what to write, consider what messages can spoil women’s mood:

  • compliments with a hint of “weak points” such as: “you are such a delicious plump thing that I want to eat you”;
  • jokes on her;
  • letters with profane language that humiliates girls;
  • stories containing dark humor;
  • offers of sexual contact;
  • stories about former lovers.


You can show a girl that she means a lot in a guy’s life by writing a funny SMS that will warm your heart. This form of communication is effective even at the beginning of acquaintance. Frequent phone calls can distract you from important activities or make you tired. The girl will be able to read and re-read SMS at any time.

It is important not to write long poems; short messages are the path to success. The girl will smile after reading romantic joke phrases:

  • I can’t wait any longer, call me and I’ll fly to you at the first call;
  • you have stolen my heart, I demand your detention;
  • promise not to laugh at you!”
  • I'm dying! Save me with your love!
  • In the morning the only thing that lifts me up is the thought that in the evening I will drown in your eyes;
  • The network operator writes to you: “if you do not answer this person’s number, we will disconnect.

Intriguing messages like:

  • guess what surprise I will give you today?;
  • I read a book in which the heroine is based on you. Should I read it?;
  • I asked about your horoscope for today. Do you know what awaits you?

It is known that women are passionate about esotericism and fortune telling. SMS can bring a smile and curiosity:

  • I dreamed about you long before we met. I think it's fate;
  • I am a mentalist - I read your thoughts from a distance;
  • I arrange furniture according to Feng Shui. Invite over.

When beautiful and witty phrases don’t come to mind, the Internet will help. Start each message with kind words that your heart tells you.

Make a girl laugh

Humor, which causes laughter, makes communication fun and relaxed, bringing people closer together. Girls are emotional people who appreciate guys who know how to notice comical situations in life and tell funny jokes. It’s not difficult to make your loved one laugh when she reciprocates. Hearing from you a bad joke or an unfunny anecdote, your beloved will laugh. It’s more difficult to make a pretty stranger laugh, trying to win her affection. We'll tell you the best way to joke with girls by correspondence on the Internet.

Good jokes

The ability to move from serious to jokes characterizes a man as a person with a broad outlook and self-confidence. Successful jokes for girls are smart jokes, not devoid of self-irony and deep meaning and creativity.

  • with a hint of a compliment. For example, write that in appearance or character she resembles a famous artist or “star” of show business;
  • where events and life situations are presented with humor. An amateur video posted on the Internet can make a friend laugh until she bursts into tears. When sending a link to VKontakte, refuse stories that are interpreted ambiguously: about stupid women or erotic content. Successful video clips include kids having fun with pets, funny behavior of birds, cats, dogs and pets, noticed by their owners;
  • with a bit of self-irony, when you ironically talk about your activities, failures or funny incidents from your life, friends and those gleaned from the Internet;
  • about life’s paradoxes, which speak of breadth of outlook, erudition and inspire respect.

Bad jokes

Trying to show off your wit, remember how not to joke with a girl:

  • do not try to joke with her when you are not sure that she will correctly understand and perceive your humor. An offensive joke can alienate someone you know. remove the joker from your circle of friends on VKontakte;
  • if she doesn’t speak slang, she won’t like jokes with slang words;
  • when meeting, avoid joking on sexual topics that smack of vulgarity;
  • mock former lovers, their oddities, habits and shortcomings. A girl may have similar qualities. She would consider such jokes a personal insult;
  • Don't laugh at tragic news events and people getting hurt. Your friend will perceive you as a callous and cruel person.

To communicate with women, stock up on a collection of jokes. Please note what jokes you should not tell to your chosen ones:

The friend will make excuses and call a friend. After waiting a pause, confess! Laugh together at the reaction caused by the joke.

"Fun" with a celebrity

Register a fake account with the girl's favorite celebrity. Next, go to her page, performing the following steps in order:

  • write a shocking message on behalf of a celebrity - pleasant, scary or absurd;
  • click “send”.

The received message evokes a range of feelings: joy, bewilderment or shock. The thought of a letter written by a celebrity will temporarily occupy a girl's head. Then the girlfriend will get carried away with finding the culprit of the joke. Recognizing the authorship of the joke will raise the girl’s authority as a joker!

“Joke” with picture substitution

  • use the mouse to open a window for recording;
  • click “attach”
  • select a photo from the list;
  • Click – “upload photo”;
  • enter the name of a nice little photo in the window;
  • click “open”, then “send”;
  • a girl, having received a nice photo, will respond with a comment:

“cute or cool”;

  • then click the “edit” button, change the picture to a piquant one, leaving the same comment.

It turns out funny, but the young lady is perplexed. If you’re offended, don’t apologize, considering the “kicking” harmless. Pretend like nothing happened. Show the girl confidence and no fear of losing her.

“Joke” - identification with another girl

This option uses banter, forcing the interlocutor to react to the attack received. For fun:

  • find a photo of a group of girls in a sticky situation: fighting in a muddy puddle, stealing chocolates in a supermarket, dressed provocatively;
  • 4.8 (95.45%) 22 votes

On social networks, representatives of the fair sex are looking for what is difficult to find in gray everyday life: atmosphere, recognition and good mood. By adding major tones to your message to the lady of your heart, you will increase your chances of success. It doesn’t matter what color your mood is in life, you should radiate positive positivity on social networks. Gloomy and withdrawn gentlemen while away their bachelor evenings in proud and dreary solitude. So the question of how to cheer up a girl, for example, on VKontakte (VK), is very relevant. In the fight for a beauty’s smile, time-tested means of improving your mood are guaranteed to work: generous compliments, decent stories from your rich biography and decent anecdotes.

Sincere compliments

Don't be shy to admire a girl as often as possible. There are never too many compliments. Everyone mentally tries on the crown of a beauty queen. And it suits everyone! Your humble task comes down to ensuring that the compliments are:


Monitor her photos and show the wonders of male observation. Online catalogs of the female version of a beautiful life will expand your ideas about how to cheer up a pen pal. A couple of minutes - and you know what “make-up” is and at first glance you can distinguish “delicate coral” from “luxurious cherry”. If you notice a new lipstick (eye shadow, nail polish) – please the owner with a flattering review:

  • “You are such a stylish thing! The color of your lips is simply mesmerizing!”;
  • “I admire your avatar like the cover of a fashion magazine. I didn’t know that such wonderful beauties existed in life”;
  • “You have very beautiful hands. I ask in advance for permission to walk you home in the evening: I’m afraid that with your luxurious manicure I will have too many competitors.”


Compare your chosen one with someone (no one!) that you consider truly beautiful:

  • “You are like a fresh lilac branch to me. I look at you - and there’s spring in my soul again”;
  • “Your photo in the morning invigorates me more than coffee. No Arabica can compare with your natural sophistication.”

If you’ve run out of suitable words, visualize your compliment with a suitable GIF or a photo with a gorgeous bouquet of roses.

“The crocodile of my soul” - such a nickname seemed to Anton Pavlovich Chekhov to be quite figurative and quite appropriate to address in letters to his bride.


The girl spends hours on end spinning in front of the mirror, not only in an uncontrollable burst of narcissism. She tries to please others, to attract the attention of her one and only. Perhaps yours. Show that you appreciated the efforts and thank them in the comments under the photo for the pleasure they brought:

  • “Thanks for the selfie. I saw you, and I wanted to live”;
  • “Post your photos more often. Let there be more real beauty in this world.”


Daily reminders to a girl via SMS or VKontakte about how beautiful she is will definitely lift her spirits. Improvise, look for new reasons to express your admiration. Believe me, they definitely exist. A woman is not allowed to be the same even for two days in a row. So the guilty “I never tire of repeating how beautiful you are” does not seem to be a premature capitulation in courtship.

Funny stories from life

A time machine can do a good job. Share stories about touching events from your childhood and school life. Remember what your parents laughed at until they cried. A completely workable option for how to cheer up a girl in VK in correspondence. The Snow Queen's heart will melt from your honest stories:

  • about first love: he pulled a pigtail, but the wrong one (he didn’t recognize it from the back), I had to carry my briefcase for the rest of the year;
  • about my first culinary experience: I defrosted dumplings before cooking and tried to feed them to my mother under the guise of lasagna;
  • about a dream come true: Santa Claus, ordered by your neighbors, got the wrong door and made you believe in a New Year's miracle.

A laconic story about your funny adventures, sent by morning SMS, will easily cheer up a girl. The effect of a pleasant surprise will work. Surprise news from a boyfriend is clearly more fun than reminders from a greedy bank or orders from a strict mother.

What jokes and anecdotes will always be appropriate?

Not at all the ones who walk into a sports bar with a bang in a friendly group of men. We need some other versions to make a girl laugh over SMS. Review your stock of fun for every day and choose something worthy:

"Good old"

There are eternal themes that humanity has been laughing at for several decades in a row. Without inventing a fifth wheel for a bicycle in search of a way to amuse a girl in correspondence, tell her about the latest adventures of Ivan the Fool, games of thrones in the kingdom of animals, reproduce a couple of imperishable pearls from school essays. An opaque hint of your intentions will be bright anecdotes about the funny moments of the candy-bouquet period and its cheerful continuation: “What is the meaning of the word “Registrar Office”? “An absolutely well-deserved guarantee of happiness.”

"New creative"

A win-win option for you. The girl will find and watch the top 10 jokes for the week and funny videos. Why do you need someone else's fame if you yourself are cheerful and resourceful. All that remains is to convince your beloved of this. Try to make a girl laugh on VK in one of the following ways:

  • write and tell a story. With your passion in the leading role: “Somewhere in a remote residential area, on the 25th floor, there lived a bright beauty with eyes the color of summer. I was waiting for the prince from Dubai on a white horse. And I showed up - a student from the nth region in a black used Priora. But that didn’t stop them from dating and being happy”;
  • ask a comic rhetorical question, wait for an answer and give your version: “What is the best French dish that a captive handsome man can afford? “Napoleon cake baked by his girlfriend for his birthday.” This kind of verbal tennis is also convenient as entertainment, with the help of which you can cheer up a girl via SMS;
  • play with your recipient: take an unusual photo and send it in fragments. This is a worthy option for seducing a girl through correspondence. She will have to show miracles of ingenuity to guess what was caught in the lens. Let the original go to the winner as a gift for her resourcefulness.

How should you never make fun of girls?

Do you have a peculiar sense of humor? There are many offended people who do not understand whether you are joking or serious? In such a case, plan in advance how to make your pen pal laugh. A list of proven taboo topics to help you:

  1. Her faith. Unsuccessful attempts at teasing in this direction can result in a complete break in the relationship.
  2. Her mother. The cooler the girl, the funnier her mom. The formula always works. Show maximum tolerance and smile widely to yourself if you don’t want to end up in a deep h/s.
  3. Her bedroom. Any blows below (or above) the belt are a prohibited technique. For girls, “this is it” means “making love” in the literal sense of the word. And as you know, love is no joke.
  4. Her style. Yes, it doesn’t happen to anyone. No one is immune from one-time total failures. But even if you don’t associate her new shorts with anything other than diapers, the best thing you can do is tactfully remain silent. Believe me, your crush will not intentionally wear something ugly for her avatar. Be lenient.
  5. Her cockroaches are in her head. Forget about the whole colony at once, since you definitely won’t be able to cheer up a VKontakte girl with their help. If you are still wooing the lady, it means that while you are at her feet. Maintain subordination. Each princess has her own pea, which is not gentlemanly to laugh at. She is deathly afraid of spiders - don’t rush to send close-up photos of them with a bunch of laughing emoticons. She won't appreciate such a prank. If a girl shared some of her weaknesses with you, then for one sole purpose - you must protect her from what she considers dangerous for herself.

Of course, girls are different. And everyone has their own sense of humor. But cheerful and bright optimism is contagious and will certainly cheer up even the most serious interlocutor.

A good joke removes inhibitions in communication and creates a relaxed atmosphere. Girls value a sense of humor, so check out these tips on how to make a girl laugh in text messages.

You can cheer up a girl in VK correspondence by telling a funny incident from your own life. You can tell something interesting and funny from the life of friends and relatives. Just avoid saying anything defamatory or vulgar.

The ability to laugh at oneself is worthy of respect; self-irony is always perceived as proof of intelligence and modesty. Learn to treat even your failures with humor.

To communicate with girls, keep a few jokes in mind. Just keep in mind that these jokes should not contain obscene words or even hints of vulgarity.

It's not hard to make a girl laugh if she treats you well. Sometimes even a not-so-funny story is met with a girl’s willingness to laugh. If you notice that a girl laughs even when it’s not very funny, this is a sign that she likes the storyteller, although his stories are not funny.

A girl will love a joke with a hidden compliment. For example, if you tell her that she resembles someone with her character. The main thing is not to slide into primitive flattery.

Jokes with elements of comparison of completely different objects and phenomena can be successful. The ability to see something common in different things is perceived by a girl as a sign of vivid imagination and intelligence.

You can successfully joke about your activities, about the paradoxes of life and nature. Clever jokes will not only make girls laugh, but also serve as a way to demonstrate your broad outlook, erudition and erudition.

It’s difficult to list everything you can do to cheer a girl up; it depends on your imagination and the development of your sense of humor.

How to make people laugh

Sometimes guys find it difficult to come up with a smart joke and replace good humor with primitive clownery, sarcasm and antics. This is a sure way to disappoint a girl.

  • Never joke about the girl herself unless you are sure that she will accept and understand the joke. With an inappropriate or malicious joke, you can offend your friend and lose her forever.
  • Pseudo-funny phrases with distorted and slang words are not allowed. A girl may not like the falsely understood popularity of youth slang if she herself does not speak like that.
  • Don't try to make a girl laugh when she's drunk. A drunk person can be funny, but at the same time disgusting.
  • On the global network you can find videos - examples of unsuccessful jokes when they scare a girl, trying to make her laugh. We must not forget about tact and sense of proportion.
  • When meeting a girl, avoid joking about sexuality and sex: this can be regarded as vulgarity.
