How to remove frizzy hair: simple solutions to an unpleasant problem. How to stop your hair from getting frizzy

Many girls face the problem of excessively frizzy hair. Most of them turn to professionals for help and try to get their hair in order through various expensive procedures. In fact, you can remove frizz from your hair at home, and it’s not as difficult as it seems.

To understand how you can get rid of a problem, you must first understand what may be causing it. In this article we will tell you why your hair becomes frizzy and what to do if your hairstyle doesn’t look its best.

As a rule, girls and women experience very frizzy hair due to one of the following reasons:

  • daily hot air styling;
  • regular use of cosmetics intended for styling;
  • porous structure of the strands;
  • frequent coloring, highlighting or blonding;
  • perm, straightening and other aggressive hairdressing procedures;
  • lack of moisture and excessive dryness;
  • unfavorable weather conditions.

In addition, this problem often occurs in girls almost from birth.

If the cause of this disorder lies in a genetic predisposition, most likely there is nothing you can do about it. At the same time, you need to know the rules for caring for fluffy hair, which will help you maintain a healthy and well-groomed appearance for many years.

Almost every girl who regularly faces this problem has asked her hairdresser at least once in her life: “How to make your hair not frizz?”.

As noted earlier, first you need to identify the reason that provokes excessive frizz. If this is due to the influence of a certain hairdressing procedure, for example, daily blow-drying, it should be completely eliminated and replaced with another hair care method.

If you have a genetic predisposition to frizz, you will have to follow the following recommendations throughout your life:

  • every time after traditional shampooing, use conditioner, and then apply any wax to the damp strands and separate them from each other with your fingers;

What to do if your hair is fluffy and dry? People's Councils

Traditional cosmetology also offers several effective ways to combat this common problem. To prevent hair from becoming frizzy, special hair masks made from natural ingredients are often used.

Use one of the following recipes to help you achieve the perfect hair look in the shortest possible time:

  • Take one medium sized lemon and squeeze the juice out of it. Dilute with ordinary water, taking into account the 1:1 ratio. After washing your hair, apply this mixture to your hair and distribute along the entire length of the strands, making sure that the product does not get into your eyes. There is no need to wash off this mask. Wait until the curls are completely dry and comb them using a wide-toothed wooden comb. You can carry out a similar procedure every time you wash your hair;
  • Heat 4 tablespoons of burdock oil in a water bath and, without cooling, rub into the hair follicles using your fingertips. Distribute the remaining product evenly over the entire length of the curls, wrap your head with plastic wrap, and wrap a warm terry towel on top. Leave the prepared mixture on your hair for 60-90 minutes, then wash your hair in the usual way and rinse with slightly acidified warm water;
  • Another effective mask that can be easily prepared at home is an oil-based mask. Mix approximately 20-30 grams of almond oil and jojoba oil, and then add 2-3 drops of rosemary and sage essential oils to the same container. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, heat them in a water bath and apply to your hair. Create a thermal effect by wrapping your head in a soft, warm cloth and a piece of plastic film, and leave it like that for 30-40 minutes. After the required time has passed, wash your hair in the traditional way;
  • Finally, to prevent your strands from getting frizzy, you can try preparing this effective balm: mix a tablespoon of homemade mayonnaise with two tablespoons of olive oil. Mix these ingredients well and break one chicken or two quail eggs into the same container. Mix thoroughly again and apply the resulting mixture to the roots of your hair, and then distribute it over the entire length. Wrap your head in plastic wrap and wait about 20-30 minutes, then wash your hair using mild shampoo or baby soap.

In addition, adherents of traditional medicine and cosmetology advise rinsing your hair with a solution of apple cider vinegar at least once a week, as well as regularly massaging the scalp with your fingertips using avocado, jojoba, coconut or olive oils.

After use, all these products must be rinsed off thoroughly so that the strands do not look too greasy.

If all of the above tips on how to remove frizzy hair did not help you, seek advice from a professional cosmetologist or trichologist.

A qualified doctor will conduct an in-person examination and the necessary examinations, as a result of which he will determine what exactly is the cause of this disorder and will give appropriate recommendations for caring for the hair.

Also, together with the stylist, you will have to choose a hairstyle in which your problem will not be too noticeable to others. So, it should be taken into account that if the curls are very frizzy, it is strictly not recommended to do graduated haircuts, or to cut the hair too short.

In this case, it is best to give preference to long and loose strands that do not require special care or daily styling.

Is it good or bad to have fluffy hair? This question does not have a clear answer. An important advantage of fluffy hair is its simple and quick styling; such hair can be used to create a voluminous hairstyle quite simply.

However, on the other hand, such hair very quickly gets out of any hairstyle, and if it gets caught in the rain, it curls in an arbitrary way. In addition, without a sufficient amount of styling products, the hairstyle simply will not hold, since fluffy hair is light and slippery. Another unpleasant property of fluffy hair is that it does not have a natural shine and always seems as if it is a little split.

Why does some people have beautiful large curls of hair, while others have chaotic curls, which are quite problematic to deal with? Why do some people have frizzy hair?

This aesthetic problem occurs due to the fact that all people have different hair structures. Hair fluffing depends on how moisture is distributed along the length of the hair. If this happens evenly, the hair becomes even or lies in a beautiful wave. If moisture does not reach the ends, the ends become dry and fluffy. By the way, lack of moisture at the ends makes them dull and split.

Understanding this problem, it will be easier to deal with fluffy hair. The following helpful tips will help significantly improve the situation:

You can now find a lot of such products on the shelves of cosmetic stores. But they need to be selected strictly individually, by trial and error: some means will suit some people, others will suit others. It should only be noted that it is best to buy cosmetics from well-known brands in order to avoid unexpected and undesirable effects.

Among the most successful are the serum for frizzy hair from Schwarzkopf and the cream for straightening unruly hair from MATRIX. There are good products from the same line from Paul Mitchell, L'Oreal, Redken, Londa and many others. All these substances have similar instructions for use. Most often they are applied to cleanly washed hair. There is no need to rinse off such serums, creams or masks. They work on the hair throughout the entire time between washing your hair. There are also products that are applied to damp hair for 15-20 minutes, after which the balm or mask should be washed off.

It will also be useful to immediately purchase shampoo, conditioner, serum, foam and mask of the same brand. In this case, the effect will be better, as experienced makeup artists recommend.

And a few more recommendations for using “smoothing” hair products. If you are using a serum or foam that does not need to be washed out of your hair, do not apply it in large quantities, as this will weigh down your hair, giving it a greasy, unwashed appearance. If you have a product with a high silicone content, be sure to buy a shampoo for deep hair cleansing, since silicone tends to accumulate in the hair scales, or from time to time use a cleansing mask using blue clay or henna.

To prevent your hair from curling into untidy curls during the autumn-spring period in humid weather, purchase a special “anti-moisture” product that will ensure the safety of your hairstyle in any weather.

Folk remedies

Along with professional cosmetics, you can also use folk methods:

Lemon mask for smoothing hair

Squeeze the juice from one lemon and mix it half and half with water. After each wash, rinse your hair with lemon water, being careful not to get it on your skin. After this, dry your hair with a towel and dry as usual.

Castor oil mask

This is the simplest and most affordable hair mask that not only fights frizz. Thanks to its effects, split ends are restored, hair loss is reduced and even seborrhea goes away.

Take a large cup of boiling water, place a small saucer on it and pour one bottle of castor oil into it (two bottles for long hair). Castor oil heated in this way is very easy to apply to the scalp and hair along the entire length. Put on a plastic bag and insulate the top with a towel or woolen scarf. Keep the mask on for at least two hours. If possible, leave the mask on all night. After this, wash your hair with shampoo (castor soap does not work, but any shampoo can be washed off very easily). At the end, you can rinse your hair with lemon water.

Honey mask

The execution of the mask is exactly the same as in the previous recipe, but instead of castor oil we take 3-4 tbsp. honey This mask perfectly nourishes the hair and makes it shiny.

For perfect smoothness and shine of your curls, you should use anti-frizz masks. Owners of thin, straight and curly hair often face this problem. For them, it is necessary to select special care products that maximally moisturize and make the stem structure heavier. Natural recipes also allow you to fill your curls with shine and give the necessary elasticity and smoothness.

Causes of frizzy hair

  1. Frequent use of hot rollers, curling irons, hair dryers;
  2. Regular coloring, curling;
  3. Incorrectly selected care products;
  4. Nutritional restrictions and diets lead to a deficiency of moisture and vitamins in the trunks;
  5. Unfavorable external conditions – dry air, low/high temperatures.
  • use anti-frizz shampoo, it must have moisturizing properties;
  • afterward, be sure to apply a leave-in balm, stepping back a few centimeters from the roots;
  • anti-frizz oil is distributed on wet ends, especially if tongs or curling irons are used;
  • You need to reconsider your diet, giving preference to dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, and fatty fish.

Useful video: Fighting frizzy hair

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Features of care for fluffy hair

  1. Choose combs and combs made of wood or natural bristles;
  2. Avoid using a hair dryer and let it dry naturally;
  3. After washing, lightly blot the moisture, do not rub the strands vigorously with a towel;
  4. Before styling with a styler, be sure to treat with a spray that protects hair from frizz and magnetization;
  5. Forget at least for a while about coloring and curling;
  6. Don't go to bed with wet strands;
  7. Comb until the curls are completely dry;
  8. In summer, use additional moisturizing sprays; in winter, prefer natural materials that do not produce an electrifying effect or treat hats and hoods with antistatic agents.

Useful video: Rules for caring for fluffy hair

Anti-frizz hair products

Professional products are divided into two groups - washable and indelible. The former help cleanse, moisturize and nourish, restoring the structure of the strands. These include shampoos, masks, conditioners and balms. Leave-in products are represented by various fluids, sprays, and deep-acting serums. They weigh down thin strands, covering each curl, and protect against moisture loss, thermal and mechanical influences.

Useful video: All about hair styling - how to remove frizz from hair at home?

Homemade anti-frizz hair mask recipes

At home, you can deal with unruly, voluminous hair that is very difficult to style. It’s easy to give your locks a well-groomed, healthy look with your own hands. Regular use of masks will make combing easier and give the necessary softness and smoothness.

With lemon

Folk remedies help ensure elasticity and silkiness. For radiance and restoration of moisture levels, use the product at least three times a month.


  • 15 ml lemon juice;
  • 15 drops of tocopherol;
  • 20 ml aloe.

Production and method of application: combine citrus juice with a succulent, add a vitamin solution. Treat wet strands and leave to act for fifty minutes, rinse as usual. You can learn more about the benefits and uses of lemon for hair.

With honey

To moisturize and saturate your curls with nutrients, you should use proven products. The natural composition will allow you to get rid of dryness and fluffiness, the curls will lie neatly and without magnetization.


  • 20 gr. honey;
  • 30 ml beer;
  • 5 ml retinol.

Production and method of application: mix the foamy drink with liquid honey and vitamin. Treat your hair after washing, leave the product for forty minutes under an insulating cap, and rinse off as usual.

From oils

Smooth, silky strands, with a restored stem structure, and a sufficient level of moisture will delight everyone. An accessible procedure will help you cope with protruding, unruly, dry and brittle curls. Repeat care two to three times a month.



  • 20 ml jojoba oil;
  • 3 drops of orange essential oil;
  • 2 drops of patchouli ether.

Production and method of application: heat nourishing oils, dilute in equal quantities with green tea and add esters. Distribute the liquid mask onto clean, damp strands using a brush, spacing two/three centimeters from the beginning of growth. You will have to wait from twenty to forty minutes, rinse with water and vinegar.

From glycerin

You can get rid of wires sticking out in different directions at home thanks to a softening and moisturizing procedure. Natural ingredients coat each stem, providing shine and elasticity right to the tips.


  • 15 ml glycerin;
  • 10 ml grapefruit juice;

Production and application method: first combine glycerin with citrus juice, then add yeast. Distribute the mask on dry strands along the entire growth line, leave for an hour, hidden under a cap and warmed with warm air, rinse off in the usual way.

With cream

Home remedies provide hair treatment, restoration of porous, brittle structure, moisturizing and saturation with vitamins along the entire length. Recipes are effective especially in winter, when hats increase the fluffiness of strands, making them stiffer and unruly.


  • 20 ml cream;
  • 5 drops of rosemary ether;
  • 2 drops of jasmine essential oil.

Production and method of application: combine milk cream with aromatic oils, treat curls with a warm mixture after washing instead of the usual balm. Wrap in film and a towel, wait about an hour, after cleansing, leave the curls to dry on their own.

With gelatin

To weigh down thin curls, which the slightest breeze makes your hair look like a dandelion, you should use an effective product. Deep nutrition is provided, curls become manageable and elastic, cuts are well-groomed, without visible separation or fragility.


  • 5 ml cocoa butter;
  • ampoule of pantothenic acid.

Production and method of application: stir gelatin granules in a hot broth, add bean oil and vitamin solution. Treat the strands after washing, be sure to hide them under a cap. After an hour, you can complete the care manipulations.

From mayonnaise

Homemade sauce has a wonderful effect on the condition of curls, providing a whole constellation of vitamins and minerals. Extraordinary smoothness after use appears even on curly hair. Repeat the moisturizing procedure three times every two weeks.


  • 30 ml olive oil;
  • yolk;
  • 5 gr. mustard;
  • 5 ml lemon juice;
  • 4 drops of sandalwood essential oil.

Production and method of application: all components must be at approximately the same temperature, otherwise the mask will separate. In a blender, beat the yolk with mustard, gradually adding oil, after the mass thickens, add lemon juice and wood ether. Treat strands generously after washing and leave for forty/sixty minutes.

With yolk

Folk recipes will restore curls that have been dyed and weakened by curls and get rid of frizz. Natural compositions will give the necessary shine and strength, and strengthen along the entire length.


  • 3 yolks;
  • 10 gr. sour cream;
  • 5 ml wheat oil.

Production and method of application: beat the yolks thoroughly with a whisk, add sour cream and cereal oil. Apply the product to dry strands, warm them, and leave to act while you sleep. When you wake up, finish hair care in the usual way. Read more about the benefits and use of sour cream for hair by following the link.

Useful video: How to smooth out frizzy hair?

Fluffy hair gives you volume, but, unfortunately, it often makes your hair look sloppy. In this article we will tell you And tame curly hair.

How to remove frizz from hair: causes of frizz

Before choosing restorative care and styling products to smooth your hair, you need to know what causes frizzy hair.

  • The most common factor- genetic. If by nature you have , they will fluff. Thin hair also tends to become electrified, but this can be solved.

    Editor's tip: Leave-in hair products, such as with red algae extract and restorative keratin complex. The product can be applied from the middle of the hair length, paying special attention to the ends.

  • Incorrect basic care (for example, shampoo for a different hair type or using a scrub on a dry scalp).

    Editor's tip:Fluffy hair needs moisture first of all. Avoid shampoos for hair that is oily at the roots. Look for moisturizing shampoos and conditioners that are labeled "easy to comb." Suitable for girls and women living in the rhythm of the city from Dove. The product saves not only space on the bathroom shelf, but also time, carefully cleansing the hair and nourishing it, preventing dryness and dullness of the strands.

  • Exposure to unfavorable natural conditions, such as frost, heat, direct sunlight, dries and dehydrates hair. During the off-season, the situation is aggravated by vitamin deficiency.
  • If you naturally have dense, thick hair, but recently you began to wonder how to remove frizz from your hair, perhaps it is due to frequent styling with hot tools (iron, curling iron, curling iron).

    Editor's tip: Thermal protection will help avoid dryness and split ends. It will not only protect the strands during heat treatment, but also additionally moisturize them.

  • Abuse of styling products, especially long-lasting products, can lead to and fluffiness.
  • Very often, changes in the condition of the hair and scalp can indicate internal problems, for example, dehydration or the consequences of poor nutrition. IN We talked about products that are beneficial for healthy hair.

How to remove frizz from hair: dealing with the consequences

We have already talked about preventive measures, now let's talk about masks that will help make your hair smoother and healthier.

Actress Juno Temple's hairstyle suggests deliberate casualness. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock

If you love salon treatments, a good option for porous hair is . If hair is bleached or damaged, it will do (not to be confused with keratin straightening!).

Intensive care and nutrition will be provided. Just heat your favorite oil in a water bath and apply it over the entire length of your hair. ATH editors have used oil masks to solve a variety of problems, including hair loss and styling difficulties. For fluffy hair, olive oil is suitable,, and oils.

If your hair is naturally fluffy (not damaged!), try using lemon water as a rinse. Simply dilute freshly squeezed lemon juice in warm water in a 1:1 ratio.

Honey is an excellent helper in the fight against unruly, curly and porous hair. Honey should be natural, without additives and as liquid as possible. Buy it at the market or apiary. Step back 3-4 centimeters from the roots and apply honey thickly to your hair, cover with a shower cap. In the morning, wash off with shampoo and warm water. If necessary, apply shampoo twice, and do not forget to use conditioner.

For very dry hair, a mask made from natural cream is suitable. Such cream can be bought in the village or at the market. Cream from the store, unfortunately, will not work. Take about a quarter cup of cream, add 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice and a spoonful of olive or flaxseed oil. After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, apply it to all hair from roots to ends and leave for about an hour. Attention! Before using homemade hair and scalp care products, make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to them. Do not use hair oils without testing a small area of ​​skin. In case of unpleasant sensations (burning, redness, itching), any home remedy should be immediately washed off from the hair and scalp. The optimal strategy before using any products made at home (including recipes from this site) is to consult a dermatologist or trichologist.

Every girl has encountered a situation where even just well-styled hair gets out of the overall hairstyle. You need to know how to get rid of frizzy hair at home. Now we will look at the most effective of them.

Why does hair become fluffy?

There are several reasons why hair comes out of your hairstyle. Most often this happens due to poor nutrition, as hair can lose shine, strength and elasticity. Frequent dyeing, as well as constant contact of hair with direct sunlight or wind, also have a negative effect on the general condition of the hair.

It is a well-known fact that hair becomes shaggier as it grows. At the same time, on short hair, curls can also curl, giving additional volume. The cause of frizz can be the uneven distribution of moisture along the entire length of the hair.

How to care for fluffy hair?

In order for your hair to become stronger and more elastic, you need to include more vitamins A, C, E, B in your diet. Also, hair care products should be chosen very carefully. They must properly moisturize their hair and saturate it with all the necessary vitamins. We recommend using the entire line of one company, since one product usually enhances the effect of another. That is, buy shampoo, mask and conditioner from the same company.

Hot treatment also has a negative effect on the condition of hair. So you should not overuse perm, coloring or straightening. This should be done if you are seeking long-term results.

Some procedures that are now very popular in salons will also be useful. They can be used either once or continuously. These are services such as chromoenergetics, as a result of which you will receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals, as well as other extremely necessary substances.

The use of silicone additives is effective. Today they are available as shampoo additives or as a separate spray. Its beneficial effect is that under the influence of the silicone component, the hair becomes heavier, thereby stopping frizz. It is worth noting that with the use of such a product, hair volume also decreases, so you should not abuse it.

Mineral water will help you fight this problem. True, it will not be able to provide you with an effect for a long time. To use it, pour a little mineral water and periodically spray it on your hair.

How to wash your hair correctly?

For someone with naturally fluffy hair, knowing how to wash your hair properly is a must. The most important thing is that shampoo should be applied to your hair only after it has already been diluted with warm water.

When the washing process is completed, you need to rinse your hair very well. When distributing the product, it is important to start not from the roots, but from the middle of the hair to the ends.

We also recommend rinsing your hair in cold water. This will allow the hair scales to lie flat, which will subsequently help your hairstyle become heady and beautiful. If you do not have the opportunity to use conditioner, you can rinse your hair with water and lemon or vinegar juice. In this case, vinegar should be diluted with water in a ratio of one tablespoon per five hundred milliliters of water.

When the washing process is completed, the hair should be wrapped in a terry towel, which will help remove excess moisture from it. Chinese women recommended using silk fabric after washing, as it will eliminate excessive frizz in the future.

What to do to get rid of frizzy hair?

To improve the condition of your hair, you don’t have to visit expensive salons. There are remedies that can help you fix this problem at home.

Using lemon water

For this recipe, take the juice from one half of a lemon and dilute it with the same amount of water. Next, this composition should be applied to the entire length of the hair and not rinsed off.

Lemon water

Honey mask

First, melt the honey in a water bath, then add a little oil. This mixture should be applied to the hair, and then wrapped in cellophane and a towel.

Oil mask

Take burdock or linseed oil and heat it in a water bath. It should be applied from the roots and distributed evenly over the entire length of the hair. Hair should be wrapped and left for two hours. After this, the hair should be washed and rinsed thoroughly with acidic water.

Keratin straightening

This process can be used if you need to straighten your hair or remove excess frizz. As a result, you will get good hair structure due to the receipt of liquid keratin, as well as other beneficial vitamins and minerals. The essence of its use is to apply keratin to each hair and treat damage along its entire length.

You get perfect hair that will stay that way for four months. It is worth remembering that after this process, hair care products must be special.

Video on how to smooth out frizzy hair

Note that in order to get rid of fluffy hair, you should properly and constantly care for it.
