What does mink look like? How to choose a mink coat: important shopping secrets

Choosing a mink coat is a real problem for a potential buyer. The main reason for this is the presence of a large number of fakes, both in stores and in markets. In order not to fall for the tricks of scammers, and not to pay a large sum for goods of dubious quality, you need to know the rules for purchasing natural fur products. This article will become a real helper for people who want to purchase a high-quality mink coat.

When choosing a mink coat, you need to pay attention to several criteria that indicate the quality of the product. These include:

  1. The appearance of the fur (its shine, shimmer in the sun, etc.).
  2. Elasticity of the villi.
  3. Color fastness.
  4. High quality animal skins.
  5. Condition and number of seams.

Important! It is not enough to just choose and purchase a high-quality mink coat; you also need to properly care for it. With proper care, it will serve for many years.

Fur appearance.

Memo: choosing a high-quality mink coat

The fur of a high-quality fur coat should be shiny, flowing and shimmering in the sun. The absence of such characteristics is the main sign that the product was processed using a homemade method and was stored in an unsuitable room.

Advice. If the condition of the fur is in doubt, you should refuse to purchase such a fur coat.

The elasticity of the villi is another criterion that you need to pay attention to. They must be obedient and elastic so that when stroking they return to their original position.

Important! A high-quality fur coat is characterized by good pile, which does not fall out and is of equal length and thickness over the entire surface of the product.

Signs of a fake:

  • there are noticeable places of poor-quality dressing of the skin;
  • stuck together pile;
  • uncharacteristic greasy shine.

Color fastness. This feature applies only to dyed mink products. The coloring should be even, without visible defects. To check its quality, you need to run a damp cloth over the entire surface of the fur coat. If it shows fur dye on itself, then the quality of such a product can be doubted!

Be sure to check the color fastness of the product, otherwise the fur coat will quickly lose its attractive appearance.

High quality animal skin. There are several characteristic signs that indicate high-quality tanning:

  • pleasant softness of the material;
  • surface elasticity;
  • complete absence of possible cracks on the surface of the skin and squeaks when pressing on it.

Advice. Often, to hide the fake, scammers try to hide defects in the skin using a lining. To find them, you just need to ask the seller to show the inside of the skin (a little lining). If he refuses, then it is better to avoid this store.

Condition and number of seams. A high-quality mink coat should have few seams, so it will last much longer. It is imperative to pay attention to this aspect, since a fur product sewn from pieces will lose its presentable appearance after a short period of time.

Important! The cost of a mink coat is influenced not only by the quality of the product (the quality of the skins), but also by its color.

Color is one of the few characteristics that significantly influence the price of a mink coat:

  1. Fur coats from light brown to dark tones are the most affordable for buyers. They have a reasonable price, so they are most often purchased in specialized stores.
  2. Dyed (blue, red, beige, gray) fur coats are products with an average price. They look very beautiful on their owner, giving her uniqueness and special sophistication.
  3. Smoky-colored fur coats are characterized by a higher cost, in contrast to dyed or brown products. Their characteristic feature is the multi-colored fur pile, which changes from dark tones to beige.
  4. Fur coats made of white mink (undyed) are very expensive products. Of course, they are very beautiful and stylish, but because of their price, only a few can afford them.
  5. Natural black mink coats, which have an unusual velvet tint, are exclusive specimens. They are incredibly expensive, only very wealthy people can buy them.

Fur coats of natural color are the most expensive

Since a mink coat is bought for more than one year, its choice must be taken very responsibly and seriously. Today, there are many ways to help you choose the right natural fur product. The most common of them are video tutorials and detailed instructions on thematic Internet sites. If it is not possible to use the World Wide Web, you can also pay attention to the reviews and recommendations of professional experts in this field.

  • Buy mink coats only in specialized stores, and not in markets or regular trading stalls.
  • Pay attention to the presence of certificates that indicate the manufacturer of the fur product.

Also carefully check the quality of the seams

  • Carefully inspect the inside of the fur coat to see for yourself what material it was made from (skins or small pieces of fur).
  • Carefully examine the pile to make sure there are no irregularities, various stains and other possible defects.

Choosing and purchasing a mink coat is a real test for a person. For them to be effective, it is imperative to listen to professional advice. It will help not only to purchase a high-quality fur product, but also not to waste money in vain.

How to choose a high-quality mink coat yourself: video

Today, mink coats are rightfully considered elite fur products. But in order to become the owner of a truly exquisite wardrobe item, it is not enough to simply go shopping and buy the first thing you like, because due to the overcrowding of the market with all kinds of fakes, you can stumble upon a low-quality product.

When purchasing a mink coat, it is better to go only to trusted stores. Many will argue with this advice, arguing that you can buy a mink coat on the market for half the price. But there is no need to create illusions about this.

All mink coats offered on market shelves are either over-dyed rabbit products or low-quality mink, the lifespan and features of which leave much to be desired.

Unfortunately, in some stores the quality of the product actually differs greatly from what is stated. Therefore, when searching for a mink coat of proper quality, you should prepare thoroughly and arm yourself with patience and knowledge.

There is no need to be afraid of high prices for fur coats in stores that have proven themselves. Often this cost is commensurate with the quality of the product and the guarantee that the seller provides for it. The lifespan of a high-quality mink reaches 10 years, while cheap market analogues may upset the owner with defects that appear already in the second year of operation.

Assessing the fur of a mink coat

When choosing a mink coat, it is important not to get confused among the abundance of offers. The first step is to evaluate the wool of the fur coat. To do this, you need to run your hand against the fur and look at its behavior.

In the case of a genuine cover, the fur returns to its original position within a few seconds. But the ruffled fur indicates that the item in hand is definitely not mink.

It is important to pay attention to the height of the pile. Real mink products are distinguished by the same length of each hair, but the difference in pile height is more typical of marmot fur coats, the cover of which is most often used to make fakes.

Recently, it has become popular when creating fakes using marmot fur to cut it to one length. In this case, it is important to know that marmot fur is more prickly and tough compared to mink.

Mink is known for its coat, which is complemented by a characteristic fluff next to the skin. This feature is not typical for products made from marmot and rabbit, which will help determine the authenticity of the product.

The above tips will help you avoid fakes and choose a fur coat that is actually made from mink, which, by the way, also comes in different qualities. To determine the quality of the product, the fur coat should be shaken slightly.

The subsequent appearance of wool indicates that wool obtained during the molting period was used to make the fur coat, or that there were violations of the rules for storing fur products. Such a fur coat will not last long.

Sometimes mink coats are dyed and it is important to evaluate the color. So, its similarity to natural color, as a rule, should alert you. What is the purpose of dyeing natural mink fur in its natural color? This is often done to hide obvious flaws.

Sometimes, with the help of dyeing, manufacturers try to give products some fashionable shades. In this case, it is necessary to evaluate the uniformity of coloring and professionalism by running a white scarf over the fur. The absence of marks on the scarf and wool indicates the high quality of the product.

In order to recognize self-made and factory fur, you need to smell it. The result of handicraft production has an unpleasant odor, but factory-made fur coats have practically no smell.

The actual sewing of a fur coat is preceded by preparatory stages associated with the dressing of skins. This process determines the qualitative features of the future fur coat. Professional dressing of the skin is the key to the durability, softness, density, lightness and resistance to cold of mink products.

To evaluate the skin, you should first look under the lining. A feature of a good skin is its white color and lack of yellowness. The skins should be sewn together, and not connected with glue.

As a rule, well-known manufacturers try to leave their linings unsewn. But the completely closed interior and the seller’s reluctance to show the lining should be a reason to doubt the quality.

And the last piece of advice is related to the general assessment of the appearance of a mink coat, the quality of which is determined by its shine, shimmer under the sun’s rays and the absence of unevenness and bald patches.

Choose the right fur coat and enjoy the result!

A fur coat made of high-quality natural fur is the dream of many women. And, despite the warm, mild winters, this item of clothing does not go out of fashion. Mink coats are especially popular among girls. Of course, this is an expensive purchase that not everyone can afford. But, if you decide to purchase a fur product, you need to know what nuances you should pay attention to so that the purchase does not turn into a useless thing in a couple of seasons. You should not think that any mink coat will satisfy every customer. To choose the right model, it is important to take into account a lot of individual features.

Choosing a mink coat

Where to buy

When thinking about purchasing a fur product, you need to know where you can choose a quality product. The place of purchase is important, since unverified sellers can offer a good fake at a low cost. But such an acquisition will not bring pleasure. After the first wetness in the rain, the fake will acquire an unpleasant appearance and smell. And, of course, remember that mink cannot be cheap. Considering the pitfalls, you should not go to the market to buy a fur coat. The quality of fur products presented on the market may be normal, or it may be questionable. And since the market does not issue receipts, returning such a purchase will be very problematic.

The best place to purchase mink is a specialized store with a long-standing reputation. Of course, the cost of buying in a boutique may be higher than in the market. You shouldn't skimp in this case. As a rule, the owners of fur boutiques are responsible for the quality of the products offered. Moreover, experienced sellers will help you choose the right fur coat model and accessories to create a great look.

By visiting a specialized store, each customer can personally verify the variety of mink furs, which are presented in three varieties:

  • The fur is normal.
  • Pinched.
  • Cropped.

To make your purchase enjoyable for many years, you need to know the nuances of each type. Thus, a fur coat made from ordinary mink is a high-quality product that is highly wear-resistant. This is fur that has undergone minimal processing. In appearance, it should be elastic, crumbly and have a uniform hair length. In order for the product to provide warmth in the most severe frosts, the down must be uniform and thick. Tips on how to choose a mink fur coat indicate that ordinary fur will flawlessly last for more than one season.

To obtain plucked fur, manufacturers used natural raw materials to pluck all protruding and hard hairs using a special method. Sheared fur is obtained by cutting the top coat down to the down. When choosing a mink coat from sheared or plucked fur, you need to carefully study the uniformity of the material. Some manufacturers, using the above methods, can hide various defects on the fur surface.

Knowing all the nuances, how to choose a high-quality mink coat? A clear sign of high quality is the natural shine of the fur. The product should not look dull or unattractive. If any shortcomings in appearance are noted, it is better to refuse to purchase this product. It is likely that the fur coat was stored incorrectly in gross violation of the rules.

Sewing features

In addition to the appearance and correctly selected size of the fur product, it is important to pay attention to the quality of tailoring. Advice from experienced sellers suggests that a mink coat should consist of a minimum number of seams. If upon purchase you discover that the fur coat is made from many small pieces, you should not opt ​​for this product. Otherwise, the fur coat will come apart at the seams after two or three wearings.

Even if there are only a few seams, each of them must be stitched with thread. Conscientious manufacturers never glue mink fur. Only the use of threads can guarantee the high quality of the product. At the same time, each seam should be neat, not rigid.

When choosing a mink coat, it is very important to assess the condition of the inside. A quality product should have a soft lining. If the lining is hard and creaks, you should refuse to buy such a fur coat. Remember that a fur product with a hard lining may become cracked over time. A mink coat without an inner lining is not a bad choice. This indicates the high quality of the product, and also that the manufacturer has nothing to hide from the buyer. Learn more about how to choose a mink coat in the video.

About the color of fur coats

To conquer others with your new thing, think about choosing the color of a mink coat. Today there are various options for artificial coloring on sale. But fashion is changeable and in a year, the chosen color may turn out to be unfashionable. And since a mink coat is purchased for several seasons, it is better to choose a natural color. Fur store sellers suggest choosing the following options:

  • Black mink coat made from North American mink fur.
  • White unpainted model.
  • Expensive coat made of high-quality fur in a smoky shade.
  • Products from the middle price category, painted in gray, red and beige colors.
  • All models are light and dark brown.

Choosing a fur coat from nutria


In order for a mink coat to please the owner for many years, you need to choose the right style and size of the product. First of all, you need to take into account individual preferences and clothing style. For girls who prefer to wear jeans and trousers, the best choice is a short fur coat made of mink. For lovers of skirts and dresses, it is wise to purchase long fur coats of the right size. This will make you feel warm and cozy in any weather, even the coldest.

In conclusion, it should be noted that buying a mink coat is a responsible task. Since this is an expensive purchase, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances and advice of professionals. Only if you follow the recommendations, you can purchase a high-quality, beautiful mink coat. If any detail confuses and arouses suspicion, you should refuse to purchase the product. A mink coat must be absolutely flawless and of high quality.

What is the standard of luxury, prosperity, and presentability for a woman? Of course, this is a mink coat. Chic fur with precious tints can decorate any lady. But how to choose a quality mink coat? What should you pay close attention to?

Fur color is an important indicator

In order not to be disappointed in the purchase, every woman should know how to choose high-quality mink fur. First of all, it is recommended to pay attention to the color of the product. Of course, there can be no consensus here. Some ladies like dark models. Other ladies are delighted with milky beige or silver shades. Still others have no special preferences at all and are guided only by fashion trends.

However, it is worth noting several points that indicate the quality of the fur. It is believed that too intense coloring of the pile indicates that the product was sewn from old skins or dyed. The latter is quite easy to check.

Without knowing how to choose mink fur, it is very important to remember the criteria for quality pile. Such fur coats are characterized by:

  • light shade of flesh;
  • its unique softness;
  • exquisite shine.

The painted product is distinguished by a dark, almost black flesh. It is also necessary to carefully examine the model under the undercoat.

It is worth mentioning right away that dyeing a fur product in itself cannot be called a disadvantage. After all, fashion trends change every year, and sometimes red, blue, and purple models are at the peak of popularity. Shades can be very different, which can only be achieved through proper coloring.

Here the matter lies elsewhere. Unscrupulous manufacturers often try to pass off their products as exclusive in this way.

It is impossible to know everything about mink coats. However, you need to remember that there is no black mink in nature. That is why you should not listen to scammers who offer such models.

Ladies should know how to choose a good fur coat and check the quality of its coloring. For the experiment, a simple handkerchief is usually sufficient. They need to lightly rub their fur. If there are no hairs or dye left on the fabric, then the product is made with high quality.

The choice of shade of the product is influenced by the question of the expected period of wearing the fur coat. Such fur can be very wear-resistant. It can withstand 5 to 10 years of wear. If the model is purchased for a couple of years, then the shade can be absolutely any. When a purchase becomes fundamental and is made for a long period, preference should be given to natural, natural colors. Classic beyond fashion trends. This criterion concerns not only the choice of color, but also the style of the product.

Shine and number of seams

Shine is another key factor to consider for ladies who don't know how to choose the right mink coat. The fur should shimmer exquisitely and luxuriously. Such a play of halftones should be beautiful and can be traced across the entire surface of the clothing, and not just in individual areas. Moreover, both natural and dyed fur should shine and shimmer.

How to choose a mink coat? In order to enjoy the luxurious addition of your winter wardrobe for a long time, when purchasing a fur product, it is very important to pay attention to the number of seams. It should be minimal on the back of the garment. This criterion is responsible for maintaining the attractive appearance of the model over a long period.

If the item is sewn from several small fragments, it is recommended to refuse such an acquisition. The whole point is that such models literally fall apart after a couple of seasons.

Not all ladies know how to choose the right mink coat: expert advice will help you make a profitable purchase and enjoy it for many seasons.

Quality of flesh

One of the important factors in choosing a fur product is the quality of the fur. It is necessary to evaluate the reverse side of the skins. The flesh should not only be soft, but also:

  • elastic;
  • elastic;
  • dense and solid, without cracks.

When pressed, the back side of the mink skins should not creak.

It is quite simple to assess the condition and quality of the meat production, taking into account all the above criteria. As a rule, a responsible manufacturer does not sew the lining tightly. This indicates that he has nothing to hide. If the lining is sewn on thoroughly, you should ask the seller to rip it off a little. Usually, stores that value their reputation and name do this without any problems. After all, it is important for them to prove the high quality of the product offered.

Fur condition

How to choose a good mink coat that will last several seasons? One of the basic rules for quality selection is assessing the condition of the pile. The fur should be stroked against the hair growth line. After this, it is recommended to evaluate how it will return to its original position. When the pile literally bristles and sticks out for a long time after such manipulation without returning to its place, this is considered to be extremely low quality fur. It is worth refusing to make such a purchase, even if the price is very attractive.

If a woman buys a fur product for the first time and does not know how to choose the right fur coat, she should visually thoroughly evaluate the model. During the inspection process, it is recommended to pay special attention to the area near the skin of the skins. There should be a small, barely noticeable fluff here. Moreover, it should cover not individual sections of the canvas, but the entire surface of the winter product. If such a gun is not found during a visual inspection, then the feasibility of the purchase is called into question.

Knowing how to choose a good mink coat, you should also test the product. What is a strength test?

How to choose a mink coat

Nothing dangerous or scary! It is recommended to lightly tug the nap of the model you like. If the fur has fallen off or, even worse, there are whole tufts left in your fingers, you should refuse to purchase such a fur coat. This indicates improper storage of the model or non-compliance with the rules and regulations for the production of the product.

Another test for those who do not know how to choose the right mink coat is a simple procedure. Just shake your winter clothes a little. It is not recommended to give money for an item that, as a result of such manipulation:

  • crumbles;
  • crackles;
  • "rattles".

In a very short time, such a fur new thing will lose its attractive appearance and will appear disheveled and shabby.

How to choose a high-quality mink coat? What else needs to be paid close attention to? If there is doubt about the authenticity of the fur, then it is very important to evaluate the length of the pile. The hairs must be the same size over the entire surface of the fur product. This is the first indicator of the authenticity of the skins.

Purchase after trying on

Since a mink coat is far from the cheapest purchase, you should not buy it online. You should definitely try on such a thing and walk around in it for at least 5 minutes before purchasing. You should not listen to the enthusiastic exclamations of sellers. This is not an indication that the product really suits the potential buyer and fits her well. You need to look at yourself objectively in the mirror.

You need to try on several models, which will allow you to find the most convenient option for yourself.

Knowing how to choose the right mink coat and taking into account all the criteria, it is almost impossible to make a mistake. Taking into account the main factors will allow you to make a truly profitable purchase.

Which mink is better, long-haired or short-haired?

Master's opinion

If we consider which one is warmer, then the other mink fur is warm.

If the growing technology is followed, both types of fur retain heat perfectly.

The second side is the beauty of fur. Therefore, short-haired mink is more in demand; it is a novelty, since it was bred recently and there is increased interest in it.

Interesting to know

When choosing a new luxurious mink coat, many ladies pay attention to the length of the hair (guard hair).

It is widely believed that a mink coat should be short-haired, but like many trends this is just a prejudice imposed by advertising. The choice is always yours.

Some people like a short-haired fur coat, others like a smooth, trimmed surface, while others want to buy a mink with long hair.

First of all, it is a matter of your personal taste. Every season, fashion changes, including fur coats and accessories for them. If in the winter of 2014 long fur coats were in fashion, then already in the 2015 season, good styles of short women's fur coats attract more interest at fashion shows.

Long fur has always been in demand. Fur coats made from long-haired animals have their undeniable advantages. These clothes are undoubtedly quite warm. But there are also disadvantages: long-haired fur is very capricious, and such a long awn can break.

But, despite its good thermal properties, for some reason people are more accustomed to seeing mink smooth, or even completely shorn.

How to choose a mink fur coat

Therefore, not many countries are ready to take on the production of long-haired fur coats.

Short fur is perhaps more attractive, as it is appreciated by the majority of fashionistas. It is also more advertised hence the high demand and cost.

Short-haired fur does not like friction. It is better not to use leather belts and other decorative details with products made from such fur. The handles of bags worn over the shoulder can also result in areas of the fur being rubbed. To prevent such damage, it is necessary to regularly comb the fur along the hair growth.

If you compare all the qualities, then the choice of long-haired or short-haired fur is only your preference. The main thing is that the fur is of high quality. Your wardrobe will be ideal if it contains two or more items, both long-haired and short-haired fur.

Today there is a high demand for mink with low hair; most fur-bearing farms are switching to the cultivation of short-haired mink.

Mink coats never go out of fashion; every year many women prefer this particular fur. Mink coats look chic and give a special status to their owners. Now there are many offers on the market from various manufacturers from different countries. Let's try to identify the best manufacturers of mink fur coats. According to numerous experts, the best mink coats are made in Russia, Italy, Germany, and Greece. These countries are the unsurpassed leaders in fur making on the Eurasian continent.

World producers of mink coats


Russian mink coat manufacturers know a lot about tailoring, because in our country the climate is much harsher and colder than Europe. And since ancient times, fur has been a necessity for survival in the harsh Russian winters. Fur production is developed in Russia; we sew models designed for women of different ages and with different tastes and preferences. Industry leaders are:

  • Sagitta;
  • Elena Furs;
  • Kalyaev.


Italian fur coat manufacturers sew models. These include full-length fur coats, short fur coats, swingers, and other models. The most famous factories for sewing fur coats:

  • Antonio Didone;
  • Felicci;
  • Roccabella.


Greece is one of the world leaders in fur coat sewing.

How to choose the right quality fur coat?

Even in Russia, fur coat tours to this country have already become traditional. In Greece, high-quality fur coats of various styles are made from a wide variety of furs, and the prices for the products are not high. Famous Greek factories:

  • Avanti;
  • Above;
  • Chris;


The Germans are traditionally very scrupulous about quality issues. Fur coats made in Germany last a long time. German furriers also produce fur coats of various models. Some of the most famous companies for sewing fur coats:


Fur coats are also made on other continents. For example, in South America, one of the countries that produces fur coats is Argentina. This country has already found its niche in the global fur market and has gained fans of its products. The following Argentine factories are well-known around the world:

Of course, the factories listed in this article are far from the only ones. There are a lot of manufacturers who make beautiful fur coats that are exported to world markets. The market for fur products in each country is very large. We are confident that among the variety of fur coats from different countries, every woman will be able to find exactly the fur coat that is ideal.

How to choose a cross-cut mink coat?

A cross fur coat is an alternative for those who are not ready to spend a large amount of money on buying a fur coat, and who also follow fashion. Either the cheapness of the fur coat, or the original layout of the fur during tailoring and the corresponding pattern became the reason for the fashion for such a fur coat, but the fact remains that even despite the expensive fur, such a fur coat is cheaper than a classic mink one.

The essence of a transverse fur coat is that the fur is laid out transversely, and not longitudinally, and therefore pieces of fur are clearly visible on the product. This is especially noticeable on the back, if the tailoring itself does not involve narrow strips of fur, and is laid out, as it should be, evenly, without decorative tricks.

How to choose a transverse mink coat?

The choice of fur coat should be based on the style, and then on the color.

  • "butterfly"- medium length, flared chest and wide sleeves; very often this is a short transverse mink coat, which has a more decorative purpose than a warming one;
  • "year"- a fitted fur coat with a hood, flared from the waist; Today, you can increasingly find this cut option in the form of a transformable mink coat, where the sleeves, hood and even part of the hem are unfastened;
  • "Cleopatra"— trapezoidal style with inserts on the hem and sleeves;
  • short fur coat– this is a cross-sectional mink coat for a car lady – for women who drive a car;
  • fur coat– long and straight, in this style the cross is most clearly demonstrated.

Today there are three main colors of fur coats:

  • black cross mink coat– the most practical option for a fur coat, suitable for all color types and goes well with other colors in clothes and jewelry, since black is a neutral color that allows you to create contrast with other shades;
  • mink coat crosswise pastel tones– delicate pastel shades – from creamy white to variegated beige – look non-trivial and demonstrate the iridescence of fur to the maximum; this is the most successful choice of color for a cross-cut fur coat;
  • white cross mink coat- a bright choice of fur coat, one of the drawbacks is that it gets dirty easily, but the delicate white color convincingly distinguishes its owner from the gray urban architecture.

Buying a high-quality mink coat is not an easy task, even for those women who have successfully dealt with it many times before.

Where and how to choose the right mink coat when purchasing? What are the distinctive features of mink fur?

How to distinguish a natural product from a fake? You need to know exactly the correct answers to these questions so that when buying you don’t run into a low-quality fur coat. Let's try to figure them out.

Where and how to choose a good mink coat

Mink fur is a very valuable material. Fur coats made from it are in great demand and are expensive, so unscrupulous manufacturers often try to save on sewing them or even fake fur.

To make a successful purchase you need to know where you are less likely to find a fake:

  • Large fur salons. Here you can be confident in the quality of your fur coat; popular retail chains of this profile value their reputation and will not allow fur coats of clearly poor quality to be sold. Prices for products in such stores are high, but you should not save on this issue. In addition, the salon will definitely give a long guarantee on the purchase.
  • Fur factory store. In this case, the quality of the product directly depends on the reputation of the factory. If you or your friends have already bought fur coats from this manufacturer and were satisfied, then you can safely repeat this positive experience. Prices in such stores will be significantly lower, and responsible manufacturers will definitely provide a guarantee.
  • Abroad. Recently, buying a fur coat on a tourist trip has become quite popular. Good mink can be bought in Europe, Latin America and China. Yes, exactly in China. Despite the stereotypes, the quality of fur products on the domestic market of this Asian country is quite high.

Tip of the day:
Under no circumstances buy a fur coat from small, little-known stores, unless you are 100% sure of the reputation of the outlet.
It’s not even worth talking about fur traders in the markets: the chance of buying high-quality natural mink there tends to zero.

How to spot a fake

Furs of less valuable breeds of animals are often passed off as mink.

It would seem that this is not so bad, the fur is still natural. This is not entirely true.

Firstly, you overpay for cheap material, like for natural mink, the price differs significantly. Secondly, a mink coat is frost-resistant and waterproof; you will not get these qualities in less valuable furs.

Don't skimp on quality!

So how to choose a quality mink coat? You can avoid being deceived; it is enough to know some of the features of the cut and the distinctive properties of different types of fur:

  1. It is unlikely that you will find a beaver or honorik counterfeited as mink; the price of these breeds is even higher than mink.
  2. Nutria can pass for a mink, but in this case the fur coat will be sewn from square pieces.
  3. Muskrat fur is cut into hexagonal pieces.
  4. Tarbagan, a Mongolian marmot, is most often tried to be passed off as a mink. In this case, the special structure of the marmot's fur will help to distinguish a fake - its upper hair is of uneven length.
  5. Compared to mink, a rabbit is softer and more fluffy.

Sellers who try to sell low-quality goods don’t call fur anything: wild mink, Mongolian, and even steppe. Do not give in to persuasion, mink is not steppe. A quality product does not need advertising or justification in the name.

Before purchasing a mink coat, do not hesitate to study it carefully.

Examine the product, try it to the touch.

Knowledge of some properties of fur will allow you to correctly assess the quality and adequacy of the price:

  1. Natural mink fur is soft and shiny, the more shine, the higher the quality.
  2. The undercoat is thick and dense. Look inside the fur; natural mink has a special fluff that covers the entire surface of the skin.
  3. Run your palm over the pile. Mink fur has excellent elasticity, so it will instantly return to its original position.
  4. A good mink coat, despite its bulk, should be light.
  5. Carefully pinch the lint. If even with little effort you still have lint in your hands, then you shouldn’t buy such a product; by the end of the season, the fur coat will lose its appearance.
  6. Look under the lining. A good manufacturer leaves it unsewn at the bottom so that the buyer can evaluate the quality. The seams must be neat and even, and no lint can get into them. The natural color of mink skin is light and uniform.
  7. If the fur is dyed, check the quality of the tone applied. To do this, just run a damp cloth over the fur. If traces of paint remain on it, then you should refuse the purchase.
  8. Mink fur has a uniform length, but you should not pay special attention to this property, since the pile can be cut off.

After completing all these manipulations, you will be able to accurately determine the authenticity of the material used. But do not forget that even real mink can be of low quality.

On a note!
The eternal trend is trapezoidal models, which are sewn from diagonal pieces of fur.
This manufacturing method initially implies more careful wearing and careful cleaning.
By the way, you won’t be hot in such clothes, and they fully fulfill their decorative function.

Assessing the quality of mink fur

If you have established that mink fur was actually used to sew the fur coat you have chosen, you still should not rush into the purchase.

Even the quality of fur coats from the same breed of animal can vary significantly.

It largely depends on the preparation of the skins, the period of slaughter of the animals, and even the gender of the individuals.

Carefully examine the inside of the fur coat. If the reverse side of the skin is white, then the dressing was carried out in accordance with all accepted standards. A yellowish tint indicates irregularities in the processing of the skin.

The geography of origin of the mink plays an important role. Before buying a fur coat, be sure to ask the seller where it comes from:

  • Russia. The fur of Russian breeds is warm and dense. If the production technology is followed, a fur coat made from it will be of excellent quality. The only disadvantage of the domestic breed is some “shaggy” pile.
  • Scandinavia. Fur coats made from Scandinavian mink species have proven themselves well in the fur products market. Feel free to buy goods from Greece, France, Italy. People from these countries are perfect for the Russian winter, they are warm and do not get wet.
  • America. American mink breeds have beautiful fur, but fur coats from the USA and Canada are not frost-resistant. Products from these countries are suitable for wearing in late autumn or cold winter.

The gender of the individuals whose skins are used for sewing also matters. The fur of males is heavier, the pile is longer, and is particularly durable. Its downside is that it is heavier. As a rule, the fur of male minks is used to make short models.

The fur of females is softer and lighter.

More voluminous and longer fur coats are made from female fur, which is softer and lighter. This measure allows you to sew a large product with little weight.

Animal skins taken during molting are of low quality. There is no shine characteristic of mink fur, and the lint falls out. To notice this, just shake the fur coat; if hairs fall out, then the fur is of poor quality. Also, after fitting, there may be lint on the collar and cuffs of your clothing.

How to choose the right model

A fur coat is not just an outerwear item in your wardrobe. This is an element of a woman’s image, which is designed to show status and wealth.

But just buying the first fur coat you come across is not enough, even if it is expensive and beautiful. It is important that it suits you, emphasizes your strengths and hides your shortcomings.

Shortened models are suitable for miniature representatives of the fair sex. Classic long fur coats will look out of place in this case. For women with voluminous shapes, a trapezoidal style is perfect.

For ladies who usually travel by car, models with short sleeves are perfect. Today this is the most fashionable style.

When buying a mink coat, the main thing is not to rush. Approach this issue with all possible attention. Thoroughly study the list of fur salons in your city.

When you choose one of them, even if it is the most famous and has a bunch of positive reviews, carefully study the quality of the model you like.

Do not hesitate to ask the seller for a quality certificate, ask to unpick the seam along the lining. If the store is confident in its product, not a single request will be denied to you.

Video “How to choose a good mink coat”

After watching the video, you will learn how to choose the right mink coat and at the same time win on price and quality:

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

1. Wherever you buy a mink coat - in your city or go shopping abroad, the most important thing is to take the time to visit several well-known, trustworthy stores or factories. By examining the products and listening to the opinions of various specialists - sales consultants, you will learn to determine the quality of a mink coat yourself. In addition, this will allow you to choose the right fur coat at the best price. And you can also get a lot of pleasure contemplating your image in the mirror in various variations of mink coats. Perhaps, during the fitting process, your preferences in color and model will change, as you will realize that a completely different image than the one you imagined is more suitable.

How to choose a mink coat and what you should pay attention to:

2. Examine the fur carefully - it should be shiny, smooth, soft with a thick undercoat.

3. How to distinguish quality from fake? Run your hand over the product against the direction of the mink hairs. If after this manipulation the hairs return to their original place and the appearance of the fur coat area has not changed, then the quality of the fur is good; if the hairs bristle after your action, then the fur is of poor quality.

4. Look at the fur, this can be done by blowing on the surface of the fur. If the flesh is light, then the fur has not been dyed or tinted. If the inside is dark, this may mean that either the fur was dyed, or the fur coat was not the first freshness, so to speak - it was stored for a long time in inappropriate conditions. In this case, the fur coat will not last long.

5. Check the joints of the skins. From the outside, the seams should not stand out too much. Especially often, poor-quality seams can be noticed on the shoulder section, especially if the fur coat has a hood that covers these joints.

6. How to choose a new fur coat and distinguish it from the old one? Shake the product off; if hairs fly off it, it means the fur coat is old.

7. The lining of a fur coat should be made of high-quality, but not “flashy” material. Her patterns are precisely adjusted to the size of the product. A manufacturer of good fur coats always focuses on the fur rather than the lining.

8. The bottom of the lining should not be sewn to the hem so that you can see the product from the inside out. Usually, if the seller is confident in the quality, he will offer you to check the fur coat from the inside. You can look at the color of the skin (light is good, dark is dyed). Check the stitching of the seams - it should be neat, there should be no mink hairs in the seam.

9. If you do realize that the fur coat is dyed, this is not the worst thing. Some manufacturers tint products, giving them more noble shades. In this case, the quality of the paint is important. It can be determined as follows - take a light handkerchief, slightly moisten it and rub it over the product. If there are traces of paint on it, do not take this fur coat.

10. The hairs must be the same length (not including the undercoat). If some hairs are different in length from the rest, most likely the mink was trimmed to give it a more neat appearance. This means that initially the fur was not of very high quality.

11. A little about Black Lama. In a real Black Llama, the undercoat has a different color from the main color of the hairs. It is dark brown in color and very dense. And the main hairs are black. Products made from Black Lama mink look like plush. This fur is considered the highest quality and most durable. If you ever see products made from this type of mink, you will understand what the real quality of mink is and will be able to clearly determine it in the future.

After reading our tips, you will easily answer the questions - how to choose a mink coat, how to determine the quality of a mink coat, and how to distinguish a quality coat from a fake. Look also mink coat models, perhaps one of them will become the object of your desire.

In addition to your favorite mink coats, jewelry is a girl's best friend, and

We are glad to see you, dear readers, on our blog. Hurry up and join the conversation! Today he will talk about how to choose a mink coat. Some people prefer to prepare a fur coat, just like a sleigh, in the summer, taking advantage of seasonal discounts. Others put it off until the last minute and rush to the store when they already want to warm up. So this question is relevant at any time of the year. Read the article to the end, and we will reveal all the secrets of a successful purchase!

Buying a fur coat is not an easy task. How to provide for everything here? It’s clear that we don’t buy winter clothes every day for lunch or dinner, so we expect to wear them for at least several seasons. Moreover, there are few winter days when you can walk a mink coat without damage.

A little theory

Americans were the first to commercially breed mink. At world auctions, North American mink skins are distinguished by a thick, long undercoat, which makes them visually lush and velvety. The Americans soon surpassed the Scandinavians in the number of skins purchased in the 1950s. Their product had a thick undercoat, the length of which highlighted the guard hair. Due to this combination, the fur shimmered beautifully. Russian minks were recognized as the most beautiful in the world. The silver-blue color of the skins made the hearts of fashionistas tremble.

Now a high-quality fur coat is included in the basic women's wardrobe, more about which you can read in. Did you know that mink comes in about 350 shades? An inexperienced buyer in a store will have his eyes wide open! Let's briefly go through the main groups:

After we have become experts in theory, we can safely move on to “practical exercises” in choosing a fur coat:

Algorithm of actions in the store

The first rule of any purchase, and even more so for purchasing a long-awaited new thing, is to choose the right seller. Don't want to be deceived? Never buy anything from dubious places. We follow the rule: we avoid passages, advertisements, markets, tents, from acquaintances, strangers and other strange retail outlets. The amount required to purchase a fur coat is large enough to pay for a low-quality product.

Only specialized stores, large centers, trusted online stores! We go in and don’t give in to the persuasion of the sales consultants. As a rule, their task is to “sell” stale goods, a style that is not fashionable in 2018. We pass rows with short-lived rabbit, old-fashioned raccoon, and sable. Here they are, our minks! The most durable fur. In addition, it is least susceptible to weather vagaries. There is a sober choice, an accurate calculation ahead. Listen to the advice of professionals:

  1. Compare the appearance. A shiny, iridescent mink indicates good quality of the skin. But if the surface looks greasy, with stuck together pile, the renewal should remain on the store hanger;
  2. Smell the product. The unpleasant, pungent, chemical smell of rancid fat is a reason to abandon this option.
  3. Swipe through the pile several times in different directions. If you see loose lint, it is better to discard the fur coat.
  4. Iron again against the grain. High-quality pile is obedient, lively, it immediately takes its original position.
  5. Let's move on to the internal inspection. The fewer seams, the longer the mink will last. A product made from pieces will only last two or three seasons. But remember that minks are naturally small animals. If you are offered a mink coat, the fragments of which are more than 70 cm in length, you should think about the authenticity of the model.
  6. If there is a lining, ask the store clerk to rip off the edge. He must do this, because the quality of the flesh speaks volumes. A smooth, light, crack-free underside of the skin indicates high quality.

More details in the video:

The most important thing: fitting

Without this ritual, there is no joy in acquiring a long-awaited item. No matter how beautiful the fur coat looks on the hanger, be sure to take the proper time to try it on. Ideally, walk around the salon in it for 5-7 minutes. At the slightest feeling of inconvenience, heaviness, or desire to quickly throw it off our shoulders, we refuse this specimen without regret.

Raise your hands, lower them, try to sit down, bend over, move around. A narrow or short-length furrier's product looks cheap even in the photo, as they say, as if it came from someone else's shoulder. Do you remember how to distinguish a quality item from a fake? Don't you feel any discomfort? Have you chosen a good fur coat? Then we go to the cashier.

Wait for the purchase receipt and be sure to save the document. It’s one thing to try it on in a store, another thing to do it at home. Spin in front of your mirror, try on a fur coat with dresses and handbags. A fur product is not a down jacket, which has many combinations. By the way, you can read in detail about the topic of what to wear a down jacket with in the article. And remember that within 14 days you have the legal right to return the goods.

How to wear and care for a fur coat

Having brought a new thing home, determine a place for it in the wardrobe: away from radiators, without direct access to sunlight and, of course, without moths. It is optimal if the fur coat is stored in a special breathable cover. It’s one thing when you go for a walk in the winter sun, and another thing when the sun shines on one side of it all day long.

  • cannot be wetted, washed, ironed;
  • cannot be dried at high temperatures;
  • when getting into a car, try to raise the long floors and turn off the seat heating;
  • Avoid wearing your handbag on your shoulder; the strap will rub off the fur.

For more tips on caring for your fur coat, watch the video:

Well, it seems that we have discussed everything about how to choose a mink coat. If you have any questions, ask them through the comments. Share your new knowledge with your friends and colleagues by giving them a link to our article. See you soon, girls! Happy shopping!

However, often, having decided to buy this luxurious product, women do not even know how to choose a mink coat or what exactly they need to pay attention to. Experts say that, first of all, you need to take into account the quality of outerwear, but its style is also important. There are several simple recommendations on how to choose the right mink coat, which will help you make a successful purchase.

How to choose a high-quality mink coat: simple methods

Before you go shopping for this expensive and luxurious item of women's wardrobe, you should find out how to choose a high-quality mink coat, because this is the only way it will serve its owner for more than one season.

The following simple methods will help you evaluate the quality of fur used when sewing a fur coat:

1. Stroke the fur against the pile and evaluate how quickly it returns to its original position. If you see that the fur is sticking out and after some time the fur coat has not taken on an attractive appearance, you should not buy such a product, because it cannot be called high quality.

2. Take a close look at the skin itself; it should have fine fluff; it is this that gives outerwear high thermal properties. This is an effective method on how to choose a mink coat based on quality without paying money for it.

3. Test your outerwear for durability. This advice on how to choose the right mink coat will help you avoid buying a low-quality product. To do this, you need to lightly tug the fur by the pile; there should be no fur left in your hands. If it remains, it means that during wear your fur coat will constantly shed, losing its attractive appearance and ability to warm its owner in the harsh winter.

4. Pay attention to the seams of your outerwear. Manufacturers of high-quality natural mink fur products always leave a small piece of unlined lining at the bottom. This way the buyer can look inside and evaluate the quality of the seams. If all the seams are closed, you should think that the manufacturer wants to hide something from buyers, which means to deceive.

5. If you buy a coat made of dyed mink fur, check the quality of the dyeing. To do this, take a light cloth and rub the product with it; if marks remain, the painting was not done in good faith. When you buy a fur coat made of natural fur, check that there are no traces of rust or faded areas.

In the video above, how to choose a mink coat based on the quality of the product, you can see that there is no rust or scuffs on the clothes. This is exactly what a high quality fur coat should look like.

How to choose a natural mink coat: signs of authenticity

Products made from the skins of other fur-bearing animals are often sold under the guise of mink fur. There is one simple way to choose a natural mink coat - take a close look at the fibers; they should be the same length across all surfaces of the clothing.

This is one of the main signs of authenticity of natural mink fur. It is often replaced by a rabbit or a marmot; they can be distinguished by their short fur.

You can tell if something is fake by touch: rabbit fur is softer, mink fur is harder. The marmot's fur varies in length and is a little prickly.

In the video on how to choose the right mink coat, experts recommend that you definitely try on the model of fur product you like:

This is the only way you can understand whether you will be comfortable wearing this outerwear or not. The chosen fur coat must not be easily tried on once and removed; you must walk around the salon in it for several minutes.

It is worth listening to the advice on how to choose the right mink coat that experts give when talking about the price of a fur product. According to them, you will have to pay a lot of money for a high-quality fur coat. In addition, you can’t buy them in all fur stores, and they aren’t even available in every city.

The best mink coats are provided by famous stores in Europe.

Another useful tip on how to choose a mink coat when purchasing is to evaluate the appearance of the fur. It should shine, shimmer and have a rich color. This suggests that the animals were absolutely healthy, and their skins were amenable to proper processing and storage.

After watching video tips on how to choose a mink coat, you can draw many useful conclusions:

  • You can buy a fur product only in salons that have been on the market for more than one year, have a good reputation and provide the buyer with a quality guarantee for their product;
  • there should be no creases or folds on the fur coat, this indicates that the product has been stale or stored in poor conditions;
  • seams in a quality product must be smooth, strong, without protruding threads or traces of glue;
  • the lighter the mink fur, the lighter it is and the higher the price of the fur coat;
  • It is advisable to buy a fur coat made from whole mink skins, but you should understand that in this case the item will cost much more;
  • You need to ask the seller for a certificate for the product being offered and look at the labels; the markings on them must match.

How to choose a good mink coat by quality (with video)

Another tip on how to choose a good mink coat is to smell the outerwear; the mink fur should smell good, there should be no sharp or unpleasant odors. If such an odor is detected, this indicates that it was not produced in a factory.

If you watch a video on how to choose a high-quality mink coat, you can make the right choice of this expensive outerwear:

Never buy cheap products; high-quality mink fur cannot have a low cost. You should also understand that in the autumn-winter period such outerwear is always expensive, because there is a cold winter ahead. In summer, prices for mink coats fall and at this time you can really buy a luxurious mink product at a good price.

How to choose a transverse mink coat in a fashionable style

Recently, the attention of many women has been attracted to fur coats with transverse fur lining. They look more expensive and luxurious, and at the same time they cost a lot. How to choose a transverse mink coat, what to look for?

You can tell that the product is truly cross-sewn by looking at the seam on the back, because the skins are sewn together exactly in this place. However, many ladies perceive this feature of such outerwear as a defect, refusing to purchase a quality product.

Above in the photo, how to choose a mink coat by color, various stylish models are presented. However, there are no exact recommendations on how to choose the color of a mink coat, because everyone has their own taste, while mink fur is in demand regardless of whether it is dyed or natural.

Don’t know which fashionable style of fur product to choose?

Look above, our photos will certainly help you on how to choose the right mink coat, where the best styles of products are shown. If you are a tall and slender girl, you should not worry about choosing a style; any model of outerwear will look beautiful on such a figure.

Petite ladies should not wear long and bulky fur coats; a neat, fitted short fur coat is ideal.
