How to raise a loyal and reliable friend from a naughty puppy? How to raise a puppy and an adult dog? Proper education.

Raising a dog is a very labor-intensive process that requires patience from the owner. Despite the large number of books devoted to this topic, you should not hope that in a month you will be able to make your pet obedient.

General rules

The advice of dog handlers regarding the education process boils down to the fact that proper education cannot be achieved without certain features. Simple rules for organizing the process. The basics of raising a puppy are the strong will and patience of its leader, that is, its owner. That is why, from the very first day a puppy appears in your house, it is worth showing him that in your “pack” the leader is you, and not the dog, and gradually teach him to obey all your commands.

Simple advice from experienced dog handlers will help you figure out where to start and how not to break the dog’s psyche during the training process:

  • daily regime. This point is very important both for the animal and for you. Remember that the puppy cannot tell you about his desires - ask him to eat or play with him. A harmoniously designed daily routine, which includes all the items necessary for a dog, will allow the pet to feel confident. The only thing that should not be forgotten is to strictly carry out all the points in strict sequence every day;
  • You need to dominate your dog from the moment it first appears in your home. To do this, it is necessary to immediately distribute roles in the family. Even in children, the dog should see a leader - then during a walk it will clearly follow the commands of its “little leader”;
  • Training should take place regularly, it is advisable to include this item in the daily routine. However, it should be remembered that classes should not last more than 20 minutes. If you show patience and perseverance, very soon your dog will delight you with its good behavior.

A dog from a shelter - education and its features

When deciding to do a good deed and adopt a future pet from a shelter, you should understand that the occurrence of certain problems is simply inevitable. The first thing to remember is that you need to give the dog time to get used to the new environment, family. Perhaps at first the dog will simply hide somewhere and not come out, and will not immediately remember that he should go to the toilet outside. However, your patience and love will help you overcome all obstacles and show your dog in a gentle way that you are the main thing in your tandem.

c"> Raising a dog up to a year - stages and features

You should cultivate obedience in a puppy from birth and not stop for a moment. There are some rules that you should think about even before the puppy crosses the threshold of your home for the first time.

  1. Boundaries of what is permitted. You must understand what you want to see in an adult dog's behavior and what is unacceptable. You should begin to instill the necessary behavior from the moment the puppy appears, and in no case should you hope that the dog will grow up and become wiser.
  2. Learning to distract attention. From the moment your pet is born, he should have toys. To prevent your puppy from chewing shoes or furniture, you should play with him regularly. Remember that the animal reacts to the smell, and if its saliva remains on your shoes, it doesn’t understand why you can’t play with it. As soon as you notice that your pet has decided to frolic, switch his attention to the toy.
  3. Tasty reward. Every achievement, even a small one, of a puppy should be rewarded - give him his favorite treat or cuddle him.

But after a year, when the dog clearly understands the rules of behavior and determines the limits of what is permitted, you can proceed directly to training. Professionals involved in dog training, developing in them the skills to guard and protect their owner, insist that training can only begin once the dog has reached the age of two. The peculiarity of two years of age is that the dog’s psyche has become quite strong.

Brief characteristics of dog breeds and their education

When starting to raise a Labrador dog, you should take into account the peculiarities of its psychology. Labradors have a very affectionate disposition. And they rightly believe that for affection they can be forgiven for their laziness and reluctance to learn. Unlike a yard dog, a Labrador is not very persistent.

The characteristics of the Labrador dog breed and its upbringing show that you will have to not only attract the pet’s attention, but also keep it throughout the entire lesson. Unlike the husky breed, which requires strictness in education, the Labrador is more willing to learn for “treats” or affection.

e"> Raising a pointing dog

Wanting to have not just a well-mannered dog in the house, but an assistant and hunting partner, it is important not only to teach the puppy to follow simple commands, such as sit, lie down, next to you, etc. A hunting dog should not be afraid of water, be able to catch up with prey and bring it to the owner, and have such qualities as perseverance and seriousness. After all, hunting is no place for games. That is why you cannot do without training the animal in the field. First, you should teach your puppy not to be afraid of bodies of water - after all, swimming in a bathtub is one thing, and quite another thing in a lake. To do this, in the warm season, you should go with a puppy who has reached 4-5 months of age to shallow water and gradually call the dog to you, motivating it to go into the water. Only after the puppy learns to swim well can you begin field training, introducing the dog to ducks and other game and instilling the necessary skills.

f"> Collar - noose for education

An indispensable assistant in the process of training your dog is a collar. Today, the choke collar is very popular on the market; it is made of soft nylon and does not cause severe pain to the animal. In most cases, the pet learns to respond to the slight jingling of the chain, and not to pain.

Many novice dog breeders wonder whether it is possible to beat a dog for educational purposes, thus punishing disobedience and other offenses. You cannot resort to this method. Remember that in response to any manifestation of your aggression, the dog will defend itself and its life using the methods available to it - bites, attacks.

Raising an adult disobedient dog

It is, of course, possible to train or retrain an already mature dog, but it will require enormous patience and a long time from you. It is difficult for an adult dog to understand why it should “suddenly” obey its owner. After all, up to this moment everything was different, and it will no longer be possible to cultivate obedience at the level of instincts, like in a puppy. But you need to start from simple to complex.

First, learn to hear each other. You should start training when the dog is already slightly hungry, in which case he will try more persistently to get a treat. A cowardly dog ​​needs to learn to deal with its fears. Remember, as a child you were probably afraid of the dark. But persistence and time helped you overcome it. Gradually teach your pet not to react to other people or cats. Is it difficult for a hyperactive and large dog to stay in one place and not sweep away everything in its path? Try to free up the space as much as possible, gradually filling it with the items you need. Furniture appears gradually, leaving enough free space. When the pet gets used to the new “obstacle”, you can add the following.

A puppy is the same as a child who also requires special treatment from the owner and members of his family. Of course, even the offspring of a threatening bulldog at the age of 2-3 months looks very cute and funny, so there are always people who want to pet him and cuddle him. But as a result of such universal love, a puppy can turn into a spoiled and uncontrollable dog, causing a lot of problems to its owner. At the same time, the size of the dog, as well as its breed, do not matter, because a poorly trained lap dog can cause no less trouble than an ill-mannered Labrador or bulldog. Therefore, before bringing a four-legged companion into your home, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the rules that will allow you to understand how to properly raise a puppy. Moreover, he will have to be raised at different stages depending on how many months he is.

Where does it all begin?

And it all starts with psychology, or rather with instincts. After all, a dog is a pack animal, and in a pack there is always a leader. Therefore, the task of the owner of a small puppy in the first days is to show who is boss in the house, and to do this in such a way that, on the one hand, the baby remembers, and on the other, so that the lesson does not become stressful. There are many ways to show an animal your dominance, but it is better not to let a small household member control you from the first days. The main task in raising a puppy is a skillful combination of severity and love, delicacy and a certain exactingness. Moreover, the less months the baby is, the greater the chances of success.

How to properly raise a puppy?

Everyone knows that when training an adult dog it is better to hire a professional instructor. But how to raise a small puppy? Does he really need to be taken to special lessons in a special “dog” school? Not really. It is possible and necessary to raise a small puppy at home, from the first days of its arrival in the house. You can watch how to raise puppies in a video online.

The first educational processes include:

  • toilet training a puppy;
  • weaning off biting;
  • training for walks, games, etc.

Some dog owners do not understand, or rather do not know, at what age the training process can begin. The answer to this question depends on various factors, including the initial state of the baby and the characteristics of his character. But, as practice shows, it is better to raise puppies from an early age. After all, the older the pet, the more difficult it is to cope with it without the help of a professional dog handler.

For example, a puppy who is 4 months old is still the material from which you can “sculpt” at home. But individuals older than 5 months are already more difficult to educate and sometimes require more stringent methods of influence.

In fact, raising puppies even at home is not difficult. The main thing is to approach this process with all seriousness, to show persistence, patience and delicacy. You can watch various video lessons online, and thereby choose the optimal method of interaction with your pet.

By the way, despite the fact that the process of raising a small puppy and training it are different concepts, they are nevertheless very closely related. So training is the process of teaching an animal to carry out certain commands. Also, during training, the animal acquires certain skills, develops better traits characteristic of its breed, etc. Training begins from the 3rd month of the puppy’s life.

Whereas raising puppies, regardless of breed, is a process of establishing a hierarchy in the owner-pet relationship. The quality and effectiveness of training will depend on how well your dog is raised. By the way, in the process of training, not only the dog, but also the owner acquires certain skills. You can see the difference between upbringing and training in a video online. You can also get advice from an experienced dog handler and decide at what age your baby should be toilet trained or taught commands. After all, this needs to be done within a certain period, ranging from 1 to 5 months.

Golden rules

There are certain rules in raising a small puppy, which can be found on the websites of nurseries, and with the help of video lessons posted on the Internet, etc. The basic rules with which you can properly raise a puppy include order and discipline. That is, from an early age, the puppy must be taught to go to the toilet in the designated place. Separately, you need to allocate a place for feeding and sleeping. Under no circumstances should you feed a small puppy anywhere (on the sofa, in the kitchen, etc.). The new member of your family should have his own designated place to eat.

By the way, one of the ways to instill a sense of obedience in a puppy and understand its place in the hierarchy is to feed the animal after the whole family has eaten. This is very important, since by paying too much attention to your pet, you can spoil the little puppy and then, when he is 5 months or more old, you will have to retrain him. True, this will require much more stringent measures.

Also, do not lose sight of such a small thing as being the first to enter the room. That is, if you need to enter a room with a puppy, the owner must go through the door first, even if he has to keep the dog on a short leash.

Finally, in gameplay, the winner should always be the owner. Even if you are tired, using the command “give it back” or “come to me” you need to complete the game in such a way as to emerge victorious.

As for the place for rest and sleep, it should also be dedicated to the baby and the puppy should fall asleep in his “bed”. No matter how much you would like to cuddle your baby once again or feed him something tasty, and even in the wrong place, you should initially abandon this idea. Otherwise, the animal will grow up spoiled. It's good if it's a small lap dog. What if this is a large dog weighing under 70 kg and with large and sharp teeth?

Up to a certain age, the owner has every chance to wean his pet from such a bad habit as biting the hands and feet of family members. By the way, if we are talking about individuals under 4 months old, then biting the owner’s hands is nothing more than a game, or an opportunity to get acquainted with the outside world. If, even after 5 months, the puppy continues to bite, attack and jump and does this with all force and seriousness, then we are talking about the desire to become the first in the pack, which needs to be nipped in the bud. And this is also part of the educational process.

At what age should you raise a puppy?

In addition to the question of how to properly raise a puppy, the owner of the animal is also concerned with the question of at what age it is best to do this. There is a stereotype that the sooner the better. But this is only partly true. After all, a very tiny puppy is unlikely to be able to understand at all what the owner wants to achieve from him. Therefore, it is better to start the educational process with the development of basic skills from the age of 2, or even 3 months. As for the deadline, you can raise an animal, just like a person, all your life. Another thing is that if you do this on time, then there will be no problems in further interaction between the owner and his pet. So it’s better if your dog learns the basics and basics of proper behavior both in your home and outside of it by the age of 5 months. Well, after the rules of good canine manners have been learned, you can move on to more specific, or even highly specialized, training.

Impact formats

And one more question that may concern the owner of a puppy is how to influence the baby so that it is effective, but not harsh and, especially, not traumatic for the pet.

A system of carrots and sticks or rewards and prohibitions is considered optimal. Not punishments, but prohibitions. It is not worth punishing an animal during the training process, as this will only cause aggression and disobedience on its part. Starving as punishment is also not recommended.

The question of how much is also important, because any puppy needs to be raised based on its age.

Well, how many lessons to conduct per day, and how long the lesson should be - each owner decides for himself, taking into account the pet’s abilities and his mood. This is the only way to understand how to raise a small puppy so that it grows into a good and reliable friend.

Dear editors! I dream of having a purebred dog. But I don’t know how to raise her correctly. Please post the basic commands that need to be taught to a puppy.

Science and life // Illustrations

Practicing the command “Come to me!”

Practicing the command “Sit!”

Practicing the command “Lie down!”

A. Nikonov (Kazan).

Many people, when getting a purebred dog, are sure that obedient behavior is “attached” to its pedigree and that in any situation the four-legged friend will behave “smartly”. Meanwhile, raising a dog requires no less attention than raising a child.

As a pack animal (and there is no pack without a leader), the dog strives to insist on its own. Typically this behavior is more typical of male dogs. The dog interprets the owner’s compliance and gentleness as weakness and gradually takes a dominant position in the family. To prevent this from happening, become an authority for your pet from the very first days (even if it is a tiny toy terrier). He must obey you, but not be afraid.

There is a certain distance between a dog’s average inclinations and the ideal, which can only be overcome with the help of training.

Start by giving the puppy a name and giving him a permanent place in the apartment, otherwise he will always settle down where he is not supposed to. To train a dog to a place, you need to take it there several times and repeat the command “Place!” On the street, this command means that the dog must remain in a certain place even in the absence of the owner.

True contact between man and animal is based on subtle psychological moments, on a reasonable combination of power and kindness. If your four-legged friend has misbehaved or done something wrong, talk to him concisely and strictly.

Reward good behavior with kind words. The key concepts when rewarding or punishing should always be the same.

Never set your puppy against other dogs, much less people. Do not make him angry while playing or while eating, as this will provoke aggressive behavior in your pet.

Teach your puppy to follow the commands: “Near!”, “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Stand!”, “Come to me!”, “Walk,” “Fetch!”, “Give!”, “Fu!”. Correcting the behavior of an adult animal is much more difficult, but possible.

Train your dog to walk nearby using a short leash. If she walks quickly or lags behind, restrain or pull her with a leash, while giving the command “Near!”

The dog must walk on a leash so that its chest is in line with the owner's legs.

To teach your dog to sit, pull the leash back and up, while simultaneously pressing your hand on the dog's croup, and give the command “Sit!”

Practicing the command “Lie down!”: Pull the leash to the ground, press on the withers of the sitting dog and give the command “Lie down!”

Practicing the “Stop!” command: place your hand under the belly of a sitting dog, lift the dog, while repeating the “Stop!” command.

When teaching the command “Come!”, take a treat (a piece of cracker or sausage) in your right hand, show it to the dog, and then transfer it behind your back to your left hand. The dog, following the treat, will go around behind you and end up at your left leg. Give her the command “Sit!” and reward her with a treat for doing so.

Every time you need a dog, call it by name and say the command “Come to me!” If he runs up, pet him. It is important that the command “Come to me!” The dog did not associate it with the end of the walk, but caused only pleasant sensations. It is forbidden to punish a dog that comes up to you on command, even if it has done something wrong. Otherwise, the next time she hears “Come to me!”, she will run away from you.

Command "Aport!" means the dog presents an object thrown by the owner. It is usually accompanied by a directing movement of the hand towards the thrown object. Having brought it in his teeth, the dog should run around behind you and sit on your left side.

To receive the item being imported, you need to work out the command “Give!” Accompany her by extending her hand, palm up, toward the dog's face.

Interrupt any unwanted action of your pet with the command “Ugh!”

After your dog completes an order, be sure to praise it, pet it, and give it a treat.

Domestic dogs need interaction with people. They perceive isolation as punishment and feel sad. Usually, in order to pass the day before the owner arrives, some dogs howl and bark out of boredom, others gnaw on doors and furniture, and still others chew on shoes and clothes left unattended. Evening thrashings and poking one's nose at the created disgrace do not help.

People themselves created the conditions for inappropriate behavior of pets by depriving dogs of their historical legal “work.” Here is what the French magazine for dog breeders “Vos Chiens” wrote about this: “Having lost the role inherent in it since ancient times, the dog nevertheless retains all its instincts in their original form, and they, naturally, certainly strive to break out through the first outlet that comes across... Therefore, completely "It is wrong to believe that a dog's happiness is sweet idleness. Just like a person, she suffers when she is forced to 'sit' without work, and life loses all meaning for her."

But there is still a way out of this situation. Organize your dog's leisure time so that the animal does not want to smoke. During your morning walk, try to tire your dog out. Play with her, throw balls and sticks to her. Feed him at home. A well-fed and well-fed pet will behave calmly when alone.

Toys and soft music on the radio will help brighten up your pet’s lonely existence.

Dog toys are designed for the dog to chew on or chase from corner to corner. They are made from food-grade plastic coated with food coloring and from natural fibers. Balls and artificial bones are especially popular with dogs. There are also special vitamin seeds. The dog plays with these toys all day long.

If you went with your pet into the forest and he, once free, does not come to you on command, do not run after him with loud screams, provoking play. When he returns, do not punish him under any circumstances; on the contrary, pet him and give him a treat.

Never use a leash to punish your dog, or allow your dog to play with it.

The dog should be fed at the same time, in the same place and from the same bowl. Feed rations are available in pet stores.

Do not allow your dog to persistently beg from the table. Just take him out of the kitchen and take him to his place.

Teach your dog from puppyhood to sit quietly when you brush it or perform a routine examination. Then she will behave calmly at the doctor’s appointment. Reward your pet with a treat for exemplary behavior.

By sparing no time and effort in raising your puppy, you will grow him into a reliable and loyal friend. A well-mannered dog is a compliment to the owner. Neither the owner nor those around him will suffer from it.

And finally. When choosing a pet, we choose its fate - happy or unhappy. The meaning of the union of man and animal is their harmony. The animal must be confident in its owner. And a person must be responsible for the one he has tamed. The world's oldest association of dog breeders - the English Kennel Club - acts very wisely, inviting everyone who decides to get a dog to answer a special questionnaire. Here are some questions from this questionnaire. Do you have someone at home who can look after your dog? Does your home size allow you to keep a dog? Are you ready to walk your dog for a long time? Can you afford possible veterinary expenses? Do you realize that dogs, like people, age and may require special expenses?

I would like to believe that someday we will learn to decide the fate of our little brothers just as responsibly. And there will be no abandoned and disadvantaged animals on our streets.


Woolhard D., Bartlett M. What all good dogs should know (training through understanding) / Transl. from English - M.: OKO, 1996.

Mazower A. Puppy. Choice. Care. Upbringing. Education. - 1968, No. 2, 5, 9; 1969, no. 1.

Mazower A. Training of service dogs. - 1971, No. 5.

Raising a puppy or adopting an adult dog is not enough. It is important that the relationship between the animal and the owner develop correctly, “communication” brings pleasure to both. If you know how to raise an obedient dog, then in the future you will be able to instill all the skills that are required.

How to raise a dog correctly

If you ask the owner what he wants from his pet, the answers may be as follows:

  • obedience;
  • help;
  • protection;
  • the ability to amaze others with interesting tricks.

Almost all owners dream of their four-legged pet being a good friend.


The easiest way to start training is from puppyhood. You should start with the basics - accustom him to the toilet, place, commands.

You need to create a daily routine - the dog must clearly know when to go for a walk and when he will be given food. Games and activities are also held at the same time.

The dog must know that it is not the leader in the family. To teach a dog to follow the rules, you should... accustom your family to them. It is not so difficult to explain: first the owners enter the house, and then the dog.

You should never feed the dog first, then yourself, or be distracted from eating. If there is a child in the house, he should also be placed above the dog. First respond to his requests, then to the dog’s. The remaining concepts: friend - enemy, the dog will understand as it is trained.

The owner starts all games and ends them. You can’t allow yourself to be defeated – even as a joke. The puppy must know its place, and it must follow the command given to the dog from the first word.

Adult dog

The way to raise an adult dog differs from raising a puppy only in some nuances - adaptation takes longer. For the rest, you should act the same way: teach the place and daily routine, teach commands.

If a dog was taken from the street out of pity, then he must be given the opportunity to adapt, gradually accustoming him to himself and the place, but at the same time not allowing him to get the better of him - the methods of education are the same as when raising a puppy.

It is necessary to analyze what kind of character the animal has.

  • Intimidated animals crouch at every shout and sharp gesture; it will be difficult to train them;
  • Aggressively intimidated people recoil, press themselves to the floor and immediately try to attack - in a state of panic they become uncontrollable;
  • A dominant aggressor, who silently attacks not only the owner, but also those around him while walking, can only be tamed by a dog handler.

Animals with similar psychotypes are difficult to raise.

A strange adult dog will easily adapt and make friends with its new owner if, at the first meeting, it shows calm interest: it sniffs it, lets it be stroked. You can take a dog even when he ignores you at first contact - this is how self-confident animals behave.

Contact with a stray dog, even if it is taken into the home when sick and nursed, can pose a danger to family members when it recovers. Therefore, it is better to first entrust it to the veterinarian, and only then, having studied its behavior, analyze whether it is worth taking it home or whether it is better to leave it in the nursery.

It sounds cruel, but safety comes first.

Nuances of dog education

How to educate if a dog snaps at its owner?

The animal demonstrates this behavior in several cases:

  • tries to take a leading position;
  • behavior is based on fear;
  • the owner is in clear danger, and this is a warning.

In the latter case, the animal tries not to cause pain to the owner - it drags with its teeth and barks, and other cases need to be corrected from the first attempt at disobedience. A dog becomes angry due to mistakes in training.

The animal must not be allowed to:

  • showed aggression during food when the owner approaches the bowl;
  • occupied the “upper tier” - sat or lay above the owner and snarled when he was placed on the bedding;
  • growled when putting on the collar;
  • did not execute commands.

When adjusting behavior, you cannot:

  • to beat an animal - it is enough to hit it once on the thigh with a leash;
  • shouting at him - only metal in the voice, and no hysterics, such behavior is a demonstration of weakness;
  • leaving without food or water - this can completely embitter the animal;
  • locking him in a cage or leaving him alone for a long time - these measures will completely upset the dog’s psyche.

If you cannot extinguish aggression on your own, you should contact an instructor. If he fails to correct the owner’s mistakes, he will have to give the animal into “good hands”, otherwise it will pose a danger.

Sometimes you have to solve the opposite problem, how to raise an angry dog. If you want to escalate aggressiveness, to ensure that the dog attacks the enemy when expressing aggression and protects him from strangers, you need to contact an instructor.

You cannot set the animal on yourself or your family.

The main condition for such upbringing is that the owner must be able to stop aggression with a shout. To make a dog angry, you must first achieve complete obedience, otherwise aggression will manifest itself towards “pack members”.

Very often, a pet, without any training, displays fighting qualities and protects the owner and family members from danger. If only positive emotions come from the owners, it shouldn’t be any other way. For her, her owners are family members.

How to raise a guard dog?

First of all, you should choose the right breed - the animal must have a stable psyche.

The dog will have to master the following skills:

  • distinguish strangers from your own;
  • do not take food from the hands of strangers;
  • be able to grab onto an arm or leg and disarm an armed enemy.

The best guards are shepherd dogs of all types. They easily comprehend science - “let everyone in and no one”
. But Caucasians and pit bulls can break loose and kill an uninvited guest. It is advisable to learn to attack a possible enemy and disarm his guard dog with the help of an instructor.

It is very important for the watchdog to create comfortable conditions - a warm booth or a place in the vestibule - and to accustom him in advance to changing weather conditions.

If it is too cold or too hot outside, the guard is taken into the house - this does not affect his working qualities, if he is not allowed to take up space in the room.

From the place where the dog house is located, the view of the area intended for protection should be as open as possible.

After a four-legged friend appears in the house, it is necessary to begin raising the puppy as quickly as possible, instilling in him certain skills and standards of behavior. Before raising a puppy, let him get comfortable in his new place. Then you should begin practicing primary skills. This is seat, leash and toilet training.

The secrets of raising a puppy are that you don’t have to wait until a certain age to start raising your pet. The rules for raising a puppy state that this process begins from the first days the puppy appears in your home. Everything you do with him and for him is education.

The most important period- this is the puppy getting used to the new environment and its socialization. At this moment, the baby needs to devote a lot of time. He will be bored for the first 24 hours - this is normal. Your patience, care and affectionate attitude will help your baby cope with stress after being separated from his mother. Take the puppy in your arms, pet it, play with it. Try to have your family members spend an equal amount of time with the puppy. Let the little dog get used to the sound of your voices and their intonation.

When the baby gets comfortable in a new environment, he will begin to show curiosity about all sorts of objects that surround him and unfamiliar sounds. Make sure that in its reach there are no dangers such as skeins of thread, needles, exposed wires (they must be hidden especially carefully), Christmas tree decorations and dangerous plants (there are some of these among indoor flowers).

A small puppy is very sensitive to your emotional state. He picks up the slightest changes in your mood and attitude towards him. Love, but also know how to punish. This page offers specific thematic lessons on raising a puppy.

Below you can watch the video on how to raise a puppy correctly and without prohibited methods:

How to properly punish a puppy for disobedience?

It is necessary to learn how to punish a puppy for disobedience - what principles should be followed. If your little dog decides, for example, to cling to your leg with a “terrible” growl or chew new shoes, then he needs to be called to order. Moreover, this must be done immediately - otherwise later the puppy will not understand why he was punished. Do not use physical force or hit the baby. You can try a simple but very effective method of punishing a puppy: take it by the withers and, after patting it slightly, press it to the floor for a few seconds. In this case, you can immediately begin training the “Fu!” command, repeating it while performing the above-mentioned manipulations. Believe me, this will have no worse effect on him than harsh physical punishment!

In addition to knowing how to properly punish a puppy, you need to know about gratitude: if the baby tries to do something right, reward him with dog treats and praise - this is the best motivator.

The methods of raising puppies have been worked out by many generations of dog training specialists, and there is no need to invent your own methods where already known methods work well. Every owner can train their pet to perform simple but necessary commands.

How to teach the “place” command: training

Teaching the “place” command should begin with taking the puppy in your arms and taking him to the bed. At the same time, stroking the baby, repeat: “Place, good, place!” And you do this several times throughout the day. Soon the puppy will learn that his bed is his “place.” Never punish a puppy in its place or forcefully remove it from it!

Before you teach the “place” command, remember the following rule: if you do not plan to sleep on the bed with the dog in the future, it is better not to allow the puppy there. Then it will be difficult to explain to a grown dog why this was possible before, but now it is not.

If you want to call him over, do so with a dog treat or toy and the command “Come!” By the way, it’s good to practice this command on a walk: when the puppy finishes with his important “business”, call him with this command. Do this in a calm and even voice. Place your four-legged friend's bowls somewhere in a certain place in the apartment and show them to him - let them always stand there. The puppy will eventually remember their location. Food, unlike water, should not be in the bowl all the time: it is placed only before feeding.

Always feed the dog after you have eaten yourself - this is one of the main dog rules, according to which the leader always gets his fill first. And you are the leader!

Toilet training a puppy at home: how to train it

Accustoming a puppy to use the toilet at home and to ensure that, between short walks, he does his “business” in the place you want, requires a little skill. Before you toilet train your puppy, you need to prepare the necessary equipment for this. Use absorbent diapers as a “toilet” - they are sold at any pharmacy. When the puppy wakes up, eats or plays, his first desire is usually to go to the toilet. As soon as you notice that the baby is spinning in place with very specific goals, carefully pick him up in your arms and take him to the diaper. As soon as the “deed” is done, praise the puppy.

Toilet training a puppy should be gradual: if the baby peed not on the diaper, but on the floor, do not scold him harshly, tell him about your dissatisfaction in a calm but firm voice (not to be confused with a rude shout!). Sooner or later, the puppy will understand that correct actions will be followed by praise, and incorrect actions will be reprimanded.
How to train and tame a puppy on a leash

Accustom your puppy to a leash, collar (or harness) and muzzle from the age of three months. At this time, the first vaccination has already been given, and you can go outside for a while with your four-legged friend. Before leash-training your puppy, you can begin training at home by putting a soft collar or harness on the puppy (which is much more convenient at first, since it is more difficult for the puppy to wriggle out of it) and fastening it to the leash. Do this as a game: let the leash be long and fall to the floor. Pretend that you are running away from the puppy - he will run after you.

When the baby understands that this object does not threaten him in any way, gradually reduce the length of the leash. Of course, at first the puppy will not be very comfortable in the equipment, but over time he will get used to it. Correct the direction of his chaotic movements with light movements of the leash, repeating the command “No!” in the event that the puppy breaks out and pulls too actively. It is also better to accustom a dog to a muzzle from an early age. Then it will be much more difficult to do this. These are the basic rules for teaching a puppy to use a leash, but don’t forget about choosing the right equipment.

From 4 to 8 months, the puppy shows independence of character. This period requires special attention from the owner and intensive training with the dog. This is the best time to start training your dog and increase the load on walks. Start gradually practicing the commands “Sit!”, “Stand!”, “Lie down!”. If the puppy refuses to follow a command, it is strongly recommended to get what you want from him: otherwise, confrontation and the struggle for leadership will increase. Always reward your dog with a treat for completing a command - this will help reinforce the acquired skill.

From about one to three years, almost all dogs go through the so-called transition period - the period of growing up. At this age, they may try to take a higher ranking position. This can be expressed in a show of disobedience and even in an attempt to bite the owner. Any such attempt must be severely suppressed, otherwise serious problems may arise later.

If you are new to such a difficult task as raising a dog, you should learn the basics of training under the supervision of an experienced dog handler - a person with professional knowledge of the physiology and behavior of dogs.

There are several types of training courses for four-legged human companions, including highly specialized ones, but for dogs living in urban areas, the most basic course is a general puppy training course.

At the course on ZKS (protective guard service - for working breeds of dogs), they teach not only to protect and guard the owner, but also to “slow down” the dog when it tries to show aggression in response to an irritant. Now many canine centers offer owners and their four-legged pets the “Controlled City Dog” course - essentially the same OKD, but only with adaptation in real urban conditions to various noises and stimuli.

Some owners ask:“Why should I train my dog? She’s already smart.” The fact is that no matter how smart a dog is, this does not guarantee its adequate behavior in any situation. A dog living in a city where there are many irritants: people, cars, other animals, must be able to behave correctly and obey the owner unquestioningly.

An uncontrollable dog in the city is a disaster for the owner. And what fun is it to walk with a pet if it endlessly pulls you in different directions and rushes at everything that moves nearby? In addition, you, as the owner of an ill-mannered dog, may have difficulties with the people around you and with the law. Try to make sure that you feel comfortable going for a walk with your dog, and that the animals and people around do not suffer from his uncontrolled behavior.
