What should a teenage girl's wardrobe be like? How to create a fashionable wardrobe for a teenage girl

When a girl turns 10, she begins to pay attention to her appearance and what items make up her wardrobe. During this period, the child has not yet formed a personal opinion, which can lead to disputes and conflict situations. It is very important to correctly influence a child’s choice; clothes for girls 10-12 years old should look stylish and beautiful. At this age, the inclinations of a love for the beautiful and cute are just beginning to emerge.

Any 11 year old girl's wardrobe should include things that may be needed at any time. Each item should be presented in several copies for different moods. In addition to everyday items, a girl’s wardrobe must include a stylish, trendy item for all times - a must-have. This concept is translated from English as “must have” and is applicable to any element of appearance: clothing, shoes, cosmetics, perfumes.

Girls' clothes are selected in such a way as to highlight them from the main background and show individuality. But in most cases, the wardrobe for girls 12 years old consists of basic things. If mom and little girl are big fans of fashion trends in clothing, then they will definitely have trendy things. Light colors are often used in such things. To suit your taste, choose a combination of different shades, for example, blue, pink and greenish.

There are 5 generally accepted classic must-haves that simply must be in any person’s wardrobe:

  1. Pure White T-Shirt – A perfect white T-shirt is perfect for creating many beautiful outfit compositions. In everyday life, it can be worn under a leather or denim jacket or jacket. It looks simple, but at the same time stylish, with denim overalls and shorts. An interesting image is obtained if it is added to things decorated with a voluminous print;
  2. Cardigan – a light cardigan is another, this time a warm option. A thin knitted cardigan will be a godsend on a cool summer evening. It can be worn over a shirt, blouse or dress. The cardigan goes well with colored trousers;
  3. White jeans – White jeans go wonderfully with any type of wardrobe, where blue jeans would also look good. Girls wear them with T-shirts and T-shirts, jackets and jackets.
  4. A Chanel style jacket is indispensable in romantic looks;
  5. A trench coat is the ideal decoration for 10 year old girls. It can be worn with faded jeans and light elegant dresses.

In the world of outerwear, a must have found itself in quilted winter jackets and sheepskin coats. The styles are presented both simple and with elements of decoration in the form of a three-dimensional pattern. In the cold season, girls wear a jacket with winter sneakers, a backpack and a knitted hat with a soft bubo. Many people believe that outerwear should be leather, but this statement has no solid basis. It is enough to have a democratic and inexpensive thing.

There is no such thing as too much clothing, especially for a 10-year-old girl. When choosing the next thing, it is worth remembering one thing - clothes should add charm and femininity to the image, create coziness and comfort, and not restrict movement.

White T-shirt Cardigan Jeans Jacket

Features of clothing for

A home wardrobe doesn't have to be huge. It should include only those things that are comfortable and pleasant to walk in. Everything needs moderation, things need to be selected so that there is something to wear, for example, for a walk, to school or a special event.


Any schoolgirl aged 10–12 would not miss the opportunity to stand out among her classmates with her ability to dress stylishly. To do this, there is no need to buy expensive outfits from famous world brands. Strict suits have never left the fashion ranks. A collection of a pencil skirt just above the knee, a snow-white shirt, and a jacket on top that matches the color of the bottom will attract many glances from envious rivals. There is a desire to add even more fire - changing the pencil skirt to a narrow sundress in combination with a narrow-cut jacket with long sleeves. The fashion for sundresses is slowly starting to return.

Much depends on the clothing requirements set by the school administration. You can try replacing the shirt with a colored turtleneck, if this is not prohibited by the dress code.

For a girl in grades 4–6, which corresponds to the age of 10–12 years, in addition to the style of clothing, it is necessary to pay attention to its quality. Irresponsibility and illegibility in things can affect your health.

At home

The shirt-dress is a very comfortable style, perfect for walking on the street and for home life. The model is made from natural materials: denim, linen and cotton. The thing wears for a long time, in order to spoil it you have to work hard. It is very comfortable to be at home in it.

For little girls about 10 years old, a shirt-dress goes well with a light summer hat and sandals. For older people, the clothing is complemented by a strap that tightens at the waist and emphasizes a slender young figure. In cool weather, throw a jacket or warm cardigan on top.

With the onset of summer, skirts burst into fashion, available in many styles, lengths and colors. You can wear them for walking outside with your girlfriends or drawing at the table, watching TV at home and doing other housework. The range of light dresses does not leave young fashionistas indifferent. It is better to buy dresses made of practical fabric and not very short, so that they are comfortable not only at home, but also on the street.


When a girl reaches the age of 12, she begins to realize her attractiveness. Against this backdrop, girls are trying to grow up. This is expressed in clothing and behavior. The most acceptable style for the street is casual - jeans, bright T-shirts, sweatshirts. All these elements allow the girl to express her individuality. Instead of branded handbags, this style uses backpacks and sports bags. Low shoes are worn on the feet: sneakers and moccasins.

When choosing clothes for walking, you need to focus on comfortable clothes so that they do not hinder your movement. A sundress is a universal clothing for a girl, which is suitable for street walks with friends, school activities and special occasions. Look great paired with bright turtlenecks.

All outerwear should be complemented by shoes in the same style. Platform sneakers, comfortable and fashionable, are more suitable for walking. Shoes are chosen to be comfortable so as not to interfere with the active movements of the little fashionista.


For celebrations and entertainment events, a girl 10–12 years old can dress the same as adult girls. An evening dress or ball gown is quite suitable. It is better to buy shoes with small comfortable heels. In such cases, mothers are allowed to use their cosmetics, but only in small quantities.

Fitted dresses highlight your youthful figure. Colors for special occasions are chosen to be light and elegant. The dress is complemented with several decorations, such as ruffles, flounces, and shiny brooches. Pastel colors will add modesty and elegance to your look.

Fashionable long dresses with decorations, medium-length sundresses for girls 11 years old are gaining relevance this year more than ever. Romance, attractiveness and mystery are the main key points of the new image.

Common mistakes

It’s good if you know a lot about clothes and know how to choose them. What to do in the opposite case? Are there rules that you can follow to create the right wardrobe?

Here are the basic requirements, by fulfilling which you can replenish your wardrobe with high-quality models:

  1. It is undesirable to take an item of dubious quality, even if it is bright and beautiful. When choosing clothes for girls 12 years old, you need to pay attention to the material from which they are made. Clothes for children should not be made of synthetic fabrics;
  2. Clothes for girls 11 and 12 years old should not only be fashionable, but also comfortable. You should not take something with a lot of small fittings. Frequently wearing such clothes leads to the need to wash them more than usual and iron them accordingly. This causes the item to deteriorate faster and lose its attractive appearance;
  3. It is not recommended to buy things in large quantities at once. Most likely, some models will never be worn or will not last long.

In order for something to last for a long time, you need to buy stylish and practical things. Clothes should be suitable for everyday wear, but also dressy enough for special occasions. 12 year old girls prefer designer stylish clothes to make things look cool and bright. Therefore, for girls of this age it is better to choose clothes of an unusual cut and bright appearance.

Before creating a girl’s basic wardrobe for the summer season, you need to work hard - and first of all, take an inventory of the existing clothes. After all, it is completely irrational to abandon some of last year’s things, which this season can serve, if not as the basis of an ensemble, then at least as stylish additions. So, what should the wardrobe of a girl who wants to look stylish look like?

A girl's rational wardrobe: new from old

Happiness is being able to change clothes every day, buy them endlessly and never wear the same thing twice! Unfortunately, unless you're a movie star, you often have to make do with a limited wardrobe and budget. So instead of moaning about the lack of new things in your closet, try to make new things out of old.

In practice, a rational wardrobe for a girl can be created from clothes that you already have. For example, instead of wearing the same pink sweater with a black skirt every time, try on everything you can wear with it, one item at a time, in front of a mirror in which you can see yourself at full length. This way, you will discover new combinations, some of which you never even thought of!

The goal is to invent the greatest number of possible outfits from what you have in your closet.

Look at the photo: Girls' wardrobes can be divided either by theme ("rocker girl", "romantic girl", etc.) or by occasion (school, party, weekend, etc.), but the main thing is that you look good in them. in different ways. Ask a friend for help (it will be more fun together), maybe she can come up with something else. Don't forget about jewelry, shoes, jacket, bag, etc. to complete your outfit. Once you've created an outfit, take a photo, then print the photo and paste it into your notebook so you have something to draw inspiration from if the day comes when you can't come up with anything.

We choose an outfit in five minutes when we are already late for school, and this often ends with us grabbing the first one that comes to hand. To avoid the misfortune of not quite waking up and choosing something out of the closet, think through your closet the day before. Look at the weather forecast and think about what you can come up with that matches both the weather and your desires for the day. Make sure everything is ironed and clothes can be worn.

In a girl’s wardrobe, all the details should be thought out: choose comfortable shoes if you have to walk a lot; tights should match the skirt; Provide a vest that can be worn if the weather turns bad. And accessories (never forget about accessories!). Hang everything on the chair, and tomorrow all you have to do is put on the prepared clothes.

How to prepare for choosing a summer wardrobe for a girl

Before you prepare to select a summer wardrobe for a girl, you need to organize the space in your closet. Girls often complain that they have nothing to wear because their closet looks like a real dump! Trampled shoes lie in all corners of the house, crumpled clothes. Do you recognize yourself in this description? Then what is written next will interest you.

Set aside special cleaning days at the beginning of each new season. Try to see the positive side in such an activity: more space for clothes means it will be easier to find them, it’s worth it, isn’t it? When organizing a teenage girl's wardrobe, start by taking out absolutely everything from the closet, including accessories, and dumping it indiscriminately on the bed. Place all your shoes on the floor nearby.

To save space in your closet, just put in there only the clothes you need now. There is absolutely no point in hanging a coat in the closet in July! Put aside anything you don't intend to wear this season, anything that's meant for a special occasion (evening dress, Halloween outfit, etc.), or anything that's unnecessarily cluttering your closet.

Carefully fold the clothes, put them in a large suitcase and place it in the closet, mezzanine, attic or basement. Imagine how much free space you will get! Do the same with shoes: put boots and sandals (depending on the season) into shoe boxes and label them with what's in them before you part with them for the time being.

Distribute what remains on your bed into three piles: “give”, “throw away”, “save”.

Give: all clothes (and shoes) that are too small or that you don’t like, but are still in good condition.

Throw away: holey, torn, stained, damaged clothes. But before you get rid of it completely, ask your mom if it’s possible to alter something or re-line your shoes. It will cost less than buying a new pair. Save: Well, that's the rest! What suits you, what you love, what you wear all the time.

Wash, wash, iron everything that needs it. Clean and polish your shoes before storing them neatly in your shoe cabinet.

Now you are ready to put the rest in the closet. If possible, hang dresses, jackets, coats, skirts, and blouses on hangers. Fold sweaters and vests (to prevent them from becoming distorted). On each shelf, place a certain type of clothing (on one - blouses, sweaters, etc., on the other - trousers, shorts, etc.), then arrange the clothes in piles by name (one pile - T-shirts, the other - sweaters and etc.). And if you have the space, separate long-sleeves from short-sleeves, or separate them by color: light versus dark! It doesn’t matter what principle you use to do this, the main thing is that it’s easy to search.

What should be in every girl's wardrobe

Basic clothing items are the most important thing in a wardrobe. These are simple clothes, not necessarily fashionable, they can be found in any girl’s wardrobe. So, what should be in the wardrobe of every girl who wants to look fashionable not from time to time, but all the time?

A trench coat, simple straight jeans, a white T-shirt, a pair of black ballet shoes - we put them on without thinking, on those days when we don’t want to look chic, we don’t want to attract attention to ourselves.

Blouse- feminine and romantic, delicate colors (pastel colors, white, beige, etc.) - always good. It can be worn with jeans to emphasize that you are a girl.

Vest- very practical to keep warm on a summer evening, you can put it on over a dress, if it’s too hot, you can take it off. Opt for a vest in a neutral color (black, grey, navy, beige) that will go with all your outfits.

Alcoholic Mike- in winter it is not visible under a sweater, in summer it is not hot, it does not hinder movement, it is worn with shorts, a short skirt or with a dress with a shallow neckline.

Shirt- to have a classic look, wear a plaid shirt, a little too big, with the sleeves rolled up to look boyish. It is worn with a short skirt, not buttoned, so that the alcoholic T-shirt is visible.

Sweater- necessary in winter, it is with you everywhere. Choose sweaters with different necklines (crew, V-neck, boat neck, etc.) and different colors (primary colors will go with any skirt and trousers, and bright colors will add color to the winter). Anything is possible with a sweater! T-shirt - any colors, with any pattern, short or long sleeves, with images of animals or with a funny inscription - there are never too many T-shirts.

Bermuda- winter version of shorts. A little longer (below the knees), they go perfectly with a soft sweater and boots.

Breeches- nothing more or less than cropped trousers, they are great in spring and autumn, when it is too hot to wear jeans, but too cold to wear shorts. In addition, they draw attention to beautiful shoes.

Trousers- if you are not going to wear jeans all your life, there are many other solutions. Wide-leg wool trousers are ideal for winter, saruel trousers are fashionable and loose-fitting, black pipe trousers can be worn with something unusual on top, and they also look cool with a T-shirt that has some kind of design on it.

Jeans- this item is a must-have in girls’ wardrobes, because they can be worn with anything, especially helpful on those days when you don’t know what to wear.

Shorts- ideal for summer when you go to the beach in a swimsuit, or khaki cotton with a floral blouse to spend the afternoon with your girlfriends.

Skirt- there is nothing better to show off your beautiful legs. To feel comfortable, do not wear skirts that are too short, straight or tight. , denim, pleated, with frills, embroidered - you will always find a suitable option for yourself.

Dress, top and bottom in one bottle, is the ally of the girl in a hurry who wants to look feminine and feel comfortable at the same time. A dress with a loose sporty cut or a romantic one, with embroidery and lace. It's up to you to decide which one suits you best!

To feel absolutely comfortable, opt for warming matte tights (minimum 70 den), they are the most reliable. With tight toes and heels (they won’t rub against your shoes so quickly), low waist, with wide elastic (they won’t dig into your stomach).

To get a little fancy, try navy, brown or gray tights instead of plain black ones.

There are also striped, polka dot and lace tights. It's funny how they change appearance.

Sometimes you find it difficult to find the right shoes. But we're still crazy about her, right?

Ballet shoes- flat and feminine, they go with any outfit, you can prance in them for hours without worrying about sore fingers. Long live ballet shoes!

Gladiator sandals- these summer shoes are in fashion now, and, it seems, for a long time. Wear them with any shorts, dresses and short skirts.

Sneakers- comfortable and practical, they are not only for boys. Made from fabric or leather, plain black or colored, sneakers can be worn with any outfit.

Wedge shoes- you can stand taller without fear of twisting your ankle. Stable and comfortable, yet feminine wedge shoes - shine!

Boots- are necessary in winter to avoid catching a cold, while they highlight both dresses and skirts. Give preference to classic models, and you will not want to get out of them.

And also pumps, flip flops, boots, derbies, heeled sandals, etc. It’s not for nothing that it’s so difficult for us girls to choose the right shoes!

Don't forget about accessories! They also need to be carefully laid out. Store necklaces, bracelets, etc. with care. in a beautiful box. Set aside one of the drawers in your closet for scarves (neatly folded), belts (rolled), gloves (arranged in pairs), etc. And finally, hang up your bags; they shouldn’t lie around and gather dust on the floor.

In a girl's wardrobe you can find a thousand and one pieces of clothing, ranging from a pleated skirt and flared jeans to T-shirts and blouses. Here's a little overview of what, how and when to wear.

They say that buying clothes for boys is much easier: just buy jeans, a couple of T-shirts, a jacket and sneakers, and you're done. It’s different for girls who, from birth, are little princesses, meticulous about their own outfits. Let's figure out how to properly create a fall wardrobe for a girl, what basic things must be present, and what you can do without.


What mother would not have the desire to dress her daughter stylishly, fashionably and brightly, instilling in her from an early age good taste and the simplest concepts of how to create a competent and functional wardrobe. We teach by personal example and try to avoid unnecessary expenses in order to buy quality items at competitive prices and in the right quantity, without cluttering your closets.

Work on mistakes

What mistakes most often happen when choosing clothes for a little girl?

1. Everything is pink. Pink is considered a traditional color for girls. But when there is only pink in your wardrobe, it’s already too much. Constantly dressing up like Barbie, the future fashionista will not learn to choose shades that suit her face, combine them correctly, or know her palette. And then she will grow up and switch from pink to black, “because it is slimming and goes with everything,” but in fact, simply from the inability to choose her shades and colors. Maybe we should teach this from childhood?


2. “I will wear all my best at once.” Clothes for girls sometimes suffer from excessive embellishment. A T-shirt with a bright picture print, jeans all covered with embroidery and rhinestones, bows and beads on the shoes, fringe and regular butterflies, mermaid flowers on the handbag. Such colorful and overloaded outfits in childhood lead to the fact that, growing up, the girl will habitually choose overly decorated and elegant clothes and look like a Christmas tree, tacky and tasteless. Therefore, it is good to teach a girl from childhood that clothes should be more or less neutral, accent items should be combined with basic ones, and the easiest way to create a bright image is with the help of accessories - scarves, handbags, beads.

3. “Don’t make a cult out of clothes!” Sometimes parents think that little children don’t need beautiful clothes. And they dress their daughter in things that look tasteless and don’t match. And here we are not talking about those cases when, to save money, an item is bought a size larger and the sleeves of the jacket are rolled up, or when a girl wears a sweater lovingly knitted by her grandmother that does not fit in color and style with the rest of her wardrobe. We are talking about those cases when they buy the first things they come across and put them on the child (the word “put on” is hardly suitable here), because “she is small, she doesn’t care.” But little ones grow up, but a sense of style and taste will not grow on its own, it must be instilled from an early age...


4. “Chasing fashion”. And here we see the other extreme. A stylish and fashionable mother, who herself looks like candy, dresses her daughter up in exactly the same “candy wrappers.” They look great together, as if they had just stepped off the pages of a fashion magazine. But sometimes these fashionable, “adult-like” outfits prevent girls from being children. White tights for a walk - “Don’t get them dirty!”, patent leather shoes - “Don’t rip your shoes off!”, you won’t go down the hill in a fashionable coat, and you won’t climb the horizontal bar in a tight stylish skirt. It’s still worth distinguishing between clothes for formal occasions and clothes for walks and the yard, and at least occasionally give children the opportunity to be children.

Choosing a color


Having listed the mistakes, we have thereby derived the basic rules for selecting a basic wardrobe. So:
— it should contain things for different situations;
- colors and shades should suit the girl and be combined with each other;
— things should have minimal decor to make them easier to combine.


All these rules are well known to women who know how to dress wisely. To create a wardrobe, you should choose one or two basic colors and one or two accent, brighter colors, and all these colors should be combined.


For example, to create a fairly bright wardrobe, you can take the basic ones - gray and purple. And accents - tights, a scarf, a turtleneck - can be turquoise or fuchsia. Or a calmer range: basic colors are brown and beige, accent colors are coral and warm green. Or sea tones: basic – blue and red, accent – ​​white and gold.

If the girl is blonde with light eyes, pastel colors will suit her: blue, pink, fawn. A dark-haired lady will look good in bright colors - raspberry, indigo, lemon. Well, as you know, redheads look very good in shades of green and brown.

Making a base


So, a girl’s basic autumn-spring wardrobe is:
T-shirts, sweatshirts(4–5 pcs.) – for warm days.
Turtlenecks(1–2 pcs.) – to close the throat from the cold wind.
Cardigan or jumper(1–2 pcs.).
Jeans or corduroy pants(1–2 pcs.) – for walks.
Skirts(1–2 pcs.), combined with “tops”.
Tights(5-7 pairs) in neutral colors or the same colors as the clothes.
Jacket or jacket– for warm days.


Raincoat or waterproof jacket with a hood that covers the hips,- in case of wet weather.
Thermal underwear- for cold autumn. Here it is worth paying attention to the composition; ideal underwear is a mixture of synthetics and cotton or wool.
Coat, hat, scarf, gloves- for cool autumn.


Shoes– comfortable: sneakers- to jeans, moccasins or shoes- for skirts and trousers, boots– for colder weather, rubber boots– for splashing through puddles (one size larger so you can wear a knitted sock). All shoes should be waterproof and of high quality; you should not skimp on them.


An elegant capsule - for matinees, visits: a dress or blouse with a skirt, tights to match, shoes, a handbag, accessories - hairpins, bows, etc.


If you choose the outfit again in the colors you have chosen (fuchsia - purple - gray - turquoise), then the handbag and accessories can be worn with regular clothes.

And it’s probably not worth reminding that all children’s clothes should be made from natural materials, that T-shirts and turtlenecks should cover the lower back, a hat should cover the ears, and a coat should reach the knees. And then the basic autumn wardrobe will not only be stylish, but also protect your girl from the cold and wind.

What items do you prefer in a girl's wardrobe? What do you consider when buying clothes for fall? How do you deal with decluttering your closet? Share your tips in the comments.

A girl's wardrobe differs from children's and adult clothes - clothes for young princesses must correspond to fashion trends, take into account the characteristics of the figure, and be comfortable. Teenage girls are especially demanding in choosing a wardrobe; the general appearance of the current look, shoe model, and stylish accessories are important. Modern clothing for teenage girls is represented by a wide range of products in sports, classic, and casual styles.

Basic things are the basis of a teenage set, a component of a youth wardrobe for girls. Basic models include products of a laconic cut with minimal decor, without designer accessories, complex drapery, or asymmetrical elements. The main feature of basic items is the complete compatibility of products with each other and with other models. A teenage girl's basic wardrobe should preferably include:

  • white and colored T-shirts with short and long sleeves;
  • shirts – white straight cut, plain checkered, denim;
  • dresses – fitted, straight cut, oversized, tunic, shirt;
  • loose or straight jumper, bright chunky knit sweater;
  • sports sweatshirt, sweatpants (urban style);
  • classic items - trousers with arrows, skirt, dress, jacket;
  • summer models - shorts, sundress, tunic, leggings, breeches, top;
  • outerwear – cardigan, trench coat, jacket, bomber jacket, coat, down jacket.

The mandatory components of a teenage wardrobe include hats, several pairs of shoes for each season, accessories (scarf, gloves), and a modern bag. The general style direction should please the young fashionista. If you have the basis for creating everyday looks, the teenager’s image will be fully in line with fashion trends. Each item can be paired with products with a complex cut, drapery and decor, and the outfits can be diluted with accessories.

For school

Parents of teenagers face certain difficulties when choosing clothes for everyday school activities. The right decision is to choose a school wardrobe that simultaneously combines elements of business style and allows girls to show their individuality. Clothing options for teenage girls that will help you look unique:

  • an elongated vest in beige, burgundy, black, complete with a checkered A-line skirt, a white blouse, a formal brooch, shoes to match the skirt;
  • pale lilac jacket, classic light gray trousers, slightly tapered at the bottom, blouse or shirt, burgundy boots;
  • dark V-neck button-down cardigan with blue striped dress pants and brooch-embellished blouse;
  • short black and white vest (or long dark-colored models) with finely pleated yucca, blue shirt, classic shoes;
  • options in the English style - a combination of dark red or dark green check pleated skirts with blue vests and white blouses;
  • A sleeveless, straight-cut dress with a minimal neckline is elegantly paired with a blouse or shirt, accentuated by a thin bright belt.

There are a lot of ideas for creating a stylish look. A classic option is a set of a white blouse with straight trousers and a vest. For variety, trousers can be replaced with a skirt (tulip, pencil, pleated), and instead of a vest, wear a cardigan or jacket. Expressive accessories – brooches, ties, bow ties, headbands, belts – add a zest to the look. The school look is completed with comfortable flat-soled shoes, an elegant bag, and a youth-style backpack.

For walks

Teenagers can especially show their imagination and individuality when choosing a wardrobe that is suitable for walks with friends, gatherings in a cafe or going to the cinema. The choice of products is practically unlimited, but outfits should not look vulgar, shocking or too adult. Uncompromising shades, tacky accessories, revealing cutouts only emphasize an incompletely formed figure and lack of taste. Fashionable clothes for walking for teenage girls can combine various interesting solutions. Trending items and design elements:

  • versatile boyfriend jeans;
  • T-shirts with bright prints and patterns;
  • straight dresses with floral motifs;
  • sweatshirts with geometric patterns;
  • shorts in delicate shades, skinny jeans.

In the image of girls, a combination of fabrics of different textures, contrasting combinations, and multi-layered looks look relevant. Headwear adds originality - stylish caps, knitted hats for cool weather, neat hats for romantic summer outfits. Since teenagers' outfits can be more relaxed, there are no strict requirements when choosing shoes. The main condition is that a pair of shoes, sandals, or moccasins should be comfortable to wear.

For celebrations

A young princess who is under 10 years old can be dressed in almost any elegant dress for the holiday - as long as the girl likes it. A couple of lush bows, a little jewelry - and the look is ready. But teenage girls are more demanding; you need to choose an option for a special occasion carefully, always together with your child. A few good options:

  • A party with friends does not impose strict restrictions on the choice of outfit. Stylish jeans with a bright blouse, leggings and a tunic, a short flared skirt with a colorful blouse - everything is appropriate;
  • going to a cafe for the birthday of a friend or classmate requires a more careful selection of a dress and/or suit. Romantic style, floral aesthetics, jacquard patterns are welcome;
  • For a special event (school, New Year's ball, performance), it is better to choose a beautiful dress of short or medium length; flounces, frills, fluffy skirts, thin belts are welcome.

It doesn’t matter whose holiday is to be celebrated, a teenage girl’s wardrobe should have a beautiful evening dress.

Teenage clothing style for girls for special occasions includes the absence of revealing cutouts and overly curvy styles. Interesting ideas:

  • a medium-length balloon dress with a fitted top silhouette, a moderately fluffy bottom with folded edges inward;
  • baby-doll model with a high waistline, flared skirt, decorated with ruffles, frills, bows;
  • loose-fitting sundress dress made of flowing materials with thin straps, any color, length;
  • sheath dress for teenage girls, which is distinguished by more strict cut lines and discreet decor;
  • cocktail models, wedding options - short bright dresses without sleeves and collars, ideal for family celebrations.

The choice of formal attire for a teenage girl is not limited to dresses. You can successfully combine a blouse and a skirt, but the image should be light, romantic, and moderately open. When choosing a holiday set or dress, you need to focus on the girl’s preferences and take into account the features of her figure. A successful model will emphasize a thin waist and disguise body imperfections.

For sports and recreation

Teenage girls are quite active, so parents should take care when choosing a sports-style wardrobe. What things are suitable:

  • hoodies, sweatshirts, short-length denim jackets with dynamic prints and bright colors;
  • oversized sports T-shirts with leggings, crop tops plus high-waisted pants, any print, shade, pattern;
  • youth bombers, parkas with torn jeans, skinny jeans, shorts - an option for a picnic, a hike, a country holiday;
  • tracksuits for training in the gym should be lightweight, for the street - insulated models with a hood;
  • the most suitable fabrics are velor, viscose, knitwear, less often cotton, no restrictions on colors.

Boring monochromatic suits should be excluded - a teenage girl should look attractive both at the ball and in the gym. For sports, when choosing clothes, greater emphasis is placed on practicality, hygroscopicity, and wearability of products.

Warm and summer clothes for teenage girls for leisure should correspond to the season and weather.

  • When choosing outerwear for a teenage girl, you need to take into account the practicality of the products and compliance with youth fashion trends. In the cold season, the thing should warm you up and not look ordinary. Bright shades, contrasts, a variety of styles and design solutions are allowed. What to pay attention to:
  • parka jackets are elongated and reach mid-thigh with a drawstring at the waist. Things are warm, different in color, with a hood trimmed with fur;
  • demi-season bombers - shortened jackets with wide elastic at the bottom, cuffs, and collar;
  • Biker jackets in bright colors, combined with feminine wardrobe elements - skirts, dresses;
  • spansers (jackets with a zipper) - items do not contain any decor and can be easily combined with shirts and jeans;
  • windbreakers in bright rich colors, mostly with a zipper, without a hood, with spectacular decor;
  • coat in military style, casual, oversized - depends on preferences. Teenage coats come in a wide range;
  • down jacket - ideal for winter, a model in bright colors, with rich prints, fur trim;

sheepskin coat in a lightweight version without bulky lining. Pairs well with a variety of wardrobe items.

When choosing outerwear for a teenage girl, you need to pay attention to comfort, quality of material, and suitability for the weather. The product should not hinder movement and should fit tightly to the figure. For the cold season, preference is given to elongated models.

The fashion industry does not ignore young fashionistas; fashion designers are actively working to create unique items, taking into account the preferences of teenage girls. When sewing products, a variety of fabrics are used that meet the requirements for children's clothing. The emphasis is on rich shades, colorful designs, inscriptions, a combination of textures, and interesting decorative design. Clothes for teenagers are distinguished by a wide range and affordability. Youth brands:

  • American brand Esprit. Cheerful, bright style, high quality, reasonable price, fits into the basic wardrobe of girls;
  • English brand Next. The products have a laconic design, are suitable for a strict image, contain bright colors and prints;
  • French brand Eliane et Lena. Large selection of teenage products, emphasis on elegant dresses for young girls;
  • clothing from the Burberry brand - items are in great demand among teenagers, clothing is relevant for creating different images and looks;
  • ZARA company. There is a combination of classics, sensuality and glamour. Things are of impeccable quality;
  • youth brand Sela. Focused on the production of casual products, attention is paid to comfort and practicality;
  • legendary brand Bonprix. The German brand produces clothes and shoes for all categories of consumers;
  • Pepe Jeans is a manufacturer of street fashion clothing for teenagers. Bright denim, denim, sports styles.

In demand are teenage items from the Swedish company Hennes & Mauritz, sports models from the Finnish manufacturer Icepeak, current and provocative collections from the Extra brand, and designer items from the Turkish company Colin’s. Outfits from different manufacturers differ in price, styles, and materials used.

Popular styles

Teenage fashion for girls is a compromise of different styles and trends, a combination of incongruous things, a challenge and a protest against standards. For teenage girls, fashionable clothing is a way of self-expression and individuality. There are many fashion trends, which helps teenagers choose products to suit their tastes, creating unimaginable looks. Interesting styles:

  • casual, street fashion. Fashionable clothing for teenage girls in this style includes light T-shirts, voluminous sweaters, skinnies;
  • classic, elegance with trendy motifs. To create an image, classic skirts, blouses, and suits are used;
  • hippie - an extraordinary youth style, denim items, knitted models, leather braid, accessories in the theme predominate;
  • retro - minimalism, British chic school outfits, short skirts, cape pants, waist coats, leggings, tight knit raglans;
  • biker brutal style and military - leather-look clothes, massive fasteners, buttons, shoulder straps;
  • hip-hop - baggy models with a sports cut, voluminous T-shirts, spacious pants. The look is complemented by baseball caps and knitted hats;
  • rave (club style) - clothes for girls in bright colors with flashy designs and incredible combinations;
  • trash - alternative protest, faded jeans with cashmere coats, formal suit with sneakers, bright tights, leggings;
  • hipster - vintage items, skinny jeans, tight trousers, T-shirts and T-shirts with animal prints, sneakers are a must;
  • Kawaii cartoon style - jeans with skirts, lots of lace, voluminous sweaters, massive jewelry.

Sports total looks, teenage outfits in emo and gothic styles do not lose their relevance. Connoisseurs of street style will appreciate biker and glam rock clothing. Fans of romance can choose glamor and sensuality. The clothes are dominated by exquisite models - elegant trench coats, flounced skirts, floral motifs, stylish jackets, classic shoes. For everyday looks and walks, girls will choose boho-style and denim items that combine sophistication with practicality. There are a lot of options - you just need to choose the style that will best suit the girl.

Women's wardrobe: nothing to wear, nowhere to hang it, it's a shame to throw it away!

A woman's wardrobe is a delicate thing and has virtually no boundaries. But still, in every closet there are things that do not always fit with the remaining things, for some reason they are rarely worn or are generally forgotten :).

In order to spend your money wisely and always be dressed in different combinations of outfits, I recommend getting yourself basic wardrobe. The clothes that are in this wardrobe are ideal for school, dates, going to the cinema, cafes and guests.

By adding a few accessories and changing your bag, you can instantly turn from a diligent schoolgirl into a romantic person. How to do it? Read today!


Of course, jeans are the basis for any wardrobe - men's, women's and teenagers. Therefore, I recommend buying not too expensive, but varied models. Which ones exactly - you will find in my .

Let your closet have strict models, bright, colorful, with rhinestones, inserts, with a high or low waist!

Black or gray dress pants

I wear mine extremely rarely, but they can help out in cool weather in the fall, for a business meeting, important event and other important events that happen at school and in life in general.

Black or gray dress pants are a great dress code option for a school that doesn't have a uniform!


In a school environment, you can wear plaid pleated skirts. Why don't you have one too? In addition, if you wear interesting leg warmers in the evening, this skirt will be a great option for a date or a walk with friends!

During the day, wear a skirt with a jacket, blouse or vest and create the classic look of a diligent schoolgirl!

If you prefer a more restrained style, then give preference to a pencil skirt or a straight knee-length skirt.


A dress is that special thing that will help you out at any moment. A black neutral dress would be ideal, which can be complemented with a bright cardigan, beads and other accessories and worn to school and in everyday life.

Therefore, it is advisable to buy one dark dress and one light (thick) dress for a more festive mood. Don't forget to stock up on a pair of neutral sundresses for the summer.


One dark jacket is enough. For example, I have dark blue. It saves you if you need to create a more serious look, if the weather is cool... Yes, it saves you in many situations :).


Thin blouse of different lengths. Suitable for jeans and dresses, shorts and skirts. It is best to buy 2 options – light and bright. A light one can be worn as a strict dress code, and a bright one can be useful for experimenting with an image, an evening date, etc.


Two warm sweaters are enough :). One with a neckline, the other with a boat neckline. Under the latter you can wear various shirts, with the collars facing outward :).


You can have as many blouses as you like. Get into the habit of buying blouses, not T-shirts, since you can wear a blouse even to the beach, but you can’t wear a T-shirt to school.

Be sure to make sure that your wardrobe includes white, cream, checkered and bright blouses. The first two options are suitable for school, the cage is a store, a walk, a movie, and save the bright one for a date :).


Unlimited variety of different ones. I only have a couple of them - a cute one with a cartoon in mint tones and a fashionable and versatile sailor suit.

By the way, it is very convenient to have T-shirts, which become universal clothing in the summer. It is advisable to have T-shirts in neutral shades for easy mixing with other clothes.


Black and denim are the perfect solution for your wardrobe.


One is enough. If you have 2 more sweaters, then you can wear each item every other day :).

Short coat

Option for warm weather in autumn and spring. A short jacket is a great option for dresses, trousers, jeans and skirts.

Coat or down jacket

In winter, you need to wear something long, preferably up to the knee.


Boots. If you can’t afford several pairs, then choose one, but universal one. For example, with a small heel.

Shoes. It is advisable to have two pairs. Classic pumps and elegant stilettos. If you need to choose one pair, buy those with a heel of about 5 cm.

Ballet shoes. Be sure to buy it if you walk or travel a lot.

Sandals. Fashionable wedge heel.

Sandals. Neutral, without heels.


Bags. One big one for school and shopping. One small one, on a long chain, for dates and walks. A summer bag with flowers and you can also buy a small backpack.

Scarves, gloves, beads, bracelets, watches– all these are things that will help you complement and change your images!
