When is the day of smile. International Smile Day: history and traditions of the holiday

World Smile Day is an international unofficial holiday of smiles, celebrated annually 3 times a year: on the first Friday of October, July 25, and since 1980 - also on April 12. The world owes the fact that this wonderful holiday exists to the artist Harvey Ball.

The work of Harvey Ball, who lived in America in the mid-twentieth century, was unremarkable: critics were not particularly interested in him, and his paintings were hardly in danger of immortality. But one day, representatives of the insurance company State Mutual Life Assurance Company of America approached him with a request to come up with some bright and memorable symbol - the company’s business card. Harvey, without hesitation, took it and offered customers what now all Internet users without exception call a “smiley” - a smiling yellow face. This happened in 1963. The customers accepted the job and paid Ball just $45 and not a cent more, then had badges made with the logo and distributed to all company personnel. The success of this “business card” exceeded all expectations. The company's clients were delighted with the innovation - literally within a few months more than ten thousand badges were released! Very soon the cute face began to appear on T-shirts, baseball caps, envelopes, postcards, and matchboxes.

Even the US Postal Department issued a stamp with this symbol. Ball was literally bursting with pride. “Never before in the history of mankind and art has there been a single work that, having spread so widely, brought so much happiness, joy and pleasure. There was nothing that was done so simply, but became clear to everyone,” he said in one of his many interviews.

In 1971, the editor of the leading French newspaper France Soir, Pierre Lazareff, gave Franklin Laufrani a task: to develop a campaign aimed at spreading positive emotions in society at a time when the news was mostly bad. Thus was born the idea of ​​a simple logo that would be used to highlight good news. On October 1, 1971, Loufrani registered the yellow smiling face as a trademark, first with the French INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property - in classes of goods and services 1, 2, 4, 9, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 41 - and then in more than 80 countries. True, it remains unclear why he decided to bypass the United States? Rumor has it that the entrepreneur felt that in the States the “smiley” had a different owner. At the same time, Loufrani always told everyone that he dreamed of this symbol much earlier than Harvey Ball drew it. Although dreaming and realizing are absolutely two different things, disputes over authorship remain disputes. The "smiley face" logo appeared on Saturday, January 1, 1972, when the French newspaper France Soir published a positive story by Laufrani under the headline "Take time to smile." This publication became the first publicly known printed and dated claim of copyright ownership of the smiley face logo. American artist Harvey Ball, although offended by Loufrani, did not sue him. After all, at that time, everyone wanted to take credit for themselves. And there were thousands of people who declared that this creation was truly their work. The campaign to promote the emoticon was also picked up by other European newspapers - De Telegraaf, Blick, Lavanguardia.

Meanwhile, Loufrani founded his own company called “Smiley Licensing” and literally made a decent fortune for himself in just a few years. His registered creation with the inscription "Have a happy day" or "Have a nice day" with a yellow face appeared on many items of clothing: caps, T-shirts, postage stamps, postcards, shirts and so on. In 2005, the Laufrani family established a charity, The SmileyWorld Association (SWA). It was decided to use part of the company’s profits to sponsor social projects around the world.

Meanwhile, in his old age, Ball came up with a holiday - International Smile Day. World Smile Day was first celebrated in 1999. The artist believed that this day should be dedicated to a good mood; the motto of the Day is the words: “Do an act of kindness. Help one person smile,” which can be translated something like this: “Do a good deed. Help at least one smile appear.” And since then, this holiday has been celebrated by enthusiasts around the world with various promotions and flash mobs. All funds raised on this day go to charity.

Interestingly, the history of the appearance of the emoticon is well depicted in the film “Forest Gump” starring Tom Hanks (1994). Remember, when he was on his multi-month run, one day he dried himself with a T-shirt that was brought to him. After Hanks returned the T-shirt, its owner froze in stupor - there was a smiley sign on it.

The hero of the same Tom Hanks drew another emoticon on the ball and named it Wilson. For a long time, he became his fellow Robinsonade (The Film "Outcast", 2000).
Before the emoticon reached the Internet, it traveled a long and difficult path. There is an opinion that the electronic emoticon appeared and developed in parallel and independently of the creation of Harvey Ball. The first electronic emoticons were noticed in the early 70s of the last century. We noticed them on computers called Plato. To entertain themselves, programmers printed funny faces on punched paper tapes, using them to create basic games. But evidence of this has not survived. And it is quite possible that this never happened. As mentioned above, a lot of people tried to appropriate this creation for themselves.

On September 19, 1982, a message appeared on the Mellon Carnegie University bulletin board from Professor Scott Fahlman: “ I would like to suggest using the following sequence of printed characters to indicate jokes - :-) . Just turn your heads to the side and you will notice a smiling face. And, if you are unhappy or sad about something, then it is suggested to use the following symbols :-( ».

A little later, the same Falman will say that he is one of the inventors of the “smiley”. But it doesn’t matter who came up with this symbol, because it appeared years earlier. But, nevertheless, September 19th is officially recognized as International Smiley Day.

Today, the “smiley” is one of the components of both computer and real time. Today it is impossible to imagine any person who uses computers and portable electronics without the use of “smiling” symbols. And it’s impossible to imagine our real life without smiles. Look around and you will certainly notice how someone smiles while talking on the phone, someone greets you with a smile on their lips, and so on.

Nowadays, emoticons can be found not only in the virtual space, but also on fences, trees, even on snow-covered cars, many people draw this familiar sign. What can we say about pupils and students who, like years before, continue to write cute notes in notebooks with squared pieces of paper. If you look closely, you can see a characteristic smile in almost every second sentence, in every line, after the period...

Now the life of emoticons is inextricably linked with a smile. And when we offer to smile, we certainly insert an emoticon into our text, otherwise we generally make do with just one.

Scientists who study human evolution say that smiling was originally a gesture of submission, humility, and concession. Nowadays, a smile expresses a much more complex set of signals and feelings. A smile is the most recognizable facial expression. People can recognize a smile from up to 100 meters away, making it the most easily recognized facial expression. Undoubtedly, a smile decorates a person and makes him charming. A sincere smile in communication is of great importance; it attracts people to each other and creates a friendly atmosphere between them. Smiling is a universal sign of happiness. Although handshakes, hugs and bows have different meanings in different cultures, smiling is known throughout the world and in all cultures as a sign of happiness and approval.

Natural smile characterizes the sincere manifestation of a person’s positive emotions. Such a person does not hide his joyful mood, putting on a cheerful expression on his face. Some people have a familiar facial expression with a beautiful smile. They make the most pleasant impression; people around them feel lighter just by looking at them. They enjoy pleasant events, love life and do not worry about little things. The smile of such people can be called optimistic and sunny.

Guillaume Duchesne conducts his research
Guillaume Duchesne is a scientist who studied the psychology of smiles (in 1862). During his studies, he passed current through his patients' facial muscles, trying to establish a connection between the emotions they experienced and muscle contractions. Exactly smile Guillaume Duchesne and is still considered an example sincere smile. One of the patients in the hospital where the professor worked was a shoemaker suffering from Bell's palsy. The man's facial nerve was paralyzed, so when exposed to electric shock, the man maintained his facial expression for several minutes. This way, the photographer could easily take a photo of his face. The scientist’s work, creepy at first glance, is of interest not only for medicine, but also for the history of photography, because he captured most of his experiences in photographs.

Sincere smile lasts longer and manifests itself more noticeably, the stronger the positive emotions experienced. All positive emotional experiences (the happiness of a loved one, the joy of relief, fun, satisfaction, pleasure delivered by tactile, auditory and visual impressions) are manifested in a sincere smile and differ only in their intensity and duration.

Natural, relaxed And joyful Only the zygomatic muscles give a smile. No other muscles of the lower part of the face are involved in the expression of a sincere smile; in the upper part, the only noticeable change may be the tension of the muscles around the eyes. These muscles, which produce most of the changes in the upper part of the face: raising the cheeks (bags under the eyes, spider legs), can also contract under the influence of the zygomatic muscles.

Chaplin's smile is unusual in that it involves muscles that most people cannot control. A distinctive feature of Chaplin's smile was an arched lift of the lips, much more powerful than in a sincere smile. This is a super smile or a smile above a smile.

Happy smile- the most sincere type of smile, it cannot be faked or “falsified”. It appears spontaneously and does not depend on the situation, because it lights up your face when you are truly happy.

By far the most expensive is smile of loved ones. For example, a young man in love with a girl is pleased to see her smile. So, her charming smile makes him happy.

Top smile. This is a smile in which only the upper teeth are visible. It is believed that this is a friendly smile that occurs involuntarily. Most often, this type of smile can be observed when meeting close people, friends, or when communicating between mother and child.

Affectionate smile. This is how our mothers smile at us, and we smile at our near and dear people. Especially those whom we want to surround with our touching care.

Shy smile- a symbol of femininity and vulnerability, although sometimes it appears on the faces of men. Most often, it appears involuntarily as a sign of embarrassment and a feeling of slight shame from a mistake or sweet stupidity. With an embarrassed smile, the gaze is usually directed downward or to the side, which is explained by the desire to avoid meeting the eyes of the interlocutor. Sometimes, in addition to a sincere smile, the chin fossa (the area between the lower lip and chin) rises for a moment. In another variant, embarrassment is expressed by a combination of a restrained smile with a lowered or averted gaze.

Shy smile. Shy young ladies are familiar with a shy smile first hand. Characterized by downcast gaze and blush on the cheeks. In impressionable girls, it can be caused by a compliment or increased attention to their person. This smile is very similar to the top one, but if you look closely, you can see the lower lip being bitten. Another distinctive feature of this smile is the slightly lowered head. Often such a smile can be found in a child who meets the gaze of a stranger.

Compassionate smile typical for vulnerable and impressionable girls. It is designed to demonstrate sincere participation and concern for the interlocutor, often accompanied by words of support.

It happens that you smile from ear to ear
It is the cause of all disasters.
And only the one who laughs well
Who can do this without consequences.
(c) Eduard Alexandrovich Sevrus

Wide smile. This smile occurs in a moment of fun: a funny moment, a tickle, a funny joke, joy. The person smiles or laughs with all his might, exposing his teeth. With a wide smile, both rows of teeth are visible, but most often people try to control their smile by covering their bottom teeth.

Another name for such a smile is Hollywood. Such a smile arises from a cheerful situation, a pleasant meeting or a funny situation. As a rule, such people have a sense of humor, they are open to new acquaintances and communication, and love to spend time in the company of friends.

Beautiful smile today it is a component of people’s external image, which helps create an attractive appearance. rehearsed Fashion models, actors, politicians and other persons whose activities are aimed at working with the camera or the public have a smile. The smile of singers, models and actresses makes their appearance attractive and arouses sympathy.

Halle Berry and Gwyneth Paltrow
The most fashionable smile- This is the smile of Hollywood celebrities, which can be bought like false teeth. The best selling jaws are the Halle Berry and Gwyneth Paltrow smile jaws. Cost – approximately 3 thousand dollars.

Charming smile. It is she who makes the face even more attractive and beautiful. Flirty women all over the world are well aware of the powerful power of this smile and use it as a proven method of seduction.

Playful smile. Widely stretched lips, raised corners of the lips, but the teeth are hidden - these are signs of a playful smile. This kind of smile can be found on people listening to an interesting story or expecting a joke.

Ironic smile appears on the face when the interlocutor looks especially comical or says absurd things. It is often asymmetrical, and one eyebrow is raised.

Wise smile- the prerogative of adults, although it also occurs among young girls. She seems to be saying that a person knows something that is inaccessible to many, and she is also always calm and peaceful.

dreamy smile characteristic of creative people and lovers of indulging in their dreams. Pleasant thoughts evoke a half-smile, and the gaze seems to be directed somewhere far away, into the world of dreams and fantasies.

Haughty smile inherent in women with high self-esteem or experts in their field. She can be recognized by her wide smile, tense cheekbones, raised chin, look down and her head thrown back militantly.

In the expression " A smile of contempt“The word “smile” is not entirely appropriate, because this facial expression is also in no way connected with positive emotions, although it is often tended to be interpreted that way. Expressions of contempt include contraction of the muscles at the corners of the lips, causing the corners of the lips to protrude, often dimpled, and curl slightly upward. In this case, the cause of confusion is the same raising of the corners of the mouth as with a sincere smile. Another common element is dimples, which sometimes also appear with a sincere smile. The main difference between a contemptuous smile and a sincere one is the tension in the corners of the mouth, which is characteristic only of a contemptuous smile.

Appreciative smile softens the harsh, unpleasant tone of a critical facial expression and often forces you to smile in response. This type of smile usually appears suddenly, with the corners of the mouth usually tense and the lower lip often twitching slightly for a moment. An appreciative smile is often emphasized by a slight nod of the head slightly to the side, resulting in the impression that the person is looking a little down on him.

Intriguing smile sparks curiosity. A sly look, a half-smile - don’t you want to know what secret is hidden behind this facial expression?!

Flirting smile sincere, although at the same time the seducer takes his eyes away from the object of his interest, in order to then again cast a sly glance at him, which, again, is instantly averted as soon as it is noticed. The unusual impression of the famous Mona Lisa partly lies in the fact that Leonardo catches his nature precisely at the moment of this playful movement; turning her head in one direction, she looks in the other - at the object of her interest. In life, this facial expression is fleeting - a furtive glance lasts no more than a moment.

Brave Smile usually addressed to our opponents, it gives confidence in our abilities, sets us up for victory in an argument and helps us withstand stressful situations. When you embark on the path of fighting injustice, or defeating your next opponent, you will smile triumphantly with just such a smile!

Protective smile designed to hide your excitement about meeting an unknown interlocutor or fear of circumstances. Often used in business communications to prevent your partner from sensing your concerns.

Cowardly smile occurs when there is strong excitement, when a woman is uncomfortable in her environment. Perhaps she is in a stressful situation, has received bad news, or is facing a difficult choice.

Scared smile has nothing to do with positive emotions, although it is sometimes confused with a smile of joy. It is caused by the laughter muscles (risorlus musculus), which stretch the corners of the lips towards the ears, so that the mouth takes the shape of a rectangle. Although the word risorius itself is translated from Latin as “laughing,” in fact, such a smile, as a rule, appears from fear, and not from laughter. The reason for the confusion is most likely that when the laughter muscles stretch the lips horizontally, their corners move slightly upward, resembling a very wide, sincere smile. However, in case of fear, such a change in the shape of the mouth (both with and without raising the corners of the lips) is also accompanied by movement of the eyebrows and eyes.

Conspiratorial smile- a witness to a shared secret with your best friend. For both of you, it will become a conditioned signal about the kinship of thoughts, as well as knowledge of each other’s secrets and the presence of many joint stories that someone else does not necessarily need to know about!

A smile can not only communicate, but also offer another person an affective release. This is apologetic smile a person who accidentally disturbs someone's peace. And the apologetic smile of the one whose peace has been disturbed is a sign that the proposal for detente has been accepted.

A simple smile. This is how people smile when they remember the happy moments of their lives. The lips are stretched, the corners of the lips are raised, but not open.

Fake smile. This kind of smile can be seen in photographs from official meetings and at boring events. Very often, young children begin to smile falsely when they see unfamiliar adults (a fact about smiling). The smile is similar to the top one, but wrinkles do not form near the eyes - the muscles contract only in the corners of the mouth. The British want to create a system with which it will be possible to determine how fake a smile is.

Exists forced smile. For example, in cases where a person’s official position forces him to smile. She is also called duty officer or unnatural. It should be noted that employers, when choosing a candidate for a position whose work will be directly related to clients, welcome the person’s ability to smile and be friendly. The open smile of such people “attracts” clients to them and gains their trust.

obsequious smile emphasizes that a person is ready to swallow the bitter pill intended for him without objection. Naturally, no one mistakes this expression for a smile of joy; such a smile shows that a person is ready to agree with an undesirable turn of events for him. It is similar to an appreciative smile, but does not have a corresponding head movement. Instead, the eyebrows usually rise momentarily, often accompanied by a sigh or shrug.

In the modern world there is a devaluation of the smile. She loses her original warmth and sincerity, so “polished” smile of a sales assistant can be perceived as almost hostile.

Friendly smile- a sign of politeness, goodwill and sympathy. It allows you to win over a person when meeting you and at the same time maintain the necessary distance in the relationship. Most often it appears on the faces of girls at work or in an unfamiliar company.

Conciliatory smile regulates the relationship between two or more interlocutors. This polite, friendly smile serves to politely express agreement and understanding. Such a smile, weak and asymmetrical, is usually not accompanied by the participation of the muscles surrounding the eyes.

Answering smile is a special case of a conciliatory smile - the listener lets the speaker know that he understood him perfectly and there is no need to repeat himself or express his thoughts in other words. This facial expression is equivalent to the interjection "hmm" or "yeah-yeah", usually accompanied by a nod of the head. The speaker knows that this smile does not indicate the feelings of the listener, but is only a sign inviting him to continue.

Tight smile. This type of smile is more like a martyr's expression. It is obvious that the person smiles “through force.” If a person stretches the corners of his lips, slightly showing clenched teeth, but not raised, as with a happy smile, and his eyes are sad, then this is a forced smile. Appears when you are in a sad mood or in a conversation with an unpleasant interlocutor. Often such a smile accompanies a moment of fear or aggression.

At a discreet smile the person actually experiences strong positive emotions, but tries not to express his joy in full force. The goal is to muffle (but not suppress) positive emotions, to keep one’s emotional manifestations, and possibly experiences, within certain limits. In this case, the lips may be compressed, the lower ones protruded, the corners of the mouth are tense or lowered - any combination of these signs can also accompany a simple smile. a controlled smile that combines all three deterrents with a simple, natural smile.

In English there is a term " smize", which means smiling with your eyes alone. In fact, it is virtually impossible to smile solely with your eyes.

Bored smile appears on our faces when it becomes boring and uninteresting. By continuing to smile at our interlocutor, we simply abstract ourselves from the current situation.

Forced smile. This smile is often used to show the other person that his joke or behavior is inappropriate. This smile is manifested by slightly compressed lips, tense and raised corners of the lips.

crooked smile. The smile is similar to a simple one, but the corners of the lips are lowered down. This smile looks a little threatening, but most often it only expresses disapproval.

Pathetic smile reveals a person’s negative experiences. It is not an attempt to hide an emotion and reflects the actual state of a person. A pitiful smile also indicates that the person, at least at the moment, is inclined to accept his pitiful fate. Such smiles are often asymmetrical and superimposed on openly negative facial expressions, not covering them up, but emphasizing them, or follow immediately after such negative expressions. A pitiful smile, indicating attempts to control manifestations of fear, anger, and grief, can often resemble a restrained smile. The lips are compressed, the lower one is protruded, the corners of the mouth are tense or lowered - all this can also serve as a means of restraining surging feelings. The main difference between a pitiful smile and a restrained one is the absence of all signs of muscle tension around the eyes. The action of these muscles or the appearance of spider legs with a restrained smile is a sign of positive emotions, and their absence is a sign of negative emotions. A pitiful smile may also be accompanied by movements of the eyebrows and forehead, which indicates that the person is acknowledging his negative emotions.

A smile can reflect more than just a person's positive mood. Cold, cunning, insidious and other types of smiles make it clear what conflicting feelings a person is experiencing at the moment. For example, nervous smiling or laughing are signs of stress and may indicate a disorder in a person's nervous system.

Evil smile most resembles a grin. The eyebrows are closed, their inner corners are lowered, the lips are stretched, the teeth are exposed. Enemies immediately recognize that such a smile addressed to them does not bode well for them.

Cruel or sadistic smile. If a person experiences pleasure from his own anger, on his angry-satisfied face the narrowing of the lips, and sometimes the raising of the upper lip, will be combined with a sincere smile.

There are a lot of smiles, and they express very different, sometimes even opposite, states of mind. There is a cheerful, joyful smile, but there is also a sad smile, a sour smile, a smile of regret. A smile can express not only delight, but also sorrow, not only pleasure, but also pity.

What is common in this variety of different mental states that can generate a smile on the face? Perhaps the fact is that all these states are not associated with active and energetic actions. There is a smile of regret, but there is no angry smile. There is a gentle smile, but there is no passionate smile. A smile appears more likely in a witness than in an active participant in events, or in a participant when he has already done his job and can allow himself to “relax.” A smile reflects affective release, calmness, and the cessation of active actions at the moment. What if not peace is felt above all in Pushkin’s poems:

Nature's clear smile
Through a dream he greets the morning of the year.

All the calming power of words: “Why these dark thoughts! Look, all nature is smiling at us” (A. Ostrovsky. “Poor Bride”) - in the last word.

A smile expresses the cessation of active actions not only when these actions have led to success and satisfaction. “Peter Ivanovich fell silent with a smile, showing that he was not giving up, but that he did not want to argue with Marya Ivanovna” (L. Tolstoy. “Decembrists”). But if he comes out without a smile, with frowning eyebrows, it means there is no success, but the weapons are not laid down, the struggle continues.

The teacher smiles when he sees that the student in the exam, after several trials, has found the right way to solve a difficult problem; the task has not yet been solved, but the uncertainty has been removed, the path has been found - and the teacher smiles.

There are millions of different smiles, actually, so many people, so many different smiles. But these millions can be divided into three main groups. Cosmetic surgery specialists who specialize in correcting smiles The following types of smiles are distinguished (from a neuromuscular point of view)::

1. Commissure (angular) smile- the most common type of smile, characteristic of 67% of the population. With such a smile, which is also called Cupid's bow or Cupid's arch, the corners of the mouth first move up and to the sides, after which the levator muscles of the upper lip contract and the upper teeth are exposed. This classic smile exposes the incisal edge of the maxillary central incisors. This is the lowest point of a smile. From there the line continues through the first molars, 1-3 mm. above the cutting edge of the incisors. With a spontaneous smile of this type, the corners of the mouth shift by 7-22 mm. at an angle of approximately 40°C from the horizontal (on average 24-38°C). In most cases, the movement is directed towards the helix of the auricle. The left and right sides of the mouth may move different distances, but the direction of movement is almost the same. Owners of a typical commissure smile are Frank Sinatra, Dennis Quaid, Jamie Lee Curtis, Audrey Hepburn, Jennifer Aniston.

2. Fang smile, or “lip bend” observed in 31% of the population. The shape of the lips is usually visualized as the edges of a diamond. The leading role in this smile belongs to the levator muscles of the upper lip. They contract first, exposing the fangs. Then the muscles at the corners of the mouth contract, stretching the lips upward and to the sides. However, the corners of the mouth often remain below the lip, which passes over the maxillary canines. The gums appear in the shape of a gull's wing, repeating the curve of the upper lip. Elvis Presley, Tom Cruise, Sharon Stone and Linda Evangelista, Drew Barrymore have this smile.

3. Complex smile occurs in only 2% of the population. The lips are parallel. The levator muscles of the upper lip and corners of the mouth, as well as the depressor muscles of the lower lip, contract simultaneously, exposing the upper and lower teeth. The characteristic features of such a smile are a lot of muscle tension and a displacement of the lower lip down and back. This is how Julia Roberts and Marilyn Monroe, Wil Smith, Oprah Winfrey smile.

There is another division according to the type of smiles:

  1. Only the upper teeth (or part of them) are visible
  2. The upper teeth and more than 3 mm of gums are visible
  3. Only the lower teeth (or part of them) are visible
  4. Both upper and lower teeth are visible
  5. Neither upper nor lower teeth are visible
Numerous researchers divide smiles into two categories:
  1. respectful "social" smiles that use fewer muscles,
  2. and genuine "sensual" smiles that use more muscles on both sides of the face.
Harmony the combination of the curvature of the incisal edge of the anterior teeth of the upper jaw with the upper border of the lower lip can also be taken as a criterion. The most attractive smile appears at a ratio of 1.00/1.25. The average smile of a normal modern person looks like this: the front teeth of the upper jaw are exposed to 2/3 of the length, the curve of the cutting edges of the upper teeth is parallel to the inner curve of the lower lip, 6 frontal upper teeth and premolars are visible.

Researchers claim that women smile much more often than men, especially in their youth. No wonder: everyone is sending out sex signals around in these good times. In addition, men are less likely to smile back - in particular, to another man. Blame it on testosterone: individuals with high levels of this hormone are not predisposed to grinning. Except when she is the most advantageous chance to show her masculinity. When a male grins at a forensic photographer or laughs at a horror movie, he shows that he has everything under control.

How can you tell the difference between a sincere smile and a fake smile?

Not all smiles are created equal. However, there is a way to determine whether a person is happy to see you or has a gun in his pocket. Artificial smiles, on average, last ten times longer than spontaneous ones, because they are created in order to be noticed. Such a grimace appears suddenly, lingers for a disproportionately long time and disappears just as quickly. A spontaneous smile grows gradually, it is brief, but returns again and again. Real pleasure is also noticeable around the eyes - small wrinkles appear there. Scientists have found that a sincere smile involves the muscles around the eyes, cheeks and mouth. If you experience pleasure, joy, a certain signal is sent to your brain, you automatically smile. Then the mouth, cheeks, and corners of the eyes smile, and the eyebrows lower slightly. It is almost impossible to consciously control the occurrence of muscle movement around the eyes. This is a sincere smile, as opposed to a fake one - when only your mouth smiles.

"Smiling is not just that vague thing we've all seen in the Cheshire Cat," says Paula Niedenthal, a psychologist at the University of Clermont-Ferrand in France. She and her colleagues looked beyond the surface anatomy of the face and explored the neurological roots of the smile. Their work was published in the latest issue of the journal Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

A smile, they discovered, “comes” from different areas. Sometimes we smile simply out of pleasure, and sometimes in order to strengthen the connection with a particular person. These types of smiles differ from each other both in anatomical and neurological indicators. We smile differently when we feel embarrassed, or bare our teeth when we unconsciously want to show dominance when smiling, raise our eyebrows slightly when we smile when greeting someone, and use a fake smile when our boss makes ridiculous jokes.

Another important finding that Niedenthal and her colleagues came to is that we smile in response to someone else's smile. Moreover, a smile in response is simply a tribute to politeness. In fact, the corresponding changes occur in our brain. For example, if a woman smiles simply because she is having fun, special areas of her brain produce energy flows when scanned. When someone sees her smile, he will also be unable to stop himself from smiling, and when he does, the same areas of his brain will be active as he also smiles with joy.

On the other hand, if a person notices a fake smile, he will subconsciously still smile back, but, nevertheless, he will feel the difference, while, interestingly, no areas of his brain will “flare up” with the fake emotions of the smile he saw. Niedenthal believes that a keen understanding of these facial expressions helps us feel comfortable in the world of social interactions.

Scientists have identified several types of smiles:

  • A smile with pursed lips when no teeth are visible. This is the smile of a person who is hiding something, or who has his own opinion, but is not going to share it. This is also how women smile when they don’t like a man.
  • crooked smile indicates the sarcasm of its owner. This is a smile of mixed emotions: joy, fun and anger.
  • Smile with an open mouth. This is the smile of a person who wants to receive recognition, attention, an ingratiating smile. But at the same time, the smile of a manipulator of other people.
  • A smile and a sideways glance. Usually playful, beloved children, accustomed to receiving everything, smile this way. That’s why people who need the love and support of other people smile this way. Seductive virgins use this smile.

The benefits of a smile

It is believed that people who smile and laugh often have strong moral and spiritual health. They are less susceptible to stress and more psychologically stable than those who often frown and avoid positive emotions. On the contrary, a pessimistic outlook on life and lack of the habit of smiling are typical for people with increased anxiety and mental stress.

Psychologists recommend a simple way to help improve your mood with a smile. The essence of this method is that the facial muscles folded into a smile cause a feeling of joy in a person. The positive effect of this technique and the benefits of a smile are obvious - the person will remain in a good mood.

A smile is more attractive than makeup. Research conducted by Orbit Complete found that 70% of people find women more attractive when they smile than when they wear makeup.

62% of people believe that smiling can help you get a promotion. Smiling makes you more attractive, outgoing, and confident, and people who smile more are more likely to get promoted.

A smile is the best “stress pill” and is also good for the heart, according to scientists from the University of Kansas in the USA. When you smile, your body begins to produce “happiness hormones” - endorphins. Your mood changes and you feel better, stress is relieved.

A smile is the best natural immunomodulator. When you smile, your body is relaxed, which promotes good health and a strong immune system.

Smile constantly. Everyone around you will wonder what's on your mind.
President George W. Bush grins almost constantly. Ray Birdwhistell believes that this middle-class smile is especially common in Atlanta, Louisville, Memphis, Nashville and much of Texas. Bush is a Texan, and Texans smile much more often than other Americans. In Texas, a person without a smile will definitely be asked what happened to him and if he is angry about anything. In New York, when people see a smile, they ask: “What’s so funny?” President Jimmy Carter was also from the South. No wonder he was constantly smiling. This worried the northerners, who thought that he knew something that they did not know.

German psychologist W.F. Birkenbiel gives some advice on how to use a smile in various life situations.

First tip: when talking on the phone.
Smile before you pick up the phone or before the person you're calling picks up. This little trick creates a positive climate for the conversation because the other person “hears” you more positively than if you started speaking “normally.”

Second tip: if you are irritated.
Do the exercise just when you are irritated! Even if you work in a large room, you can always find a corner where you can discreetly smile. Do the exercise for one minute until you feel an improvement in your emotional state.

Third tip: if someone else is irritated.
After some practice, you will find it much easier to smile spontaneously. If you have already reached this state, you should try to smile at other people! If you don't smirk smugly, your smile will make the other person feel relieved.

Fourth tip: if you meet strangers.
It is in this situation that people look relatively darkly: partly because they are unsure of how the other person will perceive them, and partly just because they always look that way. Therefore, in this case, you should consciously smile. Since the eyes are also involved, your small gesture will have a much more friendly effect than you think at the moment. In most cases, the other person will respond in a more open and friendly manner than they are accustomed to reacting normally. This way, both you and him will have an advantage.

Fifth tip: before writing a letter.
The more positive you are, the more positive the impact of your writing will be, although it is more likely to be seen between the lines. How often do people send a letter that feels more irritated than it would be in a particular situation. Remember: a positive state of mind is always rewarded when writing a letter.

Some tips for a beautiful smile:
  • It is necessary to develop facial muscles every day in order to achieve the desired result - a pleasant smile.
  • The beauty of a smile is not only its symmetry; it is important to keep your mouth clean, brush your teeth, go to the dentist, and take care of the skin of your lips.
  • How beautiful your smile will be depends on the correct application of makeup on your lips. Flashy, overly bright and poorly applied makeup will ruin even the most beautiful smile.
  • In addition to proper care of the skin around the lips, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the skin on the face. Use scrubs, creams and lotions to make your skin silky, firm and smooth.

Smile training

The essence of the training is that you learn to “keep a smile on your face” several times a day for about 1 minute. This exercise can be done anywhere: in the car, on a walk, in front of the TV. The following effect that occurs during this training is interesting. In the first seconds, instead of a smile, you may end up with a grimace, especially if you are in an irritated state. But after about 10 seconds you start to seem funny to yourself. This means that your grimace is already transforming into a smile. Then you start to slowly make fun of yourself. You are asking whether you really need to be annoyed in this situation. A few seconds later, you notice that there is relief. And from now on everything will go for the better.

Physical exercises to train the facial muscles responsible for smiling

It is possible, and often even necessary, to learn to smile beautifully. An incredibly sincere, open, friendly and sweet smile can turn anyone’s head. This is the best business card of yourself! By investing in your appearance, in particular, in your smile, you are investing in your successful and happy future. To achieve the desired results and develop the skills of a beautiful smile, just do the following exercises and always think optimistically!

A beautiful smile largely depends on the fitness of the facial muscles. About 40–50 different facial muscles are involved in the process of smiling, and most often the smile is asymmetrical. This occurs due to varying degrees of training and development of facial muscle tissue.

Exercises to train facial muscles

The key to a beautiful smile is proper and systematic training of the facial muscles. Ideally, you should perform a set of exercises in the morning and evening. In addition to mastering the correct technique of smiling, such movements help prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles and age-related wrinkles.

  • Bring your finger to your lips at a distance of 2–3 cm, try to reach it with your lips, using maximum effort. Naturally, this is unlikely to be possible, but in this way you can use a certain muscle group.
  • Stretch your lips, open your mouth, then close it tightly, your lips remain elongated. Next, relax all your facial muscles for a couple of seconds.
  • Keeping your lips tightly closed, stretch them out and try to outline a figure eight in the air. After movement, relax all muscles.
  • Opening your mouth slightly, stretch out your lips, folded into a tube. Hold in this position for a few seconds, then exhale sharply. Relax your facial muscles.
  • After taking a full lungful of air and closing your lips tightly, try to exhale the air. After a couple of seconds, open your mouth and exhale. By actively using the muscles of the cheeks, a beautiful smile will be formed.
  • Take a deep breath, puff out your cheeks and blow out the air so that your lips feel the vibration.
  • An excellent workout for a beautiful smile is an unnaturally wide smile.
All movements must be repeated 3 to 5 times.

There is still debate about whether animals can smile. Some scientists argue that the smiles of animals are just an illusion; our brain itself complements the picture it sees, making it more understandable. Species spiders Theridion grallator, living only on the Hawaiian Islands, have an amazing body color that resembles a smiling human face, and the color of each individual is unique. Presumably, such a pattern should scare away their only enemies, birds. Although other zoologists question this, because spiders usually hide during the day, emerging from hiding only at night.

Music Ekaterina
"World Smile Day". Fun for the senior group

TARGET: Create a favorable environment for the emotional and comfortable state of children.


Help lift children's spirits;

Enrich children's experiences;

develop emotional responsiveness and sensitivity of children;

Leading. Hello guys! Today we will talk about one fun, joyful day, but what day we are talking about, you will find out by guessing the riddle. I will ask it to you, and you will give the answer to each other.

Joy has a friend, in the form of a semicircle (smile) .

Presenter. Of course this is our beautiful swami smile. Since 1999 The whole world began to celebrate « world smile day» . People celebrate it every first Friday of October. A smile is a miracle, with the help of which the world becomes more comfortable and warmer. There is nothing more expensive, happier and more important than the smile of your loved ones.

Guys, what do you think when it appears smile? (when a person feels good and wants to laugh, other people smiling when they remember that he is good). At all, a smile is very contagious if you smile at your friend, then he will certainly will smile at you. Guys, what about the symbol? smile became - emoticon, you know him (show the children a smiley face). Friends, I know that you have prepared poems about smile, read them.

1. Getting up early in the morning,

Getting ready for a good journey,

Washing, dressing up,

You don't forget to smile!

2. It’s much easier to walk with her,

And a little more fun

With her there is no burden on the shoulders,

And there are plenty of friends around!

3. Let's smile at the sun, meadow,

And any blade of grass,

Let's smile at each other

It's just like that with you now.

4. Smiling mouth, smiling eyes,

I'm not just a princess, I'm a princess from a fairy tale!

5. "Amazing Child"

Everyone is talking about me.

Because I'm from the cradle

I smile at everyone.

6. The sun is shining in the meadow,

But I can’t shine like that.

But I can smile,

And whole I can laugh all day!

7. From everyone's smiles will become brighter,

From smiles even the rainbow will wake up!

And she will come back to you more than once!

8. You smile, more often smile!

Suits you smile, look!

Never part with her,

Erase the stamp of seriousness from your face!

9. I will give YOU smile,

And let her fly around the world.

Suddenly, like a goldfish,

YOU Catch that smile

Children, today we have a fun and smiling day, I suggest you have some fun, do you agree?

Leading. Here's your first game

1. "Balloon Burst" (2 teams, whose team will pop all the balloons faster).

Well done, and now I suggest you hold a relay race called « smile» .

2. Relay « Smile» (two teams line up one after another, one at a time run around the obstacle and pass it to the other participant smile).

Well done guys, you did it, now let's sit down and rest a little. While you are relaxing, I will tell you some funny riddles, don’t you agree?

3. Riddles (decoys)

Everything is covered in white snow, which means it’s coming...

At night, each window is dimly lit...

Crows in his sleep, dear good one...

There are 4 lions under the tree, one has left, all that remains is….

A clubfoot walked past the hive...

Hurry up to the shore, the toothy one is swimming...

And she’s capricious and stubborn, she doesn’t want to go to kindergarten...

To get vaccinations and injections, mothers take their children to...

Presenter. Guys, what fun can children have without sweets? Do you agree? Do you like candy? Then I have one more task for you.

4."Candy for me"(a candy is hidden in a plate with cereal or flour, the children put on aprons and look for candy with their mouths).

5."Guess who I am?"(one participant is blindfolded and placed in the middle of the circle, while music is playing, children walk in a circle, she stops - the one who is blindfolded guesses the child standing opposite him by touch).

Presenter. Guys, now I suggest you sit down and relax a little. As I already told you, laughter is very contagious, and now we will check it out. I’ll turn on a recording of laughter for you, and you listen and see whether the laughter has infected you or not (plays recording with various laughs).

Presenter. Guys, I have one last fun task left for you. Please look at the board, what do you see there? Of course, these are symbols of you and me smiles The task is written on the back of each symbol. Now each of you goes out one by one and chooses any emoticon, whatever you come across is what you will do. You should be able to us cheer up so that we smiled(there are 15 emoticons with tasks hanging on the board for each child).

6. "Smiley" Z

Presenter. Children, ours is with you entertaining lesson dedicated to the day the smiles are coming to an end, but I have a surprise for you. Guys, I have a million balls in my pocket for everyone. You don't believe it, right? Well, don’t believe it, ha – ha – ha! Then go out and catch them! (children are invited to catch bubbles while listening to music).

One of the brightest holidays - World Smile Day is celebrated on the first Friday of the gloomy autumn month - October. The decision to celebrate it on this day was made in 1999, but its roots go back to 1963. It was then that one insurance company in America ordered the artist Harvey Bell, who was not so famous at that time, to draw an original symbol, a so-called business card that would distinguish them from other companies. The creative artist, without thinking twice, drew a cute yellow face that broke into a joyful smile. Customers and employees liked the company symbol so much that they had to produce another 10 thousand badges. The artist received a small fee of $50 for his work, and his creation - the famous emoticons - has been bringing joy for many years.

The smiley emoticon idea was a huge success in other cities and countries. For example, brothers from Philadelphia, having adopted the idea in the 70s, began to produce a variety of clothes with smiling faces. Such things were worn with pleasure by both children and adults. They were not only fashionable and beautiful, but also had a great effect on the mood of those who wore them and those who were nearby.

Later, a businessman from France, Franklin Laufrani, officially registered the emoticon as his creation and made a considerable fortune from it. Harvey Bell did not sue the enterprising figure, but only further improved the emoticon. The artist said that he was not chasing wealth, but only wanted to give people at least a little happiness, bringing a smile to their face.

The smiley face became increasingly popular and could be seen on logos, stamps, coffee mugs and many other items. It is extremely popular in our time; it is very difficult to imagine communicating on the Internet without emoticons, which we use to express feelings and emotions.

Being in his old age, the artist put forward a proposal to establish a holiday dedicated to smiles. It was originally celebrated on October 1, but in 1999 it was moved to the first Friday of the month.

Having fulfilled the mission of the ambassador of happiness, the artist, at the age of 79, passed away. His creation continues to delight the inhabitants of the earth to this day.

A smile is the most beautiful expression on the human face. It is from her, as the famous children's song says, that the strongest friendship begins and stronger feelings arise. It helps get rid of stress and depression. You just have to see a smiling person and it immediately begins to seem that the world is not so gray after all.

In addition, a smile is good for human health and prolongs life. Scientists have proven that 5 minutes of laughter add about a year to your life. And also cheerful, smiling people do not age as quickly as gloomy people who are dissatisfied with everything. No makeup can make a woman as attractive as a charming smile.

With the help of a smile, you can communicate, express your gratitude or sympathy to your interlocutor, approve actions and support. There are several types of smiles: open, closed, mechanical, comprehensive, naive, triumphant, abstract, fleeting, half-smile, welcoming, understanding, embarrassed, protective and flirtatious. But, probably, nothing compares to the first smile a baby gives to its mother. Unfortunately, there is a predatory false smile and a cold smile of a fashion model.
Celebrating this beautiful facial expression, people all over the world give each other smiles. But the most important thing is that this sunny expression appears on faces not only on this day.

Happy World Smile Day,
I hasten to congratulate you.
But, sorry, no postcard,
I came this time.
No, believe me, there are mistakes in that,
There's no trick here,
Everything here is just smiles,
Better than the kindest words!

This day is World Smile Day,
I wish you to live with a smile!
With her, realize your mistakes,
To dream, work and be friends with her.
Meet her with practical advice,
Solve the usual things with her,
It's always easy to walk around the world with her.
So smile more often, gentlemen!

Congratulations on Smile Day,
Smile back at me
And you will see how happy
And life will become rich.

The trees are smiling
Sun, grass and flowers,
And in response to them on this holiday
Give me a smile.

I wish that she
I never left your lips,
So that you meet the world with a smile
Your life has become happy.

Smile as often as possible
After all, life is not the same without a smile!
Get rid of all sorrows,
Just lifting the corners of your mouth!
I wish you bright sunshine
Your eyes always sparkled
May luck smile
May all your dreams come true!

One simple smile is enough
To warm everyone with warmth and pure light.
Let mistakes happen sometimes,
A smile will be the best answer for them!
And since today is such a holiday,
So smile and be happy, people!
Sometimes a happy face is enough
So as not to lose hope for a miracle in life!

Your smile suits you so well
She lights you up from the inside
Let your soul dance and sing
May happiness come your way!
Let there be only joy ahead,
Even if a passerby smiles at you,
And you also smile back at him,
A smile is health and a happy life!

Beautiful congratulations on Smile Day in verse

Today it is commanded to all people
Smile for no reason
And no one will judge us
No wrinkles will be added.
Know that this day is a smile
Everything is permeated with magic.
He will give you joy in abundance,
Happiness will suddenly come to your home!

Smile, people, more often -
Life is beautiful only then
When there is great happiness in the house,
It comes to you without difficulty!
Where there is no place for sadness
Friendly laughter echoes,
Where it’s cozy, interesting,
There are no obstacles to joy.
Smile more often, people,
Let the family not know troubles
And blossoms in smiles,
Like a garden in spring, the earth!

Happy Smile Day! The holiday is wonderful!
You can smile at everyone,
After all, right away you become so charming,
Your happy look works wonders!
And the world around becomes kinder,
And people become nicer too,
So smile at the passerby quickly,
Do not spare good emotions for people!

Let's smile at each other today
Let's walk around the city, giving joy.
Smiles are like rays of sunshine,
The gait is light, carefree, elastic.

Let's smile at people like us
To passers-by who have not yet understood how important it is
Give smiles to high-rise buildings,
Catching the reflection of smiling eyes.

World Smile Day is coming
And on this day I wish everyone well!
Let sadness recede forever! –
It's time for us to smile sincerely!

Give only gentle smiles
To all those who smile back!
Such people are gold bars,
Which bring light with a smile!

Let every day start with positivity!
Let all smiles always be remembered!
I wish that fate loves you
And I smiled at you for many years!

A smile prolongs life, -
Everyone knows about this.
And in the most sensitive matters
A smile helps.

Erases strife, quarrels, evil,
Conflict, misunderstanding.
A smile smooths everything out
And gives us attention.

May the Day of Smiles bring
Good luck to you, happiness,
May it save you from all the hassle,
Will drive away bad weather.

The best beautiful congratulations on Smile Day

I congratulate everyone on the Day of Smiles,
I send you congratulations, smart one,
May your heart be smiling
The door will be open for joy,
Always let there be a smile on your face,
I wish everyone an abundance of happiness!

You should always smile
May your century be positive!
Warm your lips, gentlemen,
The day of a radiant smile has arrived!

Congratulations and I give mine,
A sincere, kind smile!
I wish you to always be in ranks
Playing the violin for the first time in my life!

Where is a smile born?
And where does he spend the night on a starry night?
Her whole world is transparent and unsteady,
Sometimes nearby, sometimes in the grass it chirps.

Smile at her at dawn
And take care, hold tight,
With her the world is both joyful and bright,
In its rays the roads are easier.

Give a smile without regret,
She will always come back to you
And with the magic of a beautiful fairy
It will warm the day like a splash of sun.

Smiles bloom and shine,
They take you with you to wondrous lands,
Where the wings fluff up and play in the flowers -
The bee laughs, preserving the scent.

People laugh, understanding humor
And they will live happily for many years,
And that land has its own living water,
The sky is beautiful and there are no sorrows.

Children give young smiles,
Her facial features shine,
Like air, everyone around needs a smile,
She alone will warm everyone easily!

Smile! in response to you
The white light will smile,
The clouds will laugh
Having flown from afar,

The breeze will smile
It's like an old friend of yours!
Happy Smile Day! Have fun,
May life be kinder!

Happy Smile Day to everyone!
And we wish you to smile endlessly,
Smile only with happiness, tenderness,
Filling your soul with inspiration!
Appreciate every moment of a wonderful life,
Don't miss your time of joy,
Let a smile give a time of perfection,
Filling your heart with sunshine and bliss!

See also beautiful poems about the meaning of life .

World Smile Day is an unusual bright holiday that is celebrated in first Friday in October. It turns out that you still have time to throw a grand party on World Smile Day 2018!

The history of the holiday

Let's look at the recent past - to the middle of the 20th century. One day, representatives of the marketing department of one of the many insurance companies in America set out to acquire their own logo, which would be placed on business cards, leaflets, price lists and other papers. Marketers had a modest budget, so they could not turn to famous artists.

So fate brought the insurers together with the modest artist Harvey Bell, whose paintings few people had ever heard of. Bell approached the task creatively - and hit the target. He chose a simple but memorable drawing - a cute smiling face that everyone, young and old, knows today. Not particularly counting on great success, the customers accepted the work and said goodbye to the artist. And the insurance company's clients were delighted! Just imagine: on the badge of an employee of the office where you just entered, there is a pretty face with a good-natured smile drawn on it. What else can cause instant affection?

Soon, cunning entrepreneurs who had nothing to do with this order patented the sign. It’s unpleasant to say, but Bell did not challenge the violation - instead, the artist suggested choosing the day on which the holiday of smiles would be celebrated. He considered that it would be more appropriate to organize World Smile Day in gloomy weather, when it may have been raining outside the window for a long time, and the sun does not even think of peeking out.

Electronic smiley

When talking about World Smile Day, we can't help but mention Scott Fahlman, who introduced the computer smile symbol in 1982. It would be interesting to calculate how many times per year an average person uses this funny emoji to decorate their letters.

World Smile Day 2018

This year the celebration will take place on 5 October, Friday. It will be celebrated for the 18th time. The end of the work week is the perfect time for a party! We offer several ideas:

  • You can take a completely serious approach to smiling on this day: businessmen often announce big discounts to customers who send their application containing emoticons on World Smile Day.
  • On this day, it is customary to organize life-affirming events and flash mobs.
  • Start collecting photos of friends and family where they are smiling sincerely.
  • Invite guests by decorating your home with smiley balloons.
  • In the office, next to the calendar or clock, hang a colored drawing - let the cheerful smiley face lift the spirits of everyone from now on - both employees and visitors. It's all very simple to do, but these ideas will bring a lot of joy - see for yourself!

May World Smile Day 2018 mark the beginning of many good traditions everywhere!
