Abstract of the educational activity on cognitive development with multimedia accompaniment “I love the Russian birch tree” (senior group). Project "I love the Russian birch tree" project (preparatory group) on the topic Lit reading n Voronko at the beauty of the birch tree

(Platon Voronko)

He flew over a hundred lands.
Flew around, walked around,
Wings, legs strained.

We asked the crane:
-Where is the best land? —
He answered as he flew by:
- There is no better native land!

(Platon Voronko)

Along the earth from end to end

The boy is walking. Help.

Where people plant a garden,
There he plants a row.

Scooped up a bucket of water
I took and watered two ridges

On the oak tree of collective farm bees
Help, I found it in the forest.

He covered them up and went to the collective farm
He brought a whole swarm in a bag.

Diggers are digging a pond
He shares the labor with them:

Carries dug sand -
His cart is already groaning.

Helped everyone
Help in any way you can:

The carpenter and the blacksmith,
Brother, mother, father.

What a glorious land this is,
Where does our Help grow?

(Platon Voronko)

Spring day.
It's time to plow.
We went out into the tractor field,
They walk through the hills hunchbacked,
They are led by my father and brother.
I'm hurrying after them,
Please take me for a ride.
And my father answers me:
— The tractor plows but doesn’t roll.
Wait a minute: when you grow up -
You will drive the same one yourself!

(Platon Voronko)

We will plant linden and maple trees.
The city will be elegant and green.

We will plant poplars in rows.
Our squares will become gardens.

We will surround the school with trees,
Let the cheerful hubbub ring over her.

Soviet children love greens,
They love to see trees in bloom.

With young gardens and forests
We will grow and bloom ourselves.

Let it bloom more and more beautiful every hour
Our young Fatherland!

(Platon Voronko)

I grew up, sticky,
Thin and flexible.
Don't break me!

Honey color
I will bloom in the summer.
Protect me!

At noon below me
Hide from the heat
Grow me!

I'm leafing you out
I'll protect you from the rain.
Water me!

Together, my dear friend,
Let's gain strength!
You love me!

And you'll wait until the deadline
You will go out into the wide world -
Do not forget about me!

(Platon Voronko)

Thin birch,
She's not tall.
Like a teenager
She has a pigtail.

Tree for glory
It has grown over the year.
How curly
How white!

The goats came running
Early in the morning
Gnawing at the birch tree
White bark.

Don't go, goats,
Into our young forest.

Birch trees will grow,
They will be up to the skies!

(Platon Voronko)

The sun is warm, the wind is blowing,
The blue sky is clear.
And the meadow turns green,
Because it's raining.

What a miracle! Just a miracle!
What kind of rain and where is it coming from?
The firmament is clean and clear,
There are no clouds, but it’s raining!

It's right. Not out of the clouds
It's raining in our region.

There's a mighty engine in the fields
Drives a noisy stream.

(Platon Voronko)

I carried water, water
From the well to the garden.

And then she carried it into the garden,
I watered ten beds.

And in the beds - look! —
Strawberries have grown today.

I'll pick ripe berries
I'll call all my girlfriends!

(Platon Voronko)

The heron sewed shoes
Not small, not big.

The heron did not look for the ford.
Chapu-lapu - straight into the water.
“Admire, waders,
On your heels, heels!”

While she was boasting,
The shoes fell off her feet.
One shoe sank
And the other one softened in the water.

Heron raises his leg
Doesn't understand anything
And all day among the willow trees
Stands on one leg.

(Platon Voronko)

Night is coming.
You're tired, daughter.
My legs were running in the morning,
It's time for your eyes to sleep.
A crib is waiting for you.
Sleep sweetly, daughter!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 57

Ecological project

« I love Russian birch»

for children of the preparatory group

Prepared by: Dolgova E.V.,





Practical, research activities in natural conditions play a huge role in children’s environmental education. Modern city children rarely communicate with nature, so a child’s environmental education must begin with familiarization with the natural objects of the immediate environment that the child encounters every day. And this object could be a birch tree.

The white birch is a tree of Russia, a symbol of the beauty of Russian nature, a symbol of Russia. Since ancient times, songs have been written about her, round dances have been performed around her, and proverbs, riddles, poems and fairy tales have been composed. Many artists depicted a birch tree on their canvases, and composers dedicated their best songs to the birch tree.

Watching the children, I noticed that they are interested in the plant world, look at books about nature, about plants, share their impressions, but have superficial knowledge about the benefits of trees, about their relationships with living and inanimate nature.Children do not know why birch is the most revered tree in Russia, but most importantly, they are interested in this topic and want to know more about birch.

Problem :

  • Insufficient knowledge of children about the birch tree as a symbol of Russia.
  • Failure to comply with the rules of environmentally conscious behavior, including in families of children.
  • Lack of understanding of the importance of educating children about Russian culture and preserving ancient native Russian traditions.

Project passport

Target: creating conditions for the formation of an ecological culture in preschool children through the education of a caring attitude towards nature.


  • introduce children to the birch tree as a symbol of the country;
  • form ideas about the life of a plant, its development;
  • develop children's cognitive interest, desire to observe, explore;
  • foster environmentally conscious behavior

Subject of study: birch

Project type : educational and research

Project type : creative, educational, research

Duration of project activity: mid-term (04/18/16 – 06/17/16)

Children's age: senior preschool (5 - 7 years old)

By number of participants: group

Educational area: cognitive development

Participants: children, teacher, music director, parents
Expected Results

As a result of the project, children will expand their understanding of nature and its importance in human life. Moral concepts such as love for the Motherland and pride in its natural resources will be formed. Children will develop initiative, intelligence, and the need to communicate with nature.

The implementation of this project will teach preschoolers to compare, analyze, and draw conclusions; Creative and intellectual thinking will develop, the ability to acquire knowledge from various sources, analyze facts, and express one’s own judgments. Children will gain new experience in search and research activities.

Thanks to the work done, children can consciously answer the question of why it is necessary to treat birch with care.

Forms of work:
Activities of the teacher:

  • conversations;
  • educational stories from the teacher;
  • integrated classes;
  • reading fiction (fairy tales, short stories, poems, proverbs, tongue twisters);
  • use of illustrative material (posters, story pictures, cards, postcards, etc.);
    Children's activities:
  • experimentation;
  • speech games, descriptive stories;
  • didactic games with object pictures;
  • game based on a tree structure model;
  • outdoor games;
  • artistic and productive activities (appliqué, drawing, modeling, manual labor);
  • musical;

Interaction with parents of students:

  • consultations, recommendations, reminders;
  • practical tasks;
  • joint events


The first preparatory stage (04/18/16 – 04/25/16)

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Setting goals and developing the content of the educational process


Collection, analysis and systematization of information about the appearance of birch (its distinctive features), its significance in the lives of people in our area


Selection of literature: riddles, poems, proverbs, sayings, signs about birch


Selection of outdoor games, didactic games


Selection of illustrations, paintings


Development of problematic and educational questions for children


Preparation of material for children's visual and musical activities.


Music worker

Grouping material, drawing up a plan


The second stage is the main one (from 04/26/2016 to 06/08/2016)

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Introducing children to the birch tree: a targeted walk “Meeting a Russian beauty”


Compiling descriptive stories about birch


Acquaintance with folk signs about birch


Conducting an educational lesson “Birch - Russian beauty” (systematization of information about the appearance of birch)


Examination of objects made from birch bark.


Conversations: "Why are birches white?"
"Birch is a symbol of Russia"

“Without a ticket around the world” - (about different ways of distributing seeds)

“Birch - Russian beauty” (withsystematization of information about the appearance of birch)

"Interesting facts about birch


Acquaintance with the works of artists: I.I. Shishkin “Birch Grove”, I. Levitan “Birch Grove”, “Golden Autumn”.


Singing "Song about the Motherland" (lyrics by E. Karaseva, music by V. Jelinek)
“There was a birch tree in the field” - unaccompanied singing (Russian folk Melodiya)

Musical director


Vivaldi album “Seasons”,

E. Dreizin ancient waltz “Birch”

Musical director

Learning round dances:

“Birch tree in gold” (lyrics and music by G. Vikhareva);
"Oh, yes birch tree" (music by T. Popatenko)

Musical director

Drawing competition “I love white birch”based on the poemVsevolod Rozhdestvensky"Birch"


Reading and learning poems, solving riddles about birch


P. Voronko "Birch" - memorization


Looking at birch bark under a magnifying glass
"Which side do the leaves breathe in?"
"Water in plant life"


Play activity

“Find a piece of paper, which one I’ll show you.”

"Find a tree by description"

"Name the tree by its fruits and seeds"

"The Fourth Wheel"


Outdoor games : “Run to the birch tree”, “Who will collect more boletus mushrooms”, “Wreath” (from birch), “Who will collect birch buds faster.”


Interaction with parents:
-Selection of illustrations, postcards, photos, newspaper and magazine clippings, riddles, proverbs and sayings about birch
- “Sunday day off in the grove” - a family excursion to a birch grove
- "How to make a birdhouse correctly" - selection of information
-Recommendations for parents “Health from the birch tree” (booklet)
- "Birch in cosmetics and pharmacology" folding book

- Making panels from birch leaves by parents and children

Stage 3. Final (06/07/2016-06/17/2016)

Exhibition of children's drawings “Birch in different seasons”;

Quiz “What do you know about birch?”;

Entertainment “Russian Birch Festival” using folklore,

Photo report from parents "Sunday day off in the grove"

Exhibition of works "Panno from birch leaves" of parents together with children

Project results

The implementation of this project taught preschoolers to compare, analyze, and draw conclusions. The children gained new experience in search and research activities. While working on the project, preschoolers examined the growth of buds, leaves, catkins, and noted its role as a medicinal raw material for human health. Based on the study, we came to the conclusion: it is necessary to preserve and take care of the symbol of Russia - the birch tree.

This project contributed to the development of creative and intellectual thinking of preschoolers, the ability to acquire knowledge from various sources, analyze facts, and express their own judgments.

Thanks to the work done, our children will be able to consciously answer questions about why it is necessary to treat birch with care.


Childhood: An exemplary educational program for preschool education / T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, O.V. Solntseva and others - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Childhood-Press" LLC, Publishing House of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen, 2014. – 321 p.
Balatsenko L. Work with parents on environmental education of children. Child in kindergarten. 2002. N 5.
Voronkevich O.A. Welcome to ecology! Diary of entertaining experiments for children 6-7 years old. Developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. - SPb.: DETSTVO-PRESS, 2015
Dybina O.V., Rakhmanova N.P., Shchetinina V.V. The unknown is nearby: Entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. M.: Sphere shopping center, 2005. (series “Together with children”).
Ryzhova N.A. Environmental education in kindergarten. M.: Publishing house. house "Karapuz", 2001



Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky
The sun warmed the slopes a little
And it became warmer in the forest,
Birch green braids
I hung it from thin branches.

All dressed in a white dress,
In earrings, in lace foliage,
Welcomes the hot summer
She is at the edge of the forest.

Will a thunderstorm pass over her?
Will the swamp darkness cling to you -
Shaking off the rain, he smiles
Birch is cheerful again.

Her light outfit is wonderful,
There is no tree dearer to my heart,
And a lot of thoughtful songs
People sing about her.

He shares joy and tears with her,
And so her days are good,
What seems - in the noise of a birch
There is something from the Russian soul.

"Birch Grove"
German Khodyrev

Whiter than pure snow
And the radiant month,
Like girls in white dresses,
The birches stood in a circle.

Their branches are thin arms,
It's like the strings are ringing.
Only the wind will touch them -
And everything is singing around.

In the clear light of the moon
The whole grove seems to be glowing.
And less often the dusk of the evening,
A shadow brighter than the night.

And the forest is mighty and steep
He looks at the grove joyfully:
Always by his side now
The bright day is shining.

Najmi Nazar

...Sometimes white, sometimes whitish,
Over a field, a road or a river,
Generous birches,
What nationality are you? Which?

Yes, none.
After all, you are trees.
And hearts should rejoice
Those who are alien to arrogance
And not me

look at the faces...
S. Yesenin

White birch
Below my window
Covered with snow
Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches
Snow border
The brushes have blossomed
White fringe.

And the birch tree stands
In sleepy silence,
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire.

And the dawn is lazy
Walking around
sprinkles branches
New silver.

S. Shchipachev

The rain bends her to the ground,
Almost naked, and she
He rushes, looks silently -
And the rain will stop at the window.

And on a pitch-black winter evening,
Believing in victory in advance,
The snowstorm takes her by the shoulders,
He takes white people by the hands.

But, thin, breaking it,
They will run out of strength... She,
Apparently, she has a straight character,
Faithful to someone else.


About them again
Curly and whitish...
What should I do here?
If in Rus'
There are birches along all the roads,
Even if it's a day
At least a year
At least an eternity of wheels.
Anything happened: they sawed their own,
And the strangers took them with axes.
Showers of juice poured into funnels,
And piles of mutilated bark...

They stand, bordering the roads,
And they weave and weave their green canopy...
And my Rus' is a birch grove,
Which can never be cut down!

"Sad Birch"
A. Fet

Sad birch
At my window
And the whim of frost
She's dismantled.

Like bunches of wineglad,
The ends of the branches hang, -
And joyful to look at
All mourning attire.

I love the game of Lucifer
I notice on her
And I'm sorry if the birds
Shake off the beauty of the branches

I. Tokmakova

If you gave a birch tree a comb,
The birch tree would change its hairstyle:
Looking into the river, like into a mirror,
I would comb my curly locks,
And it would become a habit for her
Braid your hair in the morning.

“I love Russian birch”
A. Prokofiev

I love Russian birch,
Sometimes bright, sometimes sad,
In a bleached sundress,
With handkerchiefs in pockets.
With beautiful clasps.
With green earrings.
I love how elegant she is
Dear, beloved,
Then clear, ebullient,
Then sad, crying.
I love Russian birch,
She's always with her friends
In the spring there is a dance,
Kisses, as usual,
It goes where there are no fences,
Sings where it's not supposed to,
The wind bends down
And it bends, but does not break!

Folk signs about birch

A lot of sap flows from a birch tree - for a rainy summer.
When the birch leaves its leaves in front of the alder, the summer will be dry, if the alder is wet in advance.
When the birch tree begins to bloom, sow the oats.
The birch tree’s earrings burst – it’s time to sow bread.
The nightingale first begins to sing when it can drink dew from a birch leaf.
If a lot of leaves remain on a birch tree in the fall, then the year will be difficult.
If birch leaves begin to turn yellow from the top in the fall, then next spring will be early, and if from below, then it will be late.
A birch tree planted next to the house scares away evil and protects from lightning.

Proverbs and sayings about birch

The birch bark is white and the tar is black.
For the enemy, birch is a threat.
Berezovitsa (birch sap) is worth a penny, but the forest is worth a ruble.
Birch gives intelligence (about rods).
Green, not meadow; white, not snow; curly, not a head.

Riddles about birch

In a white sundress
She stood in the clearing.
Birds flocked to her
They sat on their braids.

Green, not a meadow,
White, not snow,
Curly, but without hair.

A slender beauty stands in a clearing,
In a green blouse, in a white sundress.

Without caring about the weather,
He walks around in a white sundress,
And on one of the warm days
May gives her earrings.

Sticky buds
Green leaves.
With white bark
It's under the mountain.

In autumn leaves are like tears,
They drop to the ground...

White-trunked beauties
We stood together by the path,
The branches descend downwards,
And there are earrings on the branches.

This forest fashionista
He often changes his outfit:
In a white fur coat in winter,
All in earrings in the spring,
Green sundress in summer
On an autumn day she wears a raincoat.
If the wind blows,
The golden cloak rustles.

The pillars stand white,
Their caps are green.

Platon Voronko - Lipka

I grew up, sticky,
Thin and flexible.
Don't break me!

Honey color
I will bloom in the summer.
Protect me.

At noon below me
Hide from the heat.
Grow me up.

I'm leafing you out
I'll protect you from the rain.
Water me.

Together, my dear friend,
Let's gain strength.
You love me.

And wait until the deadline
You will go out into the wide world
Do not forget about me!

Platon Nikitovich Voronko (1913-1988) - Ukrainian Soviet poet. Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the third degree (for the collections of poems “Good morning” and “Glorious is the world”).
Platon Voronko was born on November 18, 1913 in the village of Chernetchina. His father was a blacksmith, his grandfather a kobzar. From the age of 10, the boy was brought up in the Akhtyrsky children's town, where he graduated from a seven-year school. In 1932 he graduated from an automotive technical school and in the spring of the same year, on a voucher from the Komsomol Central Committee, he went to Tajikistan to build the Vakhsh construction. There he began to write his first poems. In 1935-1937 he served in the Red Army. In 1938-1941 he studied at the Moscow Literary Institute named after M. Gorky.
He volunteered for the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940. He was a fighter in a ski battalion and commanded a group operating behind enemy lines. During the Great Patriotic War he fought in a fighter battalion, then from May 1943 - in the partisan unit of S. A. Kovpak. He commanded a group of miners and demolitions, then the Olevsky partisan detachment. Participated in the Carpathian raid. In the winter of 1944 he was seriously wounded; he was taken on a sleigh across the front line to Kyiv.
In 1945-1946 he worked in the editorial office of the Dnipro magazine. Participated in the World Conference of Democratic Youth in London. In 1947-1948 he was the executive secretary of the commission for work with young authors of the USSR SP. The poet was also elected a member of the board and presidium of the SP of the Ukrainian SSR. In 1950, P. N. Voronko was elected as a deputy of the Kyiv City Council of Workers' Deputies and a member of the board and presidium of the SP of the Ukrainian SSR. Member of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR of the 10th and 11th convocations.
Platon Voronko is the author of the books “Partisan General Rudnev” (1946), “Good Morning” (1950), “Glorious is the World” (1950), “Dear Friends” (1959), “In the Name of Your Will” (1974), “Riptide "(1983), etc.
Voronko's poems are dedicated to partisans, youth, the struggle for peace, friendship of peoples, and socialist construction. They are characterized by life-affirming intonations and a bright national flavor. Many of them became popular songs (“Komsomol members, forward!”, “The Black Horse”, etc.).
The poet also wrote poems for children. Poems for children occupy a large place in the poet’s work: “Our Happiness”, “To Stalin”, “Flourishing Land”, “Your Book”, etc.
P. N. Voronko died on August 10, 1988. He was buried in Kyiv at the Baikovo cemetery.

Larisa Levchuk
Abstract of the educational activity on cognitive development with multimedia accompaniment “I love the Russian birch tree” (senior group)

Program content: continue to introduce children to the folk symbols of Russia; give an idea about "small" And "big" Homeland; expand knowledge about birch, the most common tree in the country; its use in the national economy, its medicinal properties; learn to read poetry expressively birch, develop desire to preserve the nature of Russia; cultivate a sense of attachment to the native Fatherland.

Equipment: laptop, projector, screen, stereo system

Preliminary work: memorization of poetry, periodic observations of birch trees, learning movements for a round dance

Progress of the lesson:

1. A song is playing "Where the Motherland Begins" performed by M. Bernes.

slide number 1.

Educator: Do you know what the Motherland is? (place where a person was born) What is the name of our country? (Russia is your big Motherland) What city were you born in? (Ust-Ilimsk is your little Motherland)

There are also words in the song: “Where does the Motherland begin?

From the treasured bench at the gate,

With the same one birch trees what's in the field

Bowing in the wind, it grows"

2. Slide No. 2. And today we will talk about that very birch tree, a tree that is a folk symbol of Russia. This is the most beautiful and delicate tree Russian forest. Whatever kind words he calls Russian man is a tree. How can you say about birch tree? What is she like? (curly, slender, beautiful, white-trunked, green, tender, sweet) Poets, composers, and artists sang it in their works.

Great Russian poet Yesenin. Slide number 3

Great Russian artist Levitan in the famous painting « Birch Grove» . Slide number 4

Russian composer Glinka, returning from distant countries, he always bowed first birch tree on native land.

3. Everywhere you turn around us birch trees. They grow both in the warm southern forests of Russia and in the cold Siberian taiga. They grow in parks, forests, fields, squares. In every small courtyard you can see Russian beauty birch tree.

And in our kindergarten territory they grow birch trees? How much birch trees on our site? (in our d/s there is a small Birch Grove, where we go very often) Why? How do you feel when you stand next to birch tree? Slides No. 5, 6, 7.

4. Now let's look birch tree Let's take a closer look and compare it with a person. Do you think trees are like people? How are they similar? (they are alive, growing, drinking water, breathing) Yes, they are born, they live, getting old. Slide No. 8

A person has a torso, but what birch trees instead of a body?

A person has legs, but what birch trees?

A man has hands, and birch trees?

A person has skin, but what birch trees? Slide number 8

A person has hair, and birch trees? What color are the leaves? birch trees?

Let's show birch tree in winter, spring (Slide No. 10, summer, autumn (Slide No. 11). good birch tree at any time of the year! Not in vain Russian people wrote so many poems and songs about her. Poem « My birch, birch tree»

My birch, birch tree,

My white birch,

Curly birch!

Are you standing birch tree,

In the middle of the valley;

On you, birch tree,

Leaves are green;

Under you, birch tree,

Red girls sing;

Below you birch tree,

The girls are red

Wreaths are being woven.

Slide No. 12

5. Let’s start a round dance around now birch trees. Round dance "In the field the birch tree stood» (physical education minute)

6. Why Russian people love and appreciate birch? How and where do they use it? (she gives the best firewood from birch trees they make excellent furniture, musical instruments, skis, various decorations). (Slide No. 13) Very popular birch bark products. Birch bark is the bark of a tree, it does not allow water to pass through birch bark makes tuesa, wicker boxes, caskets, hairpins.

Slides No. 14, 15, 16

Birch not only decorates our life, it preserves it. How birch tree Guys, can you save our lives? (she is treating us)

How does it treat us? birch tree? (birch sap, broom; tar - heals wounds; chaga – treats all internal organs) Slide No. 17

That's how much we learned about Russian beauties birches! Slide number 18

Poems by S. Prokofiev « Birch - white swan...»

Birch, white swan,

I'm standing next to you,

To you, my timid one,

I'm singing a song.

How are you standing, happy?

Happy summer day

Beautiful because of you,

It's light in my forest.

Green, free,

You are more flexible than reeds

White birch,

Well, everyone, you are good!

P. Voronko « Birch»

At the beauty birch trees

The dress is silver

At the beauty birch trees green braids.

From the yard to birch tree

The goats jumped out.

They began to bend birch tree,

A birch tree in tears.

Protect birch tree

We are running in a crowd

So that beauty birch tree

She grew up big.

Guys, what good can we do for birch trees? How can you help them? (take care of them, do not break, regret)

Let's be protect and love every birch tree! love and take care of the birch tree, means to love nature, means to love our great Motherland, whose name is Russia!

(we treat all guests and children to chaga tea). Slide number 19
