The best ointment for a tattoo. Is it possible to smear a tattoo with baby cream

There are simple, but necessary rules for tattoo care that must be followed so that there are no complications.

The issue of proper tattoo care is especially important in the first couple of weeks from the moment of application. With proper care of the tattoo, during its healing, the loss of pigment does not exceed 10%.

So, it happened! .. You just got out of the tattoo parlor. Doubts and fears are behind, and the desired pattern is on your body. The first bandage made by the master has not yet been removed, it's time to learn how to take care of this fashionable acquisition. This article will help you understand the intricacies that contribute to the speedy healing and preservation of a tattoo.

As a rule, each master has his own recipe for tattoo care. It should be remembered that a professionally made tattoo does not pose a health hazard and, accordingly, does not cause any complications. After the master has finished his part of the work, the no less important function of consolidating and preserving what has been done is assigned to the customer himself. This is understandable, because it depends on the healing process how long and good the work will look. However, the general commandments of the beginner "tattooed" are simple and accessible.

The bandage applied by the master after tattooing should last from 3 to 12 hours, depending on the nature of the work. For a while, the skin around the drawing may be slightly sore and remain red. It is normal if the ichor is released at first. The main thing is to prevent the ingress of dirt and infection. At the end of the period set by the master, you should remove the bandage, wash the tattoo with Miramistin or warm water and soap with clean hands, then dry thoroughly (do not wipe, but get wet). Remember that alcohol solutions should not be applied to a fresh drawing, as this can disrupt the healing process. Then you need to apply a thin layer of the ointment recommended by the master (for example, "Bepanten" or "d-Panthenol").

During the healing of a tattoo, it should not be scratched, torn off the film, or picked. Sunbathing during the recovery period is strictly prohibited. Baths, saunas, baths, swimming in the pool, solariums - all these joys should be refrained from during skin regeneration. It should be remembered that tattoos fade from direct sunlight: after sunbathing with a fresh tattoo, you can notice that it will fade by several tones.

Be sure to exclude the ingress of dirt, but you can not glue or bandage the tattoo. It is recommended to wear loose clothing, preferably not silk or synthetics, to avoid possible allergic reactions. You should not expose yourself to heavy physical exertion or sports training during the first 3 days; and it is also necessary to exclude the use of alcohol during this time.

The first week, the tattoo looks loose and a little swollen. You should not be afraid - after peeling off the first layer, a white scaly mark remains on the surface of the pattern, which then also comes off. Usually the healing period is about five days, depending on the characteristics of the organism and the pattern.

Many ladies are concerned about the question of how long after tattooing can scrubs and peels be used on this area of ​​the body. It turns out that already 10 days after the end of the work, it is not forbidden to apply all the usual skin care products.

There is no limit to perfection - it is quite possible that after some time you will want to “finish”, redo the tattoo. This is quite real, especially since the ideal work is not done in one session. A second visit to the master is scheduled 7-10 days after the first procedure to allow the wound to heal. If you don’t like the tattoo years after it was applied, you can correct the “mistake of youth” at any time by contacting a professional who, on top of the old one, will inject you with a new drawing, more beautiful and more relevant than the previous one.

Tattoo fix

If it happened that after a while the tattoo “floated”, or inflammation began, you should immediately go to the master who worked with you. The thing is that some people may develop an allergic reaction to some types of paint (cases are quite rare, about 1 in 1000). In addition, with any, the most professional tattooing procedure, a small amount of microbes enters the body. However, a healthy person has a strong enough immune system to cope with this trouble. In any case, if you have any questions or unforeseen difficulties, contact the master to find out together why this or that problem arose. However, after visiting a real professional, the risk of being dissatisfied is minimized (the guarantee that you will not fall into the hands of a charlatan will be a specialized salon, sterile tools and a clean workplace of the master, where all hygiene requirements are taken into account).

It should be remembered that over time, the effectiveness of the tattoo is lost - the skin becomes flabby, cellulite may appear. To avoid unpleasant metamorphoses with your favorite pattern, when choosing a place for tattooing, it is better to dwell on parts of the body where the skin does not stretch over time (shoulder blade, ankle).

As you can see, the well-known thesis that a tattoo is a magical synthesis of art and medicine, at the stage of recovery and care should be considered in a medical way. Does anyone want to harm themselves with their own dishonesty, inattention or laziness!

It is not so difficult to fulfill these simple provisions, especially when your beauty and individuality are at stake. In addition, if you do not follow the above rules and get an undesirable result due to your own negligence, then there will definitely not be a guarantee for work: an experienced master will understand where his omission is, and where is the negligence of the customer.

Tattoo care immediately after application

Immediately after tattooing, a compress is applied, wrapped with cling film to avoid external contact with a polluted environment and to prevent accidental infection. The compress should be removed after 2-4 hours, depending on the rate of blood clotting. During this time, at the site of the tattoo, capillary bleeding almost completely stops. If you remove the bandage before the specified time, then the ichor released from the capillaries dries quickly on the skin, which leads to the formation of a crust, when peeled off (removed), the pattern is inevitably damaged and the healing process itself is delayed for a longer period!

After removing the compress, immediately wash the tattoo with antibacterial soap. A warm (not hot) shower is ideal. Be sure to wash off all the discharge at the site of the tattoo. Do not use alcohol-based creams and aftershave lotions.

Immediately after showering, gently dab the tattoo site with sterile material, cotton pads are ideal. Dry the tattoo site for 10-15 minutes, after which the tattoo can be lightly wiped with a cotton pad moistened with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine solution. It is necessary to wipe with movements from the center of the pattern to the edges, affecting the intact area of ​​​​the skin along the periphery of the tattoo. It is better if you change cotton pads in the process of wiping.

Further, the tattoo is lubricated with a cream (Bepanten + / Bepanten Plus), but you can use Solcoseryl ointment, creams containing Vitamins are very good, especially A, D, C, E, F from this line are ideal creams: "D-Panthenol", ointment "Original", cream "Ink Fixx", homeopathic "Boro-Plus" can also be used. You can also resort to folk remedies - use natural sea buckthorn oil, which has a very high ability to regenerate damaged skin cells.

It is better if you choose one remedy that suits you the most. But in any case, you should not use the above remedies uncontrollably and too often. It is enough to apply creams and ointments in accordance with the attached instructions for use. Usually it is 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days. The whole process of tattoo healing varies greatly, it depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. On average, a tattoo heals within 5-10 days.

Remember, that:

  • 2-3 days after application, the tattoo is covered with a crust, which remains until the end of healing, approximately 7-10 days.
  • until the tattoo is completely healed, it is unacceptable to: expose the tattoo to sunlight, visit a solarium, play sports, visit a bath or sauna, lie in a bath, swim in ponds.
  • approximately on the fifth day, itching may appear, the crust from the tattoo begins to peel off gradually, you can not scratch the tattoo site and peel off the crust. A compress from the Sinaflan solution will help relieve itching.

After the tattoo has completely healed, the tattoo does not require any care. If the drawing is done professionally, then over the years it almost does not change shape, does not blur, the colors of the tattoo do not fade. The only exceptions are those cases when a person is gaining weight or losing weight, but even in such cases, the tattoo can always be corrected.

Tattoo care products

Astroderm healing cream

Manufacturer: VIS, Russia

An effective remedy based on natural extracts and vitamins. Active ingredients allow you to speed up the healing process of minor skin injuries (scratches, abrasions, minor cuts, domestic thermal and sunburns), avoid secondary infection of the wound and other complications, as well as restore the integrity of the skin and get a good cosmetic effect. The cream accelerates cell renewal processes and serves as an excellent prevention of the consequences of adverse effects on the skin of environmental factors (cold, wind, dampness).

Bepanthen Plus
Colorless antiseptic cream, has a cooling effect
Manufacturer: Bayer, Germany

When applied to superficial wounds, it protects against infections, inhibits infectious processes and promotes healing. The cream contains chlorhexidine, which is an antiseptic (active against bacteria present on the skin or in wounds, suppresses infection). Accelerates the formation of new tissues and soothes pain with a cooling effect. It is easy to apply and rinse off, not greasy, does not stick to clothes. Flaws: expensive.

Panthenol(Depantol, PanthenolD, D-Panthenol Goo, 911-Panthenol cream)
Manufacturers: many
Bepanten analogues. Ointment intended for external use A drug that improves tissue regeneration. A synthetic derivative of lantothenic acid, which is a water-soluble B vitamin essential for carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. The beneficial effect of the drug is manifested in reducing itching and improving the healing processes of the skin in various dermatoses. The drug is approved for use without a prescription.

Boro plus cream (pink)
Manufacturer: India

Antiseptic cream "Boro" is made from natural products based on the rich experience of Indian medicine. Highly effective products with a pronounced antibacterial and antifungal effect protect against suppuration and frostbite, promote rapid healing of scratches, abrasions and cuts, superficial burns, insect bites, eliminate itching, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Antiseptic cream - a universal remedy that promotes healing, removes ulcers and acne, treats herpes, cracked lips and dry skin diseases, softens and disinfects the skin after shaving.

La cree cream
Manufacturer: Russia, Vertex

With herbal extracts. Reduces itching, burning, irritation. Removes redness. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. Moisturizes and cares for the skin

Regeneration stimulator
Manufacturer: Solko Basel P.Z., Switzerland

It is a deproteinized hemodialysate obtained from the blood of dairy calves. Contains white petrolatum and cholesterol, due to which it activates the transport of oxygen and nutrients, facilitates their absorption by cells. Increases cell regeneration and stimulates intracellular energy metabolism. It is recommended to apply jelly (gel) to wounds with wet discharge, and ointment to dry wounds. Apply a thin layer to the cleaned wound 2 times a day.

Producer: Infamed, Russia

It has a pronounced bactericidal effect against viruses and bacteria, has an antifungal effect. Effectively prevents infection of wounds, activating regeneration processes. Colourless, transparent aqueous solution, odorless, forms foam on the surface when shaken.

Tatoo Goo
Tattoo Goo "Original", specially designed for the speedy healing of tattoos. Natural ingredients soften and soothe the skin, absorbing quickly to promote healing and allow the skin to breathe.

Ingredients: olive, sunflower and lavender oils, wax, wheat germ oil, tocopheryl acetate, rosemary extract, vitamins B and C. Mild for sensitive skin and daily use. The lotion is free of alcohol, petroleum, lanolin, mineral oils and fragrance.

Ink Fixx
Manufacturer: Dragon Industries (USA)
With natural ingredients and vitamins A, C and D, perfectly cares for and protects the skin, created specifically for healing new and old tattoos. They do not clog pores, keep colors bright for a long time, do not leave stains and smell.

Manufacturer: Clay-Park Labs, USA
Ointment. Antimicrobial drug for external use. It is prescribed for minor cuts, scratches and burns. It is used in the treatment and prevention of secondary infections of post-traumatic and post-surgical wound surfaces or in cosmetic procedures. Like all of the above drugs, it is used in the appointment of specialists. Remember that you must follow the precautions indicated in the instructions.

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Tattoo is one of the ways of self-expression and a bright element of modern youth style. If you decide to get a tattoo, then in addition to choosing a competent master and a suitable image, you should know the rules for caring for a tattoo so as not to harm your own health.

How to care for a tattoo on the first day after application

The final result depends on how systematic the tattoo care will be. Before obtaining an ideal image, at least 2 weeks must pass for the healing of the skin layer to occur. Failure to follow the recommendations for caring for a tattoo can lead not only to disappointment from its unaesthetic appearance, but also to more serious problems.

  • After performing the tattoo, the master covers the image area with a special bandage to prevent contact of the injured skin area with the external environment. Consult with the master when you need to remove the bandage - depending on the type of material, it can be on the body from 2 to 24 hours. Tight bandages that do not stick to the skin and are able to absorb well can be left for 24 hours. A thin bandage or film must be removed after 2-3 hours. Before removing the bandage, wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap and carefully remove the bandage, being careful not to damage the skin.
  • Next, you need to rinse the tattoo to remove the ichor. This can be done with warm water (or room temperature) with the addition of a soapy solution. Use soaps that are free of dyes and fragrances, such as baby liquid soap. Do not use sponges, mittens, washcloths, wash the tattoo area only with the palm of your hand. If you think that some of the paint is washed out, do not worry - this is normal.
  • Gently blot the skin with a thick cotton swab or soft paper towel, moving from the center to the edge. Do not use a towel or rub the skin, as this can damage the already injured layer, leading to bleeding or inflammation. Then let the skin dry for 10-15 minutes.
  • Apply a special ointment or lotion recommended by the master to the tattoo area. If you haven't discussed it, take D-Panthenol or Bepanthen. Do not use products containing alcohol, cortisone, or aloe vera. After soaking the ointment, cover the tattoo with a film, strengthen the edges with a patch. Repeat the above procedure for the first 3 days in the morning and evening.

How to care for a tattoo in the first 2-3 weeks

  • During the healing process, damaged skin will peel off in the form of thin films and itch a little - this is a natural process. Try not to comb or injure the tattoo area and observe sterility during processing, otherwise there is a risk of infection.
  • On the third day, the film must be removed and then the tattoo should be treated 3-4 times a day in the form of washing, drying and applying ointment. You no longer need to cover the tattoo with a film or bandage. Avoid drying and crusting.
  • If the tattoo is done in a place that is usually covered by clothing, try to wear loose clothing. Tight clothing, especially those made from synthetic fabrics, can cause irritation and inflammation.
  • Protect your tattoo from direct sunlight. Failure to follow this rule can lead to dryness and damage to the healing skin, as well as discoloration of the tattoo.
  • Eliminate long baths, swimming pools, baths and saunas for several weeks. The skin can wrinkle from the action of water and heat, thereby spoiling the appearance of the tattoo.
  • Monitor the condition of the tattoo. With proper care, the risk of inflammation is quite small, but, nevertheless, it cannot be completely ruled out. If the skin at the tattoo site turns red, swelling, purulent formations are noticeable, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to care for a tattoo after healing

  • Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the color of the tattoo may lose its intensity. Use sunscreen when leaving the house, starting from the second month after tattooing. For the same reason, refuse to visit the solarium.
  • Try not to constantly keep the tattoo in a humid environment - this can lead to a change in its color. If you are prone to sweating, choose clothes made from natural fabrics or those that can absorb excess moisture.
  • Take care of your skin to prevent dryness and flaking - use moisturizers and lotions.

Any tattoo, regardless of its size, is an injury to the skin through microinjections, during which coloring pigments get inside, which form the future pattern. The reaction of the skin to such an injury is natural: the formation of a crust on the wound surface and its subsequent healing, facilitated by careful care, the rules of which are explained by the master. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to smear a tattoo with bepanthen or another wound-healing agent for those who make a tattoo with professionals, in principle, should not arise, since they receive all the instructions for caring for a tattoo during its application or after the end of the session.

How to care for a tattoo

Immediately after application, the tattoo is processed by the master himself, after which he recommends removing the plastic film under which the tattoo is hidden, after a few hours, already at home. If the question arises as to whether it is possible to smear a tattoo with levomekol or other means other than those recommended by a specialist, you should ask about this in the salon.

Vaseline, with which the master covers the injured area, must be carefully washed off with warm water and soap. Hands must be clean. It is not necessary to disinfect the wound surface with alcohol, as it additionally dries the skin and contributes to the appearance of a crust that will be too hard and scars may subsequently remain under it. No special measures are required to prevent their appearance, you just need to strictly follow the instructions of the master and not try to be amateur, finding out whether it is possible to smear the tattoo with petroleum jelly already at home or treat it with hydrogen peroxide.

Until the place of tattooing is completely healed, it is necessary not only to lubricate it twice a day, but also to refuse sunbathing, visiting saunas and baths. You can wash under the shower. If healing takes place naturally, the wound ceases to bother after a few days, there should not be any inflammation at the tattoo site, if the application technology is not violated or infection is not allowed during processing. If the tattoo does not heal, you do not need to find out on your own whether it is possible to smear the tattoo with methyluracil. For advice, you should consult a specialist, and not self-medicate. At the same time, it should be remembered that the presence of ichor, as well as the secreted lymph, is not a deviation in the first days of application, up to the moment when a crust begins to form on the skin. Its density is associated with the complexity of the pattern, its size, as well as the individual characteristics of the skin. If there is a tendency to form keloid scars, then it is pointless to find out whether it is possible to smear a tattoo with panthenol: none of the remedies guarantees complete skin regeneration.

Not the best option for skin restoration is the use of streptocide-based products. It really disinfects and is good for abrasions and scratches, but not in cases with tattoos, as they should not crust immediately. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to smear a tattoo with baneocin will be negative.

How to process a tattoo

Most often, a list of drugs whose task is to soothe the skin, moisturize it and prevent the appearance of a premature crust is announced immediately. Therefore, you should not try to find out whether it is possible to smear a tattoo with tetracycline, or use other ointments available in the medicine cabinet, but not very suitable for healing tattoos.

Skin regenerating agents include preparations based on panthenol in its various forms. Various pharmaceutical companies produce creams with panthenol, which causes a difference in names. These include:

  • Bepanthen;
  • Dexopanthenol;
  • Depanthenol;
  • D-Panthenol;
  • Pantoderm.

Therefore, there is no doubt whether it is possible to smear a tattoo with depanthol. As well as another remedy, which contains Dexpanthenol, which is a regeneration stimulator.

Before each new application of the product, it is necessary to carefully wash off the remnants of the old one, as well as the ichor or lymph, if any, but acting carefully and avoiding an aggressive effect on the injured area. That's why you can't rub it. When choosing care products, they often ask if it is possible to smear a tattoo with a lifeguard. This balm is also a soothing balm and is recommended by masters, but many say that the effect of Panthenol is more pronounced.

In what form is it more convenient to use wound healing agents

They can be produced in two forms: cream or spray (mousse). As a rule, creams are more oily, have a dense texture, soften the skin well, but not everyone likes the feeling of application. In this regard, light foams are much more pleasant. When figuring out whether it is possible to smear a tattoo with panthenol, it’s a good idea to use both formats of the product: in the early days, applying a fatter cream, and as the wound heals, lubricating it with foam. The latter is good at the stage of the appearance of a light crust, as it does not lubricate it with the risk of injury, but at the same time gently softens it.

Is it necessary and is it possible to smear a fresh tattoo with hormonal cream

Sometimes you can hear that the use of hormonal ointments promotes faster healing and prevents the formation of scars, which in some cases may appear.

But in fact, hormonal ointments have a narrow range of purposes, so using them without the advice of a doctor is not advisable. Not to mention the fact that there is no proven effectiveness of using hormonal agents for wound healing, as well as when using other substances that are not intended for this.

Therefore, if you want to know if it is possible to smear a tattoo with tetracycline ointment, you should first think about why this should be done if there are specialized tools for processing. Other ointments with therapeutic purposes are also not intended for use in this situation. It should also be remembered that if tetracycline is chosen yellow, then it stains the skin, which, against the background of fresh wounds, can cause pigmentation of areas where light shades of paint are used, therefore the use of panthenol is preferable based on these considerations.

The same topic includes questions on whether it is possible to smear a boro plus tattoo or other creams: you can smear with anything, including regular baby cream, which will also soften, but the result in this case may turn out different from desired.

What are the consequences of improper care

If inappropriate means are used to restore the skin, then the brightness of the tattoo can be significantly reduced, as well as blurring of the contours or inflammation. And it would not be correct to lay responsibility for what happened on the master, since each person must monitor their health on their own.

To obtain a high-quality result, it is enough just to remember whether it is possible to smear the tattoo with dexpanthenol and other means of a similar composition, use them regularly and follow the other recommendations.

There are several stages of tattoo healing, each of which has certain rules for caring for the damaged area of ​​the skin. In order for the body pattern to remain a spectacular and beautiful decoration for a long time, do not neglect the advice of a tattoo artist. Strict adherence to his recommendations is the main guarantee that you will not need a correction. What should you be aware of in order to avoid deformation of the tattoo and maintain its durability?

First stage

The quality of a tattoo is half dependent on proper care in the first days after the session. The application of a permanent drawing is a mechanical intervention in the human body, which cannot pass painlessly and without a trace. After the procedure, small microcracks remain on the body, through which the ichor is released. Thus, the process of healing and cleansing of the skin begins, which starts the lymphatic system.

At the first stage of healing, the area of ​​​​the body with the tattoo swells and discharge appears in the form of a sticky liquid mixed with ink. Many people first of all think that the drawing simply spreads and is washed off, but this is not so. This is a normal reaction of the body to such a procedure. Even in the salon, the tattoo artist treats the place of application with a healing ointment and wraps it with a protective film. The film is not recommended to be removed during the first day. At home, you need to take a warm (not hot!) Shower, gently wash the wound with antibacterial soap and leave to dry. In no case should you rub the drawing with a washcloth or towel. After washing, a healing anti-inflammatory cream should be applied to the tattoo.

Second phase

On the second day of tattoo healing, the ichor disappears, the tumor disappears. The skin at this stage tightens, becomes dry and dehydrated. Why is this happening? The fact is that ink is perceived by the body as a foreign body. It takes time for them to take root and not be rejected. During this period, the drawing should be actively processed with healing ointments. It is recommended to avoid body contact with clothing, as friction does not promote healing of the tattoo. If you need to go outside, it is advisable to wrap the place of application with a protective or ordinary cling film. At home, during the second stage of healing, it is better to leave the tattoo open so that the skin can breathe.

Third stage

Usually on the third day a crust forms on the tattoo. The skin begins to peel off, white or colored flakes appear. The fact is that the ink remains in the lower layer, the dermis, and the epidermis, that is, the upper layer, is updated and restored after the procedure. This reaction of the body provokes severe itching and discomfort. In no case should you scratch the tattoo and peel off the crust. This will significantly damage the drawing and increase the healing time. You can lightly pat your palm on the body and continue to treat the area with ointment. Antiseptic solution "Sinaflan" will also help reduce itching. At this time, it is advisable not to visit the gym, solarium, limit the time spent in the open sun and reduce physical activity. Do not be alarmed if the tattoo fades a little and loses its brightness. It will go away after complete healing.

Healing time

The healing time of a tattoo is individual for each person and depends on the following factors.

Place of application

The buttocks, chest and abdomen heal the fastest. The recovery period takes from 4 to 7 days. Areas with little subcutaneous fat (back, ankle, neck) may take up to 2 weeks to heal.

Tattoo volume

Large tattoos are usually applied in several stages, so complete healing occurs in a month. This is especially true for portrait photos in the style of realism or blackwork tattoos, where a large amount of ink is used to completely hatch the picture. Small and medium tattoos recover faster because the area of ​​the body is small.

Line thickness and depth

Thin neat lines do not greatly injure the skin and recover faster, deep, wide and thick - longer: 1-2 weeks.

You can tell if a tattoo has healed by running your hand over it. If the pattern is uniform, without roughness and husks, the recovery process was successful.

Healing ointments

After the session, the tattoo needs proper care. At the end of the work, the tattoo artist treats the place of application with an anti-inflammatory ointment that relieves swelling. Further, a similar procedure must be done at home in order to speed up the regeneration process. The most effective and recommended drugs include the following.

Remember that during the regeneration of the damaged area (that is, during all three stages listed above), cosmetic hand creams and even baby cream should be completely abandoned. The fact is that they contain additives, flavors and essential oils that do not promote healing, but, on the contrary, injure the skin.

Video about tattoo care

A professionally made tattoo is not hazardous to health and does not cause any complications.

The bandage is removed no later than two hours after the tattooing procedure. For a while, the skin around the tattoo may remain red and may even be slightly raw. During healing, the tattoo should be lubricated with an antiseptic ointment, only recommended by the master (the use of other medications can damage the pattern) until complete healing.

After 2-3 days, the tattoo is covered with a crust, which remains until the end of healing, approximately 7-10 days.

Until the tattoo is completely healed, it is unacceptable to: expose the tattoo to sunlight, visit a solarium, play sports, visit a bath or sauna, lie in a bathtub, swim in ponds.

Approximately on the fifth day, itching may appear, the crust from the tattoo begins to peel off gradually, you can not scratch the place of the tattoo and peel off the crust.

Typically, the healing period of a tattoo is about ten days, depending on the individual characteristics of the body and pattern.

After the tattoo heals, in rare cases it becomes necessary to correct the design, since gaps in the image may occur during the healing process, in these cases the tattoo is corrected. In our salon, tattoo correction is free of charge.

Lifespan of a tattoo

After the tattoo has completely healed, the tattoo does not require any care. If the drawing is done professionally, then over the years it almost does not change shape, does not blur, the colors of the tattoo do not fade. The only exceptions are those cases when a person is gaining weight or losing weight, but even in such cases, the tattoo can always be corrected.

We guarantee that the tattoo will remain on your body for life and at least two weeks after death…

Memo from the client of the tattoo parlor

It would seem that after applying the tattoo, everything is ready. But it was not there! We can say that the master has finished his work, but your part is just beginning. How the tattoo heals will directly depend on its brightness and quality.

Today I will give an example of instructions for use, there are other more detailed options, but the base is the same:
- 1.5 hours after application, the protective film from the tattoo must be removed, the ichor should be washed off with warm water and clean hands, carefully;
-blot the "clogged" area of ​​​​skin with paper towels to dry (do not rub!);
-after, apply a thin layer of healing cream (d-panthenol, ambulance-cream-tested on yourself! Bepanten +! cream-probably one of the best remedies), do not rub;
-repeat washing and applying the product 3-4 times a day for a week or more (depending on the size of the tattoo);
- from the second week, when the skin has healed (make sure of this!), We smear the tattoo with a regular moisturizer;

Until the tattoo heals, baths, saunas, solariums, swimming pools are prohibited. Whole month! Only warm shower. Do not drink alcohol on the day of application and for the next 3-4 days. The fact is that alcohol dilates blood vessels - this will prevent the healing of the tattoo, due to the release of more blood into the wound.

Fans of scratching wounds and picking crusts I immediately warn you: quit these habits! At least for the duration of the healing of the tattoo! Otherwise, the quality may deteriorate.

During the entire healing period from the application itself, wear loose clothing, no tight clothing. And you do not hurt, and do not interfere with skin regeneration.

A tattoo is not something that can be washed off with water the next morning, it's a part of your body. And once you decide to do it, do it right. She does not tolerate hack-work both on your part and on the part of the master.

"Shut up" and stay healthy!
