International rules for playing sports dominoes. Rules for the main types of domino games How fish are counted in dominoes

Dominoes are one of the oldest games on the planet. At least once in our lives, each of us played it, trying to put together a “fish” from fancy chips. For a fun evening, you'll need twenty-eight special dice that players will eventually use to make doubles.

There are several ways to play dominoes.

Some of them will be relatively simple, which will allow you to use it as evening entertainment with children. Others are designed to test the nerves and mental strength of players.

History of appearance

It is not known exactly who invented the board game dominoes. It is only known that its origin is connected with Asia. It was in India and the Celestial Empire that bones were born, which still entertain people to this day. Initially, they looked like chips made, oddly enough, from bones or stones. Initially they were painted red or white.

In the eighteenth century, a similar set was brought to Europe. It is believed that this was done by the famous traveler, Venetian Marco Polo. In Italy it was transformed. It was then that the game began to resemble the dominoes we are used to. The usual mechanics also appeared - players pulled out dice and tried to collect duplicates in order to be the first to lay down the “fish”.

According to one version, dominoes were named after masquerade costumes. Like the set, they were black and white. According to another version, the name comes from the winter clothes of the Dominican monks, which looked like black cloaks with a white lining. The name of the game itself comes from the Latin root "dominans", which means dominant, chief and is the beginning of the address in the Catholic Mass: "Dominus vobiscum" (May the Lord be with you).

It has been suggested that the dominant system of the structure of the universe is encrypted in dominoes - the Universal Law of Harmony of the macro- and microcosmos: the game of dominoes has seven digital signs (from 0 to 6), which symbolizes, in particular, the seven planes of existence and the sevenfold structure of the Universe.

Types and features

The decisive factor in the game is often the fish. This is the name for a block that is formed when a player places a die from which no one can make a double, even with chips in hand. In this case, the pot is considered won in most rules of the Domino game for beginners.

In total, in Asia you can count more than forty types of games using black and white chips with dots. The rules of the type of game you choose determine how many domino chips to distribute. Some of them are popular, many have never heard of others.

  • Goat

The most common version of Domino in Russia. From two to four people can take part in it at the same time. Each player receives seven chips. If the maximum number of people is participating, the player who has a die with a one-to-one double goes first. When there are fewer people participating in a black and white competition, the one with the lowest chip goes. Every time a player lays down a fish, he gets a point. The winner is the person who first collects one hundred and one points. The loser is called after the game itself, that is, the goat.

  • sea ​​goat

It differs from the classic version and often turns out to be more complex. The point that ends the game in this variation is one hundred and twenty-five. Only losers score points. To determine the latter, dots are counted on the remaining bones in the players’ hands. The game is over when one of the players reaches the maximum score.

  • Checheve

This version of Domino got its name thanks to the abbreviation CCHV. The main rule of this version is considered to be a game of one against all, or rather, according to the logic, man is a wolf against man. In this game you can walk in four directions at once.

  • Sports

If you choose this version, be prepared for difficulties. First of all, this is a doubles match, which means that four players, who are divided into two teams, participate in the battle with chips at the same time. The moves here are made in turn, and the number of entries is predetermined from the beginning.

  • Donkey

Externally, the game may look unusual, but rules of the game such Domino similar to the Goat already known to everyone. The player can place the die in any of the four directions. If you have several takes on your hands at once, you can place them at the same time, for example, on the left and on the right. Players must collect a minimum of thirteen points to begin scoring. The winner is the one who first reaches the one hundred and one mark.

  • Telephone

This version of Domino has several names. In Russia, she is known to many under the name Blokha. Here you will encounter the concept of "home". This is the double that was put on the field first. At the same time, you can bet no more than four chips that have the same number on both sides.

  • Muggins

It is believed that this option came to us from Britain. It is customary for three or four people to participate at the same time. To open four new directions, enter the first take into the game. To score points and get closer to victory, players must stack the edges of the dice so that they add up to the number five. Only points that are multiples of this figure are recorded in the table.

  • General's goat

The set also has a short name - General. This type of Domino is usually played by four people, united in teams. Allies must sit diagonally. The difference with other versions is that fish is not allowed. If the participants nevertheless posted it, the game will not be counted. The line must continue in both directions simultaneously. The winner is the one who was able to post the last takes.

  • Sausage

It takes two to participate. To start the game, take fourteen unopened dice. The main difference is two lines, which are built in parallel throughout the game. In the process, players can cut the resulting straight sausage, adding pieces to their opponent, thereby moving him away from the desired victory.

  • Seven

It allows for more than four people, but then the interest is lost. If a standard number of people participates in the game, then everyone is dealt seven dice. If there are more people gathered, then fewer chips are given out. The main thing is that all players have them equally.

Basic Rules

Regardless of the differences, all types of this entertainment have common features that affect the rules:

  • In most variations of the domino board game, a chip determines who goes first on a one-to-one basis. If the game does not involve the maximum number of people, the first player is determined by the chip of the smallest double.
  • The rules of each version dictate how much to distribute, but most often this figure is seven.


The classic game is most often called Goat. Domino Classic rules:

  1. Shuffle all the available dice so that one player does not get all the doubles.
  2. All chips are laid out in the center of the table. From now on, this hill is considered a bazaar.
  3. Players take turns drawing chips from the established market. Each person should have seven of these “cards” in their hands. You need to pull them out carefully so that your opponents do not see the hands you have been dealt.
  4. On the table, so that there is room for “completion,” lay out the junior take. This action of the owner of the first two will be considered the starting move.
  5. Next, the chips are presented with an identical picture to the previous side of the stone. In this way, the game continues until one of the players arranges a fish. If everyone runs out of chips, and no one was able to block the move of others, in this knight the participants can offer a draw.
  6. The losers of each drawing record their scores. Recording begins when someone reaches the thirteen point mark.
  7. The loser is the player who scores 101 points. This marks the end of the game.


The Trimino set includes fifty-six dice. The numbers are indicated along the edges and can have a value from one to five. The construction in this type of game goes from side to side.

This means that in order to continue the line, you need to attach one edge, for example, with the number three, to the other. To understand how many points to write on the game scale, count all the numbers located along the straight lines on the chips.


For little fans of this ancient oriental game, sets with pictures, letters and numbers have been released. By playing children's dominoes, your child will be able to develop memory skills, logical thinking and learn numerals and the alphabet.

With pictures of dominoes you can find them based on toys, animals, transport and even based on fairy tales. The rules of playing children's dominoes are no different from the usual classics. For convenience, children can play together with their parents.

How to play together

The only difference in the layout of the rules of the game of dominoes for two is that the move can begin not with a one-to-one chip, but with any minor double in the hands of the players. Domino scoring depends on the chosen variation of the game.


If you consider yourself an avid player of the board game Dominoes, check out sites where you can enjoy the online version of the game. On such resources you can practice your skills with people or compete in intelligence with a computer.

Types and features of dice and chips

Domino dice come in numerous shapes and colors. How many dominoes are in the set determines the type of tiles chosen. Initially, stones and bones were used as materials, but nowadays they are made from any raw material, including plastic and glass.

How many Domino chips should there be:

  • The classic set contains twenty-four rectangular tiles
  • Chinese dominoes include thirty-two stones in a set
  • In the Trimino set you will find fifty-six dominoes
  • The square set contains one hundred and twenty-five tetrahedral tiles.

Domino terms

In the game Goat you will find unusual words for people who have never played the ancient Chinese entertainment:

  • A double is any die that has equal numbers on both ends.
  • - the last chip in a line, which cannot be continued by any player with cards in his hands. If the participant managed to place it, he must put the last bone in place and then everyone shouts “fish”.


To understand how to play Dominoes and the rules of the game, players must know a few tricks, making life much easier for the participants in the battle on chips.

  1. Analyze which dice have already been laid out and, based on them, calculate your opponent’s next move. So, knowing that he threw away all the figures with a sum of points equal to one, you can make a fish, ending your turn with the number one.
  2. Lay out combinations, bringing your opponent to the number you need. Try to force your opponent to throw away all the numbers that are “extra” for you.

Surely, many people have been familiar with the game dominoes since childhood. Most likely, you have seen more than once how grandparents at tables at the entrances “play” this game all day long. Why is she so interesting? Where did she come from? How many chips are there in dominoes? Let's try to answer all these questions today.

The history of dominoes

Dominoes are considered a type of dice game. It is believed that the ancestor of all gaming dice is India. In those days, the dominoes for the game were carved from valuable wood. Only the richest stratum of society, the nobility, could afford to play such a game.

After some time, dominoes and dice became a popular game. No one knows how many domino chips there were in those days. Different sources describe the rules of the game and the composition of dominoes in different ways. In China, for example, there were more than fifty different bones, including multi-colored varieties. The bones were not just a collection of dots, as they are today. Chinese craftsmen made incredibly beautiful bones with images of animals, hieroglyphs, etc. By the way, the popular game Mahjong today originated from Chinese dominoes.

In the 18th century, the bones “moved” to Italy, where their appearance and quantity underwent some changes. The chips become a little shorter, their number also decreases. The Italians strip the dice of duplicates and designs and leave seven tiles and additional “empty” dice.

Domino set

So, let's figure out what modern domino dice look like now, how many domino chips there should be. Domino bones are slightly elongated plates with dots on them. Each plate has its own number of these points. In total, the standard set contains 28 records. As a rule, modern dominoes are made of plastic. More expensive options are made from wood, precious metals or animal bones.

If we talk about Chinese dominoes, which is the ancestor of the Western version of the game, then it is slightly different from what we are used to. How many dominoes are there in China? The Chinese play dominoes, which consists of 32 dice. Moreover, they do not have “empty” chips. Instead, several additional duplicates are used.

Rules of the game

The rules of the game are quite simple. From two to four people take part. Depending on the number of players, a different number of dice is taken. How many chips do you take in dominoes if two people play? - seven. How many chips if four or three people play? - five. The remaining dice remain “in the bazaar”, from where players, if necessary, can take them one at a time.

So, each player scored the required number of dice. The one with the big double goes first. Double - a domino with the same number of points 6-6, 5-5, etc. If no one has doubles at all, then the player who has the tile with the highest number of points has the right to make the first move.

Next, players place chips one by one, forming a chain. Each subsequent bone must have an edge with the same number of points as the previous one. If there are no bones at the ends of the snake with the number of points that you have, you should go “to the market”.

Many beginners think that they need to place as many dominoes as there are in total. No. The point of playing and winning is to finish placing your chips faster. As soon as one player has placed the last dice, the game ends.


After the winner has placed his last chip, players begin counting the points. As a rule, before the start of the game, everyone agrees until what specific date in the overall score the game will last. Usually the game lasts up to one hundred or two hundred points, but other options are possible. Depending on the agreed number, the duration of the game also changes.

There are times when all players do not have chips to cover those on the table. This option for ending the game is called "fish". Here the winner will be the player who placed the chips last or the one who has fewer points left in his hands.

Varieties of the game

So, we already know where this game came from, how to play it, how many dominoes there are and what they look like. But there are several varieties of dominoes, the rules of which vary.

The most popular options in Russia are: “Goat”, “Donkey”, “Sea Goat”, “Telephone”. These options differ from each other in the number of players allowed on the field and in different ways of scoring. For example, in “Goat” it’s every man for himself, and “Sea Goat” involves playing in pairs.

In England, a more popular game of dominoes is called Muggins. Here the game begins not with the usual “double”, but with any dice. The score is kept strictly to two hundred points.

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Don't know what interesting and exciting things to do with your friends? Dominoes are great fun for company. Dominoes were invented back in 1120 BC. in China. And Marco Polo brought it to Europe. This board game gained popularity at the beginning of the 18th century. If the game has not lost popularity over the centuries, it is definitely interesting.

Don't know the rules? Read the guide, today we reveal to you all the secrets of the game of dominoes.

You will need:

Where to begin

The first thing to do is turn all the dominoes right side up and mix.

Each player must take five or seven dominoes. If you play dominoes together, you need to take 7 chips. If a couple plays dominoes – 5 chips.

The remaining dice are “bazaar”, they do not open and lie separately from the players.

There are different domino sets with different numbers of dominoes. The most popular: standard and Chinese. The first set of dominoes has 28 tiles. In Chinese there are 32 chips.

The one who pulled out the double with the largest equal number of points on both sides should start the game.

If no one has pulled out a double, the game starts with the one who pulled out the highest stone with a different number of points, that is, 6-5 or 6-4.

Domino game tactics

When the player placed the first die, the game began.

The turn is passed to the next player clockwise. He must place his stone near his partner’s piece. But this can only be done when he has a domino with the same number of points.

For example, if the first player in the game placed a domino with a number of dots of 5-5, then the second player can place a stone that has 5 dots on at least one side. He “attaches” it to the previous piece with the side that corresponds in the number of points to the previous bone.

One move allows only one domino to be placed, unless the player has two doubles. He can place them on both sides of the line at once in one move.

You can “attach” on both sides, adhering to the “same numbers” rule.

Rules of the "bazaar"

If one of the players has no stones left, he goes to the “bazaar” to get them.

That is, the player takes stones from the remaining dice after distribution. Stones are taken until the player finds the one he needs. But all previously taken stones remain with him.

How to determine the winner

The game will end when one of the players runs out of dice or no fish appear.

“Fish” in dominoes is a game situation in which it is impossible to move, that is, not a single stone fits.

The winner in classic dominoes is the one who plays his last domino first.

The history of dominoes goes back to ancient times. Playing with dice with dots on them first appeared in China and India. After this, in the 18th century it was brought to Europe, namely to Italy. After this, many variations of this game arose. I will now introduce you to the rules of the most famous and popular options!

General rules of dominoes

Played by two to four people. For two, seven dominoes are dealt, for three or four - five. The rest are placed in a closed reserve (“bazaar”). The player who has “double six” or “double zero” (0-0) in his hands starts, depending on the rules of the game. The following players place stones with corresponding points (6-1; 6-2; 6-3... or 0-1; 0-2; 0-3...). If there are no suitable stones, then you have to get them from the reserve.

If neither player has a 6-6 double, you can start the game with a 5-5 double. If there is not a single double on hand, they start with the stone that has the largest number (for example, 6-5).

The game ends when one of the players places the last stone. It is possible to end the game with a “fish” - this is what is called blocking the layout when there are still stones in the hands, but there is nothing to report. If you get a die with two zeros, you are awarded 25 points. The one who went last ends the game.

The winner receives the sum of the points of all stones in the hands of the losers as their winnings. When blocking (“fish”), the win belongs to the one who has the fewest points in his hands. The difference in points is recorded as his win. The game continues until a predetermined amount - say, one hundred or one hundred and fifty points.

Rules of the domino game “Goat”

“Goat” is one of the most popular variations of the domino game.

The game involves two to four players. Each player receives 7 dominoes. The player starts the game with a 1-1 double when playing with four players, or the smallest double in other cases. The last stone from the reserve is not taken. The next round starts with the player who won the previous round or declared the fish. The losers of each draw write down the amount of points on their remaining dominoes to their account. To start recording, you need to score at least 13 points.

The first player to score 101 points is declared the “goat” - the loser. Sometimes 4 players play in pairs. In this case, players sitting diagonally opposite each other play on the same team.

“Sea goat”

This is a variation of the game “Goat”, which is rightfully considered more dynamic. Just like in a regular “Goat”, the game involves 2-4 people. In the case of four people, they play in pairs.

The game differs from goat in the following ways:

  • The winning player writes down the sum of the losers' points.
  • The minimum number of points you can start recording is 25.
  • Only one player can score points. Thus, if another player scores more than 25 points, all points are “written off” - all players have 0 points.
  • The player who scores 125 points is declared the winner
  • If a player has the opportunity to place a double on each side, then he can place two doubles at the same time.
  • The player who started the “record” has the right to start the rally with 6-6. This move is called “one hundred”. In case the player who gets to 100 finishes first, he automatically wins the game, but if he loses and has 25 points or more left, the player is considered the loser ("brother-in-law").
  • The one who finishes the rally at 0-0 automatically wins the game, such a “goat” is called “bald”.
  • The player who finishes the rally on 6-6 is considered the winner if the losing player has 25 points or more, if less than 25 points, then the player who finishes starts the rally on 6-6 (the “one hundred” move).
  • If at the end of the rally the player only has a 0-0 double, it counts as 25 points; only 6-6 counts as 50 points; Only 0-0 and 6-6 - 75 points.
  • If the game is over and both players have dominoes left, this situation is called a “fish”.
  • The player who placed the last domino and made a “fish” is called a “fisherman” (a double is not considered the last domino).
  • If the “fisherman” has less than 25 points, and the other one has more, then the “fisherman” is considered the winner, and he makes his move “one hundred”.
  • If the “fisherman” has more points than another player and more than 25, then the “fisherman” has the right to write off the “fish”, and he is the first to enter the game with any domino that is most profitable for him.
  • If the “fisherman” wins and the opponent has 25 points or more left, such “fish” is considered written off.
  • If after three attempts the “fisherman” fails to write off the “fish”, he is considered a loser and his opponent makes the “one hundred” move.
  • The situation when, with a “fish”, both players have an equal number of points, is called “eggs”.
  • “Eggs” are played starting from 1-1.
  • If the “eggs” have not been played after three attempts, they are considered rotten.

Sports domino

Sports dominoes competitions are held. Including world championships.

The game is played by 4 players in pairs.

Main differences:

  • Entries take turns.
  • The knuckles are placed on stands.
  • A certain number of hands (mixes) is played, a multiple of four (4,8,12, etc.).
  • The pair with the most points for their opponent wins.


A dynamic game for 2-4 people. Outwardly it may resemble the telephone mentioned below, but the rules of the game are closer to the Goat.

The game differs from Goat in the following ways:

  • You can place dominoes on all four sides of the first double you play.
  • If a player has the opportunity to place a double on each side (2, 3 or 4 doubles), then he can place them simultaneously.
  • The player placing a double has the right to “close” it (the domino is turned face down). At the same time, further placing of the dominoes on this side is prohibited. When placing several doubles at the same time, the player has the right to close or open any number of doubles.
  • If the first move was not a double and until at least one double was placed, the next player has the right to close two doubles at the same time. The drawing ends here and the usual scoring takes place.

Scoring is like in Kozl - a game up to 101, to record you need to score 13, everything that is less than 13 is “remembered” and reset only if nothing is recorded or remembered for this player in the next draw.

Telephone (Houses) (Flea)

A game that is very different from other varieties in the way it scores points.

The game involves 2 players. Or 4, a team game 2 on 2. Each player receives 7 dominoes. The first take, covered on both sides, is declared “home.” You can attach bones to it from 2 more sides and as a result the game goes on 4 sides. The party starts with the one who has 3-2 .

In subsequent games, the one who finished the previous one starts the game and so on until the end of the game, besides, you can not necessarily move a double, you can put a stone 6-4 or 3-2 and immediately add 10 or 5 points to your asset, respectively. Points are awarded as follows:

  • Every time the sum of points at the ends of the chips placed on the board is a multiple of 5.

For example:

  • the first overlapped take is 4-4, 6 on one end and 3 on the other end.
  • The first player places a double 6-6. He scores 15 points for himself (6 + 6 + 3 = 15).
  • The second player puts 4-5 to the house. He scores 20 points for himself (6 + 6 + 3 + 5 = 20)

The player who remains with the stones writes off the points scored. For example:

  • there are two stones left 6-4 and 5-3 in total 18, which means 15 is written off (rounding down), if the points were not previously scored, then there is nothing to write off, there are no debts in this game. In a team game, 2 on 2, points are scored and deducted between two people.
  • Variant of the rules: it is allowed to place up to four doubles simultaneously (one on each side) in 1 move.

The game goes up to 225 points and consists of several games, usually 10-15. If both players score 225 or more, it is considered a draw. It is convenient to use accounting accounts in this game.


This is the English version of dominoes. Two players each take seven stones. If there are three or four players, five stones are distributed. The person entering starts with any stone. The first double that appears in the layout opens a four-way chain. Further bones are added not only to the right and left, but also to the top and bottom.

Points in this game are awarded when the total on the empty halves is a multiple of five. For every five, the player gets 5 points. The player arranges the doubles, except the first, lengthwise and crosswise in a way that suits him. For finishing the game he receives 10 points. With a blocked layout, the one who has the fewest points in his hands wins. The player wins the number of points equal to the difference between his points and the sum of the other players' points, rounded to five. Usually they play up to 200 points.

General (General's goat)

The game is played by 4 people, arranged in teams diagonally (A, B and B, D). Everyone is given 7 dominoes. Players of the same team can transmit information to each other about the presence of 0x0 and/or 6x6 dominoes in their hands (0x0 winks, 6x6 puffs out his cheek.) In any case, the game starts with 1x1. "Fish" is not allowed, that is, a round that ends in a "fish" (stalemate) does not count. The game is played at both ends (in both directions without closing). The goal of the game is to end it with doubles of 0x0 and/or 6x6. The game ends in any case if one of the players runs out of dominoes. The loser interferes with the dominoes as a loss. When the game ends with 0x0 and/or 6x6 dominoes, the loser is declared “General”. The loser is the one whose turn is next after the one who finished the game. There is no scoring. Only the number of “Generals” in teams is counted. The game lasts from 30 to 60 minutes (lunch time at the company). The game can also be played by more than 2 teams, that is, 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, etc. Team A, B and B, D play, and team D, E waits for their turn. If one of the teams loses 2 times, it gives way to other players. If one of the teams gets the “General” at the very beginning, then it gives way to the next team. In fact, the “General” is considered to be the loser who is given both 0x0 and 6x6 at once. In another version of the game, you only need to finish the game with a 0x0 hollow - “naked” or “bald”. The losing team is also called “naked”. At the same time, it is not allowed to show your partner that you have 0x0 or 6x6 in your hands, and the “general” rule also works - if you have 0x0 and 6x6 together in your hands, then they tend to end with these two doubles at once - the “general”.


The game is played by 2 people. Everyone takes 14 closed dominoes and places them in a line. The beginner takes the first domino in his line and places it on the table (sometimes they start with a snipe to familiarize the player with his tiles). The game is played in two parallel (from the starting domino) lines. In the absence of the correct domino, the domino taken from the right is placed on the left. If there are two lines consisting of at least one chip each, the player gets the right to cut sausage, that is harm opponent and supplement his line with cut-off knuckles. Suppose there are two parallel lines of three dominoes each on the table and at the ends of the lines, for example, five and empty. If a player takes out a 5-0 domino, he places it across the lines and cuts off everything that was before this place. The enemy shifts the cut off sausage to the left of his bones. Cut off sausage it is possible along the entire length of two lines, namely at the junction of the first and second dominoes and at the end of the line (as in the example). If a player takes out a hollow, for example, 1-1, then he has the right to insert it anywhere where there is a junction of bones 1-1, moving the entire line, or placing it at the end of the line. This way the joints are updated and it becomes possible to use other bones for “cutting” sausages. The game ends when one of the players runs out of chips or fish. Up to how many points the game is played is specified at the beginning. Experience shows that it is possible to achieve 101 points in 1-2 draws (the total number of points for all dominoes is 168).

I have listed the main varieties of this wonderful board game. Try playing all the variations, and then decide which one you like best!

No, we can no longer hear joyful cries from our courtyards: “Double! Fish!” The dice don't knock on the table, and the "goats" aren't the same anymore. But, surprisingly, domino still lives, only its habitat is a computer. How to play dominoes with him? Yes, practically the same as before...

Domino. Definition

This is a logic game where they build a sequential chain of dominoes ("bones", "stones"), which touch each other in halves with the same number of points (points).


A domino is a rectangular tile with regular geometry - its length is equal to the width multiplied by two. That is, these are two connected squares, on each of which dots (points) are drawn: from zero to six. This is a kind of flat reincarnation of a dice.

A typical domino set has twenty-eight stones. It is made up of combinations with repetitions of two by seven numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). But there are special sets in which the dominoes have points up to nine or more. In general, the number of dice in a set is calculated by the formula (n+1) x (n+2) : 2, where n is the highest number of points. That is, for a common set the formula looks like this: (6+1) x (6+2) : 2 = 28.

Bones are made from simple or ivory bones (hence the name), metal, plastic, wood.

The history of dominoes

From India and China in the eighteenth century the game was brought to Italy. It changed somewhat and took root very firmly in monasteries, where it was forbidden to play card games, so the monk Domino invented this game (legend).

There is another option: because of the white dots on a black background, the game began to be called dominoes, like the costume of the Dominican monks.

From lyrical thoughts, let's move on to practice and figure out how to play dominoes.

General rules

Two, three or four people can play. The rules for playing dominoes for two players differ in that each player receives seven dice in their hands, if there are more players - five.

The remaining bones (points down) are put aside - this is the “reserve” or “bazaar”. It is addressed when the hands do not have the necessary element for a move.

The player who has the smallest double (a die with the same points 0-0, 1-1, 2-2, etc.) starts the game. If no one has it, then they look for the bone with the smallest value, for example, 0-1 or 1-2.

They walk clockwise in turns. The player does not have the right to skip a move or go to the “bazaar” if he has a stone in his hands that matches the layout. You can only play one die per turn. They skip a move and “knock” if the “bazaar” stones have run out and the one they need is not there.

The end of the game's round occurs when one player runs out of all dice - he is out. The rest count points from the stones remaining in their hands.

"Fish" - a situation in which everyone still has stones, but there are no more moves - the game is blocked. It happens when all combinations of combinations of one number, for example 5, are laid out, that is, the dice 5-4, 5-0, 3-5, 5-2, 5-5 are already on the table, and one end of the chain ends with a stone 5-1, and the second player placed a stone 6-5. In such a situation, the person who placed the last domino, the “fish” (6-5), is called the “fisherman”. All points of the game participants are recorded in the “fisherman’s” account. He starts the next round. They play until the number of points agreed upon at the beginning is one hundred, one hundred one, one hundred twenty-five, two hundred.

These are the general rules of the game of dominoes. It is very flexible, so there are many varieties. And by and large, each company that places dominoes on the table creates its own individual game, with its own private rules. But there are also certain modifications that have firmly taken root in our country, for example, the “goat”.

How to play dominoes in "Goat"

Since the main points remain unchanged (number of players, dominoes, start of the move, etc.), we list only the distinctive rules of the “goat”:

  • the last stone is not taken from the “bazaar”;
  • the next round begins with the player who left in this one, or the “fisherman”;
  • You can start recording points for yourself only from twenty-five scored at a time;
  • if after the “fish” the players have the same number of points in their hands - “eggs”, these points will be added to the loser in the next round;
  • The one who scores one hundred and twenty-five points or more loses; he is the “goat.”

"Sea Goat"

This is a more complex, active, but very popular type of game in our country. If there are four players, then they play in pairs (teams) diagonally.

Let's clarify how to play dominoes in Sea Goat:

  • the winner in any round records all the points of the losers;
  • if a player has doubles on both sides of the dice placement, he can place them in one move;
  • the one who first began to record points for himself can start any round with a double of six-six, and if he himself wins this round - “by a hundred”, then he will win the whole game, and if he loses by twenty-five points or more, he will lose;
  • the one who finishes the game with a zero-zero double is the winner, such a rally is called a “bald goat”;
  • if the last double is six-six, then the player is also considered a winner, provided that at least one loser has twenty-five points or more left in his hands, if not, then his next bet is “one hundred”;
  • if only the zero-zero die is left in your hands, that’s twenty-five points, only six-six is ​​fifty points, only zero-zero and six-six is ​​seventy-five;
  • if the “fisherman” has fewer stones left than twenty-five points, and the opponent has more, then in this round the “fisherman” wins, and his next draw is “one hundred”;
  • if after three attempts the “eggs” were not played, that is, they did not start the next game with doubles from one-one to three-three, these “eggs” were “rotten”;
  • If, in a doubles game, one emerges victorious against a pair of opponents, he is a “general.”

As you have probably noticed, the differences in the rules of the game varieties are very subtle, and you can choose how to play dominoes yourself. There are also “sports dominoes”, CCW, “donkey”, “telephone”, “muggins”, “general”, “sausage” and many, many others... By and large, each company gathered decides how to play dominoes. The rules are very detailed and thoroughly stated. Sometimes they are even recorded before the game.

Playing dominoes with a computer

Nowadays, they mainly play dominoes with a computer (for two people), over a network, via the Internet. If you decide to play “Goat” online, then any option is possible in terms of the number of players, these can be simulated people or real network users.

Each developer puts their own patterns of progress and scoring into their version of the game, so be on your guard.

It is convenient to play with a computer, because the distribution of dice and, most importantly, the counting of points occurs automatically; you do not need to rack your brains about who gets what due in such a castling. But you must understand the principle of the program from the rules, which are usually described in detail in a special section, so as not to get into trouble.

Winning Rules

How to play dominoes to win? In any version of the game there are tactics, combinations, and sequences of actions in which winning will be more achievable and real. Let's look at some of them for the Kozlov varieties:

  • always carefully observe and remember your opponents’ moves, who put which dice where, this will give you an idea of ​​the set of dice and make your opponents more predictable for you;
  • if you play as a pair (online), decide who is the leader and who is the follower, and stick to this balance of power throughout the game;
  • You have found a “fishy” place, if your opponents often miss moves or, with the same number of dice, play with the same value, for example, only big ones, then it’s worth taking a risk.

Dominoes are very popular now, especially online. Many resources offer you to play for free and even without registering on their website. This exciting game develops logic and attention, take the time to practice it and...
