Male look: what kind of girls do guys like.

They can’t stand it in us, then they would definitely get rid of it, wouldn’t they, dear girls? I conducted a survey among male friends and drew certain conclusions. Here are 11 things guys hate about girls.

1. Bitchiness

If an attractive man walks into a bar, no guy will say anything bad about him. But this is typical for women. And men can not stand our bitchiness and causticity towards other women.

2. Excessive emotionality

My little brother says that what annoys guys the most in girls is that we cry for any reason. He believes that women use tears as a weapon. I myself often notice that I cry for absolutely no reason, for example, over films or books.

3. Self care

Most men clean themselves up in a very short period of time: shower, shave,. All! So they wonder how they can spend as much time on this as we do.

4. Abnormal diets

A friend of mine says he hates dating women who don't eat anything. After all, it's just terrible to watch your companion chewing lettuce leaves, washing them down with water and lemon. He feels uncomfortable enjoying the juicy taste of roasted meat.

5. Numbers

Girls often lie about their age and the number of guys they've slept with. And guys are pissed off! But, dear girls, do not give up! It doesn't matter how annoying your boyfriend is. I think, having learned the real numbers, he will be upset much more.

6. PMS

7. Frenemies

I myself do not understand why we women need such girlfriends. And men are even more incapable of understanding this. Why be friends with those who constantly betray and spread rumors about you? And yet, each of us has such friends! By the way, here it is.

8. Criticizing your appearance

I don't like my skin. I want my hair to be longer and thicker. But my boyfriend doesn't even notice all this, and it pisses him off that I even pay attention to it. Guys don't get it in us. They wonder why we think that the external picture is above all.

9. Being late

To tell the truth, this girlish vice infuriates me too, but what can I do, sometimes I sin with it. Poor guys, what do they have to endure in this life!

10. Simplicity

No one likes girls (neither men nor women) who behave in a childishly naive, or feigned, or in reality, simply, impudently behavior. No wonder people say: "Simplicity is worse than theft." Nobody likes girls who, as they say, will go everywhere without soap.

11. Groomed nails

What could be worse than gnawed or chipped nails? Probably nothing. I don’t know why, but the first thing I pay attention to in people (of course, after the face) is the nails. And not only those options that are presented above repel me, but also “eagle claws”, as I call them. Everything should be in moderation and in good condition. Pay attention to your manicure so that tomorrow it does not ward off your fate from you.

Now you know most of the things guys hate about girls. And, frankly, there are a lot more things that annoy us about ourselves. So let's get rid of them together!

A guy with the right orientation in a girl most of all likes the fact that she is a girl. In the 19th century, the great psychologist Freud called this attraction the word “libido”. Then many philosophers and psychologists often wrote on this topic.

You can, of course, cite here an abstract of Carl Gustav Jung's article "Libido, Its Metamorphoses and Symbols", from which everything would immediately become clear (or vice versa), but it's better to talk about it in normal human language. Let's try to reason why the peacock spreads its feathers, the capercaillie lek, and the females smell.

By and large, everything in the world is arranged so that it, the world, continues to be. Nature, with the help of the Lord God, came up with such laws of being that will never allow her, nature, to disappear forever.

One of these laws is sexual attraction. Libido is the sexual energy that drives progress, the energy that will never make us die out.

And now we will analyze special cases of manifestation of this energy.

What kind of girls do guys like


Which female would our caveman ancestor choose? Of course, healthy. This is easily explained. Only a strong healthy woman will give birth, feed and raise strong healthy offspring. For many centuries, this postulate, hammered into the subconscious of the male at the gene level, directed the libido of the man.

He will not choose a pale, bald, lame and toothless, etc. His heart will flutter if the girl has a beautiful complexion, shiny hair and healthy teeth.


She must be female. The chest is lush to feed the child. The waist is thin. No wonder there is an opinion: the thinner the waist, the longer the life.

Fat deposits on the internal organs speak of various pathologies and diseases in the abdomen. The hips are wide and plump. Any gynecologist will confirm that it is very difficult and even dangerous for a woman with narrow hips to give birth.


Clothing can only be clean and tidy, even if it's torn jeans or a black goth robe. The rest depends on the taste, fashion and features of your figure.

Just because you don't know the recipe for peanut buttercream custard doesn't mean you can't enjoy it and lick your fingers.

If a man does not know what style and from which Couturier your suit is, this does not mean that he will not drop his jaw at your appearance.

Therefore, the main thing in a woman's clothes (except for functional duties) is to emphasize the merits and hide the flaws.


Makeup should be such that under it you can see the face. Today, imperceptible makeup is fashionable, in which it seems that it does not exist at all. By the way, very complex and multi-stage. But the one that is bright and defiant is still in force. You just need to know the measure and time, when to apply what.

We didn't come up with the idea of ​​decorating ourselves. Many centuries ago, the Indians painted themselves with paints, decorated with feathers and beads made of bones. Our grandmothers rumpled their eyebrows and rubbed their beet cheeks. And all in order to please your soulmate.

If you know the man you want to impress doesn't like women's war paint, don't shy away from makeup anyway. He, most likely, just does not like vulgar girls.

He will not even understand that your lips are so soft and moist from lip gloss. And eyelashes elongated with good mascara without lumps and sticking will make your look even more significant and memorable.


It is clear that it should be. It is impossible to notice what is not there. Don't be shy and don't hide. Try to be in front of him, but behave as always. The game is immediately noticeable, and the naturalness captivates.

No guy likes a girl's vulgar, arrogant, provocative behavior. It will hurt him, he will remember you, but he will never love you. This is how some narrow-minded girls behave, repeating the mistake of the boys who pulled their pigtails in elementary grades.

You can notice in different ways. You notice a beautiful rainbow in the sky and a dirty puddle at the entrance.


The gait of a girl in any case should be regal. We keep the back straight, the shoulders are laid back, as if now take off. We stretch the neck, and slightly raise the chin so that a right angle is obtained between it and the neck, no less. Let's pull the belly in.

The first five days are difficult. Without shuffling, without dragging, we put our legs along a straight path, as if on a thread. We do not twist our hips, but we shake them a little. Draw a line on the floor, place the book on the top of your head and straight forward along the line. This is how you always go.

The gait should show everyone, and especially him, that you are self-sufficient, confident in your beauty and loved by everyone.


Would you like a handsome tall guy who will swing his arms like a windmill, hitting passers-by and knocking ice cream out of your hands (accidentally, of course)?

There is no doubt that the guy will not be very pleased to communicate with such a girl. Although hands at the seams like only in the army and in the monastery. Everything is good in moderation.


A person's speech always betrays his origin. Mat and yard slang will scare away any even the most stale prince from you. Unless, of course, you expect to conquer it.

It's no secret that even notorious hooligans dream of meeting a beautiful princess. In their view, she doesn’t spit through her teeth, she doesn’t drink beer from her throat and doesn’t talk obscenely.

Need for protection

In a man-woman pair, she maintains the hearth, raises children, fries the mammoth, and he hunts for food and protects his family. The protection of his woman is inscribed in the hunter's subconscious in bold letters. Many relationships are built on this. Therefore, it is unlikely that a normal man will fall in love with a rude, impudent, noisy lady.

What type of girls should be protected? I want to shield my broad back from everyday hardships with a sweet, gentle, inexperienced girl.


Here you have nothing to do, you can not change. Character is laid in the womb, and is finally formed in the first three years of life.

You can, of course, pretend not to be who you really are, but this is not for long. Don't walk on tiptoe all your life. Get up on your full foot, and the deception will be revealed.

On the other hand, why? How do you know with what character a girl can melt a guy's heart? Even he doesn't know about it. Maybe he will fall in love with a beauty with exactly the same character as yours.


Who doesn't like her. It is unlikely that your young man will like it if a strip of dirt turns black under your nails, and grass grows from your ears.

Washing your hands, not blowing your nose in your sleeve and not shouting to you across the street that your shirt is inside out - this is culture, its minimum set. If you want to find a guy who will be indifferent to this, look among the homeless.


The positive always attracts. No one wants to suffer and cry. You yourself have noticed how quickly you get tired of a whiner and a pessimist.


Intelligence is not always expressed in the number of diplomas, excellent grades and quotes from the classics. The volume of information does not always correspond to the volume of the mind. Most of the time it's just a good memory. Alas.

Do you like:

modest girls are liked by young men who are out of adolescence and looking after their mother for their future children.

Skinny women are beautiful from afar. But anorexic emaciated skeletons do not appeal to anyone. Thinness should be athletic, graceful and stylish, like a well-fed panther.

Full wives are homely, kind and economic. But, when the soft roundness of the figure begins to fold, few people will fall in love with it.
Older women are loved for their experience and wisdom (let's not talk about gigolos). Some boys prefer the mother-son relationship. They are easy and comfortable in them.

High. Tall ladies are preferred by men with a strong character who live for show.

small. Girls of small stature are preferred by those representatives of the stronger sex who are eager to see a weak defenseless naive sweetheart next to them. How often they are wrong! Small is not always weak.

Different guys like different girls. Each person has his own soul mate on Earth. Every person is born for something and for someone.

Nothing in the world comes in vain. Even the most worthless and harmful insect is needed by mother nature. Even Gorgon Medusa can be someone to fall in love so that little gorgonians are born.

Astrological analysis

What are the qualities to taste the stronger sex? To narrow the circle of search, you can trust horoscopes.


A guy born under the sign of Pisces is most suitable for a Taurus, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces girl. They easily get along with both a quiet good boy and a notorious bitch.


Aries will be happy only with the lady Taurus, precisely because only Taurus can withstand his difficult character.


Taurus will find their mutual love with Taurus or Cancer. He loves his kind. The number will not work with him - love in contrasts.


For Gemini, Gemini and Aquarius women are suitable. This sign will be happy with a quiet, calm girl.


The happiness of Cancer lies only in alliance with Taurus, Leo or Virgo. Cancer is looking for a friend rather than a lover in a loved one.


Leo can fall in love with Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius. He is strong and powerful, able to subdue almost any temperament. But, if this does not happen, the whole life will turn into a scandal and struggle.


The Virgo man will find his soul mate among Taurus or Cancer. Cancer does not like compromises, he likes compliant women.


Libra should marry Sagittarius or Aquarius. Men of this sign can fall in love at first sight with bright active girls.


The young man of Scorpio is waiting for the bride Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Sagittarius. He can love for the love of himself.


The happiness of Sagittarius will be any girl, except for Aries, Gemini, Cancer and Capricorn. Also not a very legible sign.


A Capricorn man will do well with Taurus, Gemini, Leo and Capricorn. He doesn't like boring people. He sees the ideal woman in his mother.


Aquarius will find mutual love with Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius. Truly an omnivorous sign. He loves everyone and can find happiness with everyone.

What they don't like about us

Men look for what they lack in us. They want to see femininity, so they don’t like female rudeness and masculinity at all.

The guy does not like it when the girl is stronger, smarter than him. Dear girls, sometimes you have to be smart enough to seem like a weak fool, so that you want to patronize and protect you.

Any loving man believes that the biggest sin of a woman is treason. If he is indifferent or tolerant of this, then he simply does not love you.
And of course, like all normal people, guys don't like it when you don't love them.

How to recognize "attraction"

Since all people in the world are different, the reaction to the wounds from Cupid's arrows is not the same for everyone. Men experience this situation no less than girls, and the symptoms of a "disease" with love are about the same. But, how to understand that he is not indifferent to you?

If he behaves quite naturally with all the other girls, then when he meets you he hides his eyes, blushes, is embarrassed, lost and says nonsense. This is because he wants to please you, is afraid to look stupid and constantly thinks about how he looks in front of you and whether he is talking nonsense.

Of course it does! But that's only because he loves you.

A guy who is more self-confident, falling in love, will not be afraid of your opinion about him. He will surround you with attention, offer to see you off, give you flowers, invite you on a date. Often this courage is explained by the fact that he loves himself more than you and is not used to rejection.

By the way, many of these "daffodils" are easily caught on this. It is enough to ignore his courtship a couple of times, and the hurt pride will kindle the fire of libido to heroic deeds in your honor.

Friendship turned into love. Many argue that there is no friendship between a man and a woman. Call it standby love. It may be like that. A friendly kiss will test everything. Watch the reaction of your "friend". Push him into another relationship if that's what you need too. If you don’t need to, don’t make sudden movements, otherwise you will lose a friend.

Love at a distance. He does not approach, does not speak, but you constantly catch his eye. He is always somewhere nearby. Wait until ripe.

A girl, in order to build relationships and not scare off love, needs to go fishing several times. Surprisingly, the rules of fishing are exactly the same.

The bait should be noticeable, not aggressive in appearance, tasty, natural or very similar to natural.

Patience and more patience. Take your time and don't lean out! Don't hook until you've taken the bait. Use any auxiliary means so as not to break.

So, the male libido does not allow them to live in peace. They want to love and change the world for their beloved. Each of us has his own hero, even if not yet nearby, but sooner or later your paths will cross. Take your time. We must be able to consider it and not frighten it away.

Be careful not to fry your goldfish!

Video: What attracts men to women

Guys love girls. And not just because of sex and delicious food. Without lovely ladies, the whole world loses its colors. And this is quite natural. Girls become the inspiration for which the stronger sex earns money, acquires press cubes and dresses with a needle.

But with all this, guys hate some female things that prevent them from building normal relationships and generally communicating with a girl. And this applies not only to everyday moments, but also to psychology.

So, here are 15 things guys can't stand. Of course, this list may not be as accurate, but for the most part guys will agree with every point.

1. Constant whining. Guys hate girls who are bad and who constantly talk about it. When she whines every second, he breaks down, hiding in an unknown direction. And she whines even more. Guys love smiles and laughter, not constant complaining and whining.

2. Unauthorized verification of the phone, pages on the social network. For such things, you need at least a search warrant. But girls often rummage around on the guy’s phone in search of compromising evidence without asking. They do not find compromising evidence, but they find an excellent reason for a quarrel.

3. Deliberate inaccessibility. Here she is sitting at a table in a cafe, sipping whiskey (or iced tea), languidly looking out the window. The guy is attracted by the beauty of the girl and the absence of a ring on her ring finger. He makes an attempt to get to know each other, but the stranger gives him a derogatory, humiliating look. Everything, acquaintance on it also comes to an end.

4. Abuse of make-up. War paint may not attract a guy, but scare him away. In women's magazines they write that red lipstick is considered the sexiest. But the guys do not like her, preferring calmer shades. They are not happy with the bright shadows, which are more like bruises under the eyes.

5. Lisping. Not a single representative of the stronger sex likes lisping girls. Such behavior seems infantile and even stupid. When a girl begins to fawn, she looks like a stupid ugly woman who is trying to attract attention in such a primitive way.

6. Exaggerated sensitivity. She cries during the melodrama when she sees a stray kitten on the street. She bursts into tears right in the middle of the horse display, mourns her broken nail. Yes, girls should be sensitive, but everything has its own measure. And tears for no reason guys get bored very quickly.

7. Niggling for no reason. Oh, this is one of the most favorite female entertainment. She starts to dig in in the morning, spoils her mood and goes to work happy. And she hopes that they will apologize to her again. But it’s easier for a guy to change a girl than to endure eternal nit-picking and humiliation.

8. Inability to perform elementary household tasks. When a girl can’t even cook scrambled eggs and wash her clothes, it looks at least strange. Nobody forces her to cook dinner for 10 people. But just treating your boyfriend to a delicious lunch or breakfast isn't that hard.

9. I am the navel of the earth. Also one of the favorite positions for women. But the stronger sex does not like her at all. Why should women's interests take precedence over men's by default? And not always the interests of women lend themselves to at least some logic. Girls shouldn't be so proud of themselves.

10. Neglect of manners. In a restaurant, she does not order dessert for herself, and then with a spoon she climbs into her boyfriend's plate. She intervenes in the conversation. He speaks badly of people, hypocrisy. Such details speak very well about the personality of a person. Often it is because of their bad manners that girls are left alone.

11. The desire to constantly control your loved one. Petty espionage is very annoying and exhausting for guys. They are tired of "test calls" at one in the morning, surveillance, questioning. The girl seems paranoid, who needs to know the whereabouts of the guy every minute. And constantly check his loyalty.

12. Refusal of bed experiments. Boring sex is the destroyer of romance. It seems that bed comforts are not directly related to love. But the girl's reluctance to give pleasure to her beloved speaks of her laziness and elementary selfishness.

13. Constant calls to mom. It's good when a girl gets along with her parent. But everything has a measure. When a girl calls her mother for every trifle, the guy is alert. He understands that in the future, his mother will always be there. And this is highly undesirable, because the opinion of the parent will be key.

14. The problem with sitting in the toilet. This is an issue on which guys and girls will never come to a consensus. Raise or lower seat? Here it is necessary to agree and not to forget about the concluded contract. Otherwise, domestic quarrels will become commonplace.

15. Excessive feminization. The desire to pay to the cafe for your girlfriend is often perceived with hostility. The weaker sex mows down under strong and independent men who will hammer in a nail and fix the socket. But such feminists suffer from loneliness and complain about effeminate men. The guy is looking for a girl, not an effeminate dork.

These 15 disgusting habits will help girls look at themselves from the other side. Often the weaker sex does not even understand the reasons for their loneliness. But in fact, such everyday habits really scare guys away and irritate them beyond words.

The question of what kind of women men like is a popular topic for discussion in women's circles and men's conversations. All representatives of the stronger sex have tastes and preferences, however, there is something that forms a general trend.

What are men guided by in choosing a woman, how important is appearance and what is an ideal partner from the point of view of male psychology - we will consider in this article.

In contact with

What kind of women do men love?

What do men like in women? What qualities are priority and always cause sympathy, interest in the stronger sex?

  • tenderness, the ability to love and show love;
  • attractive appearance;
  • femininity, softness;
  • sexuality;
  • intelligence;
  • sense of humor;
  • mystery and mystery.

Most of the listed characteristics (qualities of character, personality) are not decisive when meeting and on a first date, but are considered decisive when living together and long-term relationships.

Men "love with their eyes" and this is a key factor in getting to know each other.

Therefore, we dwell in more detail on the appearance. What do men like in women, what is the psychology of choice? What do they pay attention to first of all? What attracts the eye? After all, what kind of women do men want?

What figure?

What kind of girls does the stronger sex prefer in the first place? What body type do men like? Many people think that men love women with a certain type of figure. But this is a misconception and the reality is different.

A feminine figure is good, but even if the girl has a different type, you can look spectacular and delight the male. For this, there are stylists, fashion designers and all sorts of tricks in choosing a wardrobe. The fair sex, with the help of well-chosen clothes, can create balance for any type of figure, compensate for shortcomings and highlight advantages.

No matter how hard everyone tries to lose weight, kilograms are not so decisive. The main proportions and shapes! This is what sparks a man's gaze when he sincerely and with pleasure admires the female body.

Types of female figures


The male sex does not consider the growth parameter as something that can be decisive when choosing. Some may be attracted to tall partners, while others may be embarrassed and repulsed. There are those men who stop looking at those who are 4-5 centimeters lower.

Why do men love small women? This is due to the fact that smaller women want to protect, protect, patronize. While all tall women look more self-sufficient and able to take care of themselves. Such a reaction is explained by psychological factors and is not characteristic of all representatives of the stronger sex, it all depends on the character and preferences. Men love tall and small equally, no one is deprived of attention.


There is a lot of controversy around the topic of whether men love obese women. But statistics say that men love curvy women, even if they have a few extra pounds. The nature of the male sex is such that all sensations are reduced to sensory, that is, to the desire to touch, feel.

No matter how flattering they are about thin and slender, not all men in a row love women of this type.

Men with a refined, aristocratic taste love graceful women, they are attracted to this type. The tastes of the stronger sex are diverse, and for any there is always a corresponding female representative.

With long hair or short

If you ask a man to dream and draw in his head the image of an ideal woman, it turns out that in most cases the image of a girl with long hair will emerge. Why do men like long hair on women? Hair is her extension, her protection, and has always been a manifestation of femininity.

But in the same way, men can love women with a stylish, extravagant hairstyle that emphasizes her cheerful, mischievous character. Whatever the length of the hair, they should attract well-groomed and shine with health. In this case, hair will always be an ornament, a highlight of a woman.

Does smell matter?

The smell is actually crucial when choosing a partner, although this fact is not always realized by the stronger sex. Although at the same time he is literally intoxicated with a feminine scent and is ready for anything, just to spend time with the woman he likes.

It turns out that for a man to lose his head from a feminine fragrance, he must simply suit him. And this is not about perfume.

Whatever fragrance a girl would choose, first of all she should smell like cleanliness. Body odor after a shower is considered ideal, when your own aromas are not interrupted by sweat.

Why do men love the smell of a woman? By smell, you can judge the health of a woman, plus aromas have an exciting effect on a partner. If the perfume is an organic continuation of the girl, then harmony will arise with her own smell and even the effect will increase.

What is the ideal woman like?

Often in men's conversations there is such a thing as an "ideal woman." What is the ideal woman through the eyes of the stronger sex? Which women do men love first?

The answer is simple:

  • beautiful;
  • Thoughtful;
  • smart;
  • sexual;
  • feminine;
  • confident;
  • stylish;
  • positive;
  • with a sense of humor;
  • cheerful;
  • tender.

These are all qualities that most women have. What then is the secret and complexity of finding that ideal one? And the fact that it is important to be able to harmoniously combine all of the listed qualities and not overdo it with any of them. For example, such a quality as confidence. This is not about self-love and self-esteem. And more about the fact that a woman really evaluates herself, her abilities, values ​​​​this and broadcasts it to the world.

Features of male psychology

Men are very different, and what is called “male psychology” is a generalized and largely conditional category. For the majority of the stronger sex, the patterns of intersexual behavior will be similar. However, you should not drive yourself into the framework of conventions: you should always understand that the man you like can be different from the majority.

Do they love to kiss?

This question is asked by most women. Do men like to kiss? If yes, why? Men love almost everything, getting maximum pleasure with a kiss. A kiss is a pleasant and even useful thing, and also serves as a small prelude to sex. During the kiss, you can evaluate your partner and even dream about what she will be like in bed, which further incites the stronger sex.

But even here there are exceptions. It would be unreasonable to prove the fact that all representatives of the stronger sex love to kiss. There are those who do not find pleasure in this. Some either do not know how, or are afraid that this inability will become apparent. Others are simply shy, while others are generally squeamish. But according to statistics, among men there are few who do not like to kiss.

What woman will he never let go?

The answer does not provide for any one standard or benchmark. What woman will a man never let go? Next to which he is comfortable, next to which he:

  • completely forgets about problems at work,
  • next to which inspiration arises;
  • there is a motivation to realize, act, create.

A woman gives a man a feeling of her presence next to him. It may not do anything special, but give the state that the stronger sex needs so much.

This is the secret of femininity, under which experts are so eager to find the right words, but female energy cannot be listed by components. This is a special state in which feelings, emotions, skills, respect, love for oneself and for the male sex are intertwined. Some women are naturally like that, and many try to learn it.

Answering the question “Which woman will a man never forget?”, psychology proceeds from the fact that the emotions experienced by a person are remembered for a long time. And a man will not forget the one that caused a storm of passions in him, with which he experienced excitement and adrenaline, next to which it was always different and fun. Yes, he will remember this for a long time, but it is not a fact that this is exactly what is needed for life.

Why do men like to look at women's buttocks?

On the female fifth point, you can often see a male, penetrating look. And this is no accident. There have been numerous experiments showing pictures of women in profile with arched backs and protruding buttocks, and without such an effect. And of course, the attention of almost everyone was absorbed by beautiful buttocks.

So, why do men like to look at women's buttocks, you know? It all comes down to natural instincts.

Historically, women with wide hips could easily bear and give birth to a child. As a result, a man could count on more heirs. Until now, representatives of the stronger sex evaluate the female buttocks.

Do they like being jealous?

Have you ever thought about the question: “Do men love when they are jealous?”. But this question cannot be answered unambiguously. Since the answer will depend on which side to look at the attitude of men towards jealousy.

Of course, any man's ego will be satisfied, he will proudly turn up his nose as soon as he sees signs of jealousy. But this is only one side of the coin. Nobody canceled the love of a man for a girl who is self-confident, knows her own worth. Sometimes, with such self-confidence, a feeling flares up with renewed vigor in the stronger sex. After all, jealousy is a manifestation of distrust. And if there is no jealousy, they trust you, then respect, delight and the warmest feelings along with gratitude will arise for such a woman.

Why do some people prefer older partners?

In life, there are many marriages when the partner is younger than his chosen one. And such alliances are often strong and long lasting. Many girls of the same age, observing this trend, ask themselves the question: “Why do men love older women?” And here everything is explained simply.

Sometimes men are driven by the desire to be close to a wise and experienced woman, a kind of teacher. But often such partners were deprived of maternal affection in childhood and are now looking for it in their companion, instinctively choosing an older one. If you understand this psychological aspect, it becomes obvious why men prefer women older than themselves.

Useful video

So what kind of women do men love? 4 important points based on the opinions of men, see the following video:


  1. Representatives of the stronger sex are all different, just like their tastes. Some of them are crazy about plump ones, others pay attention to thin ones.
  2. It is known that mostly men prefer women of the "average type". And the more the girl's external data deviate in one direction or another, the more difficulties she faces when choosing a partner.
  3. You shouldn't focus on appearance. It is important to understand a partner, to strive to build harmonious relationships, then the question of what kind of women men love will not be so exciting. Men love those women who love men.

Every girl would like to be perfect in the eyes of most young people, but in reality this is not so easy to achieve. However, if you set out to acquire an army of fans, then this may be quite within your power if you follow some general rules.

The perfect girl, through the eyes of a guy

It is worth considering that absolutely all young people cannot like the same girl, therefore, no matter how hard you try to be attractive to everyone, this is impossible. However, you can try to get closer to the ideal in the eyes of most guys.

What attracts guys to the appearance of girls

Most often, guys still like well-groomed girls. What can be included in this concept? This is not about false eyelashes, bright makeup and the like (although there are many fans of this), but about the image in general. It is desirable that your hair be healthy and shiny, natural color. Also pay attention to the health of your skin and teeth, the accuracy of manicure and pedicure, timely depilation. All this in general and gives a general impression of how well-groomed the girl is.

What do guys like about girls

Most guys do not like hysterical and scandalous people. They like girls who are able to control themselves in peak situations, do not have a tendency to jump to conclusions. Also, young people will appreciate the ease of character of a potential chosen one - few people like capricious and touchy girls. If you are a caring, understanding, kind and balanced person with a sense of humor, then you are probably interesting to the opposite sex.

What can a girl like

For each guy, some specific factor can become decisive, which will not be easy to predict in advance. Some girls are popular because of their bright appearance, others are attracted by their kind and cheerful disposition, others have incredible charisma, and so on. If you have some obvious dignity in appearance or character, then most likely it will attract guys.

What do guys like about sex?

Most guys appreciate girls who do not have a rich sexual experience, but at the same time they want to see in their partner a willingness to experiment. Also, the vast majority of young people want their chosen ones to want intimacy with them and periodically demonstrate this desire - few people like to almost force their girlfriend to have sex every time. Simply put, in a relationship, many guys appreciate the initiative on the part of the girl, they like the feeling that they are desirable for their lovers.

The main thing in a girl according to men

Most men sooner or later come to the realization that the main thing for them is how a girl treats them. That is, out of the total number of beautiful, economic and sexual persons, the guy is likely to choose the one that really treats him well and willingly demonstrates it. If a girl is more passionate about her own person than her lover, then over time the guy may get bored. Almost every young man wants to feel like an object of adoration, to feel that the chosen one appreciates and respects him, and if he meets such a partner, then, most likely, his search will stop there.

What a man likes in a woman the most - psychology

Femininity Many men appreciate the manifestation of femininity in the opposite sex. This concept is more applicable to behavior than to appearance. Rare guys like it when their chosen ones swear, speak loudly and rudely, have some masculine habits. Even if the girl is very beautiful, such behavior can repel her chosen one. That is why we recommend that you carefully monitor your own facial expressions, gestures, gait, voice timbre, and so on. Thrift In the subconscious of most men, it is laid down that a woman should be the keeper of the hearth, and, therefore, she needs to be economic. Comfort and cleanliness must certainly reign in her monastery, and all this should happen as if by the way, as if by itself. In addition, many guys love to eat deliciously, so if you have extraordinary culinary skills, this will be a definite plus for you. Neatness Probably, any man would like his life partner to be neat. This means that if you are accustomed to walking with an unwashed head and peeling nail polish, wearing stale clothes, not paying due attention to intimate hygiene and caring for your skin and teeth, then you are unlikely to be wildly popular with the opposite sex. Good manners As a rule, men like women who have good manners. However, their absence is also most often evident to them. Most guys are pleased if their chosen one knows how to behave with dignity in society, without putting them in an awkward position with their tactless statements, loud laughter, obscene expressions and the like. self esteem Men try to avoid obsessive ladies, and such women are not found among those persons who have self-respect. However, not only the absence of obsession is invested in this concept. A self-respecting woman will not compare herself with someone, denigrate other girls, show envy, humiliate others, and so on, and she will not silently swallow resentment if she is disrespected towards herself. Coquetry Of course, we are not talking about excessive coquetry towards all men. Your chosen one should think that you allow yourself to flirt only with him. Note that coquetry, in fact, is not at all defiant behavior and not imposing oneself. You should show your sympathy to the man with gestures, facial expressions, eyes, but this should not be too obvious. Pleasant character Some men like bitchy women, but often they are dealt with for the thrill of it. In life companions, they still choose a lady with a pleasant character, from whom kind and positive energy comes, next to which a man feels calm and easy.

I want to start liking all the guys, what to change in myself

As already mentioned, it is impossible to please absolutely all guys, if only because each of them has their own preferences. Someone likes tall and bright brunettes, someone is crazy about petite and modest brunettes, someone cannot get past a cheerful and long-haired red-haired girl, and so on. Simply put, most young people fantasize about what kind of partner they need next to them, and, of course, everyone has their own image. However, if you want to arouse the interest of most young people, then just pay attention to the general recommendations in the article - carefully follow for their appearance, habits, behavior and so on. Become the best version of yourself - work on possible shortcomings and emphasize the merits.

What guys don't like about girls

If you want to be popular with guys, then pay extra close attention to the qualities that most of them don't like. Vulgarity Most young people do not like too vulgar girls, and it does not matter where this feature is manifested - in appearance or in behavior. Yes, such persons can attract for a fleeting relationship, but not for a long and serious relationship. Hysteria Many girls, unfortunately, are characterized by hysteria, which they consider to be slight whims, not seeing something terrible in this. Most guys have a different opinion on this matter. They are not at all pleased to constantly observe tears on the face of the chosen one, which, often, can be caused by a mere trifle. If you have a habit of hysteria for one reason or another, and you even consider it cute, we advise you to still work on eliminating this quality. Bad habits Even if the guy himself smokes and occasionally drinks, similar bad habits in a potential chosen one can push him away from her. Often, starting a relationship with a girl, any young man at least subconsciously imagines her as the mother of his children, and, according to most men, bad habits for women mothers are inappropriate. Many of them will not even really be able to explain why this repels them, but the fact remains. selfishness If a man suspects that his financial situation worries a potential lover more than himself, then most likely he will lose interest in her, no matter how much he initially liked her. If a girl begins to be interested in the size of wages, property and other material aspects of a young man's life, this begins to alarm him. Arrogance Arrogant girls turn most guys off. As a rule, such persons are very disrespectful to others, and in the eyes of potential chosen ones, this does not paint them at all. obsession Of course, many guys really like it when a girl takes the initiative in communicating with them, but there should be a measure for everything. Some girls do not feel this measure, and they want to be invisibly constantly present in the life of their lover - they attack the chosen one on social networks, call regularly, ask a lot of questions and want to be aware of everything that happens to the guy. Over time, obsession forces most young people to avoid such persons, because, as you know, often men themselves want to be in the role of "hunters", and with such girls they often feel like only "victims" who have fallen into someone's trap.
