Board game "family tree". Board game family tree Chinese board games list

Who was Great Aunt Nina, born in 1927? And who is the father of the woman named Seraphim from the old photograph? By the way, you have already seen little Artem - he is surprisingly similar to her ... In this unusual game, you can establish such family ties that the authors of the series never dreamed of. In this case, everything will be legal and natural!

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There are three types of cards in this game:

  • "People" are the characters of the family tree you create;
  • "Meeting" - a card that allows you to create a new pair;
  • "Event" - a card corresponding to an important event in the life of a person or the whole family.

By playing these cards on your turn, you can grow your family tree by earning points (important when playing Dynasty), or getting rid of all the cards in your hand (important when playing Grand Family Tree). And create family history.

Rules of life:

  • Each character can only have one wife or husband.
  • A family can have up to 6 children.
  • If your family has a marriageable bride, that is, an unmarried girl of a certain age, be careful: she will definitely be taken away.
  • The age difference should not exceed a certain number of years, and so on.

By following these very natural limits, you will be able to lay out a rich and branched family tree.

Important in this game:

  • There may be exceptions to any rule. For example, there are characters who are able to marry a person much older than themselves. Or take your wife's last name.
  • Each release is accompanied by a story. Thus, the game turns into a real creative workshop.

The game will be a great occasion:

  • Learn mental counting: useful when couples and children are selected.
  • Develop imagination and logic - for telling stories of encounters and achievements.
  • Take an interest in your own family.
  • Surprised at how much the appearance, names, professions and nature of meetings change with generations.

The game will be a great gift:

  • In a large family - there will be many winners.
  • Children of parents interested in genealogy.
  • Fans of board strategies - they definitely haven't come across anything like this yet!

The board game Family Tree will invite you to do an entertaining genealogy and compile the genealogy of your gaming family. Introduce free characters to each other, introduce their children, grow your family tree and prosper!

Who wants to buy the board game Family Tree

Family Tree is a board game that will help you do your genealogy with just a deck of cards. This is a calm measured desktop, which is also very interesting. It is perfect for a quiet family circle and will provide an opportunity to compete, whose family is larger!


The game box, in addition to the rules, includes two stacks of cards and a handful of chips. All cards should be thoroughly mixed and distributed to each participant in five pieces. And then lay out the archive of another five cards next to the deck.


Players take turns moving, and a turn consists of three phases.

At the beginning, the player draws one card from the archive, putting a replacement for it, or simply on top of the deck. Then he can take one action.


You can lay out a couple, that is, a card of a man and a woman, and between them a meeting card. You can add a child to a married couple. You can add a mother or both parents card to a character, along with an encounter card.

  • A lone character can play a pair along with an encounter card. Or pick up a marriageable bride from another player. For this he will receive one chip.
  • You can lay out a new pair separately from the main family. With the help of an encounter card, you can form a pair between the characters of different families of one player, thus linking them into one.
  • Finally, you can lay out an event card for your character.


At the end of the turn, the player draws up to five cards from the archive or deck, or discards the excess and passes the move to the neighbor on the left.

Of course, all characters must match each other in age. To make it easier, the year of birth is indicated on all cards.

On the cards of men there is a hint about the years of birth of suitable brides. And women have years of birth of children.

It will be much more interesting to play if, when laying out each card, the participants tell a short story about the persons participating in it.


The game will end when there are no cards left in the deck. When counting, players count only their largest family.

One character in each generation of the longest and continuous chain of transmission of the surname of such a family will be the main heir. For such characters, the player receives two points. And all other characters, event cards and chips will bring one at a time.

Photo of the board game Family Tree

The educational board game "Family Tree" will help to arouse interest in one's own ancestors, get acquainted with the life of different generations of Russian people.
The rules offer a choice of two game modes: "Dynasties" and "Big Family Tree". The basis of the game in both versions is the same - using character cards, lay out the genealogical tree of a simple Russian family on the table. Each card contains brief information about the person: name and profession, year of birth, portrait. The characters cover more than a century of Russian history - the eldest was born in 1901, the youngest - in 2012 - and all possible social strata, from janitors to programmers and from clergy to scientists. In order to link together these various destinies, it is necessary to establish family relations between them - marriage or parental. When adding another relative to the family tree, the player must choose a suitable place for him. For example, a new character can become a child of an existing married couple - for this, he must match his mother's age. And in order to create a new cell of society, it will take not only the bride and groom of about the same age, but also a special meeting card that will tell you under what circumstances the young people met: for example, they knew each other from school or met by chance in the library. At the same time, it is recommended to compose a brief history of this acquaintance. In addition, there are event cards in the game: victory in a chess tournament, an interview for television, receiving a medal - which can be "issued" to the characters. Events not only bring additional victory points, but also give the game an additional atmosphere, connecting the history of an individual family with the history of the whole country.

"Dynasties" - the main and more serious version of the game. In it, each player makes up his own family tree, and cards can be transferred from one participant to another (for example, if one family has a marriageable bride, and another has a suitable groom). The goal of "Dynasties" is not only to gather as many relatives in your family as possible, but also to build the longest possible line of transmission of the surname. In this mode, the game supports up to 4 players.
Big Family Tree can be played with at least ten people. The principles of creating a family tree remain the same, but the goal is completely different - to get rid of your cards as quickly as possible, laying them out in a common family tree. This version of the rules makes the game easier, faster and more dynamic.
The board game "Family Tree" was created as part of the children's educational project "Mosaicum". It continues the educational series "Correct Games", started by the popular game "Evolution".
The set includes:
- 105 cards (including 66 character cards, 24 encounter cards, 15 event cards),
- 10 chips,
- box "lid-bottom",
- rules of the game.

Friends of the composer Fyodor and his wife Efrosinya often joked that this couple could become an excellent keyboard duo, only Fyodor prefers to play the piano, and the typist Frosya to knock on the keys of a typewriter. And although Efrosinya never had a particular craving for classical music, she and Fedor lived in perfect harmony and raised their daughter Olympias and sons Pavel and Nikolai. The Olympics married the famous director Edward - he once looked into the cafe where she worked as a barmaid - but the marriage with the creator turned out to be difficult, they had no children. The younger, Nikolai, became a sailor and did not create a family. And the physicist Pavel found his happiness in the spring of 1961: returning to Moscow after the Gagarin launch, the young rocket scientist charmed his pretty fellow traveler Zinaida with stories about the cutting edge of science. Pavel and Zina pleased their parents with their grandchildren Vitaly and Andrey, and in the turbulent perestroika times they also got wives and children. And although the great-grandchildren Fedor and Efrosinya were no longer found, their family tree, having survived all the storms and thunderstorms of the 20th century, has only become stronger and stronger in modern Russia.

Approximately such stories are born at the table during the game in the "Family Tree". In this educational board game, the participants make up the genealogies of ordinary Russian families - from great-grandparents, who survived the tsarist times, to their contemporaries. For this, three types of cards are used: characters, of which the family tree consists; meetings necessary to create married couples; as well as events - episodes of Russian history in which family members participated. The rules describe two different versions of the game: "Dynasties" and "Large Family Tree" - but both are based on the same principles of creating bloodlines from individual characters.

On the map of each character, the year of his birth - from 1901 to 2012 - as well as the name, profession and portrait are indicated. The year of birth is the main game characteristic of the character, it determines who this character has the right to marry and who can become a parent. The portraits are stylized as photographs from a family album, and the name and profession are chosen to match the era when the character lived: for example, the telephone operator Evdokia and the stewardess named Zhanna clearly cannot be contemporaries. Thanks to these details, each character card is not just a line in the pedigree, but a living, integral image of a Russian person of his time.

You can start building a family tree from any generation. To do this, you will need two character cards: a man and a woman of about the same age, and an encounter card. The wife is allowed to be older than her husband by no more than 2 years, and the husband can be a maximum of 9 years older than his wife (several characters are exceptions to this rule, their cards specifically indicate the maximum age difference with spouses). For convenience, the "male" cards indicate the appropriate years of the wife's birth, although it is not necessary to use these tips. The meeting card briefly describes the circumstances under which the spouses met, for example, at a poetry evening or during a rain. When laying out such a card, the player must come up with a short story about how his characters met. In the future, a married couple can add both children, who later acquire their own families, and parents. Additional cards are not required for this, but the age rule still needs to be observed: parents must be at least 18 years older than their children, and women cannot have a child after 42 years. As in the case of marriages, the “female” cards indicate suitable years for the birth of children.

The Dynasty option is designed for two to four participants, each of which makes up a genealogical tree of one or more families. The player has the right to unite "their" families and even take suitable cards from other people's bloodlines in exchange for victory points. It is also permitted to play event cards on age-appropriate characters. The winner in Dynasties is determined by points: each character in the main family line is worth two points, and all other family members and event cards are worth one. "Big Family Tree" is a simplified mode for a large number of players (up to ten), who together build a single family tree. On his turn, the participant must add a card from his hand to the genealogy, and if he cannot do this, then he draws cards from the deck until he finds a suitable one. Events do not participate in the game, and the winner is the one who is the first to be left without cards in his hand.

Family Tree is primarily an educational game. By calculating suitable birth years for family members, players practice mental counting, and by telling dating stories, they develop creative improvisation skills. But most importantly, the "Family Tree" awakens in young players an interest in the history of their own ancestors and their homeland, introduces them to the life and way of life of different generations of Soviet and Russian people.
