Ugly tattoos. King of beasts on the finger and bacon on the leg

In our time tattoos- not new. In principle, this phenomenon is already about two thousand years old, when the Indian tribes and the ancient Egyptians applied drawings to the skin. They had, of course, purely mystical meaning. They were applied in order to protect oneself from evil spirits, to get good luck in the battle with the enemy, etc.

Nowadays, the tattoo is used for the most part as a means of decoration and individualization. Some representatives of subcultures also use a tattoo in order to show their belonging to a particular society. Tattoo in criminal circles- this is the most real language, with the help of which its participants tell others about their history and features.

By itself, a tattoo (also called a tattoo or just a tattoo) is an introduction to subcutaneous tissue special coloring pigment. Currently applied using a special induction or rotary machine.

Word " tattoo" is a term from the Polynesian language, meaning literally "drawing". IN English language it hit thanks to James Cook. This traveler circled the globe and wrote an account of his wanderings, where he used this word. As for the history of tattoos in Russia, it was lost as a culture after the introduction of Christianity in Rus'. Before that, the ancient Slavs used the tattoo. Once again, the tattoo was revived in our country, initially from the criminal strata of the population. Therefore, today, among representatives other than the above groups, tattoo is a relatively young direction. As an art, it began to develop quite recently. During the USSR, the tattoo had a rather narrow application and meaning - army, political or prisoner. It began to develop in other directions only in the late 1990s.

In total, today the tattoo has three main types: permanent, temporary and cosmetic. The first practically does not fade and remains for life; the second is a henna drawing, which disappears after a week; the third is a tattoo or Permanent makeup, designed for approximately 3-5 years, because subject to burnout.

It is worth adding that it is almost impossible to completely remove a permanent tattoo, even if a laser is used. Either way, it will leave a scar. Its size will depend on the place that the tattoo occupied.

Dumb Tattoos - Top

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The tattoo is a gesture of the unconscious. But desires change, but the test remains.
The fashion for tattoos is good for the police, they are easier to identifybody .

Full Review did before: "".
And today - stupid tattoos.

wackiest tattoos ever

"And your head is always responsible for where your ass sits." ("" V. Butusov)
But there must be at least some use from the body?

wackiest tattoos ever

Sometimes a person feels bad in his own skin, so he covers it with tattoos. Poor Merlin!

wackiest tattoos ever

You can beat yourself up. It almost always doesn't work out very well.

Quite unsuccessful.


wackiest tattoos ever

Tattoos are moments of life. They are reminiscent of a certain period. But states change, but the dead past remains.

Unfortunate tattoo of two lovers.

Men's thongs in free sale. Not enough money or what for?

When choosing a tattoo artist, it should be an anal in balance. Long, but thorough. And at the skinner everything is quick.
- So it's crooked? - Yes-ah-ah-ah ... and so it will do!

During the tattooing, the person believes that this is a moment of self-discovery or a constant that he has come to a conclusion.

Typical sounder in search. Unfortunately the guy passes by.

After a while, it turns out that the decision was wrong.

The spectator sometimes applied tattoos to intimidate, looking at himself and he himself was frightened.

wackiest tattoos ever

Body as a part. Sometimes it turns out beautifully, but sometimes:

According to the account of light and heat, as fate agreed,
Someone's life has flown by, while another's has slipped by.
(I. Guberman)

If you were in recruiting, what job would this guy be offered?

wackiest tattoos ever

Analniki. Their humor is simple and uncomplicated - everything that is connected, you know what.
Complete lack of humor.

Erogenous zone of the anal? This is the most complex sexuality.

A realized anal is a balanced biochemistry of the brain.
But if the square is skewed for a long time, then whatever it presents, it always turns out ...

IN Soviet times in the zone one could see convicts whose buttocks were the devil-stoker throwing coal into the "furnace" with a shovel. According to prison concepts, this meant - "lowered."
How do you like this version?

wackiest tattoos ever

Oh how!

wackiest tattoos ever

Onbody he had so muchtattoos that when he passed the barcode scanner insupermarket , the cash desk punched him like a packdumplings .

wackiest tattoos ever

If it’s completely unbearable and you want to stuff it, try henna tattoos. When you get bored, they suggest - it's time to wash off.

BUT! "Life is meant to be lived..."(N. Ostrovsky, novel "How the Steel Was Tempered")
And still ink!

wackiest tattoos ever

And he asked

On her feet - now her legs look like plastic doll legs.

The captions say "Me and your bitch"
Anyway, this guy likes to get into a fight for no reason... a sign of an idiot :)

A woman was paid $10,000 to get this tattoo on her forehead. She stated that she did this so that her children could continue their education after school. But maybe she should have bought herself a brain to earn that money in another way?

They say man is descended from apes. I am sure that some of the intelligence remained at the level of primates

The man pricked himself with a ruler near the causal place. Apparently to show off the length, but why is this ruler pointing down? Or can it only be in a hanging position?

One can only sympathize with this girl - she was born with 4 toes, but nature endowed her with a sense of humor.

The steering wheel on the chest ... cool if it was a steering wheel from a car, but the steering wheel from a bicycle looks at least stupid and out of place. Perhaps he is hinting: “Ride me, baby?”. There are those who want fair half readers to ride this idiot? I doubt:)

Although, I could be wrong. Perhaps this lady would agree to "ride" the man above. And at that time he would have played an amazing game of all times and peoples - PacMan ... and would not even look at it.

Doesn't look like a blonde...

The stupidest tattoo award goes to Kimberly Vlaminck. To avoid her father's wrath, she said that she wanted to get only 3 stars near her eyes, but fell asleep in the tattoo parlor. Her face is "adorned" with 56 stars.

Extreme support :)

As we have already seen above, tattoos with a navel in the lead role are not so rare, but this handsome cat is simply irresistible.

A shahid belt... an idiotic joke for life.

Dolphin with unicorn? No comments…

The man apparently believes in God, but why paint Jesus as a woman?

Life of the Stars


24.03.16 10:15

We have already explored the most unusual tattoos celebrities, the most expensive tattoos, as well as ridiculous or bulky tattoos that stars already dream of getting rid of. But if for a rock singer inscriptions and drawings on the body are a common thing, then for a model this is highly undesirable. Some elite agencies never tire of warning their fashion models that their body is a tool and should not be spoiled with any nonsense. However, many supermodels do not heed these warnings and are too carried away by the “painting” different parts bodies, while others pricked something ugly and out of place. So here are the most ugly tattoos celebrity models.

Fake tattoo and white dot

What do you think an aspiring fashion model does when she is bored? No, she doesn't fold origami or knit socks for her nephews - the brunette comes up with new Instagram photo ideas! For example, not so long ago, Kendall seriously upset her fans by posting a picture of a fresh tattoo on her page - repulsive vertebrae flaunted on the girl’s back. Fortunately, it turned out to be just a joke - the easily washed off drawing was applied to the reality star by her makeup artist friend. However, Jenner still could not resist and got a real tattoo - a tiny one. white dot on the middle finger. Pretty silly design.

Who said meow?

Anya Konstantinova became famous as the first model vertically challenged. She calls herself Australian, although she comes from Russia. Also Anya seems to have a weakness for tattoos. While most celebrity tattoos are dainty drawings or inspirational quotes, Anya has lower lip the word "Meow" flaunts. The model went even further, puncturing the back of the "Cat" neck. Its from Great love for cats, right?

Are all models “hangers”?

Supermodel Chanel Iman also decided to decorate her neck, however, very original way. She asked the master to depict ... a hanger, and rather thin and nondescript, the name Chanel was signed under it. She probably thought it was very witty: after all, it is common knowledge that models are often contemptuously called “hangers”. However, not everyone appreciated the joke, and Iman's mini-hanger became an ugly stigma, which she voluntarily put on herself.

Fatty fish that brings good luck

IN Japanese culture koi fish (decorative carp) means courage, success, the ability to overcome life's obstacles. Apparently, having learned about this, the American model Carolyn Murphy decided to attract Fortune to her side and gouged out a fish on her thigh. Not to say that this koi really suits the beauty, the carp turned out to be fat and self-satisfied - it was possible to make the drawing more elegant, but then they spent a lot of ink and ruined the model's thigh!

Yearning cat

Brazilian supermodel Alessandra Ambrosio often advertises underwear and swimwear, so it was impossible not to notice her tattoo. They say that Alessandra more tattoo, but it is the cat sitting on the crescent that attracts attention if the charmer is wearing a bikini and turned her back to you: the cat perched on the lower back of the Brazilian. Let's just say - no. The best way stand out. Although this dubious design instantly became popular: Ambrosio fans rushed to tattoo parlors to at least somehow look like a Victoria's Secret angel.

Is a classic quote a sign of intelligence?

British actress and model Lily Cole has an innocent "childish" appearance, as well as a high IQ. But she couldn't resist the temptation either. And now on the leg of the Englishwoman (or rather, on the side of her foot) there is an inscription in Gothic type: “Ut Apes Geometriam” (translated as “Like the bees of geometry”). This is not nonsense, but a quote from Victor Hugo's dark novel Notre Dame Cathedral. It seems to us that this phrase has no place on Lily's leg ...

Nostalgia for the USSR?

A very banal little tattoo flaunts on the wrist of another Brazilian woman -. This is a star. Just a star, five-pointed and very similar to a socialist symbol. Although the model was not at all nostalgic for the USSR. According to her, when she first arrived in New York, there was not a single star in the sky, so Bundchen decided to portray her own. Of course the drawing ballpoint pen quickly washed away, then a tattooed star appeared at this place.

Swallows landing on the fifth point

One of the most successful British supermodels boasts several tattoos: a crown on her left shoulder, a tiny heart on her left arm and an anchor on her right wrist. All these drawings are tiny and could not affect the career of a British woman. What can not be said about another detail of Kate's body art. We're talking about a pair of swallows landing on... the model's lower back. Who stabs birds in the ass? The piquancy of the tattoo is added by the fact that these birds cost ... more than a million dollars, because the author of the drawing is the recently deceased painter Lucian Freud (yes, the son of that same Sigmund Freud). The artist's works are valued very highly, but, alas, Kate will not be able to sell this one - unless she cuts out a flap of her own skin.

Get rid of love

When, in a fit of surging feelings, you inject the name of a loved one on your body, it doesn’t occur to you that after this novel (or marriage) it is quite possible that there will be a next one. Passion intoxicates the head, it seems - this is it, the most best recognition in love! But if a loved one becomes an ex, the next chosen one may not appreciate such a tattoo, and you yourself are no longer happy to have such a stigma. So the ex-model, and now TV presenter Heidi Klum succumbed to an impulse, put the name “Sil” on her hand next to the stars symbolizing the fourth wedding anniversary, but after the divorce she caught herself. Now Heidi is undergoing an unpleasant procedure laser removal tattoo.

King of beasts on the finger and bacon on the leg

We consider the ugliest tattoos of celebrity supermodels to be those that flaunt on the body. cara delevingne. Yes, she is in Lately makes a career in cinema, and she is doing well on the podium - be healthy! However, Kara was suspiciously carried away by tattoos, even her employers warned the beauty - they say, this could interfere with business. Delevingne has a lot of tattoos, but we just can’t figure it out: why would the model and actress need the word “BACON” (“Bacon”) on the foot? But from the image of some mangy lion on index finger right hand Kari is just creepy. Or was the king of beasts gouged out so that the fist of the British woman was more convincing?
