Unpredictability and “female logic. How to win a man's heart? What does a man look for in a woman?

A woman should be unpredictable - say the ladies. Is it so?

Women, even without any effort on their part, are largely unpredictable for men due to the fact that female psychology is very different from male psychology. Therefore, women's opinion is that: “A woman should be a mystery. A woman should be unpredictable. A woman should be silent about her desires, and the task of men is to unravel her desires ”is a deep delusion. And very often, when women go down this path, the result of their wrong actions is failure. And they blame themselves for the fact that everything turned out in this way. Not because the advice to be unpredictable is wrong, but because they weren't good enough when using that advice. That is, in their opinion, it was necessary to be even more unpredictable, even more "mysterious", even more silent about their desires and what she likes and what not.

What kind of women are men looking for? And men are looking for - predictable!

Some men use different words, but the meaning is the same. If you are thinking about how to win a man's heart, then predictability should be almost in the first place.
This statement causes a lot of surprise in the circle of women.
They argue and say that they value unpredictability in a woman. Sometimes they argue very strongly and, as a rule, just those girls and women who have problems either in family life or in relationships with men.
Let's try to figure it out together.
Does a man need an unpredictable woman? Today, this woman, in response to a bouquet of flowers, rejoices and kisses a man, and tomorrow (ceteris paribus) treats him with absolutely indifference. Today, a woman is silent with a man for absolutely no reason, and tomorrow she bothers him with her calls and some incomprehensible requests. Today she talks to him normally, and tomorrow she sobs into the phone, without explaining anything.
Does the man appreciate it? It will be interesting to him a couple of times. And at the first or second opportunity, he will part with such a woman. (Unless, of course, such a quality as unpredictability, strongly developed in a woman)
The main misconception is that a supposedly predictable woman is simple and quickly boring, while an unpredictable one will be interesting for a long time.
Here the concepts of predictability are mixed with the depth and interestingness of a woman. These are completely different things. A door with a hard-to-open lock can be unpredictable (it opens today, it doesn't open tomorrow, it opens again in a day), but this is a completely simple and uninteresting thing. And a computer that can work absolutely predictably and without failures, and at the same time can be a very complex and interesting subject, which is quite difficult to know even superficially.
So it is with a woman. A woman can be quite complex and interesting, but at the same time predictable. And, a woman can be uninteresting, but with unpredictable behavior. Interest in a woman is not at all a consequence of her unpredictable behavior (quite the contrary). In order to maintain a man's interest in a woman for a long time, it is necessary to have just predictability - this is a very important quality that a man appreciates and looks for in a woman (especially in his wife). And unpredictability is something that a man can tolerate if necessary or lack of choice, but not appreciate.
At the very least, don't act unpredictably on purpose. That is, today in relation to a man one behavior, and tomorrow, for no apparent reason, completely different. Say one thing today and another tomorrow. This is not at all what is meant by the expression: "There must be some mystery in a woman."
The best combination in a person is both predictability and internal complexity, depth, wisdom, the ability to communicate, understand.
If possible, you need to be predictable for men. Therefore, explain more often why you behave one way or another, what actions on the part of a man you will be happy about, and because of what you can be upset and why.
According to many women, they specifically showed unpredictability. And they did it in the following way: sometimes they rejoiced at the attention, sometimes they threw their pipes, without explaining anything. Either they wanted a gift or they didn't. On the one hand, they are happy with the gift, and on the other, they scold that the gift is not quite the same as they wanted. A normal, adequate man will regard this behavior as unbalanced and inadequate.
Think about it, would you like an unpredictable man yourself, who either comes on a date, or doesn’t come, or takes offense at something incomprehensible, or fills you with flowers?
“The predictable woman is some completely correct woman, and I am not like that. Such a woman is completely boring.” Many women can say.
Not at all. A woman who regularly arrives 15 minutes late for dates is quite predictable and at the same time she is not at all correct. A man can fully adapt to her behavior and love her so “wrong” and late all her life.
Dear women, do not confuse concepts and live happily!

With them it is difficult, without them it is impossible.

Oh, those women!
W. Shakespeare
The nature of a woman "cannot be understood with the mind and cannot be measured with a common yardstick."

The following words belong to the medieval Indian poet Thirukural:

“I love you the most!” I once exclaimed.
"Who is this - all? ” she asked.

These and similar unexpected turns of the theme show that there is something in a woman that men do not understand. No wonder Kozma Prutkov warned: "Do not joke with a woman: these jokes are stupid and indecent." oh, this one unpredictability and female logic!
Over the millennia, women have developed an adaptive mechanism that we call female logic. It gives them a great advantage, as we will repeatedly see.

The husband, wanting to please his wife, tries every time to call and tell the exact time of arrival so that she is not tormented by uncertainty. When they once touched upon this, his wife amazed him with her judgment: “You are calling so that dinner will be on the table by your arrival!”
Poor husband had no idea! That's how easily a woman turned good into bad ...

Every man, no doubt, can recall many cases of sophisticated female inferences that baffle him.
The main content of the chapter is very serious. But before diving into the most complex world of Women, let's start with a joke. Moreover, as we will see later, women appreciate a good joke.
Experts say that there are three types of logic: formal, dialectical and feminine.

"Laws" of female logic

The quotation marks emphasize that the following comic laws should be treated with a bit of humor. The first law is the law of ball lightning:

“The discharge of emotions falls not on the one to whom it is intended, but on the one who turns up under the arm.”

The fact that this is so can be confirmed by employees at work, but especially by husbands. We will not console them: we ourselves are to blame - there is nothing to fall under the arm!
The second law is the law of microscopes:

“Events and facts are viewed as if through a microscope.”
At the same time, the insignificant acquires universal dimensions, and only a tiny part of the large is considered.

The third law - the worse, the better:

“Of all options, a woman chooses the one in which she will have to suffer the most.”

The meaning of this law is explained by the following axiom of female logic: "The greater the suffering, the greater the bitter pleasure from it." For example, a woman always chooses love. And how much suffering it brings! The subtle connection between women's love for suffering was noticed by the brilliant Pushkin:

The less we love a woman,
The easier it is for her to like us
And the more we ruin it
In the midst of seductive nets.

Woman says:
- Horrible! Every year I have a baby!
- Have you tried not to sleep with your husband for two years?
- I tried. Does not help.
And here's more:

- You're an idiot! the wife screams. You are an idiot everywhere: at home you are an idiot, and at work you are an idiot. You are a complete idiot! If there was a worldwide idiot contest, you'd be second!
- Why the second? the husband asks.
Because you are an idiot!

Joking aside, there are quite a few women whose intelligence has been recognized in our “male” world. For example, women are Nobel laureates: Marie Curie, Selma Lagerfeld, Gabriela Mistral. Famous women whose mind was recognized by male contemporaries are Sappho, Madame de Stael, George Sand, Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher.

Life Attitudes

Little Vovochka, reading the book “Myths of Ancient Greece”, asks his father:
- Dad, why did the ancient Greeks always depict Victory as a woman?
When you get married, you will know...

Eternal rivals

Rivalry for a man leaves an indelible imprint on a woman. The desire to be the one and only finds a wide variety of manifestations.

Hat seller: “In 40 years of work, I have never seen a customer friend recommend the one that suits her best.”

“What a woman won’t do to upset her rival!” (M.Yu. Lermontov).

It is the rivalry that is the reason why women try to look younger and therefore many hide their age. Here are some anecdotal stories on the subject.

The doctor says to a lady of about forty-five after the examination:
- You have gastritis, heart murmurs, high blood pressure. How old are you?
- Twenty seven!
- Oh, you also have a profound memory loss!

To hurt an opponent with a hint of age is a strong blow.

Two Hollywood stars quarrel:
- Don't be a lady. You don't even know who your mother and grandmother are!
- Indeed, they say different things about my grandmother. For example, what is it - you!

The desire to be not just the first, but the only one sometimes manifests itself in an unexpected way.

After the premiere, leaving the stage with a bouquet of carnations, the actor turns to his partner holding a basket of roses:
- Why so many tears, Tanechka? Listen to the applause! You are a huge success!
- Yes, yes ... But you do too!

Women's competition leads to another consequence: "On one issue, men and women certainly agree with each other: both do not trust women" (G. Menken).

Defender Defense

Nature entrusted the woman with the most important thing - the continuation of the family, and therefore endowed her with a special sensitivity to danger and the need for protection.
From the surrounding dangers, a woman finds a protector for herself - a man. But since the protector is not perfect and a threat can come from him, the woman is armed with a way of protection from the male protector.
This defense is built on the skillful use of a man's weaknesses. If male logic is tuned primarily to adequately assess the world around us, then female logic is needed primarily in order to control a man.

Aims and means

A man connects with a woman out of need (no matter how sublime or mundane forms she takes). The woman comes from the goal. Recall the saying of Kozma Prutkov: “All girls are like checkers: everyone dreams of getting into the kings, but not everyone succeeds ...” Therefore, as F. Nietzsche noted, a man’s happiness is called “I want”, and a woman’s happiness is called “He wants”. And continuing to speak as Zarathustra spoke, a man is a means for a woman: the goal is a child (as programmed by Nature).
The entourage of this game is certainly historically changeable. But the woman in her has always been the "refusing" side, and the man - harassing. Nature has decreed that a woman be looked for, and she chooses, evaluates, agrees or refuses.


A woman is flirtatious, and this is not a vice, but a manifestation of nature. François de La Rochefoucauld, famous for his Maxims and Moral Meditations, published in the 17th century, reasonably noted that it is easier for a woman to overcome her passion than her coquetry. Kant even finds an explanation and justification for this, qualifying such behavior not as coquetry, but as a natural manifestation of female nature: in the event of an early breakup of marriage, a woman should be able to realize her natural ability to procreate. This is a biological law. Therefore, coquetry or the search for universal favor is some kind of training that allows you to maintain good shape. And being in good shape is the lot of a woman if she wants to be loved.


Women appreciate their mystery. They say that a man is interested in his future, and a woman is interested in her past.
A. Conan Doyle, an excellent psychologist, aware of this mystery, through the mouth of the unforgettable Sherlock Holmes said: no hairpin or curling iron.”
However, mystery is one of the many female ways to attract attention to yourself, and then keep it longer. Women modestly reserve the right to be mysterious, depriving men of this right.

The riddle of a man torments a woman, she believes that she has the right to know everything about him. And he's trying to find out.
It seems that at the subconscious level, the fact that information is power is realized.
The mystery of a woman, therefore, is self-protection, and the notorious female curiosity supplies her with information that helps to control, first of all, a man.
Women know how to keep their secrets, strangers - no. “When other women ask their friends not to divulge the secret entrusted to them, they do this only so that the news spreads as quickly as possible” (André Maurois).

Understanding masculine and feminine

To “understand” for a man means to delve into the justification, to be imbued with meaning, significance. And for women, “to understand” means empathy.


Appearance for a woman is a whole world of worries, troubles, problems, endless searches for options, assessments, joys and sorrows. And behind all this lies a kind of life philosophy. Here it is in the statements of women:
A man can be forgiven for negligence in appearance, they refer to his employment. A woman is not forgiven for slovenliness in clothes, despite her busyness.
You won't find a badly dressed woman in a good mood.
A lot depends on the art of creating appearance. It turns ugly women into attractive ones, and makes pretty women beautiful.
A woman can be disgusted with everything except her good appearance. Then the sacrifices made on the altar of the indestructible desire to please are understandable.
A woman suffers more when it is not her faults and mistakes that are condemned, but her appearance. Such is the nature of women that being businesslike, but unattractive for women is a hundred times worse than being attractive, but not businesslike.


Outfits are important elements of the manifestation of the female character. A woman dresses up mainly for the representatives of her gender. “Women think they dress up for our pleasure or their own. In fact, they dress up to surprise each other” (F. Miomander). She seems to be participating in an unspoken competition. And the outfit is a weighty argument in a women's dispute with female rivals, with inexorable time and other life circumstances. Participation in the competition of outfits is participation in the competition of life.
So don't be under any illusion that a wife is dressing up for her husband. Let us recall at least Ellochka the cannibal from the “Twelve Chairs” by Ilf and Petrov. She trimmed the evening dress with the skin of a muskrat-like dog and painted the fur of the Mexican jerboa with green watercolors, not at all out of a desire to impress her husband, engineer Shchukin. There was a great competition "who - whom" between the daughter of a billionaire Vanderbilt and a simple Soviet housewife.
However, the fact that a wife does not dress for her husband can be misleading. It is worth, having understood this, to stop noticing how a woman dresses, immediately retribution follows for such inattention and indifference. This also shows the originality and paradoxical nature of the female character.
The question arises: for whom, in this case, does a man dress? Probably also for women. Therefore, on this issue, too, the world revolves around women.

handling things

A woman uses many things as her watch: she wears them either to look at them or to show them. Indeed, this is not a vice, but a parade in the eternal competition of life. But nevertheless it is so. Things, and not only them, are accessories in women's everyday life.


The results of a recent sociological study by the Warsaw Public Opinion Research Center are curious: how do Polish women see themselves?
Only one in seven is “quite satisfied” with her appearance. Almost half of them “rather do not like themselves”, and 40% “resolutely do not like to look in the mirror”.
Being dissatisfied with their appearance, most, however, make no effort to change it. 92% of the women surveyed have never been to a beautician during the last year. Even a hairdresser is regularly visited only by every fourth Polish woman. (For the sake of objectivity, it must be added that in connection with the “shock therapy”, the cost of these services has increased many times over, and many simply cannot afford them now.)
Nevertheless, the main value for a woman is still not money, but “great, true love” (as 79% of respondents answered). The second place in the women's scale of values ​​is “the happiness of their own children”, the third is material well-being, prosperity in life”. 17% value material independence from husband and family above all, 10% - professional career and the same - harmony in sexual life.

Everything can be predicted, except for women.
Their unpredictability is part of their charm
which they will never give up.
Igor Karpov
Female unpredictability perfectly excites male attention.
Konstantin Madej
Unpredictability is the trump card of women,
which they easily hit
any pathetic map of male logic.
Yuri Tatarkin

A terrible weapon of a woman - that even in revenge she is unpredictable!
Sinyavsky V.
A woman is an occasion for male logic to rest with an unpredictable result.
Logvinenko V.

Mysterious female unpredictability as a personality trait - a tendency to behave based on feelings, emotions, intuition, and not ordinary logic, inexplicable from a rational position, but quite understandable from an emotional position of perception; the tendency to constantly surprise men with their behavior, who each time turn out to be unable to predict, predict, foresee it.

- Girlfriend said that in bed you have to be unpredictable ... and so, during sex, I took out a tambourine !!!

I heard you broke up with your boyfriend. Why? - Would you be able to live with a person who smokes, drinks, swears, rowdy and behaves absolutely unpredictably? - Of course not! - He couldn't either.

A woman as a detective: becomes uninteresting as soon as the outline of the relationship with her becomes predictable. An unpredictable woman is an unpredictable scenario for the development of relationships.

The unpredictability of a woman logically follows from her inability to keep promises. Only a fool is inclined to burden a woman with promises. A man, if he believes women's promises - the embodiment of naivety.

When a woman acts unpredictably, this is her nature, but narrow-minded men, following their logic, begin to be offended and angry at a woman who has not fulfilled her promises.

The woman, who promised not to eat after six, behaved unpredictably - she took and drank a cutlet!

Woman: - I think I'm becoming a cockroach. I made a promise to my relatives to lose weight. And now I only eat at night in the kitchen, when everyone is asleep. And when they turn on the light, I start to hide in a panic ...

By the way, all spiritual traditions unanimously recognize a woman's right to be unpredictable: "A woman can promise whatever she wants, it's a man's headache that he believed in women's promises." Women themselves do not believe their promises, so it is sometimes difficult for them to explain the unpredictability of their actions.

In the book "Ned. Light and darkness” Yevgeny Shchepetnov writes: “Women are unpredictable. I never knew you could throw it out in a minute. And most importantly, no repression yielded results. In my opinion, women never have a thought in their heads about what will happen if she does this and that. A woman thinks only about what she needs to do now. I do not claim that all women are like that, but ... life has taught me to think that way.

A joke on the subject. A mouse got into a bottle of wine and can't get out. A cat was passing by, and she begged: - Kitty, help me out, and I will be yours! Well, the cat knocked down the bottle with its paw, the mouse darted out of it and into the mink. The cat did not expect such a turn: - Come on, get out, keep your promise. You are mine now! - Oh, who believes the promises of a drunken woman?!

In a word, female unpredictability is often unexpected for herself.

If a woman goes too far with unpredictability, others may think that she is a crazy, eccentric person. Therefore, female unpredictability should be without overlaps, thoughtless antics, redundancy and excess. Otherwise, it turns into thoughtlessness, eccentricity, imbalance and folly. Such unpredictability turns a woman into an unreliable, contradictory person, prone to unexpected reflection, unexpectedly turning into recklessness and imprudence.

Unpredictability is a million times proven way to interest, seduce and surprise men. The “swing” of unpredictable female behavior, on the one hand, pisses off, confuses men, but, on the other hand, keeps them in good shape, making life boring.

One gets the impression that female unpredictability deprives a man of worldly comfort, because the greatest comfort is to clearly and clearly know what will happen, how a woman will act in a given situation. If this is the main thing for a man, then he prefers boredom. Predictable relationships are boring. Everything is clear and known in advance. They have no life.

When a person perceives life as a miracle, a feeling of happiness comes to him. Unpredictability is joy, predictability is boredom. The soul has no boundaries, it always strives to serve others, to do something amazing, unusual for them, going beyond the ordinary and the routine of addiction and satiety.

Why is unpredictability needed in family relationships? In order to demonstrate an element of courtship, to be interesting to the spouse all the time in order to maintain relationships in a state of slight hunger. The predictability of a spouse is a smooth transition in a relationship from the stage of saturation to satiety.

The woman you love is unpredictable, so you need to be brave to love her. Scary with her, unpredictable, but this circumstance attracts and beckons to her.

Fear makes a person make his life safe, that is, predictable. When you know in advance the behavior of a woman, boredom appears in a relationship, but at the same time there is an understanding that physical and mental comfort is preserved. In other words, a man, like a knight at a crossroads, must choose one of two things - either boring or unpredictable. Who likes what. Many enjoy a calm, smooth, measured, in a word, predictable life. The only trouble is that it often becomes unbearably boring, you can “die” with longing, the safety is so disgusting that even jump into the pool.

Between the desirability of a woman and her unpredictability, there is a directly proportional relationship.

The stronger the love, the more unpredictable it is.

Petr Kovalev 2018

Unpredictable Women

Women are so sweet and unpredictable, and no one knows what goes on in their heads. Even to themselves...

What do you mean I blew your brains out? Call a spade a spade. Say it straight: “Darling, I don’t have enough arguments that I could counter your brilliant arguments!”

It is useless to argue with a man. It’s better to start right away or cry or undress ...

- I gave you my heart, and for some reason you want me to return your nerves? ...

Talking to you reminds me of clearing ammunition during the war. It is completely unknown at what point it will explode and for what reason ...
- I `m ugly?!

Cleaning is a tricky thing. Before cleaning, all things are nicely lying around in their places. And then - neatly lie in an unknown place ...

Do you think men can be trusted?
- Yes, let them believe ...

Who are you?
- I am the god of love Cupid! Do you want me to shoot my bow at your heart and you fall in love with that guy over there?
- He's scary!
- And I'm a vile Cupid ...

Dreams will come true if there is a magician next to you, and not a storyteller ...

For a week now, my husband has been calling me either a bunny, or a bird, or a swallow. I still don't understand where he screwed up...

For me, this is not drunkenness, this is the disinfection of spiritual wounds.

If you bathe a cat every day, you can become the sex symbol of the area. After all, wounds adorn a man?!

If someone laid eyes on your man, then what? So someone has an extra eye!

There is an opinion that it is enough for a girl to wear a red dress to be noticed. I wonder if a guy wears a red dress, will it go unnoticed?

Let's take a taxi?
“Would it be better than vodka?” Disperse faster...

And I love pies with strawberries ... Of course, they don’t reciprocate, but they don’t behave like the last bastards ...

– Dear, we have a serious problem!
- Which?
I don't remember your name at all...

A girl is always a mysterious and unpredictable creature, and a Gemini girl is doubly so. The air element, combined with youth, creates a unique cocktail, the composition of which is quite difficult to figure out. But, knowing a few important facts about the representatives of this sign, it will be a little easier to find the key to them.

General characteristics of Gemini

The nature of Gemini girls is greatly influenced by their patron planet Mercury, which gives those born from May 22 to June 21 sociability, liveliness and flexibility of mind. Ladies of this sign are often adventurous, restless, their life is in motion and development. The most characteristic feature of Gemini is the duality of nature, as well as the variability of mood. They are characterized by a constant search for themselves and situations of mental confusion. But at the same time they are incredibly sociable and curious, they need to be constantly in the center of events. Strong, cunning, intelligent - that's exactly what the Gemini are. A girl born under this sign is always surrounded by a certain halo of mystery and mystery, while remaining active and bright. Experiments, adventures, risk - these are the elements of the game, without which Gemini simply cannot exist. They love travel. Ambition is an integral feature of the representatives of this sign, so they often reach unprecedented heights in their aspirations.

Communication and friendship

Unpredictability and inconstancy - in almost all areas of life, this is how the zodiac sign Gemini manifests itself. A girl can completely unexpectedly react to a remark or criticism, which will eventually lead to a conflict, because the Gemini tend to be offended over trifles. And their inappropriate delight and joy in a different situation will cause misunderstanding of others. Representatives of this air sign sometimes seem too frivolous, but this is feigned. You certainly won’t get bored with her, because the Gemini girl is literally always in search of adventure and strives for something new. She is also an excellent conversationalist, because she is smart, well-read, diversified, loves art and good companies, and very easily converges with people. Such girls are great in friendship, they will always come to the rescue at the first call, you can rely on them, they will be able to support you in difficult times and sincerely rejoice at the success of your neighbor. The character of Gemini girls often has contradictory features, it is difficult for them to remain silent if they are hurt, and due to their activity they are prone to hasty judgments.

The Right Approach

Due to the sociability of this sign and the desire to make many acquaintances, girls under the sign of Gemini may seem to be easily accessible ladies, but this is a delusion. An open character and a cheerful disposition are just an outer shell that hides a sharp mind and powers of observation. They very carefully evaluate any interlocutor, including a potential partner who needs to make a lot of efforts to win the heart of an airy beauty. Gemini girls are looking for a new approach in everything, so they cannot be conquered with the help of beaten clichés and clichés. They themselves have a wonderful sense of humor and love to joke, the same is required of a boyfriend. They will appreciate simplicity and sincerity, as well as fantasy in choosing a date or evening program, and not an expensive gift and a banal gentleman's set. They are very jealous, so you should not talk about your former relationship with them. It is better to flatter their slightly inflated self-esteem and focus on the exclusivity of the representative of the air sign. Gemini girl loves flirting, the main thing is not to be too assertive and not let her get bored.

Relationships and love

Not everyone can get along with a woman born under this air sign. The Gemini girl in love is superficial, she can rarely give herself completely to feelings. In addition, balance and mutual respect, partnership and spiritual kinship are important for her in relationships. She will not be able to completely obey a man, but she will not be able to bear a henpecked man either. But at the same time, the Gemini girl simply needs adoration from her chosen one and loyalty, because she should be the only one for him. Such a girl prefers successful men, and she can literally fall in love instantly, but she can fall out of love just as quickly. She loves change and longs for new experiences, so her chosen one must also have a freedom-loving nature. The girls of this sign very clearly and defiantly strive for freedom and independence, which also becomes an obstacle to their love and family relationships.

Gemini and other signs: compatibility

The most compatible in relationships with Gemini are Aquarius, who are also easy-going, as well as passionate and energetic Aries. Intellect will bring them closer to Libra, but Gemini will be able to build harmonious relationships with representatives of their sign. Relationships with fiery and nervous Leos can become interesting if they do not burn out quickly. Gemini is completely incompatible with earth signs: Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus. Their craving for stability and predictability repels the air sign. The relationship of Gemini with cold-blooded Cancer is categorically impossible: the weakness of this sign drives them to madness.

Talisman stones

Representatives of the air sign, born under the auspices of Mercury, are incredibly active, so they need a talisman that restores energy, gives spiritual and physical strength - Gemini stone should have such properties. The girls of this sign are always drawn to adventure, so the gem must also have the functions of a talisman. The best option for them is agate, which will give its owner eloquence, take away all negativity from her, restore vitality and even prolong life. Gemini should not part with this stone. Beryls such as emerald, aquamarine and heliodor will be excellent travel companions, as well as clean energy and help cope with depression. Chrysoprase will bring good luck to Gemini girls in all areas of life.
