Delicate handles. Gentle hands - care at home

Well-groomed hands are the hallmark of many women. Today we will talk about how to properly care for your hands so that they remain tender even in winter.

Our hands are daily exposed to various irritants: sun and cold, household chemicals, injuries like cuts and other injuries. At the same time, the cold has the most negative effect on the hands: the skin turns red, coarsens, and cracks.

How to take care of your hands in winter at home?

Hands need regular care. Just a few simple rules, and your hands will always remain beautiful.

  • Wear warm gloves in winter
  • Nourish the skin of the hands by applying the cream in the morning and evening.
  • Wear rubber gloves when cleaning your home with detergents. Spread your hands with a nourishing cream, put on rubber gloves over them, and put a plastic bag on them - and here's a wonderful mask for cleaning
  • Before going to bed, apply oily cream on your hands and put on cotton gloves, leaving the mask on overnight.
  • Use oils. Any one you have or you like will do. The task of the oil is to nourish, moisturize, protect the skin.
  • In winter, use oil with a thick consistency. Suitable shea, cocoa, coconut oil, wheat germ oil.
  • Oil from sesame and grapes - light, suitable for spring and summer.
  • Pay attention to the cuticle - rub the cream into it in a circular motion, from the base of the nail to the tip of the finger. Such a massage will not interfere with the nail plate.

We select a manicure for velvet handles

You also need to choose the right type of manicure.

hot manicure

Hands can be “warmed up” with a hot manicure. The first step in such care is the adoption of a special hot hand bath with lotion. When the hands are steamed, the master proceeds to the second stage - moisturizing the hands with cream and massage. If you use aromatic oils, the skin will become velvety.

European manicure

European manicure is perfect for hot. You can also try a SPA manicure, which is based on products with ceramides that protect the skin of the hands. This procedure will help cleanse the skin of dead cells, massage will have a beneficial effect on the skin, and aromatic oils will improve your mood. You will be able to notice a positive result after the first visit to the SPA.

Thermal gloves - make the skin of the hands tender!

Favorable for the hands will be the procedure with the use of thermal gloves designed to care for the skin. The new technology will be a real discovery for you. Thermal gloves work as follows: the master applies nourishing creams to your hands and puts on gloves that enhance the effect of the mask. Under the influence of heat, the mask will make your hands well-groomed and beautiful. As a result, you will be able to enjoy your gentle and soft hands. This procedure will cheer you up, because you will get real pleasure!

Applying a paraffin mask

Also, paraffin wrap or mask becomes especially relevant in the winter period, which today is one of the favorite procedures for women. The mask is especially popular because during its application you get real pleasure, and the result justifies your expectations.

A paraffin mask is perfect for women of mature age, as it rejuvenates the skin of the hands, paraffin therapy also becomes indispensable in winter for wrapped skin of the hands, and even in the treatment of diseases of the joints of the hands. Thus, a paraffin mask is an excellent preventive measure that can be used regularly.

The procedures described by us in this article are a rather small part of the options for masks and other services that you can use in a beauty salon. You can take care of your hands in winter at home, and you can also make an appointment with a specialist who will do all the work for you. You will only have to enjoy incredibly pleasant and uplifting procedures!

Women's hands should be soft, gentle and pleasant, because with these hands women touch themselves, caress their men and children. But we should not forget that in addition to this, women also work with their hands. You need to wash the dishes, the floor, the headset, clean the family service, do the laundry and take care of the garden. How to keep the tenderness and health of the palms when there is such a big load on them?

The skin of the palms needs to be protected because it is especially vulnerable, although it is with the hands that we most often come across harmful agents. Try to use gloves when washing, rubbing, cleaning.

Wash your hands only in warm water, not cold, and certainly not hot. Soap is better to use soft or liquid with a moisturizing effect. If the hands are very sensitive or have already suffered from something, then it would be more correct to use baby soap - it is delicate. Forget about washing your hands with laundry soap or dishwashing detergent - they dry the skin very much, because they contain a lot of alkali and surfactants. Hands must be dried.

Try to use moisturizer frequently. For too dry hands and sensitive skin, you can use children's. If this is not enough, then the purchase of a rich nourishing cream will help you, apply it on your hands in a thick layer and put on gloves, go through this for several hours. It is advisable to do this at night. This peculiar method will enhance the effect of the cream, then nutrients will penetrate deeper into the skin.

If the palms are rough and need softening, then paraffin, such as cosmetic paraffin, will help you with this. In general, it can be bought at any pharmacy and quite inexpensively. To use it for your own purposes, the paraffin must be melted in a water bath. After that, gently apply with a brush on your hands and cover them with plastic wrap. You can use two bags, for example. At this stage, you should provide a warm shelter for your hands - it can be a scarf, or it can be mittens. It only takes 30 minutes for the paraffin to soften your hands, so when you remove it, apply a nourishing cream and enjoy the result.

If the problem is the same, and the paraffin option is not suitable, then there is another, simple and convenient one. You will need a glass of milk and a tablespoon of flax seeds, which you need to mix and boil. When the milk becomes warm, you should lower your palms into it. 15 minutes is enough to achieve the desired result. After you wash your hands with warm water, use some cosmetic oil on your palms. If the problems with the hands are serious, then you can do this procedure before going to bed and put on gloves at night so that the oil is absorbed deeper.

Unfortunately, all people age and their skin, whatever one may say, gradually deteriorates. The skin of the hands is especially prone to this process, it will end up rough, dry and rough. Probably, many women of elegant age have encountered keratoderma - a disease that turns the skin of the hands into a rough, thick crust. The stratum corneum does not peel off, but cracks and clings to everything. It's very annoying and sometimes painful.

What to do with hands?

Care! There are special treatments containing salicylic acid and urea that will soften and exfoliate the stratum corneum. Creams and ointments with ichthyol will also help soften suffering skin.

To cope with keratinized skin, you can make special baths. For them, you will need whey, which contains an acid that helps soften rough skin and remove it after. It's like a homemade chemical peel. Such baths are very useful and effective. And you can use them not only for hands, but also for legs, because coarse growths also appear on them.

Fight for healthy and beautiful hands!

Every woman dreams of her hands always looking young and well-groomed. At the same time, we often forget about the need for regular procedures to achieve the effect. The skin of the hands is very vulnerable. It does not have sebaceous glands and over time can lose elasticity, become covered with wrinkles. To prevent this, you need to take care of yourself in advance.

  1. Wash your hands with warm water and special gel or toilet soap, then dry them, paying special attention to the areas between the fingers. Hot water degreases the skin, while cold water makes it rougher.
  2. For moisturizing, use creams with glycerin, plant extracts. After 30 years, as well as in the summer, the care product should have light-protective filters, this will prevent the appearance of age spots.
  3. In cold weather, be sure to wear warm mittens or gloves. Even a short stay in the cold is enough for redness and chapping of the skin.
  4. Elbows require special care. Dip them in bowls with warm vegetable oil for 5 minutes, rub with a pumice stone, then apply cream.
  5. Exfoliate once a week to get rid of dead skin cells. To do this, mix a tablespoon of olive oil with a teaspoon of granulated sugar and rub into the skin for 1-2 minutes. Then wash your hands with warm water and soap, moisten with a greasy cream.
  6. With severe dry skin, special compresses are needed, which are left overnight. They may consist of sour cream, honey, steamed oatmeal, etc.

Your hands will no longer betray their age, because they will be given due attention.

Delicate hands are an important part of the desired image of a well-groomed, youthful woman, but they can give away our age, even if we shell out a lot of money for expensive creams to hide it.

There are many different methods for tightening the skin of the neck and face, but you cannot tighten the skin of the hands surgically. So it is the hands that need to be monitored especially carefully, and we often forget about it.

If you think about it, little is useful for hands at all: the sun burns, frost cools, dry air dries ... Hands have to “bathe” in powder and other chemicals when putting things in order, and only a few use gloves in these cases. As a result, the skin on our hands ages earlier than anywhere else, and sagging, wrinkling and peeling are much more pronounced.

Our hands don't do well when we're digging in the ground, doing laundry, and they're especially affected by chemicals, so don't be lazy, take pity on them and put on gloves when you have to wash dishes or do laundry. But, before putting on gloves, it is necessary to lubricate the skin of the hands with cream. Do not abuse rubber gloves, working in them for a long time. And if it happened, then after finishing work, do not forget to apply a nourishing cream on your hands again. Washing your hands frequently during the work day quickly dehydrates them. The skin becomes rough, begins to peel off, and hand cream is not always at hand. Especially unpleasantly tightens the skin on the palms. In this case, use high quality soap, baby or cosmetic, with special moisturizing additives.

Add some sugar to soapy water and your hands will turn white.
To soften your hands, rub a mixture of equal parts of vinegar and vegetable oil into them.


For the beauty of the skin of your hands, you need to take a tablespoon of sour cream and yolk. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the mixture on your hands. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask first with warm and then cool water. Before going to bed, grease your hands with cream. The skin of the hands will become velvety, fresh and elastic.

Hands love not only masks that restore tenderness, but also when they are massaged. This can be done at any time of the day several times and even during breaks at work.

1. First, rub your hands, for about a minute, with the movements that we wash them with.

2. Vigorously clench and unclench your fists several times.

3. Massage each finger, each joint as if you are putting gloves on them: from the tips to the base.

4. Knead the palm from the inner edge to the base.

Despite the abundance of hand creams that are now available, you can make a cream at home:

50 g of olive oil or glycerin, 50 g of water, the juice of half a lemon and a few drops of ammonia. This will take some time, but since the hands have to work so much, they need to be pampered.


If your hands have darkened after you have peeled vegetables, you can whiten them with lemon juice or apple peel, this procedure will be doubly useful. Then the hands should be moistened with cream.

If the smell of garlic remains on the hands, they can be wiped with coffee grounds or the same lemon juice. It's good for nails too.

If you have rough and rough skin on your hands, take baths of sauerkraut, whey, water in which potatoes were boiled twice a week.

Believe that such procedures will help the skin become softer and more tender than an expensive cream.
