NLP fall in love with an ex-woman. Girl falling in love technique

No wonder they say that seducing a girl you like is a beautiful drawing, but making her fall in love with you is a real art. Any man dreams of a worthy life partner. But why are difficulties and obstacles on the way to happiness? Is there a way to become an irresistible man?

For as long as civilization has existed, recipes for love have been invented for so long, offering more and more new ways to make a girl fall in love with you. Astrologers advise arming yourself with horoscopes, healers - with love potions and amulets. And modern psychologists develop a variety of trainings. Let's find out what you need to do to fall in love with a girl.

The art of falling in love is based on the knowledge of psychology

The ability to fall in love with yourself is a serious science that requires good preparation and field tests. But, before embarking on the development of new theories, remember one very important rule: “seduce” and “fall in love” are two completely different concepts. They should not be confused, but it is worth mastering the art of seduction as the first step towards the main goal - to arouse love in a future girlfriend.

Seduction: The Art of the Pickup Truck

Pickup (or the art of seduction) originated in America in the 80s of the XX century. This curious science was formed on the techniques of the psychology of neurolinguistic programming. The main goal of pickup art is quick seduction. A pickup truck came to our country at the end of the last century.

Pickup methods are not aimed at creating a serious relationship, but at the ability to locate and win the girl you like. For the ability to fall in love, such a science is useful.

The main rules of pick-up artists are as follows:

  1. It is important to be able to remain yourself in any situation.
  2. To captivate any attractive person, you need to develop an individual approach to her.
  3. Pay attention to yourself: appearance, manners, clothes. The principle works here: "If you want a princess to fall in love, become a prince yourself."

To fall in love with a future girlfriend, you can use the principles of a pickup truck, but slightly changing them. After all, there is no need for pick-up artists to keep and fall in love with the chosen princess. For them, quantity matters. And for love - quality.

The main thing for love is quality.

Therefore, it is better to take only the main points of pickup technologies and determine the following stages of relationships in the question of how to fall in love with a girl:

  1. Познакомиться.
  2. Like.
  3. Interest.
  4. Hold.
  5. Fall in love.

To become a master in the art of pickup, you need to train in dating. It is not necessary to bring each meeting to the state of falling in love with the opposite person. At the first stage, the main task is to learn how to meet and communicate with strangers without an ounce of embarrassment..

Such training will be useful for a future successful acquaintance with the one you want to fall in love with. Or, having mastered science and got a bunch of girlfriends, from their number, slowly, choose the most worthy one.

Moreover, there will be time to study girlfriends, evaluate, understand and choose.

Ability to get to know each other

For the first acquaintance with the chosen princess, arm yourself with one interesting rule. It lies in the ability of a holistic perception of the individual. To put it simply: perceive the girl not as an attractive person of the opposite sex, but as the same person as yourself.

Try, before you get to know each other, mentally play out the whole life of a girl: here she is lying in a stroller and crying, having lost her pacifier, eating semolina, smearing it on the table. He goes to kindergarten, rides a small bicycle, gets upset because of the deuce. Imagine her already grown up, with traces of fatigue on her face, as she gradually ages, turning into a mother, and then into a grandmother.

Before you get acquainted, mentally imagine all the stages of a girl's life

Such a curious technique is advised to be used by psychologists to eliminate shyness before communicating with strangers. This will help you feel free to approach, speak and get acquainted with any person of the opposite sex. Just take it as a companion, a companion who also walks the long road called life.

How to quickly get a phone number

There is one great way to get the desired phone number of the girl you like. Approach her, talk, and after 3-4 minutes of conversation (be sure to first say that you really liked the girl), refer to urgent matters. Saying goodbye, ask for a phone number so that in the near future you can call and continue the conversation over a cup of aromatic coffee.

This technique is convenient in that it gives a man time for reflection and more thorough preparation for the development of relationships. Especially if there is still shyness in front of strangers.

But be prepared for the fact that the girl will refuse to give the phone. This means that we need to look for other approaches and, as it were, unobtrusively “face” with her in the future in order to try to continue our acquaintance.

How to impress

The main thing here is to correctly assess the situation. Luck depends on the right attitude and the complete absence of any fear and insecurity.. Psychologically, a person, setting himself some goal, is subconsciously afraid of an unsuccessful outcome, everyone has a fear of defeat.

Do not be afraid of possible failure, do not retreat and go to the end

To get rid of the worm of doubt, shift the motivational center of gravity. That is, use other tasks for a while (they will still lead to what you want - to arouse interest in the girl and please her). Do not set such a goal for yourself (be sure to like it), replace the true intention with another (veil it).

For example, you meet to:

  • just chat on interesting topics;
  • to raise their own self-esteem;
  • there was a free minute that needs to be brightened up;
  • to study the psychology of women, behavioral reactions.

Remember the main thing: you do not owe anything to anyone, you are a free and self-sufficient man. You just have extra time for a variety of life. And you absolutely do not need to please the girl, you have completely different goals.

Acquaintance for the future

To make the acquaintance successful, so that the future passion shows interest and wants future meetings, take into account the following tips from psychologists:

  1. Make proper eye contact. You should not stare at the girl, your look must be polite, friendly and calm. If the princess smiles in response to the look, feel free to proceed to a direct acquaintance.
  2. Meet one. If the girl you like is in a group of friends, there is no need to get acquainted with the whole girl crowd at once, choose the only one. By doing this, you will achieve one of the main goals: let the girl know that she is the chosen one and the most attractive.
  3. The first sentence is important. The success of the business depends on what words a man meets a girl, what phrases she hears. An excellent option are sentences that include a greeting and at the same time an interrogative wish: “Hi, I’m waiting for a friend here, I’m already tired (smile), I like you very much, let’s talk.”
  4. Conversation tactics. During the conversation, try to unobtrusively make it clear to the girl that she is interested in you as an attractive person and as a person. Do not forget to show that you are surprised by any of its qualities that are revealed in the course of the conversation. And talk about topics that are interesting to both!

When talking with a potential lover, do not forget about personal space, do not rudely climb into her "territory". According to psychologists, the optimal and convenient distance for communication is approximately equal to the size of an outstretched hand.

How to make a girl fall in love with you: psychological tricks

So, the acquaintance took place, the girl showed interest and is ready for a romantic relationship. The bouquet and candy period should be approached responsibly and competently if you want to see a friend in love with you.

Plan smart romantic relationships

What rules are very important to follow at this time? Psychologist's advice:

Don't be pushy. Do not force or bother the girl with a request for a meeting. Now the main task is to become a desirable and interesting interlocutor.. It is necessary to bring acquaintance to the line when the acquaintance herself dreams of a meeting and wishes it. To do this, just become an interesting conversationalist:

  • do not be afraid to ask the girl about things that interest her;
  • look for topics of conversation that are interesting to your girlfriend (find out her hobbies, hobbies);
  • let her know that you are an independent, determined and self-respecting person;
  • do not constantly say compliments, in this case they will become insincere and boring;
  • if you are in a bad mood - do not try to hide it, but tell all the disturbing moments to your beloved. Girls by their nature know how and love to empathize, giving valuable advice.

Give gifts the right way. In this regard, you should be especially careful. Gifts (flowers, cute souvenirs, postcards, soft toys, trinkets) are an excellent way to win over a girl even more. But don't get carried away! Women are people who are carried away and quickly get used to it.

Do not accustom your girlfriend to constant surprises, otherwise it will not be you, but your presentations that will become the main thing in the relationship. Everything is good in moderation.

Don't sacrifice your friends. You should not completely focus on new relationships and "dissolve" in them. This is fraught with unpleasant consequences. There is a risk of becoming a secondary object of attention in a joint relationship and causing boredom in a beloved.

Remember that falling in love with a girl is not an easy task. After all, each princess has her own character, temper, quirks and cockroaches in her head. However, like you. If you fail, do not despair, but again boldly go into battle. Gain experience, patience, perseverance and intelligence. Only then will the art of falling in love with yourself obey you, and any girl will dream of meeting only with you.

I interviewed thousands of men over the course of seven years about how they fell in love. I've been told incredible stories that can be summarized as a simple model!

The state of being in love has:

1. Causes of the state of being in love.

2. Physiological characteristics by which the appearance of this condition can be noticed.

3. Consequences - those actions that a man does as a result of experiencing this state.

In order to understand the mechanism of influence that leads to a man falling in love, it is important to analyze in detail the causes, conditions and actions when falling in love.

Causes. Why do people fall in love?

Cause "It's time to fall in love"

Some people just WANT to fall in love with someone. The time has come, and the man is waiting for the appearance of any suitable woman in life. And there is a desire to experience these feelings as soon as possible.

Reasons that make an object attractive for falling in love:

unusual (she is not like everyone else);







beauty (or rather, the image that you create in his head).

Cause "the need for someone who understands"

A man often has a need to be understood. If it exists, that is also the reason.

She understands me, she feels me, she loves me. She is not like everyone else, the men say.

Cause "Striving for the Ideal"

Many men have a certain set of parameters in their heads that we attribute to a woman we can fall in love with. The women we idealize that we want. A friend of mine in Thailand fell in love with a girl because she looked like some actress, the dream of his life. When the friend found out it was trans, he was very upset. He was ready to get married.

Cause "looks like a mother"

Known reason. Mother is the ideal woman in the understanding of many men. It is laid down from childhood. Every normal man thinks his mom is the best mom in the world. From there, a set of parameters is taken, according to which he compares you with his mother. But he does it unconsciously. The model of the mother is in his unconscious. Only some men consciously understand this.

Cause "need for feelings"

The need for happiness or suffering happens to many people. Most often, a guy who is doing well in life has a mean girl, and everything goes topsy-turvy. Why? She gives him something new, something he lacks. Fills in the gap. This is the reason. He fell in love!

Reason: "need to protect"

It is instinctively inherent in every man. A man seeks to protect his woman. And he has a desire to compete with others for her, fight her off, and he falls in love.

states. How can you characterize the state of the body of a person in love?

What manifestations in the body of a man are characteristic of this condition?



high or low blood pressure;


glitter in the eyes (eyes burn when the lover looks at the object of his addictions);

embarrassment in front of the one you fall in love with;

opium state in the body.

Here is how the bulk of men described this state of being in love. It looks like the truth. There are cases of insomnia when a man falls in love. There may be cases of depression and exhaustion of the body due to the fact that he does not eat anything. He doesn't need anything but you, he dates you and forgets about food, so don't forget to feed him!

Actions. What does a man in love do?

What usually happens when a man falls in love?

Now let's describe the actions that a man does when he falls in love. Of course, we can not describe everything, but only those main ones that are of the greatest interest for the further practical application of our methods for quickly evoking the state of being in love.

Men say:

Constant thoughts. You think about the girl you're in love with almost all the time!

- Sleepless nights. It's hard to sleep, you don't want to sleep.

- Desire to see. You want to be close to her.

- Constant calls and SMS. You think about her, and you want to call, you send SMS.

- I want to communicate.

- Dreaming. A steely feeling is already beginning - even when you are resting - you are completely at the mercy of the senses (the concentration is so high that you even dream).

“I want to take care of her, I want to make her feel good.

You give gifts without asking for anything in return.

- Give flowers.

- You want to do something nice and give pleasure.

– You think how to make her fall in love with you, how to get her!

- You confess your love or really want to do it and think about it.

NLP techniques in love are techniques for seducing men and manipulating women. These practical NLP techniques can be mastered by anyone and applied in their love life at least every day.

Neurolinguistic programming in modern psychotherapy is one of the most popular methods of influencing the human psyche. It is used in almost all aspects of life.

Effective NLP techniques in love can be applied by both women and men. They help create new or improve existing relationships. According to E. Berger, the author of the famous book "NLP for Happy Love", how the novel ends and how it develops depends directly on the person himself, his aspirations and desires.

Crazy love passes quickly, the love of two crazy people never! Angelina Jolie

Improving Relationships Through NLP Techniques

In NLP, there are general techniques designed for use in various areas of life. They are also suitable for improving your personal life.

Among the most popular techniques is "Tuning". This method is effective for establishing closer contact with the interlocutor. The reception involves copying the behavior of a partner, his gestures, facial expressions and even the rhythm of breathing. This is the so-called “external” adjustment, which should be done as naturally as possible. After establishing contact, you can proceed to “leading”. To do this, you need to smile, and the interlocutor will repeat the action. If you become serious, then after a while the partner to whom you have adjusted will also go into this state. Adjustment to values ​​is no less effective. To find a common language with a partner of the opposite sex, you should try to look at the world through his eyes, through his belief system.

Almost all seduction techniques in NLP involve the Anchoring technique. This technique is based on the positive emotions and feelings experienced by the partner at a certain moment. In order to direct them at yourself, you should create an environment similar to that which surrounded him at the moment of pleasure. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the atmosphere fully correspond to the person’s memories. Sometimes smells, music, touch act as anchors. They are associated with previous relationships or just having a good time. "Anchors" can be made independently. One of the algorithms for their installation is as follows:

  • It is necessary to position the partner towards you, for which the techniques of mirroring, joining, adjusting, etc. are used.
  • When a man is in a relaxed state, he can be asked about his favorite holidays. You should be asked to describe in detail how the event went, what he felt. Important! With the holiday that the partner remembered, he should not have any negative emotions associated with him.
  • When the man's condition reaches a climax, which can be traced by external signs (breathing, skin color, facial muscle movement, etc.), you need to gently touch any part of his body (back of the head, neck, shoulder, etc.). This action will set the tactile anchor.
  • After that, you will need to change the topic of conversation and return the man to his normal state.
Next, you need to check how the anchor works. To do this, you need to repeat the touch and look at the condition of the man. If everything was done correctly, then after the unconditional signal, the joyful mood and euphoria associated with the feeling of the holiday that he described will return to him.

"Mirror" and "Join" are essentially similar to "Adjust". This is the adoption of a pose, the repetition of facial expressions, gestures of the interlocutor, which contributes to the emergence of trust and sympathy on the part of the interlocutor.

A person experiences various emotions that reflect his attitude to any event. Reinforcement is a kind of encouragement of behavior. This method is used in animal training, but it is also effective for humans. As a positive reinforcement of someone else's behavior are used:

  • smile;
  • attention;
  • agreement;
  • praise;
  • positive "anchor", etc.
"Positive reinforcement" can also be referred to as a manipulation technique. This technique helps to teach a person some skills, to correct his behavior. For example, if a partner talks about something too emotionally, then at this moment you should frown and shake your head slightly. Once he returns to a calm tone, show your approval by smiling and showing positivity. After a while, a person will intuitively guess what style of communication to follow.

Manipulate the man you love

Women who want to arrange a personal life can turn to the book written by Eva Berger "NLP for happy love." The author not only describes techniques and techniques, but also gives practical exercises aimed at realizing one's problems in search of the ideal man. In her book, several effective techniques can be noted with which girls can start new relationships or improve existing ones:

  1. "Perfect Date" At the first meeting with a guy, almost any girl experiences awkwardness and tension. These emotions lead to the fact that the date leaves an unpleasant aftertaste, and on both sides. To exclude such a development of events, psychological preparation for the meeting is necessary. The girl is recommended to visualize the image of an ideal date, think it over to the smallest detail, foresee possible troubles and ways to overcome them.
  2. “The three yes rule can be used with anyone. At the same time, men are more prone to stereotypical actions, which is what this technique relies on. A person who answered yes to three questions in a row will do so for the fourth time. The technique can be used to push a man to a new stage in a relationship (cohabitation, marriage, etc.). The most important phrase should be spoken not in an interrogative, but in an affirmative tone with confidence in your voice.
  3. "Right motivation" is a method that will allow relationships to exist and develop. If a woman can give a positive attitude, then a man will be interested in continuing the romance.
  4. Among other techniques, "Disarmament" stands out, representing a preemptive action. This technique is effective if the relationship is on the verge of a break. The technique is to anticipate the partner's actions. A phrase such as "I understand that our relationship is not perfect, and we can break up, but I would really like to try to correct previous mistakes and get a second chance," may well help to avoid a breakup. When using "Disarm", a woman says something what her partner wanted to say. Accordingly, the meaning of repeating her words is lost, and there is a high probability that the relationship will continue. But their duration will depend only on the further actions of the couple.
  5. How to fall in love with a man NLP offers in various methods. Among the effective techniques is “Breaking the stereotype”. This method is suitable for attracting the attention of a desired object, standing out from other fans.

We tame our obstinate

Not only girls, but also men can use techniques that allow you to quickly conquer your chosen one. Effective techniques for manipulating consciousness are used in practice and have repeatedly confirmed their effectiveness. Men who want to master the initial skills of seducing the opposite sex can pay attention to the following methods:

  • "Illusion of choice";
  • "Plus or minus";
  • "Rule of one consent";
  • "Choice without choice."
Let's take a look at each of these methods:
  1. "Illusion of choice": Thanks to NLP techniques, it is possible to create the illusion in a girl that she herself chooses one or another scenario. The essence of the methodology is quite simple: it uses questions of a "closed type". In other words, the question itself already contains the answer to it. For example: "Where do you prefer to go, to the cinema or to a cafe?". In this case, not every lady will decide to offer the third option. The main thing to remember when using this method is that both choices should be beneficial for the man. Another option for using the technique is that in the question one of the answers must be initially negative so that the girl does not choose it. So, the phrase can be constructed as follows: “Today is wonderful weather. Do you want to sit in this stuffy cafe, or would we rather take a walk in the fresh air?
  2. The Plus-Minus technique is based on the contrast of the emotions experienced. A positive response will be more powerful if you first provoke a negative one (but do not exacerbate it too much). For example, on a date, you can compliment another girl, which will be a “minus”. But then the miss is corrected by pleasant words to his partner, which counts as a “plus”. Moreover, the latter should cause a stronger emotional reaction.
  3. The “one consent rule” can be included not only in the techniques of seducing men, but also women. This technique is similar to the similar "Three" yes. However, it can be difficult to get several positive answers from a girl at once, so sometimes it’s enough to stop at one. The essence of the technique is that a proposal is made, after which a question is asked. If the lady answers it positively, then most likely she will agree with the first statement. For example, an invitation to a date may sound like this: “Let's meet and go to the cinema. Do you like comedies? Regardless of whether the partner answers positively or negatively, she subconsciously already managed to agree with the first sentence. Phrases can be swapped, first a question, then a statement. But this is typical for men who are not completely confident in themselves and prefer to adapt to the desires of their partners.
  4. "Choice without choice" operates on a similar principle. A woman is offered a free choice from the only possible option. For example, when making an appointment, the phrase is formulated as follows: “When are you free, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?”. So, initially it is assumed that the meeting will take place. But the partner creates the illusion that the choice is hers. The use of an inferiority complex in relations between a woman and a man can bring good benefits to the latter. But this method should be used as carefully as possible so as not to achieve the opposite effect. The essence of the game with complexes is as follows. In the presence of a lady, one should begin to admire another girl: At the same time, if a lady is short, then it must be said about how good women look tall. If the girl is thin, then you can admire the fair sex, who are inclined to be overweight. This awakens in women the desire to prove otherwise. They are ready to show a man that they are no worse than their rivals, who have opposite qualities.

    As an example, we can cite the story of a bachelor whose apartment was always clean, and he himself did not put any effort into it. When he brought women to visit, he did not ask them to do anything. He just started talking about the fact that one of the purposes of girls is to create cleanliness and comfort. At the same time, he noted that a real woman could never endure a mess. After that, his guests themselves picked up cleaning products to show their best side, not suspecting that they were only being manipulated.

In NLP, there are techniques for women and men, and there are techniques that are successfully used by both sexes. Do not assume that manipulation techniques are very simple. In order to master them perfectly, you will need to make a lot of effort. However, the result will not be long in coming. After all, to become happy, to be successful with the opposite sex, to improve existing relationships - this is what most of those who want to master NLP techniques in love strive for.

About the article: Updated: 18.04.2017, 09:20 Word count: 1668 Reading time: 8 min. Thanks to the authors for the article, which has already been read 58,511 times! Thanks to our readers who left 1 comment and have already rated the article 30 times!

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Ways to make a girl fall in love with you

No wonder they say that seducing a girl you like is a beautiful drawing, but making her fall in love with you is a real art. Any man dreams of a worthy life partner. But why are difficulties and obstacles on the way to happiness? Is there a way to become an irresistible man?

For as long as civilization has existed, recipes for love have been invented for so long, offering more and more new ways to make a girl fall in love with you. Astrologers advise arming yourself with horoscopes, healers - with love potions and amulets. And modern psychologists develop a variety of trainings. Let's find out what you need to do to fall in love with a girl.

The art of falling in love is based on the knowledge of psychology

The right path to success

The ability to fall in love with yourself is a serious science that requires good preparation and field tests. But, before embarking on the development of new theories, remember one very important rule: “seduce” and “fall in love” are two completely different concepts. They should not be confused, but it is worth mastering the art of seduction as the first step towards the main goal - to arouse love in a future girlfriend.

Seduction: The Art of the Pickup Truck

Pickup (or the art of seduction) originated in America in the 80s of the XX century. This curious science was formed on the techniques of the psychology of neurolinguistic programming. The main goal of pickup art is quick seduction. A pickup truck came to our country at the end of the last century.

Pickup methods are not aimed at creating a serious relationship, but at the ability to locate and win the girl you like. For the ability to fall in love, such a science is useful.

The main rules of pick-up artists are as follows:

  1. It is important to be able to remain yourself in any situation.
  2. To captivate any attractive person, you need to develop an individual approach to her.
  3. Pay attention to yourself: appearance, manners, clothes. The principle works here: "If you want a princess to fall in love, become a prince yourself."

To fall in love with a future girlfriend, you can use the principles of a pickup truck, but slightly changing them. After all, there is no need for pick-up artists to keep and fall in love with the chosen princess. For them, quantity matters. And for love - quality.

The main thing for love is quality.

Therefore, it is better to take only the main points of pickup technologies and determine the following stages of relationships in the question of how to fall in love with a girl:

  1. Познакомиться.
  2. Like.
  3. Interest.
  4. Hold.
  5. Fall in love.

To become a master in the art of pickup, you need to train in dating. It is not necessary to bring each meeting to the state of falling in love with the opposite person. At the first stage, the main task is to learn how to meet and communicate with strangers without a gram of embarrassment.

Such training will be useful for a future successful acquaintance with the one you want to fall in love with. Or, having mastered science and got a bunch of girlfriends, from their number, slowly, choose the most worthy one.

Moreover, there will be time to study girlfriends, evaluate, understand and choose.

Ability to get to know each other

For the first acquaintance with the chosen princess, arm yourself with one interesting rule. It lies in the ability of a holistic perception of the individual. To put it simply: perceive the girl not as an attractive person of the opposite sex, but as the same person as yourself.

Try, before you get to know each other, mentally play out the whole life of a girl: here she is lying in a stroller and crying, having lost her pacifier, eating semolina, smearing it on the table. He goes to kindergarten, rides a small bicycle, gets upset because of the deuce. Imagine her already grown up, with traces of fatigue on her face, as she gradually ages, turning into a mother, and then into a grandmother.

Before you get acquainted, mentally imagine all the stages of a girl's life

Such a curious technique is advised to be used by psychologists to eliminate shyness before communicating with strangers. This will help you feel free to approach, speak and get acquainted with any person of the opposite sex. Just take it as a companion, a companion who also walks the long road called life.

How to quickly get a phone number

There is one great way to get the desired phone number of the girl you like. Approach her, talk, and after 3-4 minutes of conversation (be sure to first say that you really liked the girl), refer to urgent matters. Saying goodbye, ask for a phone number so that in the near future you can call and continue the conversation over a cup of aromatic coffee.

This technique is convenient in that it gives a man time for reflection and more thorough preparation for the development of relationships. Especially if there is still shyness in front of strangers.

But be prepared for the fact that the girl will refuse to give the phone. This means that we need to look for other approaches and, as it were, unobtrusively “face” with her in the future in order to try to continue our acquaintance.

How to impress

The main thing here is to correctly assess the situation. Success depends on the right attitude and the complete absence of any fear and uncertainty. Psychologically, a person, setting himself some goal, is subconsciously afraid of an unsuccessful outcome, everyone has a fear of defeat.

Do not be afraid of possible failure, do not retreat and go to the end

To get rid of the worm of doubt, shift the motivational center of gravity. That is, use other tasks for a while (they will still lead to what you want - to arouse interest in the girl and please her). Do not set such a goal for yourself (be sure to like it), replace the true intention with another (veil it).

For example, you meet to:

  • just chat on interesting topics;
  • to raise their own self-esteem;
  • there was a free minute that needs to be brightened up;
  • to study the psychology of women, behavioral reactions.

Remember the main thing: you do not owe anything to anyone, you are a free and self-sufficient man. You just have extra time for a variety of life. And you absolutely do not need to please the girl, you have completely different goals.

Acquaintance for the future

To make the acquaintance successful, so that the future passion shows interest and wants future meetings, take into account the following tips from psychologists:

  1. Make proper eye contact. You should not stare at the girl, your look must be polite, friendly and calm. If the princess smiles in response to the look, feel free to proceed to a direct acquaintance.
  2. Meet one. If the girl you like is in a group of friends, there is no need to get acquainted with the whole girl crowd at once, choose the only one. By doing this, you will achieve one of the main goals: let the girl know that she is the chosen one and the most attractive.
  3. The first sentence is important. The success of the business depends on what words a man meets a girl, what phrases she hears. An excellent option are sentences that include a greeting and at the same time an interrogative wish: “Hi, I’m waiting for a friend here, I’m already tired (smile), I like you very much, let’s talk.”
  4. Conversation tactics. During the conversation, try to unobtrusively make it clear to the girl that she is interested in you as an attractive person and as a person. Do not forget to show that you are surprised by any of its qualities that are revealed in the course of the conversation. And talk about topics that are interesting to both!

When talking with a potential lover, do not forget about personal space, do not rudely climb into her "territory". According to psychologists, the optimal and convenient distance for communication is approximately equal to the size of an outstretched hand.

How to make a girl fall in love with you: psychological tricks

So, the acquaintance took place, the girl showed interest and is ready for a romantic relationship. The bouquet and candy period should be approached responsibly and competently if you want to see a friend in love with you.

Plan smart romantic relationships

What rules are very important to follow at this time? Psychologist's advice:

Don't be pushy. Do not force or bother the girl with a request for a meeting. Now the main task is to become a desirable and interesting interlocutor. It is necessary to bring acquaintance to the line when the acquaintance herself dreams of a meeting and wishes it. To do this, just become an interesting conversationalist:

  • do not be afraid to ask the girl about things that interest her;
  • look for topics of conversation that are interesting to your girlfriend (find out her hobbies, hobbies);
  • let her know that you are an independent, determined and self-respecting person;
  • do not constantly say compliments, in this case they will become insincere and boring;
  • if you are in a bad mood - do not try to hide it, but tell all the disturbing moments to your beloved. Girls by their nature know how and love to empathize, giving valuable advice.

Give gifts the right way. In this regard, you should be especially careful. Gifts (flowers, cute souvenirs, postcards, soft toys, trinkets) are an excellent way to win over a girl even more. But don't get carried away! Women are people who are carried away and quickly get used to it.

Do not accustom your girlfriend to constant surprises, otherwise it will not be you, but your presentations that will become the main thing in the relationship. Everything is good in moderation.

Don't sacrifice your friends. You should not completely focus on new relationships and "dissolve" in them. This is fraught with unpleasant consequences. There is a risk of becoming a secondary object of attention in a joint relationship and causing boredom in a beloved.

Remember that falling in love with a girl is not an easy task. After all, each princess has her own character, temper, quirks and cockroaches in her head. However, like you. If you fail, do not despair, but again boldly go into battle. Gain experience, patience, perseverance and intelligence. Only then will the art of falling in love with yourself obey you, and any girl will dream of meeting only with you.

NLP Seduction Techniques That Still Work

On the battlefield, both men and women learn different techniques to help them achieve their goals. And in this "war", as in any other, women are actively studying the techniques that men use.

Now girls have become smarter and read various articles about seduction on a par with guys. Therefore, the use of explicit manipulative NLP techniques in seduction will rarely bring you good results (which cannot be said about the period from 2000 to 2008).

However, there is good news: among the NLP techniques there are those who work to this day (and will work for a very long time). It is about them that we will talk in this article.

The one yes rule

In sales, there is a rule of three “yes”, the essence of which is that the seller must get 3 positive answers from a potential buyer at once.

With girls, this is quite difficult to do without preparation.

However, the rule of one “yes” works no less effectively (tested by practice!), when it is enough for you to hear only one agreement to one of the questions.

Example: “Let's meet with you free time and drink coffee! Do you love Lathe? Those. we propose first and, without waiting for an answer, ask her if she likes Latte coffee (acting like she already agreed). Very often the girl answers either yes or no.

But the point is not that she loves him or not, but that, having answered the second question, she automatically agrees to a meeting. ;)

Another option is also possible, when we first ask if she likes coffee, and only then, we offer a meeting. True, the first option works more efficiently, since by offering a meeting at the beginning, we position ourselves as self-confident men. And in the second case, there is a chance to position yourself as a guy adjusting to the desire of a girl.

"Plus or minus"

The essence of the technique lies in the fact that first you introduce the girl into a small emotional "minus", and then transfer it to the "plus".

Here are 2 examples of using this NLP technique for seduction:

First: you compliment another girl and only then bring your "goal" to the plus. For example, if you are watching a dancing girl together, then you can say: “Dancing cool, right?”, And when you start dancing with “your own”, you can say: “Oh, you dance great too!”.

Second: both phrases refer to the girl with whom you communicate. Example: “What long nails! Are they augmented? (we make an anti-compliment). But they look very cool! Especially, together with these earrings (we bring it to the “plus”)”.

The illusion of choice

The essence of this NLP seduction technique is that you give the girl 2 choices, both of which will be beneficial to you.

The simplest example: “Do you like coffee or ice cream more? Let's go get some ice cream." Try to sharpen this example for your situations and do it more gently.

A second use case for this technique is also possible, when you know that one of the choices is initially bad, and she definitely won’t choose it. For example, you meet a girl in a cafe, and she refuses your offer to go for a walk. Tell her: "Which is better for you: sit here in a stuffy cafe or go for a walk in the fresh air?" As you understand, it is unlikely that she will choose the first option.


If you notice that she is in a good mood, then you can perform an unusual action (create a sound, touch, gesture). By repeating the same action in the future, you can cause the same state with which it was associated.

Key point: the action must be unusual, since simple actions that she sees too often will quickly lose all their "magic" properties.

Adjustment and maintenance

Adjust to such external manifestations in her behavior as posture, gait, body position, gestures, etc. But do it as naturally as possible so that the girl does not notice the catch.

How to check that you have done a good job of tuning?

It is enough to do some action yourself, and if she repeats it after you, consider that you have built the necessary trust with her. And then you can boldly do what you think is necessary, being sure that she is unlikely to refuse you.

However, keep in mind that lately, copying external signs of behavior has been getting worse and worse. And if you use an "external" adjustment, then hone it to the ideal level (but it's not worth it - it's better to spend effort on developing other seduction skills).

But the adjustment to values ​​(beliefs, world view) works well.

The above NLP techniques of seduction are enough to achieve some goals.

But remember the main thing: when you develop a really attractive behavior in yourself, the girls will fall on you in piles without the use of any kind of manipulation. And it is precisely the development of such behavior that should be your primary goal.

If you want to achieve this result as quickly as possible, then welcome to the Natural Seduction training, where I will teach you how to seduce very beautiful girls as easily and naturally as possible.

Well, what about technology? And then the technology! ;)

Roman Vinilov The one who can change you and your life

How to make a girl fall in love with you

Many girls want to know how to make a man fall in love with them, but the strong half of humanity practically does not lag behind in this matter according to statistics. For those who want to know how to make a girl fall in love with you, we have created this very useful publication.

Since our advice is mostly written for guys and young men, we will communicate in a relaxed atmosphere. In the first part of our tips, we will talk about the basic principles of behavior with a girl, and how best to approach her. In the second part, we will go through what girls usually expect from a relationship and how to get what they want with the help of simple deductions.

Fall in love with the one

We’ll warn you right away that there will be no talk with the techniques of neuro-linguistic programming. This is low for a self-respecting young man. And it is needed when a girl needs sex, and not normal human relationships. And not everyone can do NLP. If you are interested, you can read it in a search engine, but it is better to fall in love with a girl in a more civilized way, for example, courtship.

Courtship and actual consent are two different things. Courting a girl can bring certain problems, because if a girl does not like it, she can easily break your heart. Winning a heart is a real art.

But before you start, we advise you to listen to yourself and understand if you need a girl, what you want to get from her. If this is sex, then falling in love with a young lady is completely optional. After all, this can not only hurt the girl, but also lead to various unpleasant consequences. Therefore, first of all, decide what all this is for. Do you want to start a family and are ripe for such a responsible step? Go ahead, this is just something worth spending time and effort on!

But if the goal is regular sex, after which the relationship with the girl will end, maybe it’s better to look for a person suitable for this? Falling in love with a naive creature (or not very naive) is not necessary at all.

It is also worth understanding that the subsequent result depends on the period of your acquaintance and the relationships that were during it. If you know the girl for a short time, then ask yourself a simple question: do I want to continue the relationship in a more serious way. Do I really need this girl. Often, we confuse true love with falling in love or a simple infatuation with a girl, which may not develop into true love.

If you are truly confident in your feelings and are ready for almost anything to make this girl fall in love with you, then let's move on! Here are our practical tips for future lovers!

Be with the girl on the same wavelength

What does this mean? First of all, lies, toadying and hypocrisy are contraindicated for normal relations. None of this should be. But to set the girl in the right mood, and to understand for yourself what she sympathizes with and what is not, it is definitely worth it. What is it expressed in? In ordinary communication, in which you will not only trust each other, but also understand that you are suitable for a serious relationship. How to achieve this?

The key word is participation. Try to maintain a relaxed relationship with the girl, in which communication will improve on its own. Be interested in what she likes, worries, what she is passionate about. It is here that courtship and an invitation to a date will help. No other way has yet been found.

Ideally, your and her opinions on most issues should be the same. But the ideal is often unattainable, so you should not bother much with it, but it is better to show participation again. Find an interesting topic for both of you to communicate. Show that you are not only interested in the girl’s opinion, but also support her views on this or that topic. In fact, everything is simple, the main thing is to start.

emotional attachment

Well, where without her. Try to give the girl as many different emotions as possible. In principle, this conclusion follows from the previous advice. If you find not only a common language with her, but also give the young lady pleasant emotional sensations, then you will take another right step to make the girl fall in love with you.

How to evoke a range of pleasant emotions in a girl? Again, ask her out, don't be afraid. Dates should be varied, you should not try to immediately drag the young lady into bed (of course, if she herself does not want it). It is better to let her feel that she is good and interesting with you.

A sense of humor is a wonderful asset. Only after you understand that the girl is not only attached to you, but also experiences positive emotions when you meet, you can move on to sex.

Be the leader in your relationships

Why is it so important to be the leader in your relationship with a girl? Everything is simple. Firstly, it will be easier for you to communicate with a girl yourself and solve various situations from a leadership position. Secondly, most young ladies love it when a young man is confident in himself. That is, he knows what he wants and knows what his companion wants.

Of course, not everyone can immediately become a self-confident leader, but there is nothing terrible in this. You need to work on yourself, and eventually confidence will come. Unfortunately, there is a certain type of girls who do not want to see a confident man next to them. The opinion of the editors is that such young ladies should go into the garden. So just don't waste your time on it.

If it’s not at all in mogota, and such a girl sunk into the heart. Try to find a common language with her so that she understands that you don’t play in front of her. Sorry for the harshness.

The beginning of a serious relationship

So, the girl is interested in you, it is pleasant to spend time with you and you got to know each other well. At this stage, some may already notice that the girl's behavior has changed. This is to the fact that how a girl in love behaves can only be found out by getting close to her. What's next? Then you need to move on to the second phase of the relationship. By the way, the first phase of courtship is different for everyone, look at the circumstances. There are girls with whom you need to act slowly, there are, on the contrary, too smart.

The second phase - rapprochement with the girl. Of course, you don’t need to grab into the bushes either. Start with touches, you will see for yourself whether the young lady is favorable to you or not. The next step is to kiss. Again, if she is interested in such a relationship, you yourself will see and feel everything.

Getting close to a girl is an important part of the plan to make her fall in love. The main thing here is to start on time. Do not delay and do not get ahead of events.

Do not bother and be unobtrusive

Imagine someone talking to you all the time, even with good intentions. Any person will eventually get tired of it. If you want to make a girl fall in love with you, you should proceed carefully. Communication outside of dates, that is, by phone, the Internet and with the help of carrier pigeons, should take place on the right emotional background and not take much time. Of course, if you can entertain a girl with an interesting conversation for an hour, then this is only a plus.

If you can't, then no big deal. You need to limit communication as much as you feel comfortable with. Try to evoke positive emotions, as we have already said. You need to understand that everyday things when communicating at a distance are not particularly interesting to her. She already knows that a routine is going on around - tell the girl something interesting!

In addition to this approach, you can slightly hint that there are many other equally charming creatures around. This must be done extremely carefully and, of course, not with words, but with your behavior. The girl's affection is the key to success.

Summary: how to make a girl fall in love with you

As you can see, in order to fall in love with a girl, you do not need to be a genius or very advanced in this regard. In India, there is such a custom: if a girl smiles at a guy, then she likes him. However, in the modern world full of career girls, such a custom is unlikely to take root.

It is said that the success of a man depends largely on the contribution of a woman. It really is. A man's success in life will not bring great results until a woman is part of his life, but first you need to fully understand this. Usually guys choose a girl who looks good, smart and educated, but this is only "the action of his mind", and not real awareness, which means a mistake.

First you need to understand whether your rhythms of life will match. And for this you need to observe her behavior in real life. Do you think you found the one? Then don't forget what we talked about in the first part of the article:

  1. Look self-confident, do not allow yourself stupidity and pranks, no matter how young you are (unless, of course, the girl likes it). Show that you have a serious and deliberate desire that this girl should become part of your life. Some guys prefer to attract the attention of a girl in the most ordinary ways, but many girls are older and wiser, so they take the choice of a potential partner seriously. They can easily refuse even a weightlifting champion. You are mistaken if you think that for girls the most important thing is appearance.
  2. Have pride. These girls appreciate it. And never lose your self-respect if you fall in love.
  3. Once you've made up your mind, be clear about your intentions. There is no need to waste time on detours if you see that she is ready to hear it. Find the "golden mean" when it is ready, and you will be sure.
  4. Find the right way to express your feelings. However, you don't have to be completely thoughtful. Those guys who only think things over seriously, not allowing real feelings to influence the decision, are making a big mistake. Admitting to yourself that you love this girl is not a crime. Love is the brightest, most interesting and creative feeling. So show her all your feelings for her.
  5. Think judiciously about how you should start caring. No need to fall on your knees, hold out a rose and say: "Honey, I love you." This will confuse her. Also, sending cryptic messages to her cell phone is a frivolous act. For example, a beautifully written romantic message can influence her crush much more effectively. Just do not need to paint how gorgeous she is, that this is the most important thing in her. Here are some tips for writing a letter: describe her good sides of her personality, tell her how you would like to connect your life with her, about your plans for the future, dreams and desires. Tell her that she is the girl of your dreams.
  6. Don't show your sudden surge of emotion over her reaction to the letter. Stay confident and calm. Tell her that you won't change your mind even if the world ends. Girls really like it when guys show tenacity and stability in their decisions.
  7. Try to see its negative sides. This is another important condition. Many people make a mistake if they do not want to notice the bad character traits of their partner. If there is something in a girl that will later turn out to be an obstacle to living together, there is no need to start a relationship. You can't build much on the physical attractiveness of a partner.
  8. Don't make unreasonable offers of intimacy. Well-mannered girls shun guys who look only at their figure. When talking with a girl, control your behavior, movements, views. If you constantly look at the charms of the interlocutor, she will not like it. Be sure that sooner or later the girl herself will want it, no need to put pressure on her, because intimacy is not the most important thing in a love relationship, but only part of it.
  9. Pay attention to what the girl likes during intimacy. Do not be indifferent to this, otherwise nothing will come of it.
  10. Don't hide your problems from your partner. Girls love openness in men, so if you have problems, it's better to tell her about it than to tell your friends about it in front of her.
  11. Choose a gift for her wisely. A girl will accept from her boyfriend any gift that he gives with love, but it is best to give something that she herself implicitly indicates. Try to find out what the girl likes, without a hint that you will make a gift.

As already mentioned, winning the heart of a girl is a real art. And in order for everything to work out, you need to have some skills and abilities. We hope this work will be appreciated in the comments.

Imagine the situation: you see a handsome young man or a beautiful girl, approach the object that aroused your interest, and after a couple of minutes of communication, he or she is already looking at you with delight and clearly wants to continue getting to know you. Do you think it's unrealistic? But psychologists think differently. This article will be about NLP techniques in relationships.

To fall in love, that is, to arouse interest, the desire to be near and have your attention, is not difficult. Falling in love is easy, but once again falling in love is not love. Love is a much more spiritual feeling and it does not appear in a couple of minutes, completely different mechanisms and forms operate here, that is, trust, similarity of worldview, acceptance, etc.

The NLP technique in relationships helps to fall in love with almost any person, and this is already a lot. But do NLP techniques really work for everyone?

Let's try to give the simplest example and compare a person with a car - all cars are different in terms of power, speed, even the type of gasoline, but ... all of them have basic details, such as a starter, motor and brake! So it is with people - all people are different, everyone is unique, but at the same time, certain mechanisms of influence act on all people, exceptions in this situation only confirm the law.

If one is aware of NLP techniques, then how?

Naturally, a person who is engaged in this direction in psychology can very quickly understand that one of the NLP techniques is being applied to him, but the point is that not so many people study NLP, and if you act at the level, it is possible to seduce even the pros.

How exactly to use NLP techniques in relationships?

Today we will talk about three manipulation techniques, simple and at the same time effective.

Technique number one: Anchor.

Everyone knows about the anchor - this is a clue. In the Anchor technique, this is the case - by starting a conversation, you make the person subconsciously perceive you more positively, clinging to his positive memories. This is carried out very simply - ask Him or her a question about a successful purchase, some pleasant event in life, and let the person talk about it, and you listen to him carefully. You only need the ability to listen, and this person, absolutely without thinking (that is, subconsciously) from this moment on, will associate you with something positive and joyful. This technology also works great, even in cases where you have loved Him or Her for a long time, but they do not pay attention to you. In this case, you again need the ability to listen, you can ask a person about his first love, who it was, how he behaved, about the most positive minutes and moments in that love, about the first dance, about the place of the first kiss. If you only listen carefully and with interest, attention from the person, as well as a positive perception on his part, is guaranteed to you, and if you also dance to the same melody, take a walk in the same places ...

Technique number two: Adjustment.

The essence of technology is that it is extremely difficult for us to be ourselves. Most likely, just the same, it’s always difficult for us to be ourselves, each of us strives more to Seem, and not to Be. But this is a topic for a separate discussion, and in the framework of this publication we will talk about who you can pretend to be in the process of communicating with an important person for you. First - if you have a person you admire, an actor, actress, singer or just an acquaintance, imagine that you are he or she. Feel yourself this person, imagine that those are his properties. which you like - self-confidence, the ability to seduce, perseverance in achieving goals, diligence - these are your properties. Spend a couple of minutes adjusting, then get up and boldly go to storm the object of your attention. And remember, at this moment it’s not you who gets acquainted, but your idol, so you shouldn’t be afraid of defeat, in any case, the failure will not be yours, but the person under whom you made the adjustment. Adjustment option number two - find out from your object of adoration who, in his opinion, is ideal and adjust to his ideal - tone of voice, gestures, facial expressions. Enter the image and nothing will be impossible for you. Everything is simple, the main thing is to awaken the sprouts of acting art in yourself.

Third: Adjustment to the positive.

Many of us, even before we start, are already thinking about the fact that we will lose. You can’t think about the bad, rebuild your thinking on the positive. There is no need to think that you will be sent away for a long time and, therefore, to be pinched, embarrassed and afraid to get to know each other. Play, test methods, practice. The road will be mastered by the walking one.

Perhaps something will not work out for you the first time and you will be refused, although this is unlikely, the main thing is that you do everything right, but in any case, everything will work out not the first time, but the third time.

3 NLP Techniques to Help You Find Love: Set Yourself Up for Happiness!

Many write that NLP is the psychology of manipulating people, and even more so men! But this approach is fundamentally wrong: first of all, with the help of NLP, you can set yourself up for a positive wave, after which positive changes will not keep you waiting!

NLP is an art that absolutely every girl can master!

If you are single, then it is better to always make your “request to the Universe” as general as possible. Do not include the name of the person you like now: it is quite possible that he has completely different desires! Say this: "I am happy with the person I love and love me."

After your request, try to close your eyes and imagine how you feel, look, and see when you are in love. Bring out these feelings in yourself as brightly as possible! Behave exactly the way a person in love behaves. This state of being in love can attract a loving partner to you. Quite simply, right?

Technique #1: The Perfect Date

Men and women are equally nervous before a first date - and that's great! True, excessive experiences can be confusing and will not let you relax. Then you don’t have to wait for miracles: on a date there will be not two pretty people, but small lumps of negativity that are afraid to blunder every second.

To avoid this, tune in to positive emotions in advance. After all, a date is a pleasant pastime, not an obligation to get married and have children urgently. Have fun! Try to imagine what it would be like - your perfect date? What do you feel? How does he look at you? What are you talking about? Create your picture of a wonderful evening. You will see, you will be so filled with pleasant expectation that the date will go great.

Technique #2: Always Say Yes

Of course, this is a joke name, but the rule of three "yes" really exists! Psychologists have long revealed that a person who answered three questions in a row with confident agreement will do it for the fourth time! This NLP technique in love will help you get the desired effect from a handsome man if he needs a little ... push to act.

Technique #3: Disarm

The Disarmament technique was described in her book NLP for Happy Love by Victoria Isaeva. His secret lies in getting ahead of the actions of a loved one. With its help, you can avoid parting or quarrels.

Do you think that your man wants to tell you bad news? Get ahead of him. Say: "Darling, I understand that our relationship is not perfect, but I would like to correct the situation with you!" Of course, he will no longer want to tell you about the bad, and you will discuss the problem and find a compromise together. This technique is really different from the rest, because it is aimed at improving existing relationships.

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And when you ask him to tell you about this love - sit opposite him, and listen carefully to everything he tells, and nod your head. Do you understand what happens to a person who, looking at you, talks about his first love? It is about the love that evokes such emotions in him: very reverent, very warm, very good? What happens is that your man transfers these emotions to you.

And it is desirable to do this technique three times. With some gap in the interval. But the main thing is to listen carefully to him and express complicity. And every time your boyfriend will, looking at you, talk about his feelings for this girl and relive this inner feeling of awe, every time your boyfriend will tie these feelings to you.

NLP technique - How to make a man fall in love with you in three steps

I will tell you about such a cunning technique that will help you on an emotional, unconscious level to fall in love with your partner. This technique can be used if you want to add even more emotional warmth to your relationship. And it's actually very easy to do.

Introductory part: It is always performed using the “tuning” technique, i.e. it is never worth asking directly and it is not necessary - if you still want to get the result you are counting on.

Step one. First, you do the "tuning" technique, attuning with your feelings, and then with your partner's feelings. Those. if you don’t have such a very close contact yet, when you already feel your partner, then you first ask: “Are you busy now? How do you feel?"

Step two. Then you express some kind of gratitude for the fact that the person did something for you. Maybe it was just a cup of coffee, once bought, or something else that was pleasant for you. Do you keep a list of pleasant and useful things that a partner has ever done for you?*

Step three. And then, when you are attuned to the person's emotions, when you come into close emotional contact, ask the person for one request. Ask him to talk about his first love. It was the very, very first, the very, very pure, which caused him spiritual awe, which caused him high feelings. Every man had such a girl or girl. In his youth, perhaps in childhood, when he practically idolized this girl, when he experienced very pure emotions for her, and, as a rule, this first emotion is not forgotten. This first love is never forgotten by any man. They all remember it. And they cherish this love, it in men causes awe in the soul.

There are 3 main points, traits, models that are most effective anywhere and anytime in order to make a girl fall in love with you.

These are: sincerity, confidence and flexibility.


This is a “weapon” applicable absolutely everywhere and to any person. Everyone is pleased when they communicate with him openly, sincerely and do not hide anything. When the words of the interlocutor coincide with his thoughts. It's very accommodating.

Women beings are very developed in terms of intuition, they are much stronger than men feel the inner state. According to statistics, they identify several character traits inherent in the so-called "real" men, that is, those who they like and whom they unconsciously want.

Along with perseverance, confidence, purposefulness and others, women believe that one of the most important male traits is the ability to be straightforward and open about what you think and what you want. The ability to be sincere, especially towards them. This is a trait of the brave, as you need to have a certain courage to speak openly about your desires.

Again, if a man can put a woman in her place, sometimes going too far, and directly tell her about it, this undoubtedly adds points to him in her further seduction.

The ability for sincerity speaks of non-attachment to the result of communication, the lack of concentration on this very result. That you are free from any expectations. The main thing for you is to say what you think and it doesn't matter what happens next. A woman sees in this that you don’t care, that now she can leave, get angry, somehow in her own way, she can react negatively, which means you have a lot of people like her if you don’t value each specific and separately taken. The man, in this case, automatically rises in her (female) internal "ranking".

Why else does sincerity work so well? Yes, because this is a rather rare occurrence in our life. Often everyone tries to please, to make as many compliments as possible and so on. For many, one of the most important problems is what to say to a girl when approaching. Never mind!! The subtlety of this moment is precisely that men begin to invent something, try to be original, just when it is not necessary to invent anything. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that a girl can respond to your sincerity with her sincerity (here it means to say what you think), which you may not really like, but if you are positive and do not try to offend her with something , then the result will be more than good. Sincerity works equally well everywhere and always. This is a universal "weapon" of the seducer. You don't have to apply it right away. All its charm is that it can be used when, it would seem, everything is already lost and the situation is getting out of control.

Sincerity will melt even the most icy heart.


This quality is important throughout the time - at the time of the first meeting and during the construction of a serious relationship.

If by confidence we mean the ability of a man to move on to active actions, then this is the confidence that the woman ALREADY belongs to him, like everyone else, that he can afford to touch her, where he wants to, kiss, have sex. It is very important to show the girl exactly THIS confidence, in addition to just self-confidence, in your goals, words .... Confidence that you allow yourself everything that you do. Here she goes hand in hand with determination. It is very important to DO what you want. Or at least show the girl that you can easily move on to any action (in terms of kinesthetics). That is, at the first communication, at least something should be: kisses, hugs, touches ... Even if you are considering a girl for a long-term relationship, in love, etc., she should still feel that you are ready to take her at any moment.

The problem of falling in love is precisely that the significance of the girl is increasing, and the man is afraid that he can scare her away by doing something “extra”. Indecision can make your meeting last. And in communication, in relationships, he is unlikely to be the main one, and a woman, as you know, is a slave being. Even the strongest (morally) female representative dreams of being weak and dependent. To be next to the same, strong and confident man.

Women like confident, proactive and decisive. How many times have we had to regret what we did not do .... It is better to do and toil than not to do and repent.

Confidence should be in everything: in words, in gestures, in actions, in gait, look, posture, posture, etc.


Quality is absolutely necessary everywhere and in everything. This is the ability to respond to the current situation, to its changes, the ability to instantly change tactics, approach, bypass obstacles. It can be compared with perseverance in achieving a goal. Flexibility is like a chameleon: you give us red?!, And we give you green! You give us yellow?!, And we give you blue .... That is, for any reaction to you, you instantly react, change and adjust the tactics of behavior. It is important not to put pressure on the person (woman).

There is such a humorous TV show on one of the famous channels, where one person says something to another, and the other answers him: “Yes, ... BUT ....” and continues the sentence. The first, in turn, answers him starting with the same words - yes, but ... They argue. An important point is that their dialogue is based on the fact that they seem to agree with the interlocutor (at the beginning of all phrases the word is Yes), but at the same time they continue to bend their line (But ... ..). They can be called very flexible in communication.

It's the same with women. A girl by nature is a creature that will always (or almost always, it depends on the stage of communication) test you for persistence and say no. Another question is when will she say no? She may try to put up barriers at the very beginning of communication, when meeting, or maybe before intimacy. In any case, sooner or later flexibility will have to be shown. And if you own it and know how to use it, then all doors are open for you. It can be compared to persistence, the only difference is that persistence is more direct and open, and flexibility you kind of "go around the mountain." At the same time, do not deviate from your goal. (Here, flexibility and perseverance are practically the same thing.) A man who knows how to communicate with women like a good diplomat, he will never break down, get angry, never say no. Outwardly, it may seem that they agree with you, make concessions to you, but, in fact, the diplomat will stick to HIS line, pursue HIS goal. Flexibility can be learned.

A skillful combination of all these qualities and their timely application give a very good effect. Over time, you no longer notice when and where you use this or that trait, or several at once. They grow into you so much that they turn on automatically. Become part of your character, part of you. With these traits and developing them, you can achieve a lot. Asking yourself the question - How to make a girl fall in love with you - you can easily answer it.

Seduce and be seduced!
