Very severe cough during pregnancy. Cough medicines during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period when another life develops in the female body and at this time you need to be very careful about nutrition and taking any pharmacological drugs. The fetus is an agent alien to the woman's body, because it contains 50% of the information from the pope. The immune system of a woman perceives it as an antibody to some extent, therefore, until the formation of her placenta with an individual barrier and blood flow, a state of relative immunosuppression develops. The state of relative immunosuppression of the body of a pregnant woman contributes to the fact that the chances of getting any respiratory disease increase significantly, so pregnant women who have not previously complained of frequent morbidity suffer from a pathology of the respiratory system.

Cough is one of the symptoms of respiratory diseases and can be called a "watchdog" on the way to the lungs. It is important because it is the defense mechanism of our body. To treat a cough, you need to know some of its features - dry or wet, when it appears, permanent or symptomatic. The main causes that can cause coughing are as follows:

  • pneumonia;
  • acute or chronic bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • tracheitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • otitis.

In any case, this is just one of the symptoms of the pathology, so you should not seriously treat the symptom, but you need to treat the disease, and cough - in complex therapy.

For pregnant women, the choice of medication is very important, since, along with efficiency, it should have a minimal effect on the child.

Dr. MOM- This is a cough medicine that doctors allow to take during pregnancy. This remedy is of plant origin and contains many medicinal herbs. It includes: menthol, ginger, aloe, nightshade, licorice, elecampane, basil. Due to the rich herbal composition, this remedy has an expectorant and bronchodilator effect. Also, the drug relieves mucosal edema, reduces the severity of the inflammatory reaction, and thanks to this, sputum leaves better, transforming a dry cough into a wet one with the fastest resolution of the situation. The drug has various forms - lozenges for resorption with different tastes, cough syrup, ointment, which is smeared on the chest. Syrup is used one teaspoon three times a day, lozenges - three times a day. During pregnancy, such a drug is allowed due to its minimal harm, according to the plant composition.

Stodal- This is a homeopathic remedy with a combined composition that has herbal ingredients - Pulsatilla, Ipecac, Spongia, Rumex, Bryonia. This composition allows you to use the drug with carelessness during pregnancy. But you should clearly limit the dose, since alcohol is included in the composition. The substances that make up the drug have an expectorant and bronchodilator effect, and they also make the cough softer and thin the sputum. Stodal has an effect on the cough center and reduces the severity of cough with a dry and unproductive character. Also, the drug has antispasmodic activity in relation to the muscle fibers of the bronchi, which further reduces their spasm. The drug is available in the form of a syrup and is applied at fifteen milliliters three times a day. During pregnancy, such a drug is allowed due to its minimal harm, according to the plant composition.

Herbion is a herbal cough medicine, which is also recommended during pregnancy due to its composition. Two main types of this drug should be distinguished, since they have different indications. HERBION ivy syrup is indicated for a wet cough, because due to its composition it dilutes sputum and improves its excretion. The drug helps to reduce the level of calcium in the muscle cells of the bronchial tree and activates beta-adrenergic receptors, which in turn expands the bronchi and improves the outflow of mucus. Also, the drug activates the work of second-order alveolocytes and this increases the synthesis of surfactant, which improves the protective mechanisms of the alveoli. The drug is available in syrup and is taken at five milliliters twice a day. HERBION plantain syrup has activity in dry cough. This is due to the fact that the drug contains biologically active substances and vitamin C. These substances bind to specific receptors in the gastrointestinal tract and they stimulate increased secretion by the bronchial glands, which increases the moisture content of the cough. Also, the drug has an immunomodulatory effect, which increases the synthesis of interferons and shows its antibacterial effect. Vitamin C, which is part of it, has an antioxidant effect and increases the resistance of blood vessels to the action of cytokines. It is applied in the same way. In studies, Gerbion did not have a teratogenic effect on the fetus, so it is allowed during pregnancy.

Dr. Theiss- an antitussive agent that has an effect similar to Gerbion with psyllium extract. This drug has an expectorant and mucolytic effect due to the action on the glands of the bronchial tree and the reduction of mucus secretion. The main component is also psyllium, but it has a slightly different mechanism of action, therefore it is recommended for dry and wet unproductive coughs. The drug is produced in syrup and is used in a tablespoon, that is, fifteen milliliters three times a day. There is also Dr. Theiss with echinacea extract. This drug is available in the form of tablets and lozenges. Such a drug does not have a pronounced effect on cough, but to a greater extent it is an immunomodulator, therefore, for this purpose, it can be used in complex therapy. During pregnancy, such a drug is allowed due to its minimal harm, according to the plant composition.

Mukaltin- This is an expectorant, the main component of which is the medicinal plant Althea. This drug is recommended for drier coughs, as it enhances the bronchodilator effect and promotes the promotion and better removal of sputum from the lower respiratory tract. The drug also has an anti-inflammatory effect and envelops the bronchial wall, which reduces the irritating effect of viruses and bacteria and accelerates recovery. The drug is available in the form of tablets of 50 milligrams, as well as in the form of a syrup called the main active ingredient - Alteyka. One tablet is used three or four times a day. During pregnancy, such a drug is allowed due to its minimal harm, according to the plant composition.

Lisobakt- a drug that is often used in the pathology of the respiratory system. In the treatment of cough, it is not used, because it has a slightly different effect. The composition of the drug includes lysozyme and pyridoxine. Lysozyme is a natural substance that is found in human saliva and has a bactericidal effect. Therefore, the main action of the drug is antiviral and bactericidal. It increases local defenses and, thanks to vitamin B 6 in its composition, the drug has a protective property in relation to fungi. It is used in complex therapy for the treatment of respiratory diseases as tablets for resorption, one tablet three times a day. During pregnancy, it is used because of the composition of the drug.

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Other cough remedies during pregnancy

There are also other medications that can be used during pregnancy. These funds also have indications in accordance with the nature of the cough and the characteristics of the drugs.

Star cough during pregnancy is a common remedy used by women for various pathologies of the respiratory system. Due to the huge amount of strong substances - aromatic oils, eucalyptus and menthol - the drug has a pronounced stimulating effect on the receptors of the nasal cavity and this narrows the blood vessels. This effect is very useful in severe rhinitis. Also, the drug has a bactericidal property, so it is used by lubricating a small area of ​​skin near the nostrils. For the treatment of cough, inhalation should be carried out with a drop of such a solution. It is very important to take precautions to avoid excessive rubbing into the skin and the use of a large dose, as this can cause burns of the bronchial mucosa.

iodine grid can also be used during pregnancy as a cough remedy. To do this, you need to take only iodine, which has not expired. It should be applied to the chest area, but the heart area should be avoided. The effect of this treatment is the bactericidal property of iodine, which penetrates the skin. Also, iodine has a warming effect due to the expansion of capillaries, which stimulates blood circulation and improves sputum discharge and reduces coughing. During pregnancy, this remedy is safe in the case of treatment once a day, with a preliminary test with iodine for sensitivity.

Cough medicines during pregnancy, which are safe for the child - these are the above drugs - Doctor MOM, Altea syrup, Gerbion, Stodal, Doctor Theiss, as well as other medicines - Bronchicum, Licorice syrup, Linkas. These drugs are allowed during pregnancy precisely because of their herbal composition.

Bronchicum- a herbal preparation based on thyme, which has antispasmodic and bronchodilator effects, as well as anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. The drug for the treatment of cough is used in the form of an elixir and take one teaspoon five to six times a day.

Linkas- a multicomponent cough medicine that has an expectorant, mucolytic and bronchodilator effect. The drug is not recommended for concomitant diabetes mellitus. It is used in a syrup of ten milliliters three times a day.

Compresses cough during pregnancy are also widely used due to their availability and good effect. In the case of a wet, unproductive cough, such compresses improve sputum discharge and make breathing easier.

Honey compress can be used twice a day. Honey has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect, and also improves local blood circulation, which improves the outflow of sputum. For such a compress, you need to take honey, heat it to a liquid state, smear the skin with this solution and put a piece of woolen cloth on top, then wrap it up and lie down for about twenty minutes.

Potato compress also improves local blood circulation, increases the expansion of the bronchi and sputum easily moves through the respiratory tract. Such a compress is best done at night, but you should be careful with the temperature of the potatoes to avoid burns. For such a compress, you need to boil potatoes in their shells, then ceiling them and wrap them in calico. You need to put it on your chest, preferably on some clothes, and then cover it with a woolen scarf on top. You need to keep such a compress until it cools down.

Lozenges and cough drops during pregnancy are also often used because of their local action. But here one should be more careful, since such lozenges can be absorbed and the risk of bad influence is greater than when using other means. Pastilles that can be coughed up during pregnancy are Dr. MOM, Lizobakt, Faringosept, Tantum Verde.

Pharyngosept- This is a drug that has a local bacteriostatic property on the coccal flora and fungal. The drug acts only locally, does not affect the intestinal biocenosis of a pregnant woman, therefore it can be used during pregnancy. In the treatment of cough, the drug moisturizes the nasopharyngeal cavity and increases the amount of saliva, which improves the rheological properties of sputum. Therefore, the drug is used to treat cough, one tablet three times a day.

Tantum - Verde- This is a drug approved for the treatment of cough in pregnant women from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This drug has a local anti-inflammatory and analgesic property, which is especially effective for coughs caused by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract or their trauma. The drug is taken one tablet three times a day until they are completely dissolved.

Cough tablets during pregnancy are not recommended as systemic use, since they have a pronounced effect on the fetus. This is especially true of codeine derivatives - Codterpin, Stoptussin, Antitussin. Antibiotics in tablet form should be taken only according to strict indications and doctor's prescriptions, since their harm can be greater than the expected result.

Remedies for dry cough during pregnancy- it can be Gerbion syrup with plantain extract. It has activity in dry cough due to increased secretion of sputum by the bronchial glands, which increases the moisture content of the cough. Tablets with a central mechanism of action against dry cough are prohibited during pregnancy.

Cough sprays during pregnancy also have a local effect, so they are very effective.

Miramistin is a solution that can be used as a throat spray. It has an antiseptic effect on many bacteria and fungi. Also, the drug has a reparative effect on the bronchial mucosa, which strengthens their walls and reduces the severity of cough.

Givalex- This is an effective effective drug that is used in the complex therapy of respiratory diseases. It has an antibacterial effect, antiseptic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory. The drug during pregnancy is used with caution.

Folk remedies for cough during pregnancy

Folk remedies for coughing during pregnancy are of priority, since herbal remedies and other beneficial substances are not harmful to the unborn child. Many means are used - fats, oils, physiotherapy and physical therapies.

Massage during pregnancy is an effective means to improve sputum discharge. Such a physical effect improves local blood circulation, lymph outflow and sputum becomes more liquid. After the massage, a draining position is recommended, which can completely drain the bronchial tree and cough will become less pronounced. Banks during pregnancy from a cough can be used in conjunction with massage or individually. For this, special massage cans are used, which have a suction effect and improve lymphatic drainage and blood circulation. Then the sputum lavage along the bronchial tree improves, and the cough becomes more productive and coughs better. Such a remedy is very effective for coughing and can be used during pregnancy, since it is not a harmful method.

Cough lozenge during pregnancy, an effective remedy, since it can be considered a kind of compress. To prepare such a cake, use one tablespoon of honey, dry mustard and a teaspoon of olive oil. These ingredients are mixed and a compress is made, which is placed on the chest and covered with a cellophane film, and then with a woolen scarf. Such a cake improves blood circulation, sputum discharge and makes breathing easier.

Cacao butter, like other aromatic agents, stimulates the secretion of bronchial glands and improves the rheological properties of sputum. For the treatment of cough, steam inhalations with cocoa butter are used, for which a nebulizer or simple home inhalations are used. To do this, you need to boil water, add two or three drops of cocoa butter to it, cover yourself with a towel and breathe for twenty minutes. After such procedures, the cough will become more productive.

Burnt sugar cough is an old folk remedy that is often used to treat pregnant women due to its minimal harm. The effect of such a recipe is to treat dry cough and increase its productivity due to the altered properties of sugar. To prepare such a recipe, you need to take five tablespoons of granulated sugar, pour it into an enamel bowl and heat it on the stove, stirring constantly. In this case, the sugar should dissolve and darken a little to the color of caramel, but you should not heat it to black, because it is harmful. Next, you need to pour the sugar caramel into molds and form candies. Such lozenges should be sucked at least three times a day, then the dry cough will become more viscous.

cough soda during pregnancy is also widely used due to its alkaline properties. It is able to make the sputum more liquid and the cough goes away more easily due to the fact that the alkaline base liquefies the sputum polysaccharide complexes. You can use not only a solution of soda, but also do steam inhalation. To make a medicinal drink from soda, you need to heat the milk to a hot state, add a teaspoon of soda to it and stir. You can also add honey and a little butter to make it softer for the throat. Such a solution should be drunk three times a day in a glass, in addition to benefits, it also tastes good.

You can also do soda inhalation. To do this, at home, you need to add two tablespoons of soda per liter of hot water and mix, you need to breathe this solution for up to twenty minutes a day. Even for pregnant women, such inhalations are allowed and they can be used up to five times a day.

Honey cough during pregnancy is used very often as compresses, teas, infusions and other recipes. It has a mild effect and many immunomodulatory properties, which not only treats cough, but also prevents the development of complications in the form of a prolonged dry cough after the disease.

There are many recipes for cough honey. One of them is the use of honey and aloe. Honey is a rich natural product that is often used in various branches of traditional medicine. The aloe plant also contains a huge amount of vitamins B, C, A, E; amino acids; carotenoids; phytoncides; tannins; flavonoids; calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, magnesium, zinc, bromine, iodine. For a medicinal solution of honey and aloe, you need to take two tablespoons of honey and ten drops of fresh aloe juice per half liter of boiled hot water. This solution should be taken in a tablespoon three to four times a day for a week.

Honey is also combined with other substances. Onion with honey has an effect not only on cough, but it also has a bactericidal property and inhibits the synthesis of bacterial wall components. Two basic recipes can be used. Grated onion juice should be mixed with liquid honey in a ratio of one to one and taken in a teaspoon every four hours in an acute period. You can also mix the grated onion itself with honey and take such a gruel in the same way.

You can also use cabbage with honey in the form of compresses. To do this, you need to take the cabbage, dip it in boiling water for a couple of seconds, so that the leaves become soft, then spread the cabbage leaf with honey and attach this side to the chest, and not in the heart area. From above, like any compress, you need to wrap it with cellophane film and woolen cloth. You can do such a compress at night. At the same time, there is an improvement in breathing and coughing goes away better due to the removal of swelling of the mucous membranes.

Other substances are often used as compresses, in particular borsuch and mutton fat. This fat can be bought at a pharmacy in a glass jar. It gives a very good effect due to the improvement of local blood circulation, due to which the swelling of the bronchial mucosa decreases and the cough becomes softer and more productive. For this effect, it is best to do compresses at night by lubricating the chest area, with the exception of the heart, and then cover with a warm woolen cloth.

Propolis It is also a beekeeping product, therefore it has an immunostimulating, antibacterial, antioxidant effect. Propolis tincture is used to treat cough, but alcohol is not recommended during pregnancy, so you need to make another solution. In a water bath, you need to melt propolis and butter, stir to a homogeneous consistency, and then take one spoonful of this mass three times a day.

Pregnancy cough recipes using milk are very common because of their pronounced effect and pleasant taste, in addition to minimal harm. Milk can be taken hot, while you need to add honey and soda. Such milk with honey and soda is very useful and it helps to change the cough from dry to wet. Also use milk with mineral water. Borjomi is best suited for this, since it is alkaline water, which helps to thin sputum with an unproductive cough. To do this, add half a glass of mineral water to a glass of warm milk, then drink it warm at least three times a day. You can also drink milk with onions, for this you need to add a few drops of onion juice to warm milk and drink such milk warm. Milk with figs has a stabilizing and bronchodilatory effect, which is also used to treat cough during pregnancy.

Herbs for coughing during pregnancy

Phytotherapy is widely used for coughing during pregnancy, since many herbs have a pronounced affinity for the respiratory system and at the same time they are harmless to the unborn child. Many medicinal syrups are produced on the basis of herbs, so you can use these herbs with the same efficiency when preparing infusions at home.

thermopsis is a plant that is widely used to treat coughs. It contains many useful biologically active substances, saponins, essential oils, which have a good expectorant effect.

Coltsfoot- This is a natural plant that is included in various chest collections due to its pronounced effect in diseases of the respiratory system. It contains a mucous secret that protects the epithelial ball of the bronchi and prevents its irritation during a dry cough. Also, due to the content of saponins and organic acids, coltsfoot is used for dry cough and helps to thin it.

Plantain- a plant that has many useful properties and is more active with a dry cough. This is due to the fact that plantain contains biologically active substances that bind to specific receptors and stimulate increased secretion by the bronchial glands, which increases the moisture content of the cough.

Chamomile has many useful fatty acids that are able to react with sputum polysaccharides and break them down, making the cough softer, more productive and all symptoms pass faster.

figs- This is a fruit plant that contains many vitamins of group B, PP, C, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, tannins and essential oils. All these components have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects, as well as expectorant and diuretic properties. All these effects are complemented by a diaphoretic effect, which improves the course of not only respiratory infections, but also cough.

Ginger and its fruits are widely used in medicine, especially in the treatment of respiratory diseases in pregnant women. For the treatment of cough, it is used as an expectorant and analgesic, which is especially important when the bronchial mucosa is irritated by a dry, hacking cough. Ginger is also known for its high immunomodulatory effect.

Licorice used to treat cough during pregnancy in the form of a root. This plant has an expectorant effect and a pronounced emollient effect.

Sage- a medicinal plant that can increase the secretion of bronchial glands and a pronounced dry cough becomes softer, there is also a pronounced antimicrobial effect.

Linden and viburnum has long been considered a good remedy for coughs and any manifestations of viral infections, given their diaphoretic and detoxifying properties.

Cloudberry- these are healing berries that regulate the permeability through the capillary wall and improve the saturation of the alveoli with oxygen, which improves the condition of a woman with severe symptoms of coughing and other pathologies of the respiratory system.

wild rosemary- This is a plant that suppresses cough and contains vitamin C, which affects the immunity of a pregnant woman.

Eucalyptus contains a huge amount of vitamins B, C; amino acids; phytoncides; tannins; flavonoids; calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, magnesium, iodine, which contributes to its widespread use in coughing in pregnant women, since it has a decongestant effect and improves the outflow of sputum through the respiratory tract.

thyme and calendula primarily distinguished by antibacterial properties, so they dissolve purulent sputum and improve its outflow and respiration.

Radish also often used to treat cough in pregnant women due to its pronounced mucolytic action in combination with various substances. For this, a black radish is used. It can be mixed with honey and aloe juice, which also has a good effect on the severity of dry cough.

These herbs should be used as herbal infusions by brewing in hot water, and taken instead of tea with severe coughing at least five times a day. Also very useful are mixtures of such herbs in the form of a breast collection in various combinations of components.

They also use other decoctions for coughing during pregnancy from dry fruits of raspberries, blueberries, viburnum.

Trituration cough during pregnancy with oils and fats is useful for improving blood circulation and removing swelling from the bronchial mucosa.

Inhalation is a good way to deliver a drug or plant to the lower respiratory tract. The nebulizer is a good professional inhalation tool that can be successfully used with a pronounced unproductive cough. But you can also use a simple pot of water as an "inhaler".

Antibiotics for cough during pregnancy are not used if it is only the treatment of the cough itself. If the cough is caused by pneumonia, then it is reasonable to take an antibiotic. Then such a drug should be selected, to which the alleged pathogen is most sensitive and which is the safest for the fetus.

Bioparox cough during pregnancy is often used as a topical antibacterial agent that has activity against many microorganisms. This is a spray that contains an antibiotic, and there are no data on clinical trials of this agent during pregnancy. Therefore, the drug can be used as a local remedy, but only on the advice of a doctor.

An effective cough remedy during pregnancy is certainly one that relieves the symptom well and does not harm the unborn baby. It is better to give preference in this case to medicinal plants and folk remedies.

What can be done from a cough during pregnancy is very difficult to answer right away, but after summarizing all the drugs, preference should be given to those that are derivatives of plants with a differentiation in the nature of the cough and the corresponding drug. There are also many folk methods for treating cough, which should be used as a priority due to their simplicity and availability.

When a woman learns that in the near future she will become a mother, she begins to be especially attentive to her health. Despite this, many pregnant women suffer from viral and bacterial diseases. And all due to the fact that immunity during this period is somewhat reduced. The most common cause of concern is a dry cough. During pregnancy, how to treat this symptom? You will know about this after reading the article.

during pregnancy

1 trimester is the period that accounts for up to 80 percent of expectant mothers. Everything happens for the reason that the immune defense is reduced. This is necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. Otherwise, the body will reject the fetus, perceiving it as a foreign body.

Dry cough while expecting a baby may be the result of an inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract. Also, expectant mothers are prone to allergies. In this case, a dry cough may develop. Irritation in the throat is sometimes the result of a bacterial infection of the tonsils and the peripharyngeal ring. Most often this happens when eating cold foods. may cause dry cough.

Correction of pathology

If you have a dry cough during pregnancy, a specialist will tell you how to treat it. Remember that any independent appointment can lead not only to a complication of the condition of the future mother, but also to a negative effect on the fetus. Most drugs are forbidden to use during this period. However, doctors know the list of approved drugs and prescribe them if necessary. There is another way to eliminate dry cough during pregnancy. Treatment can be carried out by folk methods. In this case, you also need to be careful.

To begin with, it is worth finding out what causes a dry cough during pregnancy. Treatment is chosen only after that. An incorrectly selected correction will only contribute to the development of symptoms. Let us consider in detail what causes a dry cough during pregnancy, how to treat it in different situations.

Allergic reaction

Quite often, expectant mothers are faced with the manifestation of allergies. The reaction may appear when certain plants bloom or on chemicals. Also, some pregnant women experience food allergies. For the treatment of this pathology, for example, Tavegil, Suprastin, Zirtek, and so on are prescribed.

It is worth noting that almost all antiallergic drugs are prohibited during the period of expectation of a child. However, physicians can choose a certain sparing scheme, while taking into account the developmental period of the embryo. Remember that self-administration of these drugs can lead to disastrous consequences.

Cold or viral infection

What should I do if the expectant mother has caught the virus and has a dry cough during pregnancy? How to treat this pathology? Of course, you first need to visit a therapist and make sure that the disease is the cause. Most often, doctors prescribe immunomodulators for women, for example: Arbidol, Ocilococcinum, Interferon, and so on.

Also, therapy can be symptomatic. In this case, remedies are used that alleviate dry cough during pregnancy. Medicines are most often the following: "Tantum Verde", "Lizobakt", "Ingalipt" and others. When prescribing certain drugs, you must always take into account the duration of pregnancy.

Bacterial disease or pathology in the bronchi

If there is inflammation in the lungs and bronchi, resulting in a dry cough during pregnancy, how to treat this pathology? In most cases, doctors prescribe drugs that are available in the form of syrups and suspensions. These drugs include: "Stodal", "Gerbion", "Gedelix" and many others.

With a bacterial disease, body temperature often rises. While waiting for a baby, this can be very dangerous. during pregnancy in this case? You can use the remedy "Theraflu", "Coldrex Night" and so on. In this case, it is worth considering the time and possible risks.

dry air

In addition to all of the above reasons, dry cough during pregnancy can occur due to insufficiently humidified air. How to treat this phenomenon in this case?

The impact of dry air on the respiratory system can be enormous. However, this reason is the most harmless. Treatment in this case is not prescribed. Doctors strongly recommend using special devices or humidifying the air in the room with improvised means. Usually after a few hours the woman begins to feel better.

The use of inhalations

If you have a dry cough during pregnancy, how to treat it without medication? An excellent option would be inhalation. This method is quite safe and does not adversely affect the fetus and organs of a woman. It must be remembered that inhalation should not be carried out with an increase in body temperature. You can use a special apparatus (inhaler) for the procedure, or use improvised means.

For the inhaler, you can use a variety of cough syrups. You can also pour ordinary mineral water or saline into the device. If the inhaler is not at hand, then use other methods. Heat up the kettle and breathe in the steam. To enhance the effect, you can use a homemade cardboard tube. Potato steam also treats dry cough very well.

Healing teas and decoctions

How to treat dry cough during pregnancy safely? The people know many different "grandmother's" recipes. Almost all of them contain various herbs in their composition. It is worth noting that some components can adversely affect the fetus. Many formulations even have an abortive effect. That is why before starting a particular treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Here are some proven and most harmless recipes for making teas.

  • Take dried thyme and linden in equal proportions. Brew herbs with one liter of boiling water. After that, cover the container with a lid and wait 20 minutes. Next, strain the solution and take one glass before bed. The prepared composition must be stored in the refrigerator, and heated before use.
  • Use 2 tablespoons of dry meadow clover (inflorescences) with the addition of 300 milliliters of boiling water. Cook the broth for about 15 minutes, then strain and cool the composition. You need to take the medicine for half a glass three times a day.
  • Take two tablespoons of raspberry jam and pour a glass of boiling water over them. Let the product stand for about 10-20 minutes and drink warm. You need to know that raspberries help soften the cervix to some extent. That is why you should not use this method with or a high probability of premature birth.
  • Lemon helps to remove the virus from the body and increase immunity. If a dry cough is caused by a cold, then feel free to use this recipe. Take a few slices of peeled lemon and mash it. Pour half a glass of boiling water and cool slightly. Drink tea after meals.


How else to treat dry cough during pregnancy without taking medication? You can safely gargle. Such treatment does not affect the fetus in any way due to the fact that the drugs are not absorbed into the blood.

You can rinse your throat with a variety of means. Salt and soda are an excellent antiseptic and regenerating agent. Chamomile relieves inflammation and soothes irritated mucous membranes. Sage has an astringent effect, removing redness.

It is better to gargle after eating. You can do this several times a day. In this case, after the manipulation, you should refrain from drinking for about half an hour.

Tips for treating dry cough during pregnancy at different periods

Many expectant mothers turn to doctors with the words: “I got a dry cough during pregnancy. What to treat? Help!" Surely you know that the entire period of bearing a child is divided into three parts, which are called trimesters. The first period of this time is the most dangerous for colds. If at this time you have a dry cough, then you should give preference to the use of safe means: decoctions, teas, inhalations and rinses. At this stage, important organs and systems are formed in the unborn baby. Uncontrolled use of medicines can lead to various damages and irreversible consequences.

But how can you treat a dry cough during pregnancy (2nd trimester) at a later date? Treatment during this period involves more medication. At this time, the unborn child is reliably protected by the placenta. It is worth noting that even antibacterial and antimicrobial agents can be used during this period, but this should be done only on the recommendation of a doctor.

There are several limitations in late treatment. Dry cough during pregnancy (3rd trimester) can be especially dangerous. This period every day brings the expectant mother closer to meeting with the baby. That is why doctors cautiously prescribe certain drugs for correction. Many drugs are forbidden to use less than a month before childbirth. This is explained by the fact that the drugs are absorbed into the blood and can be excreted in breast milk. That is why it is so important not to make independent appointments, but to turn to doctors for help.

Summing up and conclusion

You now know how to treat dry cough during pregnancy. Remember that in some cases the disease can be very dangerous. During the tension of the abdominal wall, the tone of the uterus increases and the pressure inside the reproductive organ increases. All this can lead to temporary oxygen starvation in the unborn baby.

If symptoms occur, contact a gynecologist or therapist and receive qualified appointments. Always listen to your doctor's advice and be healthy!

Treatment of cough during pregnancy occurs according to a scheme specially designed for each patient. All drugs and folk remedies are prescribed by a doctor, self-medication can be dangerous for both the woman and the fetus. It is necessary to eliminate bronchospasms as quickly as possible, because they can cause negative reactions and complicate the course of pregnancy. Before choosing a therapy, the doctor must make the correct diagnosis, this is the key to a successful outcome of the disease.

TEST: Why are you coughing?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

Cough can be described as:

You characterize cough as:

Can you say that the cough is deep (in order to understand this, take a lot of air into your lungs and cough)?

During a coughing fit, do you feel pain in your abdomen and/or chest (pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominals)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during the cough (no matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She is:

Do you feel a dull pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the focus of pain is in the lung itself)?

Do you suffer from shortness of breath (during physical activity, you quickly “out of breath” and get tired, breathing becomes faster, after which there is a lack of air)?

Why are bronchospasms dangerous during pregnancy?

Treatment of cough in pregnant women should be carried out immediately, since bronchospasm can cause serious pathologies in the fetus and harm the woman. For an unborn child, such a violation is especially dangerous in the first trimester: a strong bronchospasm causes an increase in the tone of the uterus, which can provoke a miscarriage.

You need to quickly understand how to cure, because it causes circulatory disorders. This slows down the transport of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus, which can cause deviations in its formation. It should also be borne in mind that bronchospasm is a consequence of a viral or infectious disease that can penetrate the placenta.

Coughing during pregnancy is dangerous for the expectant mother. If the placenta is low or placenta previa, bronchospasm causing uterine contractions can cause bleeding.

There is also a high probability of outflow of amniotic fluid in the later stages and premature difficult births. And this is fraught with serious health problems for women up to death.

The reasons

Cough in a pregnant woman can occur for various reasons. Most often it is provoked by viral infections transmitted by airborne droplets. They are especially dangerous for the fetus and the expectant mother. Bacterial diseases can also affect the body, they can be infected in any public place.

If the disease affects the upper respiratory tract, a severe cough during pregnancy occurs due to mucus flowing into the throat. Sputum irritates cough receptors, which causes bronchospasm. Most often, he disturbs patients at night: it is in the supine position that the fluid contained in the nose flows down through the throat.

Infections of the lower respiratory tract can cause the appearance of a dry, and then a wet cough. Sputum accumulates in the lungs and bronchi, for its release the body uses a protective reflex - a spasm. Such ailments quickly become chronic, so you need to quickly decide how to get rid of them.

There are other causes of bronchospasm:

  • allergic reactions;
  • violations of the digestive tract;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • nervous tension;
  • improper functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • ascariasis (infection with roundworms).

Features of treatment

When we treat cough during pregnancy, the list of drugs used in the early and late periods should be different. In the first trimester, the fetus is especially sensitive, so it is not recommended to use chemical drugs. It is better to give preference to dietary supplements, homeopathic remedies and alternative methods.

In the second and third trimester, the threat of miscarriage decreases, almost all vital organs and systems of the unborn baby are formed. You can get rid of a cough at this time with the help of many drugs: the range of approved drugs is significantly expanding compared to the first 13 weeks of gestation.

However, it should be borne in mind that in the later stages such a phenomenon as premature aging of the placenta is possible. When the "protective" layer wears out, the fetus becomes defenseless against the negative effects of chemicals, viruses, bacteria and other pathogens.

Medical treatment

Pregnant women can only use certain drugs that are prescribed by the attending physician. In different periods of gestation, the use of different drugs is allowed. Consider which of them will be beneficial for the health of the mother and will not harm the unborn child.

First trimester

It is necessary to fight dry cough with the help of mucolytics: they thin out sputum, increase it in volume and help to remove it from the respiratory tract. Such funds also relieve inflammation, soothe and heal the mucous membranes.

The following drugs will help expectant mothers to cope with bronchospasm without sputum:

  • "Libeksin" (appointed only in extreme cases, as it is a synthetic agent);
  • "Mukaltin", syrup "Althea Root", "Stodal", "Bronchogran", "Pulsatilla" (sold without a prescription, as they do not affect the development of the fetus, but can cause allergies in case of personal intolerance to the components);
  • "Bronhikum", "Gedelix", "Doctor Mom" ​​(herbal preparations that do not contain substances harmful to the body of a woman and the fetus, but there is not enough information about their effect on the fetus).

How to treat a wet cough, you can find out in a consultation with a doctor. Expectant mothers are suitable for means that improve coughing, disinfecting and fighting pathogens.

During pregnancy, treatment is carried out using such means:

  • "Doctor Theis", "Stodal", "Bronchogran", "Pulsatilla", "Bifidofolus Flora Force" (completely safe for the body of the mother and the unborn baby, with the exception of personal intolerance);
  • "Bronchipret", "Bronhikum" (plant-based preparations, can have a negative effect on the body due to high biological activity).

Second and third trimester

During this period, the list of permitted funds is wider, the fetus is almost fully formed. Drugs are selected so as not to cause premature birth and bleeding in the expectant mother. The following items are added to the list of drugs against dry cough:

From a wet cough during pregnancy in the last stages, more funds are also shown than in the first trimester.

Their list is replenished with such drugs:

  • "Tussin";
  • "Ambroxol";
  • "Fluifort";
  • "Herbion".


It is possible to alleviate the condition of the expectant mother without harm to the fetus with the help of inhalations. They can be wet or dry. Wet airways help transport drugs in high concentrations into the respiratory tract. Together with the steam, patients inhale healing substances that disinfect the mucous membranes, relieve swelling, improve coughing and reduce spasm. For the procedures, you can use the following devices:

If the patient has a fever, then steam inhalations are contraindicated for her: they accelerate blood flow and increase pressure, which is dangerous for the fetus. You can replace them with cold inhalations. To do this, 1-3 drops of essential oil of fir, pine, calendula or other medicines need to be dropped on a pillow, a piece of paper or cloth, put next to you and slowly take deep breaths.

It will also be useful to use an aroma lamp, it can not only normalize breathing, but also disinfect the room.

Healthy drink

Drinking plenty of fluids can help with a cough during pregnancy. The liquid, heated to body temperature, is quickly absorbed in the body, accelerates blood circulation and stimulates the production of sputum by the mucous membranes.

To alleviate the patient's condition, you can use ordinary teas, but it will be more effective to use medicinal drinks:


Gargling is useful both for prevention and to eliminate coughing. This method will be especially effective for sore throats. For rinsing, a mixture of baking soda and water, a mixture of salt and water, infusions of linden or chamomile flowers, and plantain herbs are used. It is necessary to carry out the procedure between meals or after a meal 3-4 times a day. It is better to refrain from straining the vocal cords after rinsing.

Precautionary measures

Any medications and traditional medicine can have a negative impact on the body of the expectant mother under certain circumstances. Before using any cough suppression methods, you need to make sure that they do not cause a negative reaction. For this, samples are taken: medicines are taken in small quantities and wait for several hours. If no changes in the state of health are found, therapy is continued.

You also need to make sure that the expectant mother does not have chronic diseases in which the use of certain drugs is completely contraindicated.

Especially carefully, therapy is selected in the presence of pathologies of fetal development or complicated pregnancy. Self-treatment is strictly prohibited.

In conclusion

Pregnant women need to carefully monitor their health and do everything possible not to get sick.

If it was not possible to protect yourself from viral and bacterial infections, you should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will help you choose a safe and effective therapy, including medications and traditional medicine.

Pregnancy in the life of every woman is associated not only with a feeling of immense happiness, but also with serious changes in the body that provoke a decrease in resistance to viruses.

In contact with

If the condition worsens and a cough appears during pregnancy, it is worth considering that most drugs are contraindicated for women in position, which means that any procedures, even at home, should be carried out strictly according to the doctor's prescription. What can pregnant women take for a cough, and how to quickly cope with the disease?

The occurrence of a cough should not be taken as a separate independent phenomenon, because it can be the cause of serious diseases, such as bronchitis, tonsillitis, or even measles. Treatment of cough during pregnancy should be started without delay, as soon as you feel the first signs of a painful condition. Cough can provoke irreversible consequences of the course of pregnancy.

What is dangerous cough during pregnancy:

  • a serious complication is increased tone of the uterus. This phenomenon in medical practice can be found quite often. Constantly tense abdominal muscles during prolonged coughing can lead to frequent uterine contractions, and then, as a result, premature termination of pregnancy occurs;
  • also severe muscle strain during coughing fits can cause uterine bleeding, which leads to the risk of fetal loss and urgent medical hospitalization;
  • Another dangerous complication factor can be fetal hypoxia. With a strong cough during pregnancy, there is a violation of blood circulation in the placenta, which leads to oxygen starvation of the baby.

Nowadays, women are increasingly planning their pregnancy in advance, which means that you should also take care of vaccination against unwanted viruses before conception.

If the disease still attacked the body, you should immediately contact the therapists of the antenatal clinic.

Before purchasing herbs in pharmacies, it should be understood that in the first and subsequent trimesters, treatment should be of a different nature. In addition, collections of medicinal plants can in individual cases harm and cause the already mentioned uterine tone.

  • Coltsfoot
  • Thyme
  • Oregano
  • Berries and leaves of barberry
  • pine buds
  • Sage

This list of herbs can be supplemented in cases of individual intolerance or allergic reactions that appeared during pregnancy, so it is inevitable to consult a doctor before taking any herbs for coughing during pregnancy. Moreover, what is self-medication will help you only with a cold, but the virus and allergies cannot be defeated with herbs.

Herbal inhalations are recognized as the safest and most effective way to relieve the symptoms of a cold and cough during pregnancy, so experts advise this cough treatment for. Life-giving vapors intensively penetrate into the respiratory tract and have a powerful therapeutic effect. At home, a deep container with a warm decoction of herbs is suitable, bending over which you should inhale the exhaled essential oils.

Care should be taken only in order not to burn the mucous membrane with too hot fumes.

The composition of herbal preparations can be selected from those that can not only be used by expectant mothers, but also useful. What can pregnant women drink for cough - infusions and decoctions:

  • Chamomile and echinacea flowers
  • Berries and leaves of viburnum, cranberries, black currants, raspberries
  • Linden blossom
  • Rose hip
  • Ginger root

The above herbs have an antipyretic and expectorant effect, the berries are rich in vitamins, and the flowers are a kind of immunomodulatory agent. Therefore, this set of herbs must be used both in the form of tea decoctions and for rinsing. It is not difficult to make a healing tea by pouring a tablespoon of dried flowers with boiling water and insisting for 20 minutes, and you can take it several times a day, as well as inhalations.

On the recommendation of a doctor, you can purchase a nebulizer at a pharmacy, the built-in aerosol of which delivers the required amount of cough medicines that are acceptable for pregnant women into the respiratory tract. The operation of this device completely eliminates the presence of hot steam, which means it is absolutely safe.

At high temperatures, individual selection of inhalations at home should be canceled, but a nebulizer during pregnancy from a cough in this case is not contraindicated.

Unpleasant spasms in the throat, causing dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat, should be eliminated with moisturizing. With a dry cough during pregnancy, tea with lime blossom or warmed milk with honey will well alleviate the symptoms.

Effective gargles can also be made by adding a spoonful of honey to water, or you can use freshly squeezed carrot or beetroot juice by rubbing vegetables on a grater and squeezing the liquid through cheesecloth.

Chest compresses are very popular among folk recipes. They are easy to prepare and the recipes are varied. The most healing is a cabbage leaf compress covered with a layer of honey.. It is applied to the chest, covered with polyethylene and a warm cloth and left overnight.

Aromatherapy can be used to soothe sore throats by adding a few oil drops of eucalyptus, chamomile, lemon, or orange to steam inhalations. But the concentration of oils is high, which means that women who are prone to allergic reactions should use this method of treating cough during pregnancy with extreme caution. Moreover, the use of aromatherapy is contraindicated in.

Returning to the recipes of traditional medicine, it should be noted the healing properties of ginger root infusions. This miracle remedy does not cause allergic reactions, has expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is easy to make such a medicine on your own: pour chopped ginger root with boiling water and insist for several hours. You can add lemon, honey to the infusion or use it as a gargle.

Significant benefits will bring in the treatment of wet cough during pregnancy and a solution of ordinary baking soda. It is also used as a rinse and as a wet inhalation. Sputum discharge will be effective, and the risk of allergic reactions is excluded.

If the cough is still transformed into a more severe form, drug treatment should be started immediately under the supervision of a general practitioner and an obstetrician-gynecologist.

What cough medicines can pregnant women take? Cough preparations during pregnancy are selected by specialists, taking into account the duration and minimal risk of exposure to the fetus. The safest during pregnancy from this group are cough tablets and syrups:

  • Mukaltin
  • Bronchipret, Bromhexine
  • Dr. MOM
  • Althea syrup
  • Licorice Root Syrup

The use of funds such as "Gedelix" and "Sinikod" must be agreed with the doctor and you should not buy it yourself without these recommendations. In rare cases, with severe bronchitis and, starting only with, the doctor may prescribe the antibiotic Bioparox. It is used in the form of a spray, so the drug is practically not absorbed into the blood, which means that the risk to the fetus is virtually eliminated.

  • Use of mustard plasters
  • Hot baths, including foot baths
  • Physio procedures
  • Cough medicines to avoid during pregnancy

Prevention of colds

Observing simple rules, any woman will be able to protect herself and her unborn baby as much as possible from unwanted diseases:

  • Necessary diversify vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and antioxidants, in case of urgent need, you can use pharmaceutical preparations, including trace elements for pregnant women (for example, Elevit Pronatal);
  • The daily plan needs to include walks in the open air, because they are one of the most important indicators of the physical and psychological state of a pregnant woman, especially if a woman works, because excessive overwork can lead to serious pathologies;
  • Should avoid stressful situations, and eliminate anxiety states through friendly communication with loved ones;
  • Don't be in crowded places, large shopping centers should be avoided, because these are the main sites for the spread of viral infections.

So, summing up, one should once again focus on the fact that any treatment a pregnant woman should coordinate with specialists, because even a slight cough can turn into a chronic form. It is the duty of any mother to take care of the health of her child, therefore, it is not worth putting the life of a new, unborn person at risk.

If the condition is not running, you can do without drugs:

In contact with

Low immunity, combined with hypothermia or contact with a sick person, and a woman in position is already wondering: what can I drink for coughing during pregnancy? After all, it is important to endure a strong child who will not have complications as a result of his mother taking too strong drugs.

Cough cannot occur on its own. Often it is a symptom of another disease. So the body reacts to the ingress of excess fluid into the respiratory tract. Therefore, it is necessary to treat, first of all, not the cough itself, but the cause that caused it.

Since coughing only signals the presence of some kind of disease, such ailments can become its causes:

  • bronchitis(cm. );
  • tonsillitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • flu;
  • measles;
  • SARS;
  • whooping cough;
  • allergic reactions of the body.

As a result of pregnancy, the body undergoes changes necessary for bearing a child. But they also affect her well-being.

Immunity becomes an order of magnitude lower than usual, so the appearance of various ailments, primarily viral ones, is not uncommon. Therefore, you should take care of your health as much as possible.

Why is coughing not safe for a pregnant woman?

Cough is very often accompanied by infectious diseases, so it is dangerous for both a pregnant woman and a child. If it is not cured in time, then complications can begin in both the mother and the fetus.

It carries a fundamental seriousness for health. It causes a lot of inconvenience to the mother, but can also affect the course of the pregnancy itself.

It carries the following danger:

  1. Increased tension in the abdominal muscles due to constant coughing, which has a very undesirable effect on the state of uterine tone. As a result, the risk of miscarriage increases.
  2. Coughing fits, which occur frequently, disrupt the flow of blood in the placenta. Because of this, oxygen starvation of the fetus occurs.
  3. Pregnant women with a low placenta or placenta previa prolonged seizures should be avoided. At these moments, there is a strong muscle tension, because of it, bleeding can occur in the uterus.

Not everything that you can drink during pregnancy from a cough can quickly and effectively cope with the disease. After all, not only the cough itself carries a danger. The diseases that cause it are also dangerous. Therefore, treatment must be approached with all care and strictly follow the instructions of gynecologists.

Features of the treatment of cough in pregnant women

Women in the position categorically cannot self-medicate. An incorrect diagnosis and lack of doctor's prescriptions can only aggravate the situation and lead to serious consequences.

Features of the treatment of cough in the first trimester

Only a gynecologist can know for sure what you can drink for pregnant women from a cough. After all, it is during this period that the body of the future person is formed. Any intrusion into this process is fraught with subsequent complications.

In the first months of pregnancy, you need to turn to traditional medicine methods (see). But this can not be done without the permission of the doctor. After all, not everyone knows which herbs can be drunk by pregnant women when coughing, and which ones are not.

You can use the following folk methods:

  1. It is fashionable to make inhalations from boiled herbs(chamomile, linden, sage, plantain, wild rosemary, succession, yarrow) and essential oils (eucalyptus, mint). This procedure can be carried out a couple of times a day (see).
  2. The same list of healing herbs can be drunk in the form of decoctions and tinctures. To do this, take a spoonful of herbs and brew with hot water.
  3. You can also do compresses that are placed on the chest.. A compress of cabbage leaves proved to be effective. You need to take a simple cabbage leaf, grease one side of it with honey and attach it to your chest. Apply with a towel and leave overnight.
  4. It is very useful to drink hot milk with honey.. You can add a few drops of onion juice to it, but then you need to drink the mixture in small portions.

But in case of complications or severely reduced immunity, folk remedies may be ineffective. Then the circumstances force to turn to medical treatment. But what you can drink for pregnant women when coughing can only be determined by a qualified gynecologist.

The video in this article will tell you in detail about the actions that must be taken.

Treatment of cough in pregnant women in the second and third trimester

Already from the beginning of the second trimester, women in position are allowed to take medications. But, unlike traditional medicine, they can find much more side effects - their instructions for use clearly indicate this.

What you can drink for pregnant women from a cough is determined by the doctor individually for each woman. It is not preferable to use drugs in the form of tablets for this. They take a long time to digest and have many side effects.

In order to minimize the risk to the child, it is better to use herbal tablets. Mukaltin or Bronchipret is suitable for this. Various syrups have gained wider use in the treatment of cough in pregnant women.

If there is a question about what you can drink from a cough during pregnancy, then it is better to choose from the following list:

  • vegetable syrup Gerbion;
  • Bluecode;
  • Altea;
  • syrup based on ivy extract Gedelix;
  • Stodal.

Of course, the price of drug treatment is many times higher than the cost of traditional medicine methods, but it works much faster, and if used correctly, more efficiently.

Prohibited for use by pregnant women

Not all manipulations that ordinary people do can be applied to pregnant women.

You should never do this:

  • take a hot bath;
  • hot foot baths can increase the tone of the uterus;
  • put mustard plasters;
  • carry out physiotherapy;
  • in the presence of high temperature, inhalation should not be done;
  • use drugs prohibited by the doctor.

There are also medicinal plants, the substances of which have a bad effect on the course of pregnancy.


  • comfrey officinalis;
  • coltsfoot (pictured);
  • St. John's wort;
  • ginkgo biloba;
  • echinacea;
  • ginseng.

Some of them reduce blood clotting, which leads to bleeding; the latter have a mutagenic effect; others cause allergies, etc.

Prevention of cough in pregnant women

In order not to think about what to drink during pregnancy for a cough, you need to take steps towards increasing immunity.

You also need to take care of your health:

  1. avoid public places with large crowds of people;
  2. in public places, always cover your mouth and other airways;
  3. after visiting public places, immediately wash your hands, nose, rinse your throat;
  4. ventilate living rooms, humidify the air;
  5. take daily walks
  6. avoid hypothermia and overheating;
  7. when the first symptoms of the disease appear, consult a doctor.

It can be concluded that pregnant women can only drink proven remedies prescribed by a doctor for coughing. Otherwise, there is a danger of complications for both the baby and his mother. And their health should be a priority.
