Original New Year's greetings to customers. A small selection of texts of business congratulations to your clients, partners on New Year's holidays! Examples of congratulations on New Year and Christmas

On the eve of the New Year and Christmas, one of the most responsible tasks of the secretary is to prepare gifts and wishes for partners and clients of the company. In the article we will tell you how to arrange souvenirs in a corporate style, what types of congratulations are better to use - electronic or paper, we will give examples of successful and unsuccessful texts of business congratulatory letters.

To congratulate partners and clients on New Year and Christmas is the most important tradition and rule of business etiquette.

The New Year holidays are an excellent opportunity to demonstrate a high corporate culture, the company's reliability, and attentive attitude towards representatives of various organizations.

A well-composed and timely sent New Year's greeting will pleasantly surprise partners and customers, remind you of the important results of your cooperation.


The New Year is widely celebrated in Russia and in many countries of the world. But holidays coincide only in some of them. If according to the Gregorian calendar, the New Year begins on January 1, then according to the eastern one, which is followed, for example, by China, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Mongolia, in the interval from January 21 to February 20.

In countries with the Persian calendar (Tajikistan, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan), the New Year is celebrated from 21 to 22 March. And in India there are several similar holidays that fall on different days of the year (in February, April, May, October).

Christmas, unlike the New Year, is an exclusively Christian holiday. According to the Catholic tradition, it is celebrated on December 25, and according to the Orthodox tradition, on January 7.

In the Catholic countries of Europe (Germany, Austria, France, etc.), just before Christmas, a huge number of fairs open, people carefully choose and pack Christmas gifts. New Year in Europe is celebrated much more modestly.

When composing postcards, consider the dates and sequence of the holidays mentioned. For example, write "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!" in congratulations for Orthodox partners; "Merry christmas and a happy new year!" - in congratulations for representatives of the Catholic faith.

Since these holidays follow each other, it is quite enough to send one congratulation.


It is better to prepare gifts and postcards for partners and counterparties in advance so as not to be nervous again due to untimely delivery on the eve of the holidays.

If you decide to give your customers useful memorable souvenirs with the company logo (thermo mugs, blankets, cooler bags, etc.), order branding gifts a month and a half before the holidays - there are a lot of orders in printing houses in the New Year period.

To save time and money on logoing, you can order stickers with the logo of the organization and place them on all gifts and envelopes. Branding will give gifts a finished look and help identify the sender. Sticker designs can be customized.

For New Year's celebrations, stickers for gift bottles will also come in handy. Due to this decision, you can save money on buying New Year's versions of champagne. A bottle with a company logo and New Year wishes will look just as good as a store-bought one and will cost less.

Many companies want to please their partners just before the holiday - December 29-30. But if during this period the courier service is overloaded, then you will have to forget about timely congratulations. To avoid overlaps, start looking for addresses for delivering gifts and cards in advance - about a week before sending. In Russian companies, it is customary to start sending congratulations on the 20th of December.

If your organization is limited to email greeting cards, you can send them December 28-30.


It is customary to congratulate foreign and Russian partners, suppliers, VIP clients and regular customers, directors and heads of branches on the New Year holidays (Example 1). If you need addresses of organizations or branches to send congratulations, check them in advance.


The first thing that people pay attention to when receiving New Year's greetings is its design. Even the most original wish is important to present beautifully.

In many modern organizations, a special internal corporate document has been developed - a brand book, which contains a guideline section that regulates the use of the main elements of the brand's corporate identity (logo, color combinations, etc.). For example, at Kaspersky Lab, green and red are considered corporate colors. They are always present on holiday cards and New Year's gift wrapping from this company.

If your organization has not developed a brand book and there are no requirements for the design of New Year's cards, then choose colors for decoration based on your preferences.

Consider the most common ways to design New Year's greetings.

New Year's greetings on letterhead or special paper

This is perhaps the easiest and least creative way. Letters of congratulations, drawn up on a letterhead, may contain the following details in accordance with GOST R 6.30 - 2003 “Unified Documentation Systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation Requirements:

. "The State Emblem of the Russian Federation";

. "Coat of arms of the subject of the Russian Federation";

. "Organization emblem or trademark (service mark)";

. "Name of the structural unit - the author of the document";

. "Reference data about the organization";

. "Document date";

. "Document registration number";

. "Destination";

. "Heading to the text";

. "Signature", etc.

Letters of congratulations are in free form. Their length varies from one or two sentences to several extended paragraphs.

Such letters can be drawn up not only on letterheads of the organization (Example 2), but also on special paper of various shades, decorated with ornaments, watermarks, having a high density, etc. (Example 3).

New Year's card handmade

Despite the fact that modern organizations in most cases use e-mail for internal and external communications, it is more pleasant for many to receive a beautiful paper postcard. This way of congratulations becomes a rarity and is valued more against the backdrop of paper correspondence losing its relevance.

When choosing a New Year's card, pay attention to its design. A few years ago, there was a huge selection of postcards with gold embossing, sparkles, raised letters in stores. Now a more concise style is relevant. Handmade postcards using eco-friendly materials (kraft paper, twine, vegetable paints, etc.) are popular. Such a card will make it clear to the client or partner that you have prepared a gift especially for him.

Handmade postcards are most often sold in specialized stores, flower shops. They can also be ordered from various masters, for example, on the site-aggregator "Fair of Masters" - livemaster.ru.

Personal experience

Last year, our training center ordered handmade postcards to congratulate partners and clients. Each of them was unique. We just pasted the wishes and sent postcards to the recipients. And in response received words of admiration and gratitude. For example: “Thank you very much for the congratulations and souvenirs! We are touched by your attention, cordial attitude and look forward to continued cooperation!”

New Year's e-mail

Its design corresponds to the theme of the holiday. In a New Year's letter, you can add an image of a branded New Year's hat, Christmas decorations, gifts.

Best of all, professional designers will cope with the development of design for the New Year's mailing list, who will create a style according to your wishes.

When adding text to a congratulatory email, use universal fonts - Arial, Courier, Georgia, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Verdana so that the recipient can read the message both from a computer monitor and from a tablet or smartphone.

New Year e-card

This is the most convenient way to congratulate. Making an e-card is easy. It will take about 10 minutes to make.

To design an e-card you will need:

Adobe Photoshop is a multifunctional graphics editor. You can install it or use the online version of the program.

New Year's card template from the Internet, on which you need to apply text in online photo editors, for example picmonkey.com, avatan.ru.

In the photo editor, you can add the necessary filters, change the color and size of the font to make the postcard more attractive. Save the finished postcard on your computer and send it with an email.

You don't have to use a template for an e-card. It can be developed independently on one of the special sites, for example canva.com.

When registering on the site, the resource developers offer to take a two-minute master class on creating online postcards. It will allow you to understand how to use the functionality of the site.

Creating a postcard is best to start with choosing a background, and then move on to graphic elements and text. If you need to add an image to a postcard, for example, a Christmas tree, enter the word "tree" in the search bar, and the site will display options for illustrations.

Some features on the site are paid, to use them you need to subscribe. However, even free services and pictures allow you to create a stylish and concise New Year's card. It must be saved and attached to an email congratulatory letter.


Like all business letters, a congratulatory business letter has a certain structure, but not all of its elements are required.

A congratulatory letter is drawn up in free form, and each organization decides for itself what to include in it. If the recipients of congratulations differ in status and rank, then the secretary prepares several texts of congratulations.

Consider the words and phrases that are most characteristic of a business congratulatory letter.

Address and greeting:

. "Dear (th) ..!";

. "Dear colleagues!";

. "Dear Colleagues!".

Reason for writing the letter:

. “From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on the coming New Year!”;

. "Please accept my sincere congratulations on the upcoming holidays - New Year and Merry Christmas!";

. On behalf of our team, we wish you a Happy New Year!

Holiday Meaning:

. "The New Year is everyone's favorite and joyful holiday, filled with hopes and faith in the future";

. "The New Year is the time of a beautiful, kind fairy tale that comes at the end of each year";

. “The New Year is both a holiday and a good occasion to take stock and set new goals.”

Characteristics of the outgoing year (significant changes and significant events in the life of the organization):

. “The outgoing year was very important and successful for us in terms of the results achieved. Over the past year, we have managed to raise the level of sales of our product by 20%, to conclude strategically important contracts”;

. “The past year was marked for us by important events in the life of the company. Together, we rebranded the organization and raised the quality of customer service to a new level. This is our common merit!

Thanks for cooperation:

. “On behalf of our entire team, we would like to thank you for choosing our center!”;

. “Thank you for your invaluable contribution to the development of our partnerships in the past year”;

. “We sincerely thank you for your professionalism and understanding. Together we managed to achieve our goals in 2017.”

Plans and hopes for the new year:

. “Let the new year bring us new loyal customers and the popularity of our brand is growing exponentially”;

. “May the coming year be even more successful for us and bring only positive changes.”


. “May your most cherished wishes come true in the new year and the coming 2018 be bright, successful and happy.”

. “May the coming year justify the best hopes, bring peace, health and prosperity to your families. I wish you that everything that you think of under the chiming clock in the last minutes of the outgoing year will come true! Happy holiday, dear colleagues! Happy New Year 2018!”;

. “Let every day of the new year give you only positive emotions and an ambitious mood, with which you can easily achieve your goals. We wish that your reliable partners and colleagues will always be nearby. Happy New Year!".

Final phrase (etiquette formula):

. "Sincerely…";

. "Best wishes…";

. “With wishes of prosperity to each of you…”;

. "Sincerely…";

. “With deep respect and gratitude…”;

. “With a wish of good luck and success…”;

. “With hopes for further fruitful cooperation…”.


. “General Director of Profi-Career LLC A.A. Ivanov";

. “The head of the council of the Strogino district of the city of Moscow V.V. Konovalov.

Based on the above structure, you can compose texts of New Year's greetings for company employees, partners, customers, managers (see Appendix).


A congratulatory New Year's letter is drawn up in any form, but taking into account the requirements of an official business style. Therefore, for congratulations, it is better not to use:

  • Banal poems found on the Internet. It is unlikely that your partner or client will like congratulations without an individual approach. Therefore, if your organization still prefers a poetic form, then it is more correct to compose a text using the name of your company and mentioning significant events from its life. Such works can be ordered on freelance sites, for example youdo.com, workzilla.com.
  • Slang and colloquial words. They are appropriate in the texts of congratulations for relatives and friends, but are not suitable for business congratulatory letters.

Do not use highly professional vocabulary and abbreviations, as well as the words "super", "cool", etc. in the texts of congratulations.

The main thing is to show respect for partners and clients, share your warmth and festive mood with them.

With all our hearts, we wish the secretaries and assistant managers good luck in compiling New Year's business greetings, as well as response letters with gratitude and best wishes!

Congratulations on the New Year 2017 to partners and customers should be bright, but moderately personal. When writing such lines, special attention should be paid to the career achievements of colleagues, their success at work and personal qualities.

Congratulations to customers and partners in verse

Let our clients be rich

With a fancy car, with a huge salary,

So that this year will help them in the prospects,

Without unnecessary losses and negatives.

New Year two thousand and seventeen has come,

Somewhere for a long time our cockerel disappeared,

A year later he flew in, he found us,

We hope everything will be fine.

For colleagues, clients and partners,

We wish easy achievements without "fences".

Let the good motley cockerel

Straighten the red scallop

In 2017, he will get a bag of money.

Then customers and partners…then everyone will be fine.

Dear partners, dear customers,

There are different moments in life.

We wish you good luck on the way,

So that all tasks can be easily solved,

So that the New Year is 2017,

Met with close family members.

We wish customers in the year of the rooster,

To strive for good moments in life,

So that in this New Year - 2017,

Could only get the best in life.

We send congratulations on the New Year,

Wishing to live without troubles and bad weather,

We wish that in the year 2017

We could only go up with business.

For clients, partners and everyone who knows us,

We want the very best in life.

Happy New Year to all customers,

Many of you are simple guys, intellectuals,

We wish everyone good luck in business,

You deserve it, we know.

May 2017 bring the best

To all our customers and ordinary passers-by.

We wish success to all our partners,

So that business decisions go smoothly,

And the plans came true, and there is plenty of money ...

Make sure all documents are in order.

Partners, guys - Happy New Year everyone,

May 2017 come with good "weather"

Wishes to clients for the New Year 2017 in prose

Dear friends, on this beautiful day, I would like to wish each of you the fulfillment of your innermost desires, successful career advancement. The Year of the Monkey turned out to be difficult, but productive, so let the fiery Rooster bring you even more joys, unforgettable moments. Let luck accompany any of your undertakings, and troubles, albeit small ones, will remain in 2016!

2017 is already close, and on the eve of the holiday, I would like to wish our dear customers and business partners unsurpassed success, iron authority and endless ambitions. In the year of the Rooster, life will surely please you with unexpected surprises, vivid impressions, from which your head is spinning. And may the path to even greater income and profits be found at the bottom of your champagne glasses!

Dear colleagues, partners, clients, on the eve of the New Year, I would like to wish you one thing - success! Let fate not show you its grin, and life turns into an endless celebration of career victories, ambitious undertakings and personal successes! I wish you to spend the New Year holidays in such a way that this magical time is really remembered for a lifetime!

Dear our clients!

We have the honor to congratulate you on the New Year 2019!

Traditionally, the New Year is associated with hopes for the best in our lives. Let the positive phenomena that bring you joy and inspiration in the outgoing year will certainly find continuation in the new one. May this year further strengthen your faith in a happy future for you, may every day only good luck accompany you this year, leading along the beaten path to the desired goal. May reign in your life:

  • indestructible peace and harmony;
  • mutual understanding and respect;
  • goodness and prosperity.

May success and well-deserved recognition be your faithful companions in 2019. We wish you creative and financial growth, stability and responsible partners, useful contacts and pleasant discoveries, the implementation of new projects and the conquest of new heights.

Dear friends, we are glad to enter the new year with you! Let me congratulate you on this wonderful holiday, wish you health, success and prosperity to you and your families. So that in the new year there are new victories and achievements, the most cherished desires come true. And we will continue to help you reach your goals, giving the best that we have. Yours sincerely (company name).

Dear friends, Happy New Year! In the coming year we wish you peace, goodness, health, as much warmth and comfort as possible, inexhaustible vitality, and the achievement of your goals. Let the new year be accompanied only by positive emotions and significant events.

We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! We wish you good health, prosperity and concomitant good luck. We sincerely tried to be of service to you, so we hope to please you in the future. Thanks for choosing us!

Dear customers, we congratulate you on the New Year and hasten to wish you only profitable agreements and contracts, only promising and successful ideas, only successful and fruitful days. Happiness to you and your loved ones, great victories and significant events.

Happy New Year! Let your product quickly find a market, be in demand and supply. And it will be able to compete sensibly with similar enterprises. I want to be the first in my business.

Happy New Year. We wish you a successful present and promising future. May the new year be successful and profitable for your organization. Let the work go smoothly and confidently throughout the year, let every new day be marked by high results and achievements.

Happy New Year. From the first days of the new year, we wish you a confident start to a great victory, to an important goal, to a grandiose success. And let your companions in the new year be perspective, profit, luck, profit, confidence, activity, professionalism and skill.

Happy New Year, dear partners. I would like to wish you great prospects and good luck, worthy victories and significant breakthroughs in your activities. Let there be enough strength, ideas and inspiration for new starts and important things. Good health to you in the new year and all the best.

Happy New Year, dear partners. I wish you enthusiasm in your work, striving for success, prosperity in life. May the new year be the year of our joint victories and achievements, may it bring you good luck, prospects and great potential.

Happy New Year, partners. I want to wish you health, health and once again health. If there is health, we can achieve everything else. May this year be successful and successful for you, may it bring prosperity to your families and joy to your hearts. I wish you more new prospects and income, new ideas and opportunities.

Dear colleagues!

We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year and Merry Christmas! In the new year, in new dreams, we wish you to take all the best from the outgoing year: trusted old friends, reliable partners, established traditions of fruitful cooperation. We wish that your undertakings and initiatives in 2019 give a new voice to the wonderful Russian proverb - "Everything that is done is for the better!". Blessings to you and your loved ones!

Dear friends, dear colleagues!

On behalf of the whole team (company name), let me wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! We want to thank you for the successful cooperation in 2018 and we believe that the coming year will be even more fruitful and successful for you! We wish that 2019 will bring you the opportunity to confidently look into the future and good luck in all your affairs and undertakings. Happy holiday!

From the bottom of our hearts we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We hope that the New Year will bring success in professional activities, joy in life, creativity, good luck in all endeavors, prosperity in business, support from friends, colleagues and partners! On behalf of the team (…) best wishes (…)

Dear clients!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! Thank you for your cooperation in 2018. We hope that in 2019 our cooperation will become even more fruitful!

We wish the coming year to be filled with bright and positive events. May success and prosperity always accompany you!

Happiness, health and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Sincerely, (…).

We are glad to see you in winter and summer
May the New Year be filled with light!
Good luck, love, dreams come true!
Health, kindness, warmth, beauty!
Adversity and troubles will remain in the past,
And victories are on the horizon!
Clients open the way to success,
And we can overcome any obstacle!

Beloved customers - hello New Year!
Let the winter and fabulous light shine on you,
And let "tomorrow" be more beautiful than "today",
And know: there are no more beautiful clients!

Let the holiday swirl you in a joyful whirlwind,
And everything that bothered you, let it go,
May this year bring you luck
May it bring you much joy!

Thanks for the trust
We are talking to all our clients!
And wholeheartedly congratulate
Happy New Year we want you.

All will be filled with hope -
You just have to wish!
Inseparable as before
We will be with you in the future.

May this New Year be with you
It will only bring joy.
In your house, let it always
The world lives and kindness.

In personal life, only happiness
Always waiting for you.
And in finance, only profit,
And good luck forever.

For a whole year they tried for you,
Tried to please everyone
There were different moments
Happy New Year to you customers!

With new happiness, dear ones,
Do good deeds
We, of course, wish you
And congratulations again!

We wish you a Happy New Year
For dreams to come true
To increase your income,
May you smile more often!

And let happiness in the eyes
Every moment will be read!
Come visit us more often
To buy goods!

Good luck to you customers
We wish you a New Year
Let the number of orders
Steadily growing upwards.

We wish that our
Relations were strengthened
Increased profits
The mood lifted.

Looking forward to the New Year
We have new orders from you
And wish you were
Both rich and healthy.

Dear partners without you
Could not in the outgoing year
I solve any problems
And avoid any misfortune.
Happy New Year to you
I want to wish from my heart
So that the business goes on, only holding us together -
I can definitely be trusted.
May competence, faith, accuracy,
Stability this New Year
They will add only strength to our union,
So that we do not steer at random.
Let the profit grow neatly
It should be enough for life
And so that everything comes true many times,
What have you guessed.

May the coming New Year
In business, it will bring good luck.
Let there be joy in the heart
And a miracle will happen in an instant!

Health to you and your loved ones.
May the New Year be generous
And let our partnership continue
Only strengthens, blooms!

I wish you a New Year organization
I'm only good and prosperity!
May you have enough motivation
To make your wishes come true!

May all goals be achievable
I want to always move forward!
May all troubles always pass by,
May success await you in the new year!

Let the organization always
In everything he has success, flourishes!
Let good luck bright star
You always shine in the sky!

I wish this New Year
It was full of great moments!
May it bring you a lot
Great victories and a sea of ​​​​achievements!

We wish you a Happy New Year, partners,
Thrive in your favorite business
Strive for new, important goals,
Believe in luck, win.

May the year bring you good luck
And let the money go into your hands
Let your workdays
Only positive is always carried.

Cooperation fruitful
Let it be ours, as always.
We wish you happiness and health,
And never give up.

I wish you a New Year
Brought success, achievements,
Let your business grow uphill
And life will be full of luck!

I wish you strength, lots of health,
More colorful ideas
And happiness bright, big,
And a lot of bright days!

May the New Year give you
New profitable project.
Don't let taxes scare you
Success is ahead of you.
May all wishes come true
And dreams come true.
We congratulate you, partners,
We are heartfelt today.

Dear friends!

May all good things multiply in the coming 2018,
Let there be acquaintances, meetings
And nice neighborhood
Happiness, joy, chances in life
And funds!
Happy holiday!

Dear friends, colleagues, clients, partners!

It's not long before the New Year.
Living in anticipation of the holidays
We hasten to congratulate you, reliable partners,
Desired clients and good friends!

May happiness accompany you in the New Year
And your wishes will come true,
For business - profit, success and luck,
Health, love and prosperity - in the family!

At any moment in winter and summer,
Hearts are open to you - without days off!
(Company name) with sincere greetings
Wishing you victories and good luck!

We value existing relationships
In partnership, both friendly and business.
And we don't hide our aspirations
Continue them now and later!

Universal wishes for official business congratulations:

  • implementation of creative ideas;
  • interesting fruitful ideas and opportunities for their implementation;
  • ongoing good luck and a fair wind in all endeavors;
  • stable financial position;
  • success in business and achievement of your goals;
  • thoughtful decisions and implementation of all projects;
  • wisdom, vigilance, patience and consistency;
  • well-being (for you and your company) and prosperity;
  • confidence in the future and inexhaustible optimism;
  • good spirits and good mood;
  • remain full of energy and vitality;
  • life luck and good luck;
  • positive attitude and great creative heights;
  • fulfillment of all your most cherished desires;
  • do not lose enthusiasm and enthusiasm;
  • mental comfort;
  • a sea of ​​joyful impressions;
  • let Luck, Recognition and Success be your constant companions.

The most beautiful, most romantic, most fragrant and most spring day is the holiday of March 8!
Beautiful - because on this day all women become even more beautiful,
romantic - because on this day the most incredible stories and acquaintances happen, fragrant - thousands of the most beautiful aromas are in the air, which give delight and excellent mood! After this holiday, no cold weather is terrible, because beauty and flowers bring real spring and warmth to our hearts! We wish all the clients of our firm unearthly happiness and great victories! We love you and are always waiting for you in our company!

Our beloved, reliable clients
We congratulate! Happy moments
Good luck on the eve of the New Year.
Let the exchange rates and the weather please.
New projects and new aspirations,
Reliable partners, right decisions.
Health and happiness, abundance in everything.
Happy New Year! With new forces!
We are your stability and prosperity.
Sincerely with you
Your company.

New Year's greetings to clients

We work so that you do not notice burdensome little things, and we are glad if we succeed! We are ready to solve complex problems, conquer new peaks, achieve our goals, so that in the new year you have more time to enjoy pleasant moments, which, we are sure, will be many! Happy new year friends!

New Year greetings to clients

Happy New Year!!! May this year bring you a lot of positive emotions! Thank you for always being with us! We are working for you!

Happy New Year greetings to partners and clients

Happy New Year to all our clients,
We send greetings to all our partners!
We wish you more joyful moments
Let good only come to you in response ...
We are glad to cooperation,
We hope you are happy too
Live simply, securely, at least forever -
So that we can meet again!

Happy New Year 2011 to clients

We are glad that you chose us
We have worked hard.
We want to wish you all a Happy New Year,
May your dreams come true soon.
May the coming year give you new success,
And we will help you as much as we can.
In the coming year there is happiness for everyone -
Clients and employees too.

New Year's greetings to customers in verse

Happy New Year we congratulate our customers,
Thank you for always being with us
Not from competitors.
We wish you happiness, love and good luck,
May everything be great for you
Today and beyond.

New Year's greetings to clients

Like frost on a spruce branch,
Like snow on roads, houses,
So our commonwealth again
Decorate success in business.
We heartily congratulate you
After all, the New Year rejoices us.
And we give a gift, of course,
To make you happy.

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For these congratulations, we have selected for you the following gifts from our catalog:

Each organization, no matter what activity it is engaged in, has its own customers, who must be supported and not forgotten during the holidays. Congratulations to clients, as a rule, are official and respectful. Such congratulations are sent on the eve of public holidays and signed by the entire staff of the organization. Of course, congratulations to customers are not sent using a mobile phone, they are usually sent through postal services or an electronic postcard. In such wishes, beautiful phrases, good parting words and best intentions are read, which can attract the attention of any connoisseur of beauty.

New Year is everyone's favorite and expected holiday of magic. He always carries hope for good changes, faith in the best. There is not much time left before such a long-awaited fabulous night, and very soon the sounds of this bright holiday will be heard from all sides, caught on all radio waves, placed on all billboards and read in the faces of bystanders.

It is customary to congratulate absolutely everyone on the New Year: relatives, friends, colleagues, as well as partners and clients. If you have your own business and you value your customers and partners, then you definitely need to pay a little attention to them and congratulate them on a wonderful holiday.

Congratulations for partners and clients on the New Year 2019 in prose

Dear partners! I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year. I look forward to further productive cooperation next year. I wish you new business success, joy in your personal life, the fulfillment of all your cherished desires and the achievement of your lofty goals. I am proud to work with such educated and wise people.

Dear partners, we sincerely congratulate you on the holidays! We hope that the same fruitful cooperation awaits us in the new year. We believe that the openness and trust that has developed between us will help us all achieve success and prosperity!

The year is coming to an end - rich, intense, fruitful - different. You have to congratulate your colleagues in the workshop - people who over these 365 days have become your second family, a reliable support in the common cause. The New Year's greetings we have collected for our clients and business partners provide an excellent opportunity to once again thank them for this, to give them a holiday. After all, the festive mood comes to the office not when the Coca-Cola car rings with bells from the TV screens, but with the first New Year's card that appears on the secretary's desk. And let not just a logo or a custom brand become her corporate identity in your case - let your official New Year wishes be the most sincere!

Dear colleagues! We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year and Merry Christmas! In the new year, in new dreams, we wish you to take all the best from the outgoing year: trusted old friends, reliable partners, established traditions of fruitful cooperation. We wish that your undertakings and initiatives in 2018 give a new voice to the wonderful Russian proverb - "Everything that is done is for the better!". Blessings to you and your loved ones!

Congratulations for partners and clients on the New Year 2019 in verse

Happy New Year,
With new money offspring,
Let on the tree instead of cones
Only banknotes rustle.

Let the champagne sparkle
The business plan will come true
Let the accountant get tired
Count mountains of dollars.

Let the crisis forget the path to you
May fortune love you
And our partnership will
Thrive year after year!

I wish you a Happy New Year
Great new beginnings
And so that he brings you success,
And what you most desire
Timid and willing clients,
Responsive and unfailing,
More income than you want
So that no one is offended.
For your business to flourish
And I avoided everyone's failure!

May the New Year and good times
Everything you wish will come true.
May all events be for you
It will turn out the way you dreamed.

Contracts - always profitable,
Good deals and success,
Reliable people for years
And the timing - so that not in a hurry.

Implement good ideas
You are not one more dozen,
To live happily ever after
In love, harmony, prosperity!

Dear partners, congratulations!
We will open a bottle of mood for you in the New Year,
We will launch salutes of success and good luck into the air,
Yes, we wish from the bottom of our hearts that you become richer.
It is easy for us to work with you, it is pleasant to cooperate,
And there are no different omissions, everything is always clear.
In the new year, let all your plans come true,
Let the usual cash flow suddenly become a fountain.
We wish you to live beautifully and enjoy life.
Decide, dream, move forward and smile happily.
Hurray partners! We will remember you when twelve strikes!

New Year is a miracle New Year is magic
So let him give only good,
Will illuminate you with hope, luck, success
And bestow health, fun and laughter.
It will be prosperous, happy for you,
Bring the fulfillment of desires now!

Happy New Year!
We wish you happy days.
May wishes come true.
All success, prosperity.

Let health not fail
God takes away sorrows
Joy fills the house
All adversity will become a dream!

We've been working all year
There was a lot of work:
Agreement, bills, payments,
Cash, clearing and customs clearance.

And today wishes
We send you without delay:
Let your capital grow
And there will be a wave of customers.

We have not worked in vain.
Happy New Year to you, friends!

Happy New Year!
We wish prosperity
Don't be afraid of competitors
And develop steadily.

Wonderful new perspectives
Interesting proposals.
So that financial income
Yours has grown over this year.

Lots of happy events
Innovation and discovery.
Avoid various risks
And become even more successful.

We boldly confess to you:
We are glad to do business with you.
May the coming New Year
It will bring you good luck!

In the New Year - new bright events,
New ideas to you and new discoveries,
Reliable partners, success, good luck,
From the invested funds - one hundred percent return.

Stability in the new year, prosperity,
May all wishes come true!
At a steady pace - from year to year,
May your income continue to grow!

May the New Year bring you good luck
Success in business and the correctness of decisions,
So that there is always a return on business!
I sincerely wish you new achievements!

May the coming New Year
In business, it will bring good luck.
Let there be joy in the heart
And a miracle will happen in an instant!

Health to you and your loved ones.
May the New Year be generous
And let our partnership continue
Only strengthens, blooms!

We work for you
Every day and every hour.
We are always glad to see you -
There is no better reward for us.

Happy New Year.
We wish everyone as a team
You miracles and surprises.
Well, fabulous moments!

Our lovely clients!
Here is the feast at the gate.
long-awaited moments
Miracle, fairy tale, New Year!

Happy New Year!
Respect and love
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you:
Be happy friends!

Be cheerful, healthy
Believe in your destiny.
And of course we look forward to seeing you again.
We are next year!

Happy New Year with a new happiness,
Congratulations to all clients
And of course with love
We wish you joy.

Be happy, healthy
And successful all year
Grow, thrive
And live without worries.

May prosperity be in your families
Growing up every day
And comfort well-being
Forever enter your home!

Thanks for the trust
We are talking to all our clients!
And wholeheartedly congratulate
Happy New Year we want you.

All will be filled with hope -
You just have to wish!
Inseparable as before
We will be with you in the future.
