Before a date, the fair sex sniffs their hand. Smells can kill sexual desire

A date is an exciting moment. So you want to make an impression, to be on top, to look dazzling. A beautiful dress, underwear “for a special occasion” are already ready, it’s time to pay attention to what is most important - take care of tactile sensations. Smoothness of the skin, softness of the hair, body odor - this is what sets the tone.

However, it is worth remembering that many beauty procedures, and not just salon ones, require time for rehabilitation. Therefore, resolutely refuse waxing (waxing), coloring, haircuts, any beauty injections, or aggressive cleansing. Which procedures should I say “yes” to?

5 beauty treatments before a date

Relaxing bath

A warm bath is an ideal way to find harmony between body and soul. When immersed in warm water, the muscles relax, blood flow improves, and the skin begins to more actively accept beneficial substances from the outside. Therefore, it is necessary to add some miraculous composition to the water. Cleopatra, for example, made a good advertisement for milk baths. Just one liter is enough to make your skin soft and velvety after a bath. Pour milk into warm water (37-38°), mix 3 tbsp. spoons of honey and an aroma composition of essential oils (about 20 drops). Take a bath for 20 minutes.

How to enhance the effect? Dim lighting will promote complete relaxation. Light at least one candle and enjoy the moment.

Aromatic peeling

Peeling will help make the skin soft and increase its sensitivity. You can use any composition - ready-made, classic homemade kefir-based, etc. But if you really want to tune in to a wave of pleasure, then do a special peeling with the most delicate aroma of cocoa, which is an aphrodisiac. To prepare it, combine 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and sour cream with tbsp. spoon of cocoa. Start the procedure immediately after preparing the composition. Apply peeling in small portions using massaging circular movements - start from the feet and gradually move to the body. Rinse off the peeling with warm water and pat dry with a towel.

How to enhance the effect? To ensure that the nutrients and cocoa aroma have time to saturate the skin, do not rush to wash off the peeling. Keep the composition on the body for 10 minutes.

Energy massage

Any massage activates the body, helps relieve fatigue, and get rid of internal tension. An oil massage of the feet will help not only awaken the necessary flows of energy in you, but will also serve as good care for the capricious skin of this area, making the feet softer and smoother. So, rinse your feet with cool water, starting with your shins. Art. Pour a spoonful of almond, olive or sesame oil into a saucer. Taking a little oil into your hands, massage your foot along the entire length, not forgetting your toes. At the end of the procedure, wipe your feet with a towel soaked in hot water.

How to enhance the effect? If your relationship is conducive to this, do not forget to pamper your man with such a massage. He will be very grateful to you!

Magic rinses

It doesn’t matter whether you have a hairstyle or not, the confidence that your hair is clean, silky, and exudes a subtle, pleasant aroma will help you feel great. You can make them exactly like this with the help of a special rinsing.

To prepare, you need two lemons and 500 ml of cool water. Combine lemon juice with water and rinse your hair with this mixture after conditioning. For oily strands, do not rinse off the composition, but for dry strands, leave for a couple of minutes and rinse. This rinse will give your curls a dazzling shine, volume, and make them silky and manageable.

Nourishing masks

Before applying makeup, you need to take care of your facial skin, eliminate circles, bags, and puffiness under the eyes. The following recipes can do this:

  • Beat the yolk with a teaspoon. honey and 1/4 teaspoon. olive oil, stir in the juice of half an orange. Apply the mixture to your face, leave for 15 minutes, and wash.
  • Soak cotton pads in cool milk and leave on your eyes for 1/4 hour. You will definitely like the result.
  • Connect st. spoon of flour and yolk, dilute the mixture with cold green tea to the consistency of sour cream, lubricate your face and neck with it. After leaving for 20 minutes, rinse and use nourishing cream.

Makeup before a date

Perfect makeup in 15 minutes

IN even out your skin tone. Conceal dark circles and imperfections with a concealer. Apply foundation with SPF. Set with powder. IN highlight your cheekbones. Using a fluffy brush, apply matte bronzer to your cheekbones, temples and chin. But the area above the cheekbones and the hollow above the upper lip is a highlighter. R blend out the shadows. Apply cream shadows of a golden hue to the moving eyelid. Apply brown shadow to the crease of the top one, blend it towards the outer corner. Z Darken the corners of your eyes. To add expressiveness to your eyes, apply a deeper shade of brown eyeshadow to the lower and upper corners of your upper eyelid. P tint your eyelashes. Draw a thin line using black eyeliner. Cover your eyelashes with several layers of mascara.

Or glue on false eyelashes. With them, the look becomes deep and enchanting. And it's not at all difficult to use.

  1. Choose those that will look as natural as possible. The most popular are tufted, nodular and flat-based cilia. With their help, you can experiment with length, thickness, shape and even wear them every day. Tape eyelashes are much easier to use and more common on sale.
  2. Fix any eyelashes to the growth line of your own eyelashes using glue. To do this, choose a clear, dark-colored glue that matches the color of your natural eyelashes.
  3. Glue bunched eyelashes to the corner of the eye (5 bunches on each side). After the glue has set, line the lash line to hide the traces of eyelash gluing.
  4. If you are gluing strip eyelashes, first try them on (apply them to your eyelid) and, if the length is longer, carefully trim the excess with nail scissors.
  5. Using tweezers, carefully take the eyelash strip, apply glue to it with a cotton swab and apply it as close as possible to the growth area of ​​your natural eyelashes.
  6. To remove eyelashes, simply pull the outer edge of the artificial eyelash strip. Then clean it immediately. Any makeup remover lotion or micellar water will work for this. When the eyelashes dry a little, put them in a special box, where they won’t get wrinkled and you can use them again.

  • In summer, use cosmetic products with SPF. Don't forget to cleanse your skin first. Instead, use a moisturizer with a UV filter.
  • Burnt, red, flaky nose? Do not use a scrub, it is better to nourish the skin well with. A beige color corrector without pink pigments will help disguise redness. A foundation with reflective particles will make peeling less noticeable. And be sure to use sunscreen in the future.
  • Are you going to do waxing? Before shaving, dip the razor in ice water for a few seconds, and then lubricate the skin with soothing milk - this will minimize irritation. A good and “lazy” way to get rid of hair is depilatory cream in the shower: apply it a minute before water procedures, and then remove with a sponge.

Any woman is worried before a date, be it the fifth or even with her own husband on the tenth wedding anniversary. This anxiety prevents you from being yourself and enjoying the moment.

Remember: preparing for a romantic meeting, how you will look on a date is not all about the man, but about you. Please yourself first! Turn on some nice music, pour a glass of champagne... and off you go. You already have an action plan.

When you're about to have a wild, sexy date, the last thing you want is to leave a mixed impression on your partner. No one wants to suffer from bloating, smell bad sweat, or experience a decrease in libido. Some products play tricks on us. All of them are useful when it comes to weight loss, but they can harm your unexpected rendezvous. Use them on days when you plan to sleep in splendid isolation.


Before ordering mushroom and bean soup at a restaurant, think twice. Legumes contain oligosaccharides - indigestible molecules that are poorly absorbed by the body. But a more serious problem in the case of an upcoming intimate date is bloating and increased gas production. Neither of these things will make you or your partner feel good.

Cruciferous vegetables

Broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower contain raffinose (a non-reducing trisaccharide) and sulfates. These compounds promote increased gas production and put you in an awkward position in front of your romantic partner. There is no enzyme in our bodies that can break down raffinose. So when cabbage enters the lower intestines, they are fermented by bacteria and converted into methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen.


If you're going on a date, try to avoid snacks that contain raw or pickled onions in addition to vegetables and meat. Like coffee, garlic and other spices, this healthy food changes your body odor. This is why sweat becomes more acrid. Volatile enzymes in spices and caffeine have the ability to interact with proteins in the eccrine glands. But an even greater nuisance is the pronounced odor from the mouth. Passionate kisses should not taste like onions.

Non-organic soy products

Soy contains phytoestrogens, non-steroidal compounds that can interfere with hormonal balance in both men and women. Do not consume soy products before a romantic date, otherwise you can expect a significant decrease in libido. One scientific study, published in the journal Nutrition, found that switching to a vegan diet and eating too much soy causes men to lose libido and erections. Do not consume soy milk, tofu, soybeans, or vegan meat substitutes if you believe these products are of poor quality or contain genetically modified substances.


If you like to quench your thirst with a cold mug of beer or prefer to drink this drink instead of a glass of red wine with dinner, give up the tradition before sexual pleasures. Firstly, alcohol causes a change in consciousness, and secondly, it negatively affects libido. Hops contain phytoestrogens, so leave drinking beer until better times.

Sweets and bakery products

If there are any food sex saboteurs, it's your favorite sweets, packed with trans fats and sugar. Eating donuts, pancakes and cakes clogs your arteries with cholesterol plaques, which leads to cardiovascular problems in the long run. Well, if we talk about the coming night, then baked goods and sweet desserts lead to an instant release of insulin. In men, this leads to decreased testosterone levels. If you are a die-hard sweet tooth, you probably already have some excess belly fat. This is another piece of bad news for men. Belly fat increases estrogen levels, reducing libido and erectile function.

Liquorice candy

Liquorice candies made from licorice root contain glycyrrhizic acid, which is responsible for the unique taste of the delicacy. However, this substance can also suppress testosterone production. In one scientific study, a group of men consumed small amounts of licorice candy daily that contained at least 0.5 grams of glycyrrhizic acid. Over the four days of the study, the volunteers' testosterone levels dropped by 35 percent.


Did you know that antibiotics and growth hormones are used in the production of hard cheese (and other dairy products)? Stomach discomfort is not something you want to feel during sexual pleasure. When one partner's stomach growls, it unsettles both.


If you're a die-hard fan of asparagus, you've probably noticed some strange reactions in your body to these foods. First of all, asparagus changes the smell of urine to an unpleasant and pungent one, comparable to the smell of rotten cabbage or rotting eggs.

Processed meat products

Do you prefer to buy sausages and sausages at the supermarket? Know that their cellophane shells are made from polyvinyl chloride. This substance affects hormonal changes and sexual desire. Additionally, all processed meats contain hormones, preservatives and antibiotics.

What do men want? What to wear on a first date? ? These and similar questions are swirling in the heads of the fair half of humanity. When going on a first date, women spend hours primping themselves in the mirror, going through outfits and different looks, trying to figure out what is best to wear and what to say.

To help Signorina readers with this question, we spoke to several attractive men who lead active lifestyles and date women to find out what they really want from a woman on a first date.

1. Intelligence and sense of humor

On the first date, men want to get to know you better, but this does not mean that you should limit yourself to a banal and boring story about your life. They'd rather hear something more interesting, so show off your intelligence and wit instead of talking about what college you went to and how much you hate your boss.

2. Don’t change your usual image

There is no need to experiment with your appearance and create a new image, he liked you the way you are. If you go to a salon before a date and spend half a day there, changing your haircut, hair color and makeup, it’s not at all a fact that he will appreciate these changes. The same applies to changing your clothing style: wearing an extremely short skirt and high-heeled shoes that you have never worn, you will feel constrained and he will certainly notice it.

3. Fleeting touches

If you are attracted to him, casually touch him. We're not talking about going all out and passionately hugging, but about leaning towards him and touching him when talking. Placing your hand on his shoulder or knee will let him know you're interested. Conversely, if you are not interested in him, let his body language show it. Cross your arms or lean to the side while he speaks; he will certainly understand your hint.

4. Wear something red

The color red is often associated with love and romance. And many men are more attracted to women who wear red. You don't have to drape yourself in red from head to toe - just add red accessories like a bright red handbag, red strappy sandals and, of course, sparkling red lipstick.

5. Light perfume

Don't wear heavy perfumes - most men hate it. But according to the latest scientific research on the interpretation and study of smell and taste, conducted in Chicago, men are turned on by natural smells, such as the smell of cinnamon or a mixture of lavender and pumpkin scents. Use body wash, lotion and shampoo with these scents.

Etiquette for the first intimate date

There are no specific norms of behavior during a first intimate date. However, the most important thing during the first intimate date is to listen to your partner’s desires, respond to them and enjoy it. According to erotic etiquette, you should not discuss sex techniques before or during sexual intercourse. However, it is worth talking in advance about issues that affect your well-being and health, such as how far to go in a sexual relationship and whether you need to “go all the way”. It is necessary to discuss in advance which types of contraceptives are best to use. Of course, such conversations are not easy to have. If you focus too much on these issues, you can alienate the person you like. However, if such topics are not discussed at all, further relationships will not be able to be trusting.

On the first intimate date, a woman should have a condom (male or female) with her and insist on using it. If you don't have a condom on hand, you should avoid penetrative sex.

You can talk about sex before your first intimate date. Even if you feel embarrassed, it's still worth talking about it. For example, you could say, “I'm a little embarrassed to talk about this, but what are we going to do tonight?” To avoid getting into a difficult situation during intercourse, you should ask in advance about how you will make sex safe. Otherwise, everything can happen spontaneously and lead to unpleasant consequences. It is better to avoid a situation where everything happens too quickly and you are powerless to change anything.

According to erotic etiquette, sexual intercourse should be preceded by a love foreplay, during which you can be active or lie quietly and enjoy the caresses.

The Kama Sutra states that intercourse should be twice as long as it takes to achieve orgasm, caresses after intercourse should be twice as long as coitus itself, and caresses before intercourse should be twice as long as caresses after it. Sexual intercourse without foreplay can cause mutual disappointment.

If lovers are left alone for the first time, they should not rush things, but try to cool down the ardor and, if possible, think through their actions. Love foreplay helps to provide maximum pleasure to each other and explore the partner’s body.

There are no strict rules determining the duration of foreplay, and cannot exist for many reasons. The age of the partners, their physical or emotional state, the time of day and the place where the love game takes place - all this is reflected in the speed at which the couple reaches the maximum degree of arousal.

To learn how to caress your partner, you need to love him. You should know that there are no awkward men or inept women, but there are many who do not love or who do not love enough. Technique alone cannot achieve fulfilling sexual relationships. But in any case, you should try to use your body in such a way as to enhance mutual sensations.

Each person is individual, has many erogenous zones and reacts differently to lovemaking. In order to get to know your partner better, you need to study his body well. When doing an erotic massage, you can try to determine the preferences of each of the lovers.

Partners who spend no more than 5 minutes on foreplay most often experience a feeling of internal dissatisfaction after the end of sexual intercourse. This is especially true for women. During this time they do not even have time to get excited. As a rule, not all men know that kissing and caresses are the love game that precedes sex.

The occurrence of an erection in a man also does not mean complete readiness for sexual intercourse. For example, it will be much more pleasant for him if his partner gives an erotic massage before sexual contact. The opinion that a man should be caressed only in the genital area is considered erroneous. Partners need to find out which parts of the body are most pleasant for them to touch.

Love foreplay can last an hour. But the best thing to do is spend the whole day in bed together, exploring each other. Don't be afraid to experiment and enjoy erotic caresses and kisses.

According to erotic etiquette, the first intimate meeting should be romantic. First of all, partners should find a comfortable and quiet place where no one will disturb and there is no need to rush.

In the modern lifestyle, people believe that such moments as preparations for an intimate evening are a waste of time, but they are fundamental in erotic etiquette and bring new notes to the relationship between a man and a woman.

Despite the sexual revolution that has occurred in recent decades, many people, due to ignorance of erotic etiquette, have not learned to give their other half the joy of physical communication.

Slow, quiet music, light wine and dim lights will help partners relax.

The room should be warm and cozy. At the same time, overhead lighting should be avoided: it creates eye strain and is distracting.

On your first intimate date, you should avoid fast dance rhythms, which will ruin the romantic atmosphere. At the same time, you need to try to make sure that the music plays all the time, so as not to be distracted by changing the CD. For this, it is best to choose a long melody. It’s better to ask in advance what kind of music your future partner prefers. If he doesn't like music at all, it should be played only in the first minutes and then turned off.

You can turn on an oil lamp in the room where the first date will take place, filling it with oil that both partners like the smell of.

It is very important that during your first intimate date you do not experience any discomfort: only in this case will you feel complete relaxation and satisfaction.

A partner who is asking someone else out on a date needs to make sure that the bed where intercourse may take place is not too soft, otherwise the partner will drown in it. It is best to use a hard mattress. The right atmosphere for your first intimate date will only be created when you eliminate everything that can distract and disturb you.

You shouldn't be shy about giving compliments. Make sure that your partner is pleased not only with your movements, but also with your words.

Some young couples prefer playful intimacy. Such foreplay also leaves pleasant memories.

Undressing is one of the most important parts of love foreplay. You should undress gradually. This will help partners appreciate the beauty of each other's body.

Undressing will help prepare an atmosphere filled with erotic experiences. If a woman wants to excite her partner even more, she can perform a mini-striptease in front of him. By dancing slowly, she can expose hidden parts of her body one by one to please a man with an erotic performance.

Many couples mistakenly perceive undressing as something a woman does for a man. But getting naked in front of your partner shouldn't be a one-way process. Not only the man, but also the woman should enjoy this.

If a woman has never undressed in front of a man, she should not do this on the first intimate date, because she will experience severe embarrassment.

If a woman has similar experience, she can give her partner many pleasant moments by turning undressing into a striptease. To do this, she needs to do her hair, makeup and polish her nails before the date.

When undressing each other, it is best to do it at the same time. In this case, you should not help your partner, but encouraging him with words is not prohibited.

If the partner is relaxed, while undressing they can perform a striptease or show some of its elements, gradually exposing parts of the body to please each other. Such a mini-performance will remain in the memory for a long time and will become part of the best erotic memories.

A woman on a first date may begin to undress in front of a man, slowly removing items of clothing from herself, and then begin to remove clothes from her partner.

After the outer clothing is removed, there is no need to undress completely (this is especially true for women). A man will not immediately see the naked body of his partner, leaving contemplation of it for later.

Men usually don't place much importance on showing off their body to their partner, but most women are attracted to a man's body. Even simple, from a man’s point of view, body movements can delight a partner and make a lasting impression on her.

Kisses, hugs, and light touches are elements of flirting with a partner. All of them are pleasant and absolutely necessary for the emergence of sensual desire. They prepare partners for the sexual activity that will follow the love foreplay. Kisses, caresses, hugs can play an independent role and not require continuation, since each of these actions will bring great pleasure to lovers.

If one of the partners does not want foreplay to be followed by full sexual intercourse, he warns the other about this. Even if sexual play does not end with coitus, it has a beneficial effect on a person, increasing vitality and improving mood.

At the beginning of love foreplay, partners should lightly and unobtrusively caress each other. In this case, it is advisable for the woman to be facing the man in order to see his reaction. A woman can move closer to a man and touch his chest, and then lightly run her hand over his back and buttocks. Accidental touching of the genitals is also acceptable.

It should be noted that caresses are liked mainly by women, exciting them. A man can caress a woman’s inner thighs, lower abdomen, back and buttocks, which will certainly give her great pleasure.

On your first intimate date, kissing will be an integral part of the evening. They can mean tenderness, love. Kissing your loved one is a wonderful way to show your affection for him. The touching of lovers' lips is a special sacrament, a gift from Venus, the goddess of love.

In erotic etiquette, kissing is an element of flirting with a partner.

So-called sexual-erotic kisses are considered a necessary element of love foreplay. If you follow etiquette, when you first get closer, you should not overuse kisses. They should be light and short-lived.

Kisses on the nipples, belly, pubis and inner thighs are possible if the partners have known each other for a long time. Otherwise, both the man and the woman will almost certainly feel constrained and awkward from these caresses.

Deep kisses are considered the highest manifestation of passion. Among the latter, the “Kiss of Souls” - the so-called French kiss - is especially popular. It is not practiced in all countries. Thus, in Asia it is considered indecent, and in some countries of Africa and Asia it is completely unknown.

The French kissing technique is simple, but men often make a common mistake. They try to stick their tongue as deep as possible into their partner’s mouth, trying to give her maximum pleasure. In practice, everything turns out the other way around: the partner doesn’t like it, but in most cases she doesn’t say anything due to her tact and natural shyness. This leads to the fact that over and over again she is forced to experience unpleasant sensations when deeply penetrated by her partner’s tongue.

In love foreplay, you can’t immediately start deep kissing. This is contrary to the norms of etiquette, moreover, it can frighten the partner and cool her ardor.

The most important thing is to know that any kiss will be unpleasant if a man comes on a date unshaven. Men with a mustache or goatee are attractive to many women, but none of them like it when hard stubble scratches delicate skin.

If a man sincerely wants every sexual encounter to be a real holiday for his partner, he should try to direct the conversation about sexual preferences in the right direction and call his beloved for a frank conversation about her desires. Otherwise, the man will constantly doubt whether his partner is satisfied or not.

To get frankness from a partner, a man does not have to insist that she talk about her desires. He should excite her, and then give her the opportunity to act independently, show her exactly what she expects from her beloved.

It is quite possible that a woman has not yet decided on her sexual preferences and that a sensitive and passionate partner will be able to give her real pleasure.

A woman who trusts her partner and strives for sexual harmony with him will be willing to experiment in bed and will be happy to try new positions. Partners do not have to pre-plan what and how they will do. Most often, a change of position occurs spontaneously at the request of one of the partners or by their mutual consent.

A man can express a desire to change position by moving his body, turning over, turning his partner or changing the position of his or her legs.

If a woman does not resist his movements, in this way she expresses her consent, and the man can safely proceed with his plans.

If her body tenses or she resists, it means that at the moment she does not want to change anything and, apparently, she really likes the sensations that she experiences from sexual intercourse in this position.

In this case, the man should not insist on his own. Better try again next time. If the man again encounters resistance from his partner, then most likely the position proposed by the partner causes her discomfort. In this case, the man should not try again. He needs to talk softly and delicately with his partner, finding out what doesn’t suit her.

If the rejection of the position is associated with some past failures, the man needs to convince his beloved that he will be able to show her all the charm of this sexual position.

A man should remember that most women like sexual innovations, which can be achieved not only by changing the position during sexual intercourse, but also by changing the environment.

For example, making love on a table attracts many women because such an unusual place for intimacy makes them feel incredibly desirable.

If a woman is not yet in the mood for intimacy, and a man immediately starts deep caresses, this will look insulting to her.

Sexual communication between a couple must have its own system of signals. If both partners feel these signals, they understand what type of affection is needed and appropriate. But the one who had the desire first, according to erotic etiquette, must take care to convey his desire to another. He should start with the lightest and most superficial caresses, deepening them as he feels a response to them.

There is one good rule in etiquette: a true gentleman does not run ahead of a lady and does not walk behind, but lets her go a little ahead (with the exception of dangerous situations and dragging heavy objects). A true lady, in turn, knows how to keep a gentleman at the required distance. This rule should be followed on your first intimate date.

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How to behave on your first intimate date There are no specific norms of behavior during your first intimate date. However, the most important thing during the first intimate date is to listen to your partner’s desires, respond to them and enjoy it.

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ANDREEVA (nee Yurkovskaya, in her first marriage Zhelyabuzhskaya) Maria Fedorovna 4(16).7.1868 – 8.12.1953Dramatic actress, public figure. Member of the RSDLP since 1904. On stage since 1894. In 1898–1905 – actress of the Moscow Art Theater; in 1913–1914 - at the Sukhodolsky Theater in Moscow; in 1914–1917 - at the Nezlobin Theater; in 1919–1926 – in

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BROMLEY (in the first marriage Vilborg, in the second Sushkevich) Nadezhda Nikolaevna 17 (29).4.1884 – 27.5.1966Actress, director, playwright, poetess, novelist. Publications in the journals “Northern Notes” and “Russian Thought”. Book of poetry and prose “Paphos” (Moscow, 1911) collections of stories and short stories “Confession”

The question of how to kiss on the lips correctly worries not only young people, but also adults who are married and already have children. There are often cases when people who have lived together for several years have not learned to do this. But a kiss is very important, especially for the fair sex; it is considered one of the best forms of manifestation of intimacy between two people.

So let's look at how to kiss properly.

Types and methods

First of all, you need to understand what a kiss is like:

  • related;
  • friendly;
  • love.

When a person touches the cheeks of friends and relatives with his lips, this is considered to be a form of expressing joy or greeting. Kissing friends and relatives when meeting and saying goodbye is normal among Italians and French. This tradition can also be found among some Slavic peoples.

Love, in turn, is divided into the following:

  • butterfly wings;
  • French with language;
  • farewell;
  • passionate kiss.

Butterfly wings represent gentle touches with closed lips of various parts of the body: lips, neck, cheeks, eyes. At the same time, you can whisper various gentle words into your loved one’s ear.

Goodbye kiss most often characteristic of the end of a date or meeting. People give it to each other as a sign of gratitude for the evening spent. But such light and gentle touches can smoothly turn into a passionate impulse, which, in turn, becomes a harbinger of a stormy night for two loving people.

If we talk about erotic kiss, then most often it represents a harbinger of intimacy between two people. If young people decide to have sex, they need to learn how to kiss correctly. At the same time, this process should not put a person in an awkward position, making him embarrassed. During a kiss, both partners should enjoy what is happening, and also be relaxed and confident.

  • Under no circumstances should you eat food with garlic or onions before a date; it is also not recommended to drink alcohol or smoke. It will be very unpleasant for a guy to kiss a drunk woman who also smells of cigarettes;
  • a girl must bring her hands, lips, and hair to perfect condition. Outwardly, she should look like candy, smell delicious, be beautiful so that the guy wants to eat her;
  • If desired, you can organize a romantic atmosphere. For example, dim the lights slightly, light candles, scatter rose petals, light an aroma lamp;
  • Body and oral hygiene plays a very important role. Surely everyone knows that bad breath can discourage even the most loving person from kissing. If at the same time you do not have the opportunity to brush your teeth at the moment, then use chewing gum, oral spray, you can also eat an apple or chew parsley;
  • When kissing, try not to freeze in one position. Relax yourself and let your partner relax, while stroking his back, hair and shoulders;
  • Don't be shy under any circumstances. Concentrate on the pleasure you receive, not on the kissing technique itself.

Some even learn to kiss properly using tomatoes or peaches. In this case, you need to imagine a vegetable or fruit as your partner’s lips.

On the first date

The first kiss is the most exciting event in the life of every couple. If both partners can do this correctly, you can give each other great pleasure. Often chaste and young girls have a question about when they can let a guy kiss them for the first time. It should immediately be noted that any guy who respects a girl will appreciate her, and the girl should not attack the guy’s neck on the first date.

But if you look at the statistics, 70% of young people not only kissed on the first date, but also had sexual intercourse. True, such relationships were not durable. That is why, if a girl is really dear to a guy, then he should show respect for her principles.

Everyone decides for themselves what kind of relationship they need and what they want to get from them. At the same time, the unspoken rule says that decent girls on the first date should not attack a guy and allow him something unnecessary.

Of course, this fact will cool down frivolous men, while serious and interested guys, on the contrary, will be more interested in a woman.

But there are often cases when a girl just likes a guy, but he doesn’t show her any signs of attention. In this situation, the girl needs to act very wisely and subtly, resorting to feminine cunning and charm. To win a guy, first of all, you need to study his interests. For example, go to a football match with a young man if he is a fan. But you will have to do this, naturally, together with the guy, rejoicing at every goal scored by your favorite team.

If a young man is a romantic, then night walks under the moon, conversations about poetry and music will become quite pleasant for him. But the data conversations should be natural and sincere. You shouldn’t go overboard to please your loved one. After all, men, as a rule, feel the sincerity of women.

As for the first kiss with a guy, it should be gentle and sensual. The girl will seem to give the young man some of her freshness and youth. There is no need to rush things, but it is also considered wrong to show excessive shyness.

Kiss with tongue

With a French kiss, uncertainty and timidity are eliminated. Most often this happens in a fit of passion and the intensity of love emotions. You should not resort to such open caresses if the girl is not ready for this. A man should be quite patient and attentive to his partner.

During intimate caresses it is necessary to avoid deep penetration of the tongue. Remember also that kissing is not considered a sporting competition. In addition, avoid excessive salivation.

When kissing with tongue, take into account the following points:

  • The quality of a tongue kiss will directly depend on the feelings of the partners. If a guy is in love with a girl, then he will be able to give her an unforgettable experience, even if he is inexperienced in amorous matters. Therefore, it is recommended to learn to kiss together with your loved one;
  • as mentioned earlier, you need to look neat in appearance, your body must be clean. In addition to the fact that fresh breath is important during an intimate kiss, the body should also emit a pleasant smell, hair should be clean, nails should be well-groomed, and clothes should be neat. All these aspects can create an aura of intimacy;
  • Girls should observe moderation in cosmetics. Because licking tasteless lipstick will be unpleasant for a guy. Pay special attention to perfume. It shouldn't be harsh or intense. On a date, a girl should smell fresh, tender, and natural;
  • the kiss should be relaxed and natural. The guy does not have to tell the girl that he is going to kiss her now;
  • You should also not hold your breath before a kiss, because it is not a sports jump. Breathe calmly and naturally;
  • so that noses do not interfere during a kiss, the head should be positioned at an angle to the partner’s head;
  • hug your partner while kissing. Place your hands around your neck and stroke your partner's back.

French kissing technique

Forget about complexes, there are no taboos here.

The French kissing technique is as follows:

  • start with a light touch on your partner’s lips;
  • after that, close your eyes, pressing against the lips of your loved one, while slightly opening your mouth;
  • insert your tongue into your loved one’s mouth, touch his tongue and gently move yours. The tongue should not be sluggish or very tense. The kiss should be natural and relaxed;
  • the partners’ tongues should mutually touch each other, while stroking each other in different directions and places;
  • lips should also participate in the kiss. Touch your lips to your partner’s lips with varying intensities: sometimes more gently, sometimes harder. Throughout the kiss, the partners' mouths should not open;
  • during and after a passionate kiss, you can kiss your partner’s face, which will add a certain amount of pleasant sensations;
  • the depth, speed and method of kissing should change. You can move from a passionate kiss to a gentle one, or vice versa.

A passionate kiss should involve deep penetration of the tongue, while a gentle kiss should be characterized by delicacy and softness.

Technology is passionate

If young people feel sympathy for each other, a natural attraction forms between them, which, as a rule, leads to intimacy. A passionate kiss is the first step to violent sex. You can kiss passionately using the tongue, as described in the previous version, but you can do without it. You can simply bite your partner's lips.

In the first option, the partner’s tongue can caress the girl’s tender lips or passionately penetrate her mouth. This option will bring more sensual pleasures to your lover.

When kissing passionately, you must follow the following technique:

  • Lean slightly towards your partner, open your mouth slightly and gently touch his lips. If the partner is quite experienced, then he should respond to this touch by touching his tongue to the partner’s lips. If this does not happen, then the girl should take the initiative into her own hands;
  • lick the guy's tongue in a circular motion. For many men, the tongue is an erogenous zone, so such manipulations will bring pleasure to the partner. This must be done very carefully so as not to accidentally bite;
  • many men prefer stroking the inside of their lips with a woman's tongue. To do this, you need to run your tongue along the inner contour of your mouth;
  • hands should also be used during a kiss. The girl should gently hug her beloved by the neck, while caressing the shoulders, chest and back.

How to kiss a guy first

In intimate caresses, it is usually customary to give the initiative to the man. We should not forget that a man is a hunter and a conqueror. But what if the guy is very indecisive and shy? In this case, the girl is allowed to take the first step.

To kiss a guy first, you need to look at him with an inviting look. Eyes are the mirror of the soul, they are truly better than any words. At the same time, the girl must directly and frankly look the guy in the eyes, letting him know that she wants to kiss him.

Next, you need to gently hug the guy and pull him towards you. Closing her eyes, the girl should press herself to the guy’s lips. When she kisses her partner on the lips, she needs to open her mouth slightly; with this action, the girl makes it clear to the guy that she is ready for more daring actions.

If a guy loves a girl, he will definitely answer her with a passionate French kiss, hugging her tightly. However, you shouldn’t demonstrate all your skills at once during the first kiss.


Watch the video instructions that will help you learn the technique of cool kisses.
