Cross cradle. Looking for the right way to bottle feed your newborn? An overview of the most comfortable nursing positions

The process of feeding a child should take place in the most comfortable conditions and not cause unnecessary trouble. It is necessary to choose suitable positions for breastfeeding so that the mother can relax and rest, and the baby can be properly satiated. In a favorable environment, the outflow of milk is easier, and in an uncomfortable position, on the contrary, breast problems may occur, including cracked nipples or lactostasis.

Although any mother tries to intuitively find a comfortable position for feeding a child, it is better to know a few possible options that can come in handy in different situations. In addition, to reduce the likelihood of milk stagnation, it is recommended to periodically change the position, since only certain areas of the breast are emptied in each position.

Whatever position you choose, there are a few rules for comfortable feeding:

  • The body of the crumbs should be in one direction, that is, the head, shoulders, tummy and legs are turned in one direction.
  • It is better to hold newborns with your hand obliquely along the entire body, while supporting their head.
  • Sit comfortably without leaning sideways or pulling your chest out towards your baby. Better pull the baby closer to you.
  • It is necessary to give the breast so that the baby captures not only the nipple itself, but also part of the areola (the areola), to a greater extent from below.
  • When feeding, the baby's lips should be slightly turned out, and the mouth should be wide open.
  • For a comfortable position, get several pillows, from small to large, so that they can be placed under the arms, lower back or head.
  • Thanks to skin-to-skin contact, milk is released more easily, so it is advisable to choose thin fabrics in clothes for yourself and your baby at the time of feeding.

By following the basic rules, you can make the feeding process convenient in any of the selected positions. And yet, what positions for breastfeeding are there and in what cases is it better to use them?

Pose "cradle"

This position is considered classical. Sitting on an armchair or sofa, the woman holds the baby on her arm under the breast with which she is going to feed. The head of the child at this time is located at the level of the elbow. If the baby was born recently, then the mother holds his ass with her palm, and if he is already a few months old - behind the back. The baby is turned towards the mother's breast, belly to belly.

To make it more comfortable to hold the baby at your chest, you can arrange your legs on a slight elevation. For added comfort, place a pillow under your back and lean on it. In this position, it is difficult to keep the weight of the baby on your own arm out of habit for a long time, so it is recommended to lean on an object with your elbow. Such a support can be, for example, a pillow or armrest of a chair.

One variation of this position is standing feeding. Thus, moving with smooth steps around the bedroom, the mother can rock the baby and put her to bed.

Another type of posture is the “cross cradle”. The position remains the same, only the hand with which you embrace the baby changes. If the baby suckles from the right breast, you support him with your left hand, and vice versa. This position is suitable for newborns, as it is convenient for the mother to hold the head of the baby with the palm of her hand and make sure that he takes the breast in the right way.

Pose "from under the arm"

The baby is in a prone position, on the side of the mother, as if looking out from under the mother's hand. In this case, it is recommended to put a pillow of a suitable height under the baby's body. The baby's legs lie behind the mother's back, and the stomach is pressed against the mother's side. The woman sits and holds the baby with her hand from the side on which he is located, and supports his head with her palm. You can vary the position slightly, feeding reclining or leaning on your side, which is especially suitable for women who are not allowed to sit for some time after childbirth.

This posture has a number of advantages:

  1. Mom can guide the baby's head and control the latch on the breast.
  2. The position is relevant for mothers with flat nipples or large breasts.
  3. The baby actively empties those lobes of the mammary gland that are located below and in the armpit area.
  4. Milk stasis quite often occurs in this area.
  5. The baby does not put pressure on the seam on the mother's abdomen if she had a caesarean section.
  6. The position is relevant for the simultaneous feeding of twins.

Pose "lying on the side"

This position is great for night feedings, as it allows mom to rest. This pose has two varieties:

  • Feeding from the lower breast. Mom settles down on her side, and the baby lies on her arm and is completely turned towards her. Do not lay the baby on the back, turning his head, it will be difficult for him to swallow milk. With the hand that is on top, put the breast in the baby's mouth. A pillow is placed under the mother's head, while the shoulders and back are not raised by any means. Alternatively, place your bent arm on a pillow next to or under your head. To keep your baby in the supine position and not roll over from side to back, you can support him from behind with a pillow or a folded blanket. If you have large breasts, then place a diaper rolled into a roller under it.
  • Feeding from the upper breast. Mom and baby are in a lying position facing each other on their sides. To ensure the child's comfort, it is better to put him on a pillow, and take him with his free hand. This position will come in handy if you have milk stasis closer to the center of the chest. In addition, it is not forbidden to use the position if the mother fed the baby from the lower breast and she does not want to roll over. Among the shortcomings of the position, one can note a rather large load on the mother's hand, because she has to lean on it and slightly raise her body.

Pose "Jack"

This position is similar to the side lying position, but the child is positioned in the opposite direction, as if upside down. This position helps to cope with lactostasis in the upper breasts, because the baby sucks most effectively in the area where his lower jaw is located.

Pose "lying on the back"

This position is also called the "Australian" or "telephone" position, as the baby lies on the mother's chest like the handset on old telephones. A woman can keep the correct position of the baby so that it does not roll with her hands. It is easy to move into this position from a sitting position if you lean back on your back.

This position can be useful for mothers whose babies cannot cope with a large flow of milk. The child swallows less milk, and therefore does not choke. This position is also good for newborns as the baby needs less effort to latch on to the breast deeply. Another advantage of the position is the stimulation of the baby's tummy, which prevents colic and gas.

Pose "hanging"

Mom gets on all fours and, as it were, hangs over the baby, putting him on a pillow, slightly turned on his side. Alternatively, you can arrange your child lying on the changing table and bend over him. This position will improve your lactostasis, as the outflow of milk is easier. This position is also suitable for weak babies who find it difficult to suckle. However, it is not comfortable to feed in this position for a long time.

Pose "on the hip"

This position is suitable for babies who can sit, that is, most often after reaching six months of age. The disadvantage of the position is that there is a high probability that the child will be taken over by curiosity and he will turn his head while feeding, so he will have to be constantly carefully held.

Pose on your knees

The mother places the baby on her lap in a sitting position. This position is useful if the baby is blown away: he has a stuffy nose or he is worried about pain in his ears. In this position, the discomfort of the crumbs will be less. The situation is also relevant for those children who tend to swallow too much milk and spit it up.

Pose "standing" (the baby is standing)

This position is more suitable for those children who already know how to walk, but you can try to use it earlier. The pose can be used to soothe a crying baby by holding it to the chest for a few minutes.

Pose "standing" (mother is standing)

If your child has played out and doesn’t want to sleep in any, but it’s time to put him down, you can offer him a breast while standing. If at the same time you gently sway, then the baby will quickly fall asleep. What is valuable, this position is suitable for both a newborn and an older baby.

Sling feeding

Modern mothers often carry their baby in a sling with them wherever they go. This accessory not only does not interfere, but also contributes to breastfeeding. Organizing feeding in a sling, mother can even move in parallel and do simple housework.

Positions for breastfeeding twins

While the new mother is learning the ins and outs of breastfeeding, she can feed the twins in turn. However, to save time, it does not hurt to get the hang of it and arrange simultaneous feeding, for which the following poses are suitable:

  • The out-of-hand position is very convenient to use if there are suitable pillows to arrange babies on them.
  • You can hold the twins like in a "cradle" so that their legs touch in front.
    Position yourself so that one baby is in a lying position in the “cradle”, and the other one looks out “from under the arm”.

Feeding during pregnancy

It becomes more difficult for a mother who is expecting a baby to feed an older child. Many positions are no longer suitable due to mom's noticeably enlarged tummy and restrictions on lifting weights. Various devices come to the rescue, such as a special pillow for pregnant women. You can put a baby on it, lifting it in this way to the height of your mother's chest. At the same time, the mother can feed while sitting or lying down.

There is also an “over the shoulder” pose. In this case, the mother settles down lying or reclining so that she is as comfortable as possible. To the right or left of you, you need to put a pillow or a folded blanket so that you can lay the child on it. Then the mother puts the baby on her shoulder on her tummy, head to chest. At the same time, the legs remain behind the shoulder on a pillow or blanket. In this position, the mother's back is relaxed, the stomach is free, and the baby gets free access to the mother's breast.

Each mother is individual and has personal preferences, and children have different temperaments. Therefore, a woman will have to choose the position for feeding her crumbs herself from all the variety presented. The main thing is that the mother can relax and get pleasant emotions from the feeding process, and the baby remains full and peaceful.

In the first few months after birth, the baby spends a lot of time at the mother's breast. A nursing mother needs to find a suitable position in which she will be comfortable during long feedings.

The correct position for feeding ensures a deep grip on the nipple, the baby empties the breast well. By changing the position of feeding, you can fight lactostasis and mastitis.

This article talks about feeding positions for newborns and older babies.

When choosing a suitable position for feeding, a mother should rely on the following principles:

  1. Arrange a place for feeding in advance. Mom should be comfortable during long feedings. Cover yourself with pillows, prepare a cozy blanket, a book. At arm's length, put a glass of water and a light snack.
  2. Vary your feeding positions. From different positions, the child sucks milk from different lobules of the mammary gland. Non-standard postures can be useful during lactostasis.
  3. While feeding the newborn, hold his head so that the back of the head remains free. Do not fix the baby's head.
  4. Applying the baby to the breast, the mother should pull him to her, stringing her head on the nipple. Don't reach out to your child.
  5. The part of the mammary gland towards which the child's chin is directed is best emptied. This knowledge can be used in case of breast engorgement with lactostasis.

In each position, it is important to correctly attach the baby to the breast so that it captures the nipple along with the areola. We wrote in detail about the correct attachment to the chest.

Sitting positions for feeding


This is one of the most popular nursing positions. Moms prefer to use it from the very first days of a child's birth.

  • Place the child in the crook of the elbow. Press the baby's belly against yours. The child's head is slightly thrown back, the back of the head is free, the base of the head is on the crook of the mother's elbow. The nose is at the level of the nipple.
  • In order to grab the nipple, the baby needs to tilt his head back a little. This ensures a deep nipple grip and proper attachment.
  • With the other hand, the mother grabs the ass and supports the back of the child.
  • Place a pillow under your elbow for comfort.
  • In this position, the inner lower part of the breast is most effectively emptied.

cross cradle

  • The body of the child lies on the mother's right hand. His head does not lie on the bend of the elbow, but adheres to the brush of his free hand.
  • Mom directs the baby's head towards the nipple. In this way, correct attachment to the breast is controlled.

From under the arm

  • Mom sits on the bed, the child lies on the pillows, as if looking out from under her arms. The baby's legs lie behind the mother's back.
  • The baby's mouth is at the level of the mother's nipple.
  • This position is suitable for breastfeeding after a caesarean section as there is no pressure on the incision.
  • The lateral lobes of the chest and in the armpit area are well emptied.

Lying down feeding

On mom's hand

  • Mother and child lie on their sides facing each other. The baby's belly is tightly pressed against the mother's belly.
  • Mom's head is on the pillow and her shoulders are on the bed.
  • The baby's head rests on the mother's hand.
  • Pillows can be placed under the back of the mother so that the back does not get tired.
  • In this position, the lower lobe of the mammary gland is effectively emptied.

Jack feeding

  • Mother and child lie on their sides, facing each other. But the baby's legs are directed towards the mother's head.
  • This position allows you to cope with the stagnation of milk in the upper lobes of the mammary gland.

Lying out of the upper chest

  • Mom and baby lie on their side.
  • The child lies on a pillow. Mom gives him the upper breast.
  • The lower part of the chest is emptied effectively.

Other positions for feeding

There are many different positions for feeding grown children. In fact, babies older than 6 months are applied to the breast on their own and from different positions. The poses described below are suitable for children who can sit.

On mama's lap

  • Mom is sitting. For convenience, you can put a pillow under your back.
  • The child sits on the mother's lap facing her.
  • This position is suitable for children who often spit up. The baby swallows less air, does not choke, since the outflow of milk is not strong.

Hanging over a child

This position is good because milk flows especially well from the breast in this position. It is used by mothers who do not produce enough milk or it flows weakly.

  • The child is laid on a bed or pillow. Mom leans over him and gives her breasts.
  • Turning around the baby, you can choose the direction in which the baby's chin will look. The lobe of the mammary gland towards which the chin is directed is best emptied.


This method of feeding is also called relaxed feeding. A newborn child has developed a search instinct from the first minutes of life. Thanks to this, he can find the breast himself and grab the nipple.

  • During relaxed feeding, the mother is in a semi-recumbent position. It is important to get comfortable and really relax.
  • The child is placed on the mother's stomach. Let the baby find the nipple and attach to the breast.
  • Mom holds the child with her hands.
  • In this position, the outflow of milk is weak. This is true if the baby chokes on a strong pressure of milk in the usual position.

Sling feeding

The sling helps the mother to be in close bodily contact with the baby even while walking and cleaning the house. Sometimes you need to feed your baby right in the sling. Here it is important to consider several points regarding the safety of the child.

  • First you need to release the head and neck of the child by lowering the side of the sling. The baby should tilt his head back to open his mouth wide and properly grasp the nipple.
  • We hold the child's head with our hand, but do not fix it.
  • If the mother feels pain during sucking, it means the baby has not attached well to the breast. Then you need to lower the child into a reclining position.

Video: Breastfeeding Consultant Tips and Feeding Position Description

Of all the proposed positions, a nursing mother can choose one or alternate several of them. The main criterion when choosing a position for feeding remains the convenience and comfort of the mother. Changing positions for feeding helps not only to diversify the time spent breastfeeding, but also to deal with possible problems: lactostasis, mastitis, cracked nipples.

Many different postures and body positions are used for breastfeeding. You can feed your baby sitting, lying down and even standing. During the day, the position for breastfeeding can be changed: for example, during the day to feed sitting, at night - lying down. The baby most fully sucks out that segment of the chest, which is located under his chin. Therefore, a change in body position contributes to the uniform emptying of all lobes of the mammary gland and the establishment of good lactation.

When choosing a position for breastfeeding, it is important to consider several factors.

First, she should allow the mother to rest and communicate with the child. Ideally, a woman’s body is completely relaxed while feeding a baby: her back, neck, and arms do not tense up. Internal stiffness hinders the flow of milk. This is due to the fact that milk secretion depends on the hormone oxytocin, which promotes the contraction of muscle cells around the breast lobes and thereby promotes the flow of milk. The amount of this hormone is determined by the psychological state of the woman. If she is tired, in pain or in any discomfort during feeding, oxytocin stops being produced and milk is poorly excreted from the breast.

Secondly, the breastfeeding position should allow the baby to properly latch on to the breast. In the first days and weeks after childbirth, while adaptation takes place, it is very important to monitor how the baby is attached to the breast. The baby should capture not only the nipple, but also a significant part of the areola (pigmented circle around the nipple). At the same time, the baby's mouth is wide open, the chin is pressed to the mother's chest, the lower lip is turned outward.

If the position for breastfeeding is chosen incorrectly, it is inconvenient for the baby to suck and swallow. He cannot keep the breast slipping out of the mouth and therefore captures only the nipple. As a result of such sucking, cracks and inflammation of the nipples can begin, which leads to a decrease in the frequency of attachment to the breast due to pain in the mother. In addition, the ducts of the mammary glands are not emptied, which can cause milk stagnation (lactostasis).

Breastfeeding Positions: Calm, Only Calm

Before breastfeeding, the mother needs to get comfortable. Nothing should distract or annoy her. In the first months, when the baby adapts to new conditions, suckling can last for an hour - it is very important that during this period of time mother and baby feel comfortable. You can sit on a bed or in an armchair, use pillows or rollers that will help give the correct posture to the child and allow you not to overstrain your mother's arms and back. When feeding while sitting in a chair or on a chair with a back, it is convenient to place a small bench under your feet.

Sitting breastfeeding position

The classic position for breastfeeding is the "cradle". This is the most common position for feeding: the mother sits on a bed or in a chair and holds the baby to her chest, wrapping her arm around him. The baby's tummy is pressed against the mother's stomach, and his head is positioned so that the mouth is opposite the nipple.

There are two variations of this nursing position.

Mom grabs the baby with the hand that is closer to his head. If she puts the baby on her left breast, then she holds it with her left hand. In this case, the baby's head is located on the elbow of the left hand, and with the right (free) hand, the mother first puts the breast into the baby's mouth, and then supports his buttocks or back.

The mother wraps her arms around the baby opposite the breast he is suckling. If she puts the baby to her left breast, then she holds it with her right hand. At the same time, the baby's head is not on the elbow, but on the mother's hand, which allows you to reliably control its position. This method is more relevant for newborns who are not yet able to hold their heads on their own.

So that the mother does not get tired of the arm on which the child lies, you can put a pillow under the elbow or use the armrest of the chair for support.

Under arm feeding position

This breastfeeding position is especially recommended for women who have had a caesarean section. It allows mom to feed the baby while sitting, while the baby does not put pressure on her stomach. It has also been observed that a baby in this position has a better grip on breasts with flat nipples.

In this position, the baby is located on the side of the mother, as if looking out from under the arm. You can put a pillow under it - so that the head of the crumbs is located just above the legs. Mom supports the baby under the head, his legs are behind her. The child is turned with his tummy to his mother's side, the mouth is located at the level of the nipple.

Positions for breastfeeding while lying down

Pose "lying on the side". Most mothers use the side lying position for feeding at night or during daytime rest. In this position, you can completely relax and have a good rest. When sleeping together, feeding in this position allows both to hardly wake up. It is also suitable for women who find it difficult to sit after childbirth due to stitches in the perineum or after a caesarean section.

Lying on your side, you can feed your baby from both the chest below and from the one above. Mother and child lie on their sides, facing each other. The woman's head is on the pillow, her shoulder is on the bed. The baby's head lies on the mother's hand, which allows the mouth to be at the level of the nipple. With her free hand, the mother helps the baby to take the breast. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the baby should not lie on his back, turning only his head to his chest.

When feeding a child lying on her side from the upper breast, the mother can lean on her elbow (but the arm gets tired quickly) or lie on a pillow. Place a pillow under the baby to raise him to the level of the nipple.

Posture for feeding "hanging"

This is not a very comfortable position for mom. It is used for breast congestion (lactostasis) or if the baby is not suckling well. In this position, the breast hangs down, milk begins to flow down the ducts under the influence of gravity, making it easier for the baby to suck.

In this position, the baby is slightly turned to one side, and the mother stands on all fours and hangs over him, holding her chest with her hand. The child should not lie on his back, as he may choke on intensely flowing milk.

In this position, you can feed while standing. At the same time, the baby lies on its side on the changing table, the mother stands next to her and, leaning on her forearm, brings one hand under the head and back of the child, and the other holds the chest.

Positions for breastfeeding in a standing position

Most often, mothers feed the baby while standing, when he is in a sling. With proper use of the sling, the child is located in it, as in the arms of the mother. The baby of the first months of life lies in a sling in a horizontal position, which is called a "cradle". It is very comfortable and identical to the cradle feeding position. In this case, the baby is also fully deployed to the mother and pressed against her stomach. The head is located at the level of the mother's chest.

You can feed your baby in a sling even when the baby is in an upright position. It is better to practice such feeding after 3 months, when the baby is already confidently holding its head.

Mom can feed the baby standing up and without using a sling. The “standing position” (in addition to the “lying position”) is recommended if during childbirth the woman was made and it is impossible or painful for her to sit. The baby in the arms of the mother can be in a horizontal or vertical position. When the baby is in a horizontal position, the mother holds him in the same way as in the “cradle” position. When the child is in an upright position, the mother stands (for convenience, you can lean against the wall), hugs the baby with both hands and presses his stomach to hers. With one hand, she fixes the head of the crumbs, with the other - his buttocks.

In the process of breastfeeding, each mother and baby will find their favorite positions for feeding, for this you just need to have the desire and be patient.

Why is an uncomfortable position for feeding dangerous?

Due to an uncomfortable posture when feeding, the following problems can occur:

  • pain in the back, neck, arms of the mother;
  • breast pain during feeding due to improper nipple grip;
  • problems with the nipples - cracks, inflammation of the nipples;
  • violation of the normal outflow of milk from the breast (stagnation of milk - which, when an infection is attached, can be complicated by inflammation of the mammary gland - mastitis).

4 rules for choosing a position for feeding

  1. The whole body of the baby should be turned towards the mother and pressed against her.
  2. The baby's head should be located above the level of the legs, and the chin should be pressed against the mother's chest.
  3. The mouth should always be against the nipple so that the baby does not have to tilt the head too much or stretch the neck to reach the breast.
  4. A mother should not experience chest pain while breastfeeding.

So, the first question, the answer to which is of interest to young mothers, is whether it is possible to feed a newborn with breast milk in a lying position?

To date, pediatricians do not insist on one position for feeding newborns.

During feeding, an emotional connection is created between the child and the mother, which is why it is necessary to eliminate as much as possible all the inconveniences, including those that, at first glance, may not seem too significant: neither a tired back in an uncomfortable position, nor cramped hands should distract from feeding.

Any positions are welcomed in which both mother and child will be comfortable. You can choose a comfortable position only by trial and error, experimenting with different options until a position is found in which both mother and baby will be comfortable.

Even after a comfortable position is chosen, it is worth periodically trying others. This is due to the growth and development of the child and possible changes in his behavior. In addition, sometimes changing positions may be a necessary measure, for example, with lactostasis.

Periodic change of positions during feeding contributes to the uniform development of all lobes of the mammary gland.

Feeding a newborn lying down is no doubt comfortable. Especially if a caesarean was performed or in the case of a mother after childbirth, sutures in the perineum. Also, feeding lying down at night helps the mother to rest, allowing her to sleep better.

Rules for feeding a newborn

You must adhere to the following rules:

  • It is impossible for a newborn to bend during saturation: all parts of his body should be on the same straight line, and his head should be raised, this will help minimize regurgitation.
  • In the process of feeding, tactile contact between mother and child is important, this contributes to the relaxation and calmness of the baby.
  • It is necessary to fix the head of the newborn with your hand.
  • When the baby suckles, there should be no clicking or smacking sounds - they indicate that the nipple is not properly captured or that the newborn has problems with the frenulum of the tongue.
  • The mouth of the baby should be opposite the nipple.
  • Do not allow the baby to tilt his head back or lower it.
  • The child should not have difficulty breathing.
  • If the mother's breasts are large, a rolled-up diaper should be placed under them to relieve pressure on the baby's jaw.
  • It is recommended to put a special roller under the back, and clamp a dense pillow between the legs.

We must not forget that in the process of feeding it is necessary to bring the child to the breast, and not vice versa.

Main positions and photos

For that to feed the baby lying down, you can use several positions, changing them or choosing one, the most comfortable. In order to understand how to properly breastfeed a newborn, we suggest that you read the detailed description of the poses, as well as see the photo.

on the side

Most often, this position is used to feed the baby at night, as it allows the mother to relax and get some rest. There are 3 feeding options in this position.

  1. In the first version, the baby's head lies on the mother's hand, and the lower breast is used to saturate it. Thus, the mouth of the baby rises and is opposite the nipple.

    The neck and back of a woman should lie on a pillow to exclude the possibility of their numbness.

  2. Using the second option, the child is also saturated from the lower chest, but in this case it must be placed on its side on a flat surface. Thus, both hands of the mother will be free and she will be able to cuddle the baby so that he is not worried or scared.

    In this position, the baby should in no case lie on its back, otherwise the swallowing process will be difficult.

  3. The third option involves feeding from the upper breast, for which both mother and child must lie on a pillow. With this position, the mother has one hand free, and she should hold the baby with the other. This feeding option, firstly, helps to get rid of milk stagnation, and secondly, it allows you to use both breasts in turn to feed the newborn.


In this position, mother and newborn should lie on their sides, while the baby's legs are located along the mother's head. This position very successfully helps to cope with the stagnation of milk, since milk from the upper walls of the breast is used to saturate the child.

Greater comfort can be achieved by fixing the baby with a small pillow, which should be placed under his back. This will help both mother and baby avoid discomfort and pain during feeding.

On the back

In this position, the mother lies on her back, the child on her. The baby's head should be slightly turned to the side.. This position allows the mother to change breasts during feeding.

Most often, this position is used to feed the baby during the first few months after birth, as it helps to reduce the pressure of the stream of breast milk.


This position is the most effective, as it promotes the correct location of breast milk along the walls. If for some reason the process of swallowing is difficult for a child, then it is this position when feeding lying down that will be most convenient for him.

Mom should lie on her stomach, leaning on her elbows so that her chest hangs over the baby, but does not crush him.

In what cases should this not be done?

It must be understood that it is possible to feed a child lying down only if it is a question of breastfeeding, in which the baby needs to make efforts during saturation. If you feed a baby with special mixtures from a bottle, he should not lie horizontally. In this case hold the baby in your arms at an angle of about 45 degrees.

This is due to the fact that, during bottle feeding, the baby does not make any effort, as the mixture flows out on its own. At the same time, the likelihood that a child lying on his back will choke increases.

Feeding baby lying on side is no safer, since there is a risk of developing otitis media, a drop of milk that accidentally leaks out and gets into the ear can provoke an inflammatory process.

Common Mistakes

The most common mistakes when breastfeeding a baby lying down:

The process of breastfeeding is an important stage for both the child and the mother. You can make it the least problematic and the most convenient and comfortable, filled with mystery and tenderness, by choosing a comfortable position for feeding. If nothing distracts either the mother or the baby from feeding, this will allow them not only to feel each other better, but also to avoid such health problems as, for example, lactostasis in the mother and colic in the child.

We offer you to watch a video about feeding lying down:

Breastfeeding a child is a very important moment in the life of every child and his mother. It is very important to establish this process in time in order to avoid many possible problems in the future.

One of the important rules for establishing the process of breastfeeding is mastering different positions for feeding. It is important to be able to apply to the breast of the baby in different positions in order to avoid the occurrence of stagnation of milk and to maintain strength during prolonged attachments.

A large number of women try to master various positions on their own in order to organize convenience and comfort for themselves and their baby.

There is no need to look for some new options for the position of the baby while eating, since there are already a large number of them.


Basic postures for feeding:

Pose "in the cradle"

This is the position of the baby is universal. It is suitable for a baby of any age, both a newborn and those who may be older than a year. The baby is located in the mother's arms in this way: on one hand he lies with his back, and the other hand hugs him, slightly holding his legs. When the baby's head is on the elbow of the mother's hand, his mouth is opposite the nipple. In this position, the child can be both at the left breast and at the right.

It is possible to shift the baby without problems from one hand to the other. The mother can practically not interrupt feeding at this time.

There may be several options for the “cradle” pose. For example, you can feed standing or sitting. Usually a mother feeds a baby like this when she is going to put him to bed. At this time, you can walk around the room, which creates a kind of motion sickness effect and helps to relax and fall asleep.

"Cross Cradle"

This is one of the modified poses, which is based on the "cradle". It differs from the previous one in that in this case provides additional support for the child's head. The baby's head is held with both hands at the same time. It is placed on the palm of one hand, the one that is on the side of the nursing breast, and the other hand is bent so that it supports the baby's body.

This position is well suited in cases where a woman needs to establish breastfeeding. In this position, the baby most correctly learns to capture the breast with his mouth, without causing inconvenience to himself or his mother. Sometimes it becomes necessary to constantly adjust the baby's breast capture, especially for weak and premature babies. In this process, they can be helped by moving the baby's head as close to the chest as possible during the sucking process. In this case, there will be a deeper capture of the nipple along with the areola, as required by the rules.

Pose "from under the arm"

This position of feeding the baby is well suited for those who doctors do not allow to sit after the birth process. While feeding the baby, the woman should be on the bed in a reclining position. She leans on her thigh and forearm in such a way as to be as close to the child as possible. The baby at this time is placed on a pillow so that it is as close as possible to the mother's breast. At this time, supporting his head with one hand, the woman gives him a breast as if from above. This posture meets the natural needs of the child and is well mastered by both the infant and his mother.

From under the arm, you can feed in a lying or sitting position. The main thing in this pose is the use of comfortable pillows that will provide everyone with comfort and help to completely relax during the process.

This position is quite often used to prevent milk stasis in the lower and lateral segments of the chest.

lying on the arm

This position allows a woman to relax and rest.. Mom and baby lie next to each other, face to face. In this position, the child is placed on a pillow in such a way that it is as high as possible and can easily reach the chest. If the child is older, you can try to do without a pillow.

With the hand that is below, the mother hugs the baby so that his head is on the elbow. You can take this position for joint sleep, as it allows you to completely relax and take a break from everything.

There are several options for this pose, for example:

  • the baby lies side by side parallel to the mother's body;
  • the baby is perpendicular to the mother's body, face to face.

The body of the baby is parallel to the body of the woman, while the hand, which is located below, is removed from under the child.

Pose "lying from the upper chest"

This provision applies to the mother could change breasts while breastfeeding, but at the same time did not cause any inconvenience to the child. Usually the baby and the woman are face to face, while the lower hand serves as a support for the mother. The body is lifted by this hand and it becomes possible to give another breast for feeding. In this position, it is not possible to feed for a long time, but you can add a little comfort like laying a pillow or several.

For feeding, no special pillow is required, a fairly simple large one. If you take a few large square pillows, you can add comfort not only to the child, but also to the mother. This applies not only to this particular pose, but also to others.

baby on mom

In some cases, it becomes necessary to feed the child in a similar position. The baby lies on his mother, belly to stomach, his head is turned to one side. Usually this posture used in the first months of a child's life, when lactation has not yet been finally established and strong rushes of milk occur periodically and it can beat in streams.

To prevent the baby from choking while eating, it is placed as high as possible with its head and the feeding process begins.

A big plus for the baby is the stimulation and massage of the tummy. If you stay in this position for a while, you can quickly get rid of gas and colic. This is a very important fact, especially in the first months of a child's life, since right now they are tormented by this ailment, causing a lot of inconvenience.

Pose "hanging"

In this position, you can feed the baby quite often. This can be beneficial for both mother and baby. For a woman in this position, it becomes possible to free the lower and central lobes of the breast from milk. Often a child is fed in this position, if it is difficult for him to eat on his own - this makes the process easier. You can practice such feeding for weak and premature babies, who find it difficult to suck and suck milk from the breast on their own.

You can feed the baby on the bed, on the table, hanging over him from above. If you put the baby on the bed, the mother gets on all fours and hangs over him from above and gives him a breast. In another case, when the little one is on the table, the woman leans over him and feeds him. In both cases, the child's head must be turned to one side so that he can swallow easier and not choke.

riding mom

When children grow up, it is already difficult to lay them on their side like babies. Therefore, you can apply a different pose, for example, put him on top of mom. If the baby already knows how to sit, you can put him on top of his mother and position him facing her. This seating principle resembles a tummy to tummy position, but has been slightly modernized to take into account the changed age.

Being in this position, you can simply change the chest without making a lot of effort. There is no need to shift the child from side to side, as well as roll over.

This position is often used if the baby has a cold and his nose is blocked. So he has the opportunity to eat without the threat of choking or choking.

How to breastfeed your baby

The volume and size of the breast does not affect the amount of milk, as well as the quality of lactation. If a woman has small breasts, this does not mean that she will not be able to feed a child for a long time. The main difference in feeding with small or large breasts is to choose the right postures. Based on the size of the breast, you can position the baby in different ways. The most comfortable position is considered to be “lying on the arm”.

Feeding a child with lactostasis

If a woman has lactostasis or stagnation, as it can be called more simply, it is important to try to get rid of it as soon as possible. To empty the shares in which the cork has formed, it is necessary to apply special postures.

It is necessary to try to feed the child as often as possible so that he can naturally cope with lactostasis on his own and help the mother.

It is possible to determine the place where stagnation is formed by painful sensations.

Certain rules must be followed, for example:

  • feed the baby first from the breast in which lactostasis is found;
  • it is best to place the child with the chin in the direction from which the stagnation is located.

Each position that will be chosen for feeding with lactostasis will be slightly modified from the usual one so that it is as comfortable as possible for both the child and the mother.
