Long-term plan for modeling in the middle group. "Flower Glade"

Abstract of the GCD in the second junior group on the topic “Hello, summer!”
Topic: “Hello, summer!”
- to develop children’s interest in modeling from plasticine
- promote the development of general and fine motor skills of the hands;
- promote the development of imagination and creativity in children.
- expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about the seasons;
- continue to develop skills in working with plasticine (rolling sausages, twisting sausages into a circle and creating a composition from the resulting parts);
- consolidate children's knowledge about primary colors.
- cultivate a caring attitude towards living nature;
- cultivate accuracy and a caring attitude towards your work.
Preliminary work: observing seasonal changes in nature while walking, reading and memorizing poems about summer, talking with children about the signs of summer, looking at illustrations on the topic.
Materials and equipment: blue cardboard, half A4 format, plasticine, board, napkins, illustration on the theme “summer”, plasticine butterfly, plasticine picture - sample.
Progress of the lesson:
Organizing time.
Educator: Guys, it has become very warm outside, spring will soon end and the long-awaited summer will come. Look at this picture. What time of year do you think is depicted in this picture?

Children: Summer.
Educator: Correct! This painting depicts summer. How did you understand this?
Children: The painting shows: the sun, green grass, butterflies flying, flowers blooming, berries are ripe.
Educator: Well done guys, you are very attentive. But while we were talking, someone flew into our group. Guess who?
The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up,
I didn't want to sleep anymore.
He moved, he started,
He soared up and flew away.
Children: Butterfly.
Educator: You guessed correctly. A butterfly came to visit us. She really liked our picture. There are so many flowers on it, the sun is shining so brightly, butterflies are flying. She even wanted to get into this picture, but she can’t, because this picture is painted, and our butterfly is made of plasticine. Guys, let’s help the butterfly and make our own pictures of summer from plasticine for it and then the butterfly will be able to fly into your pictures. Do you agree?
Children: Yes, we agree!
Educator: But before we get to work, let's play a little.
Physical education minute:
In the morning the butterfly woke up
She stretched and smiled.
Once I washed my face with dew,
Two - she spun gracefully.
Three - she bent down and sat down.
At four, it flew.
Stopped by the river
Spun over the water.
Children perform movements according to the text.
Educator: Now you and I have had a little rest, and now we can get to work. I want to show you how you can make a flower, sun, or butterfly.
The teacher shows a pre-prepared sample of the painting. We pinch off a piece of plasticine, the color from which we will sculpt. Then we roll out the sausage, then roll the sausage into a circle. Roll out a few more sausages, glue a circle onto the cardboard, and around it several sausages (rays) - you get the sun. You can make a flower in the same way (we twist the sausage into a circle, and make a stem from another sausage). By gluing several green sausages at the bottom of the cardboard we will get grass. In order to make a butterfly, we need to make a sausage, four circles and make a head for the butterfly. Now you can get started on your own.
The children are modeling, the teacher helps those children who have difficulties.
Final part:
At the end, the children look at their work.
Educator: Guys, what did we sculpt today?
Children: pictures of summer, grass, sun, flowers, butterflies.
Educator: That's right, you worked hard, you turned out beautiful pictures. Now the butterfly will be able to stay with us and fly from painting to painting and admire your works.

Attached files

All-Russian competition of pedagogical excellence “Methodological piggy bank of a kindergarten teacher”


  1. Continue to teach children, making circular movements with their palms, to sculpt spherical vitamins from plasticine.
  2. Introduce children to the concept of “vitamins”, formulate in them an idea of ​​the need for vitamins in the human body. Strengthen children's knowledge about fruits and their benefits.
  3. To instill in children the need to eat properly, to cultivate a sense of empathy, and a desire to help.
  4. To develop children's interest in modeling.

Tasks: Continue to introduce children to plasticine and its properties. Continue to develop knowledge about primary colors. Teach children how to model fruits and vegetables using familiar modeling techniques; develop gross and fine motor skills, eye. Learn to press the plasticine ball with your index finger, attaching it to the base, and place the balls at an equal distance from each other.

Cultivate accuracy in work

Promote speech activation.

Strengthen your knowledge of the medical profession.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures and illustrations on the topic « vitamins-Fruits» , educational game "Wonderful bag", “Guess what’s missing?”, guessing riddles about fruits and vegetables. Reading poems about the benefits of fruits and vegetables. SRI "Doctor". Conversation with children about a healthy lifestyle.

Vocabulary work: vitamins, medicine, vegetables, fruits.

Technology: health-saving, gaming.

Handout: pieces of multi-colored plasticine (red, yellow, green, plasticine board, stacks, napkins according to the number of children, plates.

Demo material: pictures of fruits and vegetables, pictures of vitamins in jars, a picture of food. doll Doctor Aibolit, phone. Small basket for a bunny.

Equipment: CD radio.

INTEGRATION OF EDUCATIONAL AREAS: productive, gaming, communicative, cognitive and research.

Surprise moments: basket with treats for children (fruits cut into pieces).

Progress of the lesson:

Introductory conversation.

Children sit on chairs. Dear Guys! I am very glad to see you all so healthy and beautiful today. How did you feel when you came to kindergarten today? (children's answers).

A knock is heard on the door. The teacher opens the door, and there is a bunny there and greets the children.

Educator: Look how sad he is. What happened?

Bunny: Hello, guys! My friends in the forest are sick, they don't have enough vitamins. I want to help them, but I don't know what it is vitamins and where they are found. And therefore (sad) my cart is empty.

Yes, it's a sad story. Guys, do you think we can help cure the animals in the forest?

Children: YES!

Educator: Zainka, the guys and I will help you. What needs to be done to prevent animals from getting sick in the forest (children's answers)

I should probably take some vitamins.
Not only oranges, tangerines,
But also carrots, beets and cabbage,
Then we won't be so sad anymore.
To grow up healthy and beautiful!
We must make friends with vitamins.
There are a lot of them - a whole alphabet?
And each vitamin has its own sound.
"A"- serves to brighten our eyes,
"IN"- our nerves will be strong,
"WITH"- good for teeth and bones
You can even treat them to guests.

I know what can help us heal the little animals faster is vitamins!

Who do you think should be called for advice? What vitamins should you take? (children doctors)

Right "The doctors".

Let's call the doctor on the phone. (a doctor doll comes in with a basket and says hello.

The Doctor doll explains to children that they need to give vitamins.

Doll Doctor: Who knows what vitamins are (children's answers).

Vitamins help children and adults to be strong and healthy. Some vitamins help children grow, others help the eyes see well, others help the head think well and be smart. And there are vitamins that protect us from diseases.

Where do vitamins live? (children's answers) in food products. (Attach a picture of products to the board).

To be healthy, smart, strong, a person must receive vitamins from food. If a child does not receive enough of these vitamins, he begins to get sick often, loses his appetite and grows poorly. What do you think, at what time of year do we get the most vitamins? (children's answers) summer and autumn. Why? (children's answers).Because at this time there are a lot of fruits and vegetables.

And at other times of the year, so that people do not lack vitamins, vitamin tablets are sold in pharmacies. (showing a picture - vitamins in a jar).

Vegetables and fruits are especially rich in vitamins. (attach a picture with vegetables and fruits to the board).

Name vegetables and fruits that you know and love. (children's answers).

Educator: guys, what is this, listen? (makes a riddle)

Same with a fist, a red barrel,
The touch is smooth and the bite is sweet (apple).

Red maiden
Sitting in prison
And the braid is on the street (carrot).

These tough guys
They hide in the leaves in the garden bed.
Twin couch potatoes
Turning green. (cucumbers)

In the summer, without fear of the heat,
The red balls were maturing.
They have matured as if by choice.
What kind of vegetable? (Tomato)

Yellow citrus fruit
It grows in sunny countries.
And it tastes sour.
What's his name? (Lemon)

This fruit is in a bright shirt
Likes it to be hot.
Doesn't grow among aspens
Round redhead. (orange).

Guys, apple, lemon, orange are fruits. And cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots are vegetables. And all these fruits and vegetables contain vitamins. Vitamins, bunny, are substances that help children grow and be healthy. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of vitamins because they grow on trees and in garden beds. The sun warms them, the rain waters them and fills them with vitamins.

I propose to send a package to the animals in the forest - a vitamin basket with vegetables and fruits, which we will make ourselves. Let's guys help the bunny and his friends.

1. Preparing plasticine for work (warm it up in your hands)

2. Determine the size of the vegetable or fruit to be produced

3. Divide the plasticine into parts using a stack

4. Modeling vegetables and fruits(by children's choice, using different techniques sculpting.

Independent work of children. (after work).

And of course, physical education helps our guys stay healthy, agile and strong.

Fizminutka: "Fruits"

We went to the garden with friends (children are walking)

We found a lot of fruit there (hands on belt, bend over) .

We picked plums and pears (raise right hand up, then left)

We found all the apples (arms spread to the sides) .

Come over, don’t be shy (wave with right hand "name", then left)

Help yourself to fruits (left hand at chest level, palm up, right hand "treats" all with fruits).

Well done, everyone was treated to fruits and vitamins. Well, Bunny, you remember where the vitamins are.

Bunny: Yes, I understand everything V itamines are found in fruits and vegetables. Just how can I cure my friends because my basket is empty.

Guys, let's put fruits and vegetables in a basket, let the bunny take them to the forest and treat his friends.

If animals consume vitamin products, they will definitely recover quickly.

Do our guys like to eat vegetables and fruits?

They love it very much and recommend it to everyone:

Reading poetry.

1 child.

Remember the simple truth -
Only the one who sees better
Who chews raw carrots
Or drinks carrot juice.

2 child.

For colds and sore throats
Oranges help.
Well, it's better to eat a lemon,
Although it is very sour.


We never lose heart and have a smile on our face,
Because we take ABC vitamins.

Bunny: Thank you, guys, for the fruits and vegetables. Now I know that they are very useful because they contain V itamins. And while you were sculpting for me, I picked real fruits from the garden for you. Help yourself, kids, to some fragrant vitamins.

The children thank the bunny and say goodbye to him.

We exhibit our works at the stand.

Summary of a modeling lesson in a senior mixed-age group.

Topic: “In summer in a forest clearing.”

Target: Teach children to reflect in their work impressions of summer, forest vegetation and inhabitants.


    Continue learning how to write short stories.

    Strengthen the ability to pinch off the required amount of plasticine to sculpt any figure.

    Developmonologue speech.To develop children's imagination, the ability to come up with the content of their work. Develop creative activity.

    Cultivate an interest in modeling. Develop aesthetic perception.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: guess the riddle.

The sun is burning,

The linden blossoms

The rye is ripening

When does this happen?


Close your eyes and listen to these beautiful sounds (the voices of birds in the forest in summer are included) Guess where we are?

Answers: in the forest.

Slide show "Summer in the Forest".

Now answer my questions, I hope you were paying attention.


    What time of year is it now?

    How many months does summer last?

    Name the summer months.

    What features of June do you remember?

    What's special about July?

    How is August different from June and July?

    Is it fun in the forest in summer?

    Name the forest inhabitants.

    What plants do you remember?

    What animals live in the forest?

    What animals have you encountered in real life: in a zoo or in the wild?

    What did you like most about the forest?

    How to preserve the beauty of the forest, name the rules of behavior in the forest.

Game “What is summer like?”:

Answers: hot, warm, sultry, rainy, wonderful, cheerful, fruitful, long, short, long-awaited.

Round dance game: "Summer."

Children stand in a circle. As the reading begins, the poems move in a hop in one direction, while Summer hops in the opposite direction inside the circle.

On the lawn


Warmed by the sun,

Behind the flowery moth

Summer has passed.

Swimmed in the riverthe circle stops

Lying on the sandsummer performs jumping jacks

Tannedsummer is running out of the circle

Flew byand sits down behind someone

And disappeared into the distance.of those playing

With the end of the text, the children look for where Summer hid. Whoever finds him behind his back goes into the middle. This is a new Summer.

Productive activity.

Educator: Guys, let's split up and create our own forest clearing in groups. Let's remember what should be in a clearing in the forest.(Grass, trees, path, stump, flowers, strawberries, mushrooms, bunnies, hedgehogs, birds.)

First, we will all cover the entire area of ​​our clearing with green plasticine, as if with grass. Then everyone will choose what they will make and complete the work. And in conclusion, we will fix all the objects on our green meadow. But first, let's massage the hands.

Warm-up with a massage ball: finger movements correspond to words .

We took a massage ball and rolled it in our palms.

He is prickly, like a hedgehog, touching two palms.

Up and down, right and left, we roll the ball skillfully.

To stretch our fingers we will squeeze it.

We stretch each finger, then squeeze it into a fist.

Let's get the job done.

We set up the resulting clearing, examine and evaluate what was successful and what still needs to be learned.

We leave the work to show to parents.

Svetlana Tyurina

GCD purpose:. Continue to instill in children an interest in modeling.


Educational– learn to create an image of an insect from individual parts, using skills in working with plasticine – breaking off small pieces, rolling, flattening.

Developmental– develop vocabulary, fine motor skills, coordinate hand movements, creative imagination.

Educational- cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and its inhabitants.

Material: plasticine (yellow, black, white); hand wipe; modeling board.

Demo material: artificial flower with a specimen bee.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizing time: solving a riddle.

Hard-working housewife

Flying over the lawn

Will fuss over the flower -

He will share the honey.

Children guess.

2. Main part.

Educator: Yes, it's a bee. What words of the riddle helped you solve it? (children's answers).

The teacher shows a flower with a bee and reads a poem:

A bee sits on a flower

How small is she?

Our bee in her proboscis

Gathers sweet juice

And the flower sways

She doesn't like it!

Educator:- What does a bee collect in its proboscis? (Sweet juice).

Sweet juice is nectar. On flowers, bees collect nectar and pollen with their proboscis, which settles on their legs and furry body. Bees make honey from nectar, and feed their babies with pollen mixed with a drop of honey.

Educator: Let's look at the bee.

What head? (Round, with eyes and proboscis).

What belly? (Oval, yellow with black stripes and four wings)

Which is larger and which is smaller? (The head is smaller, the abdomen is larger).

Bees live in large families in houses called hives. Let's make friends for our bee so that she won't be lonely and will have someone to collect nectar with and play in the flower meadow. But first, let's imagine that we are happy bees.

Physical education minute “Bee - bee”.

Bee-bee, (We wave our arms like wings)

Small head (Put your hands on your head)

Sat on a flower (Without removing your hands from your head, twirl it)

Turn your head (from side to side)

Fell into the grass, (Drop your hands on your knees)

She fell into a hole. (Remove your hands from your knees and drop them into the “pit”).

(Sit down)

Educator: Now let's get down to the important task: blinding our bees.

3. Practical activities for children.

1) Roll two sausages from equal pieces of black and yellow plasticine.

2) Divide these sausages first in half, then the halves again in half (i.e. into four parts).

3) Roll each of them into four yellow and black balls.

4) Flatten two yellow and three black balls into a thick cake.

5) Assemble the body, alternating flat cakes.

6) The remaining two yellow balls: the head and the back of the body, attach them.

7) Make insect legs from the last black ball (pinching off pieces and rolling small columns).

8) Make small teardrop-shaped wings from white plasticine and attach them to the back of the insect.

9) Decorate the muzzle with a proboscis and eyes.

10) The bees are ready.

4. Bottom line.

Educator: Look how many bees you got! And everyone is different!

Children, together with the teacher, examine each bee and note its features.

Tell us where your bees are going? What will they collect? For whom?

Long-term plan for June in the middle group

Getting to know your surroundings


To consolidate children's ideas about the seasonal changes that occur in nature in the summer.

Clarify the characteristic signs of summer.

Foster a caring attitude towards the natural environment.


About the health benefits and harms of sun rays

Insect and bird watching

To form a system of ideas about the sun, about its main functions - to shine and warm (that the sun does not always bring good to living nature, sometimes prolonged exposure to the sun causes burns on the skin and sunstroke in people, forest fires occur, plants in the fields dry out ).

Observe insects and birds.

Develop an interest in living nature and cultivate a caring attitude towards it.


A variety of flowers

Expand children's understanding of the variety of flowers: they can be large and small, round and flat, like bells and stars; they bloom on garden plants, shrubs, trees and herbs; Flower colors include all the colors of the rainbow.


What is water for?

To develop children’s knowledge about the importance of water in human life; that water exists in the environment in various forms: rain, rivers, and seas. In rivers, the water is odorless, tasteless - fresh, pikes and crucian carp live in it... In the sea, the water is salty, and its inhabitants live there - jellyfish, sharks, dolphins and others.

Foster respect for water.

Artistic and aesthetic development






“Draw a picture about summer”:

Learn to reflect the impressions received using accessible means. Reinforce brush painting techniques. Encourage drawing of different objects in accordance with the content of the drawing.

"Sun and Cloud":

Strengthen the ability to depict round and oval objects. Strengthen your skills in working with gouache paints and markers.

"Beautiful flowers":

Strengthen the ability to draw with a brush and paints. Learn to depict parts of a plant in a drawing. Develop aesthetic perception, a feeling of joy from the created image.

Learn to depict fish swimming in different directions; correctly convey their shape, tail, fins. Strengthen the ability to draw with a brush and paints, using strokes of a different nature.

“Make what you want”:

Develop independence and creativity, the ability to create images according to your own plans. Reinforce a variety of sculpting techniques.

"Sunny bunnies":

Learn to determine the content of your work, use familiar techniques in modeling. Develop imagination and creativity.

"Beetles in a flower bed":

Modeling beetles in a constructive way, conveying the structure. Fixing the method of sculpting a hemisphere (partial flattening of the ball).

"Our Aquarium":

Intensifying the use of various modeling techniques to create beautiful aquatic plants and decorative fish.



“Postcard about summer”:

Reinforce techniques for working with scissors. Learn to transform shapes by cutting a square into triangles, a circle into semicircles. Develop compositional skills.


Continue mastering the cutting appliqué technique. Coordinate eye and hand movements. Cultivate an interest in learning about nature.

"Flower Bed":

Making a polychrome flower from 2-3 paper forms, selecting a beautiful color combination. Mastering the technique of flower decoration: cutting the edge with a fringe.

“The fish are playing, the fish are sparkling”:

Image of fish made from individual elements (circles, ovals, triangles). Development of compositional skills.

Labor education

To develop interest and respect for the work of adults (janitor, cook, driver, etc.).

Develop the desire and ability to help adults: set the table, sweep the floor and veranda on the playground, paths.

Develop cultural communication skills: thank you for lunch, help, wish you a bon appetit, say goodbye, etc.

Continue to develop the ability to put away toys after playing, as well as play out adult work situations using clothes for dressing up (policeman, medical worker, hairdresser, etc.).

Didactic and outdoor games



"What season"

"Who can name more actions"

“It happens or not”

"Highlight the word"

"Find the error"

“What happens?”

“Where you can do what”

“When does this happen?”

"Say the word"

"Which one, which one, which one"

“What kind of insect is this?”

"Finish the sentence"

“What kind of bird is this?”

“Choose similar words”

"Call me kindly"

"Who will remember more"

"Come up with another word"

"What did I say"

“What else are they talking about?”

“Find what I’ll describe”

“Guess what kind of plant this is.”




"Find and keep silent"

"We are funny guys"


"Kittens and Puppies"

"By the Bear in the Forest"


"Blind Man's Bluff with a Bell"

"Fox in the Chicken Coop"

"Homeless Hare"

"Hares and the Wolf"

"The Hunter and the Hares"

"Birds and Cat"


"Who lives where"

“What happens in nature?”



"Children and the Wolf"

"Find yourself a mate"


Fiction for reading to children


“Lamb” (English, arr. by S. Marshak);

“Swallow” (Armenian, designed by I. Tokmakova);

“I’m through the forest, through green delirium...);

“Buy a bow” (Scottish, translated by I. Tokmakova).

Fairy tales

“What is a forest?” (Yu. Dmitriev);

“The Three Little Pigs” (English, translated by S. Marshak);

“Little Red Riding Hood” (C. Perrault);

"Sister Fox and the Wolf";

“Like a dog was looking for a friend” (Mordovian, model S. Fetisov);

“Flint” (H.-C. Andersen);

“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”;

"The Cockerel and the Bean Seed."

Y. Tuvim “Vegetables”;

Y. Egorov “Radish”, “Pumpkin”, “Carrot”, “Peas”, “Cucumbers”;

S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa”;

S. Marshak “He’s so absent-minded”;

S. Drozhzhin “Walking the street...”;

L. Kvitko “Grandma’s Hands”;

Tim Sobakin "Until next summer."

Stories and novellas

K. Ushinsky “Caroling Cow”;

A. Vvedensky “About the girl Masha, about the dog, the cockerel and the cat Thread”;

E. Charushin “What kind of animal?”;

M. Prishvin “Guys and Ducklings”, “Zhurka”;

N. Nosov “Entertainers”.
