Why is it necessary to wear a hat? Why can't you wear a hat indoors? Rules for wearing hats indoors by military personnel.

The book “Fatawa Islam” says that there is not a single alim who would oblige men to cover their heads. Some Ulama consider this desirable. Also, in their opinion, not covering the head in front of people deprives one of dignity, especially if the man is a respected person in society (in old age, a scholar-theologian, etc.). Not covering the head in these cases is considered the most disgusting. Such an act is condemned. This decision changes with changing customs.

Imam Shatibi (may Allah be pleased with him) divided the customs of people into two categories:

1) Customs that are regulated by Sharia law. The Shariah point of view is considered here, but not the custom of the people. For example, exposing the awra is considered sinful from a Shariah point of view, despite the fact that many people do it. Another example: cleansing from impurities. This is a good deed that Shariah commands, despite the fact that many people do not attach importance to it and do not protect themselves from it.

2) A custom of people in relation to which there is no Sharia argument - refuting it or approving it. Divided into two types:

1) Habits that do not change (eating, drinking, etc.).

2) Manners that change with changes in manners in society. As Imam Shatibi pointed out, covering the head also falls into this category.

The decision to cover the head varies depending on the customs of the people in the area where they live. This act is considered vile in the East, but not in the West. The Shariah decision regarding head covering changes according to custom. For the inhabitants of the East, this will be a reprehensible act in what determines the piety of a person, but in the West it will not be reprehensible. It is recommended that men conform to the customs (which do not contradict Shariah) of the society in which they live. Do not differ in clothing or anything else.

Covering oneself in prayer

The book “Fatawa Ashabakatul Islamiya” says that putting on a turban (headdress) in prayer and outside prayer is the sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), his action. They conveyed to Askhab the sunan from Mugira that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) “Wiped his forelock, turban and huffayni (leather socks).” Covering the head in prayer for men is not a sunnat (salaah). This is a desirable action for people in a society where wearing a turban for decoration is a custom. Because the Almighty says:

Meaning: “O sons of Adam! Put on your jewelry (that which covers the awra) at every mosque (while performing prayer and circumambulating the Kaaba).”(Surah al-Araf, verse 31).

Wearing a turban was a custom among the Arabs before the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him). There is a weak word: “The turban is the crown of the Arabs.” As for covering the head during the Hajj period, this is prohibited.

Covering your head when relieving yourself

In the book Majmoo of Imam an-Nawawi, it is said that Imam Al-Juwayni, Al-Ghazali, Al-Baghawi (may Allah be pleased with them) and others said: “It is undesirable to relieve yourself with your head uncovered.” Some companions said, if you don’t find anything to cover your head with, then cover it with your sleeve.

Bayhaki narrated a hadith from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her), “that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) covered his head when he went to relieve himself and when people came to him.” Bayhaki also reports a hadith about covering the head when relieving himself from Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him), which is considered reliable.

In the collection of ibn Shayb there is a hadith in which it is narrated that Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with them), while reading a sermon, said: “O Muslims, be ashamed of Allah! I swear by Him in whose power my soul is, when I go to relieve myself, I cover my head, ashamed of the Almighty.”

The wisdom of covering the head when relieving yourself

Imam Manavi (may Allah be pleased with him) in the book “Faizu Qadir” about the reason for covering the head when relieving oneself said: “The head is covered when relieving oneself out of shame before Allah, this narrows the pores of the body, promotes the rapid elimination of waste, and reduces the likelihood of impregnation with hair smell of sewage."

Ibn Khatab (may Allah be pleased with him) said that not covering the head when relieving oneself entails a disease called “Lyavvan” (colic, abdominal pain, curvature of the spine), and also prevents one from relieving oneself. The words of Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) are enough to speak about the desirability of covering the head when relieving oneself, for it is recommended to exalt the words of the companions because of their closeness to Allah.

Contents of the article:

Everyone knows that wearing a hat indoors is prohibited; it is considered indecent. But why, where did this rule come from? What will it mean to those around you if you still have your headdress on when entering somewhere? Let's try to figure it out.

Origin of the tradition

There are several options for where it came from that men should take off their hats in certain situations. After all, this rule applies specifically to them. It, of course, concerns women, but to a lesser extent and is not necessary for them to fulfill.

So here are some options:

  • In ancient Rome, slaves, upon seeing a free man, uncovered their heads to show their status and respect for the owner;
  • When entering an Orthodox church, it is customary for men to take off their hats. This has always been the case and remains so to this day. In addition, before and when entering the house, everyone always turned towards the icons, which were located in the red corner and took off their hats as a sign of respect;
  • In the Middle Ages, knights removed their helmets before greeting anyone or entering a room. In this way they expressed good intentions;
  • In the 19th century, in secular circles, the hat was removed as a sign of admiration.

So in different nations and at different times this gesture was present among people. It almost always meant the same thing: reverence, respect and admiration.

Modern hat etiquette

Today, many countries no longer adhere to this rule. You can easily see representatives of the stronger sex with their heads covered in a library or museum. This is no longer considered an indicator of politeness.

But in fact, this tradition was not canceled and the rules of modern etiquette say that Men are advised to remove their hats:

  1. When the national anthem is played and the flag is raised;
  2. In the church. Many people do not know the rationale behind this rule of conduct in church. It is believed that in this way a person shows admiration for God. He seems to say: “ We are all equal, we walk in peace and repent of our sins»;
  3. At official events;
  4. When meeting and talking with a woman. Wearing a hat with her is considered ignorance;
  5. At catering establishments: in a restaurant, cafe or bar. But there is an interesting point here: this rule does not work in fast food establishments;
  6. In cultural institutions: museums, theaters, exhibitions and galleries.

Hat traditions, of course, are slowly dying. In the modern world, less and less time is spent on etiquette. But his knowledge sharply distinguishes a person from the rest and even slightly elevates him in the eyes of others, inspiring respect.

When can a man keep his hat on?

Of course, you don’t have to bare your head on every occasion. There are situations where this is inappropriate:

  • At events held on the street;
  • In the elevator, if there is no lady nearby;
  • In public buildings: hotel, airport, etc.;

Also remember some subtleties of etiquette. If you are next to a girl on the street, you don’t need to freeze out of a desire to seem polite. In this case, it is quite acceptable to hide your head from the wind or rain.

There are also personal reasons why you cannot get rid of your headdress when meeting a lady. Then don't do it. Simply lift it up or touch it with a slight nod of your head. In this case, your respect will be indicated and you don’t have to take off your hat.

And yet the tradition lives on. It is rare to see a young man wearing a hat in church or in the cafeteria. And if you see him, he will definitely be reprimanded. And this is good. Traditions must be observed and protected, especially if they are designed to make people polite.

And it is politeness that this rule teaches. It obliges you to show respect to others. That's why you can't wear a hat in a building - it's rude to others.

Video: why are women allowed to wear a hat?

In this video, passers-by will express their opinion about why men cannot wear hats indoors, unlike women:

When choosing an autumn-winter headdress, the decisive role is not the color or style. The hat should match the proportions of the face.

How to determine your face shape

Exist . The most accurate way is to use a measuring tape. Arm yourself with it and paper and a pencil to record your results. Stand in front of a mirror and take four measurements.

  1. Forehead width. Place a tape measure to the center of your forehead. The starting point is above the curve of the left eyebrow, the ending point is above the curve of the right (or vice versa if you are left-handed).
  2. Width of the face. Measure the distance between the cheekbones: from the protruding part of the cheekbone on one side to the other. Typically these points are located under the outer corners of the eyes.
  3. Jawline length. Place a tape measure from the tip of your chin to the corner of your jaw. Multiply the resulting value by two.
  4. Face length. Measure the distance from the top of your forehead at your hairline to the tip of your chin.

Correlate the obtained values ​​with typical face shapes.


  • Oval face. The length is 1.5 times the width. The forehead and chin are approximately the same. The hairline and all corners are rounded.
  • Round face. The length and width are approximately equal. The chin is rounded, the hairline is arched.
  • Rectangular face (elongated). The length is noticeably greater than the width. The forehead and jawline are approximately the same.
  • Square face. The length is equal to the distance between the cheekbones (plus or minus a few centimeters). The width of the forehead and jawline are almost the same.
  • Triangular face (“heart”). Wide forehead and cheekbones, but a narrow, sharp chin. The hairline is arched or heart-shaped.
  • Pear-shaped face. Large jawline and small forehead. The length can be any.
  • Diamond-shaped face (“diamond”). The distance between the cheekbones is noticeably greater than the line of the forehead and chin. The length is also any.

Having decided on the shape of your face, you can go to the store to buy a hat.

Hats for oval faces

Task: do not unnecessarily elongate your face.

Thanks to symmetry, an oval face is considered ideal. Owners of this shape can afford almost all hats - from caps and socks to hats (provided that the crown is not much wider than the cheekbones). But it’s still better to avoid overly tall hats with large pom-poms. Asymmetrical models and models that cover the forehead look great on an oval face.

Hats for round faces

Task: visually lengthen the face.

For those with round faces, tight-fitting models and hats that cover the forehead are contraindicated. Tall, voluminous hats with a large pompom will help lengthen your face. Any vertical patterns are welcome. Fedoras, berets and caps are also suitable. It’s just better to put them on asymmetrically and under no circumstances push them over your forehead.

Headwear for rectangular faces

Task: visually reduce the length and smooth out the angularity of the face.

Models that create a horizontal line will cope with the task: rounded hats with voluminous lapels, earflaps tied up, hats with a low crown and wide brim, as well as caps. They allow you to hide your forehead and level out the elongation of your face.

Hats for square faces

Task: slightly elongate the face and soften its features.

For owners of this form, scarves and hats with large decor are not suitable. Models with a rounded silhouette will help distract attention from a massive chin. Try on a beanie, beret or cap with a short peak. They should be worn on the top of the head, without covering the forehead. In winter, hats with ear flaps with drooping ears, as well as creative models with braids and hanging pompoms, will look good.

Hats for triangular faces

Task: Focus on the cheekbones.

We need hats that cover the forehead. The main thing is that they are not too tight. If you have a triangular face, then your choice is hats with small brims, cute hats with ears, berets with a forehead or side fit, fluffy fur models. Asymmetrical cut is welcome.

Headwear for pear-shaped faces

Task: visually widen the forehead.

People with a pear-shaped face should buy a hat with a straight or raised brim for the fall. A fedora, homburg or derby would be suitable. Their crowns should be wider than the jawline. In winter, large knitted hats and snoods will look great, which can easily disguise massive cheekbones and highlight the forehead.

Headwear for Diamond Faces

Task: Add volume to the top of the head.

Owners of this face shape need to focus on the width of their cheekbones when choosing a headdress. Hats should not be narrower, but preferably a little wider. Caps of all kinds and hats with straight brims will work if you wear them tilted to the side. Hats should be voluminous. If your face is not too elongated, you can afford hats and other tall fur models.

The issue of wearing a hat indoors worries many. Not every person knows the answer to it, which would be correct. Some people consider it a stereotype to take off your hat indoors. Someone - with the right action. Many people, when they see a man in a hat, think - an ill-mannered person.

According to etiquette, a man is required to take off his hat indoors. A woman only by choice. So why is it that a man wearing a hat indoors is viewed with hostility by everyone? Some suggest that following the rules of etiquette is a personal choice for each person.

What will a person look like in the eyes of others? Why can't you wear a hat indoors?

Anyone who does not take off his hat indoors is sure that he is doing everything right. Ignoring general rules can expose a person to others as an ill-mannered subject. It will definitely affect the attitude of other people towards him.

Slavic men believed that the headdress should be removed in the house, when meeting another person, in church. This was the rule for them. Think back to old movies. When entering someone's hut, the first thing a man did was remove his headdress. Poor man - a cap. Rich - a hat. In other layers this was also the law. By the way, regardless of the weather.

If a person remained in a headdress, he was looked at as ignoring the rules accepted by everyone. In the Christian church there is a famous message from the Apostle Paul. He turns to the Corinthians, and says something like this: that every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered shames her.

Much later, every gentleman had to remove his headdress if there was a lady in the room. This is how he greeted her. He also behaved if there was a person with a higher position next to him. In France, in the centuries from the 16th to the 18th, a nobleman was allowed not to remove his headdress, even for persons of royal blood. But this could be done for special services to the country.

The rules of etiquette of that time regulated who exactly could wear a hat in the room. The masters of ceremonies knew this well and taught other people. Ignoring the instructions was considered an insult to others. Disregard for general rules could be a pretext for a duel.

Sometimes in the old days they said that they would throw hats at you. It’s strange for us to hear this now. Suppose he threw his hat, so what? And if you remember the ancient warriors, and how heavy their helmet was. It’s a little scary if you imagine that such a helmet will fly at you. It was a real weapon. It was filmed in front of the temple.

Here it is - a tradition in these places to walk only with bare heads. In the old days, only her husband could see a woman's hair. In other cases, she hid them. That's why in old films we see women of the poor class in headscarves, rich women in hats.

There was a saying: “he came to the preliminary examination.” This is what they said to men who came late to church services. They were already taking off their caps in front of the temple. They threw them somewhere. And after the end of the service they dismantled it. Here it is - a “head-by-side analysis”.

The tradition has remained, and now when entering a church or a room, men always take off their hats. Gentlemen of the old school greet other people by raising their hats. It looks beautiful and solemn! It's a pity that this custom has sunk into oblivion!

What is more important - to look beautiful or to feel comfortable and warm?
In fact, it is very easy to combine business with pleasure, even in frosty winter weather, thanks to various accessories, including a hat.

Why is it necessary to wear a hat in cold weather?

  1. The most important reason, of course, saving health. Hypothermia always leads to a decrease in immunity, and, consequently, to the appearance of a variety of diseases, a common one of which is the common cold. Therefore, wearing a hat in autumn, winter and spring is necessary. Depending on the climatic conditions, you can choose a knitted headdress made of leather, suede, cashmere, felt or velor for cool weather; in severe frost, you should wear a fur hat.
  2. Another reason to wear a hat in cold weather is maintaining hair beauty. Yes, a hat will most likely ruin your hair, but the hair and scalp themselves will not be damaged by wind and frost, remaining healthy and beautiful. If you really don’t like wearing hats, you need to cover your head with at least a scarf or hood.
  3. Wearing a hat is not only necessary, but also pleasant, because it can become just that stylish accessory, which will ultimately make the entire outstanding image original. A headdress can decorate and diversify your wardrobe, which means you shouldn’t treat it as an enemy that spoils your hairstyle. By the way, a hat can easily hide the absence of that same hairstyle if necessary. This is especially true in windy weather.

There can never be too many hats

Thanks to the variety of types of hats and the materials from which they are made, everyone can find a suitable model. Men more often prefer tight-fitting knitwear beanie hats, ear flaps, caps and baseball caps. The women's range is much more diverse:

  • for those who do not like to stand out - classic knitted hats, neat stylish earflaps, berets, laconic caps and hoods;
  • for bright fashionistas - voluminous fur hats, malachai, wide-brimmed hats and hats with chic decoration.

Hats suit everyone, the main thing is to choose them correctly according to your face shape, build, hair color and outerwear. Everything should be combined harmoniously, and then the question “Why wear a hat” will not arise.

For reference:

Choosing a shade based on hair color:
  • Brunettes suit white, black and most bright colors;
  • Blondes should choose black, red, blue, beige and brown shades;
  • Black, green, blue and gray colors are suitable for red-haired people (red is not suitable).
Choosing a model based on face shape:
  • Oval face shape – hats of any model are perfect;
  • Cheeky face ( square shape) - the correct proportions will help to create earflaps, hats with asymmetrical and downward brims;
  • Round face shape – stocking caps with an elongated back, hats with curved brims or asymmetrical models decorated on only one side will look good;
  • Triangular face shape - the best addition to the image will be earflaps, berets, and hats with a small brim.

So, summing up, we note that there are at least three important reasons why you should wear a hat in the cold, these are:

  • - Preservation of health;
  • - Preservation of hair beauty;
  • - Creating a stylish image.

Choose the best hats in the online store website. We always have a huge assortment of caps, hats, baseball caps, mittens and other high-quality products for the whole family. Take care of your beauty and health with the Pilnikov company.
