Why does a child sweat a lot during sleep - causes and alarming consequences. Child sweats a lot

No matter how much a child sweats in their sleep, parents should always know the reasons. At least in order to understand whether you need to urgently consult a doctor or just change the temperature regime in the nursery.

What is hyperhidrosis and why does it occur?

Every child sweats more or less during sleep. The intensity of sweating is determined by many factors:

  • age;
  • physical conditions;
  • state of health;
  • microclimate of the room where he sleeps.

and others. Excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis. Each age has its own norm, and if a child sweats a lot in a dream, you need to determine why this is happening.

Hyperhidrosis at night is not a disease, and it is not always a symptom of any disease. Increased sweating may be a characteristic feature of age-related development. So, the children's nervous system is considered to be fully formed only at 5 years. Up to this age, periodically the child sweats a lot when he sleeps, and this is normal.

Up to 3 years in children there is a rapid formation of the central nervous system. A feature of children's thermoregulation is also the fact that the body temperature "evens out" not so much with the help of sweat glands and skin, but due to the lungs and respiratory tract. And any, even the slightest problem with air humidity, as well as inflammation in the respiratory tract leads to increased sweating during sleep.

Why do children sweat profusely

If a child constantly sweats heavily in a dream, the reasons need to be found out, regardless of age. First of all, this must be done in order to be sure that he is healthy, and that heavy sweating is caused by objective circumstances.

Therefore, when parents discover that a child can sweat during the night so that all pajamas and even sheets are wet, their task is to find out what it is: a symptom of a disease or a violation of the regimen and sleep hygiene.

When the disease appears

In some diseases, nocturnal hyperhidrosis is observed in children. So, the child sweats when falling asleep, with:

  • colds;
  • diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, lungs, apnea;
  • cardiovascular diseases and vegetovascular dystonia;
  • deficiency of vitamins (most often group D);
  • hormonal imbalance, weakened immunity;
  • gastrointestinal problems;
  • lymphatic diathesis;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • problems with the nervous system.

In addition to night sweats, each disease has its own symptoms.

Listen to the breath

If severe sweating at night is caused by a cold, then it is accompanied by other symptoms, including fever and cough, runny nose. The intensity of sweating decreases as you approach recovery, since sweat not only takes part in thermoregulation, but also harmful substances formed during the illness are also removed from the body.

With bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory tract, the child is tormented by a cough, and with inflammation of the lungs, hoarse, labored breathing. The child becomes lethargic, apathetic. Pneumonia can go away without an initial high temperature if the immune system is weakened, so you need to call a doctor with a combination of symptoms. Another reason for concern - if profuse sweating is accompanied by daytime sleep, and the child groans in a dream, inflates the wings of the nose when breathing.

With the flu, the temperature rises, aches, headache and joint pain, photophobia, cough and profuse sweat are noted. These same symptoms in a milder form can be observed after influenza vaccination.

With ENT infections (sinusitis, rhinitis, and others), the main symptom is difficult nasal breathing and copious discharge from the nose, sometimes with an admixture of pus. A sign of sinusitis is mucus from one nostril.

Apnea is a sudden short stoppage of breathing during sleep. When the child sleeps and stops breathing for a while, the ventilation of the lungs is disturbed, profuse sweat appears. Sleep apnea can be identified by periodic sharp snoring in children and sudden awakening in the middle of the night.

Heart diseases

Heart disease may be accompanied by a characteristic heart cough. The child is covered with profuse cold sweat at night, he has a constantly pale bluish tint of mucous membranes and nails. An accurate diagnosis requires an electrocardiogram. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a frequent occurrence in children during a period of rapid growth, the symptoms are periodic severe weakness up to a fainting state, accompanied by profuse sweating. Sweating can also occur during sleep.


Hypovitaminosis and beriberi adversely affect the development of children. If the child is already a year old, and he, apparently, lags behind in development, his bones are not formed correctly, this is beriberi. With a lack of vitamins, the head and neck often sweat. This means that you need to consult a doctor so that he prescribes the right multivitamin preparation and determines the necessary changes in the children's diet.

Vitamin D deficiency is rickets. This disease in most cases is observed up to a year, but is also diagnosed at an older age. Usually this is a neglected vitamin deficiency, accompanied by skeletal deformity and muscle atrophy. In rickets, falling asleep is accompanied by trembling of the limbs. Sweat becomes more sticky and viscous, may have a sharp unpleasant odor. Another sign of rickets is a balding nape.


An overactive thyroid gland causes profuse sweating at any age. Hormonal imbalance leads to a change in the characteristics of sweat: it acquires an unpleasant odor, becomes sticky. With hyperthyroidism, the patient sweats constantly when he sleeps and is awake, and in stressful situations, sweat is released very strongly, the so-called profuse sweat covers the entire body. Children with a weakened immune system also sweat profusely, this is due to the fact that their body is constantly attacked by all sorts of pathogenic microbes, and they are not always able to cope with it.

Gastrointestinal tract

Gastrointestinal disorders in children are accompanied by sweat, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, pain and pain in the stomach, they may not fall asleep well, complain of a general deterioration in well-being. With food poisoning, the child “throws into a cold sweat”, there is pallor of the skin, weakness, lethargy.

Pediatricians do not consider lymphatic diathesis a childhood disease, but rather an age-related pathology that occurs when a child is three and passes without treatment by the age of five, during the period of active maturation of internal organs. One of the signs of lymphatic diathesis is profuse night sweats. The doctor, after diagnosing this disease, may prescribe light herbal remedies, soothing baths to reduce sweating. If the symptoms persist up to seven years or later, an examination is needed to identify more serious pathologies, since the cause may be, for example, tuberculosis.

Other dangerous causes

Night sweats can be inherited, in which case only symptomatic treatment (baths, rubbing, diet) can be used. Completely get rid of hyperhidrosis in this case is unlikely.

When problems arise with the nervous system, the child does not easily sweat intensely in a dream: only half of the body is covered with sticky, sharp-smelling sweat. This is an alarming signal for parents and a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

There is also drug-induced hyperhidrosis - this is exactly the case when mothers give children aspirin and tea with raspberries or linden at night with the words: "You must sweat properly." In this case, sweating may be a sign that the child is recovering.

Everyone is healthy!

A healthy child sweats during sleep, and in some way it is necessary to deal with this phenomenon in cases where sweating becomes excessive in the absence of diseases. The reason in this case may be:

  • poor ventilation of the room;
  • hyperthermia;
  • disturbed air humidity;
  • features of bed linen and sleepwear;
  • emotional overload in the evening;
  • overeating at night.

If it is hot in the children's room, it is not ventilated before going to bed, the air is too dry or waterlogged - the child will sweat in his sleep. Insufficiently humidified air can be corrected with the help of special humidifiers, but a damp cloth laid out on a heating radiator helps with dryness. Increase the humidity of an ordinary aquarium with fish.

In the same way, a child will be covered in sweat if he is wrapped up in a warm blanket or put on warm pajamas in the summer beyond the need. Overheating occurs - hyperthermia. It is necessary that the bed and pajamas with nightgowns are appropriate for the season. In summer, a light blanket is enough to cover up, or sheets. All textiles should be only natural, cotton or linen: the fabrics in the child's bed should pass air well. Synthetics and fabrics with the addition of artificial fibers cause overheating of the body and, as a result, increased sweating.

Hyperhidrosis can be a reaction to the release of adrenaline. For a child, it is not necessary to watch a “scary” movie or something like that at night, sometimes just stormy games before going to bed, fun with overexcitation are enough. To prevent this from happening, you need to limit gaming activity three hours before bedtime, turn off the TV and computer in the nursery.

So that the child does not sweat much in his sleep, you need to reconsider his diet. Often, overeating or eating any foods before bedtime can cause nocturnal hyperhidrosis.

How to reduce sweating

In order for the child to sweat less when sleeping, you need to review his diet and change his diet. Fried fatty meat, sweets, smoked and salty foods, spicy dishes, coffee and strong tea - all this is undesirable in baby food.

The menu should have more fresh fruits and vegetables, it is better to stew or steam meat dishes from lean meat. A light dinner should correspond to the calorie content for a particular age. Don't eat right before bed. If, nevertheless, the child claims that he is hungry, a glass of warm milk or kefir, an apple is enough.

Drinking juices, even natural ones, is not worth it at night. The best liquid to maintain balance is water without gas. But excessive water intake will result in sweating. In particular, this is another reason not to eat salty before going to bed, so as not to drink too much water due to thirst.

A very good remedy for night sweats is baths before bedtime. They need to be done every day, the temperature should be moderate. Dr. Komarovsky generally recommends combining a water procedure as a means of combating increased sweating with hardening. To do this, you need to gradually, by half a degree, with each bath, reduce the temperature of the water until it reaches 27 ° C. 15-20 minutes of such a bath - and the child will sweat less.

With very strong sweating baths without additives, you can alternate baths with sea salt, decoctions of medicinal herbs. If strong sweating causes skin irritation, baths with the addition of a decoction of string, chamomile, calendula help. Reduces sweating oak bark (this tool can be very effectively used in cases where the child, along with general sweating, constantly sweaty palms and feet).

Why and what to look out for

Sweating is considered a cause for concern when:

  • the child continues to sweat heavily after seven years;
  • sweating is accompanied by a deterioration in health;
  • sweating is uneven;
  • sweat becomes viscous, sticky, acquires an unpleasant odor.

A doctor should be called urgently if the child suddenly becomes covered with profuse sweat, his condition changes dramatically (the temperature rises or falls sharply), normal breathing is disturbed. Before the arrival of the doctor, you can not take medicine, you can only wipe the sweaty child with a light napkin or terry mitten moistened with water at room temperature with the addition of a few drops of table vinegar.

What Komarovsky says

The most authoritative pediatrician of our time claims that sweating is absolutely normal for a child, and only three out of a hundred sweating indicates abnormalities. The main recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky are sleep hygiene and daily routine. According to him, a child who goes to bed at the same time after a non-hot bath in the bedroom, where the air temperature is not higher than 20 ° C, will never sweat more than normal if he is not sick.

Komarovsky pays special attention to fresh air. Before going to bed in winter, the window in the children's room should be open for at least half an hour. As soon as the temperature in the street and in the room is equal, the window should be open all the time (provided that the air is not polluted by emissions, etc.). Otherwise, the air must be conditioned and ensure that the humidity is at least 50%.

The child sweats in his sleep until the nervous system and most of the organs are completely formed. If after seven years there is profuse sweating in a dream, you need to consult a doctor.

Often, after an illness, the baby sweats a lot.

This may be due to the elimination of toxins by the body, or it may be evidence of the development of certain diseases.

With colds, SARS, which are accompanied by fever, occurs, especially at night. This is a defensive reaction of the body. The baby experiences weakness, fatigue.

It is considered normal if a child sweats during an illness and within 1-2 weeks after a viral illness, since the body had to produce a lot of fluid in the fight against fever and it takes time to stop this process.

In addition, the physiological feature of children is thermoregulation, to a greater extent, not so much with the skin, as in adults, but with the lungs. But if the child is lethargic for a long time, feels weak, this may be evidence of a sluggish inflammatory process in the body.

If the baby sweats heavily in sleep after ARVI for a long time, this may be due to the development of pathology. Pathological processes can be aggravated by serious complications if treatment is not started on time.

Particular attention should be paid to infants: due to their anatomical features, imperfections in physiological development, they are more likely to experience complications after suffering ARVI, when a bacterial infection can join a viral infection.

Also, repeated inflammatory processes in the body can contribute to premature stress on the body of your crumbs, which needs time to remove toxins, waste products of viruses and complete recovery. Therefore, you should not endanger a baby who is not strong enough after an illness and immediately lead him to a children's team, where the likelihood of new infections is too high.

The child sweats profusely after a viral illness, with a dry, prolonged cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, fever at night.

It is very important not to miss these dangerous symptoms, because they may indicate the development of pneumonia, which requires immediate medical treatment.

When your baby sweats heavily after pneumonia for more than 1-2 weeks and other symptoms of the inflammatory process appear, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed. After all, this can lead not only to the development of the disease into a chronic form, but even to death. During the examination, the pediatrician must determine the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The reasons can be completely different:

  • infection with viruses and bacteria;
  • avitaminosis;
  • lack of certain trace elements;
  • rickets;
  • heart failure;
  • disruption of the autonomic nervous system;
  • severe genetic diseases (phenylketonuria, cystic fibrosis);
  • diabetes;
  • asthma.

You should consult a doctor at the slightest suspicion of a health problem. It is better that the worries turn out to be in vain than to miss the initial stage of the development of a disease.

Sweating in your baby after an illness is associated with a lot of effort to fight infection and eliminate toxins. To help him cope with the cleansing of infections, doctors recommend special drugs and procedures that provoke profuse sweating.

An important role is played by the air that the baby breathes. A dry room in the presence of inflammation of the respiratory tract is the cause of impaired ventilation of the lungs.

Restoration of strength and increased immunity after illnesses in a shorter time, getting rid of possible residual effects contributes to:

  • lack of physical and nervous overload;
  • complete rest;
  • balanced diet.

If there are no serious health problems, and the child sweats after a temperature for a long time, doctors advise:

  • Reconsider the daily routine of the child - hyperactive children who run during the day are very overexcited. Therefore, before going to bed, quiet games, reading books are preferable.
  • Soothing herbal teas - tea with chamomile, motherwort, valerian, mint, fennel, linden, calendula or lemon balm will calm the nervous system, relieve anxiety and help you fall asleep easily.
  • Selection of bedding - the wrong selection of them can cause children to greatly increase sweating during sleep. The material should be natural and hypoallergenic, it should be selected according to the season (terry cotton, flannel is suitable for winter; chintz, satin, calico for summer).
  • Evening bath - after a cool shower taken before bedtime, the baby falls asleep better and sweats less in a dream.
  • Air temperature and humidity - it is recommended that the nursery should have moderately humidified air no more than 20 degrees.
  • Taking vitamins, walking in the fresh air - their benefits in the fight against hyperhidrosis against the background of the disease can hardly be overestimated.

Hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating is common in adults and children. Babies are more prone to sweating due to physiological characteristics. Sweat glands begin to work by the end of the first month of life, they do not function stably, which leads to inadequate reactions of the body to temperature changes.

The baby sweats in a dream - a signal to parents about dysfunctions in the body. Sweating is not a deviation when the baby sucks on his mother's breast. Food requires a lot of energy. Assimilation of food in an adult is stable, in a newborn the process is not formed, blood rushes to the stomach, heat begins to be released. At the end of feeding, sweating may increase.

You should be wary if the smell of sweat is sour, drops of sweat on the face, head are large, the back of the head is balding. Lack of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D contribute to the development of rickets. During illness, sleep is restless, drops of sweat appear, weight loss, weakness, tearfulness, appetite worsens.

In children under 1 year old, the autonomic nervous system is formed, the development of sweat glands is completed by the age of 5, so the body reacts with sweating to any increase in temperature. The recommended air temperature in the room is +20 degrees, humidity 50-60%. Nightwear, bedding for a sweaty baby should be purchased from natural materials. Warm pajamas, a blanket lead to profuse sweating at night, to frequent colds.

Sweating in SARS and other diseases

With SARS, colds, acute respiratory diseases, the temperature rises, the disease is accompanied by profuse sweating at night - this is a protective reaction of the body. Infectious disease can proceed without temperature. During and after illness, the body spends a lot of energy fighting infection and recovering. The child sweats a lot at night, feels weak, gets tired quickly. To help the body eliminate toxins, doctors recommend special preparations, procedures that provoke profuse sweating to speed up the cleansing of the body from infections.

It is considered normal if the child sweats during illness and 1-2 weeks after SARS, acute respiratory infections, colds. The body needs time to fully recover, which parents and doctors forget about. Therefore, recurrence of diseases is not excluded. The intestine after contact with drugs reduces the immune, enzymatic functions. For faster recovery, it is recommended to take vitamins, walk in the fresh air, dress according to the weather. It is worth adding a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, fish to the diet, and excluding sweets. It is important after acute respiratory infections and viral diseases to protect children from drafts, hypothermia.

If a child sweats after an illness for a long time, feels weak, then this may indicate a sluggish disease. Pathological processes are aggravated by serious complications if treatment is not started on time. After a complete examination, the doctor will determine the causes of hyperhidrosis.

After the disease, you do not need to immediately send the baby to the garden, to school, you need to give 3-4 days to recover. Loads should be introduced gradually, the first walk should last no more than half an hour.

Sweating, prolonged dry cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, weakness, high fever are symptoms of pneumonia that require immediate treatment. The disease can become chronic and lead to death.

Sweating is the main sign of intoxication. Pathogenic cells are carried with the blood to the organs, have a negative effect on the kidneys, liver, heart. The doctor should establish the diagnosis, prescribe the treatment.

The causes of hyperhidrosis can be genetic diseases (cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria), in which the work of many organs is disrupted. The excreted sweat has a salty taste, a specific smell.

Sweaty feet and palms

Young children have imperfect thermoregulation. Sweating of the extremities is acceptable, as it grows older it practically disappears. Stress, fatigue, impaired metabolism, worms, vegetovascular diseases cause increased sweating of the legs, you should consult a doctor. If the baby is healthy, you need to pay attention to the quality of the material of tights, socks.

Emotional children with emotional experiences, from fear, joy are covered with sweat. This problem concerns overweight children with a disturbed nervous system. Lack of sleep, weakness, fatigue for a sensitive baby cause sweating. Sweat, acting on certain parts of the body, with a smell, sticky - a reason to visit a neurologist, this may be due to a violation of the nervous system.

Sweating in a child can be one of the reasons why parents may worry about the health of the baby. But this is not always the case, because this is a physiological process that is characteristic of every person. There are diseases in which sweating can be one of the main symptoms, so it is necessary to be aware of such symptoms.

ICD-10 code

R61 Hyperhidrosis


Distribution statistics show that sweating in a child is only in 20% of cases one of the symptoms of the disease. The younger the child, the more likely it is that his sweating is caused by physiological causes.

Causes of sweating in a child

Why is the child sweating? As you know, sweating is a physiological process, but it is not typical for children of all ages. Newborn babies have structural features of the skin and its appendages, so sweating is not so typical for them. The sweat glands in newborn babies do not have well-formed ducts, so the metabolism passes through thin skin. And if there is already increased sweating in a child, then this applies to certain areas of the skin. In children of the first six months of life, sweating of the back of the head is most often observed, which is caused by rickets. This disease is characterized by a lack of vitamin D, which reduces the level of calcium in the child's body. Calcium and vitamin D are involved in the metabolism in the cells of not only the skeletal system, but also in many other organs and systems. The pathogenesis of excessive sweating in a child with rickets is the effect on the autonomic nervous system. In the early stages, calcium deficiency activates the activity of the autonomic nervous system, which causes a number of symptoms, including sweating in the child.

Another cause of sweating in a child is an increased body temperature against a background of a viral or bacterial infection. The pathogenesis of sweating in this case consists in the activation of the body's defenses. After all, when a virus or bacterium enters the body of a child, the immune system immediately reacts to it, trying to protect the body. This causes the release of leukotrienes from leukocytes, which trigger the temperature reaction. In order to kill bacteria or viruses, it is necessary to raise the body temperature, and at the same time, the conditions for the reproduction of these bacteria become unfavorable. So the impulses come to the thermoregulation center in the medulla oblongata and the body temperature rises. The temperature increase has three successive phases - an increase phase, a plateau phase and a decrease phase. The body reacts to all these phases in different ways. In the phase of increasing body temperature, the child feels chills due to the fact that the thermoregulatory center raises its threshold and it seems to the body that it is cold at the moment. In the plateau phase, symptoms of chills and muscle tremors persist. In the phase of temperature decrease, increased sweating is necessary for a rapid decrease in temperature, which happens during this period. It is sweating in a child that helps with a decrease in body temperature.

As for older children, such as adolescents, their sweating can also be caused by a disease - vegetative-vascular dystonia. This pathology is characterized by the lability of the autonomic nervous system against the background of hormonal instability and a number of other reasons. At the same time, the autonomic nervous system reacts to any emotional experiences or stressful situations with excessive activity. This is accompanied by sweating in a child.

There are times when sweating is normal and nothing to worry about. Very often, young parents worry about sweating in a baby. Most often this happens when the body temperature of the environment exceeds or excessive overheating of the child. Parents themselves dress comfortably, and they try to wrap up the child so that he does not freeze. This is not always correct and can lead to overheating, which in the future leads to such sweating. At the same time, the baby cannot say that he is not comfortable and can get sick, because he is sweating all over. Therefore, in searching for the cause of sweating in a child, you must first make sure that he is comfortable and not hot.

Risk factors

Risk factors for sweating in a baby:

  1. overheating and discrepancy between the ambient temperature and air humidity;
  2. infectious diseases;
  3. diseases of the nervous system;
  4. stressful situations and lability of the nervous system.

Symptoms of sweating in a child

Rickets is one of the most common diseases in childhood, which is accompanied by excessive sweating. The first signs of rickets may appear precisely when the autonomic nervous system is affected. With rickets, a characteristic symptom of this is that the child's head sweats, namely the back of the head. Since the child constantly lies in this position, it is on the back of the head that increased sweating leads to hair deflation. Therefore, sweating and pumping out the hair at the back of the head are among the symptoms of rickets. Other symptoms of rickets appear already with a long-term deficiency of calcium and vitamin D. The child's muscle tone decreases, bone tissue begins to deform. This can lead to the development of curvature of the lower extremities.

When a child sweats profusely during sleep, it may be a symptom of elevated body temperature due to a viral or bacterial infection. When a child sweats with ARVI or a cold, the first signs may appear in the form of nasal congestion, rhinitis, and body temperature may rise the very next day. Catarrhal phenomena appear - the throat begins to tickle, a cough appears. When a child sweats and coughs, then you need to think about what the bacterial flora could join with the development of bronchitis. A deep, frequent cough with a fairly high body temperature may indicate precisely a more severe bacterial infection. As for the children of the first six months of life, their symptoms of a viral infection can be blurred. First, there may be difficulty in nasal breathing, poor appetite and capriciousness, and only then the body temperature rises. An infant sweats with an increase in body temperature even when it reaches sufficiently high numbers. In this case, the child's forehead and nose sweat, as the most exposed areas of the skin that are involved in heat transfer.

When a child sweats after an illness or after antibiotics, this indicates the success of the treatment. After all, the use of drugs leads to the death of most microorganisms and this can cause an immune reaction, which is accompanied by a rise in body temperature.

The symptom of sweating may accompany another disease - vegetative-vascular dysfunction. The characteristic signs of this pathology is that the child's palms, legs, feet sweat. These symptoms are provoked by emotional experiences, tensions, stressful situations. In addition to excessive sweating of certain parts of the body, other symptoms are also characteristic of this pathology. This disease is often accompanied by an acceleration of the heartbeat, a feeling of lack of air, a decrease or increase in blood pressure. All this can be in the form of attacks that end in such episodes of local sweating of individual parts of the body. These are very characteristic symptoms of VVD, and already at the stage of clinical manifestations, a diagnosis can be suspected.

It often happens that an infant sweats during feeding. It might just be because he's tired. After all, the process of feeding requires high energy costs and it is often difficult for a child to eat, especially if the mother does not properly apply it to the breast or she does not have enough milk. Therefore, it is important to make sure that there are no problems with the feeding itself.

If the child sweats when falling asleep or the child sweats on the back and neck when he just lies down, it is most likely that the reason for this is overheating. In this case, those places that are close to the bed give in to overheating and lead to sweating.

Complications and consequences

There are no consequences of the sweating process itself, because it is just one of the symptoms. If you do not take into account other manifestations of diseases, then there may be complications of rickets. Rickets first affects the skeletal system, but then the internal organs. The degree of changes in untreated rickets can reach significant curvature of the limbs and spine. In this case, the heart, lungs, and the function of normal breathing may suffer.

As a rule, there are no complications of vegetative-vascular dystonia, because it is a functional disease. But pathology can affect the daily activities of the body and the condition of the child, his academic success.

Diagnosis of sweating in a child

If we are talking about diagnosing such a symptom as sweating, then already at the stage of collecting complaints, you can decide on a preliminary diagnosis.

With rickets during the examination, it can be determined that the hair on the back of the child's head is rolled up. If there are such changes, then it can also be established that the muscle tone is somewhat reduced on both sides equally. The child may be lethargic. The curvature of the lower extremities may appear already at later stages. When identifying such symptoms, it is very important to find out whether the child is taking a prophylactic dose of vitamin D and whether such prophylaxis was carried out for the mother during pregnancy.

Diagnosis of viral and bacterial diseases does not present much effort. When the body temperature rises and sweating appears with it, other manifestations appear along with it - a runny nose, cough, sore throat. When examining such a baby, you can immediately see the focus of inflammation and establish a topical diagnosis.

Diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is very simple even on the basis of complaints, but to confirm the diagnosis it is necessary to exclude all organic diseases. To do this, they conduct a thorough examination of the heart, take blood and urine tests, and conduct a study of the respiratory system. Cardiographic examination of the heart shows all the normative indicators. Analyzes with VVD also do not have any special changes. Instrumental diagnostics of the respiratory system is carried out by spirography. This allows you to study the activity and ability of the lungs and the bronchial tree, because often with VVD there are complaints of shortness of breath. And since this is a functional disease caused by a violation of the autonomic innervation, the spirography data will be within the normal range. Such studies are mandatory for establishing the diagnosis of VVD.

Differential Diagnosis

Differential diagnosis should be carried out between the functional states of the nervous system that cause periodic sweating, and between a simple increase in the child's body temperature during infection.

Treatment of sweating in a child

Treatment of excessive sweating in a child is very individual. It is very important to find the cause of this before starting any treatment. If the cause is rickets, then a therapeutic dose of vitamin D is used.

  1. Aquadetrim is an aqueous solution of vitamin D. This drug enhances the absorption of calcium in the intestines and accelerates its absorption by the cells of the skeletal system. The dosage of the drug depends on the degree of rickets. In the first degree, 2 thousand units per day are used, in the second degree - 4 thousand units, and in the third - 5 thousand units per day. The drug is available in drops and one drop contains 500 international units. Accordingly, the child can receive from four to ten drops per day, depending on the degree of manifestations. Side effects can be when the dose of the drug is exceeded - there may be muscle twitching, convulsions, allergic and dyspeptic disorders.
  2. Calcium-D is another drug for the treatment of rickets. In addition to the active aqueous solution of vitamin D3, the composition of the drug also includes calcium, which accelerates the effect of taking the drugs. The dosage of the drug also depends on the degree of rickets. The method of application of the drug is in the form of drops, it is recommended to take the drug for the entire dose once a day. Side effects can be in the form of intestinal disorders, diarrhea, vomiting.
  3. Treatment of vegetative-vascular dysfunction is carried out in a complex manner using not only drugs, but also non-drug treatment. It is very important to eliminate stressful situations, normalize sleep and rest with work. In addition, it is necessary to control the child's blood pressure and, in this regard, adjust the mode and nature of nutrition.

Tonginal is a remedy of homeopathic origin, which is used to treat VVD. The drug is developed on the basis of herbs with a calming and tonic effect, which allows you to normalize the processes of inhibition and excitation and improve the severity of symptoms. The drug relieves the symptoms of sweating, increased irritability and improves the general condition. The dosage of the drug is 20 drops once a day for at least one month. Side effects can be in the form of drowsiness, weakness, decreased pressure. In this case, the drug should be taken at night. Precautions - use with caution in children under five years of age.

  1. Treatment of sweating caused by an infectious disease involves the use of agents that are etiological. Antiviral agents are used - Laferobion, Resistol, Immunoflazid. When a bacterial infection is proven, antibiotics are used. Also, depending on the severity of symptoms, antiseptic drugs, local aerosols for the throat and vasoconstrictor drops in the nose are used, taking into account the age of the child.

Vitamins for children who sweat can be used throughout the year in courses in spring and autumn. It is during this period that the child's body needs an increased amount of useful substances, especially in such children with the lability of the autonomic nervous system.

Physiotherapy treatment can be used in older children. They use microcurrents on the spine, mud applications, a contrast shower.

Alternative treatment in this case is rarely used. Only if the child sweats can you use bathing him in herbs that contain antiseptics. For this purpose, chamomile, sage, string can be used, which tone the skin and calm the nervous system. The systemic use of folk remedies for the treatment of sweating is not used in children.


Prevention of excessive sweating of a child is the rules for caring for and dressing a child, which exclude him from overheating. Walking on the street of an infant should be according to weather conditions.

As for rickets, there is a specific prevention of this disease. All pregnant women should receive a prophylactic dose of vitamin D3 starting from the 30th week of pregnancy. Newborns from the first month of life should also receive this vitamin for the purpose of prevention up to three years.


The prognosis, if the child sweats, is always only favorable. But it is very important to find out the reason for this in order to prevent other symptoms in time.

Parents often worry that their child sweats a lot. You can always find a reason for this. First you need to make sure that the child is not hot, and then talk about other symptoms and consult a doctor. In any case, this condition is not particularly dangerous if there are no serious organic pathologies.

Excessive sweating in children sometimes becomes a certain signal that the child has some kind of disease, one of the symptoms of which is hyperhidrosis (local or general increased sweating). If the child sweats after playing active games or he is dressed too warmly, then there is no reason for concern. In this case, profuse sweating is the result of the body's reaction to heat. If the child sweats in a cool room, then you need to exclude various diseases that lead to excessive sweating.

Common Causes of Excessive Sweating in Children

The most common causes of sweating in boys and girls are:

  • overweight - obese children have a harder time moving than thin babies;
  • rickets is a disease that occurs in children due to a lack of a vitamin. The disease manifests itself during a period of intensive growth. Most of all, the disease affects the skeleton. For the prevention of this disease, long walks in the fresh air, hardening and massage are recommended;
  • emotional experiences - if in adults during excitement there is sweating under the armpits or on the palms, then in children this is more often manifested on the head and neck. If the cause of increased sweating was fears, experiences of the baby, then parents should talk with their son / daughter, find out what worries him / her;
  • genetic predisposition - if one of the relatives sweats in the family, then the child may also have this problem. But it is one thing when sweating is observed in women or men, and another thing when hyperhidrosis manifests itself in a child. Teimur's paste can also help an adult, but children need an integrated approach in the treatment of excessive sweating, because the problem comes down to internal malfunctions in the body.

What to do if the child sweats a lot?

The basic rule sounds like this: if the child is a year old and he sweats, then he needs to drink a lot. It is necessary to try to exclude all possible causes of overheating. But this does not mean that the baby needs to run less. It just needs to be easier to dress, ventilate the room, moisten it. The optimum temperature of the room where the baby sleeps and plays should be between 18-20 degrees.

So that increased sweating does not interfere with the child's life, parents should begin to temper the baby from childhood: douse with cold water, use a contrast shower.

Sweating causes dehydration of the body, loss of salts, as well as elements such as and. These compounds are needed for the normal functioning of the heart, as well as the nervous and immune systems.

Hyperhidrosis in children: symptoms

Pathologically increased sweating in children is called hyperhidrosis. It is not difficult for parents to detect the disease. Mom or dad may notice wet spots on children's bedding or feel tactilely that the son / daughter has wet hands, wet hair, a red face, wet feet, emitting a characteristic smell. To such obvious signs, a deterioration in mood is added: due to increased sweating, the baby feels unwell, becomes irritable, overly excitable, tearful; he has problems with sleep and appetite. Soon other symptoms are added: sweating, red spots in places of increased sweating.

A child up to a year sweats a lot: is it worth sounding the alarm?

Newborns, as well as babies up to a year, sweat often. Many parents are concerned about this symptom, they are alert, some even seek help from a doctor. But you need to understand that in infants the excretory system is not fully formed. It is finally formed by the age of 5-6, so there is no need to worry about heavy sweating at such a young age (if the baby does not have other symptoms besides hyperhidrosis).

What to do if a young child sweats?

In order to alleviate the condition of the baby, establish a heat transfer system and stop worrying about their son / daughter, parents should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If the child sweats, then you do not need to wrap him up and swaddle.
  2. You need to monitor the air temperature in the bedroom where the baby sleeps.
  3. Choose children's clothes, as well as bed linen for the baby should be made from natural fabrics.
  4. It is important to provide the child with normal air access - to ventilate more often, to abandon the canopy on the bed and the "bumper" - protection for the crib.
  5. It is necessary to give the baby to drink water, even if he is only on natural feeding. The baby should be given water from the second month of life.
  6. It is necessary to monitor the calm atmosphere in the house: the constant screams of parents, noise, knocks - all this disrupts the functioning of the nervous system of the crumbs, he may worry about this, as a result - his body will begin to sweat.

Excessive sweating in an overweight child

If a child is overweight, then such a symptom as hyperhidrosis is often observed in him. To help the baby cope with the problem, parents must eliminate the cause of this condition, namely, to fight excess weight. How can I do that? The following set of measures will come to the rescue:

  • enroll a child in a sports section (football, Thai boxing, swimming, etc.);
  • exclude various sweets, muffins, and fast food products from the child's diet. Emphasis put on the use of fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • take regular walks with your son/daughter;
  • limit the child's games on the computer, tablet, phone. The kid should play actively: run with the ball, play on the playground with other children, and not sit at home with gadgets;
  • parents should pay attention to the child: ask how he spent his day, ask how he is doing in kindergarten, school, walk with him.

Why does a child's head sweat?

In addition to provoking factors that can cause excessive sweating of the head (stuffiness in the room, wrapping the child), the causes of increased sweating of the head can be:

  1. , , - sweating of the head is associated with an increase in the body temperature of the child. In addition to hyperhidrosis, the child has weakness, passivity, runny nose and other symptoms of a cold.
  2. Rickets - there is increased sweating not only of the head, but also hyperhidrosis of the armpits, feet, palms. Signs of rickets are also deformations in the temporal and frontal bones of the skull, in the chest.
  3. reaction to feathers in the pillow, to bath products. With allergies in children, increased sweating on the head is often observed.
  4. Heart failure. In children with such pathologies, cold sweat, shortness of breath, intermittent and frequent breathing, cyanosis of the lips are observed. The disease develops against the background of the flu, or.

Why does a child sweat while sleeping?

In addition to overheating, synthetic clothing and bedding, dry air, overeating - factors that are easily eliminated, there are pathological reasons why a child sweats during sleep:

  1. Viral infection.
  2. Pathologies in the work of the thyroid gland.
  3. Diseases of the circulatory system.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver.
  5. Rickets.
  6. Heart failure.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis in children

It is necessary to treat children's hyperhidrosis competently, be sure to find out the cause of excessive sweating. The principle of treatment of such a problem largely depends on the diagnosis, the symptom of which is hyperhidrosis:

Causes of excessive sweating in children

Principle of therapy



Reduce body weight to normal levels

Infectious or viral diseases

Timely treat SARS, influenza and colds in order to avoid complications

Taking antiviral drugs, immunostimulants

Eliminate vitamin deficiency, normalize phosphorus-calcium metabolism

Taking vitamin, as well as drugs with and magnesium, sunbathing


Eliminate contact with the allergen, increase the body's defenses

Taking antihistamines, replenishing calcium deficiency, removing allergens with enterosorbents, drinking heavily to eliminate toxins

Malfunctions of the nervous system

Eliminate depressive disorders, panic attacks,

Taking sedatives, massage, aromatherapy, a healthy lifestyle, taking vitamins and sedatives


If a child sweats during sleep, wakefulness, or even unexpectedly, for no apparent reason, then this should alert any mother. She should ask the doctor why the child is sweating, what could be the reason for such a condition? If parents let this situation take its course, then the consequences can be disappointing: dehydration of the body, malfunctions of the whole organism as a result of the loss of a large amount of minerals, fungal skin lesions, psoriasis, as well as psychological problems: isolation, fear of communication with peers, etc. d.

Vitamins for children Doromarin can cope with night sweats, hyperhidrosis of the feet, palms, head or whole body. This therapeutic and prophylactic product is used for the complex treatment and prevention of hyperhidrosis. The complex acts in several directions, helps to eliminate the cause of hyperhidrosis, and not only removes the symptoms itself - excessive sweating:

  • increases the body's defenses, prevents the occurrence of infectious and viral diseases, due to which a child may develop hyperhidrosis;
  • improves metabolism, prevents the deposition of fat, promotes its rapid splitting, transforms fat into energy. The complex fights the cause of excess weight, prevents the formation of excessive sweating, as a result of obesity;
  • improves the functioning of the nervous system;
  • promotes the elimination of toxins, thereby preventing the risk of allergies;
  • positively affects the work of the heart, normalizes blood circulation, thereby preventing the occurrence of heart failure - one of the causes of hyperhidrosis.

Feature of the Doromarin complex

If the child sweats, then the first thing to do is to find out the cause of hyperhidrosis. But if there are some difficulties with this (it is difficult for a doctor to make a diagnosis, he cannot say exactly what specific reason was the result of hyperhidrosis), then it is advisable to start taking Doromarin. The peculiarity of this product is that it not only relieves the child of the symptoms of hyperhidrosis, but also treats the cause that makes the child feel unwell. The Doromarin complex works like this:

  • improves the work of the endocrine, vegetovascular, nervous system;
  • normalizes the process of sweating;
  • treats the causes of heavy sweating: allergies, nervous disorders, diseases of the central nervous system, endocrine pathologies, etc.;
  • increases the body's defenses to strengthen the fight against bacteria and microbes, due to which increased sweating can be accompanied by an unpleasant odor;
  • normalizes fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, thereby preventing the process of fat deposition;
  • neutralizes toxic substances entering the child's body;
  • improves blood composition, etc.

Doromarin is a natural complex, vitamins for children, creating optimal conditions for the normal functioning of the whole organism, helping to resist various diseases, including fighting excessive sweating.

If you don’t know why the child sweats a lot, according to the results of the tests, he should not have any pathologies, then buy him a complex of vitamins for children Doromarin. This therapeutic and prophylactic product will never hurt, but on the contrary, it will help to cope with pathological sweating, as well as other problems that children often suffer from: bad, low, low, against which various respiratory and viral infections appear.

Composition of Doromarin

Vitamins for immunity Doromarin is a universal therapeutic product against hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating and other problems in young patients. The high efficiency of the natural complex is achieved due to the well-thought-out composition, which contains:

  • - this is a real treasure, a gift from the sea, thanks to which you can improve the work of all organs and systems. If the child has increased sweating, then, which is part of Doromarin, will help normalize the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, strengthen the heart, and eliminate negative phenomena such as fatigue and loss of strength. This plant strengthens bone tissue and teeth in children due to the large amount of vitamin D;
  • , , which enhance the action of the main components of the vitamin complex, improve the functioning of the immune system, improve sleep, increase the physical performance of the child, etc.
