Why is it so important to perform the first screening ultrasound? First ultrasound during pregnancy: what week is it performed and what information does it provide?

Today, echography (ultrasound) is the most common, safe and highly effective method for assessing the development of pregnancy.

Thanks to transvaginal echography, 3 weeks after conception, you can see the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity, and a week later, its resident.

Ultrasound in early pregnancy

The length of the body of a 4-week embryo is no more than 5 mm, and the heartbeat frequency reaches 100 beats per minute. By the 6-7th week from the moment of conception, the head and torso, arms and legs of the embryo are clearly visible. Then he makes his first attempts to move independently.

An important component of ultrasound in the early stages of pregnancy is the study of the environment surrounding the baby. If everything goes well, a relationship develops between the embryo and extraembryonic structures, without which, alas, further development of pregnancy is impossible.

We emphasize that the first ultrasound during pregnancy should be performed by a specialist. Very knowledgeable about early prenatal diagnosis. Having made sure that everything is fine with the baby, he will be happy to help parents see the eyes, ears and even the fingers of the unborn child on the screen.

When to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy?

Expectant mothers are always interested in the issue of ultrasound safety. Back in 1978, before echography became a method of mass examination of expectant mothers, the biological aspects of the effects of ultrasound on living tissues were carefully studied. It has been established that even when the ultrasound intensity is repeatedly exceeded permissible for diagnostic purposes, there are no harmful consequences for mammalian embryos.

But the negative consequences of refusing ultrasound examination in the first trimester are very clear. Every year about 100 children with Down syndrome are born in Moscow. Unfortunately, not only people who are far from medicine, but also some doctors do not know that with the help of echography, trouble can be suspected as early as 12-13 weeks. Why is it necessary to conduct the first ultrasound session no later than this period?

Firstly, it is optimal for diagnosing gross fetal malformations and markers of chromosomal pathology. After just 2 weeks, ultrasound features that suggest Down syndrome and other serious diseases may disappear without a trace.

Secondly, If a chromosomal pathology is suspected, doctors have time to conduct a special genetic study and, if the result is unfavorable, terminate the pregnancy.

Third, in the first trimester, the gestational age of the fetus is determined with an accuracy of 2-3 days. Obstetricians focus on this age in all difficult situations.

Ultrasound timing

Ultrasound is performed on all pregnant women at certain times: 12-13 weeks, 22-23 weeks and 31-32 weeks. This allows you to promptly identify the widest possible range of possible fetal diseases and complications, as well as determine further medical tactics.

Period from 12th to 13th week of pregnancy
The very first genetic blood test. Specialists have the opportunity to evaluate several important points: the anatomical features of the fetus and the thickness of the collar zone - a marker of Down's disease.

Period from 22nd to 23rd week of pregnancy
At this gestational age, it is possible to exclude the overwhelming number of existing malformations of the brain, heart, kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract of the unborn child.

Period from 31st to 32nd week of pregnancy
Ultrasound allows you to diagnose late developmental abnormalities of internal organs, such as the heart. In addition, doctors determine the growth rate of the fetus and how its size corresponds to expected ones.

Ultrasound diagnostics is very widely used in gynecology and obstetrics. The embryo (fetus) floats in the amniotic fluid, and ultrasound penetrates well through the aquatic environment. In places where tissues change density, it is refracted and reflected, which is perceived by the sensor, which sends and receives waves and transmits them to the monitor screen of the ultrasound machine in the form of an image.

– one of the most informative methods for diagnosing pregnancy itself, its localization and the development of the baby.

  • Where to perform ultrasound examination
  • Is ultrasound harmful for a child?
  • How often can you do it
  • How far along will pregnancy show?
  • Minimum period for determining pregnancy
  • What ultrasound should be done for diagnosis?
  • Determination of gender

In civilized countries, often practicing gynecologists have their own portable or stationary ultrasound machine and, if necessary, can examine a pregnant woman immediately at the appointment. They look at how the child is developing, see if there are any anomalies in his development, and clarify the timing. With the help of modern devices, you can do an ultrasound and get maximum information about the course of pregnancy:

    • do Doplerometry (assess the quality of blood flow from mother to child, the functioning of the circulatory system in the fetus itself, look at the heart, large load-bearing vessels and vessels going to the brain);
  • obtain three-dimensional (3D) and four-dimensional (4D) images of the fetus.

Where to do an ultrasound

It needs to be done where there is expert-class equipment and where there is a highly qualified sonologist (ultrasound doctor). Unfortunately, there are much more good equipment for ultrasound diagnostics than good specialists. Therefore, you need to set a goal in advance and find out where high-quality diagnostics are carried out.

High-resolution devices allow Doppler measurements and transform waves into three-dimensional or four-dimensional stereo images. This allows you to clearly see the fetus, examine its front part of the head, fingers and toes, and examine the features of the umbilical cord attachment.

3D and 4D ultrasound imaging is a meaningful image for mom and dad-to-be. And everything that the doctor needs to see to assess the course of pregnancy can be done using a conventional ultrasound machine.

It is useful to introduce dad to his future baby, in this case 3D and 4D devices help to do this in the best possible way.

Is it harmful to the fetus?

Pregnant women often ask whether ultrasound is harmful during pregnancy. Ultrasound waves have a physical effect on cells, so it is impossible to say that ultrasound during pregnancy is completely harmless. The waves emitted by the sensor lead to an increase in the temperature of the tissues and their fluctuations. Modern ultrasound equipment has very low power.

This is precisely controlled by manufacturing companies. The device operates in pulse mode. The overall impact of ultrasonic waves during diagnosis is minimized. In addition, ultrasound propagates over a surface area. The larger the surface, the less the influence of ultrasonic waves. That is, the longer the gestational age, the safer their effect on the fetus.

How often can you do it

In the early stages, when the embryo is very small, there is more power per unit surface. Therefore, sonologists recommend not to overuse ultrasound at the beginning of pregnancy and do it infrequently: only for strict indications. If the time frame is long, then the fundamental importance is lost; you can do ultrasound as much as needed.

When is an ultrasound performed?

There are certain periods when ultrasound must be done:

  • The first time when you need to do an ultrasound is -. At this time, you can quite clearly examine the embryo, determine the heartbeat, study the head and its structure, face, limbs, see where the placenta is attached, and determine the size. Based on certain criteria, one may suspect Down syndrome or serious developmental defects (cleft lip, malformations of the kidneys, heart, arms, legs, etc.).
  • The next time when you need to do an ultrasound is -. At this time, all organs of the fetus, heart, liver, kidneys, brain structure, and face are clearly visible. At the same time, the gestational age is clarified, it is determined whether the fetus is developing correctly and whether it is not lagging behind in its development.
  • The last time a mandatory ultrasound is done is during the period. This time it is determined how the fetus lies (head down or pelvic end). You can determine: its size, assess how large it is, whether its development corresponds to the gestational age, study the structure and degree of maturity of the placenta, features of the amniotic fluid, and identify developmental defects that were not previously noticed.

An ultrasound should be done when it is needed and as many times as needed according to indications. In some situations, for example, during a complicated pregnancy, ultrasound has to be done much more often. There is no need to be afraid of ultrasound during pregnancy. Nowadays, women are already giving birth who were themselves once the objects of ultrasound examination (when they were in their mother’s belly). No negative or harmful effects following ultrasound examinations have been observed or scientifically confirmed.

Today, ultrasound diagnostics is considered absolutely harmless. But there is no point in doing an ultrasound like this, just in case. Perhaps over time there will be more accurate data on its effect on the child, because ultrasound diagnostics have only been carried out for about 60 years.

Determining pregnancy in the early stages

Unfortunately, the embryo is not always . Ultrasound in the early stages to determine pregnancy allows you to see where the pregnancy is developing - in the uterus or outside it. Occurs when or within the abdominal cavity. The listed complications have dangerous consequences for the mother and require urgent surgical intervention.

At what stage will the test show pregnancy?

An ultrasound will show pregnancy at term, starting with a delay of 1-1.5 weeks. Before the 7th day of a missed period, you should not do it, because an ultrasound examination will not show pregnancy. Day 7 is the minimum period for determining the presence of pregnancy, since the day of conception is not precisely known.

You can see the fetal heartbeat. The embryo itself is barely noticeable, but the heartbeat is visible, and the localization of pregnancy in the pelvis is also visible. In fact, multiple births (twins) are immediately determined.

In the early stages, an ultrasound will immediately show a non-developing or frozen pregnancy, which are diagnosed quite often. Natural selection exists, and low-quality embryos are rejected by the maternal body in the early stages (before). Less commonly, the embryo is rejected at a later time. And in these cases, ultrasound helps. A “non-developing pregnancy” can be diagnosed if the following signs are visualized on the screen:

  • fertilized egg and lack of heartbeat in the embryo;
  • the membranes are present, but the embryo is absent.

Today, ultrasound or echography is considered the most common, safe and highly effective method of studying and assessing the development of pregnancy. It is based on the principles of echolocation, when ultrasound penetrates tissue, reflects from it and displays an image of the fetus during pregnancy.

It is preferable to conduct an ultrasound in the first trimester transvaginally, using a vaginal sensor. This method gives the most accurate idea, at this stage of pregnancy, about the development of the embryo than the abdominal ultrasound method.

Why is the first ultrasound during pregnancy necessary?

The most important task of the first ultrasound is to examine all the processes occurring inside the uterus and determine whether everything is in order with the embryo and the organs and tissues necessary for its development. Ultrasound in the early stages of pregnancy is necessary to diagnose possible malformations in the embryo and various chromosomal pathologies. If ultrasound combined with genetic studies confirms the risk of detecting pathology in the fetus, then the pregnancy can be terminated at an early stage.

In the first trimester, with an accuracy of 2-3 days, the gestational age of the embryo can be determined. Subsequently, the obstetrician-gynecologist will focus on this age throughout the entire pregnancy.

When to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy

Usually, the decision about when to have the first ultrasound during pregnancy is made by the doctor. Most often, the first ultrasound, as planned, is performed at 12-13 weeks of pregnancy.

It is at this moment that it is possible to optimally assess and examine the anatomical features of the fetus and, in particular, the thickness of its collar zone, which is considered a marker of Down's disease. But very often women perform ultrasounds much earlier than the time recommended by doctors.

  • An ultrasound at 1 week of pregnancy is necessary in order to exclude the risk of ectopic pregnancy, hydatidiform mole and confirm the presence of intrauterine pregnancy. If pregnancy is confirmed, then an ultrasound at 1-3 weeks of pregnancy will allow you to accurately determine the gestational process and clarify the gestational age. If pregnancy is not confirmed, ultrasound can identify possible gynecological diseases or functional conditions in the patient that caused a delay in menstruation.
  • An ultrasound at 3-4 weeks of pregnancy can already show the formed umbilical cord of the embryo, the rudiments of the upper and lower extremities and the ear buds. At this stage, the doctor can take a photograph of the unborn child, which at this stage has very tiny dimensions, approximately 2-4 mm.
  • By 10-11 weeks, the fetus reaches the required size for an assessment of its main anatomical structures. An ultrasound at 10-11 weeks allows timely and fairly reliable diagnosis of possible abnormalities in fetal development that may be incompatible with life. During this period, it is already possible to distinguish the movements of the embryo, view its kidneys, bladder, liver and stomach. The nasal bone is normal and is also being formed by this time. If the ossification process occurs later than this period, this may be a reason to suspect the presence of chromosomal pathologies in the fetus. To evaluate ultrasound results, the doctor must be highly qualified, have technical skills and experience.
  • The most reliable and accurate information about the condition of the embryo and the woman’s organs can be provided by an ultrasound scan at 12-13 weeks of pregnancy. Before this period, in many cases, with the exception of when a woman experiences nagging pain in the lower abdomen, spotting or other complaints, doctors do not recommend performing an ultrasound and consider it unnecessary. This is explained by the fact that most accurately, with the help of this study, most organs and systems in the fetus are possible only by this period. During this period, one can suspect, but not definitively identify, abnormal development in the fetus. Most often, the thickness of its collar space is measured for this. Normally it should be 2-3 mm. If an ultrasound scan at 12 weeks of pregnancy reveals the presence of a swollen area in the neck that is more than 3 mm, then the doctor may suspect the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. If this sign has been recorded, then an ultrasound is performed again at 14 weeks of pregnancy to re-measure the thickness of the nuchal translucency in the fetus. All research data is entered into a special protocol, which is given to the woman and then sent to her obstetrician-gynecologist. Very often, women do not understand the results of the study recorded in the protocol, and they begin to worry unreasonably. In this case, all questions that arise can be resolved by specialists. It is also advisable to make copies of all studies and keep them with you. It is advisable to carry out all repeated ultrasounds “above the plan” on the same machine and with the same doctor.

An ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy must also be performed in order to clarify data on the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid, the placental attachment site, as well as signs of possible abnormalities, such as placental abruption or uterine hypertonicity.

The doctor compares all the indicators of the ultrasound examination with a table that describes the norms of fetal development during this period. The result of an ultrasound scan performed at 12 weeks is interpreted as “normal” if all generally accepted indicators in the table coincide with the parameters of the fetus at the time of the study.

Despite the fact that a lot of time still has to pass before the baby is born, an ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy will be the first, kind of acquaintance between mother and baby, and the doctor can record this event on video.

  • If it so happens that the first ultrasound was postponed until the 15th week of pregnancy, then in this case the doctor can perform it abdominally, moving the sensor along the front wall of the woman’s abdomen. At this time, you can notice more active cardiac activity in the fetus and the very height of the formation of the central nervous and skeletal system. The length of the fetus is approximately 10 cm from the sacrum to the crown, and the weight is approximately 70 g.
  • In addition to the doctor’s recommendations, parents can independently undergo an ultrasound at 16 weeks of pregnancy in order to find out the sex of the unborn child. This is not a recommended or mandatory medical examination. Also, if a woman undergoes an ultrasound for the first time at 16 weeks, this allows us to identify, and in some cases confirm or refute, the fetus’s predisposition to Down syndrome.
  • In cases where a woman undergoes an ultrasound scan at 17 weeks of pregnancy, her fetus will weigh approximately 100 grams and its length will reach 12 mm. An ultrasound scan at this stage is carried out due to possible deviations in the structure and development of the placenta, in order to monitor it. At this stage, the placenta and fetus are rapidly developing.
  • An ultrasound at 18-19 weeks is performed if a woman is undergoing the study for the first time. At this stage, the fetus already has the ability to hear and distinguish noise, and its closed eyes react to light. At this moment, all organs and tissues are almost completely formed. The size of the fruit is approximately 20 cm and the weight is 200 g.

The benefits or harms of ultrasound during pregnancy

Today, ultrasound is prescribed to all pregnant women without exception. This research method has a huge number of advantages. For example, if a woman worked in hazardous work, if she had previously had miscarriages, then it is simply necessary for her.

Modern ultrasound is:

  • early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy;
  • accurate determination of the timing of pregnancy;
  • diagnosis of possible developmental pathologies in the fetus;
  • identification of pathologies that make it possible to proceed with surgical intervention immediately after the birth of the baby;
  • a full assessment of the fetal circulatory systems, diagnosis of hypoxia, which is very easily eliminated;
  • determining the location of the fetus and the presence of umbilical cord entanglement.

But, despite the fact that ultrasound has so many advantages, many women refuse to undergo it, considering it harmful to the fetus. This is explained by the fact that many people mistakenly confuse ultrasound with x-ray irradiation.

Some argue from scientific studies that indicate that ultrasound rays, in large doses, can have negative effects at the genetic level.

Ultrasound examination is one of the most accurate methods for diagnosing pregnancy and monitoring its development. All expectant mothers are concerned about the question - when to do the first ultrasound? According to the standards of the World Health Organization, this period is defined as 10-14 weeks. But almost every pregnant woman does her first ultrasound much earlier, wanting to make sure that her pregnancy is intrauterine and is developing correctly.

Is ultrasound harmful during pregnancy?

Very often on forums you can find the opinion that ultrasound during pregnancy, and especially in the first trimester, is very harmful. They even give examples - “during my last pregnancy I did an ultrasound and the fetus froze, but this time I didn’t do an ultrasound and everything was fine.” In fact, this is a subjective opinion based on random coincidence. A lot of research is being done on this topic, but so far no one has been able to prove the specific harm that ultrasonic waves bring to the baby in the womb; How, for example, the harm of X-rays has been proven. Of course, you shouldn’t fanatically do an ultrasound every day, weekly, but you shouldn’t ignore this study because of its mythical harm either.

So you have a delay. The test shows the long-awaited two lines. I really want to do an ultrasound to make sure everything is fine. But there is no need to rush; at this time, even the most modern device will not be able to “see” anything. To reassure yourself, you can first take (hCG). In the future, this analysis will help the doctor correlate the level of the hCG hormone and ultrasound data at an early stage.

The first ultrasound examinations during pregnancy are done with a vaginal sensor for greater accuracy. No special preparation is required.

Why is it necessary to do an ultrasound early?

Purpose Ultrasound in the first weeks of pregnancy is:

  • establishment of embryonic gestational age;
  • diagnosis of multiple pregnancy;
  • establishing the uterine localization of the fertilized egg;
  • diagnosis of pregnancy complications (tone, threatening and incipient miscarriage);
  • assessment of the yolk sac, chorion;
  • assessment of the vital activity of the embryo;
  • study of the size and structure of the fertilized egg and embryo.

What will the ultrasound diagnostician see during the examination? At what stage is the embryo visible?

  1. 4 obstetric weeks, or 2 weeks from conception
  2. hCG is 30-170 units.
  3. Ultrasound. A lush endometrium is determined in the ovary, which produces progesterone and other substances necessary for pregnancy until the placenta forms and takes on this role. It is very difficult to see the fertilized egg in the uterus; its size is no more than 1 mm.
  1. 5 obstetric weeks, or 3 weeks from conception
  2. hCG is 750-3100 units.
  3. Ultrasound. At this time, using a good device Ultrasound shows fertilized egg, you can determine the number of fertilized eggs, their location, and the size of the uterus. You shouldn’t worry too much if you haven’t found a fertilized egg in the uterus at 5 obstetric weeks; you need to redo the ultrasound in a few days.

  1. 8 obstetric weeks, or 6 weeks from conception
  2. hCG is 28,000-128,000 units.
  3. Ultrasound. The CTE of the embryo at this stage is 13-19 mm, weight is about 2.5-3 grams. The baby's heart beats almost twice as fast as the mother's heart, the heart rate is 130-160 beats per minute. The embryo becomes more and more like a little man, it makes chaotic movements, but because... its size is still too small, mom doesn’t feel it yet

Prescribed when visiting a gynecologist when a pregnancy test shows a positive result. This study makes it possible to confirm the fact of pregnancy and exclude suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy.

After a woman registers for pregnancy, she goes to the first scheduled pregnancy, which is carried out from the 11th to the 14th week of pregnancy. Such a study is much more informative and carries a lot of necessary information about the health of the unborn child.

If the pregnancy is easy, then the expectant mother will only have 3 planned ultrasound examinations, one for each trimester of pregnancy. But it is the first that is fundamental and gives a complete picture of the course of pregnancy in the first trimester. This can significantly affect the development of the unborn baby, and sometimes even save the pregnancy.

Early ultrasound, less than 11 weeks, is usually done transvaginally.

To prepare for such a study, you need to take a diaper or disposable sheet with you, toilet your intimate organs and bring 2 condoms to the study. They are placed on an ultrasound probe, which is placed inside the vagina. In this position, the uterine cavity is very clearly visible. Pregnancy can be determined using transvaginal ultrasound from the first days of the delay.

If this is the first planned ultrasound, then the child can already be examined in detail through the abdominal wall, with the exception of women with severe obesity.

For preparation and research you need:

  • Take a clean sheet or disposable diaper with you.
  • Before the examination, have a light snack and drink tea.
  • It is best if the bladder is full, so the image will be clearer.

The procedure lasts about 20 minutes. The doctor takes the necessary measurements using an ultrasound sensor. The measurement data is entered into the card, the heartbeat is also measured and the condition of the placenta is determined. Next, the expectant mother is sent to take a test, which determines the child’s predisposition to various diseases.

What does the first ultrasound reveal?

What does ultrasound reveal in the early stages (up to 11 weeks):

  • To clarify the duration of pregnancy.
  • To exclude the presence of pregnancy outside the uterine cavity.
  • If there is a threat of miscarriage, uterine tone, bleeding.
  • If you suspect a frozen pregnancy.
  • In the presence of organ neoplasms.
  • In the presence of anomalies of the pelvic organs.

What does the first planned ultrasound (11-14 weeks) reveal:

  • Developmental defects of the unborn baby.
  • Predisposition to the following diseases: disorders of the neural tube of the fetus, the presence of an umbilical hernia, Edwards, de Lange, Smith-Opitz, Patau.
  • Fetal age.
  • Condition of the placenta.

A good device and the professionalism of the doctor make it possible to find out the sex of the unborn baby as early as 12 weeks.

During the examination, bone measurements are taken, the location of the heart and stomach is examined, and the condition of the blood vessels is checked.

How can you decipher the data of the first study: if the result is positive, the conclusion indicates a low risk of fetal pathology, in other words, it is negative. If there are problems with the baby’s health, the conclusion reflects a high risk and the expectant mother is sent for a consultation with a geneticist.

However, you should not despair ahead of time, since a large percentage of the poor results of the first study are not justified and children are born absolutely healthy. Therefore, the first planned ultrasound is not a death sentence and a guarantee that the diagnosis will be confirmed during clarifying procedures.

Benefits of ultrasound procedure during pregnancy

Currently, ultrasound is the most effective and safe method of pregnancy management.

The main advantages of ultrasound in monitoring pregnancy:

  1. Possibility of determining ectopic pregnancy, as well as the risk of miscarriage.
  2. Determination of the current stage of pregnancy.
  3. Identification of developmental abnormalities and possible pathologies of the fetus.
  4. Detection of fetal hypoxia.
  5. Determining the position of the unborn baby in the uterine cavity.
  6. Possibility of determining the sex of the unborn child.

Ultrasound examination is a very informative procedure, because it can protect the expectant mother and her baby from many problems and misfortunes that sometimes accompany pregnancy. Do not neglect the first ultrasound, because the health of the unborn child depends on it.

There are various myths about the dangers of ultrasound examinations for pregnant women, which should not be believed:

  • Ultrasound examination has an unfavorable effect on the development of the unborn child. There is no evidence for this claim. Even studies conducted on older ultrasound machines did not reveal any harmful effects on the fetus. You definitely shouldn’t go for the procedure very often, just wanting to know how the future baby is doing inside, but you shouldn’t refuse planned studies either, especially if there are indications for it.
  • Ultrasound examination causes DNA mutation. Studies refute this statement; even long-term exposure to the sensor for half an hour cannot cause a mutation in the unborn baby.
  • The unborn child is in pain during the procedure. The baby's active behavior is explained by the fact that the sensor presses on the wall of the uterus, causing a slight tone that causes discomfort to the child. In addition, you need to pay attention to the emotionally excited state of the expectant mother.
  • An ultrasound examination interferes with the natural course of pregnancy. Progress and technology in medicine should not stand still. There is no denying the use of , while using smartphones, the Internet and living in a city with traffic jams and strict work schedules.

Disadvantages of the ultrasound diagnostic method

If we talk about early transvaginal ultrasound, which is done before 11 weeks of pregnancy, then the main disadvantage is the provocation of uterine tone and possible after the procedure.

In addition, it is important to understand that the shorter the pregnancy, the higher the risk of misdiagnosis.

The main mistakes made during ultrasound examination in the early stages:

  • If the gestational age is less than 3 weeks, then the ultrasound sensor may simply not see the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity, so a false absence of pregnancy is diagnosed.
  • If the pregnancy is less than 6 weeks, the ultrasound sensor may not detect the heartbeat of the embryo, so the diagnosis may sound like a missed abortion.
  • If the device is old and of poor quality, then it may not be able to hear the heartbeat of even an 8-week embryo. Therefore, you should not panic; it is necessary to double-check such serious diagnoses on different devices and with different doctors.

The first planned ultrasound (11-14 weeks) has some errors in the result. Of course, a lot depends on the quality of the ultrasound machine and the professionalism of the doctor. But, nevertheless, false positive results occur quite often, needlessly upsetting expectant mothers.

Useful video - Ultrasound during pregnancy:

Factors that make a false positive result more likely:

  • Excess weight of a pregnant woman.
  • Pregnancy using IVF.
  • Availability
  • Recent amniocentesis.
  • Presence of multiple pregnancy.
  • Excessive emotional stress before the study.

However, you need to keep in mind that refusing the first planned ultrasound increases the risk of late detected pathology, which can have various negative consequences. The longer the pregnancy, the more effective and accurate the ultrasound results. After all, it is thanks to this procedure that it is possible to analyze the condition of the unborn baby and make a prognosis for the further course of pregnancy, as well as the birth itself.
