New Year gifts for junior schoolchildren. A wide variety of New Year gift ideas for schoolchildren

New Year is a time of miracles, and children await the onset of a fabulous holiday with special trepidation. After all, Santa Claus can fulfill your most cherished wishes and present an amazing surprise. Kids write letters to the gray-haired wizard, and adults, on the eve of the holiday, run off their feet in search of gifts, trying to keep faith in the fairy tale with the children for as long as possible. Parents and teachers are wondering what kind of gift they can pick up for children at school for the New Year. After all, I want it to bring as many positive emotions to the child as possible. Of course, you can always use a ready-made gift set with sweets, but I would like to add some interesting surprise to the sweets.

Surprises for first-graders

We offer several options for what to give children at school for the New Year. 1st grade is attended by kids who also really like soft toys. Therefore, a funny animal symbolizing the coming year can please them. On the eve of the holiday, stores are filled with similar products.

Therefore, choosing the toys you like will not be difficult, and you can show your imagination and select several types so that there is variety. A small LEGO set or other construction set would also be a good gift, especially since such games develop imagination and hand motor skills. Things that are useful for learning should not be excluded from the list either. So what to give to children at school for the New Year? 1st grade of school is associated not only with learning the basics of general education subjects; creativity is a very important aspect of learning. Therefore, a sketchbook, coloring book or a box of colored pencils (markers) will always come in handy.

In addition, paintings painted by little artists will delight parents and remain as a keepsake. Plasticine and colored paper will also not be superfluous and will delight children during the creative process.

Presents for second graders

What else to give to children at school for the New Year? 2nd grade is attended by the same kids who like toys, construction sets and educational games. There are a large number of the latter on sale now. In addition, parents and teachers are well aware of the inclinations of their children, and it will be possible to choose individually for each one. Manufacturers provide a wide selection.

Therefore, choosing a game based on the principle of price and quality will not be difficult. A book of fairy tales will delight not only with an interesting and exciting story, but will also provide an opportunity to increase and instill love for him. Puzzles are also a good option.

What else to give to children at school for the New Year? 2nd grade is the period when children still really love cartoons. Therefore, collecting a picture with your favorite cartoon character depicted on it will be very interesting. Art lesson kits will be useful. After all, such material is consumed very quickly, and the flight of children’s imagination should not be interrupted.


When choosing a gift for children at school for the New Year, you can focus on school supplies. Manufacturers offer a variety of pencil cases, notebooks and preparation cabinets with designs that are interesting for children. Custom-made curly gingerbread cookies can be an original gift; kids will love gingerbread houses or men.

Presents for third grade students

What to give to children at school for the New Year? 3rd grade is already the period when children are interested in more complex games. These include Monopoly or Strategy. It will be especially interesting if parents and other family members take part in them. You can choose funny ones, and if they also serve as a flashlight, then such a gift will not only please the children with its appearance, but will also come in handy. Sets for young archaeologists would be a good gift; kids really like everything related to adventure, and it will be very interesting to dig them up with their own hands. Different sets are offered. Therefore, it is possible to choose a more realistic one.

Often, children who study in the same class have common interests. Therefore, when thinking about what gift to give to children at school for the New Year, you can opt for items of their hobbies. Classmates often collect car models, attributes of a young wizard, or a dinosaur skeleton. A magazine with a missing piece from the collection will delight little collectors.

Giving emotions to children in fourth grade

Entertainment always brings pleasure to children. Therefore, you can think about them when choosing what to give to children at school for the New Year. 4th grade is attended by children who are still interested in going to the circus, zoo or dolphinarium. Watching an interesting program and communicating with animals will definitely bring children a lot of positive emotions, especially since the ticket can be included in a bag of sweets. Going to the cinema will also delight and bring pleasure, especially if the cinema is equipped with the latest technology.

Gifts for Teens

What gift to choose for children at school for the New Year if they go to middle school? For example, these could be CDs with training programs or books and reference books. They will come in handy many times later in obtaining additional knowledge. It will be nice for teenagers to receive a disc with the latest popular computer game as a gift. Although a lot of time spent at the computer does not have a positive effect on study and health. Therefore, gifts aimed at sports development will be more useful.

Girls in their teens are already thinking about their beauty, and sets of children's cosmetics will become desirable for them; there are also similar sets, but balls and dumbbells will most likely be more to their liking.

Gifts for high school students

For high school students, choosing gifts will be more difficult. Because a lot has already been donated and acquired. But they are already thinking about entering universities, and the additional information will be very useful to them.

Flash drives with a large amount of memory are always useful. If you have the financial opportunity, you can give a tourist trip, which will be rich in excursion programs. Such a trip will be useful in general education and will make the class even more friendly.

And the memories of him will remain with the children forever. For friendly classmates, a photo book will be a wonderful gift, which will contain photographs that tell an interesting story about the life of the class. When finances are limited, you can come up with a general gift, for example, a large and delicious custom-made cake, or cakes and fruit. And, of course, teenagers will enjoy one organized jointly with the school leadership, which can be held either within the school walls or in a club or cafe.


Now you know which ones to choose at school. We hope that you can choose good gift options.

A matinee at school is a great opportunity to unite children, make friends even those who do not communicate with each other, and, most importantly, give children incredible emotions that will be remembered until the next winter holidays. That is why many are interested in the question of what to give schoolchildren for the New Year. In addition, you need to put a relevant and at the same time surprise under the New Year tree. And this choice, first of all, will depend on the age of the student.

  • What to give to a first-grader
  • What to give to children in grades 2-3
  • Gifts for high school students
  • Original gifts
  • Creative gifts
  • Unusual gifts

Gifts for children for the New Year at school

Primary school is the period from first to fifth grades. It is quite long and combines quite different age categories. When choosing a gift, it is important to consider exactly how old the student is. For example, we cannot give the same gifts to a first and fifth grade student.

Middle school is grades five through nine. Naturally, at this age, children’s interests change dramatically; girls can be given cosmetics, boys – serious sports accessories; there can be as many options as you like. The main thing is to consider what the child is most interested in.

High school is the ninth – eleventh grades. From teenagers, students begin to turn into young adults, and during this period it can be much more difficult to please them than at the age of seven.

The following tips will help you make the right decision with a gift for an elementary school student, and will help you avoid common mistakes that many parents make.

What to give to a first-grader

First-graders are children aged six to eight years. For most of them, the most valuable gift is a toy. It doesn’t matter if it’s a doll or a disc with a long-awaited computer game. The main thing is that it receives exactly the gift that it was really waiting for.

If you want the gift to also be useful, the ideal option would be a construction set or puzzles with a large number of elements. It is also worth paying attention to sets for children's creativity. Moreover, many of them are designed for spending time together with parents.

What to give to children in grades 2-3

Judging by reviews from parents, a board game is a useful and relevant gift for second and third grade students. This is not surprising, because at this age children really value time spent with friends. This could be mini-billiards, table football or hockey and other popular options.

Let’s not forget about construction sets that you can put together and play with your boyfriend or girlfriend. It is already fashionable to give girls at this age a set of children's cosmetics. Girlfriends can literally spend hours playing beauty salon and experiment with their appearance completely safely.

Boys at this age still play with cars. You can give a set of cars on the control panel. It could just as well be boats, helicopters and quadcopters.

Gifts for children in school grades 4-5

At this age, children are already actively interested in various advanced technology: computers, phones, tablets. But we should not forget about the need for child development. Therefore, we pay special attention to the following gift options for fourth and fifth graders:

binoculars or monocle;
microphone with karaoke;
kits for a young chemist or biologist;
semi-professional or professional creativity kits.

Such gifts will not only delight the young discoverer, but can also become the first step to serious endeavors.

Girls in the fourth grade often begin to take an active interest in their appearance. If a little fashionista has long wanted a blouse or boots, then you can give them for the New Year. In this case, parents can “kill two birds with one stone”: replenish the child’s wardrobe with the right thing and realize his dream.

Gifts for children in school grades 6-8

Sixth graders and older children are increasingly paying attention to technological innovations, and this trend will develop every year. Since the New Year is a significant event, it is on this day that you can present your child with a long-awaited gadget or computer. But if you decide to limit yourself to a more modest gift, then you can choose one of the following options:

gaming keyboard or joystick;
selfie stick;
fashionable phone case;
camera lens.

And other useful accessories. Don’t forget that girls at this tender age will always be happy with jewelry, again, cosmetics, but this time for teenagers, a manicure set, a handbag and other pleasant little things.

Gifts for high school students

High school students are already well versed in the quality of gifts, which means that branded items will definitely not leave them indifferent. It doesn't have to be a laptop with an apple logo on the lid or a similar expensive item. You can opt for accessories, for example, gloves, a wallet or a belt from a well-known brand.

At this age, a young man or girl will be really happy with jewelry, and most importantly, will truly appreciate such a gift. In addition, high school students already have their own tastes and obvious hobbies. You can give them the following:

A ticket to your favorite groom's concert;
an accessory for the sport that the child prefers;
poster with the idol's autograph;
an expensive book if a high school student likes to read.

And so on. In any case, you should not give a trinket or souvenir that has no practical value. Such gifts are immediately forgotten. But status items will be especially expensive, things that their peers do not have.

New Year gift ideas for schoolchildren

It doesn’t matter how old the student is or what grade he is in. The main thing is that the gift should be dear to his heart, even if it seems unnecessary and irrational to adults. But for those who have no idea what to give to a schoolchild for his 10th birthday, or he is at a different age, there are several practical tips that will greatly facilitate the task of choosing a New Year's surprise:

1. First of all, we are guided by the interests of the child himself. We remember what he wanted for a long time, but there was no special occasion to buy this thing. Let it be a CD of your favorite rock band, or a handbag that a girl once saw on the Internet. After all, the main thing is positive emotions at the moment when the student receives a gift from Santa Claus. And it doesn’t matter what grade he’s in.

2. We don’t buy cheap things that will soon break or become unusable. It is better for the doll to be smaller in size, but produced by a trusted manufacturer. The same applies to other variations of New Year's gifts.

3. If you are planning to buy a gadget or other serious equipment, then it is better to coordinate this issue with a high school student. And it’s okay if the surprise effect disappears when receiving a gift. But in this case, you will definitely buy exactly what the teenager wanted.

4. When choosing a gift, you do not need to consult with a store consultant about whether the student will like the toy or gadget, or whether it is better to choose something else. If you are completely unsure about buying the thing he needs, then it is better to ask his close friends.

5. We make memorable gifts. You won't get away with a box of good chocolates here. New Year is an important holiday; for many children it is considered even more significant than their birthday. But vivid emotions and memories remain not only from the gifted item. For example, if you give a schoolchild a subscription to a water park, the holiday will definitely be remembered for a long time.

Now it’s time to decide what nature the item provided will be. After all, sometimes a small amount of creativity can save the holiday and the presentation of a gift from banality and familiarity.

Original gifts

The originality of a New Year's gift will be relevant for a 12-year-old schoolchild, a high school student, and a little first-grader. Originality may lie in the packaging, or in an unusual variation of familiar gifts. If you want your child to have a pleasant experience when receiving a New Year’s gift with surprised delight, you should pay attention to the list below:

A set of puzzles of different levels;
scratch card;
a board game with a popular plot, for example, Timeline or Tomb Raiders;
robot toy;
makeup crayons;
glow in the dark clock.

And much more. To choose a truly original gift, you can go to any store in the city, or an online store. The main thing is that this place sells really high-quality goods and has a large assortment of interesting things.

Creative gifts

Fortunately, technological advances and a large assortment in stores allow you to approach the choice of a New Year's gift truly creatively. And if you think that pleasant emotions come first for the New Year, you definitely shouldn’t give some familiar thing like those that children usually find under the Christmas tree.

For example:

Wireless mouse in the shape of a car;
New Year's plaid with sleeves;
puzzles with a photo of a schoolchild, perhaps together with his friends;
snow blaster;
a gift package with a set of various goodies, toys, and simply useful things;
LED attachment for bicycle;
a T-shirt with a funny caricature of the person to whom the gift is intended;
warm slippers of original shape, for example, hobbit or smurf feet;
night light - a rainbow or night sky projector;
popular nowadays neokub.

But not only an object can be a gift. For example, a costume party in the style of your favorite characters, a ticket to a water park, for girls, gift certificates for a trip to a clothing store, and so on. The main thing is not to be afraid to show your imagination.

Unusual gifts

If we are talking about an unusual gift, then after the New Year the child will definitely have something to tell his peers. For example, it could be an animal that he has long dreamed of. Naturally, this choice should be approached with caution, because having a pet is a serious responsibility.

A child always appreciates moments spent with his family. Therefore, on New Year’s Eve or the next day, you can all go together to a large shopping center with various attractions, game rooms, and shops.

A karting certificate is another popular gift that has not yet become a stereotype. It is perfect for both elementary and high school students. Who knows, maybe this unusual gift will help your child find a serious hobby for life.

If your child is already 18 years old, you can present him with a certificate for skydiving or base jumping. Naturally, only if he is not afraid of heights and has a weakness for extreme sports. It could also be a certificate for horseback riding, skiing or skating.

But quest rooms are especially popular. Give your child an exciting adventure. You can visit the room with your parents, and it’s also fashionable to visit it with friends. The main thing is to remember that all kinds of certificates should be ordered as early as possible before the New Year holidays, because it is during this period that the demand for them increases greatly.

No one knows your student better than you. When choosing a gift, you should focus on age, interests, and gender. But it is always important to remember that it is not the gift that is important, but the attention and care with which it was presented. Let it be an inexpensive thing, the main thing is that it is presented with care and love, the rest is not so important.

I greet my readers! It seems that childhood has long passed and it’s time to stop waiting for New Year’s miracles. But it doesn't work! Now I have “infected” my younger relatives with this trembling feeling of anticipation for a fabulous holiday. By the way, now many people have to sponsor Santa Claus themselves for gifts to school for the New Year, so that the children’s faith in the fairy tale remains for a long, long time.

And very soon 2020 will come. It's time to start looking closely and asking prices, or better yet, buy in advance so that you don't get lost in the queues later.

What to give first graders for New Year

The easiest way to choose a gift is for primary school students, because they still have children, and they also spend a long time with toys.

What New Year's gift will bring the most positive emotions? Most parents, without thinking too much, settle on options with ready-made candy and chocolate gift sets. And, without a doubt, such a presentation will sincerely please your son or daughter - who doesn’t adore sweet gifts? However, it wouldn’t hurt to “dilute” the sweets with some interesting surprise.

I would like to offer several similar surprise options for first graders:

  • Stuffed Toys. A funny mouse, the symbol of 2020, will delight your child. On the eve of the New Year holidays, store shelves will be filled with such products, so finding something original will not be difficult. Moreover, a variety of soft toys will allow children to choose different surprises.
  • LEGO or any other construction set. A small but useful gift. Things like this will help your baby develop motor skills and such an important quality as the ability to fantasize.
  • Stationery. Don't forget that the baby is in 1st grade, so useful things for learning will come in very handy. These are sketchbooks or coloring books, colored pencils or felt-tip pens. The child’s artistic creations will remain as a keepsake for us - colored paper, colored cardboard, plasticine and other similar things will definitely not be superfluous, because an inexhaustible source of creativity rages in children of this age.

New Year's gift for a second grader

This is the same little girl who will be sincerely delighted by any gift. But it’s better to choose the right one for him: a 2nd grade student is already a child with clearly defined inclinations. Knowing preferences will help you, together with your class teachers, choose not general gifts, but individually for each second grader. For the New Year you can give them:

  • Educational games. They like it, which means they will be satisfied with the gift. Nowadays, the choice of such gifts is large thanks to the wide range in children's stores. Moreover, it is not difficult to find quite budget options.
  • Fairy tale book. It should be very interesting and exciting, so that the exciting story will help the second grader improve his reading technique and instill a love for books. By the way, a good option would be various kinds of voluminous encyclopedias, in which entire 3D stories unfold when you open the pages.
  • Creativity kit. At this age, children love to watch cartoons. Therefore, it will be interesting for a child to collect or make a picture with his favorite cartoon characters.
  • School supplies. You can choose different pencil cases, preparation boxes, and notebooks as gifts for the New Year. But definitely something bright and extraordinary. A small drawing board will work well - let them feel like teachers.
  • Buy a table game. Many of them are universal, so they are suitable for both boys and girls. The value of such gifts is that games help children better master some educational materials.
  • And, of course, not a single boy will refuse toy car, not a single girl - from dolls.

By the way, taking into account age, you can choose things for third graders from the same options.

New Year's surprise for schoolchildren

Difficult period

Difficulties with choosing New Year's gifts begin from middle age - from students in grade 4 and older. Such children seem to have grown out of children's toys, but they have not matured enough.

  • It is appropriate to give them fiction, Moreover, the stores offer an excellent selection of gift editions in different directions.
  • Not a bad gift - game disc or license key for developmental programs (it’s no secret that now the purchase of such products has almost completely gone into the Internet sphere - no one uses disks).
  • Perfect fit watches and key fobs or cell phones.
  • Why not an option? mugs or photo frames?
  • Even sets of cosmetics and perfumes, which are produced for both girls and boys.

In general, if you think about it, you can choose good additions to the traditional set of sweets.

How to please teenagers or choosing surprises for grades 9-11

A difficult problem with New Year's gifts arises when you need to find gift options for high school students.

Difficulty of choice

Students in grades 9-11 already have everything they need. It is very difficult to surprise and please, and it is much more difficult to congratulate collectively.

Of course, you can give a gift to the whole class by giving them trip to some city or, say, to a ski resort, especially during the winter holidays there will be plenty of such options. Thus, there are many offers for excursions, both one-day options - more affordable, and multi-day options - more expensive.

What to do if parents do not come to a consensus on this issue? But even if desires and possibilities do not coincide, there is the potential to find a worthy gift for everyone.

Give your teenager a personalized alarm clock that wakes you up by calling them by name.

School supplies and office supplies are suitable for high school students, but of course, “more cool.” These could be unusual markers, paints, notepads, notebooks or albums.

Gifts-symbols of 2020 are relevant - Rats according to the eastern calendar. What exactly it will be is up to you and me to decide. It’s best if it’s, say, an image on a T-shirt or a print on a cap.

You need to think outside the box even if you decide to present your child with a traditional set of sweets. It will appeal to children of any age. For example, my mother still makes me happy with them, although I am no longer a schoolgirl.

Look for a sweet gift with an unusual assortment - today confectionery companies offer a large selection of such products. New Year's cupcake or cake, chocolate figures, candied fruit sets in different fillings and fillings.

A few more school ideas

A teenager strives to look older, so he expects an adult attitude from others. Let's try to approach the choice of a New Year's surprise from these positions. After going through the ideas, I came to the conclusion that this is the easiest way to please a teenage girl:

  • A set of unusual tights/knee socks/socks. A funny gift that will not only make you smile, but will also really come in handy. Choose variations with bright prints or unusual patterns;
  • Ticket a concert or CD of her favorite singer will delight her;
  • Fashionable handbag. What fashionista would refuse such a thing?)

But for a teenage boy, choosing a gift is quite difficult. Construction sets or cars are no longer suitable for a thirteen-year-old. But don't worry too much. Here's what you can give them:

  • License for the long-awaited computer game– you will definitely please if you find the latest version of your son’s favorite game;
  • Gaming keyboard. A suitable gift from the same series. You can also use a steering wheel for racing computer games;
  • Sports uniform, a ball (soccer or volleyball), a ticket to a sports match - these options would be appropriate if your son is interested in physical education or sports.

A proven method that will certainly please a teenage boy and make your task easier is a gift in the form of a plastic card with a certain amount of pocket money. Here he will really feel like an adult!

Concluding today’s post, I would like to note that for the New Year, first of all, you need to select collective and individual gifts for school. The division by age groups is very arbitrary.

What a New Year's gift for schoolchildren will be depends on the level of development of the children and, to a large extent, on the financial capabilities of the parents. I wish that your desires and opportunities always coincide.

I hope you find some useful ideas in my post and share them with your friends on social networks. Don't forget to subscribe for updates.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

Before you start discussing New Year's gift ideas for schoolchildren, it's worth agreeing on a budget. Everyone has their own ideas about the acceptable amount, and if they do not coincide, it is impossible to reach an agreement.

The second important question is whether all gifts should be the same or is it acceptable to choose different options for girls and boys? Or maybe you can divide the gift into two parts: one “like everyone else”, and the other like a group “by interests”.

The third stumbling block, as a rule, is “sweet” gifts. Modern children are often susceptible to various allergies, and some also have weight problems. Is it worth “fighting” for a bag of candy, “like we had in childhood,” if one of your child’s classmates is not allowed sweets?

When choosing a New Year's gift for a schoolchild, it is important not to forget that this is just the first “swallow” in a series of gifts and your child still has many pleasant surprises ahead. A gift on the school Christmas tree should not hit him in the heart, but just please him, become a pleasant end to the holiday, so perhaps you shouldn’t “break spears” trying to achieve the best solution, but maintain peaceful relations among parents and come to a reasonable compromise.

New Year's books

“A book is the best gift” is a time-tested truth. Finding a book for your child as a New Year's gift is not that difficult. And these don’t have to be good old fairy tales. Now there are a lot of different coloring books, books with stickers, New Year's books with ideas for all kinds of holiday crafts. The choice of books on New Year's themes is equally wide. Here are poems and stories by Soviet or even pre-revolutionary writers, collected in colorful collections, and classic “New Year’s” literature - Andersen’s “The Snow Queen”, Hoffmann’s “The Nutcracker”, Marshak’s “The Twelve Months”, Dickens’s Christmas stories - with illustrations for every taste, and recent novelties - “Christmas in Pettson’s House”, “The History of New Year’s Toys” by Elena Rakitina, books by Ana Shtoner about the adventures of Little Santa Claus. Books also include children's calendars, including luxury editions with magnificent pictures and illustrations of Russian fairy tales, there are calendars with poems by Russian classics, and all sorts of calendars with adhesive and opening elements are popular among children.

Board games

Do not think that the world of children has been captured exclusively by computer games. And now many wonderful “board games” are being produced for children of all ages. Lotto, dominoes, adventure games and walkers, games that develop logical thinking and speech, train attention, games for two players and for the whole company. Games such as Dobble, Dixit, Alias, Monopoly and Scrabble are in great demand among children. Inexpensive but funny “Fantas” are quite suitable as a New Year’s gift for a schoolchild. For older children, you can put magical “Potion Making”, exciting “Evolution”, and educational games from the Pagedown studio in a gift bag.


One of the most obvious New Year gifts for a child is a toy. Here the LEGO company is always ready to help the parent committee. Its assortment includes sets for boys and girls, more expensive and cheaper. Every year, special New Year's sets from small to large are also released. But the world is not at odds with the famous cubes; there are other construction sets, as well as a wide range of different dolls and cars. You can also pay attention to “sports” toys. For example, a variety of snowballs, cubes for snow castles, and even “snow” slingshots are very popular among modern boys and girls.

Creator's Kit

Perhaps it’s worth remembering that the holidays are ahead and taking a closer look at creativity kits that will help children not get bored during the holidays. Here you can find products for any age and budget, and choose an exciting activity to your liking. If you want to give children the same things, try giving kits for making soap and bath bombs, candles, and plaster crafts. If you agree to different gifts, then girls can weave beads, sew soft toys, lay out diamond mosaics, and boys can burn, assemble various models, and cut out with a jigsaw.

Cultural trip

Why not give your children the gift of a trip to the theater, circus, quest or paintball game for the New Year? Kids, of course, want gifts “here and now” and will not appreciate such a surprise, but older children can happily go together to a fun performance, watch a famous musical, an ice show, or spend time searching for a mysterious treasure. Tickets to classic New Year's performances - the ballet "The Nutcracker" or the opera "The Snow Maiden" - can be a magical and unforgettable gift.

Each school class is its own small, but very big life. And this life has its own traditions, one of which is giving gifts for the New Year holidays. And since the holiday is beloved, long-awaited and connected with magic and miracles, it’s worth taking some time to think about gifts. Of course, the age of the audience is also taken into account here, because the preferences of elementary schools differ from the preferences of high school students.

Gifts for primary school (grades 1-4)

What can you give to the class that is inexpensive and accessible? Here are some ideas:

  • collect sweet gifts: sweets, chocolates, tangerines, etc.;
  • wrist watch;
  • night lamps projecting the starry sky;
  • flashlights, with various slides;
  • designers;
  • kits for creativity: soap making, burning, creating cosmetics, modeling, etc.
  • paintings that are drawn according to numbering, paintings made from sequins, stickers;
  • mugs, glasses with an interesting image;
  • Personalized lunch boxes;
  • various accessories: bows and ties, straps and belts, rings and pins, brooches and buckles, etc.
  • office supplies that will never be superfluous in any family: beautiful notebooks, pens, notepads, pencils, paints, brushes, paper.
  • toys, soft souvenirs, books.
  • excursion to the “upside down house” or “ribbon labyrinth”.

Another interesting option is to prepare for the children to go to a pizzeria, but on the “other side of the barricades,” where they will bake their own pizza. Of course, you should first agree with the establishment itself. Many pizzerias provide children's cooking master classes. You can also invite animators to your territory with various show services: paper show, soap bubble show, games, fireworks, competitions.

The most wonderful, unusual, magical (but also expensive!) gift for the class will be organizing a trip to the residence of Father Frost in Veliky Ustyug. Primary school children still believe in fairy tales and New Year's miracles, so this trip will never be forgotten. – see the link.

If we consider more budget options, then you can organize a trip to the theater or any cultural center for a winter fairy tale, with games, prizes and a disco for children in grades 1, 2 and 3. Organize a trip to a pizzeria, to the cinema, to a trampoline center or rope park.

Gifts for middle school (grades 5-8)

At the secondary school level the situation is somewhat more complicated. At this time, children begin to develop their character, they go through the stages of adolescence, so it is difficult to please them. But you still have to try.

Naturally, no one has ever canceled sweets, souvenirs and various kinds of accessories:

  • watches, bracelets, rings;
  • handbags, wallets, key holders;
  • notebooks, skate pads;

In grades 4-6, organizing a quest would be an equally interesting gift. You can prepare such a New Year's gift for the class yourself or seek help from professionals. Modern children simply love such “outings”.

Also a great New Year's surprise will be:

  • tickets to cinema, theater;
  • going to laser tag with the whole class;
  • a trip to a water park, a swimming pool with the organization of a foam show;
  • master class on making New Year's gifts;
  • chocolate, cookies with photo print;
  • bottles for drinking water, thermoses (interesting models can be offered to you in sports stores).
  • piggy banks, wall clock, painting, fan, table lamp, photo night light, lantern clock, lunch box;
  • touch gloves, player, dance mat, air football,

For grades 6-8: acoustic projector, flash drive, electronic globe, electronic star map, external battery, portable speaker (speaker);

As it turned out, you can come up with a huge number of gifts, the main thing is the interests of the children. It is advisable to conduct a survey of children before purchasing in order to find out their personal “wants”.

Gifts for high school students (grades 9-11)

Gifts to a class in which children have already reached the age of obtaining a passport is a more than serious matter. It is difficult to please actually adults, technically sophisticated people. It's difficult, but we'll try anyway.

First of all, young people of this age can also be offered a hike:

  • to the water park,
  • movie,
  • theater,
  • restaurant,
  • organizing a New Year's show,
  • going to laser tag;
  • visiting an action-packed quest. By the way, it’s easy to organize a quest yourself, using the school grounds. For entertainment, you can prepare a game of paintball (laser or with paint), arrange skiing tests, ride on the winter slides at the recreation center, organize competitions in bowling, dancing, and basketball. If you book a mass trip somewhere, event organizers usually offer good discounts.

You can organize a snow party for them, using white paper as snow. Since the party is themed, everything should be tied to the New Year: photo zones, competitions, sweets. If you organize everything on your own, you can make the holiday quite inexpensive.

If your children are of graduation age (no matter 9, 10 or 11 grade), then offer them an exciting trip to another city: to the sea, to the mountains at ski resorts, or on an excursion to interesting places in our country. To make your trip less expensive, look for attractions in your region.

For more modest ideas, such general household items (souvenirs) as:

  • T-shirts, pillows, blankets;
  • electronic photo frames with photographs of school life;
  • audio speakers, radio for the shower room, laptop lamp, headphones, emotional keyboard (with a set of emoticons).

You can “work” with prints and logos of the school and class by placing them on:

  • keychains, bracelets, medallions, pendants;
  • pens, pencil cases, covers;
  • badges, emblems, stickers;
  • mugs, dishes, personal bottles;
  • backpacks, bags for replacement shoes;
  • belts, suspenders, any accessories.

Please teenagers with interesting details of clothing and things, such as:

  • winter scarves, hats, warm headphones, socks, gloves, mittens;
  • sweatshirts, T-shirts, baseball caps with or without the school logo;
  • backpacks, bags, wallets.

As a creative gift, you can order an unusual photo session, take your children to a karaoke bar, a pottery studio or an art studio. It is possible to organize mass courses for them as cooks, pizza makers, guitarists, vocalists, etc.

Tasty gifts will also be interesting:

  • bouquets of fruits, sweets, food, chocolate medals;
  • parcels with New Year's sweets;
  • personal pizza, pie, personal New Year's cake with wishes;
  • cookies, where New Year's, mysterious predictions are hidden;
  • a large box of chewing gum (lately it has become fashionable to buy “Love is” chewing gum);
  • New Year's gingerbread, prefabricated (these are sold at Ikea).

Any gift for the New Year celebration should first of all be relevant, useful and interesting. If he is not, then most likely he will find a place on the far shelf. To prevent this from happening, use your imagination, conduct a survey, analyze your actions last year.
