Crafts from papier mache for the New Year tree. New Year's crafts - papier-mâché souvenirs

Olesya Loginova

Hello, dear friends and colleagues! I present to your attention master class on making Christmas tree decorations from papier-mache for the New Year tree, decorated with decoupage.

We will need:

dry pool balls;

(approximately 1.5x1.5cm) newsprint;

torn into small pieces (approximately 1.5x1.5cm) plain white paper;

PVA glue;

artistic acrylic primer white (you can use water-based paint);

foam sponges;

napkins with a pattern (which you want to post on toy) ;

acrylic paints;

a beautiful rope or ribbon on toy;

double sided tape

So let's get started. 1. First, we cover our ball with newspaper dipped in water. This is done so that later we can easily remove our ball from toys.

2. We make the next layer of white paper, but coat it with PVA glue.

3. All subsequent layers are coated with glue, but alternate a layer of newspaper with a layer of white paper. We glue five layers and let dry.

4. After the ball is good dried out, cut it into halves.

5. Glue the two parts along the seam using the same white scraps of paper and PVA glue. At the same time we go through the entire ball to make a beautiful snow ball. Let it dry.

6. Using double-sided tape, attach our ribbon. The result is something like this, not yet decorated, Christmas tree decoration. Next we proceed to decorating our toy. To do this, we need to paint over our ball with artistic acrylic primer or water-based paint using a sponge. Dries in 20 minutes.

7. Then from a paper napkin we select the element that we want to place on our toys and cut it off around the office. We apply our drawing to the ball and coat it with glue on top.

8. Final stage. Add acrylic colored paint to the remaining primer or water-based emulsion to obtain a finishing layer.

And this is what we got.

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“Children for the Christmas tree”: making cotton Christmas tree decorations.
Master class by the wonderful author ChirunArt or “Dolls Live Here”:

Master class on cotton Christmas tree toy. These toys are made using the ancient “cotton wool + paste” technique, using various tricks. I hope that this information will inspire you to make your own unique toys that will delight you and your children for many years.
So let's begin.
For work we will need the following materials and tools:

1. Cotton wool (cotton, homogeneous).
2. Wire (I have knitting wire from a hardware store, but it’s better even thinner and simpler, we will need it for the skeleton; frame).3. Potato starch.
4. Pva.
5. Foil (ordinary, whatever you can find. I have it for cooking).
6. Stacks (Very convenient with balls, rounded, sharp. Will be needed for small parts, face, mittens, cuffs...).
7. Shilo.
8. Watercolor paints.
9. Acrylic paints.
10. Glitter (sparkles) dry white.
11. Varnish in a can. (hairspray will do).
12. Rope (gold or silver for the loop).
13. Threads (ordinary cotton white or light threads).
14. Long needle. It will be needed to thread the string into the finished toy. (I have a set of needles for toys).
15. Brushes (of different sizes, for painting).
That's probably all the materials. I would like to note that everything is quite affordable, and you will not have any difficulty finding and purchasing it all.
I will be making a New Year's "Company" for the Christmas tree.
We take the wire and begin to twist “Skeletons” out of it.
On one main one we twist the legs, arms, ears. It should look something like this:

Next, we begin to add volume with the help of foil, and add movement to our figures.

Already at this stage, the outlines of future toys are visible. In this case, it is a bunny.

We do not spare foil; we wrap all parts, arms, legs, ears properly. It should cover the wire and fit very tightly to it (crumple it so that there is no excess air left). And don’t forget to form a pose for each toy (bend the arms, legs, and maybe tilt the head).

This is what my preparation for the future cockerel looks like:

Now we begin to build up “muscle mass”, volume, by applying pieces of cotton wool, and wrap (fix) with white threads. It’s convenient for me to add wire for the tail. Like this:

At this stage I added the missing length on the arms (wire).

And again we wrap it with cotton wool and secure it with threads.

There is no need to rush at this stage, because the more carefully the shape is worked out, the easier it will be to work with wet cotton later. Therefore, we look again and add if anything else is required. We don’t skimp on the threads either.

We use the same principle to make the bunny and the rest of the children.

And the future baby squirrel.

Here are these wonderful three cockerels:

And the rest of the preparations. At this stage, you can still adjust the pose, turn the head, or make the arms more expressive. From the top row from left to right: A bunny, a fox, a squirrel, a hare and three cockerels.

Now let's go to the kitchen to cook the paste. We will need: water, potato starch, pva (not a lot at all). I do everything by eye :) Pour water, heat it up. In the meantime, dilute a small amount of starch (1-2 tbsp) in cold water and add it to our hot water. Then cook, stirring constantly, like regular jelly. It should not be very thick, but not runny either. If you see that it is thickening very much, add water. Then cool until warm, add a little PVA and get to work. (My advice is not to cool it too much, because cold paste is not very pleasant to work with. And many people use a brush to apply the paste to the cotton wool. I find it convenient to use my hands rather than a brush, but this is more convenient for others.)

First, I smeared the entire workpiece with paste, then applied small pieces of cotton wool and again paste on top of each new piece. And smooth, smooth, expel all the air.

Dry cotton wool is very sticky to your hands. You just need to get used to it :) And we work on the face, make a nose with the help of stacks, and press through the eye sockets with a stack and a ball. Add you to the back of the head, tummy, and heels. Until you are happy with the result. The activity is very exciting!

We send it to dry. Just on an oilcloth (not on a radiator!), but for example, on a windowsill. We use the same principle to make the rest of the blanks.

In the evening I finished all the preparations and laid them out to dry overnight. The next day we begin sculpting the details (collars, skirts, cuffs, etc.) This is what the kids look like at this stage.

And here he is already smart and with a collar! After all the children are dressed up and decorated, we send them out to dry again.

The next day everyone was dry and ready to “live up.” Now you can start painting.

Since the cotton wool becomes wrinkled when it dries, and I didn’t insert plastic faces, I’ll have to straighten them out a little and make them prettier. To do this, I covered the faces with acrylic paint in several layers.

Then you can paint the figures with watercolors and acrylic paints.


After everything has dried, lightly touch everything with a brush with glue (PVA) and sprinkle with dry glitter (glitter).

To prevent our sparkles from flying off, I sprayed everything on top with varnish. (Spray cans will do; I had hairspray.)

These are such elegant and shiny children:) Now it’s time to think about how they will hang on the Christmas tree.

My toys turn out to be quite strong and hard, so we take an awl and make a hole for the rope.

Well, now let's see what happened! I think these kids are very smart :)

Now I’ll show everyone separately, and then everyone on the Christmas tree!

First cockerel! The Year of the Rooster is just around the corner :)


Well, the photo "Guys on the Christmas tree"

That's all:)
Many people ask, is it difficult? I answer, if you are interested in this activity and like it, then it’s not difficult! :)
I will be very glad if the experience I have acquired becomes useful to you!

Master class for preschool children on paper modeling (papier-mâché) Topic: “Christmas tree”.

Modeling is of great importance for preschool children. It promotes the development of visual perception, memory, imaginative thinking, and the development of manual skills. Modeling, just like other types of visual activity, shapes aesthetic tastes and develops a sense of beauty. A small child has a special acuity of perception. What is emotionally perceived in childhood is remembered for a lifetime. The perception of beauty forms in children an aesthetic sense, respect and respect for art. Works of art broaden a child’s horizons by conveying certain information. They also influence the formation of moral qualities.
Target– introduce non-traditional materials when practicing modeling.
Arouse your child's interest in modeling.
Introduce your child to the properties of paper pulp. It has the properties of crumpling, rolling, and flattening.
Teach your child to sculpt a small Christmas tree.
Develop fine motor skills and finger coordination.
Stimulate the child's imagination and fantasy.
Teach your child to work with paper pulp independently, without constant adult supervision; accuracy in working with the material.
In the process of working with plastic materials, the child shows creative abilities, which have a beneficial effect on the formation of a healthy and harmoniously developed personality. But the choice of material for modeling and execution technique can be varied. I chose paper pulp and technique - papier-mâché. On the eve of the New Year, the theme of my work was the Christmas tree.
For work we will need the following materials: egg cells, PVA construction glue, varnish for external and internal work, varnish brush, gouache paints, paint brushes, base for the Christmas tree (I use a plastic bottle of office glue) .

To prepare paper pulp, you need to soak the cells in water. For convenience, I tear them smaller.

Next, I fill it with water, or boiling water, to soften it faster.

Then knead everything until a homogeneous mass (“porridge”) is obtained.

Add a little glue, if it’s a little dry, then you can add a little more. Stir.

Then we prepare the base. I wrapped the base bottles with paper tape for better grip. But you don't have to do this.

Then we begin the actual modeling. You should sculpt on newspaper or paper to make it easier to separate the tree later (after drying). We wrap the Christmas tree from bottom to top, forming branches.

Next, wait until the Christmas trees dry. This may take from several days to a week. Depends on your idea and size.

After the trees are dry, you can start painting. Gouache should be chosen light, because... After painting, you will varnish and the trees will become darker.

After painting, let the trees (or rather the paint) dry.

After the paint has dried, coat it with varnish. You should cover it in a well-ventilated area, and also lay something down so as not to stain the floors or other household utensils. The best place for this stage is the street.

If you work with children, then you perform this stage yourself; do not cover the parts with varnish, in order to avoid harm to children’s health.
After the varnish has completely dried, you can use it. Such mini-Christmas trees can be used both to decorate various New Year themed crafts and to decorate stands. Can be used in classes and group work. If you plan to work on a larger scale, you can also use it to decorate the halls in a New Year’s theme.

Absolutely any shape. On the eve of the coming New Year, we suggest making with children the Snow Maiden and the Fire Monkey using the papier-mâché technique using the layering method - a symbol of the coming 2016.

To work you will need:
Any paper (from toilet paper and newspaper to notebook and album sheets);
Paste (wallpaper glue or PVA);
Glue brush;
Paint brushes;
Modeling board or oilcloth;
Vegetable oil;
Scissors for labor;
Stationery knife;

1. To perform work using this technology, a form is required. Since the Snow Maiden and the Monkey were planned to be made in the form of painted nesting dolls, a bottle of liquid soap was taken as the basis. The bottle made an excellent “body”, but the head had to be molded from plasticine.

2. We made the paste. The proportions are visible in the photo: a tablespoon of sifted flour per glass of water.
Tip: paste is a perishable product, so you need to store it in the refrigerator between jobs.
3. Grease the finished form with vegetable oil (or Vaseline) so that the paper does not stick to it.

Otherwise, at the end of the work, it will be very difficult to remove the papier-mâché blank from the mold.
4. Lay three layers of paper soaked in glue on top of the mold. The layers were dried. Several layers were applied again. Dried again. The procedure was performed several times. The more layers of paper, the tougher the finished craft will be. By the way, children like to stack layers of paper - the activity is somewhat comparable to putting together puzzles.
5. We cut the paper blank in half, being careful not to cut through the shape, and removed it from the base.

6. We prepared a braid with which the toy will be attached to the Christmas tree. To do this, fold 20–25 cm of ribbon, cord or braid in half and tie the ends with a strong knot.
7. We connected the halves by inserting a loop of braid into the upper part of the toy blank, while the loop itself should remain outside, and the knot should remain inside the craft.

We pasted the toy in one layer of paper with glue.
8. We made a paper bottom for the toy. This step is a departure from the traditional method of making papier-mâché, and it was taken due to the fact that the toy was originally planned to be made without a bottom.

9. Apply several more layers of paper with glue (it is recommended to make the top layer from clean white paper). Dried it out.

Advice: if you want to achieve the most even surface possible, sand the dried papier-mâché workpiece with sandpaper, removing all creases and irregularities. To obtain a smooth surface, you can also use putty followed by sanding.
10. The papier-mâché blank was primed.
11. Apply your favorite design or painting to the figure.

With the New Year holidays approaching, I want to add a little fairytale and magic to my life. To diversify your preparations for the New Year and Christmas, surprise your loved ones, and at the same time create a magical atmosphere in your home, you can create New Year's papier-mâché products.

The first unusual works of this technique appeared in Ancient China, and it was used in the production of protective headgear. Soon the French began to use it in their country for the manufacture of decor and even furniture, where the name “Papier-mâché” originated. Translated from French, the technique of making objects is translated as “crumpled paper.”

Handmade crafts look very original, especially antique ones. In addition, they are quite simple, and even children can cope with their manufacture. The papier-mâché technique is as follows: a certain shape is taken as a basis, onto which torn paper must be applied in layers. The paper is placed in such a way that each piece rests on the previous one. Each layer of the figure must be carefully coated with glue, and the paper must be carefully smoothed out so that there are no wrinkles. To create a craft, as well as strengthen its strength, you need to make at least 5 layers. Upon completion of the work process, the product must be thoroughly dried.

Hanging figures for the New Year, such as Christmas tree decorations, a New Year's or carnival mask and other handmade products, will amaze both children and adults.

New Year's toys and papier-mâché crafts are especially original, and a New Year's tree with such decorations delights with its uniqueness. Under the green beauty you can put a molded Santa Claus, a New Year's house, a symbol of the New Year and other winter-themed figures.

Master class on working with papier-mâché (video)

Papier-mâché Christmas decorations: a fun decoration

What could be more interesting than receiving gifts? Of course, cook them! And it’s even nicer when souvenirs and Christmas tree decorations are made by yourself.

To make original or vintage toys for a papier-mâché Christmas tree you will need:

  • A mass of several rolls of toilet paper;
  • Work surface;
  • Paint with brushes;
  • Forms;
  • Sandpaper.

The main material for the craft is paper pulp made from toilet paper, glue and glycerin. If you have it, you can start creating crafts.

Take the necessary mold, which can be anything, and fill it with mass. You don’t have to use the mold. In this case, it is necessary to squeeze the mass in your palms as hard as possible to keep it strong. In the process of making toys, the specific shape of the intended product should be given.

An excellent option would be to create animals, cones, and Christmas balls. After modeling is completed, the products need to be dried for two to three days.

To make the surface of the resulting figures smooth, you should rub them a little with sandpaper. Smooth products are not only pleasant to touch, but also work with paints in the future becomes several times easier.

The final stage is painting the elements with acrylic paints. You can invite children to color the products - there will be no limit to their delight! The resulting balls or other standard shapes can be further decorated with ribbons, beads and other small details. The papier-mâché Christmas decorations are finished, and the mood is already New Year's!

New Year's mask for a festive evening

A papier-mâché mask is made slightly differently.

To begin with, take a model of the future mask, cover it with Vaseline and paste it with pieces of paper according to the following procedure:

  • Standard papier-mâché technique;
  • The first layer is covered with glue;
  • Pasting with thicker paper, smeared with thick glue;
  • Papier-mâché technique made from plain paper;
  • Pasting with pieces of cotton cloth;
  • Repeating the papier-mâché technique from plain paper;
  • Pasting again with thicker paper;
  • Pasting with white thick paper or white cloth

All layers must be done carefully, carefully smoothing out the folds and releasing any air bubbles that have formed so that the mask is even. Next, the product is dried well for more than three days.

After the mask has dried, we begin to decorate it. You can cover the workpiece with any fabric, but it is best to give preference to stretch fabrics to avoid wrinkles. The slits for the eyes must be made with a small allowance to turn the edges inward. The inside of the mask should also be covered with cotton cloth. The last stage of making the craft is the most interesting.

The finished mask is decorated based on imagination. You can use anything: beads, feathers, sequins, braid and much more. A homemade mask is highly valued at any holiday.

Cotton papier-mâché and its simplicity

How can we cope without Santa Claus in the New Year? And if the character is made with your own hands, then the feeling of celebration is increased several times.

To create a hero from cotton wool and papier-mâché, you will need wire or a plastic bottle, which will be used for the frame of the product, cotton wool, thread and PVA glue. You can mix a paste of flour or starch with your own hands, but with glue the work is simplified.

To begin with, take a wire and twist it in the form of a human silhouette, onto which dry cotton wool will be molded in layers. After applying several layers, the cotton wool on the frame must be secured with threads. Now the main stage of work begins. Cotton layers need to be glued onto the frame of the craft. To do this, you need to thinly divide the cotton wool, soak it well with glue and apply it to the figure. To make the surface smooth, you can paste the figure with thin paper. After forming the silhouette of Santa Claus, you need to start sculpting his face and other small details. The sculpting of the New Year's guest is complete!

The time to dry the figure is calculated based on its size, but not less than 3 days. The last stage is New Year's coloring of the product with acrylic or other paints.

How to make crafts using the papier-mâché technique look beautiful?

To do this you need to know little tricks:

  • Do not dry figures on a radiator or other heaters to avoid cracks;
  • You can give the product ideal evenness and smoothness using sandpaper or additional layers of glue;
  • To preserve the durability of the craft, at the end of the work it is necessary to coat it with varnish;
  • Cotton fabric well soaked in an adhesive solution will help give the product strength.

How to make a papier-mâché toy with your own hands (video)

Not everyone can practice papier-mâché. To work with your own hands, you should have such traits as patience and perseverance. And for craftswomen who cannot imagine themselves without their favorite craft, and whose workflow skills for making original products have long been honed, crafts can bring good income.
