Rules for using a transforming stroller. A transformable stroller is really needed

One of the most important characteristics of a baby stroller is its mobility. The convenient and practical stroller can be folded in a few movements and easily loaded into the trunk. And the better the folding mechanism, the longer the product will last. Depending on the type of model, the folding principle may vary - we will tell you how to fold a baby stroller and how to fold the stroller correctly.

The best way to learn how to fold a stroller is to read the manufacturer's instructions. It is given when purchasing a stroller along with a warranty card and a receipt. The brochure should have a step-by-step guide with detailed pictures. Even if you want to, it’s very difficult to make a mistake, so you’ll quickly learn a useful skill. However, this trick only works when buying a new stroller. If you purchase the product secondhand, you will have to learn how to fold the stroller yourself or ask for advice from former owners.

How to fold a stroller

The folding principle of a stroller depends on its type. All lightweight models are divided into “books” and “canes”. Books are more massive, but also more reliable. They fold across their axis, and when folded they resemble a real book, consisting of a seat and a backrest. The size of the structure when folded does not exceed the size of an average suitcase - it can be folded into the trunk of a car or carried on public transport.

The canes fold along their axis. Lighter and more mobile, when folded they really resemble an umbrella or a cane. For comfortable carrying, a small handle is often provided on the side of the stroller.

To fold the folding stroller, you need to:

  1. We stand behind the stroller
  2. On the frame of the stroller, at the base of the handle, there are special levers on both sides. We pull them towards ourselves.
  3. At the same time as the upper levers, we rest against the foot lever. The stroller will begin to fold. You just have to manually complete the process (click).
  4. A caveat: it is advisable to align the stroller wheels before folding them. Otherwise, they may interfere with the complete folding of the mechanism.

How to fold a stroller cane:

  1. We find a fuse (protective hook) on the lower transverse frame (on the back) and lift it. You can kick it.
  2. At the same time, tilt the handles forward. The mechanism will begin to fold up like a large umbrella, and the wheels will remain on the outside.
  3. Memo to parents: Some manufacturers “hide” levers and other controls under the armrests or on the handles. If the locking lever is not in the usual place, just inspect the stroller more carefully.

How to fold a transformable stroller:

  1. It is necessary to lower the back of the stroller to a horizontal position and fold the hood.
  2. We put the handle of the stroller behind the hood. To do this, you need to lift the small levers located at the base of the handle on the sides.
  3. Find the latches above the base of the armrests and pull them up until they click. The stroller will begin to fold: the body will fold like a spring, the wheels will press against each other.
  4. An important nuance: if you want the stroller to take up even less space, remove the front rail.

How to fold the 3-in-1 stroller:

Before you begin folding the 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 stroller, you must first unfasten and remove the seat unit or carrycot. Then:

  1. Find a button on the end of the frame and press it. The stroller will begin to fold and you just have to control the process.
  2. A caveat: some manufacturers complicate their models. Some strollers require you to pull special levers on the handles to make the stroller change its shape.

So that the folding mechanism works like a clock

In the new strollers, all the levers and springs work perfectly. But with age, any mechanism gradually wears out. If you took the stroller by hand, there is a high probability that certain difficulties may arise with its operation. mechanisms may jam or operate spontaneously. How to fold a stroller correctly so that it lasts as long as possible:

  • Do not fold the stroller with foreign objects inside. Children's things and toys must first be removed.
  • You should always fold the stroller all the way. Plus, it takes up less space. And don't forget about the position locks.
  • It is advisable to wipe all moving parts of the stroller dry after rain and lubricate them at least once a season.

With proper care and careful use, the stroller will serve your child well and will not cause you any trouble.

How to unfold the stroller

Walking in the fresh air is an integral part of daily exercise. This is the very first and simplest entertainment for a baby. All you need for this is a comfortable stroller and free time. Modern manufacturers of children's transport offer such a wide selection that you can easily choose a practical stroller for any age and season of the year. All you have to do is learn how to use it and you can go for a walk.

Mastering all the possibilities of a stroller can be a real blow for new parents. One of the most common questions is how to unfold the stroller, how to unfold the stroller. There is no clear answer to this question. All types of strollers unfold differently. And if with relatively simple models you can turn to your own parents to share their experience, then ultra-modern models with unique functions require a special approach: you cannot cope with them at random.

The easiest way to learn how to unfold a new stroller is to follow the instructions from the manufacturer. A brochure with detailed schematic images is necessarily included with the stroller. It’s very easy to master the operation of folding mechanisms using pictures – you can unfold the structure the first time. What should those who bought the stroller do second-hand? It would be good if the former owner took the time to explain the folding/unfolding principle. And if not?

We will tell you how to properly unfold different types of strollers. Minor features may differ from one manufacturer to another, but in general the algorithm of your actions remains the same.

How to unfold a stroller cane

Cane strollers come in many configurations. In each individual case, the folding mechanism will differ slightly. Let's look at the process using the example of super-light models weighing up to 5 kg.

  1. When folded, the stroller frame is assembled in the manner of an umbrella: the chassis is pressed against each other, pairs of wheels are located at opposite ends of the structure.
  2. Remove the clamp-clip that fastens the chassis into a rigid coupling.
  3. We lower the wheels located near the handles by hand to the lower position.
  4. We straighten the fabric base of the stroller. If necessary, align the front wheels.
  5. We find a crossbar under the seat that determines the shape of the stroller. Now it is located at an angle ^. We press it with our foot exactly in the middle until it clicks - the stroller should expand in width and take its shape.
  6. We remove the brakes from the rear wheels and we are ready to go.

In heavier and more functional modern models, the folding mechanism may differ slightly. The developers simplify the controls whenever possible, so that it is easier for parents to bring the stroller into the desired position during a walk and, for example, hide the stroller in the trunk. One of the leading manufacturers of cane strollers is Maclaren. In their latest innovations, the position of the stroller can be adjusted literally with one hand:

How to unfold a McLaren stroller

  1. Loosen the side lock.
  2. We pull the handles towards ourselves.
  3. Press the central pedal.

How to unfold a stroller book

  1. We find small black levers at the base of the handles and pull them towards us.
  2. At the same time, pull the top of the stroller towards you.
  3. The stroller opens up like a book. The seat and back take their shape and are fixed in a given position.

Most lightweight strollers are almost identical to those models in which we were also carried. Therefore, you can safely ask our parents about how to unfold the stroller. In 90% of cases they will tell and show how it is done correctly. We will have to cope with modern transformers and 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 models on our own.

How to unfold the transformer:

  1. Remove the clamp from the chassis frame. It is located on the side, near the base of the handle.
  2. Pull the handle towards you until it clicks. That's it, the stroller is unfolded.

An important nuance: in some ultra-modern models, the folding/unfolding mechanism is very complicated. In this case, you should definitely refer to the instructions from the manufacturer.

The frame of any designer stroller unfolds in almost the same way. All that remains is to attach the necessary unit (stroller, cradle) and you can go for a walk.

It is important for every young mother to give the best to her children. And you should start with simple things that are necessary, for example, for walking with a newborn in the fresh air - a baby stroller, which you can buy by visiting a stroller store.

After all, surrounded by care and love, you can raise well-mannered and decent children.

Transformable strollers

Today, very original and practical baby strollers-transformers are very popular.

Having a durable frame and, if necessary, which can be assembled so that they take up a lot of space in the room. But the question often arises: how to properly assemble this kind of stroller.

After all, it is important that all its elements function correctly, taking into account your requirements for the baby’s comfort during walks.

This should be a guarantee that the resulting convenience will allow not only him to feel coziness and comfort, but also you to receive a practical and comfortable model of a baby stroller.

To do this, you should first remove all the elements from the existing packaging. In fact, follow the main assembly steps.

  • First of all, it is worth unfolding the main frame of the stroller. As a rule, it is folded horizontally along the entire structure. It turns out like a construction set that looks like a cut from the side.
  • Next, you should check whether all its elements are firmly aligned and pull out the handle and the necessary fasteners to fix the main frame of the stroller. This will allow you to obtain a model onto which you can subsequently attach existing elements.
  • The wheels are installed in accordance with the existing racks at the bottom of the stroller frame. Often modern models have special fasteners that do not require the use of additional screws and nuts. This ensures the versatility of the entire appearance of the stroller.
  • After which it is worth setting the necessary and more comfortable height of the stroller by adjusting the position of the main rods at its base.
  • By wearing existing elements made of fabric, you will create special options for protecting your baby from wind and unwanted precipitation. As a rule, this is a multi-functional canopy made of waterproof fabric.
  • Next, you should insert the main element where your baby will be located. It should fit snugly in all corners of the frame. This way, unnecessary movements are eliminated during walks in the fresh air.

The result is a durable and reliable design of a transforming stroller. For you and your baby.

Also watch a video describing the assembly of the Sonata transformable stroller.

Even during pregnancy, every expectant mother first of all pays attention to strollers. Of course, your baby’s first transport should not only be comfortable and of high quality, but also easy to use. Children's stores sell many models of different colors and functionality, but not all of them are comfortable for everyday use. What are the pros and cons of the transformer, is it difficult to assemble?

Design of a transformable baby stroller

This model of stroller is universal: it is suitable for newborns and children up to three years old, and can be used at any time of the year. The transformer does not have replaceable blocks: a cradle and a walking one. Its back and footrest are adjustable in such a way that, when taken horizontally, they allow you to place a soft baby carrier on the base. When the baby grows up and no longer needs the cradle, it can be removed and the stroller can be transformed into a stroller version where the child can sit or lie.

The maximum permissible weight of a child for a transformable stroller is 15 kilograms. It is better to put a baby who weighs more on a bicycle.

The sizes of strollers of this type are largely similar to each other, but may differ in some respects depending on the model.

  1. Weight (from 10 to 19 kg) and size (wheelbase width 65 cm, length 90 cm). Due to the large mass, many parents wonder whether it is worth buying a transformer. In a building without an elevator, it is very problematic to leave the apartment and go back up with a child and a stroller when a woman is walking alone. Some models are not included in the elevator due to their size.
  2. Cradle size. On average, the length of a sleeping place is 80 cm. There are transformers in which it is 75–79 cm, and in some it reaches 85 cm. The width of the carrier varies from 27 to 35 cm.
  3. Wheel diameter (average 28–32 cm). They are always large, which ensures good maneuverability of the stroller on any surface, even in bad weather. On some models, the rear ones are larger than the front ones. Wheels can be inflatable or molded rubber. Experts recommend giving preference to the second option, which, unlike the first, does not need to be constantly pumped up.

Dimensions - photo gallery

Values ​​for the length, width and height of the transforming stroller Length, width and height of the carrying cradle
Dimensions of parts of the transformable stroller when folded and unfolded

Lightweight transformers

Recently, manufacturers have begun to produce lightweight transformers. They are inferior in quality, but smaller than conventional strollers (length 85 cm, width 60 cm, height 100 cm) and are 8–10 kg lighter in weight. In terms of functionality, such models are also simpler: there is no height adjuster for the handle, no table for the baby, seat belts are the simplest, the frame is made of aluminum.

Transformable stroller review - video

What's included

In addition to the stroller itself, the kit includes many necessary accessories.

  1. It is intended for children from birth to an average of six months. Most models do not have an elastic bottom, which is not very good for the baby’s skeletal system, so pediatricians recommend buying a special coconut-based mattress. The cradle comes with a removable hood that protects the child from the wind, and handles.
  2. It is quite voluminous and roomy, fastens with zippers or Velcro, is equipped with several pockets, is attached to the handle of the stroller, and is convenient to take with you. It contains personal hygiene products for the child and other accessories.
  3. You need to walk with your baby in any weather. It is for this purpose that the stroller comes with a raincoat, which is a cape made of transparent oilcloth fabric. It does not get wet, is attached with buttons or secured with elastic bands.
  4. Mosquito net. Insects can disturb a child’s sleep by biting his delicate skin, so a special mesh was invented for protection. It is made of fabric and allows air to pass through well, but small holes reliably protect against the penetration of mosquitoes and midges. It is attached to the hood from the inside or outside with locks or elastic bands. Not all transformers have this accessory included, but you can buy it separately, just be sure to check the dimensions so that it fits the stroller model.
  5. Cover for legs. The accessory is easily attached using buttons and additionally protects the child from the wind in the cold season, and in the summer it can be removed.
  6. Grocery basket. It can be metal or fabric, is attached under the stroller and is quite roomy. On some models it can be removed and not used, on others this is not possible.
  7. Backrest and footrest with changeable positions. When the child begins to sit, you can remove the cradle and switch to the walking version. To support the backrest and allow you to sleep in the stroller while walking, a mechanism has been developed to change position: lying down, reclining or sitting. Often children are not very comfortable sitting without additional support, and pediatricians recommend purchasing a special elastic mattress.
  8. Seat belts. They securely secure the baby and prevent him from falling out of the stroller.
  9. Ventilation system. On many models, special openings are made on the top of the hood and at the back, which open with a zipper and are designed for free passage of air inside the stroller.
  10. Baby table. When the child sits confidently, you can attach a special table with a hole for a glass and put toys on it for the baby to play with. But not all models have such an accessory.
  11. Reversible handle with height adjustment. It is a feature of the transformable stroller and has two positions so that adults can push it in two directions: the child looks at the parents, the child looks forward. Most of the handles are not only reversible, but also adjustable in height using buttons on the sides.

What components are included in a children's vehicle - photo gallery

Carrycot with detachable hood and protection Coconut-based mattress in the carrycot
Bag for mom for a transformable stroller Raincoat is included in all strollers, regardless of the model Mosquito net reliably protects against insects
The removable table is very convenient for the child
The principle of the reversible handle on the stroller The foot cover can be easily removed in the warm season Seat belts securely secure the child Mattress in the stroller for a walking version Spacious shopping basket

How should a transformer be folded and unfolded for transportation in a car?

Before transporting in a car, the stroller must be compactly assembled and then returned to its previous condition. This is done easily and quickly thanks to special buttons on the sides or on the handle.

The folding principle is the same in all transformers - a book.

By what principle can a transforming stroller be folded and unfolded - video

How to use a transformable stroller correctly

The transformable stroller has many functions to make it more convenient for mother and baby to use. When buying this or that model, many parents are not even aware of some of the possibilities, so you should consider the most popular ones.

Changing the position of the backrest to give a sitting or lying position

Most stroller models have three positions: lying, reclining and sitting, but some have four. There is a special pedal at the back of the backrest, which you need to pull up a little, and then move and fix the base of the transformer at the desired angle. This is easy to do with one hand. If the baby falls asleep, then it will not be difficult for parents to place him horizontally without disturbing the child’s sleep.

Unfold and fold the hood

In strollers, the hood can be easily folded and unfolded with a light hand press in several positions: lowered completely, closed halfway, closed more strongly. On some models it slides very low. This is convenient when the child has fallen asleep so that the sun does not shine in the face.

Properly placing your baby in a stroller

The main thing for a child is safety, so it is recommended to carry him in a transformer, fastening him with belts.

  1. Carefully place your baby in the stroller.
  2. Securely secure the straps to make him comfortable.
  3. If it's cold outside, put a protective cover on your feet.

There is a special lock on the top of the case that is easy to unfasten. This is done for the convenience of parents: there is no need to constantly remove the accessory completely to get the carrier or the child.

Some parents complain that it is inconvenient to overcome curbs with a transformer. In fact, the main rule is that before an obstacle you need to tilt the stroller slightly towards you so that the front wheels rise above the ground, and roll it on the rear wheels. When the obstacle is behind you, return the child vehicle to its normal position, and then lift the rear wheels up and move on.

Use of mosquito net and rain cover

A mosquito net and rain cover are very necessary accessories, so if they are not included with the stroller, it is recommended to purchase them separately.

Putting a raincoat on a stroller - video

How to throw a handle

The handle control mechanism is very simple. In most cases, you need to press buttons on both sides of it or pull levers and simply flip it to the other side until it clicks. In the same way, it returns to its original position.

There are models of strollers with a curved handle, which serves as a good lever for lifting the front wheels to make it easy and convenient to overcome obstacles. It is worth paying attention to this detail before purchasing a transformer.

Brakes and wheel lock

In some models, the wheels can rotate in different directions. If parents don't like pushing the stroller in this position, they can be locked and will only go straight. Special levers are provided for this.

Also, most models have brakes that prevent the rear wheels from rotating and the transformer from spontaneously moving on uneven surfaces. They are made in the form of a pedal that can be lowered with your foot by pressing on it. To release the stroller brake, lift the lever up.

Stroller on steps: instructions

Many parents are interested in the question: how to properly move with a stroller on the steps. In order to lift the transformer up the stairs, experts recommend performing the following steps:

  • raise the top wheels as high as possible;
  • rest your rear wheels on the step;
  • Place the top wheels on a step that they can reach;
  • lift the lower wheels while simultaneously pushing the stroller forward, as if driving along a step with the front ones;
  • lower the rear wheels onto the step;
  • lift the front ones again and repeat the same movements.

There is another way to lift the stroller - pull it behind you, making significant physical effort.

Not all transformers “walk” on steps. The possibility of this depends on:

  • distances between front and rear wheels;
  • width of steps;
  • the angle of inclination of the stairs.

Raising the transformer up the steps - video

How to lower the transformer

The stroller goes down in the same way as it goes up, only the steps need to be done in reverse order.

Pushing the stroller down the steps - video

Caring for a stroller at home: how to wash the frame, remove, wash and put on fabric elements

The cleanliness of the stroller is not only a beautiful, aesthetic form of transport, but also the health of your baby, because dust and dirt are very harmful to the child. When operating the transformer, remember the main care rules.

  1. After each walk, you should wipe the frame, wheels, and handle with a cloth soaked in soapy water. You can use wet wipes. If the child ate in the stroller and there were crumbs left in it, they also need to be removed.
  2. It is recommended to wash all removable parts at a temperature of 30 degrees in an automatic machine on a delicate cycle or by hand. It is necessary to use children's laundry detergents without bleaching, because others can cause an allergic reaction in the baby. It is advisable to always add an extra rinse.
  3. Fabric elements that cannot be removed should be washed with a sponge and soapy water, and then rinsed with clean water.
  4. Drying the removable elements of the stroller is allowed in the open air. Do not place them on batteries: high temperatures may cause the material to lose its shape.
  5. After the fabric has dried, you can attach all the elements back to the transformer.

If you no longer need to use the stroller and want to disassemble it for long-term storage, please use the instructions. You need to remove all removable parts, including wheels, and pack them in plastic bags, then fold the transformer. When the need arises, it can be easily assembled.

You can remove the wheel by pressing the button next to it or pulling the bracket. Installing it back is also not difficult (you can hear a characteristic click).

How to remove a wheel - video

When buying a stroller for a child, you need to approach it carefully. A correctly chosen model will last a long time, and the baby will feel comfortable and cozy in it, protected from wind, bad weather and bright sunlight.

Congratulations on purchasing a transformable stroller!

In order to facilitate the process of assembling the stroller. We offer you complete instructions for assembling a transforming stroller.

Before you begin unfolding the frame,you need to unpack the package and take out the cradle :)

1) Unfolding the stroller

2) Folding the stroller

3) Summer option

1) Unfolding the frame

To unfold the stroller, you need to putit on a flat surface, then, holding the handle,Pull up vigorously (while holding the bottom of the frame with your foot) until it lockslatches (You will hear two characteristic clicks)

2) Checking availability of equipment

The kit includes:

1) Stroller frame.
2) The envelope is portable.
3) Cover for the legs, secured with buttons.
4) Cape for legs.
5) Handrail recumbent option.
6) Safety handrail. (seated option)
7) Raincoat.
8) Mosquito net (depending on the configuration).
9) Bag with handle attachment
10) Wheels.
11) Instructions (passport) for use.
12) Packaging.

3) Dressing the wheels

To fit two large wheels, you need to press the metal bracket, which is located on the outside in the center of the wheel, then you should push the wheel onto the axle until it stops, release the button and pull it slightly towards the lock (i.e., until it locks). To install the two front swivel wheels, you need to insert them into the front holes on the stroller frame until they click. To drive straight, the lock on the frame must be lowered down, and to rotate the wheel around the axis, the lock must be raised.

Attention! Before using the stroller, make sure that all wheels are properly installed.

4) Assembly of the recumbent version (from 0 - 6 months)

After unfolding the frame and putting on the wheels, you need to install a handrail for the cradle. It is mounted by fastening the latch into the clamps provided for this on both sides of the seat; to do this, press two plastic buttons on both sides of the stroller frame. The footrest apron is attached to it (there are 2 rivets on the sides), which is attached with rivets to the inside of the stroller. Check that the backrest is in a lying position. Insert the cradle with the baby. If it's cold, wear a winter cover. Its front part is attached with rivets to the bottom of the hood, and the lower part is attached with clasps to the frame. To move the handle of the stroller to the front or rear position, you need to pull the handle latches on both sides, move the handle to the required position, release the latches and make sure that the handle is securely fixed. The height of the handle can be adjusted to the height of the person carrying the stroller; to do this, simultaneously press the buttons located on both sides of the handle, and then hold them and adjust the height.

5) Assembly of the seated version (from 6 months to 3 years)

After unfolding the frame and putting on the wheels, you need to install a protective partition handle for the seated version. It is mounted by fastening the latch into the clips provided for this on both sides of the seat; to do this, press two plastic buttons on both sides of the stroller frame. To the partition handle, fasten the jumper between the child's legs. The backrest can be set in three positions (lying, sitting, half-sitting); to do this, pull up the metal lever located behind the backrest. After this, having placed the child in the stroller, you should fix the seat belts; to do this, insert the forks into the clasp and tighten the belts in the buckles. To move the handle of the stroller to the front or rear position, you need to pull the handle latches on both sides, move the handle to the required position, release the latches and make sure that the handle is securely fixed. The height of the handle can be adjusted to the height of the person carrying the stroller; to do this, simultaneously press the buttons located on both sides of the handle, and then hold them and adjust the height.
