A premonition of something bad. These premonitions come true, they can't be ignored

The sixth sense is given to every person, and it must be developed. Often people simply do not notice or dismiss the signs that provide an opportunity to change lives for the better. To avoid failure, listen to yourself: it turns out that in this way you can easily solve many difficult issues.

Premonition of joy

Learn not to depend on other people's opinions and live with your own head, and not with advice and assurances of the correctness of the proposed actions. If you enjoy your work and feel pleasant excitement about what you planned to do, feel free to do as your feelings tell you. Even if your actions run counter to the opinions of others, this is not a reason to stop there, but only an additional incentive to move forward.

Premonition of illness

If you feel that something is wrong with your body, you should carefully listen to your feelings. Sometimes ignoring this premonition can lead to sad consequences. You may experience individual symptoms, pain, tingling, imbalance, and just plain discomfort. Remember that the body often gives us clues, so take immediate action to rule out the disease and see a doctor for an examination. Unpleasant sensations can arise not only from physical, but also from mental ailments, so do not exclude exercises that help to find inner harmony.

Premonition of danger

This is perhaps the most common feeling. It can manifest itself both in anxiety and physical sensations: in the form of goosebumps, tingling of the fingertips, a tight lump in the solar plexus area. If you feel fear or fear, analyze your feelings to understand where the threat comes from. In this way, you can reduce the risk of a dangerous situation or prevent it altogether by listening only to your inner voice. Danger signals can save lives not only for you, but also for those around you.

Premonition of attraction to a person

Feeling the desire to get close to a person requires attention, because your instincts can push you to a person who will play a decisive role in your destiny. It could be a future sponsor of your project, a student assistant, a future employer, or the love of your life. If you feel attracted, be sure to take the opportunity to delicately start a conversation and find out what it was that attracted you.

Premonition of self-righteousness

Your heart always points in the right direction, regardless of the opinions and actions of the people around you. Listen to your emotions and feelings to gain the confidence you need. Never dismiss this feeling so that later you do not regret the lost time and the opportunity to do as your inner voice tells you.

It is necessary to make your life better and more productive, and for this, each person must pay attention to their feelings and the prompts of the world around you. With their help, you can find the shortest path to success and overcome it without much obstacles. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Premonition of trouble

Probably, each of us at least once was haunted by bad forebodings. It seems that nothing portends trouble, but it’s somehow hard on the soul. Of course, everything can be explained by our life, rich in unpleasant surprises, or fear for loved ones. However, there is an opinion that a premonition of trouble is given to us as a warning so that we can, have time to prevent it.

Some researchers believe that premonitions do not appear out of nowhere, they emerge from the depths of the subconscious.


Some researchers believe that premonitions do not appear out of nowhere, they emerge from the depths of the subconscious. The famous psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung explained this phenomenon by the memory of ancestors. That is, when some danger arises, consciousness immediately presents similar events that happened once with someone in the family. By the way, the modern theory of genetic memory does not contradict this statement. According to it, catastrophes and other global disasters are written in human genes and are read from them in a critical situation. However, few people can compare what is currently happening with information from the subconscious, guess the course of events and find a painless way out of the situation.

The most popular version is that premonitions arise at the moment when a person opens a channel for a moment into the world information space, in which there is no definite time. A catastrophe or tragedy causes great excitement even before it actually happened. It is at this point that a person begins to experience anxiety or fear.

Esotericists believe that guardian spirits convey a premonition of trouble to people in order to be able to prepare for trouble and, if possible, avoid them. In the Christian religion, this was attributed to guardian angels, in other religions - totem animals or ancestral spirits.

Scientists have experimentally proven that any living organism on the verge of death gives a powerful signal to the outside. American scientist Clive Baxter, a polygraph examiner, author of the book "The Secret Life of Plants", an authoritative expert in the field of lie detector application, once made a stunning discovery. He determined that if the plants are connected to a lie detector, then in the case when a person approaches them, intending to cause some harm, the equipment notes some activity, as if they were reading his thoughts.

Continuing the experiments, Baxter placed three philodendron houseplants in separate rooms and connected writing devices to them. In the fourth room, there was a pot of boiling water on the fire. For the purity of the experiment, all rooms were sealed. At the appointed time, a special device was supposed to lower the live shrimp into boiling water. The scientist was interested in whether plants would respond to the death of living organisms. The experiment was repeated seven times. And in five cases, the equipment recorded bursts of activity from plants. By the way, plants reacted to the death of any life form, even if a chicken egg was broken in their presence. Based on this, the scientist concluded: “Any living organism that is suddenly killed sends a message. More gradual dying involves preparations for death, and we find that in such a case few plants react, or they do not react at all.

So people can anticipate the death of a loved one, if it is unexpected or violent. Of course, not everyone can receive distress signals, but only especially sensitive and receptive people.


Premonition of trouble is not at all difficult to distinguish from panic. In a panic state, a person experiences horror, his heartbeat quickens, cold sweat comes out, he is not able to analyze his actions. When the attack subsides, exhaustion and weakness set in. All these unpleasant symptoms are gone when a premonition occurs. The ability to think and act is preserved.

There are a number of simple recommendations on what to do if you suddenly smell trouble. First you need to find the reason. Deal with your health, try to understand the motives of the behavior of other people that bother you, check the condition of the car, save some money for a rainy day, check for unpaid bills, etc.

If introspection did not help, it is worth going to the temple, to the one that is more to your liking. At home, carry out a general cleaning, throw away all unnecessary rubbish, light aroma lamps with essential oils of sandalwood, lavender or frankincense. It is believed that these oils attract patron spirits. And of course, constantly mentally turn to the guardian angel with a request for support and protection.

Sometimes a person manages to free himself from a premonition of trouble, to drive him out of his thoughts. After all, bad thoughts, as you know, troubles and attract. If the sensations of impending disaster do not pass, as in the cases described, then we must try to somehow influence the outcome of events. Sometimes people do not know whether to tell loved ones about their premonitions concerning them. There is no definite answer here. You say - the trouble materializes, keep silent - you miss the chance for salvation. It's probably better to say. Whether to listen or not is everyone's business. But in this case, you did everything you could.

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The vague attraction of the heart never errs in

their quick secret premonitions.

A.I. Kuprin. Olesya

The misfortunes that are anticipated almost always happen.

Honore de Balzac. Eugenia Grande

Never neglect the secret foreboding

warning you of danger, even when you

there seems to be no reason to give him faith.

Daniel Defoe. Robinson Crusoe

Premonition as a quality of a person is the ability to feel in advance, to feel what is brewing, will come, will happen.

From Adam's conversation with God: - Do you feel sorry for your ribs? - No - just some kind of bad premonition.

The boys decided to take away Nasreddin's shoes. When he was walking along the road, they surrounded him and said: - Mulla, no one can climb this tree! - Why no one? Nasreddin said. - I'll show you how to do it. He was about to kick off his shoes, but something told him not to, and he tucked them into his belt before starting the climb. The children were confused, and one of them shouted to the mullah: - Why are you taking shoes with you? Mulla replied: - Since no one has yet climbed this tree, how can I be sure that there is no other road above?

Premonition is evidence of the presence of the Superconsciousness, the Supersoul in a person. If we resort to metaphors, then premonition is the language of an angel, the warning of the Guardian Angel.

Neil Donald Walsh writes: “Premonition is the language of an angel that should not be ignored. Listen to your hunches, pay attention to your intuition, do not chase away random thoughts, insights or ideas. Read the hints. They can give you the best advice you'll ever have."

Premonition is the daughter of Superconsciousness, Supersoul. Her presence is indicated by intuition, enlightenment, insight, inspiration, the voice of conscience. These are all manifestations of the Superconsciousness. Women, by virtue of their subtlety and sensitivity, perceive the world more subtly, they often foresee the events of their own and other people's lives, foresee what can happen to loved ones, see prophetic dreams. In a word, premonition is a feminine quality of personality.

Queue at the supermarket. The girl standing in front turns to the man and says: - Man, I have a presentiment that you will die soon ... Man in a panic: - Why did you decide so? “…I feel your end…”

True, some men with a fine mental organization are capable of the same foreboding.

Something you have been very nervous lately, what happened? - I have a bad feeling. - Yes, what's the matter? - My ex-wife divorced her third husband and remarried her first husband. I was her second...

Premonition - anticipation of events. Philosopher V.R. Tushkin writes that information usually enters our consciousness through feelings. But the very word "premonition" means that we can receive information from the future before the event has occurred and penetrated into our senses. How can this be? The only intelligible explanation is that we simply receive it from someone who is outside of time and has access to both the past and the future at the same time. This is also called supersensory experience or intuition.

People's channels of perception are full of external information. And so they are almost deaf to the inner voice. For example, in December 2004, a tsunami caused by an underwater earthquake hit the coasts of Indonesia and Sri Lanka. Hundreds of thousands of people died, but there were no animal casualties. Because even two hours before the wave hit the shore, all the animals left the coastal strip, anticipating danger. And people did not anticipate this, because their inner senses are overloaded with external information. Under the influence of the voice of a higher mind from within, animals sometimes do amazing things. A sick cat or dog, without any formal knowledge of botany, easily finds a medicinal herb. How she finds it is not clear. This means that there is someone who knows the medicinal qualities of the herb and the needs of the cat and brings them together. That is, some kind of invisible well-wisher, an internal autopilot, a navigator who leads this cat and says: “Here, this is the very grass that you need to eat.

Robert Heinlein in Starship Troopers writes: “What is a premonition? - Apparently, nothing at first glance, unsupported confidence that some event will happen or not happen. “I would say that this is the result of subconscious comprehension of data that you are not even aware of.”

It's nearby, nearby.

Maybe on the back, maybe on the side.

I feel it with my skin, it's somewhere nearby,

And I freeze with an unseeing look.

But even a fool of a curve will distinguish,

Something bad will happen to me.

Premonition - a vague expectation of something that is about to happen, that could happen, a feeling of something coming. Let's recall the classics: "Heavy forebodings constrained my chest" I.S. Turgenev. “I am oppressed by some strange, heavy presentiment” A.P. Chekhov.

Poet Alexander Bely - poem "Premonition"

The boy trudges into the parish

Joy on his face.

In front of him are fields.

He pushed madly

A shadow fell on the road -

There was a clumsy stump.

Boy, get off the road -

Closer black spurs

Somewhere there is a dreary lapwing

You were merciful, loved

Nady with the girl -

In purple bells,

Pressing chest to chest,

Among honey, among honey,

Among silk grasses.

Why are you suddenly drooping sadly,

Like smelling death?

Lonely splashing willow

Into the blue firmament.

Evening is closer. The sun is below.

There are lights in the clouds.

Boy, turn it up, turn it up

Ten years after the end of the world, Estonians began to experience a strange premonition.

Life is a swing, a large pendulum, a white stripe is replaced by a black one and vice versa. The whole world is built on rhythm, periodicity, consistency. The seasons change, day follows night. Therefore, when the swing of life swung towards happiness and slowed down, a person thinks: - Everything is too good. It's time for something to happen. According to the laws of life, something bad must happen. I feel with my heart. That is, a person's life experience says that in life there is a cycle of happiness and unhappiness, that one does not need to have any special extra super-duper sensory perception of the world. Any normal person can feel that we have already swung in one direction, now there is a buildup in the other direction.

There is an interesting phenomenon in foreboding. When a conscientious, honest person commits an indecent, reprehensible act, a premonition appears in his heart that his bad deed will not remain without consequences. According to the law of justice, punishment will come in the form of suffering. A person in ignorance, having committed a vile, low deed, does not experience any forebodings. Together with conscience and shame, the ability to presentiment disappears from him.

"I feel trouble." Premonition as a warning and a chance

Each of us is familiar with the sudden foreboding of trouble. And, probably, at least once she regretted that she had not listened to him once. Let's figure out what are the features of such a presentiment, what you need to understand and how to avert trouble from yourself and loved ones.

Premonitions are special states that help us avoid troubles, misfortunes and disasters. You do not see any obvious signs and "signs of fate." The feeling is born inside you and comes by itself. He cannot be called artificially, you will not turn to him for advice. Forebodings overtake skeptics, and pragmatists, and romantics. They are an indisputable fact, but its nature has not yet been fully elucidated.


Some scientists believe that premonitions are information from the depths of the subconscious. Sometimes a person is able to instantly analyze what is happening, connect it with information from the subconscious, give out the most likely scenarios for the development of events, select the most dangerous - and build a scheme of actions to avoid it. Psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung associated the possibility of anticipating misfortune with the memory of ancestors - someone in the family once encountered something similar, and now this experience suddenly surfaced in the mind. His point of view does not contradict the modern theory of genetic memory: many phenomena associated with catastrophes are recorded in our genes and are read at critical moments.

The theory of forebodings that is most widespread today is that for a short time a person has a channel of personal communication with the global information space, where there is neither past nor future, and all times are mixed. A sad event or tragedy causes very strong indignation before it happened in our world. And during the broadcast, we experience discomfort, anxiety, anxiety and fear.

A popular idea is that premonitions are sent to us by our guardian spirits so that we can avoid danger or prepare for it. Christians call this guardian an angel, in other religions it may be the spirit of an ancestor, a totem animal.


They come on suddenly, don't last long, and push us to do something or make us avoid something.

Example. Winston Churchill was returning from an inspection of an air defense battery in 1941. Accompanied by senior officers, he approached his car. The driver opened for Churchill the door of the front passenger seat, which he always occupied. But then, to the general bewilderment, Churchill walked around the car with a quick step, opened the door of the rear right seat himself and climbed inside. An hour later, on the way back, a bomb exploded in front of the car. The entire left side of the car turned around, the place next to the driver was especially badly damaged. but the car did not even roll over - Churchill's weight prevented it. When friends and colleagues asked him why he suddenly changed his habit, he replied: “I sensed danger and heard an inner voice: stop!”

Another example. In 1974, a Tu-154 plane crashed while landing in Moscow, and there were many deaths. During the investigation of the crash, we learned that one of the passengers, from the Czech Republic, had canceled his ticket three hours before the flight, terribly nervous. There was a suspicion that he had not committed a terrorist attack. But it turned out that the Czech suddenly felt an irresistible desire to travel to Moscow by train and return the plane ticket, for which he overpaid a lot of money in those days of shortage. He fought desperately at the cash desk with his greed, but still overcame the "damned" and went to Moscow by train. He had nothing to do with the plane crash.

People who are sensible and self-confident. Such a person is accustomed to trust himself. He does not take his inner voice for another glitch, he is not afraid to seem ridiculous or wrong. He has no internal barriers between the feeling of danger and the action that follows. And usually he does it.

They are addressed to those who get into trouble by a ridiculous accident, and provide an opportunity to avoid trouble, misfortune or even death.

How to distinguish premonition-insight from an acute panic attack. Panic is utter terror, cold sweat, palpitations, the inability to feel anything other than fear, and the inability to act purposefully. After an attack, there is exhaustion and general weakness.

"Insight" is not associated with fear and is not accompanied by unpleasant physical symptoms. You retain the ability to think and act.


Sometimes it can feel like the whole horror of the world has opened up before you. But before you had time to realize what you saw, the curtain fell, and you were left with only a shadow of the memory of the nightmare you experienced. This terrible cold can overtake us during a friendly conversation, on the beach, at a working meeting - yes, anywhere. Frost runs over the skin, and for a while everything seems meaningless and scary. And then it passes.

Example. At the age of forty-one, the wealthy landowner Leo Tolstoy completed the novel "War and Peace" and, contented with life, went on a trip to buy another estate for the family. On the way, he stopped in Arzamas, where he experienced a night full of languishing fear and foreboding of his imminent death. After that night, Leo Tolstoy became a different person, rejected everything secular, believed in God, came to vegetarianism, to non-resistance to evil by violence. Transformed from a fashionable writer into a philosopher and ruler of thoughts. And he lived another forty-one years. Such premonitions are given to a person who has already completed his life task, but someone or something from above invites him to take on the second. In fact, a person can no longer be what he was. If he has enough energy and courage, the old personality dies in him and a new one arises. The one who lacks strength begins to hurt and fade away.

He can visit everyone and everyone - regardless of the subtlety of his spiritual organization. And more than once.

The condition is unpleasant, but useful. Esotericists believe that at that moment you were destined to die if you made some mistake and lived your life wrong. But since you averted death from yourself by your correctly chosen behavior, it swept past, slightly hitting you with its wing. You have successfully escaped a terrible fate. Well done! And if everything is awry, disgusting and disgusting for you now - spit and forget about the bad. You live right. Perhaps, if it weren’t for what seems to you a terrible problem, you would have already been carried away by death. And since you avoided it, a bright and clear period awaits you soon.


1. Look for its cause. It is always there - in you or in the world around you. Go to the doctor for an examination, analyze everything that happens, understand the motives of the behavior of people important to you.

2. Take care of security. Especially about something you have a bad feeling about. Drive the car to the service, put some money aside just in case, buy health insurance for yourself and your parents, check the accounts and financial records of the company and family.

3. Visit the temple - the one where it attracts, so that the ancient rites appeal to your subconscious.

4. Light aroma lamps with oil of myrtle, sandalwood, lavender or frankincense - they call for patron spirits to us.

5. Mentally talk with your heavenly patron, ask him for support and protection.

If something has been revealed to you, it means that there is a chance to influence the outcome of the event or prepare for it. We foresee troubles that concern not only us, but also those close to us. And we don’t know whether to say about them, or to remain silent. You say - you program for trouble. If you don't say, you'll miss the opportunity to save. Don't worry if you didn't manage to keep someone out of trouble. So it was destined for him. By sharing your feelings, you did everything you could. He had a choice. And remember that everyone has it.

Are premonitions dangerous and how to pacify them?

Hello dear friends!

Intuition is the processing of incoming information at supersonic speed. This process takes place in the subconscious, where the final version of the "future" is presented. In this way, a person is informed of a perceived danger or even a threat to life.

Have you ever predicted bad events by physically sensing their approach? Perhaps a presentiment helped to overcome life's troubles, protecting you from imminent danger? With all the advantages of an intuitive feeling in the soul, it can exhaust a person by sowing seeds of doubt.

There have been cases when passengers got off the plane before the fatal crash or did not cross the road just because they allowed their inner sensations to save their lives! But there are many more situations when a feeling of fear and anxiety poisons life for no reason!

Negative attitudes and systematic experience have a devastating effect not only on the physical, but also on the psychological aspect of health! They program a person for daily experience and visualization of troubles in all juicy details! Is a bad feeling in the soul a way to attract a bad or still secret weapon of intuition into your life?

Fear or premonition?

Have you ever wondered why we are so afraid of the unknown? It's all about feeling safe and secure, referred to as the familiar comfort zone. Fear for no reason can be called a symptom, but it is quite difficult to understand what is the trigger of fear.

Anticipation of unknown events scares you to hysterics! We do not know how to behave and what to expect? We have no explanation why this will happen and how to influence the event? Rational fear for one's own life or the life of loved ones is dictated not only by maternal feeling, but also by a sense of self-preservation.

But the situational paradox lies in the fact that the banal feeling of fear manifests itself in our body in an identical way of influence: when there is a real threat, we are afraid and afraid in the same way as when the experience is irrational and based on illusions!

Overwork or intuition?

Is it necessary to rely on intuition in case of worries about your future? There is an opinion that anxiety cannot arise from scratch, like smoke without fire. At the level of the subconscious, a person displaces frightening news, adjustments that are difficult to analyze, fragments of memories and regrets. It can be painful or post-traumatic remnants of accomplishments that are removed by the brain to maintain adequacy.

When the process of ignoring the signals of the body and psyche is delayed, after a while they move into more dangerous stages.

  • panic attacks;
  • growing anxiety;
  • apathy or depression;
  • inability to think rationally;
  • obsession;
  • obsessive states or thoughts;
  • procrastination.
  • tremor;
  • increased sweating;
  • palpitations, tachycardia attacks;
  • indigestion;
  • suffocation;
  • nausea.

But having worked out the cause of the onset of symptoms and relieved stress, people feel a significant improvement in their psycho-emotional state.

Bad Feelings and the Law of Attraction

A bad feeling is familiar to many. You know for sure something bad is about to happen! Although there may not be any reasons for constructing such thoughts at all. In such a situation, the person does not see the details of the event, but on a subconscious level feels the future.

The most common causes of this phenomenon are expressed in an associative series of experiences for loved ones: accidents, danger or threat to life, disasters in personal relationships or problems in the financial sector.

Even at the global level of influence, people can portend disasters of cosmic proportions, reporting it to the masses. Famous names whose predictions come true with a frightening similarity are deliberate proof of this. It is after such facts about the importance of applying intuitive features that a vital question arises: do we not attract like by the power of mass or our own thought?

The Law of Attraction of visualized pictures has been repeatedly raised by the minds of great philosophers, esotericists and enlightened ones. The power of negative thoughts is so strong that it can destroy the most creative attitudes.

When we are afraid and project fears in the brain, the Universe perceives the input requests as a priority. Since they energetically have a greater trajectory of influence, the process of crowding out benign thoughts occurs in an instant! And as a result, a person has in reality what he avoids in a panic!

Intuition or precognitive impressions?

Intuitive premonition is always accompanied by physical sensations of anxiety, restlessness and panic, until the very fact of the event. What is it for? It seems to me that the ability to interpret incoming information with such a highly developed skill is designed to ensure that a person can prevent an upcoming event by taking specific measures.

When we are armed and prepared, the state of shock does not block our attempts to think and analyze. That is, we already knew that things would go wrong and figured out a couple of options for solving the problem in advance. This is more convenient than falling into a stupor without prior preparation!

For example, in the morning you are overcome by a bad feeling about work. I don’t want to eat, clothes seem suffocating, and all thoughts are occupied with “intrigue”. And indeed, when you come to the office, you find out that there was a leak of dangerous fumes from the air conditioning system and two people were hospitalized. Coincidence? - Don't think! You already felt the danger, you just didn’t know where to expect it from?!

A completely different phenomenon is the cognitive impression. It is the ability to be sure that bad things will happen. This is similar to a waking dream, when an individual knows at the physical level how, and most importantly, what will happen? Visions come in the form of specific pictures, with vivid details of a dangerous event.

Precognition is factual knowledge, and intuition is a premonition zone. The information obtained can be used not only for oneself, but also for the security of world significance. People with this gift are often assigned to work in the secret services, where they record visions in a diary, forming a certain chain of accomplishments in the future.

Pull yourself together!

How to get rid of premonitions that make you uncomfortable? What to do when negative experiences completely subjugated the mind and prevent you from enjoying life? In order to minimize the impact of fear and anxiety, it is necessary to carry out high-quality and effective work with your subconscious:

identify zones (spheres) that make you fear and worry:

  • fear of the death of a loved one;
  • fear of doing something wrong;
  • fear of the future, etc.;
  • determine which of the premonitions are based on facts and which are built on illusions:
  • in the case when there is a real threat to the life of a loved one or your safety (illness, incident);
  • forcing panic conditions in the media (reading the news, viewing reports on incidents), etc.
  • work to eliminate false beliefs.

Negative Control

The negative is able to completely occupy the brain, displacing from it all attempts to think soberly. If you notice yourself falling into a panic for any reason, be sure to use the tips:

  1. if you have a "bad" feeling, try to switch to another area of ​​​​activity (use physical labor);
  2. direct emotions in a peaceful direction (use the sphere of creativity to release the accumulated nervous strain);
  3. say a negative attitude, replacing it with a positive affirmation (instead of "everything will be bad", use the opposite belief "everything is fine, I'm safe");
  4. ensure yourself a full sleep (at least 8 hours) and select relaxation sessions (massage, bath, yoga, meditation).

Conquer the fear of the future by shaping reality

The fears and worries of today can arise from worries about the future. Is there an important event coming up, a meeting or an exam? Let the planned happen, making every effort for a thorough result! With this approach, in any case, you will be able to say to yourself: “I did everything I could! I'm satisfied with myself!"

Create your own reality! For this, the creation of a Wish Map is ideal. By sticking to the created plan, you will be able to adjust the goals as difficulties and problems arise.

Relying on catastrophes and possible crises is stupid, because only you are responsible for what is happening in your world and it is you who shape it. Live for today, hoping for the best, and then you will see improvements tomorrow when you wake up.

Subscribe to blog updates, and in the comments share your personal tips on overcoming dangerous, internal premonitions. How do they help to live and what do you need to pay attention to in prophetic dreams?

Premonition of something good

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Premonitions: what are they talking about?

Premonitions are the most mysterious human sensations, but it cannot be denied that they exist. It is premonitions that warn us against some events, or, on the contrary, they want to point out some positive changes in life. For everyone, they manifest themselves in different ways, someone clearly sees a picture of a future event in front of him, someone simply experiences an inexplicable aching feeling in his chest. Let's see what premonitions are in general and how they can come to us.

In the form of clairvoyance

Such a gift, of course, is very rare, it was possessed only by great seers, a vivid example of this is Wang. A person sees a clear picture or image in front of him, which very realistically indicates what will happen in the future. A clairvoyant can see not only a picture of his future, but also pictures from the lives of other people, and this becomes his heavy burden. He can see something, but it is not in his power to influence, and the clairvoyant has no choice but to come to terms with his visions.

In the form of vague forebodings

This kind of premonition is also found in ordinary people. But people do not always listen to their premonitions or try to decipher them, some generally dismiss their premonitions as an annoying fly, considering it to be just fiction. But even for those who believe in the existence of premonitions, it is difficult to decipher them and determine what they are specifically tied to, because premonitions can indicate a very distant event. Sometimes we associate our premonitions with superstitions, for example, if a black cat runs by or we meet a combination of numbers 666, then we immediately expect trouble and begin to feel anxious. But for those who do not believe in the existence of signs, they will not come true, but for those who believe, the action will materialize, and the worst fears can come true.

It is best not to panic when vague premonitions appear, but to try to figure out what this or that feeling may be connected with. If you experience a constant unpleasant feeling when performing certain actions or when communicating with a specific person, then you should find out the possible cause of your feelings.

Premonition for the situation

This kind of foresight is associated with a certain event or action, and those who correctly interpret their voice can avoid many troubles. Premonition in such a situation arises in the form of a barrier, unwillingness to perform some action or deed, although, it would seem, there are no justifications for this. And these are not just emotions or feelings, a person at this moment holds and does not let go of physical strength. Suppose you need to go somewhere or meet a person, and at the same time you understand for sure that you must get there and there is no reason not to do this, but in order to complete this action you have to overcome yourself through force, you feel an absolutely clear psychological and physical discomfort. The simplest example is when a person buys a plane ticket and understands very precisely that some unknown force is not letting him go anywhere, he stays and soon finds out that the plane crashed.

It is foolish not to pay attention to this kind of foreboding, at best it can result in a minor nuisance, at worst it can cost your life. But how to distinguish just ordinary excitement from the obvious signs of the Universe? To do this, you need to learn to trust yourself and your feelings, if you have no reason to worry, and a nagging unpleasant feeling still haunts you, then it is better to play it safe. It is better to change your plans than to suffer later because you did not listen to your inner voice.

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How do premonitions manifest?


One of the most striking manifestations of forebodings is prophetic dreams. It is generally accepted that dreams are just a rethinking of the information lived during the day, but sometimes information from the future or a message from the Universe can get into them. But here you should be careful not to confuse ordinary dreams with prophetic ones. For example, if you dreamed of a fire, then it is not at all necessary that your house will soon catch fire. This may simply mean future minor troubles, or so the impression after a fire with acquaintances could be reproduced in your mind. Therefore, you should carefully analyze your dream and decide which category it belongs to.

In real life

In ordinary life, premonitions can manifest as unreasonable anxiety, but they can also come in the form of obsessive thoughts. For example, you will often catch the eye of stray cats and dogs, and you will get the feeling that they are chasing you, and after a while you will get into a car accident, which will be caused by a cat that ran out onto the road. So the Universe tried to warn you about the danger, but you could not connect the cats with a possible car accident.

It is difficult to protect yourself from events with such forebodings, but you can try. You should be more careful in your actions and movements, not tempt fate for strength. But obsessive thoughts do not necessarily have to notify about bad events, they can also try to tell about something good, so you should not tune in to the negative in advance.

Who has more foresight?

People with developed intuition are more susceptible to foresight, since these feelings are very close to each other. But at the same time, not necessarily a person with a developed intuition will be able to clearly explain his foresight. And all because intuition is more related to specific actions and actions, with it a person feels that this is exactly what cannot be done. And premonitions most often do not point to something definite and it is difficult to tie them to something, i.e. it remains for a person to either trust in foresight or not, while intuition is more confirmed.

Premonitions are easier to manifest in people with a creative mindset, who evaluate the world not only through a scientific and pragmatic worldview, but also admit the existence of many inexplicable things. It is more difficult for more rational people to let foresight into their world of facts that cannot be explained by logic alone. Therefore, if you want to let premonitions into your life, then do not dismiss the signs and laws of the Universe.

Especially for LadySpecial.ru - Natella

I have a bad feeling: what should I do if I have constant forebodings and anxiety?

Premonition. only those who have felt it know what it is. A premonition is literally on an intuitive, subconscious level an understanding that something bad, irreparable, terrible will happen. That a problem is about to come, maybe a small one, or maybe a big one, a real disaster. Worst of all is the premonition of death. And most importantly, there is uncertainty ahead, because apart from a bad feeling, there is absolutely nothing to rely on. But a premonition is not proof, you can’t turn to the police with it. What to do? Where to run? In general, is it worth believing your premonitions, because they do not always come true? And how to get rid of the bad that awaits? Is it possible to prevent misfortune if you foresee it in advance? Let's try to figure it out together with the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

What is a premonition? Can a person truly foresee something bad, like death?

What can a premonition transform into and why does it not work in some cases?

What to do if you are tormented by constant forebodings of something bad?

The question of the truth of forebodings has been troubling people since ancient times. Can a person foresee his own death or the death of a loved one? Is it worth it to believe the premonitions of the bad? Does a person have intuition, can this feeling be somehow substantiated from the point of view of science?

On the one hand, we have to state the fact that all the serious sciences of the world deny the existence of any forebodings. On the other hand, many people have evidence when premonitions do come true. Surely every reader of this article will definitely have an uncle or aunt, grandmother or neighbor who testified that they experienced premonitions of something bad, which then, in the near future, happened. This is not always something significant, but, nevertheless, it is an indisputable fact that cannot be argued with. How can this be? And why is the phenomenon of premonition not given sufficient attention in psychodiagnostics?

Indeed, scientists have shrugged off intuition and premonition throughout the history of science. Scientists' guesses on this issue were more of a philosophical nature than a real scientific definition. For a long time, occult, mystical teachings and practices have been speculating with a sense of foreboding and its interpretation. And to this day, all sorts of fortune tellers-charlatans very often build relationships with their clients solely on their premonitions and intuition, in fact, exploiting fantasy and conjecture for their own selfish purposes.

Only today, finally, can we say that the feeling of foreboding, its origin, its formation, the reaction to it by a person and others is completely unraveled and described. And this was done in the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

The phenomenal clue lies in one of the 8 vectors - visual. The number of people who have a visual vector is about 5%. It may seem to every spectator that he is able to foresee the future. The paradox lies in the fact that all his premonitions are pure fiction, in which he himself believes due to the strength of his peculiarity of the psyche.

Anticipation and creativity - who wins?

People with a visual vector by nature have one feature - they see the world more than others, they distinguish incomparably more colors, they are able to touch the maximum with their eyes. Vision is a real erogenous zone of the visual person, using which the visual person truly enjoys. It brings him joy to see the beauty of the world, to photograph and draw, to contemplate the sunrise or sunset. From the very morning they open their eyes and absorb everything that happens around them - these are truly the most "big-eyed" people in the world.

Today the world is complicated - the number of colors around us has increased many times over. We are literally surrounded by visual information that moves, develops, accelerates. And a visual person should notice everything - especially since his desire for information is enormous. Any person receives 90% of information through vision, but in a visual person, the eyes are literally overstrained. A little something rustled, a little someone swears - you need to look back at everything, you need to consider everything, see it with your own eyes. And visual people see not only in front of them, but the visual periphery also develops - what we do not pay attention to, in fact, the eyes saw with peripheral vision and recorded in the brain.

Potentially, any spectator is a creative person, one way or another, in different forms. Spectators are actors, artists, art historians, writers, directors, photographers - representatives of any creative profession. Often, if it so happens that their life path is in no way connected with the creative profession, it becomes their hobby: they sew and embroider themselves, make crafts, compose fairy tales for their own children and much more. It is the accumulated information about the whole world around us through vision and the visual periphery, digested through the visual vector, that is transformed into creativity. And the more developed a person is, the higher his temperament is, the more he can transform the received visual information into a sensual, emotional and very accurate picture-story about the outside world. It always captures, impresses, fascinates.

The spectator can also express himself in contact with others, it is the spectators who subtly feel the mood of the other, potentially being the best therapists, psychologists, doctors.

But it happens differently. The visual periphery accumulates, but is not expressed by creativity. It is in this case that it results in a feeling of premonition, anxiety, nervous tension from the feeling that something will happen. It does not result in creativity, but turns into fiction, a fairy tale, which is perceived as reality. Non-realization, a large share of fear makes forebodings bad. The spectator always assumes the worst, often death. Because death is the worst thing that can be for the viewer. So it turns out that all premonitions are often the fruit of unrealized vision.

There are a number of other properties of the viewer that enhance premonitions. And often this happens out of the blue. Emotional coloring of fear, a buildup for anticipation from 0 to 100 in a couple of minutes, hysteria, and much, much more.

But the worst thing is believing in your presentiment as a true prediction. From here, by the way, all superstitions with signs originate. Especially if there have already been precedents when a premonition or superstition came true, even though it was an isolated case. We ourselves come up with premonitions, various deja vu, predictions, and believe in it - on such grounds even visual hallucinations arise, in which a person not only believes, it seems to him that he actually experienced it. And all this is given a strong emotional coloring, which enhances premonitions.

Visual premonitions are false ideas about the future, the expectation of one's own fears. Is it possible to believe such forebodings? No, but you can understand where they come from.

Why do premonitions sometimes come true?

Of course, premonitions are always the prerogative of a visual person in a state of stress and non-realization. And yet, each such person relies not on fiction, but on fact - in his life there have been many confirmations of forebodings. How can this be explained?

The fact is that the life of such a visual person consists entirely of forebodings. Most of which do not come true even close, are quickly forgotten due to the impressionability and sudden changes in mood to which all visual people are subject. In 1-2 cases out of 100, the premonition really comes true. And this could be attributed to a coincidence. But even here, not everything is as simple as it seems.

A visual person in a state of stress, which means fear, constantly attracts various misfortunes. This is not esoteric or evil forces, but the simplest physiology. Such a visual person, especially with a skin vector that is in the "failure" life scenario, is constantly drawn into the most unpleasant stories. And often, by the way, such a person does not have a premonition for them at all, but, nevertheless, there is a feeling that all life is going badly, that fate is unfriendly to him. And in this life he constantly feels premonitions of something bad, irreparable. And although most of these forebodings do not come true, yet the whole life passes unhappily, downtrodden, unpleasant. Moreover, such a person easily falls for the hook of astrologers and fortune-tellers, believes in esotericism, rushes about in pipe dreams all his life and constantly feels a lack of joy and happiness.

Some visual people bring their premonitions out in the form of predictions not only for themselves, but also for others. Believing in their gift of foreboding, they predict fate, guessing by hand or on tarot cards, or even just by looking into a person’s eyes. There are no real grounds, except for an imaginary presentiment, for such predictions at all. Often this is presented as a hobby or fun, such persons do not even understand what responsibility lies with them when they inspire their presentiment to other visual people who are able to believe in unjustified words, which can change lives dramatically.

How to get rid of bad feelings?

It is very important for a visual person to get rid of forebodings, this will allow him to transform his life, to become a truly happy person. How to do it? Of course, you can get creative right now - this will relieve tension, bring the biochemistry of the brain into good condition. You can try your hand at working with people, but without proper knowledge and development, not everyone has the patience for this. For a visual person, it is very important not only to stop believing in their premonitions, but to know accurate information, understand themselves and others, and unravel the psychology of people.

Through the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, we can understand our own states, get rid of fears.

If you want to get rid of the unpleasant foreboding of impending troubles, something bad, and even more so - the feeling of impending death, we invite you to attend a training in system-vector psychology. Introductory lectures are held online and free of charge, everyone can get acquainted with them. To register and invite, just fill out the registration form at this link.

You can watch the lectures right now - follow this link and watch any video.

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Religious Reading: Prayer for a bad feeling to help our readers.

In every person there is an instinct for self-preservation, and fear is a completely natural reaction of the body to the negative manifestations of the environment. However, there are situations when phobias develop into real panic and begin to interfere with an adequate perception of the current situation. At such moments, Orthodox prayer can help a person out of fear and anxiety - it will not only calm and normalize his state of mind, but also provide reliable protection from higher powers.

The Benefits of Prayer in Relieving Anxiety and Fear

A rare person can boast of a life devoid of emotional experiences, anxiety, fear. Fear and anxiety are familiar to anyone who has come into this world. Fear makes one fear some phenomena of the surrounding reality, anxiety poisons the human soul with the expectation of something unpleasant, a bad feeling.

According to the Orthodox Church, every member of the human race was sent by the Lord into this world to enjoy life, to enjoy God's gifts, His mercy, to lead a calm and moderate existence. However, all kinds of phobias and worries prevent a full life, because they are negative types of internal state.

Fear and anxiety cause a person to be in constant stress, undermine his health, and have a negative impact on the overall life expectancy. If people want to truly enjoy their existence and stay in this world until the deepest old age, they should, first of all, learn to live without fear, without experiences that torment and weaken the soul.

Faith in God, on the contrary, takes care of the soul of a layman and strengthens it, bringing it closer to the very life that the Creator bequeathed to his sons and daughters. Therefore, Orthodox prayer for fear and anxiety is the best way to get rid of negative experiences. The sacred and wise words of prayer texts inspire confidence in a person, give him calmness and peace, and contribute to a sober assessment of the situation that caused a feeling of horror and anxiety. Under the influence of prayer, he begins to treat difficult life situations more calmly, quickly finds the right solution.

Prayer for fear and anxiety: the most powerful Orthodox texts

There are several Christian prayers that help eliminate the obsessive feeling of anxiety and fear. Many of them are widely known. Prayer for fear and anxiety can be long and short, used in certain situations that deprive a person of calm and serenity.

The most famous and common Orthodox prayer texts that relieve anxiety and feelings of horror are:

Song of the Mother of God

This is a prayer that helps eliminate obsessive thoughts and fear that arose for no apparent reason. The text should be read three times, at least:

Prayer to the Holy Cross

Jesus Prayer

A short prayer that can relieve anxiety and fear. You can apply it in any situation:

Prayer from fear and anxiety to the Lord God

This prayer is suitable for reading at any moment, filling the soul with restlessness and making the heart pound in horror. The text is as follows:

Lord's Prayer

“Our Father” is one of the strongest Christian prayers, the pronunciation of which has no restrictions. If you are overwhelmed by anxiety and fear, read the Lord's Prayer as often as possible. If a feeling of horror and anxiety visits you mainly at night, it is recommended to say “Our Father” before going to bed, at least 40 times. Text:

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

Prayer directed to your personal heavenly protector - Guardian Angel - eliminates many phobias, protects from all sorts of troubles and misfortunes. It should be pronounced in moments of anxiety and fear, as well as every evening or night, before going to the realm of dreams. Text:

“Alive in the help of the Most High” is an Orthodox prayer that has the most powerful protective properties. In moments of anxiety and forebodings, she is able to help no worse than the strongest sedative, put thoughts in order, bestow peace of mind. Text:

“Let God arise…”

The prayer “Let God rise again” in a period of fear and danger can act as the strongest protective shield. Text:

Listen also to prayers for fear and anxiety in this video:

Kontakion to the Most Holy Theotokos from anxieties and fears

Regular recitation of Kontakion to the Blessed Virgin Mary helps to get rid of fears and anxieties. Text:

Morning prayer of the Optina Elders

The prayer of the Optina elders at the beginning of the day has proven itself well in the fight against unrest and worries. You need to read it every day, in the morning time of the day (you can as part of the morning prayer rule). Text:

When and how to say a prayer from fear and anxiety

Everyday life is full of surprises, and not always pleasant ones. Difficult situations often occur in it, and stress can overtake at any moment. It is not surprising that all kinds of fears and anxieties have long become an integral part of human existence. Worst of all, if they develop into a panic. At such moments, a person ceases to control himself, his mental and physical forces fail him, he becomes defenseless and weak. All of this can end quite badly. Therefore, prayer from fear and anxiety should take its rightful place in the life of every believer. It can help out in a variety of situations, namely:

  • when a person experiences fear;
  • when, due to fear, the ability to concentrate is lost;
  • when panic sets in;
  • when inexplicable and causeless anxiety attacks;
  • when fear becomes paralyzing.

It is better to know prayer texts by heart - this will help you better concentrate in dangerous and critical circumstances, pull yourself together faster, resist your phobias and worries in time and get rid of them sooner. If it is rather difficult to learn voluminous texts, then at least one short prayer from fear and anxiety from those presented above should always be stored in the arsenal of memory. It is necessary to pronounce protective words clearly, without haste, with comprehension and understanding, and, preferably, out loud - there will be no sense from indistinct mumbling.

It is useful to turn on visualization: imagine in your imagination the image of your fear and gradually mentally destroy it in any convenient way (tear it to shreds, dissolve, etc.). It is not forbidden to pray by the light of candles - their flame will help to calm down and concentrate.

The most basic thing that is required when saying a prayer from fear and anxiety is sincere faith in God and the heavenly powers. The prayer text, uttered with pure and unshakable faith in the soul, will certainly be heard by the Creator and His helpers.

Thank you very much! Recently, panic attacks have begun to overcome. I began to pray at such moments - and the truth becomes easier.

A long time ago I memorized several protective prayers and prayers for fear. My profession is dangerous, and without them it is simply impossible sometimes. Alive, well, serious dangers have always miraculously bypassed me. I believe that the Lord and the saints help me

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Surely you had moments when you experienced a bad premonition - a premonition of trouble before the onset of some unpleasant events in your life. What to do if you have a bad feeling?

You can guess about the upcoming problems by numerous signs, or even simply focusing on your bad feeling. Premonition of trouble. In psychology, such a premonition is called a "subconscious warning", and in occultism - an "astral signal".

I will quote one of the letters: Hello, dear Vladimir Petrovich! I want to ask you about this. All last week, until yesterday, I had a very bad state, absent-mindedness, heaviness in my soul, apathy, a bad feeling. Yesterday I could not stand it and went to a familiar specialist. He took off a very strong, as he said, "signal" from me. The condition immediately improved significantly. I want to ask, what could this "signal" be?"

So, if I correctly understand the meaning of the term "signal" in the occult context, it means a warning about some unpleasant events that may occur in the near future. At the same time, people with a sufficiently developed intuition can feel everything that is described in the letter (a bad feeling, as if "cats are scratching their souls"). Accordingly, the phrase "remove the signal" means the elimination of the symptoms of bad foreboding.

But if a person has ceased to experience bad forebodings of trouble, this does not mean at all that trouble will not happen. After all, first of all, it is necessary to neutralize what could cause this very "signal" (ie, neutralize future negative events). By the way, all this, as a rule, is not related to any witchcraft activity. More often, some negative events of natural origin are implied (illness, accident, crisis in the family, problems at work, etc.), and their foreboding is also quite natural.

When "signals" of the described kind appear (low mood, mental heaviness, foreboding trouble, expecting something bad), it makes sense to use the help of a professional specialist or, at least, read protective and protective conspiracies and prayers on your own.

Here is the text of one of these conspiracies: “Jesus Christ descended from heaven, raised the life-giving cross. He overshadows us with the life-giving cross, with his miracles he protects us from the walking beast, from the flying serpent, from the thief, from the robber, save me, Lord, your servant (name Mount Sinai stands around our courtyard, dear helper angels stand in formation."

And here is a protective conspiracy "from evil people": "I will get up, the servant of God (name), blessed, and go, crossing myself, into an open field, wash myself with morning dew and bright dawn, rub myself with the red sun, gird myself with a bright moon, otchichusya with small frequent stars , I will cover myself with a copper sky, I will pray to the forty martyrs, Michael the Archangel, Gabriel the Archangel. Give me, Lord, from the pure field of a fierce beast; go, fierce beast, to evil people, take out a heart with a hot liver, bring it to me, a servant of God (name). As it is not possible for the servants of God, evil people, to breathe under a stone, so it is not possible for me, the servant of God (name), to bear the heart and think evil and remember - forever, amen.

And another simple but effective remedy: to protect against tears, you should remove the lid of the pot in which water boils and shake it in all directions. In this case, tears are replaced by drops falling from the lid.

You can find a significant number of other protective and protective rituals and conspiracies in my book "Magical Attraction of Money" (click on the title of the book).

And finally, I note that in such circumstances, many people come up with the standard and, frankly, rather stupid idea to go to church, put a candle there to the iconostasis, etc. But if this action is capable of reassuring you somewhat, you can do so.

If you need to contact me personally for any clarifications, consultations or in connection with the need to solve certain problems, click on the button and write me a letter:

Prayers for fear, fear and anxiety

Anxiety, night terrors, obsessive thoughts - everyone has experienced it. Even in ancient times, people knew that the most effective remedy against mental anxiety and bad thoughts is prayer.

Being in mental confusion, it is difficult to find words. In this case, ready-made texts are used, compiled by hermits who lived in secluded places, where fears and anxiety act with particular force.

Their prayers are a sure way to get rid of phobias, anxious states, thoughts that confuse the soul.

Fear of people

Strong prayer from fear and anxiety - David's psalms.

King David, who lived in pre-Christian times in the land of present-day Israel, endured persecution from his own son Absalom, who also wanted to reign. Once, hiding from the chase, David wrote a psalm "Lord, why do my enemies multiply?". While the king was praying, his enemies were defeated by the power of God, without the use of weapons.

David's prayer can still be heard every day in an Orthodox church at the evening service.

You can pray in both Slavonic and Russian.

Unfounded fears

Dark thoughts come to every person from time to time. It seems that nothing happened, but the heart is tormented by panic, forebodings of trouble. In these cases, they turn to the Mother of God.

For a long time she spent in anxious anticipation of the misfortune that was to befall her Son, Christ. Her help is strong in similar situations that happen to people.

In the 8th century, the Greek monk Theosterikt lived, suffering from bouts of fear and anxiety. To get rid of them, Theosterikt compiled the Canon of the Theotokos for prayerful help, "read in spiritual sorrow and circumstances."

This is a strong prayer from obsessive thoughts that give rise to phobias, it is printed in any prayer book.

By reading the canon every day, believers really get rid of fear, anxiety and anxiety.


The creation of the monk Theostirikt

Irmos: Having passed the water like dry land, and having escaped the evil of Egypt, the Israelite cried out: Let us drink to the Redeemer and our God.

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Contain many misfortunes, I resort to You, seeking salvation: O Mother of the Word and the Virgin, save me from the heavy and fierce.

Passions confuse me, fill my soul with many despondency; die, Otrokovitsa, in the silence of the Son and Thy God, All-blameless.

Glory: Save the one who gave birth to You and God, I pray, Virgin, get rid of my fierce ones; to Thee now, resorting, I stretch out my soul and thought.

And now: Ill in body and soul, vouchsafe visitations from the Divine and providence from Thee, one Mother of God, like a good, Good Parent.

Irmos: Lord of the Heavenly Circle, and the Builder of the Church, You confirm me in Your love, desires to the edge, true affirmation, only Humanity.

The intercession and cover of my life I believe Thee, the Mother of God Virgin: You feed me to the haven of Your good guilt, the faithful Affirmation, the one All-Permanent.

I pray, Virgo, to destroy the storm of my spiritual confusion and sorrow: You are more, God-breasted, You gave birth to the Head of Christ's silence, the only Most Pure One.

Glory: Having given birth to the benefactor of the good guilty, bestow wealth on everyone: all you can, as if you had given birth to the strong in the fortress of Christ, God-blessed.

And now: Violent ailments and painful passions tortured, Virgo, You

help me: healings are not scarce. I know the Treasure, Immaculate, unexpected.

A warm prayer, and an invincible wall, a source of mercy, a worldly refuge, diligently crying out to Ty: Mother of God, Mistress, in advance, and deliver us from troubles, one who soon intercedes.

Irmos Hear, O Lord, the sight of Thy mystery, understand Thy deeds, and glorify Thy Divinity.

Passion of my embarrassment, Pilot gave birth to the Lord, and calm the storm of my transgressions, God-bred.

Give me the abyss of Thy mercy, calling upon me, even the Blessed One, and the Savior of all who sing Thee.

Enjoying, Most Pure, Your gifts, we sing thanksgiving singing, leading Thee Mother of God.

Glory: On the bed of my illness and infirmity to those who lie down, like God-loving, help, Mother of God, one Ever-Virgin.

And now: Hope and affirmation, and salvation to the immovable wall, having You, All-Permanent, we get rid of any inconvenience.

Irmos Enlighten us with Thy commandments, O Lord, and with Thy lofty arm grant Thy peace to us, Lover of mankind.

Fill, Pure, my heart with joy, Your imperishable joy giving birth, joy giving birth to Guilty.

Deliver us from troubles, Pure Mother of God, eternally giving birth to Deliverance, and Peace, which has every mind.

Glory: Resolve the darkness of my sins, O God-breasted, with the enlightenment of Your Lordship, the Light that gave birth to the Divine and eternal.

And now: Heal, Pure, my soul's impotence, worthy of Your visitation, and grant me health by Your prayers.

Irmos: I will pour out a prayer to the Lord, and to Him I will proclaim my sorrows, for my soul is filled with evil, and my belly draw near to hell, and I pray like Jonah: from aphids, God, raise me up.

As if he saved death and aphids, He himself issued death, corruption and death, my nature was the former, Virgin, pray to the Lord and Your Son, deliver me from the enemies of villainy.

We represent Thy belly, and the Keeper is firm, Virgo, and I will solve the misfortunes of rumors, and drive away the taxes of demons; and I always pray, deliver me from the aphids of my passions.

Glory: Like a wall of refuge with a tie, and souls all-perfect salvation, and space in sorrows, Otrokovitsa, and we rejoice in Your enlightenment: O Lady, now save us from passions and troubles.

And now: On the bed now I lie infirm, and there is no healing of my flesh; but having given birth to God and the Savior of the world, and the Deliverer of ailments, I pray to you the Good: from aphids, heal me from ailments.

The intercession of Christians is shameless, Intercession to the Creator is immutable, do not despise the voices of sinful prayers, but precede, as if Good, to help us, who faithfully call Ty: hasten to prayer, and rush to supplication, intercession ever, the Mother of God, who honor Thee.

Irmos: The youths came from Judea, in Babylon sometimes, by the faith of the Trinity, the fire of the cave was prayed, singing: God of the fathers, blessed be Thou.

Thou hast desired to arrange our salvation, O Savior, thou hast settled in the womb of the Virgin;

Volunteer of mercy, You gave birth to him, Mother Pure, beg to get rid of sins and spiritual filth by faith calling: our father, God, bless you.

Glory: The treasure of salvation and the source of incorruption, who gave birth to You, and the pillar of affirmation, and the door of repentance, Thou hast shown to those who call: our father, God, blessed be Thou.

And now: Bodily weaknesses and mental ailments, Mother of God, with love approaching Your shelter, Virgin, heal meritorious, who gave birth to Christ to us.

Irmos: The King of Heaven, Whom the angels sing, praise and exalt for all eternity.

Do not despise those who require help from You, Virgin, who sing and exalt Thee forever.

You heal the infirmity of my soul, and bodily illnesses, Virgin, let me glorify Thee, Pure, forever.

Glory: Healings pour out wealth to those who faithfully sing Thee, Virgin, and extol Your inexpressible Christmas.

And now: You drive away misfortunes, and find passions, Virgo: the same we sing to you forever and ever.

Irmos: We truly confess Theotokos, saved by Thee, Pure Virgin, with the incorporeal faces of Thee majestically.

Do not turn away the current of my tears, Even from every face we take away every tear, Virgin, who gave birth to Christ.

Fill my heart with joy, Virgo, Even accepting fulfillment of joy, consuming sinful sorrow.

Be the refuge and intercession of those who come running to You, Virgo, and the wall is indestructible, the refuge and cover and fun.

Glory: Enlighten Thy Light with the dawns, Virgo, driving away the darkness of ignorance, faithfully confessing the Theotokos to Thee.

And now: In the place of exasperation of weakness, humbled, Virgin, heal, transforming from ill health into health.

It happens that anxiety is so strong that there is no strength for long reading.

In these cases, the repeated repetition of the short prayer “Most Holy Theotokos, save me” or the singing of “My Blessing Queen” will help:

Fear of death

Everyone has a fear of death for several reasons:

  • the uncertainty of the event itself;
  • fear of leaving children or loved ones without help;
  • unwillingness to lose the pleasures of life.

All of them come from unbelief in the will of God. At such moments, prayer helps from fear and anxiety caused by the expectation of death.

Similar states were experienced by many saints.

The Monk Mary of Egypt was tormented by the fear of death, living for 17 years in complete solitude, in the desert, until the Mother of God Herself delivered her from spiritual embarrassment. Martyr Boniface, who loved various pleasures during his lifetime, no doubt went to his death when it came to confessing faith in Christ.

You can ask these saints for help in your own words or with special petitions:

Night terrors

When the day is drawing to a close and the environment becomes poorly distinguishable, an impressionable person is overcome by imaginary fears. Children are especially susceptible to this: their imagination draws monsters under the bed or ghosts outside the window.

An effective prayer for nightly fears generated by demons is David's psalms "Let God rise again" and "Alive in the help of the Most High."

The first of them calls on God to drive away enemies - evil spirits, and the second tells about the serene life of one who always hopes for God's help.

Short prayers for nervousness, anxiety

In moments of particular anxiety and nervous tension, it is good to read short prayers that soothe feelings:

  1. Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner (sinner).
  2. Holy Mother of God, save me.
  3. Saint (name), pray to God for me.

At the same time, you can touch the rosary, which helps to focus and calms the nerves.

Prayer is not a magic spell, but evidence of a person's faith in God.

Asking for the help of God and the saints, one must try and live according to the commandments of God. Then mental anxieties, phobias, obsessive thoughts and fears will go away without return, and every event of life will bring joy.

Premonition... only the one who felt it knows what it is. A premonition is literally on an intuitive, subconscious level an understanding that something bad, irreparable, terrible will happen. That a problem is about to come, maybe a small one, or maybe a big one, a real disaster. Worst of all is the premonition of death. And most importantly, there is uncertainty ahead, because apart from a bad feeling, there is absolutely nothing to rely on. But a premonition is not proof, you can’t turn to the police with it. What to do? Where to run? In general, is it worth believing your premonitions, because they do not always come true? And how to get rid of the bad that awaits? Is it possible to prevent misfortune if you foresee it in advance? Let's try to figure it out together with the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

What is a premonition? Can a person truly foresee something bad, like death?
What can a premonition transform into and why does it not work in some cases?
What to do if you are tormented by constant forebodings of something bad?

The question of the truth of forebodings has been troubling people since ancient times. Can a person foresee his own death or the death of a loved one? Is it worth it to believe the premonitions of the bad? Does a person have intuition, can this feeling be somehow substantiated from the point of view of science?

On the one hand, we have to state the fact that all the serious sciences of the world deny the existence of any forebodings. On the other hand, many people have evidence when premonitions do come true. Surely every reader of this article will definitely have an uncle or aunt, grandmother or neighbor who testified that they experienced premonitions of something bad, which then, in the near future, happened. This is not always something significant, but, nevertheless, it is an indisputable fact that cannot be argued with. How can this be? And why is the phenomenon of premonition not given sufficient attention in psychodiagnostics?

Indeed, scientists have shrugged off intuition and premonition throughout the history of science. Scientists' guesses on this issue were more of a philosophical nature than a real scientific definition. For a long time, occult, mystical teachings and practices have been speculating with a sense of foreboding and its interpretation. And to this day, all sorts of fortune tellers-charlatans very often build relationships with their clients solely on their premonitions and intuition, in fact, exploiting fantasy and conjecture for their own selfish purposes.

Only today, finally, can we say that the feeling of foreboding, its origin, its formation, the reaction to it by a person and others is completely unraveled and described. And this was done in the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

The phenomenal clue lies in one of the 8 vectors - visual. The number of people who have a visual vector is about 5%. It may seem to every spectator that he is able to foresee the future. The paradox lies in the fact that all his premonitions are pure fiction, in which he himself believes due to the strength of his peculiarity of the psyche.

Anticipation and creativity - who wins?

People with a visual vector by nature have one feature - they see the world more than others, they distinguish incomparably more colors, they are able to touch the maximum with their eyes. Vision is a real erogenous zone of the visual person, using which the visual person truly enjoys. It brings him joy to see the beauty of the world, to photograph and draw, to contemplate the sunrise or sunset. From the very morning they open their eyes and absorb everything that happens around them - these are truly the most "big-eyed" people in the world.

Today the world is complicated - the number of colors around us has increased many times over. We are literally surrounded by visual information that moves, develops, accelerates. And a visual person should notice everything - especially since his desire for information is enormous. Any person receives 90% of information through vision, but in a visual person, the eyes are literally overstrained. A little something rustled, a little someone swears - you need to look back at everything, you need to consider everything, see it with your own eyes. And visual people see not only in front of them, but the visual periphery also develops - what we do not pay attention to, in fact, the eyes saw with peripheral vision and recorded in the brain.

Potentially, any spectator is a creative person, one way or another, in different forms. Spectators are actors, artists, art historians, writers, directors, photographers - representatives of any creative profession. Often, if it so happens that their life path is in no way connected with the creative profession, it becomes their hobby: they sew and embroider themselves, make crafts, compose fairy tales for their own children and much more. It is the accumulated information about the whole world around us through vision and the visual periphery, digested through the visual vector, that is transformed into creativity. And the more developed a person is, the higher his temperament is, the more he can transform the received visual information into a sensual, emotional and very accurately-true picture-story about the outside world. It always captures, impresses, fascinates.

The viewer can also express himself in contact with others, the spectators subtly feel the mood of another, potentially being the best therapists, psychologists, doctors.

But it happens differently. The visual periphery accumulates, but is not expressed by creativity. It is in this case that it results in a feeling of premonition, anxiety, nervous tension from the feeling that something will happen. It does not result in creativity, but turns into fiction, a fairy tale, which is perceived as reality. Non-realization, a large share of fear makes forebodings bad. The spectator always assumes the worst, often death. Because death is the worst thing that can be for the viewer. So it turns out that everything premonitions are often the fruit of unrealized vision.

There are a number of other properties of the viewer that enhance premonitions. And often this happens out of the blue. Emotional coloring of fear, a buildup for anticipation from 0 to 100 in a couple of minutes, hysteria, and much, much more.

But the worst thing is believing in your presentiment as a true prediction. From here, by the way, originate all superstitions with signs. Especially if there have already been precedents when a premonition or superstition came true, even though it was an isolated case. We ourselves come up with premonitions, various deja vu, predictions, and believe in it - on such grounds even visual hallucinations arise, in which a person not only believes, it seems to him that he actually experienced it. And all this is given a strong emotional coloring, which enhances premonitions.

Visual premonitions are false ideas about the future, the expectation of one's own fears. Is it possible to believe such forebodings? No, but you can understand where they come from.

Why do premonitions sometimes come true?

Of course, premonitions are always the prerogative of a visual person in a state of stress and non-realization. And yet, each such person relies not on fiction, but on fact - in his life there have been many confirmations of forebodings. How can this be explained?

The fact is that the life of such a visual person consists entirely of forebodings. Most of which do not come true even close, are quickly forgotten due to the impressionability and sudden changes in mood to which all visual people are subject. In 1-2 cases out of 100, the premonition really comes true. And this could be attributed to a coincidence. But even here, not everything is as simple as it seems.

A visual person in a state of stress, which means fear, constantly attracts various misfortunes. This is not esoteric or evil forces, but the simplest physiology. Such a visual person, especially with a skin vector that is in the "failure" life scenario, is constantly drawn into the most unpleasant stories. And often, by the way, such a person does not have a premonition for them at all, but, nevertheless, there is a feeling that all life is going badly, that fate is unfriendly to him. And in this life he constantly feels premonitions of something bad, irreparable. And although most of these forebodings do not come true, yet the whole life passes unhappily, downtrodden, unpleasant. Moreover, such a person easily falls for the hook of astrologers and fortune-tellers, believes in esotericism, rushes about in pipe dreams all his life and constantly feels a lack of joy and happiness.

Some visual people bring their premonitions out in the form of predictions not only for themselves, but also for others. Believing in their gift of foreboding, they predict fate, guessing by hand or on tarot cards, or even just by looking into a person’s eyes. There are no real grounds, except for an imaginary presentiment, for such predictions at all. Often this is presented as a hobby or fun, such persons do not even understand what responsibility lies with them when they inspire their presentiment to other visual people who are able to believe in unjustified words, which can change lives dramatically.

How to get rid of bad feelings?

It is very important for a visual person to get rid of forebodings, this will allow him to transform his life, to become a truly happy person. How to do it? Of course, you can get creative right now - this will relieve tension, bring the biochemistry of the brain into good condition. You can try your hand at working with people, but without proper knowledge and development, not everyone has the patience for this. For a visual person, it is very important not only to stop believing in their premonitions, but to know accurate information, understand themselves and others, and unravel the psychology of people.

Often the feeling that something bad is about to happen can dramatically change a person's life. Anxious thoughts negatively affect not only the psychological state of people, but also their physical well-being. Periodically manifested or constant premonition of the bad is familiar to almost every patient diagnosed with VVD. Often this feeling causes panic attacks. In some cases, it can provoke the development of uncontrollable fears.

What to do?

If unpleasant thoughts do not often overcome, and anxiety does not manifest itself too intensely, you can try to cope with the problem yourself.

It is important to understand that the problem must be dealt with. Otherwise, severe premonitions can lead to the manifestation of various undesirable symptoms. Among them:

If you cannot cope with unpleasant thoughts on your own, you need to contact a psychotherapist and this should be done as soon as possible. It is known that in the early stages the probability of successful resolution of the problem is very high.

Help of a psychotherapist

Psychotherapy can include a variety of approaches and techniques. For example, psychoanalysts perform the following techniques with a patient:

  1. free association method;
  2. dream analysis;
  3. ordinary behavior;
  4. transfer and resistance.


Psychoanalytic methods are actively used when working with the client's early past. In the course of work, the patient must achieve deep insight - sudden insight, understanding of his problem and its origins.

Psychotherapists who are supporters of the behavioral approach use systematic desensitization, positive and negative reinforcement, and modeling in their practice. The task of the specialist in this case is to reinforce, suppress or form certain reactions of the client's behavior in order to rid him of anxiety and anticipation of something bad. A person must learn how to act in the present, destroying his own wrong stereotypes of behavior. Most often, this approach is used in working with clients experiencing irrational fears. Psychotherapists-humanists use in their work such methods as "Encounter", equal participation in the dialogue, experiments (game situations), dramatization and playing with feelings. The goal of the therapist is to facilitate the client's self-expression. The interaction takes place in an atmosphere of complete acceptance, maximum support and warmth, which helps the patient to express himself physically and spiritually. In the event that the psychotherapist adheres to an integrative approach, then he can use the methods of various directions in his work. A constantly arising bad feeling in the soul is a serious problem, ignoring which can lead to unpleasant consequences. Many people who suffer from anxious thoughts do not consider it necessary to seek help or do something on their own, believing that everything will somehow go away on its own. This behavior is extremely erroneous, because in the future, even the most insignificant anxiety can turn into a panic attack or irrational fear. Therefore, you should pay enough attention to the state of your psychological health and deal with the problem in a timely manner.

Each of us is familiar with the sudden foreboding of trouble. And, probably, at least once she regretted that she had not listened to him once. Let's figure out what are the features of such a presentiment, what you need to understand and how to avert trouble from yourself and loved ones.

Premonitions are special states that help us avoid troubles, misfortunes and catastrophes. You do not see any obvious signs and "signs of fate." The feeling is born inside you and comes by itself. He cannot be called artificially, you will not turn to him for advice. Forebodings overtake skeptics, and pragmatists, and romantics. They are an indisputable fact, but its nature has not yet been fully elucidated.


Some scientists believe that premonitions are information from the depths of the subconscious. Sometimes a person is able to instantly analyze what is happening, connect it with information from the subconscious, give out the most likely scenarios for the development of events, select the most dangerous - and build a scheme of actions to avoid it. Psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung associated the possibility of anticipating misfortune with the memory of ancestors - someone in the family once encountered something similar, and now this experience suddenly surfaced in the mind. His point of view does not contradict the modern theory of genetic memory: many phenomena associated with catastrophes are recorded in our genes and are read at critical moments.
The theory of forebodings that is most widespread today is that for a short time a person has a channel of personal communication with the global information space, where there is neither past nor future, and all times are mixed. A sad event or tragedy causes very strong indignation before it happened in our world. And during the broadcast, we experience discomfort, anxiety, anxiety and fear.
A popular idea is that premonitions are sent to us by our guardian spirits so that we can avoid danger or prepare for it. Christians call this guardian an angel, in other religions it may be the spirit of an ancestor, a totem animal.


They come on suddenly, don't last long, and push us to do something or make us avoid something.

Example. Winston Churchill was returning from an inspection of an air defense battery in 1941. Accompanied by senior officers, he approached his car. The driver opened for Churchill the door of the front passenger seat, which he always occupied. But then, to the general bewilderment, Churchill walked around the car with a quick step, opened the door of the rear right seat himself and climbed inside. An hour later, on the way back, a bomb exploded in front of the car. The entire left side of the car turned around, the place next to the driver was especially badly damaged. but the car did not even turn over - Churchill's weight prevented it. When friends and colleagues asked him why he suddenly changed his habit, he replied: “I sensed danger and heard an inner voice: stop!”

Another example. In 1974, a Tu-154 plane crashed while landing in Moscow, and there were many deaths. During the investigation of the crash, we learned that one of the passengers, from the Czech Republic, had canceled his ticket three hours before the flight, terribly nervous. There was a suspicion that he had not committed a terrorist attack. But it turned out that the Czech suddenly felt an irresistible desire to travel to Moscow by train and return the plane ticket, for which he overpaid a lot of money in those days of shortage. He fought desperately at the cash desk with his greed, but still overcame the "damned" and went to Moscow by train. He had nothing to do with the plane crash.

Who meet
People who are sensible and self-confident. Such a person is accustomed to trust himself. He does not take his inner voice for another glitch, he is not afraid to seem ridiculous or wrong. He has no internal barriers between the feeling of danger and the action that follows. And usually he does it.

Why are given
They are addressed to those who get into trouble by a ridiculous accident, and provide an opportunity to avoid trouble, misfortune or even death.

How to Distinguish Premonition-Insight from Acute Panic Attack . Panic is utter terror, cold sweat, palpitations, the inability to feel anything other than fear, and the inability to act purposefully. After an attack, there is exhaustion and general weakness.
"Insight" is not associated with fear and is not accompanied by unpleasant physical symptoms. You retain the ability to think and act.


Sometimes it can feel like the whole horror of the world has opened up before you. But before you had time to realize what you saw, the curtain fell, and you were left with only a shadow of the memory of the nightmare you experienced. This terrible cold can overtake us during a friendly conversation, on the beach, at a working meeting - yes, anywhere. Frost runs over the skin, and for a while everything seems meaningless and scary. And then it passes.

Example. At the age of forty-one, the wealthy landowner Leo Tolstoy completed the novel "War and Peace" and, contented with life, went on a trip to buy another estate for the family. On the way, he stopped in Arzamas, where he experienced a night full of languishing fear and foreboding of his imminent death. After that night, Leo Tolstoy became a different person, rejected everything secular, believed in God, came to vegetarianism, to non-resistance to evil by violence. Transformed from a fashionable writer into a philosopher and ruler of thoughts. And he lived another forty-one years. Such premonitions are given to a person who has already completed his life task, but someone or something from above invites him to take on the second. In fact, a person can no longer be what he was. If he has enough energy and courage, the old personality dies in him and a new one arises. The one who lacks strength begins to hurt and fade away.

Who meets
He can visit everyone and everyone - regardless of the subtlety of his spiritual organization. And more than once.

Why is it given
The condition is unpleasant, but useful. Esotericists believe that at that moment you were destined to die if you made some mistake and lived your life wrong. But since you averted death from yourself by your correctly chosen behavior, it swept past, slightly hitting you with its wing. You have successfully escaped a terrible fate. Well done! And if everything is awry, disgusting and disgusting for you now - spit and forget about the bad. You live right. Perhaps, if it weren’t for what seems to you a terrible problem, you would have already been carried away by death. And since you avoided it, a bright and clear period awaits you soon.


1. Look for its cause. It is always there - in you or in the world around you. Go to the doctor for an examination, analyze everything that happens, understand the motives of the behavior of people important to you.
2. Take care of security. Especially about something you have a bad feeling about. Drive the car to the service, put some money aside just in case, buy health insurance for yourself and your parents, check the accounts and financial records of the company and family.
3. Visit the temple - the one where it attracts, so that the ancient rites appeal to your subconscious.
4. Light aroma lamps with oil of myrtle, sandalwood, lavender or frankincense - they call for our patron spirits.
5. Mentally talk with your heavenly patron, ask him for support and protection.

If something has been revealed to you, it means that there is a chance to influence the outcome of the event or prepare for it. We foresee troubles that concern not only us, but also those close to us. And we don’t know whether to say about them, or to remain silent. If you say, you will program for trouble. If you don't tell, you'll miss the opportunity to save. Don't worry if you didn't manage to keep someone out of trouble. So it was destined for him. By sharing your feelings, you did everything you could. He had a choice. And remember that everyone has it.
