Causes of stretch marks in teenagers. Why do teenagers develop stretch marks on their skin? Everything in moderation

Teenagers tend to experience painful experiences with negative changes in appearance and react accordingly to stretch marks. On the body they look like cicatricial changes on the skin, scars. Their appearance is caused by a violation of the density and elasticity of the skin tissue.

Why do stretch marks appear on the body of teenagers?

Considering, for example, that the female body provides for some mechanical stretching of the skin, we can conclude that there are several reasons for the occurrence of stretch marks. There is no single exact cause, but experts point to the following factors that have a direct impact on the occurrence of stretch marks:

It is clear that a growing body can show instability in various organs, and stretch marks on the skin are associated with body development in adolescents.

More than 25% of young people experience this non-aesthetic phenomenon. Girls and boys, due to lack of knowledge or awkwardness, are confident that everything will go away on its own, and therefore do not always react properly.

The main reason for the rupture of skin fibers is its lack of elasticity and weak ability to regenerate.

External manifestations

An annoying defect appears in the form of stripes in those places where the skin has stretched. Classic localization of stretch marks:

  • hips;
  • stomach;
  • breast;
  • buttocks.

The initial color of the lines is reddish, sometimes bluish, then becomes brighter due to growth in width. Over time, they may lighten or become completely white. From barely noticeable stripes they transform into wide scars (width up to 7 mm, length up to 10 cm). The relief is varied: flush with the skin, convex or retracted. Hairs disappear at the site of stretch marks, and the secretion of sweat and sebum stops.

Visually, stretch marks look like wavy crimson lines, sometimes they can take the form of a capillary mesh, and the color range changes from red to purple.

Striae can develop in a very short time, literally in a couple of days. For a correct diagnosis, it is enough to perform an external examination.

How to get rid of stretch marks on the body?

The effectiveness of treatment is affected by the age of the stretch marks. Striae that appeared not so long ago (up to six months) go away with proper treatment. Old stretch marks (appearing several years ago) cannot be completely removed. You can only lower their selected brightness so that they are less noticeable.

You won’t be able to get rid of such a serious cosmetic defect in a week or a month. Treatment of stretch marks includes a long-term complex using combinations and alternation of recommended techniques. The main thing is not to miss the moment: the sooner treatment begins, the more effective the result.

Almost all procedures are easy to carry out at home, the main thing is to do it regularly and use as many variations as possible.

Why are they dangerous?

Stretch marks themselves do not harm health, but there are dangerous reasons that cause them, namely Itsenko-Cushing syndrome.

If, when stretch marks appear, hair growth is noted on the face and upper back, blood pressure has increased, and fat deposits go more to the upper body, then consultation with a specialist is necessary.

How to prevent them from appearing?

Prevention lies in a healthy lifestyle. Children are not recommended to stay at home, at the computer, but to move more. Carefully monitor your diet. The menu should include microelements, proteins, fats, and be careful with carbohydrates. Weight control is important.

  1. Teenagers should avoid strenuous physical activity. Optimally - swimming. Carry out self-massage in those areas of the body where stretch marks may appear. You can sometimes attend body wraps using mud and algae.
  2. Drinking enough water for the body. Moisture will prevent the skin from becoming dry, which means it will not lose elasticity and will not suffer stretch marks. The procedures include a contrast shower, a bath with sea salt and a seaweed washcloth.

Adolescence is accompanied by active growth and changes in hormonal levels. In general, at this age it is necessary to visit an endocrinologist. A timely visit to the doctor will be a kind of preventative protection against stretch marks.

Stretch marks occur when the body grows much faster than the skin stretches. Overstretching of the skin leads to the appearance of a skin defect, which is called “striae” (translated from Latin - stripes). In the photo, stretch marks really look like parallel flat stripes of a pinkish or reddish-purple hue.

Over time, they fade, but still look unpleasant from an aesthetic point of view. According to statistics, 70% of girls and boys will have at least one stretch mark during adolescence.


Stretch marks are often associated with pregnancy or being overweight. However, stretch marks are only slightly less common in teenagers than in adults. This is quite natural, although it causes psychological discomfort for many children; they begin to feel embarrassed about their body. When a boy or girl's body grows quickly, the skin, the largest of the organs, also has to stretch quickly and greatly. And this leads to stretch marks. This rapid stretch causes the collagen and elastin fibers found in the lower dermis (middle layer of skin) to tear.

The color of stretch marks changes due to the fact that when the skin is torn, connective tissue with blood vessels is formed. After the vessels drain, the stretch marks turn from red or blue to white. Since stretch marks - micro-tears in the skin - are filled with connective tissue, they lack pigment and are very noticeable in tanned and dark-skinned people.

Why are they dangerous?

Stretch marks themselves do not pose any danger. The reasons behind the appearance of stretch marks can be dangerous. One of the most dangerous causes is Itsenko-Cushing syndrome. This is the excess production of corticosteroid hormones by adrenal cells. Stretch marks can also appear due to hormonal problems.

Spawn Locations

Stretch marks in teenagers usually appear in areas of the greatest muscle growth activity. For girls, these are the hips, stomach, and chest, and for boys, these are the arms and shoulders. The skin's reaction to rapid weight changes during puberty is manifested by stretch marks on and under the lower back and upper back.

Stretch marks in teenagers may be associated not only with changes in body weight and muscle building, but also with genetic factors. Overuse of steroid cortisone skin creams during adolescence can lead to stretch marks on areas such as thighs, knees, shoulders, abdomen, legs, buttocks.

How to avoid appearing

To prevent stretch marks in adolescence, you must:

  • Eat a healthy diet, choosing a variety of vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
  • Exercise regularly – During adolescence, children tend to eat a lot, which causes rapid weight gain. Hence, one needs to manage this rapid weight gain through physical activity.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. This will not only prevent the appearance of stretch marks, but will also make your skin smoother.
  • Using creams and lotions to moisturize the skin is the best prevention of stretch marks, as such products significantly improve the elasticity of the skin. Applying creams and lotions at night is more effective by increasing absorption of the product because the skin's pores are only fully open at night.
  • Avoid using topical steroids as they may cause stretch marks.

Stretch marks on the back of a teenager: methods of elimination depending on location

Although stretch marks, once they appear, will never disappear, there are ways to make them visually invisible. The most popular remedies include creams and gels with vitamins and oils, taking vitamins, laser resurfacing and mesotherapy.

Anti-stretch mark cream for teenagers

Using moisturizing creams and gels at night before bed stimulates collagen production and improves skin elasticity.

Typically, creams that reduce stretch marks include useful ingredients such as vitamin E, caffeine, and almond, coconut and apricot kernel oils (not necessarily all of these components at once; individually they also help). Creams and gels with aloe, shea butter and cocoa are also useful. These are products for moisturizing the skin and increasing its smoothness.

There are products that contain collagen and elastin, which can enhance the moisturizing effect. Such creams do not have any side effects on the body of adolescents. To achieve optimal results, they should be used several times a day. To get rid of stretch marks, you can use Tretinoin cream.

There are a number of studies that have shown that Tretinoin, which is a form of vitamin A, can improve the appearance of stretch marks and stimulate collagen production. Tretinoin works better on new pink stretch marks. This cream will not help with old purple or light colored stretch marks. It may irritate the skin.

Vitamins for stretch marks in teenagers

Taking vitamins A and C helps increase the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, which helps reduce stretch marks on the thighs in teenagers. These vitamins are most easily obtained from foods such as oranges, grapefruits, spinach, carrots, peaches and milk.

Laser resurfacing

Laser therapy (also called laser peeling and resurfacing) can improve the appearance of skin with stretch marks using an erbium laser. It allows you to remove the outer walls of the scar layer by layer.

Thanks to this, the surface of the striae is leveled, and they become almost invisible. In addition, laser therapy stimulates collagen synthesis in the skin. The main disadvantage of this cosmetic procedure is the high price - on average 1,700 rubles per 1 square centimeter of skin and 650 rubles for each subsequent outbreak.

Several treatments may be required before results are visible. Some doctors refuse to perform laser therapy on teenagers because stretch marks themselves become less noticeable with age. Stretch marks on a teenager's back can be removed using a mechanical peeling called microdermabrasion.

This is a procedure that “polishes” the surface of the skin using microscopic crystals. Microdermabrasion stimulates the growth of more elastic skin and makes stretch marks invisible. The cost of the course is 8,000-10,000 rubles. Some doctors may be reluctant to perform microdermabrasion on teenagers because their skin is very sensitive.

To treat and prevent stretch marks, an injection method called “mesotherapy” is used. Beneficial ingredients such as amino acids, collagen, vitamins and plant extracts are introduced internally, using a syringe gun, or through skin pores under high pressure (hardware mesotherapy). The effect of mesotherapy lasts a long time, but it is temporary and requires at least 5-10 sessions to achieve it. Price - from 3500 rubles per session.

Traditional methods of treatment

Eating certain foods and avoiding junk food also improves the appearance of your skin. A diet high in fat and sugar increases weight, which causes the skin to stretch and stretch marks. Therefore, teenagers, especially those prone to obesity, should avoid sweets in large quantities.

And foods high in vitamin A and beta-carotene, including fruits and vegetables such as raspberries and carrots, are very beneficial for the skin, keeping it youthful and beautiful and increasing elasticity. One of the most popular folk methods for treating stretch marks is to rub olive oil into the area with stretch marks daily. Mothers and grandmothers of modern teenagers also resorted to this remedy.

Olive oil is high in oleic acid, which creates a barrier that prevents damage to the top layer of skin. Moreover, such a barrier does not impede skin breathing. In addition, oils, including olive oil, fill the space between dead skin cells, smooth out its surface and make the skin softer and more tender. For optimal results, you can mix olive oil with peach oil or wheat germ oil.

How to use olive oil:

Another simple way to reduce stretch marks is to apply lemon juice to them. It is a natural bleaching agent. How to use:

  • Apply a small amount of lemon juice to the stretch marks in a circular motion.
  • Let the lemon juice soak into the skin for 10 minutes, then wash it off with warm water.

If you have a limited budget, you can smear your buttocks, breasts and other places with stretch marks with regular Vaseline every day for a month. This will help reduce itching from stretch marks, making the skin softer and improving its ability to stretch. Any baby cream will also help. It is important for adults to remember that teenagers feel self-conscious when they see stretch marks on their bodies. This affects their self-confidence and is a serious problem. You need to draw the attention of your son or daughter that stretch marks are not a disease, but a part of growing up.

Such an intimate part of the body as the buttocks is hidden from the views of strangers. But this does not save many people who have stretch marks on their butts from worrying and searching for remedies to get rid of this problem.

Why do stretch marks appear on the butt?

Stretch marks that appear on the butt cannot be attributed to age-related features.

They can appear both in a pregnant woman and in a woman with a long life experience.

This problem also affects teenagers. Even body volumes do not play a special role here - white stripes can appear in both a thin schoolgirl and an obese lady.

The culprit is excessive stress, leading to tissue rupture in the upper layers of the epidermis. First, the buttocks are covered with colored cords. They then become discolored and turn into white stretch marks on the butt.

To understand why stretch marks appear on the butt, you should consider the physiological characteristics of age groups.

  • Teenagers experience active growth of the body, which the skin does not always keep up with. The subcutaneous layer first stretches to the limit, and then begins to burst.
  • In women, the reason lies in hormonal changes. Hormonal surges are observed during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. But addiction to hormonal drugs can also give rise to the formation of stretch marks on the butt.
  • Even a woman's weight loss after childbirth can manifest itself as marks on the butt such as stretch marks. But most often this is associated during this period with excessive tension in the buttocks during childbirth, when the baby strives to be born.
  • Overweight people are the main risk group that cannot avoid such problems as stretch marks on the butt. Obesity causes thinning of the skin - it begins to tear, becoming covered with the smallest injuries. And since in such a condition there is a disturbance in metabolic processes, there is a failure in the production of collagen and elastin, which are vital for the cells of the epidermis.

If we take into account the described features, then both mature people, women at the stage of pregnancy, and adolescents have a chance to avoid the appearance of microtraumas on the buttocks.

Common Factors Leading to Stretch Marks

What else causes stretch marks on the butt?

Here we can highlight common reasons that are common to all categories (from teenagers to old people):

  • Improper nutrition impoverishes the body, depriving it of beneficial vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Because of this, sagging skin develops, which then cannot withstand either physical activity or hormonal changes.
  • Dry tissue occurs due to moisture deficiency. Violation of water balance also leads to fragility of the integument.
  • The more intensely a person plays sports, the more developed the muscles in the buttocks become. But the more difficult it is for the skin to fit them. And if it is also dry, then scars cannot be avoided. The use of corticosteroids will speed up this process.

But all these were described reasons that can be avoided. A hereditary syndrome cannot be eliminated (for example, Marfan's or Cushing's disease).

How to get rid of stretch marks on your butt?

It is impossible to completely get rid of stretch marks on the butt using any means, even if cosmetologists carry out complex therapy, working together with endocrinologists and dermatologists.

Surgical intervention is not provided here; conservative correction comes down to the following procedures:

  • Cosmetic procedures using devices can remove blemishes, but it will still not be possible to completely get rid of stretch marks.
  • Corrective cosmetics sold in pharmacies are also in demand, but do not completely eliminate the problem.
  • Traditional therapy, which is quite easy to use at home, gives good results.

Massages and special gymnastics are prescribed as concomitant ways to eliminate the problem.

Treatment of stretch marks in teenagers

For a growing body, stretch marks are a temporary phenomenon that can go away on its own. But if teenagers are overweight, which is not controlled or corrected by anyone, then this complicates the problem. After all, obesity also leads to hormonal imbalance. Therefore, it is not always possible to do without the participation of specialists.

The greater the set of reasons that led to the formation of stretch marks on the butt in adolescents, the more difficult and longer the process of getting rid of them will be.

In this case, hardware intervention is prescribed in the same way as for adults.

  • Mesotherapy for teenagers is not only painless, but also a safe procedure. Thanks to the medicine injected under the skin, restoration processes in tissues are stimulated.
  • Laser resurfacing is a more expensive procedure, so it is rarely used to correct the buttocks of teenagers. But the effect is almost instantaneous.

For teenagers, special cosmetic preparations are also selected to nourish the skin and help it with regeneration. The composition of such products should include silicone and collagen.

Popular cosmetology

For teenagers, for athletes, during pregnancy, as well as for older people, cosmetic products that help eliminate stretch marks will be useful.

Among the most popular are the following drugs:

  • Stretch Mark Control helps the formation of collagen in tissue fibers, making them firmer and more elastic. Long-term use will help eliminate uneven skin.
  • Body Biovergetures is a gel-like nourishing composition that moisturizes the epidermal layer well, making it elastic. This promotes the healing of formed microcracks.
  • Firming anti-stretch mark gel-cream has a unique set complemented by healing oils. It helps not only in the early stages, but is also able to practically visually eliminate whitish stretch marks on the butt.
  • Anti-Stretch Cream also perfectly smooths out whitish scars thanks to a natural product - darutosid. This helps to replenish collagen deficiency in the skin.

In pharmacies you can find other, no less healing cosmetics for stretch marks. But you need to learn to carefully study the composition of drugs.

Home therapy

With a lot of effort, you can achieve good results in the fight against problematic scars using available home remedies.

They are harmless, so they are quite acceptable both during pregnancy and for treating adolescents.

  • Scrubs based on ground coffee, coarse salt, and sugar will help reduce scars and make them less noticeable.
  • Cupping massage with honey will promote a rush of blood, and this stimulates regenerative processes. Essential oils used during such procedures will speed up the healing process.
  • Compresses, wraps, masks on this intimate part of the body three times a week will help eliminate the problem.
  • Shilajit added to baby cream will be a good daily remedy to get rid of scars on the skin.

The fight against the problem will be successful if it includes a number of preventive measures.

Striae in adolescents is one of the most common problems that manifests itself in adolescence. In most cases, the main reasons for the formation of stretch marks are the rapid growth of both muscle and bone tissue, as well as hormonal changes in general. However, in exceptional situations, stretch marks are a symptom of some dangerous diseases.

The most important aspect in the presence of stretch marks is to find out the cause of their appearance, as well as prescribe adequate treatment. Otherwise, if you miss time, getting rid of stretch marks will be very difficult.

What it is

The term “striae” refers to scar-like stripes on the body formed as a result of prolonged stretching of tissues. Under the influence of certain negative factors, for example, rapid weight gain, the surface skin does not have time to stretch, resulting in damage to the fibers containing collagen and elastin.

During adolescence, stretch marks most often appear in the following areas:

  • Buttocks;
  • Legs;
  • Hips;
  • Breasts.

Fresh, that is, relatively recently formed stretch marks are usually red or purple. If there is no timely treatment, the stretch marks become denser and acquire a whitish tint. Getting rid of scars of this kind is quite difficult.


The main reasons that cause the appearance of stretch marks are the following:

  • If stretch marks appear on the legs, or buttocks and thighs, this may indicate rapid weight gain or rapid growth, which is not uncommon in adolescence;
  • Hormonal changes;
  • Hereditary factors. In some cases, the appearance of stretch marks may be affected by precisely this aspect, that is, scars may appear even with slight stretching of the tissue;
  • Also, in some cases, the appearance of stretch marks on the legs may be a consequence of excessive physical exertion, which is contraindicated in adolescence;
  • If scar-like stripes appear on the back, you should pay special attention to this, since stretch marks of this kind may indicate the presence of serious diseases.


Treatment of stretch marks should be comprehensive, only in this case the results will be positive. The choice of drugs and procedures depends in most cases on whether the stretch marks are old or fresh.

It is necessary to treat damaged tissue not only through external influences, but also by following a diet that includes a menu of products that improve tissue elasticity.

In most cases, procedures aimed at combating stretch marks are as follows:

  1. Creams, peelings, scrubs. That is, in this case we mean exclusively cosmetic preparations, the action of which is aimed at increasing skin elasticity and eliminating scars. However, measures of this kind are not always sufficient due to the fact that cosmetics have an exclusively superficial effect on the skin, regardless of the substances with which its composition is saturated.
  2. Cosmetic procedures such as:
  • Laser resurfacing;
  • Mesotherapy;
  • Biorevitalization.

The action of these manipulations is aimed at the regeneration and restoration of damaged tissues. In addition, these methods allow you to sufficiently saturate the skin with moisture, which makes it more elastic and also minimizes stretch marks.

  1. Massage. Thanks to the targeted external effect on the areas of the skin where stretch marks are localized, active processes of saturating these areas with oxygen occur, and blood circulation is also stimulated;
  2. Use of dietary supplements. As a treatment for stretch marks, it is recommended to take sufficient amounts of microelements, vitamins and other substances that stimulate the production of collagen in the body tissues, as well as elastin - substances that help restore the skin;
  3. Diet. In addition to vitamin complexes and medications, it is also necessary to include in your daily diet foods containing a large amount of useful substances. In this category we can name the main ones: lean meats, whole milk products, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits.


Despite the fact that in adolescence it is almost impossible to completely prevent the formation of stretch marks, certain preventive measures should be observed that will somewhat reduce the risk of damage to the skin:

  • Moderate physical activity. In most cases, a sedentary lifestyle is one of the main reasons for the appearance of stretch marks. Accordingly, in order to prevent their formation, sufficient attention should be paid to both sports activities in general and active movements, in particular this could be walking, walking, and so on;
  • Proper nutrition. Eating large amounts of fatty, heavy foods, flour products and all kinds of sweets can also contribute to the formation of scars. Accordingly, you should reduce or exclude these products from the diet, enriching it with healthy and high-quality, that is, natural, food;
  • Cold and hot shower. This procedure allows you to speed up the metabolic process in tissues, stimulates blood circulation, and also allows you to start regeneration processes;
  • Drink enough fluids and eat foods that contain moisture. Correct water balance is one of the main conditions in the fight against stretch marks, since tissues whose cells are saturated with moisture in sufficient quantities are less susceptible to damage.

Preventing stretch marks is easier than getting rid of them completely. Also, fresh stretch marks that are no more than a few weeks old are better treated. Accordingly, in order to completely eliminate this cosmetic defect, appropriate measures should be taken immediately after the first signs of scars appear.

Stretch marks in teenagers are quite common, since at this age the body undergoes serious changes. They can appear in any area of ​​the skin surface. Let's look at what causes stretch marks on the butt in teenagers, the main causes of this disease, as well as the most effective methods of dealing with them.

The main causes of stretch marks on the buttocks

Why do stretch marks appear on the buttocks during adolescence? The most likely causes of the formation of stripes on the butt are:

  1. Hereditary predisposition. If parents were exposed to the appearance of stretch marks on the skin, then their child is at risk. In this case, during puberty, it is necessary to direct all efforts to prevent the occurrence of stretch marks by carrying out preventive measures.
  2. Active growth. Teenage girls' buttocks become larger during adolescence as the hip bone expands. The skin does not have time to stretch evenly, which leads to the formation of purple or red stretch marks, which, if inactive, become white over time.
  3. Weakening of the immune system. At first glance, there is no relationship between immunity and skin condition. In fact, the body's protective functions affect the functioning of all organs. If the immune system is weakened, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity and becomes covered with stretch marks.
  4. Hormonal changes. Adolescents aged 14 years and older experience active production of hormones. This process can negatively affect the epidermis, causing dryness.

Stretch marks on the butt and thighs appear mainly in teenage girls, as their figure changes during puberty: the hips widen. If this process happens too quickly, stretch marks appear.

Which doctor treats

Which doctor should I contact for help with stretch marks on the butt in a teenager? In order to rule out certain diseases, you must first consult a physician. After determining the cause of stretch marks, the child may be referred for additional examination to the following specialists:

  • endocrinologist;
  • geneticist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • nutritionist;
  • dermatocosmetologist.

Since the pathogenesis of stretch marks has many development mechanisms, it will be possible to decide on treatment after a detailed examination.

Treatment of stretch marks on the butt

What to do if a teenager has stretch marks on his butt? There are many procedures that help improve the condition of the skin. Let's look at the most effective treatment methods.

Cosmetology procedures

White stretch marks on the butt are a fairly serious cosmetic defect, which will be extremely difficult to get rid of. To do this, it is better to contact specialized salons or clinics. They offer the following methods for removing stretch marks on the butt in teenagers:

  1. Mesotherapy. This is one of the most painless and effective procedures. Its essence lies in the injection of a medicine with a syringe, which helps restore problem areas of the skin. Procedures should be carried out at intervals of two weeks. The duration of such treatment depends on the condition of the skin. It can take up to six months.
  2. Laser resurfacing. This procedure shows positive results after the first session. The disadvantage of laser resurfacing is that during it the teenager experiences a burning sensation and other uncomfortable sensations. After exposure, redness or swelling may be observed at the site of exposure. Over the course of 2 weeks, the skin gradually recovers, stretch marks become less noticeable.
  3. Use of cosmetic preparations. Beauty salons use products that are made on the basis of collagen, silicone and other components, since they are aimed at restoring the epidermis, giving it elasticity and firmness.

It is important to know! Cosmetic procedures are highly effective in combating stretch marks in adolescents, but their cost is too high!

Treatment at home

You can try to remove stretch marks on the buttocks and thighs yourself at home. This will take longer than cosmetic procedures. But the effectiveness is no less high, provided that manipulations are carried out regularly. Let's look at the most common home methods for dealing with stretch marks in teenagers:

  1. Massage. Self-massage helps enhance local blood circulation and metabolic processes, which helps restore firmness and elasticity. To do this, you need to do pinching and stroking manipulations. For maximum efficiency, you can purchase a special sisal mitten.
  2. Mumiyo. This component has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. To prepare the remedy, you will need to dissolve 1 mummy tablet in a small amount of water. Add 100 g of any body cream and mix thoroughly. Rub the finished product with light massage movements into the affected areas on the buttocks. Carry out the procedure on cleansed skin 2 times a day.
  3. Lemon. Lemon juice contains a significant amount of vitamin C, which promotes active regeneration of the epidermis. To prepare a therapeutic compress, soak gauze with freshly squeezed lemon juice, apply to problem areas, and secure with polyethylene. Keep this compress for 30-40 minutes. Carry out the procedure once every 2 days.

In order for home remedies to help eliminate stretch marks on the buttocks, you need to use them on a regular basis. This treatment takes a long period of time. A positive result can be noticed only after 3-4 months.

Preventing stretch marks in teenagers

Despite the fact that during puberty it is quite difficult to prevent the formation of stretch marks, preventive measures will help to significantly reduce their number. To do this, it is necessary to regularly carry out the following activities:

  1. Moderate physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle in adolescence is one of the main reasons for the appearance of excess weight, which contributes to the formation of stretch marks on the skin. Therefore, teenagers should regularly visit gyms, swimming pools, and spend time walking in the fresh air.
  2. Proper nutrition. Eating junk food also causes excess weight. In addition, food should be rich in vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances to maintain the skin in normal condition.
  3. Cold and hot shower. This procedure improves blood circulation and metabolic processes, which helps make the skin firmer and more elastic.
  4. Drinking enough water. You should drink at least 2 liters of water per day. This will help avoid dehydration, which leads to excessive dryness of the skin.

It is necessary to begin the fight against stretch marks immediately after they appear, since it is almost impossible to get rid of old stretch marks.
