Soft toy project. Soft toy When and where did the first toy appear?

Despite the fact that children's toys go back thousands of years since their founding, not all of them appeared at the same time. The history of soft toys is considered to be the youngest, dating back to the 19th century, when caring mothers began to sew funny figures of animals, birds and people for their children. The materials for creativity then became bright scraps of fabric, and the filling for all this splendor was straw, sawdust and other improvised means. Soft toys began to appear on an industrial scale a little later. Chronicles date their birth to the 20th century. Manufacturers used the same sawdust and cotton wool as filler. Later - synthetic hypoallergenic materials such as holofiber and padding polyester.

The history of the appearance of soft toys abroad

The crowning achievement of the masters’ creation at the beginning of the 20th century was the charming Teddy bear, which received its name thanks to US President Theodore Roosevelt. With its appearance, the history of the origin of the soft toy took on a different perspective. Back in 1901, the idea of ​​creating a plush baby was proposed by Margarete Steiff, who officially patented her know-how. True, there were still differences in the century-old toy from today’s analogues. The first bear cub rested on all 4 paws and stood freely on them.

A little later, artist Richard Steiff proposed his own version of the animal, according to which the bear stood only on its hind legs. This model was liked by children from different countries. Thanks to this popularity, the Steiff manufactory was inundated with orders. The name of the plush Teddy appeared much later. According to history, the wife of a Russian immigrant, who is also the owner of a souvenir shop in the United States, together with her husband turned to the president with a request to perpetuate his name in such an extraordinary way. Roosevelt did not refuse, and therefore the sonorous name Teddy forever became part of the children's fun in which the soft bear cub took part.

From the first plush Teddy to the soft toys of today

The whole world knows a photograph of Nikita Khrushchev, who was presented with a toy in the form of a large bear named Teddy at one of his meetings with the American leader. This event was hardly the beginning of the history of soft toys in Russia, but it remained forever captured in the annals of social and political photo chronicles.

In 2003, the history of the appearance of soft toys celebrated its first centennial anniversary. Exactly 100 years have passed since the mass release of teddy bears. And if earlier attention was paid mainly to these forest inhabitants, today the variety of goods breaks all imaginable records. Of course, bears are still leaders in the hit parade of favorite heroes, but they have been added to:

  • plush hares, snakes;
  • soft horses, cats, elephants, dogs, etc.;
  • heroes of your favorite cartoons and movies;
  • fictional fantasy creatures and inhabitants of fairy tales.

They invariably attract admiring glances from both adults and children. That is why, no matter how many decades the history of creating a soft toy goes back, it still remains a welcome gift and a sweet present for any occasion. Moreover, high-quality certified products are made from materials that are pleasant to the touch and safe for health and well-being.

Over the century of their existence, they have acquired many important skills, including the ability to sing songs, play music and even dance to the beat of the sounding chords. Soft toys are increasingly becoming an assistant in children’s learning to count and the alphabet, as they recite out loud the simple basics of the sciences they are studying. Interactive products can be fun to play with, no matter how the clock is ticking. Such a playmate easily becomes one of the most vivid memories of childhood.

In the Year of the Monkey, don’t forget to give your kids soft toys in the form of these cute funny animals. A soft monkey is a great gift idea not only for a child, but also for an adult. In addition, it symbolizes cunning and protection from failure and can become a kind of amulet.

Among the wide assortment of the Marker Toy online store, you are sure to find exactly the soft monkey toy you were looking for.

With the emergence of the first people it beganhistory of toys . Toys appeared in primitive society and throughout their existence they were transformed and changed their purpose. According to many scientists, toys appeared in primitive society along with tools. At that time, they appeared in the form of weapons, tools that were widely used by primitive tribes, and household items with the help of which children mastered some vital actions. Purpose such toys was an adaptation to adult life. Accordingly, these toys were made from different materials, and each toy reflected the images and features of the activities of the tribe in which it was created. For example, in a tribe that was mainly engaged in hunting, toys were made in the form of animals, as well as in the form of weapons. The toys were quite primitive.

Later, with the emergence of the slave system and cattle breeding, toys of a different type began to be made; they were quite realistic. So, in Ancient Egypt, toys were made from fabric and wood. They made figurines of domestic animals, dolls, and archaeologists also found sports toys, for example, balls and serso. The toys were quite realistic with movements characteristic of the images displayed, for example, a crocodile with its mouth opening, a lion swinging its paw at the intended victim. There were even toys that reflected the social structure of the time, such as a working slave or corporal punishment of a slave.

In ancient times in Greece and Rome, toys were considered the most important means of raising children . We have reached our time art toys of that time, made of ivory, amber, terracotta, mostly animal figurines, dolls, and sometimes toys with a winding mechanism. For physical education of children did sports toys : balls, serso, tops, etc. Already in those days, handicraft production of toys was established, which were sold in different countries of the world.

In Eastern Europe, toys were made mainly from clay. In II V. BC. they made horsemen and carts. During archaeological excavations, figurines, rattles, clay whistles, dolls, and figurines of domestic animals were discovered on the territory of Slavic settlements. According to some sources, the first rattles and whistles did not have an entertainment value, but acted as a talisman. It was believed that all these melodic sounds characteristic of toys ward off evil spirits; in order to protect the child from evil spirits, rattles with different melodic sounds were hung over his cradle.

In the Middle Ages, under the feudal system, toys reflected the class division. Representatives of the nobility and their children had toys of different contents and they were made from quite expensive materials (porcelain, expensive fabric, ivory, etc.). There were a lot of military toys: horse figurines, armor, swords, shields, horses the size of a child. A mandatory attribute of every wealthy home was a doll, which carried a magical meaning - the keeper of the hearth. Doll houses with all the furnishings were created for this doll. As a rule, houses were created from expensive materials: precious metals, stones, fabrics. Often such houses were only part of the interior and were passed down by inheritance.

The poor people had their own toys, with their own meaning. Basically, this has an entertaining and educational value; the role of a talisman also remained. For poor children, toys were made from clay, straw, tree bark, wood, etc. Dolls were made for girls, and toys with military content were also made for boys: figurines of horses, domestic animals, wooden swords, shields, etc. Also relevant were sports toys . The importance of toys for children poor sections of the population - preparation for life and entertainment value.

Later in Rus', toy making became a serious craft, the secrets of which were passed down from generation to generation. The so-called folk toy . Folk toys had developmental significance, and also purpose of folk toys - to entertain, amuse, occupy, please. The heyday of toy crafts dates back to XVI–XVII i.v. Toys made of wood and clay have developed. And now the famous pottery toys are Dymkovo, Gzhel, Kargopol, Filimonovsky, Khludnevsky and the most famous wooden Bogorodsky and Sergiev Posad toys. In the 90s XIX V. The well-known nesting doll came out of Sergiev Posad. In modern times folk toy has enormous educational significance. It is used mainly in artistic and aesthetic education of children . Bogorodsk toys, which have an entertaining purpose and also develop children, are also widespread in our time. This is the complicated and long history of the appearance of toys...

The development of toy production has always and at all times reflected the changes taking place in human society. Yes, at the end XIX – early XX V. industry, means of transportation, technology in general began to develop in society, and therefore new ones appeared types of toys . Toys depicting vehicles appeared. Along with mechanical devices, pneumatic, magnetic, and electrified toys appear. At the beginning XX V. The first construction toys (construction toys) appear. Since 1961 Danish company LEGO began producing a new generation construction set. The basis of this construction set was made up of multi-colored cubes of different sizes and shapes with protruding cylindrical buttons. From its first appearance, these construction sets attracted the attention of people, and they began to be widely used for the development of children. Modern designers LEGO are supplemented with figures of people and animals, and also display different themes that are suitable for children of different genders and ages.

With the development of the electronics industry, new horizons have opened up for creating complex children's toys. Appeared electronic toys with remote control, with programmable effects that got people interested at lightning speed. Very popular now computer, virtual games . In modern society there are numerous debates about how useful computer games for children and at what age should children be introduced to them.

Modern children play a variety of games, and depending on what game the child plays, we can roughly distinguish types of toys . I would like to emphasize that the division of children's toys by type is very arbitrary, because Each toy is multifunctional and can be used in different ways. For example, a plush hare can act as a beloved son in the game “Family”, and after 20 minutes turn into a character in the fairy tale “Kolobok”.

Vasilyeva Vera

Everyone had any kind of toys in childhood. And of course, soft toys were especially favorite. For some it was a teddy bear, for others it was a bunny or a monkey. Have you ever thought about the history of soft toys? The project describes the history of the creation of the soft toy, provides a pattern of a cat, a technological map, etc.



MBOU "Rodomanovskaya Secondary School"


By technology



9th grade student

Head: Tolpinets S.V.,

technology teacher



1. Preparatory stage………………………………………………...3

1.1 Justification of the topic………………………………………………………...3

1.2 Objectives………………………………………………………………………………………......3

1.3 From the history of a soft toy……………………………………………..3

1.4 Specification………………………………………………………………………………...5

1.5 Ideas. Choosing the best idea…………………………………………………………….5

1.6 Tasks…………………………………………………………………………………6

1.7 Description of the kitten’s appearance……………………………………… …..6

1.8 Design – analysis……………………………………………………………....6

2. Technological stage

2.1 Making pattern parts ……….…………………………………… ….7

2.2 Manufacturing procedure……………………………………………………….8

2.3 Assembling the toy………………….………………………………………….8

2.4 Design of the toy………………………………………………………..9

3. Final stage

3.1 Cost of materials……………………………………………………………........9

3.2 Test and self-assessment……………………………………………………………. .10

3.3 Information sources……………………………………………………………………10

3.4 Photo of kitten Simka………………………………………………………..11

1. Preparatory stage

1.1. Rationale for the topic

I love nature very much, so in the future I want to become an ecologist or biologist. In geography lessons of the Smolensk region we study the ecological environment, flora and fauna of our region, and the animal world. I am especially interested in the topic of animals. Wild or domestic, they are very interesting.

I also love making crafts from natural materials. While thinking about the topic of the project on technology, I decided to sew a dummy in the form of an animal. Taxidermists make stuffed animals from the skins of caught animals, and I will try to make a similar craft without causing damage to nature.

1.2. Project goals:

Make a model of an animal without causing damage to the environment;

accurately and accurately perform technological operations;

improve your capabilities;

assimilate acquired knowledge;

evaluate the work done.

3. From the history of soft toys

Everyone had any kind of toys in childhood. And of course, soft toys were especially favorite. For some it was a teddy bear, for others it was a bunny or a monkey. Have you ever thought about the history of soft toys? The first mentions of toys can be found in the books of the ancient world. Toys were also depicted on vessels and frescoes. But the best evidence is the toys themselves, found by archaeologists.

The toys of Ancient Egypt date back to the mid-3rd millennium BC. These were miniature figurines of cats, dogs, cows, tigers, made of wood. Ancient masters depicted animals with great skill. In Ancient Egypt, toys with a wire movement mechanism were first encountered, thanks to which, for example, a crocodile could open its mouth.

Archaeologists found many children's toys in Italy at the excavations of Pompeii, which was destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79. Among them were many rattles. Some were in the form of a small disk on a handle, to which bells were attached, while others were hollow figures of a duck, horse and pig, with balls rolling inside.

In Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, newborns were given rattles and rattles. Rattles were believed to ward off evil spirits. Mothers and nannies put their children to sleep by banging rattles on the edge of the cradle.

Many toys depicting a mammoth, rhinoceros, and bear were found in Siberia. They were made from mammoth tusk and soft stone 35-12 thousand years BC. The same toys were found on the territory of modern Ukraine and other areas. The skill of Stone Age sculptures is amazing, creating figurines of humans, birds, and animals as close as possible to the original. A large number of wooden toys were found on the territory of Novgorod.

Dolls also date back to ancient times. The most ancient dolls from Egypt. They date back about 4 thousand years. The most varied dolls were found: rough blocks without arms and legs, with arms and legs made of thin sticks. There were detailed dolls. Hair was made from wooden or thread beads. Dolls were used in rituals and served as symbols of worship.

Girls of Ancient Greece and Rome kept dolls until marriage, and then brought them as gifts to the goddess Aphrodite and Venus. But there were also play dolls. Basically, they were made movable from clay and wood. At that time, puppets already existed.

The life path of toys in the Middle Ages is not known. The first information already dates back to the Renaissance. Even the modern name "toy" arose only after 1523 in France.

In the 16th century, the craft of making dolls to order arose. Prices for dolls were very high, since these toys were original models and glossy magazines of that time: mothers studied fashion using them, and daughters had fun with them. The aristocratic toy retained its decorative and applied character until the end of the 19th century.

It was only in the 19th century that the “Syndicate of French Toy Manufacturers” was formed. From this moment we can talk about the emergence of a new industry. The demand for toys increased as cities grew, and so did profits. The production of toys becomes more diversified when using dough made from cheap rye flour. An important stage in the history of toys is the time when they began to make toys from papier-mâché.

Of all types of toys, soft ones are the latest in appearance. Soft toys are models of animals that caring mothers sewed for their children from multi-colored scraps and stuffed them with cotton wool or fabric. They first appeared in the 19th century. In the 20th century, mass production of soft toys began and a boom in teddy bears arose. The soft toy is also popular in the 21st century, when children play computer games and become interested in Pokemon, Barbie, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and other childhood idols. But still, my favorite toy remains a tattered teddy bear, which... perhaps inherited from an older brother or sister or even from parents. The first soft toys appeared in Germany. The first toy bears that became famous throughout the world were the Teddy bear (Teddy toy bear) from the German company Steif. The toy bear has become an inseparable companion for most children. The most important advantage of a soft toy is to give tenderness and comfort to babies. In moments of sadness, the baby holds them in his arms, gently pressing them to himself, and clings to them when he feels bad.

In Russia, the history of soft toys does not go back very many years. Along with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the conditions for the development of the toy industry had to be re-created so that cheap toys would be available to a large number of children. A significant part of the companies that operate in this market today or came to us from abroad were created after the nineties. Usually, children do not part with their soft pets even at night, cuddling them in bed, so it is very important that they are made from environmentally friendly materials that will not harm the child’s health.


The future product must have:

external resemblance to an animal; the average size; good quality; low cost.

The manufactured model should evoke positive emotions and develop cognitive interest in the animal world.

5. Ideas. Choosing the best idea

idea 1 – owl

idea 2 – hare

Idea 3 – dog

idea 4 - kitten

For the project item, I choose idea 4.

1.6. Tasks:

1 Write a description of the kitten’s appearance.

2 Select materials according to texture and color scheme.

3 Make a model of a kitten.

7. Description of the appearance of cats

The palette of colors and colors of a domestic cat is large and varied. It also includes original drawings of its predecessor, the wild cat: evenly striped marbled and spotted. Greater independence from humans predetermined the preservation of domestic cats with a morphological structure very similar to the structure of its distant wild ancestor.

Body: medium size, well proportioned, flexible and muscular.

Head: shaped like a blunt triangle.

Eyes: Lemon-shaped, set slightly oblique, color usually yellow-green.

Coat: Usually short, dense and close-lying, but sometimes semi-long.

Ears: Slightly rounded at the tips, set wide apart.

Tail: medium length.

1.8. Design analysis of the model

The kitten is made of fabric and natural fur in two colors (white and black)

Synthetic padding polyester was used to create the three-dimensional shape of the model.

A welded frame is used to maintain the stability of the craft.

Eyes and nose - pieces of fabric and buttons connected with glue

Parts of the toy parts are connected by machine seams

Final assembly of parts - manual work

2. Technological stage

2.1. Making pattern pieces

Patterns of parts for sewing the kitten model were copied from the book “Soft Toys”. To obtain the desired size, all parts are enlarged using the scaling function on the RICOH AFICIO MP 1.500 copier. I cut out all the details with a seam allowance of 1 cm, taking into account the direction of the pile.



2.2. Manufacturing procedure.

Head . From black fur I cut out one piece each for the back of the head and forehead. One part of the cheeks is made of white fur. I placed the parts of the forehead and cheeks together with the fur facing in so that the cuts along the 1-2-3 line coincided. I sewed the details along these sections. I put together the parts of the back of the head, forehead and cheeks with the fur facing in, so that points 1 and 3 on these parts coincided. I sewed the pieces together with an over-the-edge seam, leaving an opening along the neck line. She turned her head inside out, stuffed it with padding polyester, and sewed up the hole.

Ears . I cut out two ear pieces each from black and white fur. I folded them in pairs with the fur inside, sewed them on both sides, turned them inside out and sewed up the third side.

Torso . I cut out two body parts from black fur. I folded them with the fur inside and sewed them with a seam “over the edge”, leaving an opening along the neck line. She turned the body inside out, stuffed it with padding polyester, and sewed up the hole.

Paws. I cut out two pieces of paws from black and white fur. I folded them in pairs with the fur inside, sewed them together, leaving holes, turned them inside out, stuffed them with padding polyester and sewed up the holes.

Tail. I cut out two tail parts from black fur. I folded them with the fur inside, sewed them together, leaving a hole, turned them inside out, stuffed them with padding polyester and sewed up the hole.

2.3. Assembling the toy

In the places shown in Figure 1, I sewed the ears to the head with a “hidden” seam so that the white side of the ear was on the front of the head, and the black side on the back of the head. I sewed the head to the body with a “hidden” seam along the neck line. I sewed the legs and tail to the body using a “hidden” seam. I sewed a breast piece cut from white fur to the body.

2.4. Decoration of the toy.

I cut out two mugs for the muzzle from white material. Along the edge I gathered them onto a thread with a rare seam “over the edge”, pulled them lightly, stuffed them with synthetic padding, and tightened them completely. I cut out a circle for the nose from red fabric and did the same. like a muzzle. I cut out a tongue detail from a red drape.

I cut out ovals from white fabric for the eyes, sewed them to the muzzle, and sewed brown buttons on top. In the places shown in Figure 1, I sewed muzzle balls, nose and tongue onto the head.

3.Final stage

3.1. Cost of materials


Price for 1m

in rub.


Cost in rubles

Natural black fur

0.5 m

Natural white fur

20 cm

White fabric

30 cm


2 m

Red fabric

20 cm


695 rubles

3.2. Test and self-assessment

The assessment of product specification requirements is carried out in the form of a diagram. It shows how well the finished product meets the specification requirements.

Cost of materials


Originality in appearance


Environmentally friendly materials

Similarities with

Kitten practicality

Labor intensity


When I brought the finished kitten model to school, the kids gave him a name - Simka. The product conveys the plasticity of the animal. The young kitten looks playful like a child. Kitten Simka is everyone’s favorite exhibit; it evokes positive emotions and educational interest in the animal world.

Several times the kitten acted as a model in art classes.

3.3. Information sources

Petukhova V.I., Savelyeva L.M., Shirshikova E.N. Soft toy. M.:

"Step", 1995

Starodukh K., Tkachenko T. Soft toy step by step: for yourself and for

gift. Rostov N/A: Publishing house "Vladis", M,: Publishing house

"Ripol Classic", 2005

Bunnies, foxes, dogs, cartoon characters and, of course, bears - today these toys can be found in every home. They are fun to play with and easier to fall asleep. But where did our favorite toys come from?

According to archaeologists, toys appeared in Ancient Egypt already in the 3rd millennium BC. These were small figurines of cats, dogs, tigers, cows, made of wood. At the same time, complex techniques were also used in the manufacture of toys with movable body parts. Archaeologists found a large number of toys at the excavations of Pompeii. Ratchets and rattles were very popular in Ancient Greece and Rome. Mothers were convinced that such toys protected their babies from evil.

Many toys depicting mammoths, tigers, and rhinoceroses were found in Siberia. They amaze with their detail and maximum proximity to reality. Similar finds were discovered on the territory of Ukraine: toys were made of soft stone and tusks as early as 12 thousand years BC.

The first dolls were found in Egypt; they are about four thousand years old. An interesting tradition is associated with dolls in Ancient Greece and Rome. The girls kept them until marriage, and before the wedding they sacrificed them to the goddess of love. In addition to such dolls, there were also play dolls, which were most often made movable. During this period, puppets were also made.

What happened to toys in the Middle Ages is unknown. And the word “toy” itself appeared only during the Renaissance in France. Caring mothers sewed the first soft toys from scraps of fabric and stuffed them with straw. In the 16th century, toys began to be produced to order. The dolls served as fashion mannequins for those days. They were very expensive and belonged to aristocrats. It was only in the 19th century that mass production of toys began.

The industrial history of soft toys began in the 70s of the 19th century in Germany. Then many women's magazines began to publish patterns and tips for making soft toys with your own hands. In 1879, a resident of the German city of Gingen, Margarete Steiff, who had been confined to a wheelchair since childhood, sewed several funny animals as a Christmas gift for her nephews. The toys were such a success with the neighbors that Margaret, who was reputed to be the first needlewoman in the area, was literally bombarded with orders.

Soon the girl’s father opened a small workshop in which Margaret and her sisters worked. The business was such a success that within a few years the workshop turned into the Steiff toy factory. In 1901, Margaret patented her teddy bear, which rested on all four paws. A year later, the first teddy bear, now so beloved throughout the world, appeared. The artist Richard Steiff, one of Aunt Margaret's nephews, came up with the idea of ​​combining the design of a soft toy and a doll. The teddy bear made according to his sketches had front and hind legs that moved on hinges.

But then the bear cub did not yet have a name... Far from Germany, on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, the wife of a Russian emigrant decorated the window of her shop with a bear cub sewn from fabric and stuffed with sawdust. Visitors liked it so much that they wanted to buy it. The owners had to urgently organize the tailoring of these toys. And soon the owner of the shop turned to the then President of the United States with a request to use his name for the bear cub and received consent. In addition, at this time an interesting story happened with President Theodore Roosevelt himself. He, being a passionate hunter, refused to shoot at a bear that was specially placed in front of him. This story made it into the newspapers. So in America, and then in Europe, teddy bears began to be called Teddy.

Today, toys simply amaze with their “skills”: they can talk, sing and dance. It's hard to imagine, but some toys completely imitate pets. One thing remains unchanged - the kindness and tenderness that a toy brings to every child, the memory of which will remain for a lifetime.

A toy has always accompanied a person. It is one of the oldest types of decorative and applied art, decorating our everyday life and pleasing our eyes. All children and adults love this toy. For children it is fun, a game; adults look with pleasure at beautiful, funny toys that bring true joy, transport them to the world of childhood, and cause a kind smile. A toy made with your own hands is of great importance in the creative development of a child. Work on soft toys, which is one of the forms of aesthetic and labor education, has become widespread.

A toy made by a child with the help of an adult is not only the result of labor, but also a creative expression of his individuality. A toy that has passed through the hands of a child becomes especially attractive. The thing on which he worked, putting into it invention, fantasy and love, especially dear to him. Thus, it is clear that working on a soft toy is a creative activity and meets the goals of artistic and labor education, and develops taste. Soft toys are:

FLAT-WALLED (their base is cardboard, on the back side of which a loop is sewn so that you can hang the toy on the wall).

SEMI-VOLUME (also made from various types of fabrics, faux fur, you can use fleecy coat fabric.)

VOLUME (these are soft toys that are made of several parts, each stuffed with cotton wool or foam rubber)

In ancient times, children played with clay and wooden toys. Later, soft toys appeared.

The production of soft toys today is colossal in scope and variety, and with the appearance of more and more new toys in stores, you immediately want to buy them. I read in one of the books that it all started with one little teddy bear.

The bear was born in Germany in December 1901. His “mother” was the toy maker Margaret Steiff. As a child, Margaret suffered a serious illness and became disabled. She could not participate in the noisy games of the children living in the neighborhood, so her favorite pastime was sewing. The girl's parents owned a small studio, and they liked their daughter's hobby. One day, her mother brought her colorful scraps, and Margaret sewed a little elephant. He was so cute that his mother decided to display the toy in the shop window. The cute little elephant attracted the attention of all passersby. And the children did not want to leave the shop window and, with tears in their eyes, demanded the same toy from their parents. Seeing such interest, Margaret's parents decided to start sewing soft toys. And soon, behind the glass of the display case, cute little animals, sewn from multi-colored scraps, appeared. Bunnies, kittens, chickens, puppies - whoever was there! But for some reason the cubs have not appeared yet. The teddy bear was invented by Margaret's cousin Richard. He graduated from art school and spent whole days at the zoo, making drawings of different animals, looking for characters for new toys. One day he saw a little bear cub. Based on his drawing, the first toy bear was sewn from scraps of plush.

But this story is not over. It turned out that around the same time, in the distant overseas country of America, they also sewed a toy bear, and in America they did not know anything about German. But here's what's interesting: both cubs were named by the same name. Both toys were named Teddy in honor of then American President Theodore Roosevelt. The fact is that on one of his days off, the US President went hunting. And the local authorities, wanting to please the president, caught the bear cub the day before and tied it to a tree right in Roosevelt’s path. But the American president was outraged by such cruelty and did not shoot at the defenseless baby. The German company Steiff, which became famous thanks to its simple bear, was the first to master the production of soft toys.

What an amazing story! Now these fluffy soft toys are the most favorite toys for children.

Incredible adventures also happen with soft toys. I wonder who sees these adventures? And people see these adventures. The poet Nikolai Berezovsky wrote a poem:

"BEAR - KOMMERSANT" A bear stuffed with sawdust

My little mind spilled all over the floor.

Sits with his muzzle propped up on his paw.

And cries: What a softie I am!

Now, having lost all my mind,

I'll be completely slow-witted!

Don’t cry, Masha told him, and she took out the cat and the piggy bank.

We will deal with the problem ourselves!

And she filled the bear with rubles

And the bear is happy about his new fate:

He is now a businessman!

Putting it all together, I solved this problem. Now children can play with environmentally friendly toys

Materials and tools.

Toys - pillows can be made from anything: cotton and woolen fabrics, cloth, felt, faux fur, etc. For work, you can use pieces of fabric or leather left over from sewing other products, old or out of fashion. The ideal material for stuffing is synthetic wool. In extreme cases, the product can be stuffed with ordinary cotton wool. Sewing machine needles are selected depending on the thickness of the fabric being sewn. Typically, needles No. 80, 85, 90 are used, less often - No. 100. When working manually with fur or thick fabric, the needle should be long, with a large eye. A very thin needle will be needed for sewing on buttons, lace, etc. Use a medium-thick needle to sew and baste the details of products. Scissors should be sharp and easy to open and close. For marking you will need: pencils, tailor's crayons or thin pieces of dry soap. It is convenient to work with bobbin threads No. 40, 50, 60. But for sewing to the product, thread No. 10 is used.

Safety precautions

Before you start working, you need to choose what is convenient. workplace. Sewing requires attention and hard work of the eyes, so it is important that the workplace is comfortable and well lit; lighting can be artificial or natural, but sufficient. You can work for 30 - 40 minutes with a mandatory break of 15 - 20 minutes. During a break, you need to rest your eyes, go to the window and look at distant objects, or perform eye exercises. It doesn't hurt to warm up for the whole body - you can do several exercises for different muscle groups.

Ecological problems.

The problem of recyclable materials is being solved: that is, recycling, a second life for things, as secondary use for the manufacture of children's toys.

Manufacturing technology of the “Apple with a Worm” pillow-toy.

1. Place the four pieces in sequence with right sides facing each other.

2. Sew the pieces together, leaving an opening for turning and stuffing.

3. Turn the product onto your face.

4. Stuff very gently, leaving the hole open.

5. Place the two pieces of the leaf right sides together and place a pad of batting or synthetic padding on top.

6. Turn the leaf over onto your face.

7. Sew along the lines indicated on the pattern.

8. Fold the handle part in half with the front side facing inward.

9. Sew, leaving an opening for turning.

10. Turn right side out and stuff.

11. Sew the finished leaf to the upper wide part of the cutting.

12. Sew the narrow part of the cutting to the top of the apple.

13. Fold the rectangle of yellow fabric in half lengthwise. Sew along the long side.

14. On one side of the resulting tube, sew a linen elastic into the seam and gather the upper end of the tube. 15. Fill the tube very softly, tighten the elastic band tightly and... Having cut off the excess, sew the worm to the apple.

16. Sew eyes and two red pompoms to the worm’s head. I made experimental works using this technique.

1. While studying a large amount of literature on sewing pillow toys, I expanded my horizons, and this helped me learn to work creatively.

2. Mastering sewing technology, i.e. sewing a toy - an “Apple with a Worm” pillow - gave me the opportunity to add to the collection of hand-made works.
