Project in junior group 1 Kolobok photo report. Project in the first junior group “Kolobok”

Stage 1. Goal setting Project participants: Group teacher, children 1 ml. groups. Goal: to develop children's speech activity through the use of small folklore forms. Objectives: to promote the development of a child’s speech, introduce children to a folklore work about a kolobok, continue to teach children to listen to the teacher’s speech, expand their understanding of wild animals, develop children’s interest in artistic creativity, develop cognitive abilities, children’s perception, develop an emotional response to their favorite work, hand motor skills, creative abilities, cultivate a love of fairy tales, and respect for animals.

Stage 2: Project development Final event: dramatization of the fairy tale “Kolobok”. Project product: children's drawings and crafts from plasticine, purchasing masks for a fairy tale, creating an album “Wild Animals”, crafts by parents and children based on the fairy tale “Kolobok”. Expected result: children’s speech activity has increased, children know the work, say phrases from a fairy tale, transform into heroes, and have acquired the necessary knowledge about wild animals; teachers improved the technique of project activities; parents participate in the educational activities of children in kindergarten.

Stage 3. Project implementation Project implementation plan Physical education Outdoor games: “The little white bunny is sitting ...”, “Catch up with the fox”, “Crawl to the bear”, “The gray bunny is washing himself”, “Jump over the stream in the forest”. Movements: jump like bunnies, walk like a bear.

Socialization Didactic games: “Let’s help grandma set the table”, “Wonderful bag” (vegetables for the animals), “Who left?” (characters from a fairy tale), “Kolobok is sad and happy.” Role-playing games “The fox’s birthday”, “Bake pies for the animals”, “Bathing the bear”.

Short-term project in the 2nd junior group on theatrical activities

based on the Russian folk tale "Kolobok".

A fairy tale will knock on the house,

It will become interesting in it!

Prepared by: Educator - Yachmeneva A.S.

Relevance of the project:

Theater - a fertile and irreplaceable source of a child’s upbringing, these are the spiritual riches of culture, which, by learning, a child learns with his heart. Preschool age is the age of fairy tales. It is at this age that a child shows a strong craving for everything fabulous, unusual, and wonderful. And this will contribute to the development of the little person. The educational possibilities of theatrical activities are wide: children get acquainted with the world around them through images, colors, sounds, and skillfully posed questions force them to think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations.

In the process of theatrical play, the child’s vocabulary is activated, the sound culture of speech and its intonation structure are improved. Spoken remarks teach the child to express himself clearly, clearly and understandably, dialogical speech and its grammatical structure improve.

Theatrical activity is a source of development of feelings and deep experiences of the child, introduces him to spiritual values, develops the child’s emotional sphere, and makes him sympathize with the characters. Favorite heroes become role models and identification, and thanks to this they have a positive influence on the formation of personality traits.

Type : cognitive – creative.

Implementation deadlines : short-term project - May 7 - May 11, 2018

Objective of the project:

To form in children of primary preschool age an idea of ​​the theater and an emotionally positive attitude towards it.

Project objectives:

    Selecting a fairy tale with a moral idea that is understandable for children, with dynamic events, and characters endowed with expressive characteristics.

    Creation of a subject-developing environment that promotes the development of interest in theatrical activities.

    Formation of the ability to emotionally perceive the content of a fairy tale, feel and understand its character.

    Development of artistic and speech performing abilities: expressiveness, emotionality of performance, variety of intonations.

    Nurturing positive character traits.

    Involving parents to participate in the preparation of the fairy tale.

Project participants: children, parents, teachers, music director.

Age of project participants: 2nd younger group (3-4 years old).

Resource support:

table theater: “Kolobok”;

costumes for the fairy tale “Kolobok”;

story pictures;

didactic games: lotto “Fairy Tales”;

Coloring pages based on the fairy tale "Kolobok".

Project stages.


-- Creation of methodological support;

Placing information in the parent corner;

Working with parents - helping in preparing costumes.

2. Main stage:

Reading the fairy tale "Kolobok".

Looking at illustrations for a fairy tale.

Learning the Kolobok song.

Coloring page "Kolobok is rolling along a forest path."

Designing a path for Kolobok from building material.

Games with sand “Let’s bake a Kolobok”.

Watching the cartoon "Kolobok".

D/ game "Fairy Tales".

P/ game “I left my grandmother...”.

Table theater "Kolobok".

3.Final stage:

Theatrical adaptation of the fairy tale "Kolobok".

The result of the project.

The children got acquainted with Russian folk tales.

Children of the 2nd junior group learned to recognize fairy-tale characters from illustrations.

The children took part in puppet shows.

Children began to more often resort to active speech as an expression of their feelings and emotions.

Parents took an active part in the preparation of theatrical activities.


A. K. Bondarenko “Didactic games in kindergarten.”

E. N. Panova “Didactic games - classes in preschool educational institutions (junior age 2nd edition).”

E. V. Zvorygina “The first story-based games for kids.”

E. A. Yanushko “Development of fine motor skills of the hands in young children.”

V. V. Gerbova “Classes on speech development with children 2-4 years old”

Reader for little ones. Compiled by L. N. Eliseeva.


Goal: to develop the creative abilities of children through participation in theatrical activities and participation in artistic creativity together with parents.
Educational objectives:
to teach in theatrical activities to act out situations based on simple plots, to develop emotional responsiveness, to encourage children to engage in joint activities with adults and peers.
to form a sustainable interest in the process of reading and memorizing what has been read.
continue to develop curiosity, activity, interest in different types of musical activities.
Develop the ability to read poetry expressively, using means of intonation speech expressiveness, conveying your attitude to characters and events.
continue to promote the manifestation of creative and creative activity in children.
form ideas about certain types of dangerous situations.
Preparing for the event. Reading the fairy tale “Kolobok”, looking at illustrations for the fairy tale, discussing with children the appearance, character of fairy-tale characters, their actions, distributing roles and memorizing the characters’ lines, discussing and selecting together with children attributes for staging the fairy tale, making scenery, posters, stage design.
Preparation of the workplace, equipment and materials for the practical part of leisure.
Progress of the event.
Spectators (children from other groups) are invited to the hall.
1. Introductory conversation
Hello, dear viewers! Today we invite you to spend the evening with the fairy tale “Kolobok”!
2. Dramatization of the fairy tale “Kolobok” (based on a Russian folk tale).
Grandfather (parents).
Baba (parents).
All the girls and boys
We know that they love books very much,
They love fairy tales, they love songs...
And to make it more interesting,
We'll show you old tales,
But we’ll tell you about them in poetry,
Kolobok's sonorous songs
Haven't you heard yet?
Is everyone seated? Good morning!
Let's begin our story...

An old man lived with his old lady
In a small forest hut.
Grandfather once asked:
Bake it for lunch
The bun is rosy and delicious!
You used to bake skillfully.

Baba prepares a kolobok (with her hand movements she imitates the process of kneading dough and modeling the shape of a kolobok).

Broom down the drain
An old lady with a wing.
I found two handfuls of flour -
no more is needed.
Added salt, sand,
Two spoons of sour cream.
The glorious Kolobok came out,
Lush and rosy.
Kolobok appears.

Wait a moment, Grandfather.
Let Kolobok cool down!
The bun is hiding behind the curtain.
I wish I could freeze on the window,
But he decided: “I’ll run away,
I’ll warm up a little!”
Jump from the window and into the woods
Kolobok rolled.
Past the fir trees, birches,
Past the butterflies and dragonflies
And different flowers:
Yellow, blue, red.
Sees blue in the sky
And green grass
The sun is red in the sky.
Everything around is wonderful!
The Hare comes out to meet Kolobok.

Suddenly our little naughty
I met the Bunny.
Hare (important).
I'll feast on you.
I haven't eaten since morning.
What you?! Wait, Scythe!
Listen to the song!
(Sings a song.)

I'm a gingerbread man, a fidget,
They baked me for Grandfather,
I'm crazy about sour cream,
I'm cold at the window.
I left the old people
Jump from the window - and that was it!
Great honor for the Bunny:
Eat the rosy bun!
The hare listens to the song in fascination, and Kolobok runs away through the forest.
Round dance game “The gray bunny is sitting.”

Suddenly a Wolf appears on his way.
Rolled along the road
Wolf Gray at his feet.
He knows a lot about koloboks...

How are you by the way, little bun!
I'm very hungry.
I'll eat you, my friend, -
I'll be full until the night!

What are you, what are you, Gray Wolf!
Don't eat me!
Better sit down on a tree stump,
Listen to the song.
(Sings a song.)
I'm a gingerbread man, a fidget,
They baked me for Grandfather,
I'm crazy about sour cream,
I'm cold at the window.
I left the old people
Jump from the window - and that was it!
He deceived the Bunny nicely,
I'll leave you even more!

With his last words, Kolobok runs past the Wolf further into the forest.
Finger game “We shared an orange”

And then the Bear comes out to meet him.
Suddenly Potapych himself came towards me.
He growled and raised his paw:
Come here, Kolobok!
I'll have a little snack!

What are you, what are you, clubfoot!
Put your paw down.
Better my song
Listen, I'll sing.
(Sings a song.)
I'm a gingerbread man, a fidget,
They baked me for Grandfather,
I'm crazy about sour cream,
I'm cold at the window.
I left the old people
Jump from the window - and that was it!
I ran away from the Hare
And from the evil wolf.
And, Toptygin, from you
I don't have long to go!
Outdoor game "At the Bear's Forest"

Kolobok runs through the forest. The Fox sneaks out and sits on a tree stump.
Rolled head over heels
Straight through the grove...
How long or how short did it roll?
I found myself at the edge of the forest.
How can trouble not happen here?
Koli is a cunning Fox
She was sitting at the edge of that forest,
The red tail was warming in the sun.
The Fox gets up and goes to Kolobok.

I saw Kolobok
And to him from afar
Moved towards
With gentle speech.
How handsome you are, Kolobok!
How blush and cheerful!
They say that you, my friend,
You know a lot of songs...

I'm a gingerbread man, a fidget,
They baked me for Grandfather,
I'm crazy about sour cream,
I'm cold at the window.
I left the old people
Jump from the window - and that was it!
I left the Bear
And from the Wolf and the Hare,
And Lisa behind Kolobok
Can't keep up either!

Fox (slyly).
I'm a little deaf...
Come closer, my friend.
Sit on my toe,
Sing louder one more time.
Kolobok (sings louder).
I'm a gingerbread man, a fidget,
They baked me for Grandfather,
I'm crazy about sour cream,
I'm cold at the window.
I left the old people
Jump from the window - and that was it!
I left the Bear
And from the Wolf and the Hare,
And Lisa behind Kolobok
Can't keep up either!
General dance “We are going to play.”
(All artists take a bow.)

3. Conversation following the fairy tale.
Did you like the fairy tale? How did Kolobok behave when he ran away from home? Why? How will Grandma and Grandpa feel when they learn that Kolobok was eaten by the Fox? Should we sympathize with them? Next time we will watch another fairy tale.

Thank you for your attention, see you again.

Municipal autonomous educational institution

For children of preschool and primary school age

Progymnasium No. 81 “Hello”

In the first junior group No. 1(b)

Author and developer of the project:
Drozdova E.A.

Project:“The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it”

Project type: cognitive and creative.

Duration: short-term - 2 weeks

Project participants: children of the first junior group, parents


A fairy tale is one of the means of folk wisdom, expressed in a figurative form accessible to everyone. It introduces people to universal and ethnic experience. Each of us remembers how, as a child, we empathized and internally contributed to the characters of Russian fairy tales. But as a result of this empathy, not only new ideas about people, objects and phenomena of the surrounding world appear, but also a new emotional attitude towards them.

The project “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it” is relevant, since in our age of spiritual impoverishment, the fairy tale, like other values ​​of traditional culture, is losing its high purpose. Russian folk tales today are not presented to children with the same warmth as they used to be. Even if Russian fairy tales are read to children, parents do not reveal the poetic and multifaceted image of their heroes and do not leave children any room for imagination. Today's attitude of parents towards fairy tales does not contribute to the return of the themes of faith, kindness, mercy and obedience to the natural outline of the life of a child and family. But all this relates to the spiritual and moral content of fairy tales.

Objective of the project: introducing children to the riches of Russian fiction through familiarization with fairy tales.




Expected result:

1. Children have an interest in fiction, manifested in cognitive activity.

2. Correct sound pronunciation and expressiveness of speech in 5% of children in the group.

3. Creative skills: the ability to compose fairy tales from pictures, independently organize theatrical performances of fairy tales, and portray the heroes of fairy tales.

4. Harmonization of parent-child relationships in the family.

Project implementation stages:

April: 1. Definition of the topic (project problem). Arouse the interest of children and parents in the topic of the project.

Analyze and justify the choice of project topic.

2. Collection of information, literature, additional material. 1. Creating a library

3. Renewal and replenishment of the flat theater.

4. Updating and replenishing masks for outdoor games and theatrical performances.

5. Parents enriching the developmental environment (thematic albums)

6. Introducing children to fairy tales: Turnip, Teremok, Kolobok, Ryaba hen. Activation of the dictionary.

7. D/i “Arrange the heroes according to fairy tales” (Turnip, Kolobok) Development of thinking abilities. The ability to distinguish whether characters belong to a particular fairy tale.

8. Acting out the fairy tale “Turnip”, “Kolobok” using a plane theater, a finger theater. Involving children from the group in playing the roles of fairy tale characters.

9. Exhibition of books: “Russian folk tales.”

10. Homework “Make your favorite character with your own hands” Involve parents in doing homework together with their children (making a favorite fairy-tale character)

11. Participation of parents in enriching the developmental environment (masks, finger theater, table theater). Thematic albums.

12. Campaign “Give a book to kindergarten”

Estimated results of the project:


Introduce the folklore of the Russian people;

To promote the accumulation of aesthetic and emotional experience in children when reading and discussing fairy tales;

Develop artistic abilities through participation in simple dramatizations of fairy tales;

Develop imaginative thinking, imagination, creative abilities;

Improve the situational and business form of communication with adults.


Creating favorable conditions in the family for the development of the child, taking into account the children’s experience acquired in kindergarten;

Development of joint creativity between parents and children;

Develop a child’s personal qualities through fairy tales;

To interest parents in the life of the group, to make them want to participate in it.


“The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...” Lesson notes on the development of coherent speech in children of primary preschool age

Educational area: communication

coherent speech

As part of organized educational activities, work is carried out to develop coherent speech - retelling Russian folk tales.

Integration of educational areas: reading fiction, communication, cognition, socialization.

Target: development of all forms of oral speech.


The ability to perceive first the text read by the teacher, and then the child’s story;

Lead the preschooler to reproduce the text.


Primary reading of the work;

Conversation on issues;

Repeated reading;


Requirements for literary texts:

Dynamic, concise and at the same time figurative presentation;

Clarity and consistency in the unfolding of action;

Entertaining content.


Russian folktale

Retelling of a Russian folk tale. The telling of the tale is accompanied by the display of illustrations.

The teacher invites the children to look at the illustrations for the Russian folk tale “Kolobok”. Children look at three or four story pictures and answer the questions:

1st illustration

How does a fairy tale begin?

Who do you recognize in this picture?

2nd illustration

What did the old man ask you to bake?

Where did the bun cool down?

3rd illustration

What happened to the bun when he jumped from the window?

Who did the bun meet?

What song did the bun sing?

4th illustration

Why did the bun jump on the fox's nose?

How did the fairy tale end?

After looking at the illustrations, the teacher reads the fairy tale again, and the children help.

If the child remembers the beginning of the fairy tale, then he tells it on his own. In case of difficulties, the teacher is involved in the retelling process. At this stage, questions can be asked only in individual cases. It is better to use a reminder of the text itself, then it is easier for children to reproduce the content of the fairy tale.


Russian folktale

Retelling of a Russian folk tale. The telling of the tale is accompanied by a theater performance on flannelgraph.

The teacher invites the children to look at the illustrations for the fairy tale “Teremok”. After which he reads the text, accompanying it with a fairy tale shown on a flannelgraph. .

Questions for children:

What is the name of the house where the animals live in this fairy tale?

How does the fairy tale “Teremok” begin?

Who was the first to find “Teremok” in the field?

Who was second, third, etc.?

How did the fairy tale end?

After the conversation, the teacher reads the fairy tale again, and the children join in the retelling as they read, laying out figures according to the text on the flannelgraph.

Summary of an open physical education lesson in the 1st junior group “Teremok” Based on the plot of the Russian folk tale “Kolobok”

Program content:

1. Learn to perform exercises harmoniously and amicably;

2.Develop motor skills and the ability to coordinate movements in accordance with the text;

3. Foster humane feelings.


1.Toys: Kolobok, Fox.

2.Attributes: House of an old man and an old woman; arcs - 2 pcs. (height-50 cm), ribbed board (length-2m, width-20cm), logs-3 pcs.

3. Phonogram “How beautiful the world is around.”

4.Treat for the guys.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, today we are going to a fairy tale. Stand up one after another and follow me. Don't fall behind!

(Simple walking one after another).

Here we come to a house, an Old Man and an Old Woman live here.

General developmental exercises:

The Old Man woke up in the morning, left the house and stretched. Let's stretch too.

1.I.P.main stand.

Execution: Raise your arms up and down.

He reached out and said to the Old Lady:

If only you could bake me a Kolobok.

And the old woman answered him:

What to bake with, no flour.

And you scrape the barn, mark the bottom of the tree, and then you’ll get some flour.

Let's help the old lady. Repeat after me.

2.IP feet shoulder width apart.

Execution: bend forward.

The old woman collected flour and began making a bun.

3.I.P.: Main stand.

Execution: Squats with circular movements of the arms.

The Old Lady made a Kolobok from the dough, baked it in the oven and put it on the window to cool.

4.IP: Sitting on your heels, hands behind your back, head tilted low forward.

Execution: Straighten your back, raise your head high and look in one direction and the other.

Kolobok lay down, lay down, and then ran along the path into the forest for a walk. Let's go after him too.

Kolobok is running through the forest. Crawls under low spruce branches.

(Cutting under the arcs).

We also climbed after him.

Kolobok went out to the river and walked along a narrow bridge.

(Walking on a ribbed board).

Let us cross this bridge too, don’t lag behind!

There are many fallen trees in the forest, Kolobok carefully steps over them.

(Stepping over objects with high knees).

Kolobok came out into the forest clearing, and the Fox hid under a bush.

Guys, let's help Kolobok escape from the Fox.

Outdoor game “Traps” (2-3 times).

Kolobok: Thank you guys for helping me.

The fox turned out to be very cunning and wanted to eat me.

I will never walk alone in the forest again.

Let us take Kolobok to the house of the old man and the old woman.

(Calm walking).

Guys, how clever and brave you all are!

You were able to overcome a lot today. Thanks to Kolobok, you learned to crawl under low spruce branches, walk along a narrow bridge, and step over fallen trees.

And most importantly, you all worked together to save Kolobok from the Fox.

This is where our journey into a fairy tale ends, and the old lady has prepared a sweet surprise for you that awaits you in the group.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the first junior group “Russian folk tale “Turnip””

Subject: Russian folk tale "Turnip"

Program content:

Create a desire to tell a fairy tale together with the teacher;

Learn to look at drawings and illustrations;

Improve your ability to understand and answer questions;

Enrich your vocabulary;

Equipment and material: magpie, an envelope with a letter, a screen, toys for a tabletop theater based on the fairy tale “Turnip”, illustrations for the fairy tale, a recording of the Russian folk melody “Dance”, paints, brushes, drawing paper.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Children sitting on chairs, knock on the door

2. Surprise moment.

Educator. Guys, someone is knocking on our door, let's open the door and take a look.

This is the magpie that flew to us.

Hello, magpie, white-sided magpie

Let's guys say hello to the magpie

Children. Hello magpie!

Educator. The magpie has a letter on its beak, who is it from? Let's read it.

Hello kids!

I planted a turnip, the turnip grew big and big, I pulled and pulled, but I couldn’t pull it out. Help me please!

Guys, who is this letter from?

Children. From the grandfather from the Russian folk tale “Turnip”

Educator. Shall we help grandfather? And for this we need to find all the heroes of the fairy tale.

To find all the heroes, we will go with you to the fairy tale “Turnip”

What will we go on?

Children. On a steam locomotive? (the teacher shows a toy train, music sounds, and the children follow the teacher and repeat the “train” movements).

Educator. Here we are. (children sit on chairs)

3. Main part. Tabletop theater show

(The scenery for the theatrical performance of the fairy tale “Turnip” is installed on the table)

And this story began in the spring. (Tells a fairy tale using the scenery and characters of the fairy tale, then invites the children to look at the illustrations for the fairy tale and asks them to answer surveys.)

What is shown in the picture?

Children. turnip

How big is the turnip?

Children. Big with big

Who wanted to pull out a turnip?

Children. Grandfather

Who helped him?

Children. Grandmother, granddaughter, bug dog, cat and mouse

Everyone was so happy that they were able to grow such a big turnip and

pull her out of the ground, that they began to have fun and dance.

4. Musical and rhythmic movements

(Performance of musical and rhythmic movements to the Russian folk melody “Dance”).

Educator. Guys, grandfather tells you, thank you for helping him. What a great fellow you are!

4. Task “Find the yellow objects”

Educator. The turnip is very useful. If you eat it, you will grow big and will not get sick. In the meantime, we need to grow this wonderful vegetable. Look, in my garden the turnip is almost ripe. Only she hasn’t turned her color yet. Do you know what color the turnip is? (As a hint, shows a natural turnip or its dummy, a drawing; children name the color.) The turnip is yellow. Look, there is a basket of toys in front of me. Does it contain yellow toys? Place them in an empty basket.

Children complete the task. The teacher asks the children to name the toy and its color, for example: yellow cube, yellow ball, etc.

5. Coloring

Educator. Well, you know the color yellow well. Can you find yellow paint among the paints? (Children complete the task.) Yes, we will paint our turnip with this paint.

(Shows the children how to hold a brush correctly)

Educator. Now we have everything prepared, we can color the drawing.

(Children begin coloring. The teacher puts a brush in each child’s hand and shows the techniques for coloring the picture.)

6. Looking at drawings

Look how many turnips we have grown in our garden! What color are they? All turnips are yellow and ripe. Let's admire them.

Complex lesson in the first junior group on the fairy tale “Turnip”

Program content:

1. Teach children to walk in a flock behind the teacher and in a given direction; in a circle, holding hands, between objects, stepping over lines, obstacles, crawling through gates.

2. Develop phrasal speech skills. Learn to answer questions in complete sentences.

3. To develop in children the ability to listen carefully to an adult’s story.

4. Expand your active vocabulary with adjectives denoting magnitude (large, small).

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher shows the dog.

Dog: Hello guys!

Children: Hello, dog!

Dog: I am an unusual dog. My name is Bobik. I love telling fairy tales. Do you like fairy tales?

Dog: I'll tell you a fairy tale if you sing a song about me.

Children: Repeat the words of the song after the teacher.

Here's our Bobik

Nice dog. Bow-wow.

White forehead, black nose. Bow-wow.

Bobby, Bobby, give me your paw. Bow-wow.

Sit on the mat and don't bark. Bow-wow.

Dog: What a wonderful song!

I invite you to take a journey into a fairy tale.

One, two, three, four, five - We will look for a fairy tale.

Game exercises

We follow each other

Forest and green meadow.

Path - forest

Leads us straight into the forest.

We walk along it together,

There is a forest of miracles there.

We'll walk along the path

And we’ll crawl over the log,

We won't fall into the water.

Let's walk along the path again,

We'll get to the garden.

D/game “Vegetable Garden”

The teacher and the children look at the painting “Vegetable Garden”. Name the vegetables depicted on it. Then he distributes the vegetables shown on the cards to the children, saying the quatrain:

Check out the vegetables here

They grow in the garden:

Cabbage, beets, potatoes,

Onions, garlic and carrots.

The teacher invites the children to collect vegetables in baskets of the appropriate color.

Well done, the guys collected the vegetables, and the turnips remained growing in the garden.

Dog: Would you like me to tell you a fairy tale about “Turnip”.

Dog: tells a fairy tale about “Turnip”.

The grandmother is very glad that they helped her pull out the turnip, and decided to treat the helpers to pancakes.

Finger game:

Okay, okay,

We baked pancakes.

It turned out to be as many as five,

I should give one to my granddaughter,

The second bug must be given,

The third little pussy with a mustache,

And the fourth one is for a small mouse,

Well, let's eat the fifth one ourselves.

Parsley appears: Hello guys, I passed by the kindergarten and heard a fairy tale about “Turnip”. I also want to eat a turnip.


Parsley and grandparents have already eaten the turnip. What should we do guys? Let's plant a turnip, it will grow and Parsley will pick it himself and try it.


Well done boys!

They planted a turnip, Parsley is very happy

And brought you gifts (rattles)

Let's play with rattles.

Game with a rattle.

Picked up rattles

Funny toys.

I shake her with my hand,

I make a rattling sound.

I'll shake it over your ear,

The balls inside are ringing

I'll put it that they are silent.

Summary of the final lesson for 3-year-old children, topic “Journey through Russian folk tales”

Type of lesson:

Cognitive (final).

Type of lesson:



1. Teach children to recognize a fairy tale by the riddle, by the illustration, by the passage (i.e., by the characteristic features and actions of the characters).
2. Develop children’s speech activity and encourage them to enter into dialogue.
3. To cultivate an emotional perception of the content of the fairy tale and interest in folk art.

Demo material

1. Magic ball.
2. Easel.
3. Panel based on the fairy tale “Kolobok”.
4. Exhibition of drawings based on the fairy tale “Turnip”.
5. House of an old man and an old woman based on the fairy tale “Turnip”.

Activating the dictionary:

Pull - pull, plucked.

Dictionary enrichment:

Russian folk tales, a magic ball.

Progress of the lesson:


Early - early in the morning,
When everyone was fast asleep
Right under my window
Two titmice chirped
And they told us
So that all the guys know
What to visit us today,
Grandmother herself is in a hurry,
Grandmother - Fun.

Grandmother - Fun:

I hear, I hear about me
You are having a conversation.
Hello kids!
Hello, dear guests!
How long have we not seen each other?
Autumn is over, winter
And now I'm ready
Come visit you myself.

Game "Let's get to know each other"

Grandmother - Fun:

Guys, I want to meet you. I have a magic ball. He will help us today.
(calm music sounds, children stand in a circle. Grandmother-Funny passes the magic ball and says her name, then the child passes on the magic ball and says his name, etc. until the magic ball returns to Grandmother-Funny).

Grandmother - Fun:

This is how we met. Who helped us meet? (magic ball)

Main part

Grandmother - Fun:

Now you and I will go on a journey, a magical ball will show us the way to Russian folk tales. These tales were composed by the Russian people.

Grandmother - Fun:

A magic ball led us to visit the first fairy tale. Guess the fairy tale.

Guessing fairy tales in different ways

1. Find out the fairy tale from the riddle

I left my grandmother
I left my grandfather
Guess without a hint
Which fairy tale did I come from?

Grandmother - Fun:

Let's sing the kolobok's song and remember which heroes he met in the forest?
(Music sounds, children and Grandma sing a song and put fairy tale characters on the panel)

2. Find out the fairy tale from the illustration Grandmother - Fun:

And now we have come to visit, many Russian folk tales live here. Let's guess what kind of fairy tales these are.
(On the table there is an exhibition of illustrations based on the fairy tales “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Masha and the Bear”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”).

3. Find out the fairy tale from the passage Grandmother - Fun:

Now listen to an excerpt from a familiar Russian folk tale.
(Grandmother - Zabushka reads an excerpt from the fairy tale “Geese - Swans”. Children guess).

Physical education minute

Finger game "Goose"

Where are the palms? Here?
(Hide your hands behind your back)

- There’s a pond on your palms?
- Pond!
(Stretch your arms forward, palms up)

The thumb is a young goose
The index caught
The middle goose was plucked
This finger stoked the stove,
This finger cooked the soup.
(Bend the fingers of both hands alternately)

The goose flew into the mouth
(Unclench your fists, raise your hands up)

And from there - into the stomach! (Shake your brushes)

(Clap your hands)

Final part

Grandmother - Fun:

We played, rested and hit the road again. I wonder what fairy tale lives here? (approach the house)

Grandfather and Grandmother enter (quarrel).


Grandfather, oh, Grandfather, help me plant a turnip.

Yes, I have no time Grandma, I need to chop wood.

Grandmother - Fun: R

fuck, let's help Grandma and Grandpa! How can we help them? Dear guests, relax, and the guys and I will show you the Russian folk tale “Turnip”.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”

(Children wear masks - hats)

Grandfather and Grandmother (together):

Thanks guys. You helped us a lot.

You guys are just amazing
We will never forget you.
You have distinguished yourself brilliantly
And for this you will be rewarded.
(Book of Fairy Tales)

Grandmother - Fun:

The magic ball does not say goodbye, it will live with you in a group and introduce you to new fairy tales.

Title: Project for the 2nd junior group of the preschool educational institution “Kolobok”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Project activity, 2nd junior group

Position: teacher
Place of work: MADOU "Kindergarten 3 140"
Location: Perm

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational InstitutionKindergarten No. 140 in the Industrial District of Perm

Passport of the Kolobok project

Completed by: teacher of the second junior group No. 11
Golovacheva Oksana Alekseevna

Project Information Card


Project type: family short-term (three weeks).

District, city: Perm, Perm region

Organization address: Perm, st. Sviyazeva, 36, MADOU Kindergarten No. 140.

Project participants: teacher of the 2nd junior group No. 11, children and their parents.

Children's age: 3-4 years.

Implementation deadlines: November 2015.

Project location: kindergarten group.

The problem the project aims to solve: involving parents in active participation in the life of the group.

Relevance of the project: Teachers pay great attention to the organization of a subject-developmental environment in an early age group. The age of the children, their desires, and the nature of their independent play activities are taken into account. To help children feel more comfortable in kindergarten, I decided to involve parents.

From an early age, children are introduced to oral folk art (fairy tales, nursery rhymes, jokes). The principle of visibility helps to increase the interest of children and show parents their importance in this process.

Objective of the project: Organization of a subject-developmental environment with the participation of parents. With their own hands they create visual aids and didactic games for the Russian folk tale “Kolobok”.

Project objectives:

For children:

  • Help children feel more comfortable in kindergarten.
  • Maintain interest in Russian folk tales with the help of visual aids and didactic games.
  • Develop children's speech and enrich their vocabulary.
  • Expand your understanding of the world around you.

For teachers:

  • Promote the use of the project method in working with parents.

For parents:

  • Involving parents to actively participate in the life of the group.
  • Educational work on the topic “The role of the family in raising a child.”
  • Exhibition of creative works of parents.

Final event of the project: integrated lesson on modeling from plasticine “Kolobok”

Preparatory stage.

  • Selection of fiction for reading and memorization;
  • selection of age-appropriate games;
  • enrichment of the subject-development environment;
  • long-term work planning;
  • preparation of recommendations for parents (pay attention to the role of Russian folk tales in the development of young children; give recommendations on productive activities: make a picture, panel, didactic game or visual aid (parents’ choice) based on the Russian folk tale “Kolobok”);
  • selection of demonstration material.

Main stage.

  • Work of the teacher with parents:

— practical assistance in productive activities, advice;

— consultation “The role of the family in raising children”

  • Work of a teacher with children:

Cognitive development:

  • A teacher's story about animals from a fairy tale.
  • Integrated lesson “What is this shape?”
  • D/i “Who lives where?”
  • Watching the cartoon: “Kolobok”.

Speech development:

  • Reading the Russian folk tale “Kolobok” to children
  • D/i “Who is missing?”
  • Examination of plot paintings based on a fairy tale.

Social and communicative development:

  • Theatricalization of the Russian folk tale "Kolobok".
  • Staging of the nursery rhyme “Bear-toed Bear”
  • S/r game “Feed the Fox with porridge”

Artistic and aesthetic development:

  • Modeling "Kolobok"
  • Drawing: “Decorate a mitten for grandma”
  • Listening to the musical composition “Kolobok’s Song”

The final stage:

  • Exhibition of works by parents.
  • Exhibition of children's works.
  • Summarizing.

Project results:

The children developed an interest in Russian folklore, the prerequisites for telling the fairy tale “Kolobok”. Children are happy to show their parents' work.

Parents took an active part in organizing the group’s subject-development environment: they made manuals with their own hands. These works can serve as illustrative material in classes on speech development.

Annex 1

Summary of an integrated lesson on modeling from plasticine “Kolobok”

Goal: To teach children how to make a kolobok based on a round shape.

Developmental: develop fine motor skills, children’s ability to distinguish and name colors: yellow.

Educational: form an idea of ​​the shape: round, develop the skills of rolling lumps of plasticine between the palms with circular movements of both hands, practice rolling lumps of plasticine between the palms with direct movements of both hands.

Educational: To support in children the desire to complete the work they have begun, following the playful motivation of the lesson, to cultivate interest in the fairy-tale hero.

Preliminary work: Reading the Russian folk tale “Kolobok”, conversation on its content.

Materials: Pieces of yellow plasticine, beads for the eyes, nose and mouth, boards, napkins. Pictures from the fairy tale “Kolobok”.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: asks a riddle

It is shaped like a ball.

He was once hot.

Jumped off the table onto the floor

And he left his grandmother.

He has a ruddy side...

Who is this? (BALL).

Educator: invites children to make a funny bun.

But before that, guys, we will do exercises for our fingers.

Finger gymnastics:

One two three four five!

Fingers clenched into fists, extend each finger, starting with the thumb

Let your fingers go for a walk!

We clench and unclench our fists.

One two three four five!

Bend each finger, starting with the thumb

They hid in the house again.

Hitting fist on fist

The teacher shows the method of modeling and explains his actions. Guys, take a lump of yellow plasticine and roll it out in your palms like a ball (circular movements with your palms).

Look what a ball we got, a real bun. Let's attach eyes, a nose and a mouth from beads to our little bun.

Teacher guys, what beautiful little buns you made. What a great fellow you are.

At the end of the lesson, the koloboks are put on display.

Appendix 2.

Staging a nursery rhyme "Teddy Bear...":

A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest.
He collects cones and sings a song.
Suddenly a cone fell, right on the bear’s forehead!
The bear got angry and kicked - stomp!

Didactic game “Who is missing?”(the teacher invites the children to look at the heroes of the fairy tale; the adult removes one detail, and the children, opening their eyes, must say what is missing)

Didactic game “What kind of shape?”

Goal: to teach children to distinguish and name geometric shapes familiar to them: ball, cube, brick in a variety of settings: upon presentation (what is it?), among several others, different in name and color, according to the teacher’s word (find the cube).

Progress of the lesson

Children sit in a semicircle. The teacher shows and asks everyone to take turns naming a ball, cube, brick. Explains how a cube differs from a brick: “The brick is longer, you can put two cubes on it (show). And the cube is tall, like a small house. The cube is a house, and the brick is the path to the house.”

Next, the teacher lays out bricks, balls, and cubes on his table. Invites each child to take one item. The children return to their places and show what they have taken to each other. The teacher asks who chose which figure. Checks whether children correctly match the object with its name. Prompts the correct answers.
Then the teacher invites everyone who has cubes to lift them up. If the child makes a mistake, he tells him: “I asked you to pick up the cube. It looks like a house. And you have a brick - a path to the house.”
Next, the task is given to lift the bricks. While completing the task, the teacher invites the children to check whether the neighbors on the left and right have made a mistake.

Then the teacher places balls, cubes and bricks on the mat. Invites the children to take one brick from the mat. Checks how they completed the task. Offers to show the bricks to each other. Children exchange impressions: “I have a red brick. And mine is red. And Oleg has a cube...” The teacher praises those who notice the mistake and gives the child the opportunity to correct it. He collects the bricks and places them again on the carpet. The children are invited to take one cube each. The task is checked in the same way as the previous one. Then, the teacher shows the children Kolobok. What shape is Kolobok? What does he look like?

Finger gymnastics “Knead the dough quickly”

Kneaded the dough quickly
(Open and close your palms).
Divided into pieces
(Imitate pinching).
Rolled out all the pieces
(Rub your palms together).
And they made little bells.
(We show two cams).

Game “Feed the fox porridge”

Children use a spoon to transfer cereal from a doll's saucepan into doll's plates.

The toy fox comes up to everyone, “eats” the porridge and promises not to eat the kolobok.
