Spatial environment of dow according to federal state standards. Direction: Social and personal development

It is known that the environment in which a child grows up - the design of premises, furniture, toys - has an impact on the upbringing and development of personality. Preschoolers spend a significant part of their time in educational institutions. And it is necessary to organize the child’s stay in kindergarten in such a way that it contributes to physical and mental development little man. It is necessary to think through each design element, considering it from different sides: aesthetic, safety, convenience and usefulness.

The importance of a developing subject-spatial environment in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

The task of any preschool educational institution(Preschool educational institution) is to create conditions for the development and upbringing of children, maintaining their health in a safe and comfortable environment. The most important component of this task is the organization of a subject-spatial environment that corresponds to the components of the educational and developmental process carried out by teachers. It has long been proven that the development of a child occurs with his active participation in a variety of ways different types activities. For pupils senior group The following areas are highlighted:

  • training and development activities;
  • performing practical and creative work;
  • role-playing games;
  • basics of labor activity;
  • physical education classes;
  • music and choreography lessons.

The administration of a children's educational institution, teachers and educators must create a multi-component educational environment for a preschooler, which takes into account different aspects of organizing the process of raising and developing a child. This:

  • developing subject-spatial environment;
  • organizing interaction with teachers;
  • communication with peers;
  • the preschooler's attitude to the world around him and to himself.

The subject environment in the group should correspond to the age and interests of the students

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, and creativity.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Principles of constructing a subject-development environment

The subject-spatial environment in the older group serves the development of children's activities, primarily play. Indeed, during play, the leading activity of preschoolers, cognitive motivation develops, which is the basis of educational activity. The subject-spatial development environment must correspond to the zone of the nearest mental development child 5–6 years old - the formation of prerequisites for educational activities.

The entire time a child is in an educational institution is filled with one activity or another, and it is necessary that the entire environment surrounding the preschooler contribute to his development. In this case, the conditions of safety, versatility and variability of equipment must be met.

Principles of organizing the subject-spatial environment in the senior group:

  • The environment must perform educational, developmental, nurturing, stimulating, and communicative functions. But the most important thing is that it should work to develop the child’s independence and initiative, which is important for older preschoolers.
  • Flexible and variable use of space is necessary. The environment should serve to meet the needs and interests of the child.
  • The shape and design of the items are focused on the safety and age of children.
  • Decorative elements should be easily replaceable and mobile.
  • It is necessary to provide space in the group for children's experimental activities.
  • Color palette should be presented in warm, pastel colors.
  • When creating a development space in group room leading role is taken into account play activity.
  • The subject-developmental environment of the group changes depending on the period of children’s education.
  • It is important that the subject environment has the character of an open, non-closed system, capable of adjustment and development. The objective world surrounding the child must be replenished and updated, adapting to the new developments of the elder preschool age.
  • An important task is to develop in older preschoolers the ability to interact with representatives of the opposite sex. The environment should be organized so that girls play with boys.

The created subject-development environment evokes a feeling of joy in students, positive attitude to kindergarten, the desire to attend it and learn new things

Wednesday, surrounding preschoolers in kindergarten, should ensure the safety of their lives, promote health, and also contribute to the development of the cognitive and creative abilities of pupils. This takes into account the inclinations, interests and activity level of each child.

When assessing the subject-developmental environment for pupils of the senior group, pay attention to:

  • general design of the room, design aesthetics, availability of a variety of equipment for various types of activities;
  • organization of children's living space (presence of light partitions, screens, modules, poufs).
  • toys and materials that should ensure both playful and productive activities of pupils.

Types of corners and centers in the senior group

When planning the placement of equipment and furniture in kindergarten premises, it is necessary to take into account the flexible division of space into separate zones in order to provide different types of activities for preschoolers. In the premises for older children, several areas can be distinguished.

The group room in a kindergarten is usually small, so every meter of space should be used rationally.

Sports section

Here there is sports equipment, both factory-made (jump ropes, balls, ropes, clubs, hoops), and those prepared by teachers together with parents (flags, ribbons, bags filled with sand, handkerchiefs). It is necessary to provide special equipment for individual exercises with children to prevent flat feet ( massage track), improving posture, developing the eye.

Sports section in a group, in addition to standard equipment, it may contain a card index of outdoor games, riddles, cards and visual aids by sport

Productivity Corner

This corner should have good lighting. On the shelves or in the cabinets there are tools for children's creativity:

  • various types of paper,
  • cups with pencils and markers,
  • paints,
  • multi-colored wax crayons,
  • plastic material for modeling,
  • pieces of different fabrics for appliqués,
  • all kinds of materials for making crafts,
  • different scissors,
  • hole punchers,
  • staplers.

It is important that all materials are brightly and attractively decorated and neatly laid out. Children should be able to use any material in their creativity. For older preschoolers, tables are arranged so that the children can study if they wish. working together. There should also be samples for drawing, patterns for making crafts, and samples for modeling. It is imperative to provide a stand to demonstrate the completed work of students.

In the corner productive activity guys can draw, sculpt, make appliqués

Role-playing games center

While playing, preschoolers develop imagination, creativity, and ingenuity. Modeling various situations, They study the world, relationships between people. Playing with peers helps develop communication skills, foster friendly and respectful relationship in Group. To ensure that children have a choice, the center should have a large number of toys available. The composition of the subjects changes periodically to maintain the children's interest.

Table: types and purposes of toys for older preschoolers

Types of toys Purpose
Plot-shaped They correspond to the image of a living creature (dolls, bunnies, bears) and participate in staging the game plot during children's games.
Technical These toys correspond to technical devices: all types of transport, means of communication and communication.
Toys for fun Funny people, animal figures. May contain some unexpected movement, surprise.
Masquerade Used by children to enter into some kind of image: the tail of a bunny or fox, the mustache of Basilio the cat.
Musical Necessary to satisfy children's interest in sounds.
Tabletop Designed for children's development.
Theater Such toys develop speech, imagination, and ingenuity.
Construction materials and designers Development of attentiveness, intelligence, spatial imagination.

All toys are placed in such a way that preschoolers can freely play with them and put them away

Theater zone

In the senior group, you can organize different types of theater:

  • finger,
  • desktop,
  • palmar,
  • theater on plates,
  • theater on spoons or sticks,
  • theater of mittens or gloves,
  • theater on flannelgraph,
  • beanie theater,
  • shadow theater,
  • use of Bibabo dolls,
  • puppet show,
  • staging fairy tales by children themselves.

In addition to puppets for productions, there should be 2 screens in the theater area: small and large. You can use a screen or a large mirror as decoration. For tabletop performances, these can be panoramic books.

Preschoolers enjoy participating in dramatizations of fairy tales or stories; they can improvise the actions of their favorite characters, come up with a game to repeat the actions of adults, or act out books they have read about fairy-tale animals. Participation in theatrical performances develops speech, fine and gross motor skills, trains memory and imagination. Experience joint activities with peers and adults contributes to the development of communication skills and socialization of preschoolers.

The theater area is conveniently located next to the music area.

The theater area in the senior group includes characters various types theater and various attributes

Music corner

Playing music sometimes requires solitude and concentration. It would be desirable to be able, if necessary, to isolate this part of the group with a light screen. The design of this area should be attractive to children and accessible for viewing. At the same time, it is necessary to teach students to be careful and careful with the equipment, as it may become unusable.

In addition to the musical instruments themselves, this corner houses audio and video equipment (slides, filmstrips, audio cassettes) and technical equipment (tape recorder, TV, stereo system). There are also manuals for didactic games aimed at developing an ear for music. You can put an album of songs with illustrations (the images correspond to the lyrics of the song), and place portraits of famous composers. Just as in other zones, the material changes periodically to ensure that children retain the novelty of their perception.

In the music corner, older preschoolers enjoy playing instruments and singing songs

Speech development zone

This zone should have a selection of plot and subject illustrations for retellings, didactic games for the development of sound culture and grammatical structure speech, increasing vocabulary, mnemonic tables. Didactic material can be either factory-made or prepared by the teacher. To practice correct pronunciation, purchase albums with articulation exercises and tongue twisters. For individual lessons Children's articulation should have mirrors. In the older group, in this area there is a magnetic board with the alphabet.

Older preschoolers already know letters and are learning to write words on the board

Book corner

The book corner is often combined with a speech development area. It simultaneously houses 10–12 books on the following topics:

  • fairy tales,
  • poems and stories on a patriotic theme,
  • stories about animals and plants,
  • books studied in class,
  • humorous books,
  • books that children bring from home.

Books should have many illustrations, be colorfully designed, and you can use toy books. On average, the length of time a book stays in a corner is 2 weeks, but it can be adjusted depending on the interest of the children. There are also albums for viewing, children's magazines, and portraits of writers. You can organize a small library of little books. For older children, you can organize exhibitions telling about the work of an individual writer, a specific genre (fairy tale, humorous story, poetry) or even one book.

The design of the book corner in the senior group should be bright and attractive to stimulate preschoolers’ interest in reading

The patriotic education corner can be combined with a book corner. Patriotic education in kindergarten is aimed at developing love for one’s homeland, native land, family. An example of the design of such a corner is presented in the article by Sharova E.V. “Patriotic education in a preschool educational institution.”

The Patriotic Corner introduces children to the symbols of our country, hometown, villages, folk crafts

Math corner

In this corner is located didactic material for the formation of mathematical knowledge and the development of logic. It may contain:

  • carpet "Larchik" according to Voskobovich,
  • logical blocks of Dienesh,
  • color sets counting sticks Cuisenaire,
  • Nikitin cubes,
  • various constructors and board games to solve logical problems and bills.

Currently, there is a selection of printed workbooks and many educational aids for preschoolers. You can use materials made by yourself.

In the mathematics corner there are various manuals and games for developing counting skills in preschoolers

Center for Experimental Activities

At the experimentation center, preschoolers conduct simple experiments, which develops logical thinking children and stimulates cognitive activity.

Photo gallery: equipment of the experimentation center

The equipment of the experimentation center should be varied, but most importantly - safe. All experiments are carried out by preschoolers under the strict supervision of the teacher. Prepared instruments must always be clean. At the experimentation center, preschoolers develop primary natural scientific concepts

Construction area

This area features a large variety of construction kits. Preschoolers can independently create various buildings according to their schemes and ideas. This area can be combined with a corner for studying the rules traffic, the design of which requires models of houses and streets, traffic lights, and traffic signs. For role-playing games according to traffic rules, it is convenient if the pedestrian crossing is marked on a special rug or floor covering.

The construction area can be combined with a corner for studying traffic rules

Corner of nature

The organization of this zone is intended for environmental education of preschool children. Such a corner awakens children's interest in wildlife and its inhabitants. Daily observation of plants and animals, participation in their care develops children’s sense of empathy for living beings, creates a more favorable atmosphere in the group and increases psychological comfort pupils. What plants and animals are recommended to be placed in a corner of wildlife and what conditions must be observed are described in the article by Volodkovich Galina “The role of a corner of nature in the environmental education of children of senior preschool age.”

In the ecological corner, children learn to care for plants, which fosters respect for nature

Zone of organization of labor activities

Children of the older group have work responsibilities. They look after themselves: dressing, undressing, cooking workplace for classes, help in the cafeteria, and can carry out some assignments for the teacher. In addition, group duty is organized. Duty not only develops skills practical work, but also fosters responsibility, the ability to work in a team and teaches children to be independent. You can organize duty in the dining room, caring for plants and animals, and organizing classes. In the corner for organizing work activities there should be a duty screen, protective clothing (aprons, oversleeves, scarves), equipment for performing the duties of the duty officer (containers for watering plants, sponges for cleaning).

A duty screen, protective clothing and equipment for performing the duties of a duty officer are placed in the work activity corner.

When changing the working environment in a group, older preschoolers must be involved in the transformation of the environment. With the help of screens or screens, children can change according to their plan spatial organization premises, highlighting the area in which the lesson will take place.

Examples of design of a developmental environment in the senior group

Creating a subject-development environment that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard is an important part of organizing the educational process in children's institution. Three videos are presented as an example of solving this problem. Teachers can implement interesting ideas in their activities.

Video: developing subject-spatial environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education Video can’t be loaded: Developing subject-spatial environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education (

Video: subject-development environment in the senior group Video can’t be loaded: Subject development environment in the senior group (

Video: transformation of the developing subject-spatial environment in the senior group

Hello. My name is Margarita. I am now retired; before that I worked as a teacher for more than twenty years. I'm trying my hand at writing articles on pedagogy and animals.

Irina Putivtsova
Construction of a subject-spatial environment in a group of preschool educational institutions, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard

Question of organization subject-development environment Preschool education is especially relevant today. This is due to the introduction of the new Federal State educational standard (Federal State Educational Standard) to the structure of the basic general education program preschool education.

Development organization environment in subsidiaries, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard is structured in such a way as to enable the most effective development of the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, and level of activity.

The space created for children by adults should have a positive effect on the preschooler. To do this, you must comply with the following conditions:

Subject-wise-spatial developmental Wednesday in kindergarten must:

Have an attractive appearance;

Act as a natural background to the child’s life;

Relieve fatigue;

Positively influence the emotional state;

Help the child individually explore the world around him;

Give the preschooler the opportunity to engage in independent activities.

If Wednesday is organized incorrectly, it does not evoke new impressions, does not create conditions for the development of imagination, fantasy, and the desire to play. There is no element in it surprises: everything is familiar from day one and remains unchanged. Such Wednesday creates internal tension, creates a feeling in the child permanent presence of large numbers of children and does not meet basic children's needs.

When organizing subject-development environment V preschool institution the most important condition is accounting age characteristics and the needs of children, which have their own distinctive characteristics.

For children of the third year of life, there is a free and large space where they can be in active movement - climbing, riding.

In the fourth year of life, a child needs a developed center of role-playing games with bright features of attributes; children strive to be like adults, to be just as important and big.

IN average- in older preschool age, the need to play with peers and create your own world of play appears. Besides, in subject development environment the formation of psychological new formations in different years life.

Example centers that should be created in group by educational areas with taking into account

Federal State Educational Standard

1) Social and communicative development:

PPD Center

Fire Safety Center

Duty Corner

Center for role-playing games

2) Cognitive development:

Center "We will explore the world"

Sensory Development Center

Center for Constructive Activity

Center for Mathematical Development

Experimentation Center

3) Speech development:

Center "Speak Correctly"

Book Center

4) Artistic and aesthetic development:

Creativity corner "Skillful hands"

Center for Musical and Theatrical Activities

Mummering Center

5) Physical development:

Physical Development Center

Let's take a closer look at the equipment and the significance of some zones.

The theater corner is an important development facility environment, from which you can start equipping groups, since it is theatrical activities that help to unite group, unite children interesting idea, a new activity for them. In the theater, preschoolers open up, demonstrating unexpected facets of their character. Timid and shy people become confident and active. Anyone who went to kindergarten without desire now hurries to school with pleasure. group.

Approximate equipment of the theater corner groups:

1. Theatrical and gaming equipment: large and small screens, simple decorations, flannelgraph

2. Rack-hanger for suits.

3. Costumes, masks, wigs, attributes for productions of 5-6 fairy tales.

4. Different types of puppet theater: picture theatre, finger theatre, glove theatre, parsley theatre, shadow theatre, cane puppets,

The musical development of a child is determined not only by classes with a teacher, but also by the opportunity to play independently, experiment with musical toys, and freely engage in creative music-making. For the development of independent musical activity of children, a music corner in group(music area). The development of children's creativity largely depends on the equipment and its attractiveness.

Musical subject environment should be consistent with the eye, hand actions, and growth of the child. The music corner should have a cabinet and shelves for musical aids, a couple of tables, chairs for educational games. Development benefits environment should be aesthetically pleasing, attractive, easy to use, and evoke a desire to act with them.

The music corner equipment is divided into two level: for the teacher and for the children.

Music corners should be:

Material for creative role-playing games – Stuffed Toys, soft musical toys; tumbler dolls, figurative musical “singing” or “dancing” toys

Portraits of composers (whose works children sing or listen to)

Musically didactic games:

Illustrations - manual type "Lotto": cards with pictures drawn or pasted on them

- All kinds of pictures: little books "We sing", music pictures for songs that can be made in the form of a large album or individual colorful illustrations, illustrations on the topic "Seasons", illustrations of musical instruments, pictures of animals singing, dancing or playing musical instruments.

Unvoiced children's musical toys and instruments.

Book corner - necessary element developing subject environment in the group room. Its presence is mandatory for all ages. groups, and the content depends on the age of the children.

The selection of literature and pedagogical work organized in the corner must correspond to the age characteristics and needs of children.

The frequency of book exchange also depends on specific tasks introducing children to reading. The composition of the book corner may not change for a week or even two when constantly Both the teacher and the children need to contact them. IN average, the period of stay of a book in a book corner is 2-2.5 weeks.

What do we put in the book corner?

Books that are age appropriate for children. In addition to program books, you can display books that children are interested in. For younger children, be sure to select books at 2-3 copies: This will help avoid conflict situations.

Educational and children's encyclopedic literature.

Collections of counting rhymes, sayings, proverbs, sayings, riddles.

Children's magazines.

Albums of photographs of his hometown (village, children's writers, holidays held in group.

Portraits of children's writers whose works children are familiar with.

Panels, paintings, drawings of your favorite literary characters.

Filmstrips, slides, CDs with children's fairy tales.

Postcard sets (thematic, plot).

Board-printed, speech games.

Sketchbooks, coloring books, colored pencils.

Attributes for a role-playing game "Library" (in older groups) .

Based on requirements Federal State Educational Standard, distinctive feature in the configuration of the physical education corner there should be be:

Flexibility playing space, multifunctionality environment and gaming materials (Availability substitute items) ;

Variability in the availability of materials and equipment for free choice children;

Periodic change of game material, availability of game materials, ability to use all elements environment.

Theoretical material of the physical education corner.

In the younger groups:

Card index of outdoor games;

Card index of sedentary games;

Card index of physical education minutes;

Card index of morning exercises;

Card index of counting rhymes;

Illustrated material on winter and summer sports;

Symbols and materials on the history of the Olympic movement;

In older groups To this material is added:

Information about major events sporting life of the country (homemade books, albums) ;

Practical game material And equipment:

Material for outdoor games;

Didactic games about sports;

Benefits for the prevention of flat feet and development fine motor skills hands:

massage mats, non-standard equipment, massage balls.

Aids for games and exercises with jumping: jump ropes, hoops, ribbons with rings.

Aids for games and exercises involving throwing, catching, throwing: balls different sizes, ring throw, ball for table tennis with a racket, a Velcro ball with a target, skittles.

A corner of nature that fits organically into the interior will be a decoration group rooms and will allow children to carry out observation and experimental activities.

Plants that are placed in a natural area must be safe. It is not allowed to have poisonous and thorny plants in a corner of nature. And, of course, implementation is mandatory daily care for plants. It is advisable to have nameplates on the flowers.

All the inhabitants of the corner of nature in kindergarten can be divided into permanent and temporary.

Permanent The inhabitants of the corner of nature will be indoor plants.

Temporary inhabitants of a corner of nature are objects that are brought in for observation for a short period time:

It will be in the fall autumn bouquets and flowers from the flower garden, transplanted into flower pots. And also in older groups crafts made from natural materials;

In winter, these can be boxes with green onions and tree branches;

In spring - boxes with seedlings for the kindergarten garden, bouquets of spring primroses.

In addition, in a corner of nature in every the group needs to have:

Natural vegetables and fruits, or their dummies.

Sets of pictures depicting animals, birds, insects and more.

Albums "Seasons"; books with illustrations depicting animals; paintings by famous artists.

Children's drawings about nature and crafts made from natural materials.

Material for labor. Aprons, watering cans, spatulas, sticks for loosening, rags are useful for caring for indoor plants. Brooms and dustpans - to maintain cleanliness in a corner of nature and group.

Equipment for experiments. Molds, funnels, shovels, sieves will be needed for playing with sand. For playing with water, you can use pipettes, disposable syringes, containers different shapes. To make crafts, you need natural and waste materials. For preparatory children groups It will be interesting to work with a magnifying glass, a microscope, and scales.

Didactic games with natural content “Who eats what?”, “Whose house?”, “Whose baby?” and others

So, the main task of raising preschoolers is to create in children a sense of emotional comfort and psychological security. In kindergarten, it is important for a child to feel loved and unique. Therefore, it is important Wednesday in which the educational process takes place.

Subject development environment in preschool educational institutions

in accordance with Federal State Standards

The issue of organizing the subject-developmental environment of preschool educational institutions is particularly relevant today. This is due to the introduction of a new Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) to the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education.
As you know, the main form of work with preschoolers and the leading activity for them is play. That is why we are experiencing increased interest in updating the subject-development environment of preschool educational institutions.
The concept of a subject-developmental environment is defined as “a system of material objects of a child’s activity that functionally models the content of his spiritual and physical development” (S. L. Novoselova).
Federal State Educational Standards requirements for a subject-development environment:
1. subject-development environment ensures maximum realization of educational potential.
2. accessibility of the environment, which implies:
2.1 accessibility for students to all premises of the organization where the educational process is carried out.
2.2. free access for pupils to games, toys, materials, and aids that provide all basic activities.
The organization of the developmental environment in preschool educational institutions, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard, is structured in such a way as to make it possible to most effectively develop the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, and level of activity.
It is necessary to enrich the environment with elements that stimulate the cognitive, emotional, and motor activity of children.
The subject-development environment is organized so that every child has the opportunity to freely do what they love. Placing equipment by sectors (development centers) allows children to unite in subgroups according to common interests: design, drawing, manual labor, theatrical and play activities, experimentation. Mandatory in the equipment are materials that activate cognitive activity: educational games, technical devices and toys, models, items for experimental research work - magnets, magnifying glasses, springs, scales, beakers, etc.; big choice natural materials for studying, experimenting, and compiling collections.
Active sector (occupies the largest area in the group), including:

Game Center
- center of motor activity
-design center
-center for musical theatrical activities
Quiet sector:
-center of the book
-recreation Center
-nature center
Work sector: (The work sector occupies 25% of the entire group, since equipment for organizing joint and regulated activities is supposed to be placed there. All parts of the group space have conditional boundaries depending on the specific tasks of the moment; if necessary, you can accommodate everyone, since preschoolers " become infected with the current interests of their peers and join them.
-center for educational and research activities
- center of productive and creative activity
-center correct speech and motor skills.
Materials are needed that take into account the interests of boys and girls, both in work and in play. Boys need tools to work with wood, girls to work with needlework. To develop creative ideas in the game, girls will need items , jewelry, lace capes, bows, handbags, umbrellas, etc.; boys - details military uniform, items of uniform and weapons of knights, Russian heroes, various technical toys. It is important to have a large number of “handy” materials (ropes, boxes, wires, wheels, ribbons, which are creatively used to solve various gaming problems. In groups of older preschoolers, various materials are also needed to facilitate reading acquisition, : printed letters, words, tables, books with large print, manuals with numbers, board-printed games with numbers and letters, puzzles, as well as materials reflecting school theme: pictures about the life of schoolchildren, school supplies, photographs of schoolchildren - older brothers or sisters, attributes for school games.
Necessary equipment for older preschoolers are materials that stimulate the development of broad social interests and cognitive activity children. These are children's encyclopedias, illustrated publications about the flora and fauna of the planet, about people's lives different countries, children's magazines, albums, brochures.
A rich subject-developmental and educational environment becomes the basis for organizing an exciting, meaningful life and all-round development of each child. The developing subject environment is the main means of shaping the child’s personality and is the source of his knowledge and social experience.
The environment surrounding children in the group ensures the safety of their lives, promotes health and strengthens the body of each of them.
IN Lately the principle of integration is used educational areas with the help of the subject-developmental environment of groups and the kindergarten as a whole, contributing to the formation of a unified subject-spatial environment.
This means that for the comprehensive development of the child, several subject-development “environments” are organized: for speech, mathematical, aesthetic, physical development, which, depending on the situation, can be combined into one or several multifunctional environments. At the same time, it is very important that the objects and toys that the child will manipulate and act on at the first stage of mastering this environment are not just objects of his attention, but a means of communication with adults.
When creating a subject-development environment, you must remember:
1. The environment must perform educational, developmental, nurturing, stimulating, organized, communicative functions. But the most important thing is that it should work to develop the child’s independence and initiative.
2. Flexible and variable use of space is necessary. The environment should serve to meet the needs and interests of the child.
3. The shape and design of items is focused on the safety and age of children.
4. Decorative elements should be easily replaceable.
5. In each group it is necessary to provide a place for children's experimental activities.
6. When organizing the subject environment in a group room, it is necessary to take into account the patterns of mental development, indicators of their health, psychophysiological and communicative features, level of general and speech development, as well as indicators of the emotional and need sphere.
7. The color palette should be represented by warm, pastel colors.
8. When creating a developmental space in a group room, it is necessary to take into account the leading role of play activities.
9. The subject-developmental environment of the group should change depending on the age characteristics of the children, the period of study, and the educational program.
It is important that the subject environment has the character of an open, non-closed system, capable of adjustment and development. In other words, the environment is not only developing, but also developing. Under any circumstances, the objective world surrounding the child must be replenished and updated, adapting to new formations of a certain age.
Thus, creating a subject-development environment for any age group in preschool educational institutions, must be taken into account psychological foundations constructive interaction between participants in the educational process, design and ergonomics of the modern preschool environment and psychological characteristics age group that the environment is aimed at.

All centers of the developmental environment in our group are interconnected and united by tasks implemented in the main general educational program of preschool education “From birth to school” (edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. - Moscow: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2010).

The subject-development environment is a system of material objects of a child’s activity, the unity of social and subject means providing a variety of activities for children.

When organizing a subject-spatial environment in a kindergarten, the activities of all preschool teachers are necessary, because a variety of toys is not the main condition for children's development.

When creating a subject-development environment for children, it is necessary to pay attention to its developmental nature. The objective world must ensure the fulfillment of the child’s need for active and diverse activities.

A subject-based developmental environment makes it possible to enrich the experience of a child’s emotional and practical interaction with peers and the teacher, and to include all children in the group in active cognitive activity. The environment stimulates the development of independence and initiative, where children realize their abilities.

When creating a group development environment, it is very important that the environment surrounding the children is comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. Beauty shapes a child. Therefore, attention should be paid great attention corner aesthetics. Its design should be attractive to children and make them want to independent activity. At the same time, it is necessary to teach children to maintain order in the corner and cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

One of the tasks of the educator is to create a diverse developmental environment for each child in order to give him the opportunity to express himself. A large amount of play equipment and materials for creative activities should be made by the hands of educators.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with some corners of our senior kindergarten group.

A group room is a room rectangular shape, along the perimeter of which there is furniture, children's tables for activities, board games, and meals.

The entire group space is divided into centers that are accessible to children: toys, teaching material, games. Children know where to get paper, paints, pencils, natural materials, costumes and attributes for dramatization games.

Physical activity zone

The need for movement is important task when organizing a subject-development environment. For this purpose, a large space is allocated in the group; there is various equipment: goals, tunnels, balls, hoops, gurneys and toys on wheels, bags filled with sand, soft bricks, colorful flags, ribbons, etc.

There is a “health track” in the “Motor Activity Zone” massage mats, balls, gymnastic sticks, hoops, throwing balls, rings, attributes for outdoor games.

Music and Theater Center

Children are delighted with our music and theater center. There is musical instruments, which bring children many joyful moments, various musical educational games. In addition, they develop phonemic awareness and the child’s sense of rhythm.

We try to introduce children to various types of theater, so that each child can choose the theater that is closest and most convenient to him. Here we have a tabletop theater, a finger theater. Meeting a doll helps children relax, relieve tension, and create a joyful atmosphere. Corner theatrical activities equipped with a screen for puppet theater, theatrical toys.

Mummers Corner

The mummers corner is a necessary attribute of the group. With the help of an adult, the children dress up in scarves, capes, skirts, and costumes of different characters. We fill the mummers' corner throughout school year, gradually introducing new attributes: beads, hats, ribbons, attributes, costume elements for role-playing games. It is advisable that parents help replenish this corner with the material that is in their home and is no longer needed.

Corner of nature

Nature corner - introduces children to accessible natural phenomena, recognizes domestic animals and their cubs in pictures and toys, learns to distinguish appearance vegetables and fruits.

Children learn to summarize the results of their observations of natural objects by keeping a weather calendar. If in younger age It shows only the basic weather phenomena (rain, snow, sun, wind), while in the older one it becomes more complex.

Book corner

In the corner artistic activity– book corner – books, literary quizzes, story pictures.

Since development active speech is the main task of children's development, then in the center of a favorite book and speech development, sets of subject pictures, sets of plot pictures, games on cognitive development And speech development, portraits of writers and poets. Children love it when we read books and look at pictures with them, so here we have a lot of books according to the program.

A place for privacy

The group has organized a place for privacy - where children can leaf through their favorite book and just sit and relax from the children's group. This in a simple way the creation of “your own” personal space is achieved.

Changing room

I would like to talk a little about the design of the dressing room. There is a panel “Our Group”, where photos of children attending the group are posted.

There is a corner for parents, a corner-exhibition of children's art works and a modeling corner, where children's works are also exhibited.

A purposefully organized subject-development environment in a preschool institution plays big role V harmonious development and raising a child.

The created aesthetic environment evokes in children a feeling of joy, an emotionally positive attitude towards kindergarten, a desire to attend it, enriches them with new impressions and knowledge, encourages active creative activity, and promotes intellectual development preschool children. This organization of the subject-spatial developmental environment of the group seems to us the most rational, since it takes into account the main directions of the child’s development and contributes to his favorable development.

Game center "Living room"

The main activity of children is play. Our “Living Room” center contains toys that introduce children to the everyday objects around them. Children not only get acquainted with objects that are new to them, but also learn to act with them. And then they transfer the acquired knowledge and skills to daily life.

In Group gaming environment filled with a variety of materials and equipment. These are, first of all, character toys, cribs and strollers for dolls, kitchen furniture with a set of large toy dishes, an ironing board with an iron, etc. They bring joy and pleasure to children, form ideas about the world around them, and encourage active play activities.

The group has a special gaming corner, equipped according to the principle of selecting games according to gaming zones: “Hospital”, “Kitchen”, “Dining Room”, “Hairdresser”. In separate lower drawers there is construction material, which children enjoy using while playing.

The game centers contain all the attributes on this topic. For example, for the game:
the “Hospital” has gowns and medical devices (instruments), all kinds of bottles and pill boxes;
for the traffic corner - various cars, road signs,
for playing “Barbershop” - capes, hairdressing sets (tools), bottles, boxes, photographs from model haircuts.

Thus, the variety and richness of sensory impressions, the possibility of a free approach to each center in the group contribute to the emotional and intellectual development of pupils. Environment allows them to choose activities based on their interests, and the teacher to direct children’s activities. By creating different zones and corners, the teacher invites preschoolers to do what they love (drawing, designing, research activities), thereby realizing the development potential, as well as the need for recognition and self-expression. By observing children, the teacher receives a lot of interesting and valuable information. This helps him to thoughtfully and rationally organize and adjust the group space in the future, and also provides an opportunity for creative self-realization and organization of the educational process at a new qualitative level.

The age of why begins around 2.5 years and passes closer to school. the main task teachers - be prepared for any questions, even if they seem completely illogical to you.

All children, as you know, are different, and each preschooler has the right to his own path of development. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for the education, training and development of the children’s team as a whole, as well as to provide each student with the opportunity to show individuality and creativity.

One of the important conditions of educational work in a preschool institution is proper organization subject-spatial environment.
In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the subject-spatial environment in preschool organization performs educational, developmental, nurturing, stimulating, organizational, communicative functions, but most importantly, it must work for the child’s independence and self-activity.

When designing a subject-development environment, you should adhere to the following principles.

A preschool child has three basic needs: movement, communication, and cognition. Need to organize spatial environment so that the child has independent choice activities.

The developing subject environment must be modern, meet the criteria of functional comfort and the basic principles of children's developmental activities, and ensure the achievement of a new, promising level in the development of children.

When building a subject-development environment, the principle of zoning must be observed.

To help fulfill the needs of a preschooler in positive emotions, new impressions, knowledge, the ability to feel confident in communicating with adults and peers, mutual understanding and empathy, conformity with a positive moral hero, the Center for Theatrical Activities “Visiting a Fairy Tale” was organized in one of the preschool educational institutions.

A special place in preschool educational institutions is given to the “Sounding Notes” music centers. The musical development of a child comes down not only to classes with a teacher, but also to the opportunity to play independently, improvise, and play music freely. The center helps students transfer what they have learned to music lessons experience in other conditions helps to establish a sense of self-confidence, activity, and initiative.

The created center of intelligence-shaping technologies “Purple Forest” solves a large number of educational objectives. Unbeknownst to themselves, children master numbers and letters, recognize and remember colors and shapes, learn to navigate in space, develop fine motor skills and improve speech, thinking, attention, memory, and imagination.

To develop environmentally literate and careful attitude The preschool organization has equipped “World of Ecology” natural corners to the environment. They present didactic games on the topics: climate, flora and fauna, natural zones of the globe, etc. In this corner, children observe changes in the process of plant growth. The herbarium allows children to get an idea of ​​the diversity of the natural world of their native land.

The group has established a center speech creativity « Cheerful tongue", which provides an opportunity for our students to act individually. A variety of practical material for organizing has been accumulated and systematized speech games: manuals for articulation exercises, materials for storytelling, a variety of didactic, board and printed games, games for the development of fine motor skills.

Speech development environment is in a special way an organized environment that most effectively influences the development of different aspects of each child’s speech.

Particularly valuable corner physical culture and sports “With sports we are all on the same path.” The physical training center fits harmoniously into the space group room. It fulfills children's need for physical activity. Preschoolers consolidate different types of movements. An increase in physical activity has beneficial influence to physical and mental development, children's health status.

Centers are located in groups construction games and constructors, they represent a huge variety of different types of constructors. Children independently use diagrams and models of buildings to realize their plans. The mobility of this center allows children to develop the plot of the game outside of it. This allows them to feel comfortable in any corner of the group.

In order to teach children how to behave safely on the road, the “We are little pedestrians” center was created. It is equipped with the necessary attributes to role-playing games; didactic and board games to consolidate knowledge of traffic rules. good didactic manual serves floor mat with markings of streets and roads.

The main type of independent activity of a preschooler is story game. The attributes for the games were selected in such a way as to create conditions for the realization of children’s interests in different types of games. Aesthetics and sophistication of design, modernity of materials make children want to play. Selected play material allows preschoolers to combine different plots and create new play images.

The Pochemuchki science center, which is a furniture module with specially equipped shelving, is very popular among children. natural materials for children's research: chalk, sand, clay, stones, shells, feathers, coal, etc. Microscopes, globe, laboratory equipment, measuring utensils- all this is of particular interest to children.

Thus, the variety and richness of sensory impressions, the possibility of a free approach to each center in the group contribute to the emotional and intellectual development of our students.

The advantage of the created environment is that it is possible to involve all children in active independent activities. Each child chooses an activity of interest in any center, which is ensured by a variety of subject content, accessibility and ease of placement of materials. It is important that students have less conflict with each other and quarrel less often because they are passionate about interesting activities. The positive emotional mood of preschoolers indicates their cheerfulness, openness, and desire to attend kindergarten.

Search innovative approaches the organization of the subject-development environment continues, the main criteria being creativity, talent and imagination.
