Simple patterns for embroidery. Russian folk pattern

Each nationality has its own individual expression of its culture. But absolutely everyone has their own original ornaments, symbols and patterns.

Geometric images - squares, rhombuses, triangles - are widespread in the art of Ancient Egypt.

It is not only about traditional Slavic embroideries and weaving. Indians, African tribes, Celts - all have their own authentic culture, which has come down in the form of schemes and symbols to this day.

Africa - rich colors and a variety of patterns that are very pleasing to the eye

Embroidery as a talisman

Especially popular today is the art of embroidery.

Embroidery has long been loved in all corners of the world.

This is a real original decoration.

Embroidery is a very interesting, albeit time-consuming activity, which, like any creative activity, needs to be given in full.

With its help, you can decorate not only clothes, but also home textiles, create unique accessories.

Embroidery is an important participant in building space and creating an atmosphere in the house.

Today, many craftswomen, creating decor, regard the work only as creativity.

Interior items decorated with embroidery give not only individuality to housing, but also fill it with warmth.

But our ancestors believed that embroidery, namely, each of its elements, is symbolic.

Among the many types of Russian folk art, embroidery has always occupied an important place.

Entire paintings were not only decoration, but also a valuable family amulet.

Over the course of several centuries, the Slavic people developed certain techniques for performing embroidery, the nature of the ornament and its coloring.

The mother prepared the dowry for her daughter with her own hands. It was believed that when embroidering clothes, tablecloths or bedding, she endowed them with special properties that protected from the evil eye, envious people, diseases and filth.

Bride's dowry chest
According to the ancient traditions of the Russian wedding, the dowry of the bride included a wide variety of things that began to be collected long before the wedding.

Charm ornaments or patterns were not chosen by chance. Each individual color, combination of shades, symbols and interweaving in patterns had their own magical meaning, designed to protect from troubles and bring prosperity to the house. The location of the drawing was also considered important.

In the past, the size of the dowry largely determined the popularity of the bride.

Today there are schemes thanks to which you can decorate the interior, accessories, jewelry, clothes, create whole masterpieces, both in cross-stitch and satin stitch technique.

Modern products decorated with Ukrainian folk embroidery are beautiful and original.

Symbolism of images

Before choosing patterns, ornaments and patterns for embroidery, you should remember that this is not just a decor.

Patterns appeared simultaneously with the first sprouts of art and culture

Each symbol and their combination carries a particular meaning. The most popular elements and combinations are as follows:

  • Red and orange motifs with a cross protect love from betrayal.
  • The symbol of a horse or a rooster, woven into the ornament, with black or red threads, provides protection for children from the evil eye.
  • Symbolic patterns in combination of blue and gold brought good luck in business.
  • Embroidery in black in Rus' helped young girls get pregnant. Another meaning is fertility and a generous harvest.
  • Folk motifs in green are a symbol of spring, youth and femininity.

Collection of floral and geometric patterns for embroidery

There is a strict rule: embroidery-amulet must be done without knots. So she will not break the connection with her carrier!

Embroidery "Charm of the hearth"

It was believed that cross-stitching absorbed prayer and became the strongest amulet for a person.

Embroidery "Amulet for a man"

Such needlework still carries a mystery today, since each of its elements also has a symbolic meaning:

  • Cross - resists darkness, evil and darkness.

  • Svarga (rotary) is a symbol of the Sun.

  • Circle (wheel) - generous luck.

  • Ruja (eight-pointed star) is a sign of life.

  • Rhombus (square) - sown field.

Diamond shaped ornament
  • The tree is a symbol of long life.
The tree of Life

These are far from all the symbols and motifs that make up ethno patterns and embroidery ornaments. If they are present in an embroidered product, it means that it has a great amulet power.

Schemes for embroidery and knitting

Today, in retail outlets, shops or on the vast Internet, you can find ready-made decor, as well as a variety of patterns for embroidery or knitting, in order to create a decor for something with your own hands. You can read about how to make embroidery with your own hands.

To embroider, you will need a fabric for cross-stitching, threads of the desired color, and a hoop. Before starting work, you should determine the number of cells in width and length, mark them with a pencil and prepare an outline. For convenience, you can mark every 10 cells. Next, the canvas is stretched on the hoop and proceed to embroidery.

The scheme for embroidery of a monochrome heart

Marking on the fabric before embroidery 1 0x10 for convenience. Embroidery is done in two threads from top to bottom. You can not leave knots, the edges of the thread are closed with stitches (crosses). The thread is fixed on the front side, the stitches can be vertical or horizontal. The scheme is as follows: first, the required number of diagonal stitches are performed in one direction, and then we move in the opposite direction in the same way. It is important to monitor the accuracy on the wrong side, because the fabric is thin, and irregularities and flaws can be seen through.

Pillow decorated with monochrome embroidery in the shape of a heart
  • Norwegian ethnic jacquard . Such motifs in ethnic knitting style are basic.
Norwegian snowflake pattern

The lazy jacquard pattern is knitted. When knitting one row, threads of two or more colors are used. The pattern in the Scandinavian ethno style is knitted with a satin stitch using counting patterns that illustrate the wrong side and the front side. The front row is considered from right to left, the wrong side - from left to right. When knitting, the main and additional threads are used, so all loops are not pulled together by broaches.

On the basis of "lazy jacquard" you can create interesting things in ethnic Scandinavian style.

Today you can find a variety of patterns for knitting or embroidery in ethnic style. Such a national ornament, geometric patterns or floral motifs can decorate any wardrobe item or textile accessory in the interior. Authentic ethnic motifs are always out of fashion trends. This is a classic and creative in one bottle, originality and a tribute to folk culture.

Jacquard without broaches


From ancient times in Rus', on every piece of utensils, on every clothes, as well as on houses, various elements, symbols were depicted, which formed patterns. Every detail had its own meaning and place. This is how the Russian folk pattern was formed.

Historical information about the Russian folk pattern

It should be understood that there are two terms - pattern and ornament. And it wasn't the same from the beginning. Even now, not every pattern can be called an ornament. For example, if it is a constantly repeating pattern (rapport).

In Rus', it was believed that the pattern is much deeper, it means more. The word ornament is borrowed from Latin, and it appeared much later and means decoration. In Rus', he had an analogue - “decorations”. It was believed that it was intended for decoration of decorative styling. However, in the future, these two concepts intertwined and began to complement each other.

Russian folk pattern is a combination of various lines, symbols, and other elements that can either be repeated or be in a single version. Patterns may vary from place to place. So, in the eastern regions in Rus', in the pattern you can find such an element as the “Indian cucumber”, which is still popular today.

Also, each area had its own color scheme of patterns and ornaments.

Signs and symbols in the Russian pattern

If we consider the Russian folk pattern from the point of view of symbolism, then we can say that not a single element is depicted there just like that. Each has its own meaning and is in its place.

The most popular symbols in the pattern are:

  • Star Alatyr, or, as it is also called, the cross of Svarog. It has eight petals and symbolizes the Universe, its cycles of folding and unfolding.
  • Also very popular is the symbol of Beregini (Rozhanitsa). This is a schematic representation of a woman who protects.
  • A very significant symbol is which is sometimes also called the World Tree. It combines the world axis, the universe and the genus.
  • Everyone knows In the days of Hitler, the swastika became a symbol of war and fascism, but initially this was not at all the case.
  • Also popular is the Orepey symbol, which is a comb-shaped rhombus. This symbol brings happiness, balance and peace of mind.
  • In addition, flowers, stars, spirals and other symbols are used in the pattern and ornament, each of which has a certain meaning, enhancing the positive and protective energy of a person.

In addition to the above elements, there are many others. In addition, almost all patterns of the scheme are quite diverse. One and the same symbol can be depicted in different ways, while retaining common features and lines. This is how whole protective phrases arise, as well as small stories or conspiracies.

The sacred meaning of the pattern

You should know that the same symbol, but depicted in different parts of clothing, could have a different meaning. For example, the Orepei sign, depicted in the elbow area on women's clothing, denoted an ancestor. If he was depicted on the hem, then he was the entrance to the other world.

They also symbolically depicted the ancient gods, who moved in chariots. They were harnessed to various animals that personified a particular deity.

Some Russian patterns (photo below) carried a certain code in their numerical repeatability. So, the following numbers were important:

  • three (Absolute, Trinity, time, space);
  • four (cardinal directions, seasons);
  • seven (symbol of harmony);
  • twelve.

In such patterns and ornaments, the attitude towards mother nature of our ancestors is also manifested. With their images, they seemed to ask her for protection and patronage from various evils, troubles and misfortunes.

Where are Russian folk patterns used?

The use of patterns is quite varied. They are used in towels, napkins, for painting utensils, houses, when carving wood and metal. In the old days, not a single object was left without a drawing.

Russian patterns (there is a photo of them in our review) is not only the beauty of an object, but also protection, a talisman of its owner. It is known that even before the emergence of writing, people already depicted various symbols (diamonds, lines, dots) on utensils.

Differences in patterns in different regions

Each region of Russia has its own history of painting, embroidery, patterns and ornaments. Consider the Russian folk pattern (pictures of some will be presented below) for some types and areas:

  • Gzhel painting - blue and white colors are characteristic in drawings that are made on ceramic and porcelain products;
  • painting, which is famous for the village of Zhostovo, on metal trays;
  • Khokhloma painting with various patterns is very interesting, it is characterized by a golden color (there are also red, yellow and orange);
  • in addition, in many regions they made their own, special toys (Dymkovo, Kargopol, Stary Oskol), each of which had its own, unique pattern in the painting;
  • Pavlovsky Posad shawls are also very famous, which are made in red and black colors, with floral patterns.

And these are not even all the well-known crafts where the Russian folk pattern is used.

The most ancient patterns

The most ancient patterns include a combination of various signs, which in the old days had a special meaning and were not simply applied to any product. Each family had its own set of embroideries, paintings, which were passed down from generation to generation. They even have a special meaning for the family, to be its own symbol. Of course, over time, knowledge was lost.

Ancient Russian patterns breathe on us with mystery, the power of amulets, the meaning of each curl or sign.

Now a lot of people are collecting similar images that make sense in their piggy bank.

How to start drawing Russian folk patterns

Now people are increasingly turning to our ancestral heritage, wanting to revive lost traditions. For example, many people are wondering how to draw a Russian pattern. Where to start?

First, you should understand that in Rus' there are many painting and embroidery techniques that have their own characteristics. For beginners, you need to take patterns that are not very complex, having a repeating pattern. So it will be easier to capture its very essence.

Before drawing itself, you need to practice with its simple components: dots, lines, strokes, droplets, eyelets, etc. In fact, the most difficult pattern consists of the above details. From these simple forms, after some time of training, it will be possible to create more complex ones.

In order to understand how to draw a Russian pattern, you should not rush. Some forms may indeed seem complex, but remember that they are all made up of simple ones. Lay out the repeating pattern first on the details, start depicting it from the lightest and most basic, for example, a point. Gradually draw other shapes around it, and so at the very end you can get your finished pattern. Take a look at the photo below, which shows all the stages of drawing. And make sure that this process is not so complicated.

Thus, you can learn how to create ornaments and patterns yourself. In principle, you can take ready-made schemes, and then transfer them to the surface.

Using patterns on household items

Also, patterns and ornaments in ancient times were also made on household items. For example, in Rus', a six-petal rosette was depicted on salt shakers. It had a symbolic meaning. This rosette denoted the sun, and salt was considered to be associated with it. Also, her image was often found on spinning wheels, as a symbol of endless time.

In addition to the symbolic painting of utensils, there was also a simple decoration of the product. Of course, it did not appear immediately, but the technique was developed over the years.

It should be noted that some patterns, the schemes of which are quite complex, are still made by craftsmen. This, for example, Khokhloma painting, which looks very beautiful and rich. However, its production is quite complex and multi-stage.

Using patterns in embroidery

Russian embroidery in Rus' traditionally not only decorates clothes, towels, bedspreads and other linen products, but also is a talisman. The interweaving of patterns is by no means random. All symbols are in their place.

In addition, the color of the thread that is used matters in embroidery. Let's consider some points:

  • to protect the baby, an embroidered rooster or horse in red or black colors is suitable;
  • for successful activity, embroidery should be done in blue or golden-green tones;
  • woolen embroidery is suitable if there are already some energy holes, it is done in the area of ​​the human chakras;
  • linen is used for appeasement, trees, birds, stars or the sun are embroidered with it;
  • for women in embroidery, you need to use black to protect yourself from infertility;
  • for men - green (protects from wounds), blue (protects from the elements).

In addition, symbols are also used in embroidery - a cross (a barrier and protection from evil), a star (heavenly fire), a circle (denoting fertility, abundance and motherhood) and others.

Thus, Russian embroidery is a whole set of knowledge that our ancestors used in antiquity, protecting themselves, their relatives and their family.

The use of patterns on clothes in the old days

Probably the most famous application of pattern and ornament is Even the most ignorant person in this matter will recognize this embroidery. True, colors and patterns again vary by region.

For example, the more south the area, the brighter people's clothes were. This was due to the fact that earlier the paint was of natural origin, and the warmer it was, the greater the variety in the possibilities to produce it.

If we talk about men's and women's clothing, then the first had almost no differences in the regions, except for preferences in color and pattern. But women's clothing was quite diverse and differed significantly.

And also embroidery of various animal figurines was very popular in the northern part of Russia. But the southern ones had more colored embroidery (often red).

The use of Russian folk pattern in modern clothes

Russian folk pattern on clothes periodically returns to fashion. Well-known fashion designers produce collections with folk motifs (for example, in 1976, the Russian Collection from Yves Saint Laurent).

In our time, Russian patterns have long been a priority for true connoisseurs. In addition to colorful traditional ones, bright floral (or other folk) prints are used. I remember the old patterns that craftswomen embroider on clothes for their family and friends. Also, you can certainly order similar clothes for yourself if you wish.

Also, products that have long earned recognition both in quality and style (for example, Pavlovo Posad shawls) remain popular.

Thus, the Russian pattern simply cannot go into oblivion. His influence on the people is undeniable, this is his legacy, and someday he will rightfully take his rightful place in the hearts of people. After all, ancient Russian patterns truly carry the harmony and beauty that was known to our ancestors. It is also our history, which should not be forgotten.

You can cross-stitch not only a variety of pictures. Embroidered ornaments of different nations and various patterns amaze with their beauty. Cross-stitch patterns and ornaments - the scheme can have a different size. There are both small images and large ones.

Cross-stitch patterns and ornaments on various subjects can be found on household items and clothing. Patterns can be very diverse: various flowers, fruits, berries, insects, herbs, there is no limit to fantasy.

The embroidery located along the edge is called a border, it can be:

  • Monochrome - performed in one color scheme;
  • Multicolor - has a combination of different colors;
  • Narrow;
  • wide;
  • Medium.

Even a variety of shapes can serve as patterns. Cross-stitch ornaments have a hidden meaning, they indicate national identity. Russian ornaments consist of geometric figures and straight stripes along the edge of matter or combine various patterns.

Ornaments of Belarus are distinguished by red and white embroidery. Slavic ornaments carry the history of the peoples of Russia and Ukraine.

The colors in the ornament have their own meaning:

  • The black color is considered a symbol of the earth;
  • The color of purity is white;
  • The symbol of love is red;
  • Blue is the color of health;
  • Yellow is a symbol of wealth;
  • The color of rebirth is green.

By the appearance of Slavic women, it was possible to find out whether she was married, what wealth her family had, in what area she lived. Some ornaments can be found at exhibitions of national costumes.

Cross stitch pattern: ornament of the Celtic peoples

Ornaments of the Celtic peoples are ancient symbols. Various interlaced patterns are connected into a single chain, reminiscent of a labyrinth. Ornaments that carry meaning, usually black and white, they are amulets that give goodness, health and strength of mind. The secrets of some of them have not yet been solved. The pattern of cross stitch ornament can be downloaded from the Internet by choosing free. To open embroideries in XSD format, you need an additional special program, you can watch a video tutorial to learn how to work with it.

Celtic ornaments are different:

  • Celtic cross - bestows wisdom, saves from dark forces;
  • Butterfly - a symbol of life, change;
  • Heart - connects the union of loving hearts;
  • Spirals - a symbol of eternity, infinity;
  • The tree of life denotes parallel life;
  • Shamrock - brings good luck.

An embroidered simple ornament will serve as a talisman. If you need to make a beautiful picture, then you can choose an 8x7 cm scheme with a Celtic motif and embroider it in any subject. Place the pattern as a separate symbol in the picture in black and white and combine it with the scheme of the image you like.

Various cross-stitch designs embroidered on fabrics

The main purpose of embroidery is to decorate household items or clothes. It is better to embroider cross-stitch ornaments on natural fabrics, for example, linen is ideal as a base. Towels, napkins, curtains, pillows, as well as items of clothing are decorated with ornaments.

Various colors:

  • Geometric patterns are used to design works;
  • It is better to decorate towels with multi-color ornaments;
  • It is better to decorate clothes with an openwork border;
  • On a tablecloth or napkin, a pattern of weaving various berries and herbs looks good.

You can pick up a colorful pattern with insects or animals and decorate children's clothes with it. Costumes for national holidays, decorated with ornaments, will not go unnoticed.

Geometric patterns of ornaments: cross-stitch

Geometric cross-stitch patterns are found in the national dress of several peoples. Towels for rituals are decorated with patterns, drawings are created from a combination of various figures. A narrow ornament is a repetition of groups of embroidery elements in a certain sequence.

Geometric folk ornament has:

  • Points collected in one element;
  • Various circular figures;
  • Lines of various kinks;
  • Compositions from triangles;
  • In some details there are crosses;
  • Rhombuses and squares of different sizes.

Ribbon patterns are made in a strip along the edge or in the middle of the product, the surface is completely filled with a mesh ornament, and the rosette adorns the middle, separated into a rhombus or square. The main motif of geometric ornaments is a rhombus with various weaves and its division by diagonals. In fact, there are a lot of embroidery patterns for such ornaments. The color scheme plays a big role in embroidery.

In different republics, their own color or its combination is accepted for embroidering ornaments. And the ratio of the figures of the ornament determines its belonging to different peoples.

Unique cross-stitch: patterns and ornaments, schemes (video)

The study of the history of patterns and ornaments is very exciting, very interesting embroideries and patterns allow you to create a unique work. It is easy to decorate canvases of various objects for every taste. Embroidery will bring great joy, you can do the work as a gift or decorate her favorite tablecloth.
