The child is entangled in the umbilical cord consequences. Learning to understand warning signs from your baby

When your baby moves in the womb, the umbilical cord may wrap around his neck, forming a noose. Why this happens and why it’s dangerous – we’ll find out further.

Definition of pathology

The umbilical cord is also called the umbilical cord and is a structure that resembles a spirally twisted cord. It has the following characteristics:

  • gray-blue color;
  • matte surface;
  • 55-60 cm in length (with normal pregnancy);
  • about 2.5 cm thick.

When the umbilical cord lies in loops around the fetus, this phenomenon is called entanglement. According to the classification of this pathology, entanglement occurs only around one part of the fetal body - the neck, but depending on the number of turns, entanglement can be one, two, or multiple.

Single entwinement of the umbilical cord around the fetal neck

Almost 20% of pregnant women face the problem of umbilical cord entanglement. Most often, a one-time entanglement occurs, which does not tighten the neck tightly. There are several reasons and these include:

  • Exceeding the length of the umbilical cord. It has a diameter of about 2 cm, and the length varies from 40 to 60 cm. These figures are considered normal, but it can have a length of about 70-80 cm, in such cases women are at risk, since their baby may be entwined with the umbilical cord. These sizes are transmitted genetically and very often coincide with the parents.
  • Frequent worries and nervousness, adrenaline rush.
  • Increased amount of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios).

These reasons are not accidental, because a long umbilical cord and polyhydramnios enable the child to move more freely, which is why entanglement occurs.

There are often rumors among pregnant women that if the child moves too actively, then he suffers from hypoxia. In fact, active movements do not indicate anything like that.

When the fetus is 28 weeks old, it will have a daily routine. You can determine when the baby is sleeping or awake. When moving, you need to pay attention to its activity. If the baby begins to move less, then we can conclude that he is not feeling well (there should be at least 10 fetal movements per day). Therefore, if the baby is inactive, then it is necessary to visit a gynecologist and consult with him.

With a single entanglement, natural childbirth is allowed. Many mothers give birth on their own, and as soon as the baby’s head appears, the midwife carefully removes the noose.

Wrapping the umbilical cord around the neck twice

Double entanglement also occurs. If at the time of the ultrasound the baby has reached 37 weeks, it means that he will no longer be able to unravel, since he no longer has enough room to maneuver in his mother’s tummy. But if double entanglement was observed by ultrasound earlier than this period, then there is still a chance that it will again be able to unravel on its own.

Double entanglement somewhat complicates natural childbirth, so the obstetrician must be notified in advance so that the birth goes smoothly.

A lot depends on how exactly the umbilical cord is wrapped. While the baby is in the womb, and the entanglement is not tight, there is no danger, since oxygen continues to flow through the umbilical cord, and not through the trachea. The main thing is that the umbilical cord is not pinched (the baby can crush it himself), so women with the fetus entangled in the umbilical cord are recommended to periodically carry out Doppler measurements.

The woman in labor is allowed to give birth on her own, but everything is still prepared for the operation. If there is the slightest deviation in the health of the fetus, a caesarean section is performed.

Wrapping the umbilical cord around the fetal neck three times

The umbilical cord may also wrap around the baby's neck three times. This phenomenon is not particularly dangerous if it is not tight. The child receives oxygen through the umbilical artery, and if the entanglement is not tight, asphyxia does not occur. If three times tight entanglement is observed, then oxygen starvation may occur. Gynecologists determine this by Dopplerography and CTG. With such a disorder, even with the help of a stethoscope, arrhythmia in a child can be determined.

At longer periods, labor begins to be stimulated. If the cervix is ​​not dilated sufficiently, the baby is removed by cesarean section. But the operation should be based on additional reasons:

  • the fruit is heavy;
  • the child is across;
  • a narrow pelvis in a woman in labor;
  • hypertension is detected.

What are the dangers of the umbilical cord being entwined around the fetal neck?

Children with double or triple entanglement are at some risk. If there is a tight entanglement or compression of the umbilical cord, the child experiences a lack of oxygen and nutrients supplied to the child through the blood. His health immediately deteriorates, which can be registered on CTG.

The health of the fetus also depends on the duration of its oxygen starvation. Rarely, but still it was observed that if the umbilical cord was tightly tied, and its length was significantly reduced, then the fetus experienced placental abruption. Therefore, if you do not consult a doctor in time when bleeding occurs, you may lose your child.

The entanglement of the umbilical cord also threatens that the baby may injure the cervical vertebrae during childbirth. Therefore, the obstetrician delivering the baby must act according to the instructions.

All children are different and entanglement situations are also different. For example, some children do not experience any consequences, while others develop vegetative-vascular disorders.

Preventive measures

It is worth noting that the entanglement is formed due to the fact that the baby is actively moving inside the fetal bladder, twisting the umbilical cord and getting into the loop. But at the same time, the parent can minimize the risk of entanglement if she follows some rules:

  • Take daily walks in the fresh air.
  • Sleep for at least 7 hours, and during sleep ensure fresh air enters the room.
  • Constantly be under the supervision of a gynecologist and follow all his recommendations.
  • In the third trimester of pregnancy, undergo CTG - a procedure that allows you to identify the pattern of the baby’s heartbeat and activity. Based on its results, the doctor gives his recommendations.

If you find entanglement, do not be nervous. The doctor may prescribe medications that support blood circulation in the fetal-placental area.

Video: Umbilical cord entanglement during childbirth

In the following video, the expert will tell you in detail what pregnant women should know about the umbilical cord entwining around the fetus’s neck:

Most often, the child is wrapped around once, and not tightly. Very rarely, repeatedly, in combination, that is, when the neck and leg are fixed. A single wrap is not dangerous. Double and triple entanglements are considered more complicated. Sometimes, when they are detected, a planned caesarean section is performed. Prevention is the observance of a daily routine and complete calm by the woman in labor.

During pregnancy, in order to connect mother and child, as well as deliver to the baby the necessary components for building the body and oxygen molecules, two special organs are formed - the placenta with the umbilical cord. Due to the placenta, communication is carried out between the mother’s body and the future baby without mixing their blood with each other, and due to the umbilical cord, the fetus uninterruptedly receives everything necessary for growth and oxygen. The umbilical cord extends approximately from the center of the placenta and consists of three vessels, enveloped in a thick layer of gelatinous substance that protects it from pinching and damage. Sometimes during pregnancy, on an ultrasound, the doctor sees the umbilical cord entwined in the neck of the fetus, which causes concern in the expectant mother. Should you worry?

The structure of the umbilical cord: features

The cord connecting the placenta to the fetus (umbilical cord) has a special structure: inside it there are two large arteries that feed the baby and an equally large vein through which it releases waste metabolites and waste products. The umbilical cord develops from an early stage, in parallel with the placenta, and is attached in the abdomen to the fetus at one end and approximately to the center of the placenta at the other. By the end of pregnancy, it reaches a length of approximately 45-65 cm in length, which is enough for full movements of the child and uninterrupted nutrition. As with all other organs surrounding the baby, the umbilical cord may also be characterized by some deviations in structure and functioning, which can become a problem during pregnancy or later during childbirth. Such a deviation can be the entanglement of the umbilical cord around the fetal neck.

Umbilical cord problems and the threat of loops in the neck

There are two abnormalities in the length of the umbilical cord that can become a problem during childbirth. These include an umbilical cord that is too short, which according to data is less than 40 cm, as well as an excessively long one, which exceeds 70 cm in length. Both of these pathologies can interfere with natural labor, although they do not greatly affect the course of pregnancy. Due to the umbilical cord being too long, it is possible to wrap it around the fetal neck, either once, twice, or sometimes three times. In addition, such an umbilical cord, due to the activity of the fetus, especially against the background, can form a true umbilical cord knot, which is dangerous for the death of the fetus if it is prolonged into pregnancy or during childbirth.

Causes of umbilical cord entanglement in the neck

Until now, among the older generation there are many myths associated with entwinement, which frighten young mothers. But in reality, several factors can become the causes of entanglement.:

Expectant mothers should note that they should not worry about the entanglement of the umbilical cord near the fetal neck no earlier than 36-38 weeks of pregnancy or earlier if the entanglement is tight and repeated. In other cases, the fetus of almost every mother can put on and take off the umbilical cord loops from the neck several times during the entire pregnancy without any harm to its condition.

If such a loose entanglement is detected and the umbilical cord is of normal length, doctors do not frighten the woman; this phenomenon is usually temporary. If the loops are tight and the entanglement is repeated, then certain tactics are needed in the upcoming birth and an objective assessment of the condition of the fetus in the womb.

Myths and realities regarding entanglement

Often expectant mothers are prohibited from knitting or sewing, weaving, emphasizing that such processes lead to entanglement in the umbilical cord. In the old days, women noticed this because expectant mothers knitted and weaved in dark huts with a wood-burning stove, where there was stuffiness and hypoxia. Because of this, the fetus in the womb, so hunched over and frozen in one position, experiencing hypoxia, also suffered from a lack of oxygen. As a result, she actively moved, throwing the loops of the umbilical cord over herself. But today, when you can provide yourself with convenient and comfortable conditions for creativity, knitting or weaving will not lead to entanglement, this is nothing more than a myth.

The second myth associated with entanglement is the formation of such a pathology with frequent raising of the arms up. Let’s analyze it too, remembering that long and frequent raising of the arms upward in the old days was used for heavy physical labor - washing and hanging clothes. This is heavy lifting, fatigue and overexertion, which formed an increased tone of the uterus and increased hypoxia. To eliminate the lack of oxygen, the fetus increased the force of its movements - hence the loops. Today, during everyday activities, infrequently lifting the limbs up in order to get a book or cup from a shelf is not harmful. A light warm-up of the arms and legs is also useful for preventing fetal hypoxia.

External manifestations, symptoms of entanglement

As such, external symptoms of entanglement are not detected; sometimes indirect signs may be a large abdomen due to polyhydramnios, as well as excessive mobility of the child both day and night due to his suffering from hypoxia. If the baby often tosses and turns in his stomach, changing position, with an elongated umbilical cord, he can wind the loops around the neck area. This pathology does not have any other manifestations.

How doctors detect the condition of entanglement

The presence of umbilical cord entanglement can be determined by characteristic signs determined by cardiotocography (CTG).

During the procedure, typical changes in the curve on the film recording the heartbeat are determined, with periods of slowing of the heartbeat against the background of fetal movement.


According to this method alone, it is possible to identify signs of oxygen deficiency in the fetus, which it experiences due to the entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck.

Then it is also carried out, according to which the presence of umbilical cord loops in the area of ​​the child’s neck is visually revealed. On the monitor screen, the doctor clearly sees the number of loops and the state of the entanglement - very tight, strong or loose. Such studies based on ultrasound data will be informative already in the second trimester, but usually the fetus does not suffer from the presence of the umbilical cord in the neck during this period.

To accurately confirm the state of blood flow and the number of loops in the neck, an additional Doppler study (color Doppler mapping) is performed. It shows the blood flow through the vessels with the direction of movement, that is, you can accurately visualize the position of the umbilical cord. They also conduct a study of blood flow in the vessels of the uterus, placenta and fetus to determine the presence of hypoxia and the severity of disorders typical of tight entanglement. It is important to conduct such studies over time, since umbilical cord loops may be eliminated due to fetal movements.

Childbirth with the umbilical cord entwined around the fetal neck

The state of entanglement is possible in various types - tight (dangerous and strong) and non-tight, which creates differences in the management of labor and the method of delivery. In addition, it can be either single (one loop around the neck) or multiple – two or even three loops, which is much more dangerous. They also distinguish between isolated entanglement of the neck and combined with entanglement of other parts of the baby’s body.

The easiest option, the most favorable for natural childbirth, would be a single, loose entanglement only around the fetal neck. Confirmation of the presence of such a pathology before childbirth requires the doctor to select a certain delivery tactic. If this, nothing serious will happen to the baby during childbirth, the doctor will monitor the heart rate every 30 minutes in the first stage of labor and after each attempt in the second. If the heart rate decreases, labor can be stimulated to speed it up, immediately after the head is born, the doctor removes the loops from it with gentle movements, and labor ends as usual. This prevents the umbilical cord from stretching and causing complications.

Dangerous for natural childbirth tight or repeated entanglement. With a similar problem, even during gestation, the fetus may suffer from severe hypoxia. In this situation, the umbilical cord becomes shortened, which may threaten overstretching and compression of blood vessels during the period of expulsion of the fetus. This fact is dangerous regarding the development of fetal asphyxia. In addition, this is fraught with premature death of the baby during childbirth. Therefore, in this situation, at a period of approximately 37-38 weeks, a planned one is carried out, but if the condition of the fetus is threatened by complications, it is carried out earlier than these dates.

Is it possible to prevent entanglement?

Based on the knowledge of potential risk factors for such a complication, expectant mothers are advised to protect themselves from stress, both physical and emotional, spend a lot of time in the fresh air, move actively and engage in physical training and gymnastics. Breathing exercises are also necessary to prevent fetal hypoxia. This will reduce the likelihood of excessive motor activity of the fetus and draping of the umbilical cord loops around the neck. It is important to strictly follow all medical recommendations, take multivitamins and constantly monitor the condition in order to promptly notice the beginning signs of fetal hypoxia and eliminate them. It is forbidden to take any folk remedies to “remove” loops from the neck or take fancy poses on the advice of “experienced” people; this is ineffective and dangerous with injuries and complications.

Double umbilical cord entanglement is a fairly common complication of pregnancy. Its essence is that the umbilical cord entwines any part of the fetal body twice. Modern clinical technologies make it possible to carry out childbirth with this pathology in most cases without consequences for the mother or fetus. Depending on the type of entanglement and possible threats to the fetus, the method of delivery is chosen.

What are the risks for a child whose intrauterine development occurs with double entwining? Is it possible to prevent the occurrence of such a defect?


Umbilical cord entanglement can occur if the following factors are present:

  • Fetal hypoxia. If the fetus regularly experiences oxygen deficiency for one reason or another, then its body can react to this with increased motor activity, which is why the baby can become entangled in the loops of its own umbilical cord and its further intrauterine development will proceed in this position.

  • Increased concentration of adrenaline in the mother's blood. This factor also affects the frequency of active fetal movements.
  • The umbilical cord is too long(more than 0.6 m).
  • Polyhydramnios. Too much free space around the baby often causes multiple entanglements in the umbilical cord.

Typically, double entanglement with the umbilical cord is diagnosed before 28-32 weeks, since after this period the fetus becomes quite large, which prevents its active movement in the womb.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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The main danger posed by compression of the baby's neck by the umbilical cord is hypoxia. Also, such a complication of pregnancy can lead to the baby being injured during childbirth. Children with double entanglement may subsequently suffer from recurrent migraines, hypertension (persistently increased blood pressure) or hypotension (persistently decreased blood pressure), and decreased ability to work.

Persistent fetal hypoxia can cause the death of the baby or lead to the development of severe neurological disorders due to the death of brain cells. This happens quite rarely and in such situations, doctors mainly prescribe delivery by cesarean section.

The consequences for the body from oxygen starvation do not always manifest themselves as obvious structural or physiological defects. In addition, the severity of the resulting brain damage due to hypoxia may differ in different children: for some, double entanglement with the umbilical cord is just an entry in the medical record, but for others it is the reason for constantly sitting at doctors’ offices.

However, one should not think that if during childbirth a child experienced hypoxia and suffered damage in the form of any violations, then such a baby is guaranteed disability. If all medical recommendations are followed, with attentive care and concern, such a child has every chance of growing up healthy and no different from his peers.


It is possible to detect the presence of double umbilical cord entanglement using cardiotocography. The essence of this diagnostic study is to continuously record the fetal heart rate and the degree of uterine tone. Based on the indicators taken from CTG, a specialist can determine whether oxygen starvation of the fetus is occurring.

To confirm the diagnosis, an ultrasound is performed, thanks to which the fetus can be visualized and the entanglement of the umbilical cord can be detected. Thanks to the data obtained, the doctor will be able to accurately name the number of loops wrapping around the baby’s body and assess the nature of the wrapping - very tight, strong or loose.




As a preventive measure, to avoid fetal entanglement, The expectant mother should follow a number of recommendations:

  • normalize (as far as possible) your emotional background;
  • walk more often and stay in stuffy, unventilated rooms as little as possible;
  • follow the basic principles of rational nutrition;
  • visit the doctor in a timely manner, undergo all examinations prescribed by him on time;
  • systematically do gymnastics for pregnant women, having previously agreed on a list of exercises with your obstetrician.

Often, with repeated entanglement and tight compression of the baby’s umbilical cord neck, the expectant mother is placed under observation in a hospital.

If the situation becomes dangerous, the obstetrician monitoring the pregnancy may recommend surgical delivery before the due date.

Obstetric care

In world clinical practice, in most cases, natural childbirth with entanglement ends successfully. If in this case neither the fetus nor the mother have concomitant pathologies, then they are discharged from the maternity hospital on a general basis after a few days. However, childbirth in a woman who has been diagnosed with fetal entanglement should proceed under close medical supervision, which includes monitoring the fetal heartbeat in the first and second stages of labor. For this purpose, instrumental diagnostic methods are used: ultrasound, Dopplerography and cardiotocography.


When the baby's head is born, the doctor removes the umbilical cord loops from his neck and labor continues as usual. Only with tight or repeated entanglement is the question of operative delivery raised. In some situations, this may be the only way to avoid birth complications.


Despite the progress that is coming by leaps and bounds, in our society, judging by numerous reviews, superstitions associated with various signs are still quite popular. During pregnancy, even the most sensible woman is prone to succumb to prejudice. This is largely due to fear for the health of the unborn baby. Therefore, pregnant women often hesitate to engage in needlework, explaining that such actions can supposedly provoke the appearance of umbilical cord loops around the neck of the unborn baby.

This is due to the fact that in the old days women were engaged in knitting and sewing in poorly lit huts, which were heated by a wood stove, which is why the air in the house was quite stuffy. Because of this, the fetus remained for a considerable time in a state that was not the most beneficial for a woman, because the mother sat for a long time in a motionless position, slouched. As a result, the baby experienced a lack of oxygen and, as a result, began to move actively, which often became the reason for the umbilical cord loops being thrown around the neck. Noticing a similar pattern, people made up signs that continue to intimidate some overly impressionable pregnant women in our time.

Today, most women have the opportunity to provide themselves with comfortable conditions for needlework. Therefore, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of spending time doing what you love because of superstitions.

There is also a belief that the umbilical cord is formed by frequently raising the arms up. In fact, there is nothing dangerous in raising your hands, it’s just that in the old days, women of the peasant class did hard work by raising their hands, for example, hanging wet laundry. Actions of this nature could provoke excessive activity of the fetus, which, in turn, could cause entanglement.

Our contemporaries have the opportunity to limit physical activity to acceptable limits, so if a woman in the “position” raises her hand to get a book from the shelf, there will be no harm to her child, especially in the early weeks of gestation.

If arm raises are performed as part of health-improving gymnastics, then such movements will benefit both the expectant mother and the baby.

Nowadays, when perinatal diagnosis has reached unprecedented heights, entanglement with the umbilical cord is not an extremely threatening condition for the fetus. You can avoid the development of serious pathologies due to hypoxia, provided you visit a specialist in a timely manner and accurately follow all his instructions. It is also important to actively engage in the prevention of the development of such complications.

For more information about double umbilical cord entanglement, see the following video.

Any woman, having heard from a doctor during a routine ultrasound that her child has been entangled in the umbilical cord, begins to worry and worry, because there are many rumors about such a phenomenon. There is even a sign according to which the expectant mother should not knit or sew, otherwise she will face such a problem.

Many people advise against exercising during pregnancy to prevent the umbilical cord from becoming entangled around the fetus' neck. However, all signs and superstitions should not be trusted, since there is not a grain of truth in them.

Medical practice shows that don't be afraid of the umbilical cord being entangled. Many women face this phenomenon. Modern doctors make every effort during the birth process to protect the child from negative consequences, such as asphyxia.

Causes of the umbilical cord entwining around the fetal neck

The umbilical cord is the main link that connects a woman and her unborn child, allowing him to receive the necessary nutrients. The umbilical cord is formed at the moment of conception and only at 13-14 weeks does it take on its final form.

The umbilical cord entwined around the fetal neck can occur for the following reasons:

  • long umbilical cord (more than 70 cm). Because of this, loops can form in the uterus around the baby's cervix. The length of the umbilical cord depends on hereditary factors;
  • polyhydramnios. It creates more space for the fetus to move. The umbilical cord floats absolutely freely. This fact increases the likelihood that entanglement will occur;
  • hypoxia. Due to the lack of oxygen supplied from the mother through the umbilical cord and placenta, the baby may begin to move excessively and get caught in the loop.

The above reasons do not always lead to entanglement. Sometimes this can happen purely by chance.

Umbilical cord entanglement is detected on ultrasound. The identified loops do not mean anything yet. Firstly, a child before birth can not only “get entangled” in the umbilical cord, but also “unravel” himself. A loop detected on an ultrasound may not last long and may not affect the condition of the fetus. Secondly, not every umbilical cord entanglement around the neck is dangerous. Only 10% of such cases end in various complications.

The entanglement detected on ultrasound should be further examined. Thanks to color Doppler mapping, which shows the direction of blood flow, it is possible to count the number of loops on the baby’s neck, that is, in this way the multiplicity of entanglement is determined. The most common occurrence is a single umbilical cord entanglement around the neck.

Using cardiotocography, you can find out whether the existing loop leads to hypoxia. Next, if there are signs of oxygen deficiency, an ultrasound examination called “Dopplerometry” is performed, which allows you to check the intensity of blood flow in the vessels of the umbilical cord, to find out whether the child in the womb receives a sufficient amount of oxygen.

If hypoxia is suspected, all studies are carried out several times, since the fetus moves and its condition is constantly changing.

Consequences of the umbilical cord entwining around the fetal neck

Almost until the 37th week, doctors do not focus on the entanglement of the umbilical cord, unless it threatens the baby. It may appear and disappear several times before giving birth.

Poses danger for the baby tight multiple or double entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck. This can cause hypoxia. Oxygen deficiency causes disruption of intrauterine development and the functioning of the entire body.

Metabolic processes change, adaptive capabilities decrease, and the nervous system is damaged. The degree of damaging effects of hypoxia depends on the duration of oxygen deficiency.

Problems with the blood supply to the baby's tissues can be caused by strong compression of the limbs or neck. Severe tension on the umbilical cord can lead to premature placental abruption and sudden labor.

What should an expectant mother do if she detects an entangled umbilical cord in her fetus?

The question of what to do when the umbilical cord is entwined around the fetal neck interests many pregnant women.

Firstly, a representative of the fair sex in a position, having learned about the existence of entanglement in her baby, shouldn't worry. Stress and anxiety will negatively affect the child.

Secondly, to avoid dire consequences, it is necessary follow all recommendations doctor. There is no need to miss scheduled examinations. Thanks to them, you can find out in time about violations in the baby’s condition and prevent the occurrence of undesirable consequences.

Doctors sometimes to prevent hypoxia Prescribe special medications aimed at maintaining uteroplacental circulation. In certain cases, health care providers may suggest early hospitalization for a woman.

If the umbilical cord is repeatedly entangled in the fetal neck, a planned cesarean section is performed at 38-39 weeks. Natural childbirth in such situations is unacceptable, as it can pose a danger to the child. If the fetus has hypoxia that threatens its life, the doctor may prescribe an emergency caesarean section.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that getting entangled in the umbilical cord is not as scary an event as it seems. Serious consequences of the umbilical cord being entangled around the fetal neck can be avoided if you visit your doctor as planned and follow his recommendations.

It is also worth walking in the fresh air as often as possible, reconsidering your lifestyle, and giving up bad habits. This will reduce the risk of entanglement.

If you do find it, then there is no need to be afraid of anything. In most cases, such situations are not dangerous. Wrapping the umbilical cord around the neck once or twice will not threaten the child until the blood flow is disrupted.

Such cases are very rare and can only appear during childbirth. However, professional doctors will not let trouble happen. Modern research and control methods will allow you to give birth to an absolutely healthy baby.

I like!

In 2017, at 33 weeks, my baby stopped moving (at night), the pregnancy proceeded with complications, I raised everyone's ears and caused a scandal. The manager was just on duty, she came into the room at night, talked to me and persuaded me to wait until the morning, the CTG showed “0”, my daughter only hiccupped, the doctor listened to my stomach and said the heartbeat could be heard. In the morning they held a consultation, I reluctantly insisted that I be operated on urgently, because the fetus was three times entangled, tight and had a developed intrauterine retention; that day there was no movement at all. As a result, at 17:31 a girl was born, 1555 kg, 46 cm, with a three-fold tight entanglement around the neck, there was hypoxia. Thank God everything worked out, now my daughter is 1.4 years old, healthy, running around. It seems to me that thanks to my instincts, my beloved remained alive!
The son was born with a single tight entanglement around his neck, the entire umbilical cord was stretched like a string and twisted like a serpentine - the baby tumbled very hard in his belly.
They told me about the entanglement on the Doppler at 37 weeks and immediately asked me not to worry - it might still somersault in the right direction and unravel.
I asked the doctor at a lecture at the Central Clinical Hospital about this situation - he said that this is not at all an obstacle to natural childbirth - both single and triple - the main thing is that the doctor reacts in time if the situation worsens.
She gave birth herself with a triple entanglement of the umbilical cord plus a true knot. Before that, everything was fine, ktg good until the last. I don’t understand how it was possible not to see this and allow her to have a natural birth. Result: severe hypoxia, hospital instead of discharge, in short, it’s scary to remember to the point of tears. Throughout the first year, the boy was nursed with massages, medications, etc. Now he is often very sick, physically weak, and his muscles are weak. But thank God I don’t have cerebral palsy!
With all my heart I would like to wish Ms. Biyaslanova and the head of the residential complex 213 to get away from gynecology, especially since we are not the first with such grief, even in the last few months!
And I strongly advise you, pregnant women, not to let your desired pregnancy take its course and carefully choose doctors and get them to fulfill their duties, because no one will replace or return your children and health to you!
I can conclude that it depends on the length of the umbilical cord.
My son was born with a single tight coil around his neck, with a short umbilical cord, he did not cry, he was revived by some kind of oxygen machine, in a slide. I remember very well the moment when the doctor listened to the heartbeat while pushing and when it began to “suffer”, he pressed on the stomach. Everything worked out for me right away. So another conclusion - it depends on the doctor, it depends a lot!!!
Now the ultrasound has revealed a coil around the neck, not tight. Now I'm afraid, because I know that it will be my luck

Who looked at the length of the umbilical cord using an ultrasound and determined it correctly?
At my 3rd ultrasound, it showed 1-fold entanglement, and at the 4th, 2-fold, the doctors did not express the slightest concern about this. As a result, we were born with 1-fold, the only thing is that the whites of the eyes were red, but this is a trifle. the baby is fine) Hello everyone.
The question came up after the last ultrasound.

It is necessary to do gymnastics in order to help the child turn over, according to the logic of things. But what if this causes the umbilical cord to tighten around her neck? Now the Doppler is good, which means the entanglement is not tight. What if I, through my actions, tie the umbilical cord around her neck?

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