Rating of cosmetic companies. Overview of brands of organic cosmetics produced in Russia

With Russian cosmetics, many do not add up: there is still a strong belief that affordable cosmetics are always worse than expensive ones, and domestic products often lose in quality to imported ones (at least they used to think so). We think that Russian brands also deserve attention, so we chose 45 proven products, with which it is not scary to start acquaintance with them.

Masha Vorslav


Art Visage

Art-Visage is one of the most famous Russian brands of decorative cosmetics, which, perhaps, can be forgiven for the logo shamelessly copied from Giorgio Armani (or not). Its main feature is the manufacture of cosmetics to order: if you have been looking for a green lip gloss, yellow lipstick or eye shadow of a special shade for a long time, you can contact the Art-Visage laboratory and get what you are looking for for 400-450 rubles. With ready-made products, the brand is also in full order: in the online store there is everything for the most difficult make-up.


Like many other Russian manufacturers, Kleona relies on naturalness and avoids synthetic components (if they do get into a particular jar, they warn about it on it). Representatives of the brand are not too lazy to talk with customers and periodically explain the properties of parabens, talk about the quality of essential oils and tell why they do not test products on animals. The assortment for the most part consists of simple and not very cleansing products and inexpensive creams for different skin types.

Natura Siberica

Shampoos, masks and creams Natura Siberica are sold at every turn not only in Russia but also abroad (the brand is almost more popular there). What is nice, the company does not stand still and constantly issues new products and entire lines that go with a bang, and even opens spa centers. By the way, not so long ago she launched the production of decorative cosmetics - organic mascaras, lipsticks and shadows arrived in the shelf.


Another young and promising brand that strives to cover everything at once. GreenLab has five tentacles so far, that is, divisions: Dr. Kozhevatkin - to solve specific problems like dehydration and loss of skin tone; GreenLab Little makes oils, foams, shampoos and powders for children; GreenLabOrg, as you might guess - organic cosmetics, and HEADDRESS - products for basic hair care and treatment. The fifth specialization is rather unexpected: Healing Derm is a complex of skin care products for bedridden patients.

What to buy:

working on two fronts serum-concentrate for hair growth HEADDRESS "Nutrition and hydration"; mask for hair growth HEADDRESS; GreenLab Little baby cream-foam with panthenol, which is suitable not only for children, but also for adult sensitive skin.


Everything is fine with Kora: a couple of years ago, those who knew about this inexpensive and extremely effective domestic brand could look for some acid mask with fire during the day, and now Kora is sold in almost every pharmacy and large supermarket. The company explains the effectiveness of its products by faithfulness to the developed principles: a high content of plant extracts, the use of mineral components, essential oils and the choice of an oily base for most products.

organic shop

Elegant packaging and dangerously appetizing flavors - this is perhaps the quintessence of Organic Shop. The brand has a lot of body products: creams, butters, scrubs, mousses and more. Trying them out to one person is not only impossible, but probably not necessary - only if you are not ready to donate half the bathroom to banks. On the other hand, if you are one of those who are too lazy to smear body cream all the time, Organic Shop products may be just right - the smell and overall cheerful look are tempting to open jars several times a day.

"Clean line"

It’s embarrassing to even talk about this company, but you can’t do without it. We all remember about shampoos that "80% consist of a decoction of medicinal herbs", but "Clean Line" has long stepped forward. The brand still has basic products like scrubs, facial gels and the same shampoos, but more timely ones have appeared, for example, the same BB cream (which is used as an example even by the extremely successful Garnier).

"Grandma Agafia's Recipes"

At some point, the business of the brand improved so much that it was divided into several "Agafias"; For convenience, we have reduced everything to one point. The brand has a lot of successful means, and it does not stall and slowly explores new horizons (recently, for example, it has launched the production of excellent toothpastes). He doesn’t ignore the hearty bath theme either, but plays with it with dignity: he doesn’t just release the fifth version of the successful soft soap, but sorts the usual products into convenient portioned packages.

"Taiga herbalist"

If you can divide all Russian cosmetics into types, one of the brightest will be the bath brand. On the one hand, there are never too many soaps and scrubs, but on the other hand, the same bars and bottles with the same aromas and almost the same presentation inspire mortal anguish. It is all the more interesting to get acquainted with companies that manage to stand out even in this niche. "Taiga herbalist" seems to be doing everything the same as the rest, but competently balances his Russianness with really interesting means.

Planeta Organica

Moderately positive and extremely open brand Planeta Organica does not seem to hide anything from customers: it tells everything about the main ingredients, reveals the company's basic values, and even describes the details of expeditions for raw materials. Such activity reflects favorably on products: only Natura Siberica offers such a choice of natural oils and products based on them, but Planeta Organica remains recognizable even with such a powerful competitor.

"Black Pearl"

"Black Pearl" is successfully rejuvenated and is no longer perceived as cosmetics only for mature skin. This was facilitated by the choice of new ambassadors of the brand (a recent novelty is represented, for example, by Liza Boyarskaya), and the turn of the assortment towards the modern buyer, who wants both an excellent foundation, a moisturizer, and a cleansing oil (and a good body lotion, he would also not prevented).

Organic Therapy

Cute Organic Therapy tubes are the work of the First Solution company, which has more than a dozen recognizable Russian brands on its account (it all started in 2002 with Grandmother Agafya's Recipes). There are no complaints about the newcomer, except that the brand heavily speculates on the consumer's interest in everything natural: Organic Therapy products cannot be called organic (there is no approval from the certifying organization), but you can write the cherished word on the package if at least one ingredient meets the requirements. Be that as it may, Organic Therapy offers simple solutions to everyday problems at humane prices and looks pretty.

Another rare decorative stamp. In general, it gives the impression of teenage cosmetics, but who said that this is bad. It is reasonable to turn to stands with Eva Mosaic when you need simple understandable things like regular mascara or a pencil for a new lipstick. At the same time, if you have long wanted to try something strange by your standards, but did not want to spend money, rummaging through the bottles of Eva Mosaic will be useful.

Recently, beauty bloggers have been widely discussing the topic of the power of makeup. Today, makeup is a means of self-expression and artistic liberation. The beauty of the makeup process is that the end result is always flawless. The average woman spends about an hour a day on making her skin beautiful.

Gone are the days when the Egyptians used the ore to make kohl and green eye paint. The makeup industry has come a long way with revolutionary products such as waterproof lipstick, anti-wrinkle cream, custom-made foundation, and more.

At a time when the makeup industry lacked a variety of false eyelashes, Huda Kattan launched her Huda Beauty brand, introducing the world to the legendary eyelashes that Kim Kardashian loved so much.

This Arab-American woman, along with her sisters Alia and Mona, went on to launch a line of beauty products that included lip kits, mini liquid lipsticks and eye shadow palettes that won the hearts of women all over the world.

She holds makeup workshops in Dubai, Doha, Qatar and Abu Dhabi and has millions of followers on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. Her brand's best-selling treasures are the classic eyelash collection and lip kits, consisting of lip liner, lipstick and liquid lipstick.

The history of the Christian Louboutin brand began with the fact that Christian sketched shoes while walking through the streets of Paris. His obsession was so strong that he watched women walking down the streets and followed them all the way just to see how they walked. Christian Louboutin is a brand named after him that any woman would die for.

Recently, his collection was replenished with a line of cosmetic products Nails, Lips and Perfumes (nails, lips, perfume). Gorgeous lipsticks and nail polishes are available in tubes with branded spikes on the cap. Bestseller Rouge Louboutin - a separate page on the official website dedicated to red.

It is possible to choose from bright popular colors, such as coral and fluorescent, as well as classic shades. Although the label is primarily associated with the red patent leather soles of high heels, the constant additions to the beauty collections compete with beauty brands worldwide.

Do you know how hard it is to get perfect eyebrows? ABH cosmetics was specifically launched to solve this problem with a collection of eyebrow makeup products - Brow Definer mechanical pencil, lipstick and eyebrow gel, palette and pencils.

Also, this brand can offer customized, custom-made lipstick sets, liquid lipsticks and cosmetic brushes for professionals. Although ABH cosmetics are expensive, they are like a beautiful aged product, the price of which is determined by its quality.

Eyes, Lips and Face, also known as E.L.F., is by far the most affordable luxury makeup brand on this list. Seriously, who wouldn't pay $6 for the best-selling blush palette that every makeup artist is touting?

The brand's most requested products are baked eye shadow, mineral makeup base, lip highlighter palette and more. In addition, ELF supplies the market with the best replicas of Sephora cosmetic products.

Inspired by the image of the bold modern woman, UD offers a range of beauty products that leave customers wanting more. The most popular Naked eye shadow palette is made specifically for creating the perfect smokey eyes, and the Moonshadow palette is a glitter dream.

UD recently launched their line of vegan cosmetics that looks so delicious, you just can't help but taste them!

6. M.A.C.

"Any race, any gender, any age" - under this slogan this cosmetic brand launches its products. As a product of Estee Lauder's intellectual activity, M.A.C certainly deserves the title of first-class cosmetics.

The brand's quirky Wine Lip Tint is a wild success on Instagram. Dakota Johnson recently wore M.A.C's iconic Retro matte lipstick in Feel So Grand in 50 Shades Darker. Mr Gray approves!

Every time you walk into a store, Sephora gives you that Christmas feeling. A haven for make-up freaks, it offers a wide selection of beauty and skincare samples, which of course are cheaper than the actual product, allowing you to try the full range.

The only thing that you should not leave the store without is various kinds of hydrophilic masks. Sephora also offers various pre-subscription workshops, which in turn makes this realm of make-up even more attractive.

"The most beautiful make-up of a woman is her passion." This is what motivates YSL to produce amazing cosmetics that amaze the female audience. You can find everything here, from lipstick shades used by models at fashion weeks to magical skincare products that evoke a galactic glow.

Literally all women are in love with YSL Volume Effect Faux Cils Mascara, Perfect Touch Foundation Brush Applicator, Touche Eclat Glow Foundation and their gold packaging.

9. Lakme

And here is a brand that all working women regularly turn to. CC creams, nude lipsticks, pastel nail polishes, metallic lip highlighters, blush sets and bright nail polish shades are the list of the best-selling products of this cosmetic brand.

"On top of the world" is the motto of the Lakme company, which has already ascended to the stars.

If you need to dress up, the only thing that should be on your dressing table is the products of the cosmetic brand Make Up Forever. This brand offers everything to turn a girl into a Disney princess.

This Swedish brand offers everything from skin care products to great cosmetics and perfume sets. Luxurious Pink Kiss lip balm, highly pigmented Sweet Coral blush and superb pink lip liner are must-haves for every makeup freak, especially when you consider how difficult it is to find the perfect shade of pink.

Lancome makes le teint particulier foundation that matches your skin tone perfectly. The name of the buyer is indicated on the packaging of this foundation. In addition to this truly magical product, there are a huge number of cosmetics from Lancome, such as a huge family of concealers, the perfect Rouge lipstick, a nude lip kit and much more.

A popular beauty blogger will talk about budget analogues of well-known luxury brands of cosmetics.

Not every cream that says “natural” or “eco” in large letters actually has an impeccable composition. We have selected 10 truly natural brands whose products are free from excess and make us look better without parabens and petrochemicals.

Natural, not virtual!

The inscription “natural” on the package means that the manufacturer understands that the naturalness of the composition is important for buyers, but at the same time, only water can be included in the composition of the product. In addition to the manufacturer's promises, special certificates - ECOCERT, BDIH, NaTrue, Cosmebio, USDA Organic and others - can confirm the environmental friendliness and naturalness of the product. Each country has its own certification rules - some are more stringent, others are less, but as a rule, having an eco-certificate means:

  • ingredients are obtained from plants grown in ecologically clean soil without the use of chemical fertilizers and synthetic preparations;
  • production is as safe as possible for the environment;
  • products do not contain synthetic products and artificial ingredients - synthetic preservatives, silicones, parabens, petroleum products and fragrances. To preserve the properties of cosmetics and extend the shelf life, natural preservatives isolated from plants and essential oils are used.
  • organic cosmetics contain 95% ingredients of organic origin. 5% of the ingredients can be synthetic, but must be allowed by bio-standards.
  • packaging is made from environmentally friendly bio-degradable materials.

Why do I need it?

This question is answered by Isabelle Carron, the creator of the French eco-label Absolution:

« Organic cosmetics have more kinship with the natural components of the epidermis. Receptors in the skin immediately recognize natural ingredients - this is called biocompatibility. The skin will benefit more from organic care because its entire formula is active and close to the skin, unlike conventional cosmetics, which are mainly water and oils derived from petroleum products.

Organic cosmetics increase the skin's ability to cope on its own, repair itself, and function optimally. Organic ingredients are rich in nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, fatty acids, amino acids that support the functioning of skin cells, hydration and protection processes. Since they are grown without pesticides, organic plants must develop their own ability to protect and adapt by accumulating natural energy. As a result, they contain active substances in a higher concentration than conventionally grown plants.

Free from heavy chemicals, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, lead, etc., organic cosmetics are skin-friendly products. We can say that it acts in harmony with the skin, and not against it. It is also less toxic to the body, because some ingredients can penetrate the epidermis and remain in the liver or glands, causing hormonal changes and other diseases.”

Not all organic brands are equally effective. And not all products of the same brand will suit your skin. We have chosen 10 brands, whose products we use ourselves with pleasure and whose naturalness is confirmed by serious certificates.

Dr. Haushka

Beautician Elisabeth Sigmund and Dr. Rudolf Hauschka in 1967 came to the conclusion that the skin itself is able to maintain its balance, you just need to help it figure out which functions need attention. Organic brand Dr. Hauschka helps the skin restore its ability to regenerate and nourish, lost under the influence of the sun, wind or unfavorable ecology. The composition of cosmetics is entirely plant extracts and there are no parabens, dyes, fragrances and silicones. The assortment includes more than a hundred items - there are not only care products, but also decorative cosmetics. Quality Dr. Hauschka is confirmed by BDIH certificates.


The principles of ethics and environmental friendliness, as well as anthroposophy, which encourages a person to look at his body, mind and soul as parts of one integral system organically connected with our world, were laid at the heart of the Weleda brand more than 90 years ago. Since then, the company has never deviated from the chosen course. Almost 80% of the raw materials for the production of cosmetics are collected from our own organic plantations or wild places that have been certified for collection. The composition contains no chemical and synthetic flavors, dyes and preservatives, and quality and environmental standards are confirmed by NaTrue and Vegan certificates. Among the brand's products are face, body and hair care products, a line for men, women and kids, as well as natural dietary supplements.

Josie Maran Cosmetics

“When I discovered what organically pure argan oil could do for the beauty of my skin and hair, I knew I had found a liquid gold that would help me achieve my dream.” - Josie Maran.

Famous top model Josie Maran founded her brand Josie Maran Cosmetics in 2007. While working as a model, Josie met the best makeup artists in the world and each of them said that cosmetics without chemistry is impossible. But Josie believed that it was possible to create cosmetics that were both effective and environmentally friendly. During a trip to France, Josie met a woman who told her about the amazing properties of argan oil, which later became the main ingredient in Josie Maran Cosmetics. At first, the brand line included face, body and hair care, but over time, decorative cosmetics also appeared. Argan oil tinted cream and colored lip glosses based on coconut water are the brand's bestsellers.


“I deeply believe in the wisdom and power of nature. Even the most perfect chemical copy of nature cannot reflect its complexity and the full range of its virtues,” Ute Leibe.

The young German brand today can often be found in the best spas around the world. The founder of Amala, Ute Leibe, believes that natural ingredients do a better job of cleansing, caring for and caring for the skin than any chemical ingredients, which is why Amala products contain only plant extracts. Especially Ute Leibe appreciates the properties of shea butter, coconut and olive oils. Facial care is divided into several series - moisturizing, cleansing, soothing series, mature skin series and radiance series. The range also includes aromatic room sprays. The quality of Amala products is confirmed by NaTrue certificates.


“Someone once told me that organic cosmetics may not be as effective as regular ones. It's good because it's organic. But I want to change that mind!" - Sasha Plavich.

In 2011, six colored lip conditioners under the ILIA brand were introduced in Canada. The creator of glosses, Sasha Plavich, decided to create universal products that would take care of lips, do not contain harmful chemical elements, and at the same time offer women shades that are relevant in the current season. Each product in the brand's range is made up of 85% active organic ingredients, lipstick colors are updated annually, and packaging is made from recycled aluminum.


A French brand with a name that translates from Hungarian as "pharmacy" introduced its first serum oil product Huile Absolue in 1922. The name of the brand was not chosen by chance - the founder of Patyka found the recipe for this remedy in the archives of a pharmacy in Hungary. The brand has two main lines - Absolis for daily care and anti-aging Biokaliftin. The organic contents of the minimalistic bottles are complemented by the same harmless origin of the packaging materials: cardboard made from recycled sugarcane fiber and origami technique instead of glue. Patyka sends a percentage of sales to organizations that help preserve the environment, and the organic nature of its products is confirmed by Ecosert, Cosmebio and One Voice certificates.


A'kin's leading chemist Will Evans spent many years studying the effects of natural extracts on beauty and human health, and in 1987 he created a small cosmetics manufactory. Here they began to produce cosmetics, in the formulation of which scientific achievements were combined with the best that nature can give us. Today A'kin is based in the suburbs of Sydney. The Australian brand has a line for women, children, men, a treatment line for problem skin A'kin Pure Therapy and Al'chemy hair care products. Each product contains the highest possible content of natural extracts and the absence of any harmful substances such as parabens, sulfates, silicones, dyes, fragrances and toxins.

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The "green" cosmetic line of Colombian Tata Harper is a hit on the other side of the Atlantic. Tata lives on a farm in Vermont. The laboratory is also located here, where she, together with a team of chemists, doctors and biologists, comes up with formulas for lotions, oils, essences and moisturizers. Since the company's products are produced in small quantities, all processes from research to production are controlled by the founder herself, and cosmetics, among whose fans are Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow, are delivered to customers as fresh as possible. Tata Harper experts claim that each bottle contains from 9 to 29 active ingredients of plant origin. Such complex formulas give cosmetics multifunctionality - it is enough to buy one product, instead of six. The "green" principles of the company are confirmed by certificates from EcoCert, Leaping Bunny and the American Vegetarian Association.

Stem Organics

Another Australian company that relies on organic ingredients and produces 100% sustainable cosmetics from plants grown on its own plantations. Stem Organics cosmetic formulas contain unique Australian ingredients - rare Kakadu plum extract, the richest plant source of vitamin C, Australian bushland flower extract, organic pomegranate and organic aloe. Moreover, aloe completely replaces water in Stem Organics products, which is a key ingredient in the products of other brands. The brand relies on anti-age products that nourish, moisturize and protect the skin. The company supports WWF initiatives and works with Climate Friendly.

UNE Natural Beauty

The new French beauty brand, launched by Bourjois, offers organic products at affordable prices. The naturalness of the formulas of 16 out of 20 UNE products is confirmed by the authoritative organization ECOCERT. The range of the brand includes mascaras, eyeliners, eye and lip pencils, lipsticks, glosses, nail polishes and tonal foundations. Contains no silicones, parabens, petroleum derivatives or synthetic fragrances. The texture of the products is light, the products look as natural as possible on the face, and the packaging is minimalistic and made from recycled materials. Prices for products start from 4 euros.

If the composition of the cream or mask does not seem as natural as stated on the label, you can check the ingredients for environmental friendliness on the websiteEkokosmetika.ru or by baseSkin Deep .

Material prepared: Nastya Khvatova

Leafing through a glossy magazine, it is impossible not to admire the velvety skin of celebrities, the absence of cellulite in models, their impeccable makeup and silky hair. “Of course, Photoshop!” – you will say and you will be partly right. But TV presenters, actresses and even participants in reality shows, whom we have the opportunity to watch online, sometimes cause no less respect. One of the secrets of a fresh face and neat styling is professional cosmetics.

As the survey showed, not only celebrities have recently increasingly preferred professional face, hair and body care products. Perfect make-up is also a merit of professional cosmetics, but already decorative. The question naturally arises, if this kind of cosmetics is better, why hasn't it replaced the products of the mass market segment so far. You don't have to look far for an answer:

  • Price. The first thing that catches your eye is the cost of professional cosmetics, which is significantly higher than traditional analogues. Buying treasured jars is not so easy, even if you are ready to pay the required amount for them. The fact is that they are usually sold in pharmacies, beauty salons and online stores. But on the shelves of supermarkets they may not be. Sometimes you have to make a lot of efforts to find the coveted bottle or jar, especially if there are no official representatives in your city.
  • Compound. One of the key characteristics of professional cosmetics is a concentrated composition. Actually, in it lies the secret of high efficiency and instant results. As if by a wave of a magic wand, bags under the eyes disappear in the morning, despite a sleepless night, and the hair instantly acquires a glossy shine and easily fits into the hair. A team of researchers is working on the selection of components and their proportions, creating optimal composition formulas in laboratories. The manufacturer compulsorily tests and certifies products, so you can be sure of safety and effectiveness. Naturally, such costs cannot but affect the cost, and therefore experts once again emphasize that professional tools simply cannot be cheap. A tempting price in most cases indicates a fake and dishonesty of the manufacturer.
  • Fortitude. Permanent makeup is the dream of many girls. However, cosmetologists unanimously do not recommend using professional products every day. They advise making a choice in their favor only on special occasions, for example, when it comes to wedding makeup or in preparation for a photo shoot. On a typical day, it makes no sense to apply such a dense tone, paint lips with persistent lipstick and use moisture-resistant mascara. The abuse of concentrated products, contrary to expectations, can aggravate the condition of the skin of the face and adversely affect the hair, if we are talking, for example, about superfixation. Hypoallergenic care and high-quality decorative cosmetics for every day will be enough.

As you can see, professional products are not without drawbacks, but outstanding advantages, led by a high level of product quality control, beckon, capturing new fashionistas from all over the world online. What to look for when choosing, experts will tell you:

  1. Volume. Most often, professional products are purchased by cosmetologists, makeup artists and hairdressers who use them daily in their work. Large-volume bottles in this case justify the expense, while those bought for yourself by your beloved may remain unclaimed even by half, given the expiration date. Therefore, a large displacement for private use is rather a minus than a plus.
  2. Design. Don't let the nondescript packaging of shampoos or creams scare you, a simple design is a common occurrence among professional products. Manufacturers rely on the contents of products from the professional line, guaranteeing safety and high efficiency.
  3. Type. Dermatologists and trichologists draw your attention to the fact that the main factors in choosing professional products are the types of facial skin and hair. Selecting funds by trial and error will be expensive, and most importantly, irrational. It is enough to get a consultation from a specialist the day before, who will tell you in detail about your individual characteristics, and perhaps, taking into account experience, even recommend specific brands.
  4. Manufacturer. Trust in the company is an important aspect. It is unlikely that anyone dares to try out the new product for themselves. That's why we study reviews so carefully, hoping to save ourselves from disappointment. To make sure you don't miss out on a purchase, make sure the brand owns the patented technology. The composition of the funds should be free of allergens and harmful synthetic components. The packaging or the accompanying instructions should provide a scientific justification for the mechanism of action of the product, in other words, due to which a quick lifting effect is achieved or how the product can mask age spots in no time.
  • characteristics (composition, durability) of the brand;
  • cost (value for money);
  • user reviews;
  • opinion of cosmetologists.

The best brands of professional hair cosmetics

The category of professional hair care brands includes the most popular manufacturers that have found approval from both professionals and home care enthusiasts.


The best choice of styling products
Country: Israel
Rating (2018): 4.6

As you know, to go on the podium or before shooting for glossy magazines, models widely use professional cosmetics. One of the common companies that develop premium hair product formulations is Moroccanoil. The secret of the brand's success lies in the special formulation of products, the main ingredients of which are argan oil, antioxidants and nutrients. These preparations were also appreciated by the stars of show business for their light texture, fast absorption, and excellent effect.

In Russia, the entire range appeared in 2011, but it can only be purchased at authorized beauty salons. This is perhaps the only downside. Those lucky ones who are lucky can appreciate the high quality of products for restoration, hydration and modeling. They are suitable for all hair types. Of the novelties of 2019, attention is drawn to the spring Color Complete set (shampoo, conditioner, spray), thanks to which the natural color of the dyed strands is preserved for a long time.


The optimal combination of composition and cost
Country Russia
Rating (2018): 4.7

The young brand rapidly broke into the market of professional hair care cosmetics and competed with the more eminent "monsters". The ambition of the brand is based on high-tech production, where there are no trifles, a focus on new developments, the impeccable quality of the drugs offered, and a flexible pricing policy. Attention is paid not only to the composition of products for women's and men's cosmetics, but also to the appearance of the packaging, the convenience of the bottle, tube, etc., and the pleasant aroma of the compositions. Leading stylists-hairdressers also participate in the birth of each new formula. The entire range of the company is not tested on animals, it is environmentally friendly.

In addition to a variety of hair dyes, perm products, accessories, numerous series are produced to protect, restore dyed and damaged strands. A separate group of products is styling products that have received positive feedback from experts. For example, OLLIN style ultra-strong hold gel is ideal for fans of creative styling and bright shine, making you visible in any environment. The keratin straightening line is another popular trend. Incoming products contain hydrolyzed keratin and glyoxylic acid, which not only gently straighten hair, but also moisturize and nourish. The effect lasts up to 3 months.

2 Estel

Wide range, enriched composition
Country Russia
Rating (2018): 4.8

Estelle is a domestic brand of hair salon cosmetics offering professional products for hair coloring and hair care. A feature of the brand is the carefully selected composition of each product. For the best result, the products are enriched with vitamins and minerals, unique pigments, SPF protection, chitosan, beeswax and other elements beneficial for hair. Hair dyes, fixatives, masks, shampoos and balms are in great demand among hairdressers, and lovers of home coloring and care have a great opportunity to purchase cosmetics and take care of their hair with it.

The brand has over 150 representative offices in various countries of the world, and judging by the sales statistics, the brand is very popular and competes with more famous manufacturers. According to experts, the products meet all safety and efficacy criteria. Persistence, a rich palette of shades, taking into account the characteristics of the type of hair and scalp, combined with a favorable price - this is the secret of the company's success. The reviews are mostly positive, confirming the high quality.

Bestsellers: cream paint « Princess Essex", shampoo " OtiumcolorLife", tint balm " Love tone».

1 L "Oreal Professionnel

Powerful research base
Country: France
Rating (2018): 4.9

The giant of the cosmetic market has already celebrated its centenary, but it never ceases to amaze and delight fans with brand new hair products. About 3,000 specialists in 5 modern laboratories in France, China, the USA and Japan create about 3,000 innovative product recipes every year. All hair cosmetics are produced at the production facilities of 25 companies that own about 500 brands, including the popular Kerastase, Matrix, Garnier.

The assortment of the L "Oreal Professionnel concern includes professional lines of products for dyeing hair, restoring damaged, perm. A variety of mousses, gels, masks, creams are developed on the basis of components that are gentle on the skin and structure of the strands. Absolut Repair Lipidium repair and nourishment mask, Inforcer shampoo for weakened structure, and professional Hair Touch Up concealers are now the hits on the Russian market.

The best brands of professional cosmetics for the face

This category presents the most sought-after face care brands among professional cosmetologists. Wide demand is the result of a competent policy of manufacturers, high-quality composition of products and their effectiveness.

4 JANSSEN Cosmetics

Cosmeceutical approach
Country: Germany
Rating (2018): 4.6

The firm was founded as a partnership between the enterprising Walter Janssen and the biochemist Roland Sacher, who began formulating products based on fruit acids, marine extracts and other beneficial natural ingredients. According to cosmetologists and users, such products have a qualitative effect on sensitive, dry skin, have a rejuvenating effect, actively fight against rosacea and acne. The founders of the brand call their products cosmeceutical, as they are used not only for cosmetic purposes, but also for medicinal purposes.

Today, the range, which includes preparations for face, body, spa and wellness care, is distributed in 75 countries. Capsules and ampoules of beauty, serums, tonics, milk, masks and oils actively moisturize dehydrated or prematurely aging skin, nourish, saturate with antioxidants. For hyperpigmentation and photosensitivity, special biocomplexes, emulsions, creams with fruit acids are offered. Renewing enzyme gel, peeling for cleansing and smoothing the surface of the skin, other products gently care for the epidermis, eliminating defects and giving the skin a healthy appearance.

3 Holy Land

The best anti-aging line. Careful production control
Country: Israel
Rating (2018): 4.7

The Israeli brand of professional cosmetics for the face "Holy Land" has been known to the general public for over 30 years. A big plus of the brand is its own base, which provides control over products at all stages - from development to release. The products contain only natural raw materials, and the composition formulas are created on the basis of advanced technologies. The manufacturer refused to test products on animals, which is also an advantage.

The company is focused on eliminating defects and shortcomings with the help of means, and not just masking them. Most of the products are medicinal in nature. To date, there are 25 cosmetic lines, among which anti-aging is especially popular. In reviews, the series is often referred to as a time caster. According to cosmetologists, with regular use, in accordance with the type of skin, you can significantly rejuvenate the face, giving the epidermis elasticity and tightening the contours.

Hitssales: lotion " Azulen", cream " Alpha Beta Retinol", peeling " Age Control Super Lift».

2 Clarins

The most natural ingredients
Country: France
Rating (2018): 4.8

These cosmetic preparations for the face have conquered more than one generation of women. And for more than 60 years, the beauty institutes of the company, keeping up with the times, have been working on the dazzling appearance of your skin. They are developing new formulas of drugs designed to conquer the whole world, preserve youth and skin health. Collected in ecologically clean places on the planet, natural raw materials are rich in vitamins and rare substances. In total, over 250 plant extracts are used in the production process, which make it possible to obtain ideal formulations for young and aging skin. The opinion of experts is unequivocal - the brand is one of the best in its category.

Groups of products for cleansing and toning come on the market with different textures, but equally giving the expected result. To date, the most popular among Russian consumers is the Double Serum complex serum with a high-quality rejuvenating effect. Created on the basis of 21 plant components, the anti-aging preparation has a formula similar to the hydrolipidic film of the skin and perfectly increases its elasticity, evens out tone. Young girls will be pleased with the company's new product - My Clarins night cream-mask, the action of which is aimed at releasing accumulated toxins and replenishing positive energy.

1 Christina

Professional cosmetics "Kristina" is named after the founder of the brand Christina Miriam Zachary, a famous scientist and cosmetologist. Dissatisfied with the products on the Israeli market, she founded her own company to develop and sell cosmetics that actually work. The range of products for the face, according to reviews, harmoniously combines traditional recipes and innovative formulas. The laboratory, equipped with the latest technology, led by eminent scientists, has revealed to the world more than three hundred preparations for salon use and supportive home care.

The Israeli brand was one of the first to include hyaluronic acid in the composition to provide a biorevitalizing effect without injections. Signature components of the composition - Syrian marjoram, famous for its antioxidant properties, and sea corals, stimulating the natural rejuvenation of the skin. An important role is also played by the water, mud and salt of the Dead Sea contained in the preparations. According to cosmetologists, the products work at 100%, returning a healthy look and radiance to dull, aging skin. As experts admitted, they often recommend the brand to customers, as they are confident in its effectiveness. A wide range allows the use of preparations for owners of various skin types.

Bestsellers: moisturizing cream " ElastinCollagen", scrub-hommage " Comodex”, soap peeling “ rose de mer».

The best brands of professional makeup cosmetics

The category of the best brands of professional decorative cosmetics is represented by a quartet of the most sought-after manufacturers among makeup artists. It is their products that are preferred by foreign and domestic celebrities, for whom makeup is an integral part of the image.


Bright palette
Country: USA
Rating (2018): 4.6

The main target audience of the brand is young, active and stylish girls. The brand has established itself as a high-quality and ultra-modern. Makeup artists note well-pigmented rich shades, durability and a composition enriched with plant caring components as key characteristics. Thanks to the bold palette, cosmetics were used more than once as part of the New York City Fashion Week fashion show. If you like the image of one of the models, professional Nix products will help you to bring it to life - mascara with the effect of doll eyelashes, lipstick that does not tighten the skin of the lips, the legendary primer base, etc.

Users in the reviews emphasize that cosmetics do not crumble, do not clog pores, and do not leak. Makeup really stays on for a long time. The goods are presented in L'Etoile and Ile de Beaute stores, and their cost is only slightly higher than similar mass-market products.

Bestsellers: matte cream liquid lipstick " SMatte Lip Cream', shadows ' Hot Singles", compact blush " Blush».


Profitable price
Country: Canada
Rating (2018): 4.7

The brand of professional decorative cosmetics "MAK" was originally conceived specifically for make-up artists, whose products were intended for models, actresses and celebrities. However, attractive characteristics made it widely demanded, including among fashionistas and makeup lovers, who quickly figured out how to be irresistible with it in everyday life and in no way be inferior to the heroines of television screens. The impetus for the creation of the brand was the urgent need to develop new makeup products, which was faced by the owner of beauty salons and the photographer-make-up artist - the founders of the brand. According to Frank Angelo and Frank Tosken, the decorative cosmetics that existed at that time did not meet the primary tasks - a safe composition, durability and availability.

The concept of the company is based on individuality and creativity. Behind the laconic design of the packaging lies a rich palette of shades, from nude to frankly acidic - a real scope for self-expression. Among professional brands, this brand boasts the best price, while not inferior, or even surpassing competitors in terms of quality. Users emphasize in the reviews that when purchasing the company's cosmetics, you can be completely sure that it will not float, will not be erased after a couple of hours, and will not clog into folds. Moreover, even frequent use will not overload the skin and will not harm it. Among the admirers of the brand are Fergie, Pamela Anderson, Dita Von Teese, Linda Evangelista and others.

Hits sales: shadows « eye shadow", lipstick « Retro Matte Lipstick”, powder « Mineralize Skinfinish».

2 La Biosthetique

Consistent results, component safety
Country: France
Rating (2018): 4.8

The rating could not help but include a popular French brand, with which many girls and women in the world have the best associations for more than half a century. The manufacturer has absolutely everything to make you happy and desirable, spectacular and alluring, to emphasize business style or create a creative image. Makeup products are presented in the luxury segment, and they contain natural ingredients.

Professional cosmetics are suitable for any skin type, able to highlight and emphasize eyes, lips, eyebrows, complexion in a special way. And moisturizing and anti-aging creams, balms help to maintain their health. The hit of the season was the Lip Booster conditioner, which can increase their volume. With regular use of the drug, the indicator reaches 40%. Make-up removers are also of interest. They have a soft texture, do not irritate delicate areas of the skin, smooth out fine wrinkles. Based on oils, sugars, amino acids and a hydro complex, Bi-Phase Remover works great even on waterproof cosmetics. Such products are hypoallergenic, form the trends of a rapidly updating market.

1 Inglot

The choice of makeup artists, a unique system of mixing tones
Country: Poland
Rating (2018): 4.9

Inglot is a Polish brand of professional decorative cosmetics, without which not a single significant event in the fashion world can do at present. The brand is included in the TOP-10 of the world's best cosmetics brands, with representation in 57 countries. A fashion show, a TV show or a Broadway show... the choice of make-up artists in most cases falls on these products. With the help of innovative developments, unsurpassed quality and competitive prices, it was possible to win worldwide love and receive many positive reviews.

A rich assortment, a wide palette and the so-called "Freedon System", which allows you to mix tones to get a unique shade in makeup, have made the brand extremely popular among professionals. Due to the fact that the composition is completely free of fragrances and parabens, decorative cosmetics are suitable for even the most sensitive skin. Stars such as Britney Spears and Lady Gaga have repeatedly declared their love for the brand, and the domestic Insta-Girl Victoria Bonya, who was honored to become the face of the brand, launched a joint series of decorative products.

Bestsellers: lipstick-paint " TINT", gel eyeliner " AMC", highlighter " SOFT SPARKLER FEB».

The best brands of professional body cosmetics

Professional body cosmetics include all kinds of care products, ranging from sugaring paste, anti-cellulite creams and anti-stretch marks, to foot scrubs. This category also includes professional products that reliably protect the skin while simultaneously giving a tan shade of the desired intensity. They are more effective than conventional sunscreens, have a rich natural composition.

5 Soleo

Series for any shade, bright packaging
Country: Poland
Rating (2018): 4.6

The brand's products are distributed in over 30 countries, and are constantly being improved by expanding the range. There are several series of products on sale, each of which is focused on getting a tan of a certain intensity. Moreover, the collection also includes a special line, which is designed for certain parts of the body. The compositions of the products contain both caring and bronzing components, so that the skin does not peel off and has uniform pigmentation.

Of particular interest is the new Soleo Calm. This is an ultra-moisturizing elixir with green tea extract and revitalizing oils, which is applied after the tanning treatment and gives it a long-lasting hold. To speed up, quickly obtain the effect in the solarium, the Gold product is used, which contains seaweed and aloe, mineral particles, vitamins C and E. The coffee line of products is designed to emphasize the natural color of the skin, to give it the effect of naturalness. Each product of the range is in a convenient package with a bright, memorable design.

4 Tan Master

Variety for all ages
Country Russia
Rating (2018): 4.7

The Russian company has achieved recognition for the quality of its products and the demanded assortment. During its short existence in comparison with competitors, the modern laboratory has created more than 60 products for tanning in a solarium, body and hair care. All production is located in Russia, so the management and management of the company manages not only to respond promptly to consumer requests, but also to form a balanced pricing policy.

Unlike conventional sunscreens, tanning cosmetics in a tanning bed have increased UV protection, enhanced antioxidant complexes and moisturizers. The range is presented in the form of creams, sachets, designed for certain age categories. Natural composition preparations are intended not only for women, but also for men. In particular, Super Torso cream contains herbal ingredients, a DNA-cell complex for men, which regulate metabolic processes and contribute to the appearance of a natural dark tan. Popular products of the women's line are Dark Coco Nectar, Espresso, Delicato.

3 Algotherms

The most useful marine cosmetology programs
Country: France
Rating (2018): 4.7

The French brand is considered to be one of the world's thalassotherapy gurus. Developed by the company since 1962, products and programs are based on seaweed formulations that are unique in their properties. In combination with massage, gel or powder lymphatic drainage wraps help to get rid of excess fluid in the body, toxins, cellulite without sagging skin. Such procedures are carried out by algotherapists in professional salons.

For home use, natural formulations are offered to relax and tone the skin, cleanse and moisturize. Special fortified oils are great for dry skin, filling it with energy and a marine scent. The company also has a Marine Gently Exfoliant peeling product in its arsenal, which many fans of the brand invariably prefer in reviews. According to cosmetologists, the company's products are suitable for all skin types and guarantee a quick effect.

2 Arabia

Best for depilation and skin care. International quality standards
Country Russia
Rating (2018): 4.8

"Arabia" is a popular domestic company for the production of professional cosmetics. The brand offers skin care and hair removal products. The company is focused on the production of products for salons, as well as skin care at home. Scientists from the laboratory, in tandem with outstanding cosmetologists, have developed a series of original products to make depilation as comfortable and effective as possible. The range includes products for skin care before and after the procedure to remove unwanted hairs.

Distinctive characteristics of the brand are exclusively natural ingredients: amino acids, plant extracts, vitamins and essential oils. High efficiency and declared properties are confirmed in the course of tests conducted in clinical and scientific centers. Employees of beauty salons and home care enthusiasts positively evaluate the brand, noting hygiene and safety in reviews. All goods are certified and meet the requirements of international standards.

Bestsellers: universal sugar paste for depilation " Start epil", hand cream " Cream oil", cream-paraffin " Cream Paraffin».

1 Sesderma

Professionalism and innovative technologies
Country: Spain
Rating (2018): 4.9

In order for the skin of the body to shine with cleanliness, health, beauty, to deliver exceptionally positive emotions to its owner, it is necessary to know the special secrets of care. This is what the work of the company has been dedicated to for 30 years, which was opened by dermatologists who are in constant search for new technologies and solutions to problems. An own laboratory was created, where unique recipes are developed with the involvement of powerfully affecting the epidermis and rare components. The active substances are in nano-sized capsules, which allows them to penetrate deep into the skin layers and be quickly absorbed.

The Celulex line is designed to improve metabolic processes, microcirculation, fight cellulite, and strengthen blood vessels. This effect is achieved by including caffeine, carnitine, silicon, forskolin and other ingredients in the liposomal composition. For postpartum body care, the Estryses herbal complex is intended, which corrects the defects that have arisen, removes stretch marks and prevents their appearance. The skin is evened out and becomes more elastic. The tonic effect is provided by innovative products of the Sesnatura line based on soy extract, lactic acid, complexes regenerating connective tissue.

Today, Russian cosmetics manufacturers have firmly taken a leading position in the beauty market, and, frankly, we are very happy about this. The times when domestic creams, shampoos and lipsticks were significantly inferior in quality to foreign luxury and mass market are over, and today many of them not only compete with the latter on the international market, but even bypass them in some respects. A recent example is Natura Siberica shampoo in The Times ranking of the best natural shampoos.

In order to support the domestic manufacturer, but more - because of the endless pride that Russia began to produce truly high-quality and incredibly beautiful cosmetics, we have compiled this guide for you. It contains twenty-five brands of Russian cosmetics (both skin care and decorative): unconditional "superstars" and those that you have not heard of yet.

Natura Siberica

With the phrase "excellent Russian cosmetics", the first thing that comes to mind is Natura Siberica. And, by the way, quite rightly so. In addition to impressive rankings and international awards, including winning the "Best face care product" award at the Beauty Challenger Awards in Paris, the brand boasts social responsibility, which is especially appreciated by consumers. So, in the wake of the scandal over the use of deer antlers in the cosmetics industry, representatives of Natura Siberica tripled a survey on social networks, as a result of which it was decided to abandon the use of pantocrine and, as a result, lines with pantocrine in the composition.

What to buy: northern detox soap for deep cleansing of the facial skin, nourishing shower gel "Shaman Berries", sea buckthorn scrub for the scalp.

Clean line

For many years, the Kalina concern has been producing high-quality cosmetics at a surprisingly attractive price under the Chistaya Liniya brand. And if at some time you had the impression that "Clean Line" is cosmetics exclusively for mothers and grandmothers, then it's time to look into the store and freshen it up. The fact is that, like many "old-timers" of the beauty market, "Chistaya Liniya" has gone through a rebranding, significantly expanding the already existing lines and supplementing them with new ones. Today, in addition to fragrant shower gels and shampoos that do their job perfectly, the brand has products for and after sunburn, phytodeodorants and fresh creams worthy of taking a place in your cosmetic bag.

What to buy: light styling hairspray with thermal protection, "Refreshing" shower gel with blackcurrant juice, "Triple Action" tanning oil spray.


Tasha is delicate fragrances, "girlish" packaging design and quality that will definitely not disappoint you. The brand, owned by Fresh Cosmetics, borrowed technology, recipes, equipment, raw materials, and, according to the creators, optimism and faith in success from Europe, working closely with colleagues from Denmark, Great Britain, Sweden and Spain. Retail sales of Tasha products began in 2006, and today must-haves and novelties can be found in the brand section of the Pudra.ru website. Face, hair and body masks, bath bombs and foams, oils and shower gels will appeal to fans of sweet fragrances and the same names. So, do you like Candied Cranberry, Orange Muffin or Whipped Delight?

What to buy: bubbling bath ball "Sweetie", dry oil "Coconut Cream", fragrant bath beads "Lovely Pearls".


"Kamali" is a unique cosmetic collection inspired by nature and the perfection of naturalness, "the creators of the brand say. Actions speak better than big words, however. More precisely, the action of products made in Kazan. All Kamali products contain ingredients of natural origin and are vegetarian, while 80% of them are vegan, that is, they consist of pure plant materials without the use of components of animal origin.Of course, cosmetics are not tested on animals, and herbal infusions, flower distillates, essential oils, juices and absolutes.

What to buy: relax- bath complex "Creamy Delight", oil for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, hair elixir "Liquid Gold".

Organic Shop/ Organic Kitchen

"Whoever doesn't like Organic Shop hasn't tried Organic Shop" - every girl who has ever used (and probably still uses) the cosmetics of this brand will agree with this motto. Another great brand of the company "First Solution" under the leadership of Andrey Trubnikov and, concurrently, the sister of Natura Siberica became a favorite of beauty bloggers thanks to its natural scrubs and body polishes from the main line, and gained adoration of the population with the advent of Organic Kitchen - a budget line , also known as "jars of 50". The brand does not claim to be an original design or "discovery of America", but does its job in such a way that only one thing can be said: "Both of them, and you can do it without bread."

What to buy: body scrub "Brazilian coffee", tomato bio hair balm Tomato Organic, renewing body scrub "Banana Mayhem" Organic Kitchen.


"After obtaining the necessary qualifications, working with professionals, and also thanks to each of our clients, I came to understand that the cosmetic world is an immense area for activity, development and research. Having stopped before the choice of "merchant or creator", the choice was clear - the creator ", says Katerina Trofimova, the founder and lead developer of the Sayuri brand. According to the brand, Sayuri Cosmetics is a timeless care that does not dictate the rules of the game to the skin, but helps where it is needed. The Scandinavian design of bottles, in turn, makes it so that you want to try everything and immediately.

What to buy:"rejuvenating drops" Glow Perfection Drops, elixir for the skin around the eyes Eye Cream, face and neck cleanser Oliogel.


The founder of the Irushka brand, Irina Nikolaeva, is a real expert in the field of beauty and a cosmetologist with many years of experience. She boldly declares that during its existence the brand has managed to prove that in Russia they can produce high-tech cosmetics of the European level, combining science and nature literally in one bottle. All Irushka products are classified as skin friendly (skin friendly), that is, they are created using components whose effectiveness has been confirmed by scientific research in Europe and the USA. The key to the popularity of the brand is precisely this: if you buy a product for oily skin, it means that after the first application there will be no trace of shine.

What to buy: anti-oily serum Active Serum Sebo Control, regenerating mask for dehydrated dull skin NMF Revitalizing Mask, evening soothing care Relax Code Serum.

pure love

Pure Love is a series of natural cosmetics aimed primarily at restoring the protective barrier of the skin. Representatives of the brand responsibly declare: in their production they use only natural oils and herbal ingredients, as well as effective and physiological active ingredients. Therefore, it is important to store Pure Love face creams at the recommended temperature - no higher than +15 degrees. “I studied medical literature a lot, studied with technologists of cosmetic production, and later entered the Faculty of Chemistry with a degree in Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Production Technologies at the University of D. I. Mendeleev,” admits the creator of the brand, Katerina Karpova. And this girl with perfect skin and approach to the brand wants to believe.

What to buy: antioxidant face serum, alginate mask with aloe vera extract, micellar water with vitamin B5.

Berezka Lab

It is easy to assume that the brand with the dear name "Beryozka" refers to Russian cosmetics. But, nevertheless, if you remove this fact from the list of "evidence", it will not be so easy to determine the country that produces stylish care products. All products of the Berezka Lab brand are made from 100% natural ingredients, do not contain parabens, propylene and polyethylene glycols, petrochemicals, phenoxyethanol and other synthetic fillers. And although the choice of products (yet!) Is not as wide as other brands, full face and body care - as well as concise accessories in the form of a bowl and a brush for applying masks - is provided to you.

What to buy: Cleansing Oil, Green Masque for problem skin, Antioxidant Night Serum.


Makosh is the goddess of Slavic mythology and the only female deity whose idol stood in the Kiev sanctuary erected by Prince Vladimir. And "Makosh" is a family workshop of natural cosmetics, founded in 2013. "More natural than natural" - this is how the brand's products could be described if we did it. The founders of "Makosh" speak a little differently: "At first we made creams for our mothers, pleased friends and relatives with all sorts of things. It soon became obvious that we can bring joy and benefit to a much wider circle of good people. For example, you." Tradition and absolute safety for children and animals (including full compostability of packaging) is included.

What to buy: lip balm "Enchantress" with chocolate, natural shampoo for oily hair "Firebird", cream for tender places "Poppy".


"Arcadia" positions itself on the market as a professional cosmetics with a European approach, created to meet the needs of modern women. Responsibility for this lies with the entire research and production laboratory in St. Petersburg, and, in particular, with the company's president, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Elena Vasilievna Korobkova. By the way, in 2013 "Arcadia" became the owner of the National Award "My Cosmetics" in the nomination "Alliance of Beauty and Science" (for UpGrade 40+ cream). However, in the line of the brand you can find many equally worthy products that promote self-healing and self-regulation of the skin as the main principle of Arcadia.

What to buy: Prime toner for normal and sensitive skin, T-Mate serum, LymiWhite face mask.


Iffecta is not exactly a brand, if we take this word in the usual sense. More like a "one-cream brand" that grew out of a group discussing new beauty and care trends on Facebook. The creator of Iffecta, the beautiful girl Katya, like many of the heroines of our selection, once wanted to create a facial skin care product that would suit her in all respects. “Over 19 years of work and study in the cosmetics industry, I have accumulated a decent amount of knowledge, proven in practice. Finally, my dream came true, and the result is in front of you,” she says. Now the perfect cream with the telling name My Perfect Cream and a bunch of nice bonuses has a relative - My Magic Cream. And both of these products are definitely worthy of your attention.

What to buy: My Perfect Cream to fight the first signs of aging, My Magic Cream to fight the visible signs of aging.

Siberian Health

Siberian Health Corporation has been developing and producing a wide range of cosmetics and biologically active food supplements since 1996. Siberia appeared in the name, of course, for a reason. The formulas of care products are based on medicinal herbs of Lake Baikal and Gorny Altai. Separately, we note that Siberian Health also has its own research center, which calls the support of domestic science and the introduction of promising developments of Russian scientists into practice its main mission. Have you thought that silver packaging and complex names cannot be avoided? And here it is not. Everything is very nice and modern - both in design and in action.

What to buy: oil for nails and cuticles "Siberian Rose", rejuvenating day fluid Experalta Platinum, regenerating hand cream "Baarhad".


Laboratorium - handmade cosmetics, which is created in St. Petersburg. The main components of the products include vegetable and essential oils, water, flowers, herbs and various minerals. Interestingly, according to the producers, they collect most of the herbs and flowers themselves, which makes the idea even more advantageous. When creating products, a minimum of preservatives and packaging is used, and products of animal origin are not used. All this, however, does not affect the breadth of the line: there are body creams, shower soaps, bath milks, as well as scrubs and balms for the sweetest kisses.

What to buy: bath mix "From suspicious thoughts", soap with sea salt, vanilla-raspberry balm.


When science meets beauty, brands like Evolut are born. The design of the packaging with references to molecular structures speaks for itself, and scientific studies confirming the work of each of the components of the product (there are only three of them in the line, but which ones) cause boundless respect. Evolut manufacturers rely on products that everyone needs without exception - antiseptic, soap and cleanser - and silver nanoparticles as the main active ingredient. And they do their job so well that the restrictions in terms of formats do not affect the final result.

What to buy: antiseptic for hands, soap for problem skin of the face and body, foam for daily washing and make-up removal.


MI&KO is a family owned organic beauty company with perhaps the cutest description we've ever come across. Just listen: "The name of the company was suggested by Ekaterina's grown-up son, who asked for "mother's miko". And so MI & KO appeared." Ekaterina Matantseva, the founder of the brand, thought about creating her own brand just during her pregnancy. She wanted to find cosmetics and household products that would protect the health of the baby and take care of the cleanliness in the house. As a result, in the composition of the products you can find extracts grown in ecologically clean corners of Russia, olive oil, which is made by a Russian family on their own farm in Italy, hand-pressed shea butter and other components that have been touched by a human hand, not a machine.

What to buy: facial fluid "Lavender", children's healing cream "Tender Age", wax for split ends of hair "Ylang-Ylang".


“What happens when top-notch design meets beauty expertise?” Pudra.ru asks. We, like many domestic bloggers, know the right answer. The result is the cosmetic brand PUDRA, inspired by many years of experience in the industry with special attention to the formulas and production of each new product. At the moment, the collection consists of weightless powder and brushes that will allow you to apply makeup like a professional makeup artist. But this, something tells us, is only the beginning. Especially when you consider that one of the most famous Russian beauty bloggers and, in combination, the creative director of Pudra.ru Sergey Ostrikov was noticed working on PUDRA.

What to buy: translucent Ultra HD powder, Trilogy brush set.

Photo: Instagram/evamosaic_evaesthetic

Eva Mosaic

Manufacturers call the Eva Mosaic brand "the universe of fashion innovation", and it's hard to argue with that. In the assortment you can find all the novelties of the beauty market, as well as the basic products that every girl needs: highlighters and concealers, eye and eyebrow shadows, ball-shaped balms (hello, EOS!) and wipes for delicate make-up removal. The creative team of Eva Mosaic actively cooperates with leading cosmetics manufacturers from Italy, France and Germany, so the brand immediately takes note of all the most interesting. And, of course, we cannot but mention the prices, which, combined with the quality, will pleasantly surprise you.

What to buy: universal highlighter-pencil, makeup brushes "Tenderer than a feather", drying-aerosol nail polish.

Art Visage

Decorative cosmetics Art-Visage, the main brand of Studio-Laboratory ART-VISAGE, exists and feels great on the market since 1998. According to the manufacturers, each product of the brand performs three functions: decorative (maximum color matching of cosmetics in a jar and on the skin), caring (contains natural waxes and plant extracts) and protective (UV filters and antioxidants are included in the composition). A wide range allows you to choose the perfect color and the most comfortable texture, and if you do not find what you have been looking for for so long, you can make an individual order in the laboratory. Do you want lipstick in the shade of a unicorn flying over the city on a moonlit night? Easily!

What to buy: eyebrow and eyelash gel, compact blush palette, Color Fix eyeshadow base.
