With a great figure. Best Figure

Nowadays, it is difficult to meet a girl who would be absolutely happy with her figure - as a rule, every representative of the fairer sex has some kind of complex, striving for ideals, and completely in vain! According to research, not every man is delighted with tall, thin girls from the catwalks. Let's talk about which female figure can rightfully be called the most beautiful.

The most beautiful figures of girls

According to surveys, men like women with a beautiful figure with curves much more than women who are thin. Psychologists explain this by saying that the outstanding shape of a beautiful female figure is a sign of good health and the ability to give birth to offspring. Therefore, the first place in the list of the most beautiful figures of women is deservedly occupied by the “hourglass”.

The second place is occupied by girls of short stature with a thin physique - according to men, these sophisticated creatures look very touching, you want to protect and protect such girls.

And only the third place is occupied by the well-known proportions of the female body 90-60-90. Undoubtedly, a body with such parameters looks very harmonious - a slender figure with medium-sized breasts and moderately prominent hips.

Beautiful female figure - changeable beauty

Plunging into the history of the twentieth century alone, we will be convinced that the ideals of beauty are probably the most changeable thing in our world. So, we all remember with what delight men and women remember the beautiful Marilyn Monroe; many girls strived for her ideal. What are the proportions of her body? With a height of less than 160 cm, her parameters were 92-60-86.

In the 60s, the ideals of beauty changed somewhat, and the most beautiful figure was considered to be Twiggy (Leslie Hornby) with body parameters 80-53-80 with a height of 170 cm. This standard is very close to the current slender ideals.

In the 80s, Madonna Veronica Louise Chiconne, known to everyone under the pseudonym, became an idol of youth. It was she who set the trend for the ideals of the most beautiful figures of women, having average height and measurements of 90-60-86.

Today, morals have changed dramatically, and more and more girls are striving for the ideal of beauty of Angelina Jolie with tall stature and a “carrot” figure - wide shoulders and narrow hips. These parameters of a female figure are considered today to be the most beautiful in the fashion world.

How to emphasize the beauty of your figure?

Due to complexes inspired by television screens, we often underestimate the advantages of our figure, and instead of making the right accents, we hide under concealing clothes. But with the help of clothes you can both emphasize the advantages of your figure and hide its shortcomings.

To highlight the shape of your breasts and attract attention, you should give preference to dresses with a lifting corset.

Tops and shirts with a deep V-neck will also cope brilliantly with this task.

The best way to emphasize a thin waist is to accentuate it with belts and straps, which look most beautiful on sophisticated dresses.

You can also focus attention on the waist with the help of high trousers and skirts, which can not only create a powerful accent, but also visually adjust.

How to emphasize your hips? To do this, it is better to give preference to skirt models with a low waist and an abundance of stylish decor.

Having become a fad of the 1990s, the image of the thinnest female model is a thing of the past; now rounded shapes are in fashion. Unless you've been living in a cave until now, it's obvious that the era of hourglass figures and bodacious Hollywood beauties has taken over. The hallmarks of the ideal hourglass figure have remained largely unchanged since the days of Marilyn Monroe, but today, in 2015, bigger is apparently better in mainstream fashion, and the speechless curves of some Hollywood girls are no exception. Whether they were born with them or bought them, one thing is certain - these ladies are truly a hit.

1 Marilyn Monroe

Often copied, but always inimitable, the classic beauty Marilyn Monroe will always serve as a model for a seductive hourglass figure. At a time when the media was seemingly dominated by thinner figures, Marilyn emerged to completely change the world's perception of beauty standards, and in the process she became a Hollywood legend and the idol of all little girls. Marilyn truly became one of the founders of the curvy girl movement and will forever remain one of the most stunning beauties in Hollywood.

2 Salma Hayek

With her magnificent curves, beautiful long hair and superb face, Salma Hayek is the epitome of a stunning beauty. Even while playing the role of an artless, tormented artist in the film “Frida,” the radiance of Salma’s beauty still made its way out, since it is difficult to keep her inside. In several scenes of the film “Frida,” Salma bared all of herself in the full sense of the word, and men, as well as women, had to recognize the embodiment of beauty that Salma Hayek is. Another natural beauty, the stars aligned and Salma Hyajek was born.

3 Kelly Brook

Although not as famous as her curvaceous counterparts, Kelly Brook is certainly one of the famous women with a feminine figure, as her body perfectly embodies the idea of ​​an hourglass figure. Her petite waist is complemented by captivating hips, and her bra size is a great injustice to many girls. With her classic Hollywood looks, Kelly is undoubtedly a seductive beauty not to be forgotten and will soon be among the top stars.

4 Tyra Banks

Tyra grew up as a tall, lanky teenager, and no one expected what a beautiful, full-breasted and seductive woman she would become. Tyra’s first forms began to appear only at almost 19 years old, but as soon as they were discovered, she certainly received divine blessing and acquired the correct shape. Tyra's height and curves led her to a coveted job as a Victoria's Secret runway model, and from that point on, Tyra built her empire on the strength of her beauty and brains.

5 Christina Hendricks

This seductive hottie is a revival of the Hollywood glamor of yesteryear, quite literally, as she is the star of the hit TV series Mad Men, based in 1960s America. Ironically, this red-haired beauty had a hard time in high school at first. When Christina was a teenager, she was so teased and bullied in high school that she began to separate from her peers and turned to gothic style and ideology for refuge. Looking at her current incredible success and beauty, it is difficult to imagine that she was once anything but charming.

6 Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett has all the charms and uses them flawlessly. With her perfect butt, captivating curve of her hips and ample, enticing bust, this blonde beauty is blessed with stunning curves and isn't afraid to show them off. Scarlett is yet another Hollywood star to receive Esquire magazine's prestigious "Sexiest Woman Alive" award, and with such piercing eyes and such a sexy body, Scarlett's award for this award is not at all surprising and, frankly, deserved.

7 Kat Dennings

With her signature 1940s hairstyle and amazing body with natural curves, this red-haired beauty looks like good old Hollywood glamour. This girl has it all: beautiful porcelain skin, perfectly rounded lips and a rich neckline. When asked what she does to keep her body so amazing, Kat admits it's nothing special and that she really finds it difficult to stay away from junk food. Sorry ladies, but there is no secret way to get this look - this girl was just born this way.

8 Jennifer Love Hewitt

Jennifer Love Hewitt is a high school student's dream girl. She looks like the sweet and innocent girl next door, but she has the curves of a seductive Greek goddess who knows a lot about men's broken hearts. In the short-lived television series The Client List, viewers saw Jennifer at her sexiest, as she played the role of a masseuse providing a not-so-legal "special" massage. This girl is a natural beauty, and her feminine figure will definitely go down in history as one of the most beautiful in Hollywood.

9 Jennifer Lopez

If you were interested in hip-hop in the early 2000s, then we're sure you most likely remember Jennifer Lopez's "My love don't cost a thing" video, and how can you forget it. In this sexy and sensual clip, Jennifer Lopez shows off her amazing curves while wearing just a tank top and bikini bottoms. Her flat, tanned stomach paired with curvy hips and curvy butt cements her position as one of the reigning queens of the hourglass kingdom, and 15 years later, at the age of 45, she is still winning hearts.

10 Mariah Carey

Even in her youth, Mariah was curvy, but later something happened and her long, thin body seemed to become even curvier. The multi-platinum singer isn't shy about showing off her incredible assets and takes on the look of one of her favorite characters, Jessica Rabbit, and it shows in the way she dresses. Mariah is the very definition of dignity, sass and captivating curves, and at the age of 44, the R&B singer is still just as beautiful.

11 Beyoncé

Beyonce is not only famous for her Grammy-winning curves, but she actually coined a new word to enter the English dictionary to describe her shamefully curvy body. Having voiced the expression “bootylicious” (translation from English: sexy, luxurious), Beyoncé soon initiated the movement of girls with curvy figures, proudly showing off her body and calling on other girls to follow her example in her songs. Beyoncé has been declared the most beautiful woman in the world several times in a row, and we can only agree with those curves, plus her face and indescribable talent.

12 Kim Kardashian

The notorious Kim Kardashian became famous, literally, only thanks to her unimaginable forms. Kim is not a singer, not a dancer, not an actress, she is just an amazingly beautiful woman who has become famous for her feminine figure. Again, no matter how much one argues about whether nature endowed her with these “merits,” one can imagine these forms on many other people, and they still won’t look like Kim. Whether you like her or not, she is one sexy thing.

13 Nicki Minaj

Nicki's music video for "Anaconda" has become the subject of numerous legends and has sparked much debate about society's current obsession with women's buttocks and whether Nicki is a natural beauty with an hourglass figure or has undergone some kind of surgical alteration. The fact remains that whether she paid for those bold curves or was born with them, no one can shake them like Nicki, and she brushes aside any doubt that everyone knows it with all the music videos she's directed, in which The main role is played by her small, but at the same time sexy body.

14 Iggy Azalea

Although she spent several years working in the music industry, Iggy Azalea seemed to emerge onto the music scene with some natural gifts. To say that everyone was a little surprised to discover that Iggy was a rapper originally from New Zealand would be an understatement. But she shocked everyone even more when she showed off her unimaginably seductive charms, which could easily compete with such curvaceous ladies as J. Lo and Beyoncé. Iggy broke all the usual stereotypes regarding female rappers and looked great doing it.

15 Amber Rose

If you're on Instagram, there's no way you missed that epic photo Amber Rose posted recently. This shaved, blonde beauty may have injected herself into Kim Kardashian's online behavior when she posted this photo, proving that just because you're a mom and recently separated from your long-term boyfriend doesn't mean you shouldn't look amazing. Amber's curves are simply stellar, and the barely there bikini does a great job of showing them off.

The woman's figure is beautiful! The question of which woman’s figure is the most beautiful in the world is very difficult to answer, because... this is determined by outsiders...

Therefore, let’s take a look at the “ten” most beautiful bodies (figures) and find out which female figure is the most beautiful in the world, look at the photo.

First place: Helen Mirren

Second place: Elle Macpherson

Third place: Kelly Brook

Fourth place: Jennifer Lopez

Fifth place: Cheryl Cole

Sixth place: Mylene Klaas

Seventh place: Holly Willoughby

Eighth place: Pippa Middleton

Ninth place: Kate Winslet

Tenth place: Nicole Scherzinger

How to achieve the most beautiful figure in the world?


Believe it or not, this can happen if you put a lot of effort into it! How to achieve beauty in your figure?

Examples that can be great navigators:

Not the kind of running that “sorries” the body, but a real one, with full dedication. You need to circle more than one house to achieve success.

  • Jumping

No, not from the balcony or from the turnstile. Just jump. Well, or with jumping ropes or rubber bands, if that’s the desire.

  • Murder of sweets

Everything you see in the list you need to send away:

  1. The cottage cheese is sweet.
  2. Coffee.
  3. Chewing gum.
  4. Candies.
  5. Chocolate.
  6. Syrniki.
  7. Marshmallow.

About how girls look for the most beautiful figures


Maria Korzhenevskaya:“I just follow the Kremlin rules.” And don’t say that this idea is somehow outdated. I won’t believe it, because good or ideal never gets old. Anyone who wants to argue with me, I’m waiting for you in the comments.”


Efrosinya Lenskaya:“Twist the hoop and run at least five circles every morning. Yes…. Also drink coffee and tea without added sugar. It helps, honestly. This is how I save my figure from excess weight.”

Focus on nutrition

Marina Malinovskaya:“Pasta and ketchup are the enemies of any female figure. In a personal example, I “overate” ketchup. The figure “flaunted” an excess of kilograms. I was terribly furious, but at first I didn’t understand where all the extra stuff was coming from. It seemed as if I had smeared myself with hormonal ointment. Ointments of this type often cause problems with figures.”


Olga Bondorovets:“I don’t complain about my figure, because I’m just not getting better. The Constitution is like this. Many friends never cease to feel envy about this. I’m not offended, but it’s unpleasant when people envy.”

Banned figure

Polina Medvedeva:“My husband forbids me to go on diets. He says that he will not allow me to harm my body. Of course, it's easy for him to say! Men don't look after their figures. They will never refuse beer and fish. Even if you show them how many kilocalories there are in these “delights”. I wouldn't want to be born a man. It's boring to be a man."

Stair marathons

Arina Zapolskaya:“I live on the nineteenth floor. Every day I walk both up and down. Can you imagine how much excess weight I lose in a week? My figure lives and breathes beauty. And I don’t want to give up this beauty.”


Elena Erokhina: “I eat only fruits and vegetables, drink only water and juices without sugar. Scary diet, isn't it? But I’m not afraid of her: I was afraid. But I bought a gorgeous dress. And it doesn’t feel too tight for me, it’s like it was tailor-made for me. That's why I have such respect for diets. Are there those who like to change the size of their figure? We have something to discuss!”


Svetlana Molchan:“What nonsense? Everyone is obsessed with figures and diets! Love yourself! You don't need to change yourself radically. There is no need for any adjustments if you are loved. Anorexia is not a solution or a way to become more beautiful.”

Mode decision

Natalya Metelskaya:“I don’t eat after six. My figure never ceases to please me. And the outfits are easy to find by size. I'm so happy that I can control myself. By the way, sometimes I forget to eat. The boss likes to overwhelm me with tasks. And I am grateful to him for this “stuff.” And I live without alcohol. It also has mega-calorie content! I’m not just talking about beer.”

Divorce is great for losing weight

Anastasia Bortnichuk:“I didn’t even need any diet. I just divorced my husband. You can’t imagine how much weight I lost from this divorce process. Soon I will begin to glow like an X-ray photograph... It’s better to save your family than a beautiful figure.”

Opinion of a plump woman

Polina Zelenova:“Girls, don’t look up to models! They have their own diets and nutritionists. And you, due to your incompetence, can do this to your figure... You will curse any weight loss for the rest of your life. Hospitals and pills are not a great future. Or have you not realized this yet?

No drugs

Kristina Romanovskaya:“Do whatever you want, just don’t take diet pills! They are very harmful, girls. These pills are slow poison. Take care and protect yourself, dears! Men will like you anyway. My sister almost died from diet pills. Don't take risks like she did. Take care of the nerves of your loved ones if you have completely stopped thinking about yourself.”

Physical exercise

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It is very difficult to find a woman completely satisfied with her figure. Usually, they come up with various complexes for themselves, which they then try to fight. And in most cases it turns out in vain! As surveys among men have shown, few of them like very thin female models. So what does the most beautiful figure in the world look like? And is there such a thing?

The most beautiful figures of girls

Most men call a figure with curves beautiful. Psychologists have found an explanation for this in that this is how men subconsciously choose a partner with good health and the ability to reproduce. Therefore, it is not surprising that the hourglass figure is considered the most attractive.

Following the “hourglass” are miniature girls of short stature. They attract men with their sophistication and touching nature. I want to protect them on a subconscious level.

But the well-known parameters 90-60-90 were only in 3rd place among men’s preferences. Of course, such a figure is harmonious. These girls have a slender figure, slightly protruding hips and medium breasts.

Changing beauty standards

If you delve into the history of the last century, you can see how changing beauty standards are. Remember how all women strived to be like the favorite of men - Marilyn Monroe. And her proportions were 92-60-86. And this with a height of only 158 cm.

A little later, Leslie Hornby and her parameters 80-53-80 with a height of 170 cm were considered the ideal of beauty. She is the one who is closest to the modern standard of beauty.

In the 80s of the last century, the singer Madonna became the idol of millions with parameters 90-60-86 with average height.

Today, beauty standards have changed and everyone wants to be like Angelina Jolie - a tall girl with a “carrot” figure, who has wide shoulders and at the same time quite narrow hips. Today women with this type of figure are usually called the most beautiful.

As men themselves say, what attracts them to a woman’s figure is not its volume, but its proportionality and aesthetics. Thus, researchers have determined that the majority of representatives of the stronger sex consider a waist of 75 cm and hips of about 100 cm to be the most beautiful. At the same time, everyone has their own preferred breast volume, but for the majority, size 3 is ideal.

The most beautiful star figures

As you can see, famous people acted as role models at any time. Among modern stars, the ideal figures are:

The 36-year-old beauty, with a height of 165 cm, weighs 52 kg and measures 89-61-90 cm. For this reason, Nicole adheres to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. She works out with a personal fitness trainer 3 times a week.

The 30-year-old American actress is called by many as the owner of an ideal figure. With a height of 164 cm, she weighs 54 kg. Her measurements are 94-63-95 cm. To achieve them, the actress adheres to a balanced diet and does not bother herself with grueling workouts in the gym.

With a height of 169 cm, the beauty weighs 55 kg and boasts parameters of 90-62-91 cm. To keep herself in shape, Jessica trains gruelingly 4 times a week in the fitness center, and during lunch she eats only half a serving.

At 50 years old, the actress boasts measurements of 92-65-97 cm, with a height of 176 cm and a weight of 65 kg. Monica claims that this is a consequence of her active lifestyle. To get in shape before filming, she refuses sweets and starchy foods.

The 46-year-old beauty has not left the pedestal of the most beautiful woman in the world for several decades. With a height of 177 cm, her weight is 55 kg, and her parameters are 90-59-91 cm. Holly monitors her nutrition not only for these parameters, but also because she suffers from diabetes.

Emphasizing the beauty of the figure

Often, under the influence of glossy magazines and pictures from television screens, women underestimate their figure. And they hide the advantages of their figure, underestimating its advantages. But to highlight them and hide what is imperfect, you just need to choose the right wardrobe.

Corsets and shirts with a V-neck will help draw attention to beautiful breasts.

Thongs and belts, high-waisted skirts and trousers help to emphasize a wasp waist.

Skirts with a low waist and bright decor help to emphasize beautiful hips.

Those with long and slender legs should choose tight dresses or skirts and short shorts.

Experiment with your clothes and remember - each of us is ideal and unique!

It’s almost fantastic luck to meet a girl who is completely and completely satisfied with the constitution of her body - almost all of them have some kind of complex regarding their figure or posture. Which is actually quite futile!

Based on the facts of scientific research, not every man finds the skinny figures of fashion models from the world of high fashion ideal. It is reasonable to ask the question - what type of female figure can be called the most attractive without a shadow of a doubt?

The most beautiful figures of girls

After taking into account the results of the survey, a conclusion emerges - among men there are significantly more of those who are delighted with curvaceous girlish forms than with tall and thin ones. Psychology has a simple explanation for this phenomenon - men, on a subconscious level, regard women with such a physique as the best mothers for their offspring due to obvious signs of health and the ability to give birth. This type of figure is called “Hourglass” - and it rightfully takes first place among the most beautiful figures.

Oddly enough, the next place in the list of the most attractive figures goes to thin girls of short stature. The men themselves justify their choice as follows: these touching creatures are an image of sensuality and refinement of nature, causing in a man a wild desire to keep and care for them.

But girls with “ideal proportions” such as 90-60-90 receive only bronze and an honorable third place. A slender figure with a wasp waist, toned chest and moderately developed hips is the standard of harmony and beauty.

Beautiful female figure - changeable beauty

Having reviewed examples from history, well, say, at least the last century, one can notice an interesting feature - there is no more changeable concept than the idea of ​​the ideals of female beauty. Here, the same Marilyn Monroe - her beauty circled and befuddled the heads of more than one generation of men. She served as a role model for many women - and this with physical parameters 92-60-89, with a height of 160 cm.

But closer to the 60s, beauty standards underwent dramatic changes - the figure of Leslie Hornby, the owner of parameters 80-53-80, with a height of 170 cm, became a trendsetter.

Just 20 years later, Veronica Louise Chicone, better known as Madonna, with her appearance on stage brings back into fashion the parameters 90-60-86, with her average height.

Another woman who influenced the vision of female beauty today is Angelina Jolie - most of the fairer sex strive for the ideal of her beauty - narrow hips and broad shoulders with a fairly high stature. This type of figure is called “Carrot” - these are the parameters that are considered ideal today.

How to emphasize the beauty of your figure?

Under the weight of stereotypes imposed on modern society by means of mass media, girls often began to underestimate their body types. But by choosing the right color scheme, material and cut of clothing, you can both hide the flaws of your figure and emphasize its advantages.

Dresses with a lifting corset will help to emphasize the shape of your breasts.

If you want to give a more subtle outline to your waist, you should focus on sophisticated evening dresses. Belts and straps of a wide variety of designs will help you with this.

Do you want to highlight your hips? To accomplish this task, skirts with a low waist and an abundance of stylish decor are ideal.
