The most dangerous dog on earth. The most evil and dangerous dog breeds in the world

What determines the nature of the dog: from its breed or from education? As a rule, most of the dog's character traits are laid down through education, however, some breeds show a greater tendency to aggression towards other dogs and people than others. Renowned dog trainer Cesar Millan is the owner of an obedient and calm pit bull (a breed of dog often attributed to a propensity for aggression). In response to a question about aggressiveness, Cesar stated the following: “All dogs are great companions, it all depends on how you treat the dog. Initially, for them there is nothing but trust, love and respect. And although almost all dogs can become excellent companions, almost all of them are capable of becoming killers - someone is easier due to the predisposition of the breed, someone is more difficult, but the fact remains: first of all, everything depends on education. Today you will get acquainted with the ten most aggressive dog breeds, which, if not properly trained, can become real killers.

10. Dog

If properly trained, the Great Dane will be the most gentle and affectionate dog, but with the wrong approach, these dogs, due to their size, can pose a significant threat. Males of this breed reach a weight of 90 kilograms and 86 centimeters at the withers. One of these dogs got on a TV show with Cesar Millan after he attacked a neighbor passing by, clutching his arm. The last known fatal encounter with a Great Dane occurred in 2003 when a 2-year-old girl died in South Carolina, and the most recent case of this dog breed attacking people was recorded this summer when a 6-year-old girl was injured. which subsequently required major surgery.

9. Boxer

Boxers are descendants of hunting dogs that were used during the First World War as guard dogs and to strengthen the striking power of infantry. Boxers are known for their strong jaws and powerful bites. This breed of dog has a pronounced protective instinct, which sounds quite tempting for those families where there is a need for security. Nevertheless, for all its advantages, it is a rather stubborn dog. The last case of a boxer's fatal attack occurred on December 28, 2013 in Arizona, when a man tried to separate his fighting dogs.

8 Wolf Hybrids

All dogs are descendants of wolves, but many breeds continue to interbreed with their wild counterparts today. Due to their inherited high sense of danger, these animals are usually shy and unpredictable, and the possession of such dogs is prohibited by law in many countries. According to historical records, dog-wolf hybrids were responsible for 14 deaths between 1979 and 1998.

7. Malamute

Malamutes are responsible for five deaths in the United States between 1966 and 1980, according to research from the University of Texas. This dog breed is often used as mounts and is the national pride of Alaska. One of the characteristic features of Malamutes is their predilection for hunting small animals.

6 Husky

Like the Malamute, the Husky is also a sled dog. These are well-built and energetic dogs, which, based on the history of their breed, are more likely to be working animals than socially active. In the United States, between 1979 and 1998, Siberian Huskies were responsible for the deaths of 15 people.

5. Bullmastiff

This is a large and rather intimidating breed of dog. Males can reach a weight of 60 kilograms, so it is extremely important to properly raise a puppy. Initially, bullmastiffs served as watchdogs with an aggressive disposition. One of the most recent cases of this breed of dog attacking a person occurred this year in New Jersey, when an escaped bullmastiff attacked and killed a 13-year-old boy. In addition, another sad fatality also occurred this year when a bullmastiff killed a teenager who stood up for a girl who was attacked by a dog.

4. Doberman

Previously, Dobermans were widely used in the police service. This breed of dog can be aggressive towards strangers, but rarely towards its own family. And although the reputation of this dog has improved quite a lot in recent years, its strength and size still make it potentially dangerous to humans. The last case of death from Doberman bites was registered in 2011 in the United States, when the dog bit his mistress.

3 German Shepherd

The bite force of a German Shepherd can exceed 1060 Newtons, in addition, according to some studies, German Shepherds are prone to attacks on smaller breeds of dogs. Last year there was a reported case of a German Shepherd attacking a 35-year-old woman in her home. The woman died from her bites two days later. Today, this breed of dog is widely used in the police service.

2. Rottweiler

Between 1993 and 1996, Rottweilers were responsible for half of all dog attack deaths in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The amazing endurance and strength of this breed makes it even more dangerous. The bite of a Rottweiler usually reaches a force of 1180-1460 Newtons.

1 Pitbull

Today, pit bulls are considered the most aggressive and dangerous dogs. They are responsible for 22 deaths this year alone. To subdue the aggressive nature of this dog, a serious approach to training is required. In many parts of the world, owning a dog of this breed is prohibited by law. According to studies published in 1991, it was found that 94% of all cases of attacks by these dogs on children were groundless. This percentage is twice that of other breeds, where it is typically 43%. A five-year study conducted by the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia between 2001 and 2005 found that pit bulls were responsible for over half of dog attacks on children. Of the 269 cases reported over the years, 137 belonged to this breed of dog.

Even the cutest pet can be dangerous to humans. This is especially true for exotic species of animals that cannot be trained. Dogs remain the most dangerous to humans. Owners of these pets should remember that they can be aggressive, so you should first carefully study the characteristics of each breed. We bring to your attention a rating where the most dangerous dogs in the world are presented.

On what basis are dogs ranked among the most dangerous?

Exist a large number of conditions under which certain breeds made it into the top 10. When breeding them, the main goal of breeders was to create an aggressive animal with certain qualities. That is why puppies are subjected to a special training method at an early age.

There are breeds that were originally designed for attack. They are characterized by aggression, courage and strength.

There are the following potentially dangerous dog breeds that are in the top 10:

  • fighting;
  • security;
  • watchdog;
  • hunting.

It should be noted that the hunting breed will not attack a person without any reason, since such dogs are trained to hunt game or animals. However, under certain conditions, a very angry dog ​​can also pose a threat to humans. We suggest watching a video on this topic (author SiselPRO).

Representatives of the fighting breed are distinguished by the fact that attack, fights and aggression are laid down in their genetics. Their stranglehold deserves special attention. Such dogs should be properly trained so that they do not throw themselves at other dogs or people without reason or commands. Any reminder of the fight will be regarded by the animals as a challenge. They attack, as a rule, without any sounds and very quietly.

Angry Pets Review

Dogs are quite friendly to people. They are sociable, but under certain conditions, even the cutest dog can turn into an aggressive beast. So, the following most dangerous dog breeds are in the top 10 most dangerous dogs in the world.

pit bull

This is the most dangerous dog in the world. The law of some countries categorically prohibits breeding this breed. Initially, they were. They are distinguished by a large body and powerful muscles. For the first time this breed was obtained in Germany. The height of the pit bull is 46-55 cm at the withers, body weight - 36 kg.

Given that the pit bull is a fighting breed, in the hands of inexperienced owners, the dog can become dangerous, due to its uncontrolled aggression and anger. These dogs are fearless and can handle almost any opponent. They are able to clench their prey in their teeth until death.


Second place in the top 10 is occupied by the Rottweiler. This dog breed is one of the most popular. Its representatives are characterized by well-developed powerful jaws. These dogs are bold, assertive and energetic. The height of the animal at the withers is 68 cm, and the weight is 60 kg.

Rottweilers are protective, so they are suspicious of outsiders and tend to follow the commands of only one person. At the slightest threat to the owner, they become aggressive and uncontrollable.

bull terrier

This is a mix of several breeds. It is worth noting that these dogs are active, hardy and muscular. Their height reaches 50 cm, and weight - 35 kg. The breed itself originated in England in the 19th century. The Bull Terrier has an intimidating appearance, however, with the right upbringing, he is a good companion and behaves friendly. In the top 10, this breed was due to a stranglehold and a strong jaw. In addition, bull terriers do not get along with other types of animals.

German boxer

This dog is intimidating. Representatives of this breed have an energetic and playful character, and often serve as guards.

They made it into the top 10 due to their strong and stocky physique, as well as the presence of a very strong jaw. But, despite this fact, they lend themselves well to training, and also get along well with people.

Siberian Husky

This breed was bred for sledding. Its representatives have a hunting instinct. Russia is considered their country of origin. The height of the dog at the withers is 60 cm, and by weight they can reach up to 30 kg. The nature of these dogs is peaceful and playful, they get along well with people. The breed is included in the rating due to the fact that without constant intensive training, dogs can get bored and become aggressive.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The breed was bred in Russia and has a fairly large size. The height of the dog is 80 cm, and the weight is 80 kg. characterized by fearlessness and determination. There are several types of dogs of this breed: short-haired, long-haired and medium-haired.

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is easy to train. In addition, these dogs are good watchdogs with endurance and quick wits. In the top 10, she was due to a wary attitude towards strangers, a large body mass and her strength.


Outwardly elegant and graceful, while quite strong. They belong to the category of protective breeds. They get along well with children, but they are explosive in nature, therefore, when they show aggression, they are dangerous to humans. They attack, as a rule, only in case of a real threat to their owner or his family.

chow chow

You can't tell by their appearance that they are evil. Many regard them as a fluffy lump with a melancholy character. The breed was bred in China. The growth of the dog at the withers reaches 56 cm, and they can weigh 30 kg.

Despite their good-natured appearance, they are still in the top 10 most dangerous, as they can turn into an aggressive animal in a few seconds. Without proper training and education, this breed becomes dangerous.

German Shepherd

Very smart, loyal and attentive dogs. Their character is distinguished by courage and self-confidence. In addition, physically these dogs are very strong. Representatives of this breed are excellent companions and guards.

Despite such a number of positive qualities, it can show aggression towards a person, which is due to improper training or unacceptable conditions of detention. That is why they are in the top 10.

Dogo Canario

This Great Dane is considered a guard breed. He is a family favorite, babysitter and bodyguard. The breed is distinguished by a strong and stocky build. The growth of individuals can reach 65 cm, and weight - 65 kg.

The Dogo Canario is characterized by a balanced temperament and a strong attachment to the owner. He treats strangers with caution, which is demonstrated by a certain body posture. He was included in the top 10 because of his ability to rush at lightning speed to protect the owner at the slightest threat.

Every day on the streets we encounter dogs of various breeds. Most of them are domestic, which are simply walked by the owners, and some are "street" without a home. These animals can show friendly intentions towards a person, but sometimes, there are situations when dogs get out of control and show aggression towards a person. Therefore, we have prepared this article, which will describe the TOP 10 dangerous dog breeds in the world. Do you know what are the most dangerous dog breeds in the world?

The most dangerous dog breed in the world

10. Volkosob

This breed of dog, as the name implies, is a cross between a dog and a wolf (as a rule, this cross came with a gray wolf). Therefore, these hybrids are a mixture of genetic traits that share the behavior of both dogs and wolves. By their nature, these are the real predators, which are weakly amenable to training and submission to humans. Wolf hybrids are much smarter than regular dogs and wolves, but more domesticated.

While generally not as aggressive, this breed still ranks ninth on our list of the most dangerous dog breeds in the world. They take this position thanks to forty-eight negative incidents related to dogs of this breed between 1982 and 2012. Boxers are originally from Germany, they can grow from fifty to seventy pounds. These dogs are a bright, playful and energetic personality with, among other things, a stubborn character.

8. Chow Chow

Outwardly, dogs of this breed seem quite calm and peaceful. But, what is remarkable, they require persistent attention from their owners. Otherwise, without proper control and training, Chow Chow dogs grow up to be aggressive and tough animals. They were first brought out in China. They grow from fifty to seventy feet. At home, they are also called "chubby lions."

This breed of dog perfectly distinguishes between its owner and an outsider. They react extremely negatively to the latter, fiercely defending their "breadwinner". Chow Chows are in eighth place in our ranking due to 238 deaths of these pets that occurred between 1979 and 1998. Although they are often kept in apartments, dogs of this breed need daily physical activity and exercise, which allows them to concentrate on following commands and not be dangerous to others.

7. Husky

Dogs of this breed are mainly used in the northern regions of the earth's hemisphere in order to pull sleds. Over time, they were retrained for sledding and trekking travel. Although they look very cute, they can be dangerous to smaller animals due to their innate predatory instinct. Regarding people, huskies are dangerous only with prolonged contact with them.

6 Alaskan Malamute

Dogs of this breed are also sled dogs. They require daily grooming to be happy, otherwise they will lose interest in their owner and become rebellious and destructive. Alaskan Malamutes grow from seventy to one hundred pounds. They are very difficult to train, which is why the owners often have problems with them. Even as puppies, Alaskan Malamutes can be aggressive towards other pets.

5. Doberman

This breed of dog was bred in Germany in 1890 by Karl Friedrich Prizefigter. Dobermans grow from sixty-five to ninety pounds. Previously, they were used as watchdogs or police dogs, but gradually people began to get Dobermans as pets as well. Very often they display aggressive behavior towards strangers or other dogs. At the same time, they are quite friendly to their owners. The main danger is caused by their impressive size, as well as strength.

Most often, Doberman attacks on people are recorded in cases where their owners are in danger. But sometimes even excessive fidelity and alertness leads to mistakes. This allowed the Dobermans to take fifth place in our list of the most dangerous dog breeds in the world.

4. Rottweiler

Rottweilers are quite powerful dogs with well-developed genetics and protective instincts. Like any other dog breed, Rottweilers' potentially dangerous behavior is the result of their owner's careless behavior. Lack of care, socialization and training leads to the fact that Rottweilers can easily get out of control and attack not only other animals, but also humans without reason. In fourth place, Rottweilers were due to their strength, which is difficult to go unnoticed.

3. Pitbull

Nowadays, you rarely meet a person who has never heard of pit bulls, as well as their danger to humans. Initially, this breed of dog was bred for baiting bulls and big bears. Over time, people began to organize violent and illegal fights between pit bulls. This is precisely the reason why pit bulls are the most dangerous dog breed in America.

2 German Shepherd

Many films and series have been made about dogs of this breed. They are highly intelligent, confident, alert and fearless. Very often they are used as police dogs. They need to pay great attention and make every effort to train these dogs. Otherwise, you will not get a protector for your family and home, but a dangerous animal that can attack a person at any time. Also, most importantly, dogs of this breed, bred in Germany, need socialization.

1. Caucasian Shepherd

Caucasian Shepherd - most dangerous dog breed in the world. They were bred to protect farm animals from wild predators. Typical representatives of this breed have a strong-willed and decisive character. When properly trained, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are ideal protectors of their owners, as well as other animals. But in the absence of socialization and training, dogs of this breed are very dangerous and can attack people for any reason. Also, it is worth noting that Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are one of the largest dog breeds in the world. It follows from this that 60% of cases of attacks by these dogs end in death for the attackers.

The most dangerous dogs in the world: forbidden "cholerics" and allowed "hypocrites"

Although "A dog is a man's friend", there are breeds that were clearly not bred for friendship with a person. They can be not so much good guards as a potential danger for both uninvited guests and the owner himself.

It is difficult to determine exactly which is the most dangerous dog in the world: the seemingly cute American pit bull terrier, the lion hunter - the Argentine dogo, or the Caucasian shepherd dog familiar to the Russian people. In any case, among those who received the title of "the most evil" there are many both common and quite rare breeds.

Prohibited dog breeds

This compilation contains the characteristics of fairly well-known breeds that are prohibited or restricted in breeding due to their bad temper.

The American Pit Bull Terrier often receives the title of the most dangerous dog in the world. The breed is banned in many countries of the world: from Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, etc.) and Asia (Israel, Singapore, etc.) to Europe (Switzerland, Norway, Great Britain, Denmark, etc.) and America (some states of the USA and Canada ).

Despite its small size (weight about 30 kg with an average height), the dog is dangerous - without a doubt, the winner in dog fights, the best "policeman" and bodyguard.

By nature, affectionate to children - loves to play with them, good-natured to kids, devoted to the owner, smart. It is this breed, despite its bad "reputation" in many countries, that is considered one of the best for family and protection.

Neapolitan mastiff (mastino napoletano)

The breed was bred in Italy a very long time ago for baiting wild animals in the arenas of Ancient Rome and for protection. Today it is used for guard duty. An interesting fact is that it was the mastino napoletano that was used in the filming of the famous "Harry Potter" in the role of Fang, the pet of the giant Hagrid.

The Neapolitan Mastiff is very loyal, too much so. He can easily become jealous of the owner, showing his displeasure in an aggressive manner. Unkind to children and other animals.

For the reasons described above, mastino breeding is restricted in Romania, Singapore, and prohibited in some states of America and Bermuda.

This is not a breed, but rather the name of a mestizo of an American Pit Bull Terrier (or Staffordshire Terrier) with a Neapolitan Mastiff.

The translation of the name - "chain dog" is fully consistent with the nature of the bandogs. They are fearless, bold and aggressive. This is not surprising, because initially their main purpose was to participate in dog fights. The hopes of the breeders did not come true. Bandogs are inferior in the fight to their "parents" - American Pit Bull Terriers, quickly retreating before their pressure and refusing to fight.

The possession of bandogs is limited in Belarus and Romania, the “breed” is prohibited in Switzerland, some states of America.

Like the bandogs, the Tosa Inu were intended to participate in dog fights. The only difference is that the Tosa Inu were not supposed to “bite” the opponent, but to press him to the ring. Dogs were forbidden to bark in the ring, inflict damage on the enemy - such participants were disqualified.

Representatives of the breed are calm and very "silent", usually unobtrusive and not aggressive. But they are difficult to train, stubborn, unpredictable in relation to strangers and other dogs.

The breed is banned in Israel, Australia, New Zealand, Portugal, Bermuda, some states of America, etc.

Although this breed is recognized as potentially dangerous in Russia, it is common among dog breeders in the country. Large size (males reach 75 cm in height and 50 kg in weight), thick coat that protects well from frost, courage and distrust of strangers are characteristics due to which the dog is increasingly used for protection.

Originally bred to protect sheep from wolves. Now used for guard duty.

Due to their ferocious nature and stubbornness in training, the breed is banned (or restricted in breeding) in Denmark and Italy.

Another forbidden breed of dogs familiar to Russian people. Interestingly, this is one of the oldest breeds. It was bred in the middle of the 18th century in Germany.

Rottweilers are large, hardy and energetic. They have a fairly balanced character, calmly relate to strangers, love children. At the same time, Rottweilers are quite independent (but not stubborn, like, for example, the already mentioned Tosa Inu!), They require a serious approach to training. The bite of a Rottweiler is considered the strongest among all dogs.

The breed is prohibited or restricted in breeding in Spain, France, Israel, the states of America, Italy, etc.

Initially, the breed appeared for the sake of hunting bears, jaguars, and even tracking down escaped slaves in Brazil in the middle of the 20th century. Like the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, the dog is quite large - males reach 70 cm in height and weigh 50-60 kg.

Fila brazileiro can truly be called a man's friend. Dogs of this breed feel their duty to their owners and persistently protect them. That is the problem. There are frequent cases when phyla attack people because of their distrust of strangers.

It is prohibited (or limited) to breed and import the breed in Cyprus, Malta, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, the USA and in a number of European countries - Portugal, Spain, Great Britain, Denmark.

This breed appeared as a result of crossing the Carpathian wolf and the German Shepherd. It is dangerous because its representatives can behave unpredictably, often attacking small children, considering them prey.

Czechoslovak wolfhounds are very "universal". Although they were bred to participate in military operations, later the dogs were used as rescuers, searchers, shepherds, in protective guard duty.

The Czechoslovak Wolfhound is banned in Norway and US military camps.

This breed, as the name implies, was bred in Argentina almost 100 years ago. Its representatives are not very large in size (males weigh an average of 50 kg with a height of 64 cm), when compared with a mastiff or a Caucasian shepherd dog. However, this fact does not make the dog safer. Dogs are characterized by an athletic body structure, the ability to “jump” high and the character of a hunter.

The Dogo Argentino was originally bred to hunt mountain lions, cougars, and bakers. Now they are acquired for protection, protection and just as a companion. Despite this, Dogo Argentino is banned in 10 countries: Australia, Great Britain, Israel, Spain, Norway, etc.

Allowed dog breeds

The following are breeds that are not restricted to breeding but are considered potentially dangerous. This means that so far there have not been a large number of cases of dog attacks on humans, but the size, character or improper upbringing of the dog can pose a danger to both the owner and strangers.

Another name for the breed is "lion dog". It is connected with the purpose of ridgebacks - they were used as assistants by lion hunters. Despite this fact, the representatives of the breed are patient, friendly to children, quiet.

The problem with Rhodesian Ridgebacks is that with the wrong upbringing, they can become unmanageable. The natural character of the hunter is manifested, the dog becomes dominant in relations with the owner. The breed is not suitable for weak people who are used to allowing a pet a lot.

Most people associate chow chow with good nature, fluffy coat and cute look. So it is, representatives of this breed are usually melancholic, constantly “fly in the clouds” and do not particularly pay attention to what is happening around.

At the same time, Chow Chows do not like outsiders, they do not trust strangers. Representatives of the breed especially do not like the excessive love of strangers. If the dog does not like the too insistent desire of an outsider to play or cuddle, he may attack. If the Chow Chow is angered by something, it is capable of becoming an aggressive defender from a detached melancholic in one moment.

Crossbreeding by the English of bulldogs and terriers gave rise to the history of bull terriers. The result was awesome: a strong body, an elongated shape of the muzzle, a scissor bite. Despite this appearance, the breed is quite peaceful and friendly.

However, a strong jaw with a "death grip" is a dangerous characteristic of the dog. If suddenly the pet does not like something, he is able to bite. Bull Terrier bites are the most dangerous among all dogs.

Gul Dong, bulldog, Pakistani mastiff - as soon as this breed is not called. It was originally used in colonial India (modern Pakistan) for baiting wild animals and participating in dog fights.

Plasticity, strength and strong muscles of dogs are combined with resistance to training, making them one of the most dangerous dogs. They are especially aggressive towards other animals, children and teenagers. They act with lightning speed. This breed is able to conquer only an experienced cynologist, an amateur dog breeder can not do it.

The Doberman appeared for the first time in Germany for guard duty. Today they are often used by the military and police. Dobermans have amazing flair and scent. This is a very loyal dog owner. They are friendly towards children, peaceful and real "family people".

Despite the moderate temperament, there are frequent cases of Doberman attacks on humans. The fact is that representatives of this breed do not control themselves well if they see a threat to their family from a stranger.

In fact, there are no 100% dangerous dog breeds. There are only poorly controlled and strongly built. It all depends on the level of physical fitness of the owner and his willingness to be the "leader of the pack" in relation to his pets. Love the dog, train it and educate it, and then even the stubborn dong ghoul will become an obedient companion!

At first glance, it may seem that a dangerous and aggressive dog breed is one and the same. However, practice shows that a non-aggressive large dog can, due to improper handling, cause serious, even fatal, harm to a person. Therefore, this article is divided into 2 parts. In the first we will talk about the most aggressive dog breeds, in the second - about the most dangerous.

The most aggressive dog breeds

In 2006, a draft federal law "On breeding and keeping dogs of aggressive breeds in the Russian Federation" appeared in Russia. It presented a list of dogs of aggressive breeds, which were proposed to be banned from having ordinary citizens. The right to breed and keep dogs of aggressive breeds in the Russian Federation should have been obtained by state paramilitary organizations; legal entities with special statutory tasks; organizations leading the hunting economy; organizations engaged in reindeer and horse breeding, pasture cattle breeding; subdivisions of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducting field work related to the protection of nature and natural resources in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, in hard-to-reach and mountainous areas; specialized enterprises engaged in hunting and hunting; cynological kennels.
After promulgation of the law, it caused a strong public reaction, and the law was never adopted. However, the extensive list of dogs of aggressive breeds presented in the paper is of interest. Here is the list:

AIDI (Atlas Shepherd Dog), Ainu (Ainu Dog, Hokkaido), Akbash, Akita Inu, American Akita (large Japanese dog), Bergamasco (Bergamasco Shepherd Dog), German Boxer, Briard (French Longhaired Shepherd Dog), Danish Broholmer, Arden Bouvier, Flanner Bouvier, Purebred Alapah Bulldog (Otto), American Bulldog, Mallorcan Bulldog (Ca-de-Bou, Pero de Preso Malborkin), Bullmastiff, English Bull Terrier, English Staffordshire Bull Terrier, South African Boerboel, Welsh Terrier, Sheepdog Kart (Shepherd Kart), Sheepdog American-Canadian White, Belgian Shepherd Dog (Grunendael, Laekenois, Molinua, Tarvueren), Bernese Shepherd Dog (Bernese Mountain Dog), Large Swiss Shepherd Dog (Great Swiss Mountain Dog), Dutch Shepherd Dog, Greek Shepherd Dog, Estrelian Shepherd Dog (Portuguese Mountain Dog), Caucasian Shepherd Dog (Wolfhound Caucasian), German Shepherd Dog, South Russian Shepherd Dog (Taurian), Picardy Shepherd Dog (Pikar), Polish Podgalian Shepherd Dog, Polish Tatra Shepherd Dog Anskaya, Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabay, Central Asian Wolfhound), East European Shepherd Dog, Irish Wolfhound, Doberman Pinscher, Argentine Great Dane (Argentine Mastiff), Bordeaux Great Dane (French Mastiff, Dogue de Bordeaux), German Great Dane, Dalmatian, Drathaar, Airedale Terrier, Kangal, Cane Corso, Cao de Castro Laboreiro, Cao de Sera de Astrela (Portuguese Shepherd Dog), Anatolian Karabash, Commander (Hungarian Shepherd Dog), Hungarian Kuvasz, Labrador Retriever, Landseer (Black and White Newfoundland), Laika, Leonberger, Alaskan Malamute , Marema (Shepherd Maremo-Abrutskaya), English Mastiff, Belgian Mastiff, Spanish Mastiff, Pyrenean Mastiff, Tibetan Mastiff, Mastino (Neapolitan Mastiff, Mastino Neapolitano), Mittelschnauzer, Moscow Watchdog, Newfoundland, Pero de Presa Canario (Canary Dog), Pit Bull Terrier American, Puruhaar, Rafeira Dualintejo (Portuguese Watchdog), Rhodesian Ridgeback, Thai Ridgeback, Giant Schnauzer (Great Schnauzer), Rottweiler, St. Bernese r, Italian wolf dog, Saarlo wolf dog (Wolfhound), Czech wolf dog, Pyrenean mountain dog (Great Pyrenean), Russian black terrier, Tosa Inu (Japanese fighting dog), Fila Brasileiro (Brazilian mastiff), fox terrier, Siberian husky, Hovawart, Slovak Chuvach, Jagd Terrier, mestizos (crossbreeds) of all designated breeds.

Including some dog breeds that are non-aggressive in nature may seem strange, but not everything is so simple. It should not be forgotten that even the most harmless-looking dog is a descendant of the wolf, which cannot be called non-aggressive due to its predatory nature. Ancient instincts can doze off with the right dog lifestyle, but if, for example, a sled dog designed for constant activity is kept in the apartment almost constantly, this can spill over into serious outbursts of aggression. Of particular danger are those that are difficult to cope with even for an adult, not to mention a child.

The most dangerous dog breeds. Top 10

Let's move from Russia to another part of the world - to the USA. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) conducted a study to find out the most dangerous dog breeds for humans. The number of cases of deaths as a result of attacks by dogs of different breeds was taken as the basis. over a 20-year period from 1979 to 1998. After processing the statistics in a magazine published by AVMA, the top 10 most dangerous dog breeds were published. The inclusion of some breeds in the list looks surprising at first glance, but it is quite logical, given the considerations expressed in our article above.

10th place. st bernard- a breed of giant-sized dogs, descended from working dogs from the Italian and Swiss Alps, which were originally bred as rescuers. One of . St. Bernard named Raittes Brandy Bear transported 2905 kg during the competition in a wagon. It is the strength and size of the St. Bernard that makes this breed one of the most dangerous if mishandled.

9th place. German dog- the tallest breed of dog in the world, bred for hunting. The record holder of this breed is a gigantic Great Dane from Michigan named Zeus, whose height is 111.8 cm, and standing on his hind legs, he reaches 2.2 m in height. The weight of the giant is 70.3 kg. Another Great Dane became the strongest dog in history, moving a load of 3428.5 kg. Everything that has been said about the strength and size of the St. Bernards applies to the Great Dane, and the fact that the dog is a hunting dog only adds to its hidden danger.

8th place. chow chow One of the oldest dog breeds in the world. According to research, it belongs to the first primitive dog breeds that evolved from wolves. It is the genetic closeness to wolves that explains why this cute-looking dog can be very dangerous. With a lack of exercise (which Chow Chows are vital, because this breed was bred for protection, hunting, reindeer herding and as sled dogs) and simply out of boredom, Chow Chows can attack a person. Therefore, those who have children should think before buying a dog of this breed, by the way, one of them.

7th place. doberman. The presence of this service dog breed, often used by the police, should not be surprising. She also made it to the list of aggressive dog breeds above. Moderate viciousness is an indispensable quality of Dobermans.

6th place. Alaskan Malamute- bred in Alaska by crossing large breeds of wild wolves and sled dogs, designed to work in a team, one of the oldest breeds of dogs. Genetic closeness to wolves, great physical strength, the need for constant physical activity make this breed unsafe for people with improper handling and lifestyle.

In the photo - an Alaskan Malamute named Rader, who is a champion in cargo traction. His personal record is 2072.5 kg.

5th place. A hybrid of a wolf and a dog, called wolfdog in the USA, and in Russia - wolfhound. The danger of this internationally unrecognized breed for humans is primarily due to their wolf disposition and strong hunting instinct. At the same time, wolfdogs are still closer to dogs than to wild wolves. They are controlled by a person, and their advantages are a much more developed instinct, intelligence and endurance than ordinary dogs.

4th place. Siberian Husky . After examining the DNA of Siberian Huskies, scientists ranked them among the 14 oldest dog breeds, whose genotype is the least different from a wild wolf. The breed was bred in ancient times by the Chukchi. This semi-nomadic people needed a dog capable of moving quickly over long distances in order to transport cargo from commercial hunting grounds to permanent settlements and back. Siberian Huskies, when properly kept, which implies constant physical activity, are very friendly to people, because Initially, they were kept directly in the dwellings. But if you lock a husky in 4 walls, then her need for activity will spill over into aggression.

3rd place. German Shepherd . This guard dog breed, often used by police and border guards, should also not come as a surprise to being included in this list.

2nd place. Rottweiler- service dog breed, prone to outbursts of aggression. Like the German Shepherd, it is used in the police and border protection. At the same time, the Rottweiler is heavier and more dangerous than the German Shepherd. According to statistics, in the United States, Rottweiler attacks kill 2 people every year.

1 place. american pit bull terrier. This fighting breed is a symbol of canine aggression. Pit bull terrier attacks have killed 66 people in the United States in 20 years. After the prohibition of dog fighting in America, the breeding of pit bulls was also banned at one time. Their aggressiveness is successfully used by the police, both American and Russian.
