The earliest when the child went. Which is better, early or late baby? oldest celebrity father

When the question is raised about something “the very best” in the world, they usually turn to the Guinness Book of Records. A very unusual case from medical practice was recorded in this respected publication - a girl who gave birth to a child ... at the age of 5. Who is she - the youngest mother in the world?

More precisely - in 5 years 7 months 21 days, and it happened on May 14, 1939 in Peru. Such a young mother's name was Lina Medina, and at first the doctors took her pregnancy for a tumor - after all, it was extremely difficult to assume something similar in a 5-year-old girl! But nevertheless the diagnosis was specified in time. Of course, the girl was not forced to give birth - the boy was born as a result caesarean section. Until the age of 10, he was not told who his real mother was - he considered Lina to be his older sister. Sources do not report anything about his further fate, except that he died at the age of 40 from a disease of the bone marrow (is such an early death with not quite ordinary circumstances of birth - no one can say for sure).

As for Lina herself, she grew up safely, got married and gave birth to a child from her husband. But who was the father of her first child - remained a mystery. It is quite possible that Lina, with all her desire, could not tell about this: after all, sexual contact in childhood must have become a severe emotional shock - and the “protective mechanism” of forgetting could work (how could the parents not notice that the girl was raped - one can only guess).

But the circumstances of the pregnancy of a 6-year-old resident of Kharkov, who gave birth in 1934, are known - and disgusting: the father of the child was ... the girl's grandfather! The child died because the doctors did not immediately decide on a caesarean section - fortunately, the girl was saved.

Of course, behind these cases are crimes that have a very specific name in the criminal code - "molestation of minors." But they became possible thanks to an extremely rare anomaly - early puberty. Usually, it occurs in girls no earlier than 11 years old - and theoretically from this age a girl (more precisely, already a girl) may well become pregnant. Unfortunately, not only theoretically: as practice shows, the number of underage mothers is not decreasing. We are reaping the fruits of the "sexual revolution" - a 14-year-old pregnant teenage girl no longer surprises anyone against the background of 11-year-old mothers.

Sometimes parents also provoke such a situation: thinking to protect their daughter from “corruption”, they prefer to avoid talking about the intimate side of life for as long as possible ... but the void, as you know, tends to be filled: what the girl did not learn from her parents, she learns from more "enlightened" (and not always smart) peers and from magazines of a very dubious nature. “I read that you can have sex from the age of 12, but I’m already 13!” - said the girl whose parents "hid their heads in the sand."

The thought of pregnancy, as a rule, does not bother for one simple reason: the “sources” on which girls are “brought up” present sex as something valuable in itself - without any connection with pregnancy and childbirth, therefore there is no stable association between both . If we are talking about pregnancy, then only in the context of "safe sex": childbearing is listed among the undesirable consequences of "having sex" along with AIDS and syphilis. Therefore, girls, faced with such an “unpleasant consequence”, usually solve the problem simply by crippling themselves with an abortion (very often parents act as the initiators of such a “solution to the problem”).

But it happens in a different way: the girl is afraid to have an abortion; the girl hid her “problem” from everyone for too long - and it’s too late to have an abortion; the girl sincerely believes that if a child is born, then a miracle will happen - the beloved will leave his "old" 25-year-old wife and they will live happily ever after; it also happens that the girl's parents - although they could not explain to their daughter what was happening in time - still turn out to be decent people and do not want their daughter to commit murder (which, although not punishable by law - nevertheless, murder does not cease to be). And then a new person is born - and another underage mother ...

Such mothers make up more than half of the puerperas who leave their children in the maternity hospital. So the child's fate is broken from the very beginning - mothers are unlikely to suffer particularly, given the mentioned features of "sexual education" (no one regrets that they got rid of a venereal disease!).

If, nevertheless, the underage mother does not abandon the child ... of course, there are times when both she and the father of the child love him, enjoy the support of relatives on both sides - but even at this time the situation is far from idyllic. First of all, the age of marriage - 18 years old - was not taken “from the ceiling”: doctors regard an earlier age as a risk factor - it is more likely that a child will be born sick and weak (if he survives at all); according to medical statistics, children of mothers younger than 18 years old are 1.5 times more likely to suffer from tonsillitis and bronchitis and 2 times more often - rickets ... not to mention the fact that congenital pathologies are more common. Poor health such children no wonder: after all, the body of a teenage girl is not yet ready for pregnancy and childbirth, hence there are an order of magnitude more complications than in adult women. Toxicosis is more severe, anemia, hypertension are more common, and the pelvis is not yet developed - so most often you have to do a caesarean section ... all this, of course, is not good for either the child or the mother.

But even if we leave aside the medical side, then even in the most favorable case, the situation is not too good: first of all, you have to put an end to your studies, even if a girl graduates from school, she is unlikely to continue her education. But a child must be supported - how to earn money without education or profession? It’s good if the parents help, and the father of the child from paternity is not - but the parents are not immortal, the father himself is often still the same yesterday’s schoolboy (or even today), and it will not be easy for an adult man to support his family alone all his life, with a non-working wife ( or working for a penny - after all, you can’t count on it without education). In addition, most often the father of the child "disappears in an unknown direction" ...

The psychological side is no better either ... how can a young mother perceive a child?

“I will never play with dolls again, because now there is a new“ doll ”, - says the young Bulgarian Kordeza Zhelyazhkova, who gave birth to a child at the age of 11 ... I want to believe that this is a joke - but there is some truth in it. As a rule, for a teenage girl, the birth of a child becomes exactly “playing mother-daughters”: a new social role, the opportunity to feel like an adult - teenagers love it so much!

But even teenagers like to feel free and independent - a keen sense of freedom accompanies at this age a "newborn" (and therefore not yet developed) sense of adulthood - that's why they so often show obstinacy and almost hostility towards parents who are perceived as "limiters of freedom" ... but you can quarrel with your parents, go for a walk with friends, slamming the door - and, returning, find a made bed, ironed linen and ready dinner ... and the child only cries and demands - to feed every 3 hours, change diapers and so on - you won’t take a walk, you won’t really sleep at night ...

Such a restriction of freedom quickly bothers a teenager - and the child begins to cause rejection, and even hatred. And one can hardly hope that this will pass over the years: a new reason for hatred will appear - the child interferes with arranging personal life, the child “puts an end to” all life plans ...

In a word, in most cases, the child of a minor mother is a weak, sickly child, growing up without a father and not particularly loved by his mother (or even an orphan with living parents) ... who would wish such a fate yourself or your own children? At the same time, I don’t even feel like talking about the consequences for the mother: after all, if the girl considered herself old enough to have sex, shouldn’t she consider herself old enough for a conscious choice, and be ready to deal with its consequences ?

Of course she shouldn't...because she can't. And, of course, you can’t put motherhood on her. But you can’t force an abortion or abandon a child either. Perhaps the best thing the parents of a pregnant youngster can do is to do what Lina Medina's parents did: find good doctors for her in order to get out of the situation with minimal losses for both the child and the mother - and adopt the child: the teenager can cope with the social role of the older sister easier than with the role of a mother ... and if it really happened, let it become a "school of preparation" for real motherhood, which will follow in adulthood ... And it is more useful for a child to consider himself the fruit of the conjugal love of serious adults - and not unsuccessful "sexual games" of frivolous youths.

The creation of a child is a strange and wonderful process, and pregnancy is different for all women, although in some cases, absolutely incredible things happen. Here are 10 stories of the most amazing births and the most unusual babies.

10 Most Premature Baby Who Survived Birth

The most amazing case, when a child born too early, survived, was registered in 1987 in Canada. The baby was born when he was only 21 weeks and 5 days old, and he was named James Elgin Gill. The boy was born about 128 days premature and weighed only 623 grams! Doctors were sure that the child would not survive because of such a premature birth. In addition, they warned the parents that if James did not die within the next few hours or days after his birth, he would suffer from many serious diseases and become a cripple. However, contrary to all forecasts and expectations, the almost 5-month-old baby not only survived, but also grew up as a normal healthy man.

9. The lightest baby in the world

Surprisingly, although James Elgin Gill was the youngest baby, who weighed only 623 grams at birth, he did not become the lightest. This record belongs to another child - Rumaisa Rahman, who was born in September 2004 in Illinois, USA. Rumaisa was one of two twins delivered by caesarean section at just 26 weeks' gestation. Premature births were carried out due to the fact that the girls' mother suffered from preeclampsia, which threatened both the lives of the children and the woman herself. Twins are often born at different sizes and weigh differently. In the case of the Rahman girls, Rumaisa's sister weighed 566 grams, while our record holder weighed only 243 grams! In addition, the growth of the crumbs was only 24.13 centimeters. The healthier sister left the hospital in January, while Rumaisa remained there for another month. But at discharge, the girl already weighed almost 2.5 kilograms.

8. The shortest baby

Remember, we said that Rumaisa was born not only very light, but also very short? However, she did not break the world record, because Nisa Juarez, born in Minnesota in 2002, was recognized as the shortest newborn. The girl was born 108 days premature after only 24 weeks and 5 days in the womb. She weighed 320 grams, and her height was only 23.9 centimeters. The child was kept in the hospital for a full 5 months before Nisa recovered and grew well enough to finally go home.

7. The largest newborn

In addition to records dedicated to the smallest children, there are also such achievements that will make almost any woman shudder, who has either already gone through pregnancy and childbirth, or is just preparing for this important event. It's time to tell you about the heaviest baby in the history of observations. The famous owner of the title of the heaviest and tallest newborn was Babe (Babe), born back in 1879 in Ohio. The boy appeared in a family of real giants. The growth of his mother, Anna Bates (Anna Bates), was an impressive 241 centimeters, and his father was almost the same. The child lived only 11 hours, so they did not even have time to give him a normal name. But even in such a short life, Babe managed to become famous as a real champion, because at birth he weighed 9.98 kilograms, and his height was 71.12 centimeters!

Carmelina Fedele did not give birth to such a large child as Miss Anna Bates, but her son was still heavier than the legendary Ohio boy. The new record holder was born in Italy in 1955, and he weighed an impressive 10.2 kilograms. Unlike Babe, young Fedel lived much longer than 11 hours.

6. The longest labor in history

If there's anything worse than a premature birth or a very large baby, it's too long contractions. Some lucky women give birth in an hour, some work half a day, and the less fortunate have to suffer more than a day, but the longest labor in history was the 75-day labor of Joanna Krzysztonek, a 31-year-old mother from Poland.

Usually women dream of seeing their baby as soon as possible, but in the case of the Polish woman, things were a little different. In 2012, a whole team of doctors did everything possible to keep the baby from being born prematurely, despite their patient's multi-day contractions. Joanna was pregnant with triplets and went into labor at just 21 weeks. The first child died immediately after birth, because he was still too small and weak to survive outside the mother's stomach. The doctors decided that the rest of the children should be kept inside the womb as long as possible, otherwise they would also die. The woman's umbilical cord was tied and placed back in her uterus, and she was given special medication to stop the premature contractions. Polka lay in bed for 75 days, and her bunk was tilted at an angle of 30 degrees so that the legs of the woman in labor were higher than her head.

Finally, at 32 weeks, the mother had a caesarean section, and she gave birth to two healthy girls, each of whom weighed about 1.8 kilograms. For many women, such a story will sound simply incredible, and someone will say that it is very difficult to say that it was exactly a 2 and a half month long birth. Although officially the process began just with the appearance of the first baby, and if the doctors had not figured out how to save the remaining children, they would all most likely have died at the 21st week of pregnancy.

5. The longest pregnancy

The average pregnancy lasts about 280 days (about 9 months). Ask almost any woman who has given birth, and they all answer in unison that the last 40 weeks was one of the most difficult, and it felt like it lasted for ages. Now imagine what it was like for a resident of Los Angeles, Beulah Hunter, who walked with a huge belly for almost a year. A unique case occurred back in 1945, and at first the doctors did not believe the woman who said that she had carried her child for 375 days.

Bela gave birth to a completely healthy girl, and she was named Penny Diana. Usually, children who sit too long in the womb subsequently suffer from a number of complications. That is why these days, at a period of 42 weeks, they usually cause artificial contractions or perform a caesarean section - to avoid health problems for the newborn. However, after checking the history of Miss Hunter, the entries in her card about the pregnancy test and the woman's menstrual cycle, the doctors came to the conclusion that the mother still did not lie. Probably the reason why the daughter managed to spend so long in the womb without any negative consequences was her extremely slow development. In addition, the fetal heartbeat should have been heard back in July, but the doctors did not succeed until September. By the way, if you think that a child who sat in the stomach for 3 months longer should have been born larger than usual, you are very mistaken. Penny weighed normally - 3.1 kilograms.

Not everyone believed this story. Some contemporaries accused Bela of lying and stated that she had a miscarriage for a period of about 3 months, and then she allegedly became pregnant almost immediately. Although the patient's attending physician laughed at such a version and announced that such a scenario was "simply impossible." Nowadays, a pregnant woman would hardly be allowed to carry a child for almost a year, or at least the development of the fetus would be monitored very closely, which is quite feasible thanks to modern technology. However, in the middle of the 20th century, mothers did not have ultrasounds, so this story remains open to debate and doubt.

4. The baby with the most teeth at birth

Children who are born already with teeth are not such a sensation, although this is a rather rare occurrence. In most cases, infant teeth begin to erupt around 5-8 months of age. However, in 1990, Sean Keaney from the UK was born with 12 teeth in his mouth.

Doctors advised that this number of teeth in such a young boy could cause problems with breastfeeding, and it was decided to remove the entire bite. By the age of 18 months, the child has grown a new "set" of teeth. History is silent about whether these were already permanent teeth, or still milk teeth, which then replaced the molars.

3. The largest number of children carried in one pregnancy and surviving

Nadya Suleman has appeared on the front pages of popular publications more than once. Since 2009, they began to write about this woman all over the world, and they called her none other than “Oktomama” (from the Greek octo - 8). Surprisingly, this American woman managed to endure and give birth to 8 healthy children at once.

If you haven't heard this scandalous story yet, make yourself comfortable. Before the record pregnancy, Nadia had already given birth to 6 children, whom she conceived through artificial insemination. Test-tube babies were nothing new to her, but this time the woman decided to try her luck with 12 more embryos at the same time. Eight of them took root, and as a result, Nadia became a real star and at the same time the center of an ethical scandal. As in those years, and now, if the patient is younger than 33 years old, doctors usually implant no more than 3 embryos at a time. Too many embryos threaten both the health of the mother and the life of the future ones themselves. Suleman, a doctor with many children, assured that the implantation of 12 embryos was completely accidental, but the Medical Board of California still deprived him of his license.

By the way, Nadia is not the first woman who successfully carried and gave birth to 8 brothers and sisters, but the previous time (then the babies were also from a test tube) one of the babies died within a week after giving birth. But Nadina's children are alive to this day, to this day, including the first 6 children whom she gave birth to even before her record pregnancy.

2. The largest number of identical twins

It is one thing to carry 8 children from 12 implanted embryos, and quite another to carry 5 embryos developed from one egg. This is a real miracle! For example, Dionne quintuplets, born in Ontario in 1934, were not only the first identical twins of their kind to survive the first days of their lives, but also the first to live for many more years until the very gray hairs (in the case of 3 out of 5 sisters). This sounds unbelievable, given that unique girls were born 2 months prematurely, and in those years, a 7-month-old baby had almost no chance of survival.

During pregnancy, the mother of the quintuplets, Elzire Dionne, suspected that she had twins, but before the advent of ultrasound machines, she simply could not know for sure. No one could have thought that a woman was pregnant not with a pair of twins, but with 5 girls at once. Modern doctors believe that there were actually 6 embryos, but one of them miscarried. By the way, in our time, at the end of a multiple pregnancy, it is customary to perform a caesarean section, but Elzira gave birth on her own on her own farm.

Ontario authorities declared that the parents of the twins were unable to protect the sisters from exploitation, and the government took custody of the famous children. Soon the girls were made real museum exhibits, a show was opened especially for them, and tourists could watch the sisters 3 times a day (for a fee). Almost 3 million onlookers managed to visit the quintuplets before the closing of the strange exhibition. The girls' native family lived very close - across the street, but they still lived separately until 1943, when the twins were 9 years old. The fate of the sisters was not easy, because they never took root in the Dion family, then ended up in a boarding school, and with the onset of adulthood, each went their own way. As a result, the 3 surviving sisters sued the local authorities and received huge compensation for their exploitation in childhood.

1. The longest pause between the birth of two twins

Geminis constantly joke about who is older, even when the age difference is only a matter of minutes or seconds. However, in the case of Amy and Katie Elliot (Amy, Katie Elliot) is no longer a time for jokes, because they were born with an interval of as much as 3 months!

Of course, the reason for this difference is that one of the twins, Amy, was born prematurely. At 23 weeks and 5 days to be exact. The baby weighed only 538 grams, and she was immediately taken to the intensive care unit. Surprisingly, the contractions stopped completely. Even after attempts by doctors to induce labor the next day, new contractions never came, and the parents decided that they should let this process happen naturally. Maria, the mother of the girls, gave birth to Katie at 36 weeks pregnant, that is, 87 days after Amy was born. The girls were reunited after 2 hours. The second child weighed 2.5 kilograms and was discharged from the hospital 5 days after birth. The prematurely born girl spent another 7 weeks under the supervision of doctors until she was allowed to go home to her family.

02/21/2016 at 00:40 · pavlofox · 40 440

The youngest mothers in the world

Early motherhood is a phenomenon that is typical for countries with different living standards. Teenage pregnancies have already become commonplace, but among girls who have begun to have sex too early, there are real record holders. The youngest mothers in the world is the topic of our article today.

10. Veronika Ivanova from Yakutia | 12 years old

She became one of the youngest mothers in the world at the age of 12. Due to the fact that she was a little overweight, she managed to safely hide the pregnancy until the very birth. Teachers, classmates and parents thought that the girl just got a little better. But when one day Veronica complained of severe pain, her parents called an ambulance. The medical team that arrived determined that the girl was about to give birth.

The father of the seven-month-old girl who was born turned out to be Veronica's 19-year-old boyfriend, previously convicted of distributing drugs. He is now serving time for child molestation.

Veronica now lives in a civil marriage with another man. Her parents help her raise her daughter.

9. Schoolgirl from the UK | 12 years old

One of the youngest mothers in the world lives in Great Britain. A 12-year-old schoolgirl gave birth to a girl weighing 3 kg 175 grams. She became pregnant some time after meeting a boy who lives near her home. Despite the shocking news for them, loved ones of the youngest parents in all of British history supported them. They explained this by the fact that the mother and father of the child have been dating for more than a year. They intend to continue to be together and take care of the child. Upon reaching the desired age, young parents plan to get married. The names of the mother and father of the child, for ethical and legal reasons, were not disclosed. The schoolgirl hopes to return to school by the beginning of the school year and continue her studies.

8. Valya Isaeva | 11 years

At one time she became a real celebrity - her shocking story was written in newspapers, and the girl was invited more than once to participate in various television programs. Having given birth at the age of 11, she became one of the youngest mothers in the world.

While studying in the 5th grade, Valya began dating a lodger from Tajikistan, Khabib Patakhonov. The girl's grandmother did not notice how her granddaughter had an affair with a 17-year-old boy. When law enforcement agencies found out about the girl's pregnancy, a criminal case was opened against the Tajik migrant for seducing minors. The public helped save the guy from prison. The authorities managed to convince that the young parents did not have a fleeting connection, but a serious relationship. Valya and Khabib lived together, raised their daughter Amina and waited for them to legalize their relationship. When the young mother turned 17, the long-awaited wedding took place. Soon Valya gave birth to a son, Amir. But this story does not have a happy ending. Having gone through difficult trials, Khabib has not changed for the better. He began regularly beating his wife in front of his children out of jealousy. Things got to the point that Valya once did not return home, staying with a friend and wrote a statement to the police about the beatings. However, she does not intend to divorce her husband yet. There is still a chance that the marriage of one of the youngest mothers will still survive.

7. Nadya Gnatiuk from Khmelnitsky region | 11 years

She became one of the youngest mothers in the world, having given birth to her daughter Marina at the age of 11. The father of the child was her own father. This story is very tragic. Nadia was the third child of Tatyana Baran (her mother) and father Yuri Gnatyuk. The court found that he had had sexual relations with his daughter three times and threatened her with reprisals if she told anyone about what had happened. When the fifth grader began to feel bad at school, the doctors thought it was the result of malnutrition. Only at the 20th week of pregnancy, the mother took Nadya to a gynecologist for a checkup.

The court sentenced the girl's rapist to 10 years. Nadia gave birth to a healthy girl, but as a result of early childbirth, her heart problems worsened. A year later, while in the hospital, she met 24-year-old Valery. Six months after they met, they began to live together. Since it was impossible to register a marriage because of Nadia's age, the couple got married.

At the age of 14, the girl again became a mother, having given birth to her son Andrei. She could not finish school with two kids.

6. Maria from Romania | 11 years

Romanian Maria, having given birth to a boy at 11 and becoming one of the youngest mothers, confirmed the fact that daughters almost always follow in the footsteps of their mothers. The fact is that her mother Rifka Stanescu gave birth to Maria at the age of 12. Gypsies accepted early marriages, but Rifka was not at all happy when she learned about her daughter's pregnancy - she hoped that she would receive an education first. By the way, now she is the youngest grandmother in the world - at the time of the appearance of her grandson, Rifke Stanescu was 23 years old.

5. Colombian girl | 10 years

In Colombia, a 10-year-old girl from a local Indian tribe became one of the youngest mothers in the world. Having given life to a healthy girl, she herself almost died during childbirth. The Indians of this tribe adhere to the tradition of having children at an early age. The girl was admitted to the hospital in poor condition, with bleeding, and the doctors had to perform a caesarean section. Who is the father of the child - it was not possible to find out.

The story caused a great resonance in Colombia. Many are outraged at the early age of a girl who gave birth to a child, because she still has to play with dolls, and not take care of the baby. Another part of society says that no one has the right to interfere in the internal affairs of the tribe.

4. Hilda Trujillo from Peru | 9 years

A nine-year-old was abused by her 22-year-old cousin. She became one of the youngest mothers, having given birth to a healthy girl.

3. Girl from China | 9 years

In 2010, a 9-year-old girl gave birth to a full-fledged boy in China. Her name is not disclosed, as well as the reasons for the pregnancy. It is only known that she lives in the north-east of the country.

2. Lisa from Ukraine | 6 years

In 1934, 6-year-old Liza became the youngest mother in the world in Ukraine. Unsuspecting parents brought the girl for examination when her stomach suddenly began to grow. When it turned out that she was pregnant, Lisa's relatives, after interviewing the child, established that the culprit of the incident was the girl's grandfather. She carried a healthy child, but during childbirth it was not possible to save him.

1. Lina Vanessa Medina from Peru | 5 years

Phenomenon Lina Vanessa Medina from Peru is that she the youngest mother in the world who gave birth to a son at the age of 5. Unsuspecting doctors first diagnosed the little girl with an abdominal tumor due to its enlargement. It soon became clear that Lina was in her seventh month of pregnancy. A month and a half later, by caesarean section, she gave birth to a boy. Until the age of ten, he considered Lina his sister, until he was told the truth.

How the girl became pregnant is now unknown - no documents about this have been preserved. Lina herself subsequently kept silent about this. The youngest mother in the world died in November 2015.

What else to see:

Pregnancy is an amazing miraculous process. How can a child in just 9 months grow from two cells into a whole, excellent, ideal being capable of independent life?! |intro| Despite the fact that today the process of pregnancy is studied very well, a million questions remain. |cut|

Today you will learn some incredible birth cases: the youngest and oldest mom, dad, etc.

In 1944, a 25-year-old girl was pregnant for 375 days, resulting in a completely normal girl. A normal pregnancy is 280 days.

2. The smallest newborn baby

In October 2004, Sonia Taylor was born at 22 weeks. She weighed somewhat less than 300 grams and was 25 cm long at birth. The girl is still alive.

The youngest mother in the world is officially Lina Medina from Peru. A 5-year-old child was taken to the hospital with a tumor and gave birth to a boy.

4. The youngest father

The youngest father in the world, Sean Stewart, lives in the United Kingdom. In 1998, Stewart's 15-year-old girlfriend gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Stewart was 12 at the time.

5. The oldest father in the world

Les Collie set a new record when he became the father of a child at the age of 93.

On December 29, 2006, Carmen Bousada de Lara gave birth to twins in Spain. The woman used artificial insemination to get pregnant and gave birth at the age of 67.

Geena Davis was 48 years and 3 months old when she gave birth to her youngest child.

8 Oldest Celebrity Father

Tony Randall was 78 when his youngest child was born in 1998.

9. The largest number of children born to one woman

Fyodor Vasiliev's wife between 1725 and 1765 gave birth to 69 children, including seven sets of triplets, four sets of quadruplets and 16 sets of twins.

10. The largest number of children born from one man

About 800 children were born from Moulay Ismail between 1646 and 1727.

11. First test tube baby

The first test-tube baby was born by caesarean section in 1978, the child's mkieri was then 31 years old.

12. The largest number of children born in one birth

Any child born less than 37 weeks (that is, before day 260) of pregnancy is considered. Childbirth can occur prematurely for many reasons, and you should not look for the culprits here. In most cases, premature babies have a body weight of less than 2500 grams and a length of less than 45 cm. At the same time, low weight is not an absolute sign of prematurity, since even during intrauterine development, some babies lose weight, being born real crumbs.

Of course, the main problem of babies born prematurely is the difficulty of adapting to the conditions of the outside world due to insufficient development (primarily of the respiratory, circulatory, digestion and excretion systems). In order to ensure the survival of such infants, doctors need to make much more effort than in the standard case. Most often, a premature baby requires a full range of resuscitation measures. The newborn is placed in a special incubator (couvez), where he is kept until he reaches the necessary height, weight and degree of development in order to enter the "big world".

Unfortunately, many babies are not able to be delivered by specialists, but there are also reverse situations when absolutely hopeless, at first glance, children courageously fight for life. We will now tell about a few crumbs-record holders.

Rumaisa Rahman was born as a pair of twins on September 19, 2004 at Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood, Illinois. The babies were born 15 weeks prematurely, at 26 weeks of gestation. Rumaisa weighed only 244 g, and her twin sister Hiba - 563 g. Tiny Rumaisa (the name translates as “Whiter than milk”) was compared with a mobile phone, and with a can of Coca-Cola, and with a package of butter, which is not at all surprising when height of 24 cm (that is, half the norm). Both girls underwent laser vision correction surgery, which is a fairly common problem among premature babies. The parents of the babies are from India. Early childbirth was caused by the disease of the girls' mother, Mahajabin Shalk, who suffered from a serious form of preeclampsia (a critical decrease in cerebral circulation combined with generalization of systemic disorders of the liver, kidneys, hemostasis, hemolytic dynamics, lungs, cardiovascular system). She took steroids during pregnancy to ensure the development of her children's lungs. Among other things, the woman had a pathologically increased pressure during childbirth, which is why the doctors had to resort to caesarean section. Of course, in this situation, the experts did not particularly believe in the success of the operation. Oddly enough, in just over 3 months the girls recovered, Hiba gained weight up to 2.25 kg, and Rumaisa - up to 1.18 kg. “This is God's blessing,” said the mother of the twins. 6 months after birth, on February 9, 2005, the girls were discharged home, at that moment Rumaisa already weighed 2490 kg, and her height had almost doubled. The baby was even able to take part in a press conference arranged by doctors on the occasion of the discharge of the world's smallest born and surviving baby. For those who are interested in the further fate of the girl, we can say that at the age of five she weighed 33 pounds (14.9 kg), and her height was 3.5 feet (1.06 m). Now Rumaisa is already 7 years old.

Madeline Mann was born in June 1989, at 27 weeks, also at Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood, Illinois. Her birth weight was 280 g, the girl had a minor cerebral hemorrhage and retinopathy. Today, Madeleine is already 22 years old, she considers herself an absolutely normal girl, runs, plays the violin and studies at the university as a psychologist. The previous problems did not pass without a trace for her, the student suffers from asthma and has a height of one and a half meters with a weight of 30 kg. However, she has no other health problems.

Amilia Taylor was born on October 24, 2006 in Miami, USA (Florida). Her weight was 284 g, height 25 cm. The girl was born at the 22nd week of pregnancy. She was conceived by artificial insemination, and the birth took place by caesarean section (Amilia's mother Sonia Taylor had serious health problems). The baby spent about six months in the incubator, but at discharge, the baby's weight was already 1.8 kg. It was for her desire for life that she received the name Amilia - "unsurrendered." The girl has abnormalities in the condition of her kidneys and lungs, but in general her condition is stable. “She goes to occupational therapy and exercise therapy twice a week and sees her pediatrician once every two weeks and her lung doctor twice a week,” says Amilia's mom. The family spends 2.5 thousand dollars a month on the treatment of a premature baby. In the first six months after discharge, the parents (they are African Americans) spent $ 100,000 of personal savings on this, but so far they have never asked for help. Amilia's dad intends to raise her on his own and make her as healthy as possible.

The UK also has its own records- a girl named Ruby, for example, weighed 300 g at birth and was only 18 cm tall. According to the British media, the smallest child born and survived here was Amalia Hart, weighing 340 g. However, this girl recovered very quickly, after all, after 2 days of resuscitation, it could be disconnected from the artificial respiration apparatus.

Recall that in 2012 Russia also switches to the criteria for registration of newborns recommended by the World Health Organization. In accordance with them, babies born after the 22nd week of pregnancy with a body weight of more than 500 g will be registered. Until now, in our country, a child with low body weight was not considered a fetus and did not fall into the mortality statisticsif he lived less than 7 days. The chief neonatologist of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation Elena Baibarina claims that today 80% of premature babies survive in our country, only 20% of them have a severe disability in the future. However, the specialist has a sharply negative attitude towards the records described in the article. “I call it sports medicine. It is wonderful, of course, that some child survived, but here we are also talking about the interaction of medicine and journalism. You can’t say: “Here, the Japanese brought out a child weighing 250 g, and our doctors, of course, will never do this.” Or describe situations when doctors told a woman that she should not give birth, she had a severe heart defect and ten more diseases, but she did not listen to anyone and gave birth - that's how good she is. From such notes, I just feel bad, I understand perfectly well that that woman survived by a miracle. Ten others who read the note and follow it will die,” Elena Baibarina said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

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