Comic nominations. Watching the Love Story of the newlyweds

Ideas, competitions, entertainment and detailed script for a Hollywood wedding in Oscar style!

Detailed scenario for a spectacular and affordable wedding: step-by-step description celebration events, text for the presenter, competitions and entertainment, ideas for interior design and creating an atmosphere.

Red carpet, blinding camera flashes, exquisite evening dresses, elegant jewelry... No, this is not the famous Oscar ceremony, but your Hollywood themed wedding! Thanks to the script of the spectacular and accessible wedding celebration newlyweds and their guests will be able to become Hollywood stars for one evening and feel like VIPs!

Scenario of a Hollywood wedding in the style of the Oscar ceremony

The first thing guests see is the paparazzi, who begin taking pictures of them even before leaving the car. A red carpet with photographers was organized near the event venue. At the end each guest is waiting unique opportunity feel like a public person and give an interview to a cameraman for the newlyweds’ family archive. You can even invite special “journalists” who will interview guests during the celebration.

By the time the newlyweds arrive, the guests do not enter the hall, but wait for them on the sides of the red carpet.

Leading: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome! Famous star couple (names of newlyweds)! Today they signed a successful and promising contract for the filming of the romantic comedy “Marriage for Love”! Critics are already promising this film a great future! Applause!

The newlyweds enter the hall where the event will be held.

Leading: Dear participants of the event, I invite you to come to our cozy hall to get acquainted with the festival program!

The guests go into the hall. Early on, guests received invitations resembling tickets to the festival. The seats on the “tickets” will help guests with seating arrangements. If necessary, the presenter can remind you that you need to look for seats on the tickets.

Wedding banquet

As soon as the guests take their seats festive table, loud fanfare starts.

Leading: Dear guests! Congratulations on the grand opening of our event program. Today there are two acting dynasties in the hall - (the names of the parents of the newlyweds)! Let's find out their opinion about creating a new creative and talented family!

The parents of the newlyweds take turns making toasts, but it is better to traditionally start with the bride's parents. The toasts are followed by a short pause so that guests can have a normal drink and snack. At this time, a slide show of photographs of the newlyweds and guests appears on the screens. Photos must be pre-edited to make them look like footage from the Oscars.

Leading: Let's continue our ceremony. We invite a young, talented and irresistible couple (names of the newlyweds) to the stage! Today they are starting to work on the romantic comedy “Marriage for Love.” Now we will interview our star couple, which I will then sell to the paparazzi and buy myself a yacht. Let's meet our newlyweds!

The newlyweds greet the guests and say a few sentences about the special event in their lives.

The presenter conducts a comic interview with the bride and groom:

  • Tell us how you managed to successfully pass the casting?
  • Why did you get the main roles?
  • What qualities will help your partner play the leading role well?
  • Tell us what the film will be about?
  • This one is for you romantic comedy- not the first collaboration. Tell us about your favorite scenes from previous films.

The newlyweds talk about meeting each other, funny situations, and common plans.

Leading: I am sure that the romantic comedy “Love Marriage” will become best film of the year! Dear guests of the film festival, I propose to raise a glass to a successful and promising creative union!

The interview is followed by a short pause for guests to taste the dishes and chat with each other.

Presentation of gifts

Leading: Dear guests! I learned that there were people in the hall who dreamed of becoming sponsors for our couple. I invite everyone to come to the hall to present gifts.

The host invites relatives and guests in turn, and the newlyweds present each with an Oscar statuette. A funny nomination is pre-created for each guest.

As soon as all the guests congratulate the newlyweds and give them gifts, the host thanks the “sponsors” for their contribution and offers to continue the banquet. The guests return to the banquet hall.

Congratulations from Marilyn Monroe

While the guests drink and try treats, the host chooses an active and relaxed man to participate in the act. A brave volunteer will have to transform into a sex symbol and talented actress - Marilyn Monroe.

To create the image of the famous blonde you will need:

  • blonde wig;
  • white fluffy skirt;
  • white family briefs;
  • blouse with neckline;
  • false breasts;
  • black eyeliner;
  • bright red lipstick.

The presenter announces the number: Dear friends! Meet our festival guest, who came to congratulate our newlyweds! Charming Marilyn Monroe!

The man helping the presenter tries on Marilyn Monroe's outfit and parodies her to the song “I want to be loved by you”, and then invites everyone to dance.

Watching the Love Story of the newlyweds

After dancing, the guests return to their places at the table.

Leading: Now let's evaluate the previous one working together our star couple. We present to your attention the short film “How was it?”, which has already won the “Best romantic movie of the year".
Guests watch Love Story. Additionally, you can show funny videos with pre-conceived plots. The “movies” use photographs of the newlyweds and guests in various “roles”, for example, “Bond Girl”, “Handsome Boy”, “Ocean’s 11”, “Alice in Wonderland”.


A drum and boxes of gifts are brought into the hall.

Leading: Ladies and gentlemen! Your tickets are not only a pass to the event, but also an opportunity to win valuable prizes! Ready for the draw?

The host invites small child or several children who will spin the drum and announce the winning numbers. The winners receive fun prizes.

The host can present beautifully wrapped gifts with intriguing descriptions, for example:

  • Your winnings are rubber products for real men! Moreover, their smooth surface and streamlined shape protect women Health(galoshes);
  • You get the best trainer Hollywood stars. Just a few lessons - and you can build a successful modeling career(jump rope);
  • You have won a prize from our special sponsor, the Adult Store! Great for role playing games with changing clothes (family panties);
  • Your prize symbolizes warm family relations in Russia. It is with this item that wives greet their husbands after filming the blockbuster “Friday Night” (frying pan).

After the lottery, a dance break is announced. To diversify the evening, you can periodically organize competitions and organize joint entertainment.

Conducting competitions

Best dancer.

The presenter announces the casting for the popular show “Everybody Dance”. Participants compete with each other, performing dances from cult films (for example, "Pulp Fiction", "Dirty Dancing", "Hipsters", "Let's Dance", " Caucasian captive"). You can show dances from films on the screen, and the dancers must repeat the movements as accurately as possible.

Best Voice Acting.

Cute and funny people appear on the screen joint photos and a video of the newlyweds. The participants' task is to funny voice what is happening in the photo.

Best pantomime.

Using gestures and facial expressions, participants show scenes from famous films, and guests must guess the film.

Silent film star.

Participants are offered stories to play without words: for example, a first date, family quarrel, bachelor party, golden wedding.

Who am I playing?

Each participant receives a piece of paper with their name famous person or fictional character. The piece of paper should be glued to your forehead without reading. You need to guess your “character” by asking the host or guests “yes” and “no” questions.

End of the evening

After a short dance break, the bride throws the bouquet and the groom throws the garter.

A multi-tiered cake with an Oscar figurine, decorated with stars, is brought into the hall. The newlyweds cut the cake and treat the guests.

Leading: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for visiting our film festival! At the end of the evening, a magnificent fireworks display awaits us, I ask everyone to go outside.

Guests receive lit candles and stand along the red carpet. The newlyweds walk through this “living corridor” to the place where the fireworks will be displayed. After the fireworks, you can arrange a ceremony to lay the newlyweds' star on the Walk of Fame.

Oscar style. The red carpet, bright camera flashes, the shine of expensive clothes and jewelry - you and your guests will be able to feel like Hollywood stars and world celebrities.

The first thing guests see when arriving at an Oscar-themed wedding is the red carpet. All the guests who arrived for the holiday walk along it, posing for photographers. At the end of the track, you can place a cameraman who will conduct short interviews with guests. You can even ask your friends to play the role of journalists at the wedding: they will walk around and interview guests throughout the evening.

The newlyweds are the last to arrive at the restaurant. By this time, all the guests are lining up along the path. The presenter says:

I am glad to welcome you to our film festival! Famous celebrities walked the red carpet celebrity couples and families. Attention, the most famous couple _____ and _____ appear on the path. Today they signed a successful and long-term contract to star in the film “Marriage for Love.” According to critics, the film will be romantic and tender, cheerful and positive! Applause!

After the newlyweds walk along the path, the host says:

And now I invite everyone to come into the hall to watch the festival program!

Guests enter the hall, the host continues:

Please be seated in the seats indicated on your tickets. In a few minutes we will begin our ceremony!

Wedding banquet

Pleasant music is playing, the guests are seated at the tables. Fanfare sounds, the presenter says:

Attention attention! Begins official part our program. Today in our hall there are two family film dynasties - the parents of the bride and the parents of the groom. I suggest they say the first words to the newlyweds! Let's start with the bride's parents!

The toast is given by the bride's parents and then by the groom's parents.

The guests have a drink and a snack. At this time, a documentary selection of photos and videos from various Oscar award ceremonies is shown on the big screen. The presenter says:

So, let's continue the ceremony. Our young and famous couple - _____ and _____ are invited to the stage! WITH today they are starting to work together on the film “Marriage for Love”, so I want to do a short interview with them, which in the future I can sell at a crazy price.

The presenter asks the young people questions in the form of an interview:

  • Tell us how you got the role in such a interesting film?
  • Why do you think you were chosen for this role?
  • How long do you think the shooting of this film will take?
  • Are you confident that you can cope with the chosen roles?

We are sincerely happy for you and are sure that this film will be the best! Dear film festival participants, I suggest you fill your glasses and drink to our talented film couple! Here's to their successful creative union!

Casual music comes on. Guests eat and chat.

Giving gifts

The presenter says:

Dear guests, I know that this evening you wanted to sponsor our couple. I invite you to the hall to present gifts to the newlyweds.

The presenter takes turns introducing the relatives, Oscar style. The bride and groom give guests comic Oscar-style figurines. Nominations can be:

  • Nomination for the role of best mother-in-law.
  • Nominated for Best Father-in-Law.
  • Nomination for the role of best mother-in-law.
  • Nomination for the role of best father-in-law.
  • Honored Grandfather of Russia.
  • National grandmother of Russia.
  • Aunt and uncle who played in the movie "Hello, I'm your aunt!"
  • Hero of the film "Brother" and "Brother-2".
  • The heroine of the film "Sister", etc.

At the end the presenter says:

So, our wonderful sponsors made a huge financial contribution, which is so necessary to begin filming the legendary film “Marriage for Love.” And our banquet continues!

Marilyn Monroe's number

While the guests drink and treat themselves, the host chooses the most active man, whom he invites to take part in the act: he must dress up as Marilyn Monroe and parody her to the famous song “I won’t be in love with you.” To create the look you will need a white wig, white circle skirt, white family panties, false breasts, a blouse with a large neckline, red lipstick and black pencil.

When announcing the number, the presenter says:

Dear friends! An inimitable, amazing, charming... one of the most sexy women of all times and peoples - Marilyn Monroe!

The soundtrack of the song is turned on. A parody is played, at the end of which Marilyn Monroe invites all the guests to the dance floor. A dance break is announced, after which the guests sit down at the tables, and the host says:

And now I suggest we all watch the remake of the famous film “How Was It?”, which won the “Best Romantic Short Film of the Year” nomination.

Guests are shown a Love story.

Lottery drawing

The presenter says:

Ladies and Gentlemen! Prepare your entrance tickets, we will now hold a lottery using them!

A drum is brought into the hall. To determine the winning numbers, you are invited to little guest at the wedding. The presenter gives out winnings (gifts), based on gender, age and appearance of people:

  • These rubber products have a smooth surface and a comfortable and shape. They are great for men. In addition, they preserve and protect women's health (galoshes).
  • The best exercise machine used by Hollywood stars. Just a couple of minutes a day - and any model (jump rope) will envy your shape.
  • The prize provided by the adult store is great for role play dress up (family panties).
  • Symbol family relations in Russia. It is with this item that the wife greets her husband from the filming of the film “With Friends in the Bath” (frying pan).

A dance break is announced, after which you can watch a humorous film, the plot of which is invented in advance by the guests and is compiled from amateur footage of the bride and groom, their friends, acquaintances, etc.

Conducting competitions

The following competitions can be held:

  1. "Best dance for a film" The presenter says that the casting of actors is taking place in New film"Everybody dance". Participants' task: to perform the most famous dances from films: tango "Help Me", twist "Prisoner of the Caucasus", dance from the film "Pulp Fiction", boogie-woogie from "Hipsters".
  2. "Best Voice Acting" The essence of the competition is for participants to voice footage from a Love story or joint video materials of young people, which are displayed on the big screen.
  3. "Best role in a silent film." The competition is held in the form of a casting among romantic couples, where a man needs to invite his lady on a date without words (only with gestures).
  4. "Best pantomime film" The participants’ task: to show, without words, only with the help of gestures and facial expressions, a scene from the film, so that the guests can guess what film they are talking about.
  5. "Guess who you are." Each participant is given a piece of paper on their forehead with the name of the actor written on it. The task of the participants is to guess their character by asking the presenter questions. In this case, the presenter can only answer questions “yes” or “no”.

You can also carry out the ritual of lighting the hearth. Mothers light candles, which they use to light the large candle of the newlyweds. The presenter says:

May this fire always burn in you family hearth. Let it grow stronger and warm you. Carefully store this symbolic candle as a sign of your eternal love and deep respect.

Then a cake is brought into the hall, which can be made in the shape of a star or a regular multi-tiered cake can be topped with an Oscar figurine. After this the presenter says:

Ladies and gentlemen! Our film festival has come to an end! Thank you for visiting us. And at the end of the evening, a beautiful fireworks display awaits the newlyweds and guests. I ask everyone to go outside!

Guests light candles and stand along the red carpet in the form of a living corridor along which the newlyweds leave the hall. The guests follow them, because fireworks await everyone on the street, after which they can lay the newlyweds’ star on the Walk of Fame.


    Comic nominations for loved ones are nominations for relatives, friends, children, guests, colleagues, former and current classmates, etc.

    That is, you can address them to anyone, provided that you know these people well enough (again - colleagues, employees, friends, family members of any age, other people important to your soul).

    This is, perhaps, the only condition that must be met in order for the nominations to hit the right (good) point and NOT accidentally put pressure on the forbidden (sick) point.

    Below I publish my nominations for the big friendly family from three generations. They will not be able to suit you entirely, since they are written individually for each of the 12 people. But you will gain something useful from them, especially if you first write short characteristics for yourself and bright events the lives of the people you are going to nominate.

    Or, perhaps, the most useful thing for you will be exactly what I will write about towards the end, under the list of nominations.

    Nominations for awarding family and friends,

    that is, close people

    Always say them slowly, expressively, take pauses, keep the intrigue - so that those present have time to understand what was said and guess the nominee.

    (Ellipses are names)

    Before nominating, make a short introduction:

    - Our dear and beloved soul mates!

    Today we are organizing a humorous nomination, remembering that every joke is only part of a joke.

    Everyone will receive nominations. However, for greater interest, we mixed the nominees without any system, so listen carefully, guess and applaud! Go)

    * * * * * * * *

    “Unrecognized talent” - this nomination is awarded to a person who does not give in to difficulties and finds creative solution where there seems to be no solution at all. For example, he can braid long braid at short hair, to do this, you just need to put tights on your head and braid them. At 3.5 years old, he mastered makeup by watching his mother, and his paintings are already called cave paintings. But that’s it for now. Let's see what you say about this artist, stylist and designer in 15 years. And this man, or rather, still a little man, is our...

    * * * * * * * *

    The next category is “It’s not just ships that set sail.” Because, as it turned out, in fact, not only ships go sailing, but also young girls model appearance. They will help their mother and sister, run to school, and then go swimming – synchronized. Together with the team they also receive prizes for this. And how do you have enough energy for everything? Yes, there are no options here: the nomination “It’s not just ships that set sail” is for our...

    * * * * * * * *

    The “Man at Work” nomination will go, as you understand, not just to a person, but, let’s say, to a man we know. And this man is, indeed, almost always at work. Among other things, he manages to love his grandchildren, go to his security job, and stock the refrigerator with the fruits of his labor. And what do you think these summer fruits are called? Apricot, pear, strawberry? Nothing like this! They are called pike perch, perch, carp. And this man is called our father and grandfather...

    * * * * * * * *

    The next one is “Cooking happiness according to a recipe,” and this recipe is simple, and therefore ingenious: love your neighbors, and the smaller they are, the more you love. And this love will return a hundredfold. You can also take someone close to you and go on a trip with them. For now - not to the foreign one, for now - to the near future. But this is for now, but the nominee now knows what to strive for. And the name of this nominee is our mother and grandmother...

    * * * * * * * *

    * * * * * * * *

    With the nomination for this man, we were at a crossroads: on the one hand, I want to give him the nomination “A Farewell to Arms” - but he loves him obscenely. On the other hand, it directly asks for a nomination “ A real colonel- in the literal sense, and not in what you might think. He serves as a colonel and disappears at work for days at a time - in general, the entire military gentleman's set. So we nominate our... for both of these nominations with the hope that, at least upon retirement, our brave colonel will say - Farewell to arms! - and pick up something lighter, for example, a fishing rod.

    * * * * * * * *

    “Train to Penang Island” - this nomination is for grandfather..., our desperate professor-traveler, who decided to go on a business trip to Malaysia at the age of 66. Yes, we are aware that Penang is an island and there are no direct trains there. Therefore, the nomination is as non-standard as the journey itself. Grandfather will tell us what goes there instead of trains a little later.

    * * * * * * * *

    “Show me a hero” - this nomination is awarded to a person whose life is Lately- continuous feats. Either he heroically scoops up water with plates all night long, saving his family and neighbors from the flood, or he becomes one of the designers new apartment. The recent feat was the most heroic - to take the family to the Greek island of Rhodes, but just on his birthday, only a real hero. And this hero, who is also a lover of the Aegean Sea, is our...

    * * * * * * * *

    This peaceful and kind yoga lover directly influences the country's defense capability, knows how to defeat mold and negotiate with anyone - including with incompetent leadership kindergarten. Yes, it is... and she gets the "I Don't Know How She Does It" nomination. But she does, and that’s a fact.

    * * * * * * * *

    “A winner never quits” is very the right person, who is awarded it today. Because our Winner not only does not give up, but also after defeating the disease, he goes to his grandchildren, takes one of them to the garden and even manages to preen himself so that all the spectators who came to the concert, from the unimaginable beauty of our Winner, fell into the piles themselves. were packing. In general, you guessed it - this is all about our grandmother... Good health to her and to all of us!

    * * * * * * * *

    Nomination “Life next to the refrigerator door, or The Iron Lady"leaves... to whom? Yes, ours...! Because, while on vacation to take care of the baby, only a Lady with iron willpower can stay near the refrigerator for months and at the same time follow a diet, and even try to feed her family with healthy and wholesome food.

    * * * * * * * *

    The nomination “Small Copy, or Funny Lady” is awarded to... - the smallest lady among those present, who received this nomination for her great resemblance to her mother. Life will tell whether... she will continue to be her mother’s copy. And now it’s enough that this funny young lady gives joy and inspiration to her loved ones.

    * * * * * * * *

    Our next nominee is widely known in his narrow circles, however, it leads to cultural shock among people who are not stupid, but are not initiated into the topic. When they hear about the 2nd level of the Robot League, and then about the 15 programmed Lego models, they only have 2 questions. First - what, Lego models are also programmed? Second - how old is this genius, probably, will he retire soon? We answer - a genius studies in the 2nd grade and considers himself an ordinary, intelligent child. His name is ..., and his current nomination is “The Incredible Mister Lego.”

    Bow, applause))

    About nominations and nominations

    My friends, here's what I want to say - nominations make a splash, so get your loved ones nominated.

    I see this every time I write them. And every time I smile at the Customer’s reaction, realizing that I have never gotten used to this incredible energy that a well-spoken word gives birth to.

    There was once a moment at first when I was even a little upset - big script was received very well, but with quiet joy, and, which was just an appendix to the script, simply caused a storm of unbridled positivity.

    I thought about this and came to a perhaps banal conclusion: people care about nominations because it is a story about them, about their life, events, character, desires. And they are pleased and interested in seeing themselves from the outside, through the eyes of other people, to make sure that they are well and correctly understood.

    It is impossible to embrace the immensity, you cannot put a person’s entire life into 5 lines - but we don’t need to. Take, for example, only the bright events of the current year, refract them through the prism of humor and reward your loved ones with comic nominations. And a year later - different. It seems to me that nominations are the only entertainment that never gets boring.

    With the desire to do it with love or not to do it at all,

    Your Evelina Shesternenko.

    Awarding in comic nominations, as a rule, is a cheerful conclusion to the official part entertainment program. It relieves the tension and brings a festive mood to the event.

    In every team you can always single out the person who is late, or who amuses everyone, or who dances well, who is the most erudite, etc. This will be your clue in the nominations. Try not to repeat nominations.

    Comic reward options

    • medals
    • certificates, diplomas
    • Oscar type figurines
    • funny ID cards
    • T-shirts with unique inscriptions
    • mugs

    All this can be ordered in special places, and if you have craftsmen, then do it yourself.

    More ideas:

    • You can purchase children's dolls from the Barbie and Ken series and decorate them with ribbons with appropriate inscriptions (original, beautiful, and many will definitely keep such a souvenir as a keepsake).
    • Option with photographs: make funny photo collages of each graduate (process them in Photoshop and make appropriate inscriptions on them, for example: “Miss Charm”, “Mr. Intelligence”). Then you buy interesting paper holders and attach them to them finished photos- the souvenir is ready! Such a souvenir will also fit perfectly into any apartment and will remain as a keepsake.
    • The easiest and most economical option is to make a wall newspaper with photographs of graduates and under each photograph of the graduate write in which category he is the winner. You can also come up with funny epigrams or wish poems.

    Nomination options for awards

    Nominations for awards can reflect the personal traits of the recipient, his business qualities, or be based on some isolated but well-known case. You can also use a person’s favorite phrases, his habits, outstanding external characteristics, gastronomic preferences and hobbies for nominations.

    It is very important that the nominations please both the audience and the recipient himself. You should not make fun of people with sick pride or without a sense of humor. Jokes can only be used on a person who can laugh at himself without irritating others. negative feelings, and you must be 100% sure that this person will not be offended.

    Remember yours the main task when drawing up nominations, do not spoil anyone’s holiday mood!

    I suggest you wide choose comic nominations:


    • Activity
    • Antipunctuality
    • Amazon
    • Antistress
    • Artistry
    • Carelessness
    • Fighter for justice
    • Veselchak (Joker)
    • Magic voice
    • Know-it-all
    • Fearless warrior
    • Genius
    • Idea's generator
    • Grace
    • Delicacy
    • DJ
    • Kindness
    • Integrity
    • Good nature
    • Friendliness
    • Sole of company
    • Mystery
    • Zateinik (Zateinitsa)
    • Pop star
    • Sophistication
    • Grace
    • Intelligence
    • Seeker of adventures
    • Movie buff
    • Yoke
    • Compromise
    • Handsome
    • Eloquence
    • Creativity
    • Cool guys everything can be done!
    • Lightness of Being
    • Best biceps
    • Women's favorite
    • Animal lover
    • Curiosity
    • Music lover
    • Dreamer
    • Model (Supermodel)
    • Wisdom
    • Observation
    • A True Gentleman
    • A real lady
    • Resourcefulness
    • Extraordinary (Extraordinary personality)
    • Unpredictability
    • Fidget
    • Charm
    • Charm
    • An example of intelligence
    • Sociability
    • Optimism (Optimiss and Optimister)
    • Orator, or voice of the people
    • Originality
    • Responsibility
    • Responsiveness
    • Charm
    • Positive
    • Political commentator
    • Popularity
    • Kidnapper women's hearts
    • Psychotherapist
    • Prikolistka (Prankster)
    • Discretion
    • Determination
    • Romantic
    • Knight
    • Heartbreaker (Heartbreaker)
    • Storyteller
    • Modesty (Modest)
    • Quick wit
    • Athlete (Athlete)
    • Justice
    • Style
    • Slimness (Slim)
    • Mystery
    • Privy Councilor
    • Tact
    • Dancer
    • Creative person
    • Confidence
    • Smile
    • Dreamer
    • Tricky
    • Laughter
    • Generosity
    • Energy
    • Erudite
    • Humorist
    • Mr. "I'm busy"
    • It's hard to be a god
    • War is war, but lunch is on schedule
    • Desperate Drybiter
    • Avid Coffee Drinker
    • Best Chipseater
    • Honored Master of Feng Shui
    • Goddess of social networks
    • Photo monster
    • Internet maniac
    • Just a Goddess
    • Bright head
    • Just a Genius
    • Computer genius
    • Our Muse
    • Master gold pens
    • Mr. Bean
    • Thumbelina
    • The Little Mermaid (most long hair)
    • Cowboy Joe, etc.

    Award Ceremony

    How can you beat this or that nomination at the award ceremony? I offer options for some nominations:

    Nomination "Miss (Mister) Antistress"

    This is the most calm person a team. Communication with him puts you in a state of peace, so you want to communicate with him (her) again and again...

    Nominations "Mr. Veselchak and Miss Laughter"

    From the blues and all misfortunes
    Laughter is the main medicine!
    The winners in this category are _____________. Applause!

    Nomination “Miss (Mister) Lightness of Being”

    Brilliant carelessness and absent-mindedness. He has a magnificent talent of always and everywhere being late, but always and everywhere on time! How does he (she) do it?

    The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

    Nomination "Miss (Mister) Curiosity"

    This is the most inquisitive person in the team. It is he (she) who will beat all the information out of you about everything, everything, everything until the last moment...

    The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

    Nomination “Miss (Mister) Speaker, or Voice of the People”

    He (she) is the most eloquent person who is not afraid to speak on behalf of the team...

    The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

    Nomination "Miss (Mister) Responsibility"

    Despite crazy traffic jams, global cataclysms and rising prices for gold and oil, it will always appear in in the right place and in right time. For a responsible attitude to the daily routine

    The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

    Nomination "Miss (Mister) Sunshine"

    It doesn't matter what the weather is today,
    Even if it rains outside,
    It’s easy in the soul and heart in bad weather,
    When the sun lives next to you.
    The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

    A wedding is a fantastic event. They are preparing for it, talking about it, waiting for it. And, of course, they select material that will later become the basis of the script. Fun nominations for the wedding are also prepared in advance. Depending on the lineup and number of guests, the number of nominations can vary greatly. As a rule, unusual and humorous nominations go with a bang.

    "Wedding of the Year"
    IN main nomination“Wedding of the Year” winners are our dear newlyweds. Today is their day, today it is for them that the sun shines brighter, the breeze is gentler, the birds sing more charmingly.

    "Mr. and Mrs. Smith"
    In the Mr. and Mrs. Smith category, the winners are the aunt and uncle (of the bride or groom). Their strong, reliable marriage is a model for our newlyweds.

    "The Strongest Link"
    One of the main prizes is awarded to the winners in the category “The Strongest Link” for raising a strong, stately, handsome groom. These are, of course, the groom's parents.

    “Me and my Masha at the samovar”
    The winners in the category “At the samovar, me and my Masha” are the spouses N.N. (for example, brother-in-law and sister-in-law), the biggest fans of a strong, aromatic drink called “tea”. The prize for them is an elite package of tea. And what kind of tea they will be treated to at our wedding, it’s just a dream!

    "Loyalty to ideals"
    The bride's parents win in the "Loyalty to Ideals" category. They raised the ideal bride: beautiful, smart, knowledgeable. And very suitable for our dear groom.

    "Unreal Energy"
    In the category “Unreal Energy” the award is given to to the best friend groom for his incredible participation in preparing the wedding.

    "Shirt Guy"
    The main prize in the “Guy Shirt” category goes to the most elegant guest of our wedding celebration, Mr. N.N. He is dressed to the nines, his gaze is full of mysterious bliss, he will clearly attract the attention of our ladies.

    “My years are my wealth”
    The prize in the category “My years are my wealth” goes to the city of N. It is here that the grandmother of our bride (groom) lives. One can simply envy her venerable age.

    "Cool magazine"
    One of the main prizes goes to the winner in the “Cool Magazine” category, perfect face The winner just begs to be featured on the cover of a cool magazine.

    "Cool guys"
    In the “Real Boys” category, the winners are the guys from the third (second, fifth) table. They are similar to those who are commonly called “real boys.” Please come and receive your trophy of honor.

    "Woman of Mystery"
    The winner in this category is the most modest person present at our evening. She is “not wild, not sad, and not silent,” she simply looks at everything around her with pleasure. She likes the gentle light of the spotlights and the magical action taking place.

    "People's Choice Award"
    The award has found its hero. Cheerful, cheerful, knows a lot of jokes and anecdotes, sociable, optimistic. This is our guest N.N. He gets a prize.

    “I looked back to see if she had looked back, to see if I had looked back.”
    The winner in this category is one of the most charming ladies of our evening. It’s simply impossible not to look back at her, not to give her a tender look.
