Message a guy about a breakup in your own words. Farewell letters to a beloved man: why are they needed

My dearest and most beloved boyfriend in the world. Here is the pool, I am for you this letter from afar. And all because I can't stay with you anymore. I really enjoyed being with you, and I think you know that. But then things didn't work out the way we expected. Every day your sympathy for me diminished, and it became clear to me that I could no longer be with you for so long. And now I just want to ask your forgiveness for taking so much of your time. I think that you can find another person with whom you will be fine. And now I want to wish you happiness and good luck. May you have a happy and joyful life. Know that you were the best for me.

Happiness cannot be long-lasting, everyone told me so, but I didn’t really believe in it. And only after a while I actually realized how much I was mistaken. Because some time after we met, you showed yourself from a completely different side. And that part scared me a lot. And one day I just realized that I don't love you at all. Reality scared and surprised me. And then I realized that I no longer want to be with you together. And now I want to apologize to you for everything. May you always be happy. And may you never worry about anything again. And may you be fine. Know that I will always be happy to help you in everything. So just live happily, and never regret what happened, because it won’t be possible to return it anyway.

Happiness with you did not last long. That first love passed so quickly that I didn’t even notice it. When I first met you, I could not even think that you turned your attention to me. My astonishment was so strong when you approached me. And then everything went round and round. And only now I'm going to part with you. And I do this because I have no strength, no desire to continue all this. I want you to be able to understand and forgive me. I wish you happiness and good luck in everything you do. And know that if you need anything, I will always be ready to help you. But don't expect anything more from me. And may the sun of good luck always shine on each of us. And may also no one ever be able to experience the same pain that I experienced. Let people looking at us understand that this is absolutely impossible to do. And that before you give up everything and rush into the pool of love with your head, you need to think carefully whether you have chosen the right person for yourself. Will you be happy with him? And only after careful consideration, do what you decide to do.

Every day I more and more often remember the times that have become a great lesson for me. I don't even want to remember them. But, there is nothing to do, and once again I remember everything again. When I met him, I didn’t even think that something could work out with him. But, and then everything suddenly spun so that I didn’t even have time to notice anything. Long months of meetings suddenly ended in separation. That's how it all ended. And now I can only ask your forgiveness for wasting your time on me. But you know, I don't regret anything. Everything I've been through has been a lesson. So I am grateful to you for absolutely everything. Good luck with everything. And I will try to live so happily that you can never hear anything about me. And may luck always accompany you in everything. Happiness to you in everything, whatever you do. And remember that under any circumstances remained a good person.

Life doesn't always happen exactly the way we want it to. You must first go through many obstacles and greetings, so that, in the end, happiness smiles at you a little. So once happiness and luck smiled at me only for a moment. I met a man who became a truly dear person to me. We got real pleasure with him, which then ended in emptiness. And now I have nothing good to remember. So I just want to tell you, I'm sorry for everything that went wrong. No matter what you say, I'll still be glad that I met you. Because it was a good life lesson for me that I can never forget. And finally, I want to wish you happiness and love. Let as little trouble as possible happen to you.

Here comes autumn again. Now again, endless and lonely evenings await me, which I will again spend alone. I don't really want to do this at all, but I'll still ask your forgiveness. I'm really sorry that things didn't work out between you and me. We broke up so quickly that I didn't even notice it. I ask your forgiveness for the inconvenience caused, for always tormenting you with my whining, and bothering you for no reason. And now I want to tell you that you are a good person. So, you can quickly find the one that will make your life brighter and better. And know that in all your actions there should not be falsehood, everything that you do should be sincere. And may luck always be on your side, no matter what you do. Happiness to you and love in everything. And even if something didn’t work out with you, let you manage to build a relationship with someone else.

My dear boyfriend, now I am writing this letter to you, because I want to tell you something that I did not dare to say for a long time. I actually had my doubts about this, but I'll tell you anyway, I'm sorry for everything. You know that I was too impatient for you, and often did not listen to you. But now everything has changed. I want you to be fine. And so I want to wish you as many joys as possible in life. I tried to always remain a good person, and then in life you will succeed. Because only by good deeds and deeds can people do for themselves everything that they later need. And finally, I wish you to meet a person with whom you will always feel good. May you be happy with your love, no matter what. And let the sun of hope, good luck, and all the best do not hide from you. Live happily.

In this vain world, two halves meet one day - He and She. Each couple has their own scenario for the development of relationships: a love story begins, unfolds and, sadly, comes to an end.

There are many reasons for parting: misunderstanding, accumulated resentment, betrayal, and just a feeling that the relationship has reached an impasse.

Almost all stories have a beautiful beginning, but not everyone is able to put a beautiful end. It is difficult to gather my thoughts and say calmly: "I'm sorry, we need to leave." The voice may tremble treacherously, and tears will flow from the eyes.

If a breakup is inevitable and you are thinking “how to break up with a guy without offending him?” Try writing a farewell letter to a boyfriend or beloved man.

Girls, of course, are subtle creatures, but often it is they who take the liberty and say the last goodbye. It's much easier to talk about a breakup in writing.

You can write a message in your own words or use the samples that we have prepared for you.

farewell letter examples

For example, this:

“Hi, zaya. You will probably be surprised that I am writing you a letter. We are used to talking to you. True, lately all our conversations end in quarrels. I thought for a long time, understood myself, analyzed our relationship and realized: this cannot continue.

I already forgave you. And goodbye!"

Farewell letter to the man you love

"Darling, good, beloved! I pulled myself together and decided to write you in a letter everything that I can’t put into words when we meet. Our love has turned into some kind of one-sided ugly entity. I see that my efforts to improve relations lead to nothing.

You rarely call, you perceive our meetings as a heavy duty. I'm not made of stone, and I feel it all. It hurts, it's hard, I won't pretend to be strong. I will cry, miss and worry about you.

But, so be it, I let you go free swimming. Fly towards your happiness. Unfortunately, I failed to make you happy. Let everything work out for you with another girl. Maybe you already have someone, but you're afraid to say. Fly, my dear, fly!

I release you. Forever. Goodbye!"

Farewell letter to the man who offended

"Hi baby. I am writing you a farewell message in prose. There is not enough spiritual strength for poems and rhymes. My strength left along with tears, which I stopped with great difficulty in order to put an end to our history.

We often quarreled, saying hurtful words to each other. We became strangers and incomprehensible to each other. Hands have ceased to be affectionate, there are no former strong hugs and ... nothing at all.

Let's confess to each other that our love has turned into nothing, we have destroyed it with our efforts. My resentment is too great to continue the relationship.

We're breaking up. Sorry and goodbye!"

Farewell letter to a man who cheated

"My dear! How difficult it is for me to collect my thoughts and tell you everything. Even in a letter when you don't see my tear-stained face. I know that you betrayed me. No not like this. You betrayed our love, our beautiful days and nights. Your act showed that I mean absolutely nothing to you.

Apparently I've become your habit. You call out of habit, come out of habit, and even apologize out of habit. Somehow insensitive and insincere you get it. Why do we need extra problems? We both need to change something in our lives. You already started.

Happy travels, dear! I forgive you and let go. Forever."

Farewell letter to an ex

"Hi Hi! I don't even know how to address you now. The heart is beating and shouting to you “beloved”, “native”, “only”, and the mind is sobering and says “former” about you. Yes, you were a wonderful, wonderful moment in my life. Now it seems like it was all a dream. Morning came and our love dissolved.

After our separation, days and nights ceased to exist for me. I lived as if in some kind of impenetrable fog. But the heavenly forces have mercy, the fog is slowly dissolving, I see the outlines of the horizon. This means that I again live and breathe deeply.

Even though you are no longer in my reality, no one will rip you out of my heart. Memories of our meetings will always warm and encourage me. Forgive me for all. Remember us. There was love. Goodbye!"

Farewell letter to beloved husband

“My dear, dear man. Life decreed that you and I turned from two halves into two loneliness. I think about you every minute, my heart lives only with you. How did it happen that we broke up?

Do you remember our first meeting - our burning eyes, excitement and unquenchable desire to be together. Do you remember our days and nights? Do you remember how we missed each other?

Is love doomed to death, like all living things in this world? If I love, how can you not love? Somehow this is wrong, unfair. Feelings must be mutual.

Maybe so many problems have piled on you that you stopped hearing the voice of your heart? I will pray to heaven that your heart be freed from captivity, that love will rise in your soul. I wish you good, light, warmth and, of course, love!

I'm sorry. And goodbye!"

Farewell letter to a married man

“Good, not my man. How difficult it is to write a letter to a still loved one! I had no right to fall in love with you, but I could not resist the surging feelings. It's amazing that you couldn't resist.

I don’t know what to call our relationship, but it was wonderful, like a dream. Sadly, the time has come for both of us to wake up, look into each other's eyes for the last time, embrace each other for the last time and part.

You are married, return to your family, gather your strength and solve all the problems that have fallen on you like a man. At first, it will certainly be difficult, you will rush back, but this is the path to nowhere. A beautiful dream dissolved in the rays of a clear sun, it is time to face reality.

Be happy with the one who is your legal wife. After all, you loved her once. I wish you reunion, understanding, warmth and light. I no longer want to be the cause of your quarrels and pain.

Forgive me and let me go"

Farewell letter to the man who quit

"My love! I'm sorry, I can't call you anything else, because I love and will always love. It hurts me, it hurts me to tears. Burning tears - that's what warms me in the last days and weeks. And before, your hands and lips warmed me.

My heart rejoiced and did not believe in my happiness. It beat like a free bird, ready to break out of its chest. And now it beats muffled and doomed, as if imprisoned forever in a dungeon.

Why did you go away? He did not explain anything, did not say goodbye, did not hug. He just disappeared from my life and that's it. I can’t believe that life goes on, and you are not around, and there will be no more. I believe in a miracle that you will come to your senses and want to return. Know, my dear, that I will always open my arms to meet you. I will be faithful to you until the end of my days.

Remember this. And be happy!

Farewell letter to a man you don't love

"Dear friend! I'm glad I met you on the path of life. You are a wonderful, sincere, interesting person. You know how to love and care beautifully. I'm sorry I can't reciprocate. My heart does not respond to the call of your heart. You are probably aware of this yourself.

I can no longer date you and continue this deception. Thank you for the love and warmth that you generously give, but believe me, I'm not the one who will reciprocate your love. Let's part as friends before our relationship reaches an impasse. Keep this farewell letter and remember that I was honest with you.

Forgive me a hundred thousand times and let me go once. Goodbye!"

It is difficult to decide and send a farewell letter to a guy, even if it has already been written. In any case, it is better to throw out your pain and resentment on paper than in the face of a loved one.

Who knows, suddenly this message will take your relationship to a new level, help resolve accumulated misunderstandings and improve shaky relationships. Be happy!

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I thought for a long time whether to write this letter to you ... I know that I don’t need to, but I can’t help but write ... you mean too much to me so that you can just leave your life without words.
I don't know how I will live without you. I have not yet realized that you will no longer be in my life. That I will never talk to you again. That I won’t congratulate you on your birthday, happy new year ... I won’t say how much I love and how infinitely dear ... I don’t want to realize this ... I don’t believe it! You will still be with me ... in my heart, in my thoughts, dreams, fantasies ... I will quietly love that image ... of that ideal man who was mine until recently ...
Still, it was not in vain that you always disappeared from my dreams and I woke up with some kind of anxious feeling. And so it happened ... you disappeared as suddenly as you appeared ... a month ago you burst into my heart with some unimaginable whirlwind, raised such a storm of feelings in it that seems to never subside ... and suddenly disappeared, leaving only aching pain and emptiness, which cannot be filled with anything ... every phrase is a sharp blade to the heart ... it hurts ... but you know, I'm still happy ... happy with what we had ... because I have so many wonderful memories, your photos, letters ... everything that you told me ... I remember everything, everything, from the very beginning ... and I will never forget! I will live with what I have left. I will live to spite everyone! Not now... a little later. It’s too hard now… at such moments I realize that I’ve loosened my nerves too much, and it’s so important for me to be strong… I need to hold on, I need to smile… it’s difficult. I still have so much to do in this life.
The state is now hysterical ... I want to ask your forgiveness ... I'm sorry for everything that I did wrong ... I'm sorry for the mistakes, if you can ... I don't want you to have unpleasant memories associated with me. I want you to still remember me with a smile, with that same charming smile that you fell in love with crazy ... well, what am I talking about ... what smiles ... there will be nothing more ... you also feel bad now ... I can imagine how you felt when I read those letters… Lord, why???? Yes, since I fell in love with you, for me, other men simply ceased to exist as a class! There are so many of you in me that I can’t think of anyone else ... only you ... you are with me always and everywhere ... But I forgot ... sometimes I even forgot that we have too different destinies ... that everything is already clear with me, and you still have so much ahead of you ... sometimes it seemed that we would still have a whole life ... together ... I was very carried away ... but it’s not harmful to dream, right? Dreams exist for this ... to brighten up life ... And life is much more prosaic.
Everything will pass ... it just takes time. I’m like that incorrigible optimist who even sees pluses in the crosses in the cemetery ... And in everything that happened, I will definitely find something good someday ... someday ... when the pain subsides, when the tears dry ... I don’t understand anymore what is good and what is bad... everything is mixed up... This is a step into a new life... life without you, but with thoughts of you... and without you, I don't need anything here... game over.
I wanted to thank you. For everything that we had ... for giving so many unforgettable and vivid emotions that I have not experienced in my whole life ... just for being there ...
These are the three words I wanted to tell you with this letter: thank you... sorry... and goodbye...

In the lives of many couples, unfortunately, there comes a period when it is necessary to put an end to the relationship. Sometimes it can be the last phone call or meeting, and sometimes it can be a farewell letter. If you know that it will be difficult for you to find the right words for parting by looking a person in the eye, then such a message will be the best option for you. Saying goodbye often leaves a lot of negative moments in the memory of once close people, but sometimes with the help of a letter you can show yourself from a more advantageous side, avoid unpleasant scenes or return relationships. So what are the rules to follow? 1. Start with a draft If you sat down to write farewell words to a person with whom you were together for some period, then most likely you are now overwhelmed by a heap of thoughts. It is not at all necessary to try to convey all this confusion to a man - it is possible that closer to the third page he will get tired of reading or will not understand you at all. First, write on a draft everything that you would like to convey to your ex-lover. Reread what was written, highlight the most important thing, streamline the letter - do not move from topic to topic, periodically returning to one of them again and again. 2. Decide on a goal Immediately decide what you want more - permanently delete this person from your life, or let him understand what he was wrong about, so that he can correct the situation and return your favor. In the first case, you should be as concise as possible: describe what did not suit you in your tandem, explain why you no longer see a future in such an alliance, thank you for the good moments, and finally wish you harmony and success. There is no need to clarify anything and shame the man - this can turn into a protracted conflict, instead of the final point. If your goal is to change the relationship for the better, then it is better not to position your letter as a farewell letter. Start something like this: “I’ve wanted to share these thoughts with you for a long time, but I didn’t know how to start right.” Without reproaches and appeal to conscience, tell your loved one how you feel. Avoid the word "you"! This will put him on the defensive and you won't get what you want. Write about your feelings, about your experiences, about what would make you happier. Forget the phrase: “If only you would call more often!”. Instead, use: "If only we could communicate more often." Describe all your claims in a similar way.

Farewell note to a loved one if he cheated

In this case, the text of the note depends on whether the man regrets the betrayal, or still chose another. Also important is the fact that you are ready to forgive his offense.

Beloved betrayed and stayed with another

With such a development of events, for sure, you did not have time to immediately orient yourself and say goodbye to your lover with dignity. Now you can fix it with a note. If you want to sow the seed of doubt in his decision, then you do not need to write that you are ready to forgive him and become what he wants. By doing this, you can only evoke a range of feelings from pity to irritation. Instead of tearful words of prayer, write that for the last few days (at least a couple of days should have passed since the breakup) you have been thinking about the current situation, and have come to the conclusion that everything happened as it should have happened. Note that you really stopped understanding each other a long time ago, and both of you did not have the strength to fight for your feelings. Make it clear that in your thoughts you always saw your future together as a happy one, and you are sorry that this did not happen. Nevertheless, you look ahead with optimism, and believe that everything will be wonderful for you personally, which is what you want for him. Keep all insults to yourself - he himself knows that he did not act very well. Your goal, in any case, is to let him know that you are above "running" for a cheater. Yes, you were ready to work on relationships, but if it didn’t work out, then so be it. Life goes on and a new love awaits you ahead with the first exciting dates and confessions - even if it seems incredible to you now.

Save the relationship after cheating

In this case, your message cannot be fully called farewell, but it will make the chosen one think about it and, perhaps, for the first time in a long time, feel the fear that you may be forever lost to him. Having found out that the man who has changed wants to continue the relationship with you, write him a letter in which you ask him to pause to understand the situation - for example, for a week. Tell him that you cannot just forget about the event and, as if nothing had happened, spend time together and beyond. You need some period to understand why everything happened this way, to come to your senses and collect your thoughts. After several days of reflection, of course, a meeting will be waiting for you, at which you can announce that you are ready to move on and build your relationship, but you definitely decided for yourself that you won’t forgive betrayal a second time. However, you can also write all this after the “pause” period has expired. It is very hard to say goodbye forever to a person whose love has not passed. However, it happens that for some reason people cannot or do not want to be together anymore, despite their feelings. This letter will either logically end your relationship, or encourage your loved one to radically change the circumstances that prevent your full reunion. First you need to write about the most important thing - about your love for this man. Tell us what warm emotions you experience when you see him and communicate with him. Then give a few lines to the problem that keeps you from being together. Tell me about how hard it is for you to put up with this circumstance and the realization that your love gradually began to provoke the emergence of so many difficult thoughts. Note that you tried to accept the situation, but you understand that by doing this you only make things worse for yourself, and therefore for your union. Let the man read that this decision is not easy for you, and you will undoubtedly suffer because of it, but in the current situation you cannot leave everything as it was before. After such a letter, there can be two outcomes - the beloved will change the situation and figure it out with difficulties that interfere with your happiness, or he will simply be inactive, disappearing from your field of vision or persuading you to come to terms with the circumstances. In the second case, you should gather your strength, and, following the text of your message, try to forget about the feeling that brought you suffering - the sooner you start changing your life, the sooner these experiences will be left behind.

Farewell letter to the unloved

Composing a letter to an unloved man or boyfriend is no easier than looking for the right words for a loved one.

Confession in a letter that you have fallen out of love

Sometimes relationships run out of steam. It is necessary to work periodically on maintaining harmony and novelty of feelings - love does not live for a long time among inattention, lack of care, boredom or a lot of harsh and offensive words. One day you realize that you have not been thinking about the chosen one with the same trepidation for a long time, and you no longer see your future next to him. As a rule, a change of scenery - a trip to another city or country - becomes a good catalyst for testing feelings. Give your love a chance, but if even after the “experiment” there is no doubt that a man only causes indifference or irritation in you, then it’s better to stop torturing yourself and him.

Such confessions can be difficult to make in reality, so some try to awaken literary talent in themselves. If you decide to write a letter, then tell it as it is. Do not try to convince a man that he is to blame for this outcome by killing all feelings in you. Write that you really appreciate all the pleasant moments that were in your relationship. At the same time, you understand that the feelings have passed, and you can no longer return them, despite all attempts. Explain that you want him to meet someone who will appreciate him, because he deserves to be sincerely loved. Write all this only if you are completely sure that there are no feelings! Do not think that in this way you can “refresh” the relationship by adding new colors to it. A surge of emotions from the other half, of course, is guaranteed, but later it can turn against you - subconsciously, he will believe that love has passed, which can then lead to unnecessary suspicion and irritation.

A letter to someone who is unrequitedly in love with you

If an old friend fell in love with you, with whom you maintained warm relations for a long time, seeing in him only a kindred spirit or a partner in common interests, but not a future life partner, then try to be delicate with him, but at the same time remain completely confident in your words. Convey in a letter to the young man the fact that you are very flattered by his feelings for you, and you are sincerely sorry that you cannot answer them. Note that you will accept his choice if he no longer wants to be friends with you, however, if over time he tries to return to the previous format of your communication, then you will be very happy. It also happens that you have to refuse reciprocity to a new acquaintance. In this case, avoid the friend offer. A man does not fully realize that he was refused, and will think that you are providing a chance to win your favor. If you know for sure that you don’t want this, write that you were glad to meet him, and you are sure that his chosen one will be very lucky with him, but your heart is already taken.

What is better, a farewell letter in verse or in your own words

If you have undoubted skills in writing poetry, then, of course, using this talent, you can effectively put an end to your relationship. However, not every man will appreciate this approach. Such a presentation of thoughts would be most appropriate if you want to leave a lyrical memory of yourself and the topic of parting has already been discussed with your lover earlier. It is unlikely that he will like to find out that he was thrown out of a poem. You can also finally compose a poem for a guy who broke up with you the day before - this way you can express everything that you feel in a very non-trivial way, remaining in his memory for a long time.

Farewell letter to tears

With your letter, you can not only provoke a guy to tears, but also make him regret that your romance is over. 1. Remind him of a pleasant past While reading the message, the young man should plunge into nostalgic thoughts and remember those moments when he experienced a special excitement associated with you. If you want your lines to touch the chosen one, then, for sure, you hope to return him in this way. It is quite possible! Write that it is especially difficult for you to think that everything is behind you when you remember your first date. Remind me of the details of this meeting. During the period of a relationship, many good things are forgotten, so now your goal is to direct the memories in the right direction. You can describe how you felt when you first saw him, or how you realized you loved him. It is also important to state information that your chosen one has not yet heard about - how you, while visiting a friend, looked at the phone waiting for his call, how you were afraid to confess your feelings to him for the first time, how you dreamed about him for several nights in a row. Remind them of trips together that you both liked or some special events. In the end, note that you will miss all this very much, but it's nice to know that all this once was. 2. Imagine the future that could be By writing about pleasant moments from the past, you will remind the guy of what is left behind, but in addition, you also have the opportunity to show him what kind of future he has lost. Write that you often imagined how things might be in five or ten years. Tell us what picture stood before your eyes: you, he, your children, building a sand castle on the seashore. There may be variations here - modeling dumplings and dumplings with the whole family, skiing, joint fishing. In general, in describing a potential future, you should largely focus on the character and preferences of your lover if your goal is to make him cry. In conclusion, note that it hurts you to realize that all this is no longer possible, but you are glad that for some time such dreams made you happy. 3. A minimum of negativity, claims and reproaches Of course, the purpose of this letter is to evoke bright, nostalgic thoughts, so forget about claims and reproaches. If he seriously offended you, then mention that “after recent events” you were broken and lost, thinking that this was some kind of mistake, and a person like him simply could not do this, but when you realized what had happened, then you were very sad and painful. However, do not focus too much on negative emotions.

None of the women is immune from the fact that a married man will pay attention to her. It even happens that he manages to achieve reciprocity. Perhaps you immediately knew that he was married, but it may also be that this circumstance was revealed to you only now. Be that as it may, you have decided for yourself that you do not need such a relationship. In this case, your reluctance to meet in person for parting is understandable. You need to do everything so that this page of your life is turned over. You should not hope that with this letter you will provoke his divorce - if he has not left the family so far, then the letter will not change this. Yes, and there is nothing good in "taking" a man away from another. Write to him that he could not make the final choice, so you have to take this step, and you choose a full-fledged relationship. With him, this will not work, and you no longer want to carry experiences in your life that can be avoided. Wish him to understand himself and his desires, and ask him not to bother you anymore - there can be no love and friendship between you. This situation is very ticklish, so you should think carefully about the appropriateness of the letter. The message may end up in the wrong hands, bringing unnecessary problems not only to the man, but also to you, so make sure that it gets into the eyes of the right addressee.

Farewell letter from a lover

We do not always plan in advance what happens to us, and an affair with a married man is one of those cases. Many women are mired in the quagmire of such relationships, but almost every one of them sooner or later realizes that this can no longer continue. It would seem that you have a loved one, but at the same time you remain lonely. It does not matter for what reason you went for this affair, but if you decide to break off a love affair with someone else's husband, then you can do this by sending a few lines. How to get out of such a relationship with a letter Do not write to your lover that you have feelings for him and would like to be together, but leave because of the presence of a wife. In such a message, it is generally advisable not to paint the emotions you experienced. It will be best if you communicate that you have had enough time to evaluate the pros and cons of such meetings, and you have realized that this relationship has been exhausted. Note that you do not expect any decisive steps from him, and do not try to manipulate him, you have only one goal - to forget about this romance and give yourself a chance to find personal happiness with another person. If you wish, you can hint that you recently met a man who shows you signs of attention that you would like to respond to, but you do not want to play a “double game”. Summarize that in any case, you do not intend to keep in touch with him anymore, and ask him not to seek contact with you. Indicate that you are grateful to him for many pleasant moments, but the status of a mistress has long ceased to suit you. Perhaps after that he will try to get you to talk, but if you have enough willpower not to respond to attempts to return everything to its previous course, then pretty soon you can start a new life.

This type of letter is perhaps the most difficult to write. Many girls were sure that they would definitely wait for their beloved from the military unit, but this did not happen in all cases. Since it so happened that you met another young man with whom you want to be together, then you must certainly inform your former chosen one about this. In any case, insults and discussions are unlikely to be avoided, but it is much better to tell everything yourself, and not suddenly disappear or maintain the illusion that nothing has changed. Start by saying that you never thought that this could happen, otherwise you would not made promises to wait. Admit that the situation has developed in such a way that you can no longer be together, but you want to honestly write to him about it personally. Note that you understand how painful it is to find out that your girlfriend wants to leave, and you are not comfortable with the fact that you have become participants in such a story, but you do not want to lie. Let him know that since this happened, it means that the relationship was not strong enough, and you are not the girl he should have been with. Write that you really would not want him to hold a grudge against you, because people break up in civilian life, and no one is immune from this. Summarize that you understand that he does not deserve you to write lies to him or disappear without explanation, and you do not want to do this. You can also mention that you are convinced that you made the right decision, and have no doubt that when he returns from the army, he will meet true love. Although, in fact, it almost doesn’t matter what exactly you write - in most cases for soldiers such messages are a big blow no matter how you present them. The most important thing for you is not to delay breaking up if you started dating someone else. Be honest with your ex-boyfriend, do not let him know that he no longer has a girlfriend from third parties. From this, it will be much worse for him, and for you, an already difficult situation will become more complicated.

How to write a farewell sms

Breakup message to a loved one who offended

Sometimes situations occur, as a result of which you definitely understand that the time has come to part with your chosen one. If this realization came after a man inflicted a serious offense, then he is unlikely to be very surprised by your message. Explain to your former lover that in light of recent events, you cannot and do not want to continue communication with him. Wish him all the best and ask him not to disturb him anymore. Perhaps the man will try to apologize, but if you are convinced that you cannot forgive the offense, just avoid dialogue with him.

farewell message to ex boyfriend

It happens that the novel is already over, but you feel the need to tell your ex-boyfriend about what you didn’t have time to say when you parted. There is no point in torturing yourself by holding back these impulses - unsaid words will torment you for a long time, and you will experience all the charms of the “unclosed gestalt”. You replay phrases in your head that were not spoken, and this means that you partially remained in that relationship. Send a sms to the guy what hurts, ending with the phrase: “I won’t bother you anymore, and I don’t want you to bother me, thinking that I need communication. I just wanted to write these words because I regretted not saying them right away. In general, honest and simple.

SMS about parting

The essence of such SMS is not to enter into subsequent correspondence. A guy should not understand you in two ways or think that you are just not in the mood and wanted to annoy him in such a strange way. Write that you have thought about a lot and realized that your relationship has no prospects. Specify what caused this realization. Finish the text with the fact that it’s hard for you because everything turned out that way, but you finally decided everything for yourself, and ask him to accept this fact. Give thanks for all the good things, and, if appropriate, ask for forgiveness for the wrong done. Your decision is firm, and was not a momentary weakness? Then do not engage in dialogue, let this SMS really become a farewell.

How to behave after sending a farewell letter

The main purpose of a farewell letter is to end any relationship with it. When composing a message with which you want to announce the end of the novel or your unwillingness to start it, be prepared for the fact that after that there will be no reaction. Moreover - set yourself up for it! If you are fully aware of this circumstance, you can write farewell lines, but if you hope to provoke your lover to some decisive actions in this way, this is not the best way. Having sent such a letter, do not wait for an answer, and if there is one, then do not start a correspondence, otherwise your “final point” loses all meaning.

Hello Natasha!

Your new candidate for a relationship with you had to write as many as four options for a farewell letter to a man until you were satisfied with the text. I changed almost nothing, but only followed the path of shortening what was written. You see, I wrote a lot, but you want it to be shorter, more businesslike!

Yes, in a businesslike way, one could not invent anything, but just say: “You don’t suit me, man. You have problems through the roof, but I’m fed up with solving my own in life! ”

Well, okay ... I grumble, because you go on dates with men, and I write farewell letters to them! I want to date you too! But... I can't yet.

Farewell letter to a man. Option number 1.
Thank you very much for the walk, for your openness and for not losing optimism in your difficult life situation. And, honestly, I’m very uncomfortable now in front of you, because I’m thinking about what you won’t say “thank you” to me for.
I am also, if you understand, a very open person and, moreover, too open, as all my previous life shows. That's why you won't say "thank you" to me.
I probably accidentally reassured you by saying about our joint old age, by shaking your hand, by listening to you with my heart ...

She really listened with her heart, and spoke as if from her heart, I don’t know myself, just why?
Let's continue - honestly and openly. You have problems, even for my free life, over the edge. Now I think: “I would be younger, I could get involved in this, see what all this will result in - our relationship, your and my children, all sorts of former and not so, people, debts, etc., etc. ".
I feel sorry for us in these senses, and myself, and you. And it's a pity, because we are not young anymore ...
There would be time, everything would be frayed, cooked and settled. And now... I don't have time for that. I don't want problems, understand. I no longer have the strength to solve my own ... And even more so - other people's problems. Not strangers, of course, now, because, in general, I really liked you. You are good, cheerful, it is easy for me to communicate with you ...
Well, you see, I'm not young for such feats - to be an assistant to a man who needs help himself ...
Most of all, to be honest, what worries me now is that you can be offended by me for the hope that I gave you, and now I'm taking it away. I'm sorry. I'm just kind and generous. I am kind and sympathetic, but I'm afraid to climb into your problems. I'm not enough for this.
You are good, much better than many others. But you yourself, a woman like me, is not needed yet. I mean: one that does not want to share your problems with you.
If there weren’t them, then it would be possible to guess about joint old age - that’s what I meant, probably. I really wanted to support you somehow, because you are not very well.
But, to give hope... Well, I can't, Tolya, give you such hope. You see, I have such an attitude to life that a woman is an assistant to a man. Assistant in everything. And I don’t want to be with you until your problems from a past life are resolved and I don’t want to help you solve them, we understand.
I would like to, probably, if I were younger, but now, you know, I’ve become some kind of bitchy and I want to be happy, as if winning a lottery ticket, and not resting like a draft horse. I justify myself by the fact that I have been resisting all my life, I have given birth to and raised two children, practically alone, and I have not really taken care of myself.
You are smart, you will understand everything correctly, because our acquaintance began with a meeting, and not with communication on the Internet. You saw what I really am in real life. But ... I really want simple female happiness, male care and ... fewer problems that will interfere. Sorry. I don’t propose to be friends, because I don’t believe in friendship between a man and a woman. And you do not offer me, we will only lose time. Better solve your problems faster - if not for me, then for any other woman this will only be a plus. Or look for one that will accept you with them. I assure you, there are such women too. And there are many. Even I, in principle, are like that. But I do not want. I don’t want to from the mind, but not from the heart, and therefore I feel guilty before you.

Forgive and don't be offended. And be an optimist, as on our first and so far last date - because they carry water for "offended ones."

Farewell letter to a man. Option number 2.
Thank you very much for the walk, for your openness and for not losing optimism in your difficult life situation.
Me too, if you understand, I am a very open person. That's why you won't say "thank you" to me.
I probably inadvertently reassured you by the fact that I said about our joint old age, by shaking your hand, by listening to you with my heart ... I listened, really, with my heart, and spoke as if from the heart.
Let's continue - honestly and openly. You have problems, even for my free life over the edge. I feel sorry for us in this sense, both myself and you, because we are not young anymore. You are good, cheerful, it is easy for me to communicate with you. What worries me most now is that you can be offended by me for the hope that I gave you, and now I'm taking it away. I'm sorry. I am kind and sympathetic, and I think you felt it, but I'm just afraid to get into your problems.
You are good, much better than many others. And you are smart, you will understand everything correctly, I really want simple female happiness, male care and ... fewer problems that will interfere. Sorry. I don’t propose to be friends, because I don’t believe in friendship between a man and a woman.
Solve your problems faster - if not for me, then for yourself. And for any other woman, this will only be a plus. Or look for one that will accept you in your current state. I assure you, there are such women too. Even I am. But I do not want. I don’t want to from my consciousness, but not from my heart, and therefore I feel guilty before you. Forgive me and don't be offended if you can... Otherwise, I feel like a fool after our meeting, because I gave you hope for our relationship, without wanting it myself.

Farewell letter to a man. Option number 3.
Thank you very much for the walk, for your openness and for not losing optimism in your difficult life situation. Me too, if you understand, I am a very open person. I probably inadvertently reassured you by the fact that I said about our joint old age, that I shook your hand, that I listened to you with my heart ... I really listened with my heart and I spoke, as if from the bottom of my heart.
Let's continue - honestly and openly. You have problems, even for my free life over the edge. I feel sorry for us in this sense, both myself and you, because we are not young anymore. You are funny, it is easy for me to communicate with you. And I'm responsive and I think you felt it, but I'm just afraid to get into your problems.
You are good, much better than many others. And you are smart, you will understand everything correctly, I really want simple female happiness, male care and ... fewer problems that will interfere. I don’t propose to be friends, because I don’t believe in friendship between a man and a woman.

Farewell letter to a man. Option number 4 (final).
Thank you very much for the walk, for your openness and for not losing optimism in your difficult life situation. It was easy and interesting for me with you.
You are good, much better than many others. And you are smart, you will understand everything correctly. I really want simple female happiness, male care and ... fewer problems that will interfere. If you want, we can communicate simply as comrades, as classmates.

P.S. For those who had the patience to read to the end all the options for a farewell letter to a man, I will give the answer of this very man, with great respect for him and even with some regret, because he did not fit my beloved friend, Natasha, as a husband:
“Sorry Natasha, I just don’t want to be a friend. Happiness to you."
So, all men want friendship with sex, whatever one may say...
