Happy birthday poems for sister. Happy birthday greetings to sister in verse

There is no dearer friend than a sister

A sister is the best friend of all. Since childhood, she supports you, protects you and trusts you with secrets. You can tell her about your deepest experiences, and she will definitely give advice. A sister is not capable of betraying, because she is part of your family. And all family members always try to stick together. If you want to pleasantly surprise your sister on her birthday, then give her poetry. And the most beautiful birthday poems for sister are collected in this section.

This will be a truly impressive gift. Instead of traditional flowers and cute trinkets, you can give real art. Art expressed in poetic lines. Your unusual gift will be remembered for a really long time. And if you write down the chosen poetic greeting on a beautiful postcard, then you can re-read it several times. Just imagine how many happy moments such a gift will give your sister!

Today, the value of congratulations in verse has been undeservedly reduced. For some reason, all the attention is paid to material gifts, as if they are the most important thing. Unlike material congratulations, happy birthday poems for your sister will never be forgotten. And while the presented bouquets of flowers fade, the rhymed lines will ring loudly in the heart of the birthday girl. No gift in the world can compare with poems read from the heart. Choose beautiful poems right now and congratulate them with taste!

My dear sister,
I'm glad to wish you
Live for a very long time without knowing troubles
And never lose heart.

To love yourself and to be loved,
Shine like a star,
Always be fabulously beautiful
It's childish to sincerely dream.

Don't be upset in vain,
Be able to appreciate good things.
On your birthday I wish
To be the happiest person in the world.

Happy Birthday dear,
My best sister!
I have no soul for you,
You are the closest thing to me to me.

I wish you happiness, laughter,
May all your dreams come true,
May luck and good fortune
They will walk side by side.

Let there be different surprises in life
You will have a lot.
Fewer days of the saddest -
More joy, warmth.

I'm always by your side -
Don't forget this.
It’s not for nothing that we are sisters.
I love you, you know!

Little sister, happy birthday to you, dear! I so want to wish you a lot - the most magical, the most tender, the most sublime and the kindest. May everything you desire come, joy live in your heart, may everything be in abundance in your home, and may fluffy clouds of peace and tranquility float in your soul. I wish you not to get sick, not to be sad, even a little, to always be positive, bright, unforgettable and truly happy. With love, your sister.

You are a sister and I am a sister,
Together we are sisters.
It's your birthday
And I'm standing on the sidelines!

I want it so much, sister
I wish you a lot
For starters, be healthy
Don't get sick or get sick.

Secondly, bloom like a rose,
Be beautiful, without wrinkles.
And ruddy, as if from frost,
To drive men crazy.

Third, baby, be rich.
Shovel the dollars.
Put the euro into an asset,
To go to Tel Aviv.

But seriously, be yourself
Kind, so affectionate.
You are our fire, heat.
I love you sister!

Happy Birthday Sister,
Let your dreams come true.
Best wishes,
Darling, you are worthy.

Well, first of all, I wish
I want you to be happy.
Very good health,
Don't get sick or mope.

Secondly, radiant love,
Ardent, passionate, forever.
May he be with you
The closest person.

Thirdly, I will say, dear,
Don't forget your sister.
May God protect you
I love you, you know.

Do you remember when we used to fight when we were kids?
And we fought and we bit -
We shared all the toys.
They often fought on pillows.

Only if suddenly there is trouble -
I will always come running to you,
I'll hug you and calm you down.
It was the same with you.

And now we've grown up
They really have gotten wiser.
We don't fight, but sometimes
We still quarrel with you.

But today there will be no quarrels,
Let's forget all the grievances.
I will wish you happiness
Happy birthday!

Be the sweetest, little sister,
The most tender and happiest,
The most joyful, beloved
And always so beautiful!

Happy birthday, sister!
Shine like the sun in the morning,
Live and listen to your heart,
Believe in love and fairy tales as you did in childhood.

May everything be great for you,
Let if you cry, then from happiness,
Build bridges to your dreams.
- With great love, from my sister.

Let your peace be woven
From bright days without black holes,
From tender melting nights,
From ardent loving speeches,
From good deeds and warm hands,
From pleasant meetings without separations,
Of the sunniest successes,
Solutions to life's problems,
Of achievements and heights,
From travel and beauty,
From thin lace and furs,
From congratulations and poems,
From warm summer evenings,
From meetings with a guitar around the fires,
From fragile lines without diets,
Of the best long years.
Shine like a bright spark!
And happy birthday, sister!

My dear little man,
I congratulate you.
It's good to have a sister.
To know that I have you!

I wish you happiness,
And smiles and love.
Let all bad weather go away
Keep faith in your soul.

Let there be no sorrows,
Only success and comfort.
May all your loved ones and relatives
They love, appreciate, take care!

And no matter how many quarrels we have with you,
Scandals, screams, misunderstandings...
You always remain dearest to me,
My sister - without any obligations.

Today you are a little older
And I want to say a few words,
Grow, live, change, be as before,
Don't let others break you.

Congratulations, my bird.
Only you, my sister,
You know all my secrets
Yes, you always give advice.
I'm glad on your birthday,
Absolutely without a doubt
To declare to everyone in the world:
To dream about such a sister
Everyone should in this world.
... and now - hugs wider:
Rejoice, love, dream,
Smile, prosper!

My sister, happy birthday!
I want to wish you
More joy, more fun
And never lose heart.

So that all your wishes come true,
So that you live like in a fairy tale,
Gave everyone charm
May all your dreams come true!

Happy Birthday Sister!
Always be cheerful, loud,
Cheerful, happy,
Brave, nimble, positive.
Be successful anywhere and everywhere:
Relax, wash the dishes,
Buy new dresses
To a restaurant, to a movie,
Earn millions
Hide trillions in a bank
Win a guy's heart
And make your dreams come true!
Be the happiest of all, sister!
And today and always.

Little sister, happy birthday
I congratulate you.
Good luck, mood
I wish you with all my heart!

I want you to be loved
And I was happy
So that life is beautiful
Light and cheerful.

So that there are no obstacles
You've never met one in your life.
Pleasant surprises
I got it more often!

You are so beautiful
You are a little sister, lapotula.
I wish you happiness
Despite all the bad weather.

Always be as sweet as you are
Flawless and beautiful.
Don't forget about health
Be lucky everyone.

Be loved and love
And give everyone a smile.
Happy birsday, my dear,
You are so dear to me!

Dear sister, happy birthday
I hasten to congratulate you as soon as possible!
Wish you good luck and fun,
Have the warmest and most magical days!

Let only your family be with you,
Close and faithful friends!
Let any be resolved easily
Life goals and affairs.

May your health be heroic,
And love is more beautiful than flowers.
May people greet you with kindness
And a bouquet of the most tender words.

Accept gifts, congratulations!
This day today is only yours!
The best, sweetest birthday!
Laugh, have fun, dance and sing!

Dear sister,
kind soul,
How beautiful you are
Very good!

Happy birthday, sunshine.
Peace, warmth!
Let everything work out
Dreams make you happy.

Wishes will come true
I'll repeat:
“Happy birthday!
I love you!"

I wish you on your birthday
Lots of light and love
To glow with joy
Every day your eyes.

To keep the house in order,
So that there is peace in the soul.
Happy Birthday Sister,
Remember, I am always with you!

My dear sister,
My ray of sunshine, happy birthday!
And every day I wish
Good luck to you.

More happiness and good luck,
The bouquet is hugely beautiful.
May your soul never cry,
But only dreams come true.

Let only joy knock on the house,
Let the flowers bloom around you.
All this must happen
After all, for me you are my best friend.

I wish you many bright days,
And warm friendship and fun.
And always be more cheerful
Not just on this birthday.

You've grown older, dear sister,
But this is not a reason to be sad.
I wish you to be a child at heart,
Only do wise things.

Learn to appreciate everything you have
And do not keep grudges and evil in your soul.
I congratulate you on this birthday
And I want to wish you warmth.

May hope knock on your home every day,
And let your look always be happy.
And everything will be better than it was before,
And let the years rush by slowly.

My dear sister,
I really care about you.
On your beautiful birthday
Everything is just for you.

Always be the sweetest
The kindest and dearest.
For me you are a ray of sunshine
The closest, dearest.

May you have good luck in life
Doesn't go unnoticed.
I wish you happiness
And a lot of love.

I thank God for sending me a sister like you! For me, you are the dearest and closest person who will always help, advise, and sometimes just smile - and my soul will immediately feel lighter. Happy birthday to you, my beautiful sister. May all your dreams come true and bring you many years of happiness, health and success.

Happy Birthday Sister!
Happiness, joy, victories.
Smile, laugh loudly,
Be healthy for a hundred years.

And love to you, like in a fairy tale,
Beauty and kind words,
A lot of tenderness and affection,
And, of course, flowers!

Happy Birthday Sister,
You are always more tender than a kitten,
Graceful as a panther
And as light as the atmosphere!

You are beautiful, no doubt
I am responsible for your words,
And you are smart and kind -
You are the star of the whole yard!

Happy Birthday Sister!
Be healthy, laugh loudly,
Never get started
Don't be angry with me
And in any of your clothes
Be beautiful as before.
And also for you, dear,
I want to meet the prince.

Congratulations, sister, I wish you good luck,
Dreams come true, and love, and warmth,
If there are tears in our eyes, then we will cry with happiness,
If it's fun, then we'll be buzzing until the morning!

Let the sun smile through your window,
Lighting up your every day with smiles,
Happy Birthday, sister, and I’m a little sad
Because you are a year older now!

Sister, my dear person,
I wish you a lot of happiness.
With you we are like Chuk and Gek,
Various bad weathers have passed.

And on this holiday - a bright day!
I wish you to be loved!
And you are always like an umbrella and a shadow,
Be inseparable from your husband.

On holiday, it has always been like this,
You need to drink vodka.
You and I are two boots,
Two graceful boats
High heels
We're clicking through life,
If there was anything wrong,
Forget it, don’t be sour!
You go there and I go here,
Separated, but in a direction.
Accept it my sister
Birthday toast!

Let the sky be silver instead of snow
The earth will fall and the birds will chirp,
Let love and laughter fill the house,
After all, on this day you were born, sister.

Let the frost draw on the glass
Flowers of unprecedented beauty and color,
May all misfortunes be hidden in ashes,
That the restless wind carries away.

And you, having seen these miracles,
Suddenly you smile sincerely, like a child.
Let your eyes shine with happiness,
And life, like a fairy tale, will be interesting!

Best friends since childhood
We were together, you and me.
We lived like two laughing girls
And we dreamed about flowers.

And today I’m with a bouquet
I'm coming to your house
And I bring gifts with me
On your birthday, your holiday.

Don't lose your smile
And your enthusiasm.
And don't repeat the mistake
My upbringing.

Yes, I was your mother
Sometimes when alone
Stayed early
We are at home on weekdays.

Wow, you had it so bad...
It's funny to us now
And then it seemed to us
This is not a sin at all.

Here's a doll for you,
And take the cars.
Just don't go out
Happiness sparks within us.

It's not a pity for you at all
Nothing to give now.
I'll just give you a hint,
That I really want to become an aunt.

Because in life you are my strict critic
And a faithful friend and a psychoanalyst,
And the mirror of my simple soul,
Hurry up and accept gifts quickly.

You always shared everything with me,
I hope this has not been forgotten today?
And, warning your noble impulse,
I'm leaving half the gift for myself...

May your life be wonderful
My favourite sister,
Life will be like a fairy tale,
Giving a bag of goodness.
Let today be your birthday
Your dreams come true.
I wish you love, good mood,
Health, happiness, beauty!

You and I, sister, are like girlfriends.
You love me, and I love you.
Let me pull your ears
And congratulations on the holiday, my love.
I will give you my gifts,
And I will say beautiful words:
Let the impressions be very vivid
My head is just spinning!

Happy Birthday, dear sister!
You are my dearest person.
No matter how many years have passed, I know for sure -
We'll stay together forever.
I want you to be happy
So that love can be found quickly,
Remained just as beautiful
And, like a rose in the garden, let it bloom!

Happy Birthday, my little sister!
I love you very much.
And, of course, as your elder brother,
I am glad to congratulate you first.
Let your dreams come true.
Become a beauty queen
You will be able to achieve your goals.
And I will be your support!

I want to wish you well
On your birthday, dear sister!
And even though you and I sometimes quarrel, -
There is no one in the world more dear to you and me.
We share all sorrows in half.
And together we feel so warm and comfortable.
Do you remember the words that I will say:
No matter what, I will support you!

There is no more beautiful girl in the world,
Than you, my beloved sister.
You are the best on the entire big planet.
I wish you joy, goodness,
Health, happiness and great success,
Happy days and sweet nights,
Beautiful love, sincere laughter.
You can live your life easily!

Happy Birthday Sister!
You've grown up a little.
I was just a little fox
And today suddenly - a fox!
The look had been cunning before,
And now there’s excitement in it!
Not a girl, but a picture!
Oh, what a pity that I am your brother!

Then I'll whisper in your ear,
That there is no one more beautiful than you.
In the meantime, with my friends,
I'll say a toast. Almost advice:
Do not change. Be yourself.
Argue with everyone and fate!
Happy birthday! I won’t hide it -
I'm proud of my sister!!!

Happy Birthday, my sweet sister!
Sincere smiles to you, love, warmth.
Let happiness lead you,
Let difficulties pass by.
Friends along the way - reliable, real,
Responsive in trouble, doing good.
May every day bathe you in affection,
Dreams will come true, just like in your favorite fairy tale!

Sister. Little sister. Bang. Pigtail. –
How funny you were as a child!
Ships in a puddle. Choice by matches...
The question “Where is the candy?” Yours: “I didn’t take it!”
It was and remains: on a grand scale and in a whirlpool,
And there – at least the grass won’t grow in the yard!
That's why I love it! And I'll say it simply:
May God grant everyone such a sister!

Changeable weather, fashion, people,
And the mood is like a weather vane in the wind.
One thing will always be with me -
The desire to praise my sister!
You won’t find any closer relatives, period!
All our secrets – only in half!
We are so similar - look, gait, handwriting,
We got that one soul too!

Thank you for your childhood, dear sister,
For tears and laughter, chatting until the morning.
Happy birthday to you, sister, congratulations.
Be happy in life in spite of everyone - always!
Huge success everywhere,
Prosperity, success, fortune in everything.
Let hope and faith be with you,
And the main thing, of course, let love be!
