Self-hypnosis technique to fulfill your desires. Self-hypnosis to fulfill your cherished desires

It is difficult to imagine a person who has never dreamed. And surprisingly, in childhood, almost all desires come true, but matured dreamers have to look for various techniques and tools. This is because adults are guided by consciousness, and at the same time, it is known that conscious processes brain activity occupy only about 3-4% (some psychologists say that 17%, but even this figure is negligible), and everything else is our unconscious. It is no wonder that the most effective techniques, among which self-hypnosis is not the last, work precisely with the subconscious.

Why wishes don't come true

Before moving on to the technique itself, it is necessary to recall why it happens that a person dreams strongly about something, but, despite all the tools used, cannot come close to what he wants. This happens for the following reasons:

  1. Fear.
  2. Violation free will other people.
  3. Thoughts about the impossibility of fulfilling a dream.
  4. Desire for something contradictory.

In the first case, we are talking about the fact that often people are afraid to achieve what they want, since the fulfillment of a dream will entail the appearance of something dangerous. For example, the desire to live in a house on the ocean is incompatible with the fear of a possible tsunami.

The second case implies the impossibility of fulfilling a desire, for example, to build a relationship with some person if he does not want such a relationship.

The third option says that our consciousness blocks the fulfillment of a dream, because it finds a million reasons why the realization of the plan is impossible. And a person begins to think not about how he lives in a house in Spain, but about how impossibly expensive such a house is, how unrealistic it is to get a residence permit and learn Spanish.

And it happens that a person dreams of the same house in Spain, because it is customary, because in his environment it is right desire, but in fact, in a dream, he dreams of a small house on the banks of the Volga. And thus shows a bright “Stop” signal to the fulfillment of his “reasonable” dream.

Self-hypnosis technique for fulfilling desires

In fact, all desires are fulfilled if they are real. Self-hypnosis is not magic at all. Well, maybe just a little bit. The fact is that entering a state of self-hypnosis (deep meditation), that is, plunging into a trance, a person calms his mind and ceases to interfere with what he wants. The binding to the result, obsession goes away, and on the contrary, there may be some completely unexpected decisions to achieve dreams that my brain used to block.

In addition, when the conscious part of the brain falls asleep, an understanding of what restrictions stand in the way of what you want can come. Also, solutions that free from restrictions may become obvious, or a completely different desire may be formulated unexpectedly, which will seem very natural and correct.

How to enter the state of self-hypnosis

There are many positive aspects in the technique of self-hypnosis, one of which is the simplicity of actions. The first time, not everything can work out, but regular practice will make the process of diving into a trance pleasant and easy.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Before starting a self-hypnosis session, clearly articulate your dream, think through all the details, you can write it all down on paper. The main rule in such queries is to avoid negatives. It is believed that our brain does not perceive the particle "not", and instead of "do not do" it understands exactly the opposite - "do". And in dreams, such a discrepancy can have a very deplorable effect on the result.
  2. To go into a trance state, you need to create yourself comfortable conditions. You can sit comfortably in a chair, but you should not lie down, because you can just fall asleep and not achieve the desired result.
  3. Next, you need to completely relax. For this there are many different techniques. For example, you can first strain each muscle very strongly, and then release the tension. Or you can relax individually all parts of the body, starting from the tips of the toes and up to the top of the head, moving your consciousness. You can choose any technique. The result is important - the body should completely relax.
  4. After the body, you need to relax your mind. This does not always work out the first time, but the more you train, the better and faster the complete relaxation of the mind and body will be achieved, which is a trance.
  5. Reaching the state total immersion in a trance, you need to imagine your dream. To feel emotions in details, to see, perhaps, some first steps on the way to realization. You can devote as much time to this item as you want.
  6. At the end of the session, you must exit the state of self-hypnosis. This can help the repetition of some phrases, an object that needs to be felt and felt. It is not scary if the state of trance turns into sleep. The main thing is not to fall asleep at the very beginning of the session.

In addition, there are many more methods for transitioning into a trance state. This can be focusing the gaze on one point, and repeating a single phrase, as well as listening to a previously recorded text on your own. You can choose any of the methods that is comfortable for you.

No matter how easy the technique may seem, sometimes it is very lazy to start it. And these are the same blocks of consciousness again. It believes that there are no easy ways to fulfill desires. In order to slowly teach the mind the opposite, it is best to start with small desires, the achievement of which does not seem impossible or even difficult. Gradually, the fulfillment of a dream will become a habit, and the program of consciousness about the impossibility of easy ways will change to the installation that all dreams come true. This is the case when quantity works for quality.

Dream, and let your most incredible desires come true easily and at the right time!

Since ancient times, people have known that human brain is the center that controls our entire life and determines the reality in which we live. It is the brain (or rather, our subconscious) that has a strong influence on a person, working on it, you can change many internal settings. But in a normal state, this is quite problematic, so it is necessary to achieve a state of altered consciousness, and self-hypnosis can help a lot in this.

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis are very similar concepts, but they have certain differences. Let's go back in history to find that starting point when they started.

For the first time, the inhabitants of ancient India spoke about states of altered consciousness and hypnosis. Somewhat later, approximately in the fifth century BC, the so-called “sleepy temples” came into fashion among the ancient Greeks, in which healing from many ailments was carried out. Almost all ancient civilizations had knowledge about the features of the trance state.

Hypnosis became especially popular already in the 18-19th century - many famous European psychotherapists began to actively engage in it.

The technique of modern hypnosis was developed in the second half of the twentieth century by Milton Erickson, the most famous hypnotist today. The technique got its name in honor of the founder.

But Erickson was engaged not only in ordinary hypnosis, but also paid enough attention to self-hypnosis. The doctor was able to prove that self-hypnosis helps to get rid of many pathologies, and also contributes to the realization of the desired. After all, it is using the technique of self-hypnosis that you directly contact your subconscious, which contains truly incredible possibilities that many are not even aware of.

Erickson believed that anyone can master self-hypnosis if desired. And if someone has difficulty getting into a trance state, then you should work on changing consciousness with a person you can trust.

Today, self-hypnosis works real miracles - millions of people around the globe are achieving incredible success in curing deadly diseases, gaining self-confidence, fulfilling their most cherished desires and much more.

More about the secrets of self-hypnosis will tell you the following video

How self hypnosis works

Our subconscious acts powerful force with which it is difficult to compare. If you learn how to use this power correctly, you can easily change your life in the most harmonious way.

At the same time, the mechanism for fulfilling desires is quite elementary. Our subconscious cannot distinguish between real information and imaginary information. Therefore, when a new thought or idea appears in your head, it first settles in the depths of our brain and only then begins to manifest itself in reality. This, in fact, is the main secret of the action of self-hypnosis.

Therefore, if you are striving with some kind of changes in your life, you must first of all engage in a change in your thinking.

It doesn't matter which type of self-hypnosis you are most interested in - self-hypnosis for the fulfillment of desires, self-hypnosis for money, self-hypnosis for success, or some other - before you begin to practice, study the following recommendations.

  1. You need to find a quiet and calm room in which you will feel comfortable. Even minor extraneous sounds can greatly disturb you. Therefore, pay special attention to this aspect and be sure to turn off your mobile phone.
  2. Trust your body. It is likely that during a self-hypnosis session you will feel various unusual sensations in your body. This is a sign for you in which direction to move. Trust yourself and enjoy the process.
  3. For self-hypnosis to be truly effective, you will need to devote enough time to your studies. Regularity is very important, especially in the beginning. Therefore, plan your practices so that self-hypnosis sessions fall at the same time.

Self Hypnosis: An Immersive Technique

Now we have come close to the analysis of the very technique of immersion in a state of altered consciousness. It consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation. Borrow comfortable posture on a chair or armchair, it is important to lean back and completely relax your body. Place your hands on your knees and place your feet in such a way that the foot is completely on the floor.

It is better to be in a sitting position during self-hypnosis, and not in a horizontal position. Otherwise, you run the risk of greatly relaxing and falling asleep.

  1. Muscle relaxation. The next step is to find any point in the room and focus on it. Silently say the phrase: "My eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, I am completely relaxed." Repeat this wording many times. You need to feel how you really will be overwhelmed by relaxation. Then you will want to cover your eyelids. Follow the prompts of your body - it knows better what you need right now.
  2. Trans state. The next step is to connect with your subconscious mind. To this end, you need to mentally transfer yourself to the elevator, which smoothly descends from the 10th to the 1st floor. You need to count each floor, visualize the situation as much as possible, feeling more and more relaxed.

When the elevator reaches the first floor, its doors silently open. You move forward and find yourself in a very cozy and comfortable room in the central part of which there is a large and very comfortable bed. You need to approach him, lie down on him and immediately fall into deep sleep. Mentally, you need to say the phrase: "I fall asleep with a healthy sleep and will remain in this state until I return to the elevator and start moving up."

Secret- when you mentally move down in an imaginary elevator, your subconscious mind begins to awaken, and when you go up, on the contrary, you return to our reality. This exercise is the foundation of the self-hypnosis technique.

It's already lung condition trance, when you can begin to dictate certain settings to your subconscious.

Important point! Do not take on the settings right away, you can do this after two to three weeks of constant relaxation training, when you learn complete relaxation and can stay in this state for a certain time.

  1. Self-hypnosis and work with the subconscious. Active self-hypnosis is the most important part of self-hypnosis. Here you make the necessary settings in your subconscious.

Important detail– the work of our unconscious and consciousness is very different. The subconscious relies on images, not words. Therefore, when working with him, you need to use a different technique - to inspire ideas in the form of images.

For example, you want to get rid of extra pounds with the help of self-hypnosis. Then don't just imagine how you do it, how much money and effort you spend on it. Just start visualizing your graceful, slender, beautiful body and inspire yourself with something like this:

“I enter the realm of my subconscious. Now it actively perceives information. I am constantly losing weight. My body fat melt every day, forming a slender silhouette. The whole body loses weight evenly. My body fills Vital energy and light, I become light and airy.

Repeat this affirmation many times while visualizing a picture of your perfect body. Make sure that the visual image is firmly embedded in the brain. After all, it is really much more effective to resort to self-hypnosis than to go to liposuction.

Make all your self-encoding affirmations as figurative as possible, and formulate them clearly and beautifully so that they are easy to remember. This is the basis of successful self-hypnosis, which not everyone knows about, but it is precisely this that ensures the effectiveness of the installations.

Another important point- Using self-hypnosis, choose only one target. Give her one or a couple of weeks and only then take on the fulfillment of the next desire. Immediately inspire yourself, for example, losing weight, then - confidence in own forces, health, getting rid of ailments and so on. Only you control your body, so you can cope with any suggestions.

  1. We complete the trans. At the end of the self-hypnosis session, you should feel calm, confident, know that in the very near future you will be able to fulfill your goal and it will come true. At the end, use the phrase-fixator of consciousness "Everything will be exactly as I decided."

Then mentally get up from an imaginary bed. Slowly walk up to the elevator and enter it. Climb up, while counting each next floor. When the car stops, you need to get out of the elevator and open your eyes. Sit still for a few minutes, without making any movements, until you finally find yourself in real world. This is the final moment of the practice of self-hypnosis.

Don't worry if you can't do everything right away. Need to put in more effort and positive effect you will be guaranteed.

Self hypnosis - great power, with the help of which you will have the opportunity to change your life in the most radical way. Reviews about self-hypnosis are impressive - after just a few sessions, people become more self-confident, begin to lose weight, solve many life problems that they have been forced to put up with for years. try it miracle cure for yourself and see how it works!

Self-hypnosis is the controlled ability of a person to go into hypnotic state. This is one form of therapeutic self-hypnosis. It occurs with the participation of one person, without the help of a hypnotist.

As a result of long training, you can independently learn to manage your dreams. If you want to learn self-hypnosis, this book will certainly help you with this. Hypnosis is based on such principles as: relaxation, the ability to manage your desires, feelings, and even painful sensations. Thanks to this, a person comes to unity with his soul, and learns to control his emotions and mind. Self-hypnosis for the fulfillment of their desires is used very often. It does not harm human health, but rather has a positive effect on the mental state.

The use of self-hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is increasingly being used to treat various diseases and to improve one's health. In almost 100 percent of cases, it helps to cope with insomnia, which has plagued people for years. Wish fulfillment technology is available to everyone. If you want to get rid of complexes, fear, normalize weight, improve intimate relationship, then without hesitation, resort to self-hypnosis. It will also help:

  • solve health problems;
  • cope with stressful situations;
  • normalize sleep;
  • learn how to rest properly so as not to feel tired;
  • get rid of fears;
  • eliminate addiction to drugs and alcohol;
  • quit smoking;
  • normalize weight;
  • become self-confident;
  • improve family relationships;
  • acquire the meaning of life;
  • much easier to endure life's difficulties;
  • and intuition;
  • gain creativity.

You can get hypnosis lessons from a professional and learn on your own. Surprisingly, hypnotists do not possess supernatural abilities. They simply use the knowledge and skills necessary for this, thanks to which they help people relax and plunge into a state of trance. A person who is easily impressed with something can be quickly convinced of something, for example, to say that he is a great artist. Hypnosis and self-hypnosis is better known in the West. Many stars have resorted to this miracle technique. Drew Barrymore recovered from and Fergie from alcoholism. The result is visible.

Notable experience in hypnosis

There are a lot of people in the big hall. On stage, someone wets a piece of cotton plain water and says that the hall will now spread bad smell. Anyone who smells this should raise their hand. After a few minutes in the front rows, people begin to raise their hands. More and more more people feel an unpleasant smell. And here is the whole room with their hands up. But in fact, cotton wool does not have any smell, and everyone can be convinced of this. Hypnosis lessons will be useful for those who suffer allergic reactions, because in a state of trance the allergy disappears. Hypnosis was invented back in the 19th century by an English surgeon who used it as a method of pain relief. Without knowing it, we fall into a state of trance every day, it does not last very long, so we do not notice it. The psyche protects itself from stress in this way. By the way, the technology of wish fulfillment in Austria is taught as a course for bank employees and jewelry stores. If a robber suddenly attacks them, they will be able to hypnotize him.

Funny story

A famous English hypnotist was sued by a man for doing anything for 120 minutes while under hypnosis - conducting a huge orchestra, dancing a ballet, rejoicing as if he had won a million dollars in the lottery. After that in ordinary life he started behaving strangely. 4 psychiatrists gave him the same diagnosis - acute schizophrenic syndrome. However, the court decided that the hypnotist was not guilty.

You will not believe!

Self-hypnosis for the fulfillment of one's desires can lower or increase body temperature, dilate blood vessels, relieve fatigue and pain, regulate blood sugar levels, as well as blood pressure.

The main stages of self-hypnosis

Getting out of hypnosis is not easy for everyone. You may be overcome by drowsiness. It's not worth rushing. Gradually normal sensations of body and mind will return. You need to get out of this state as much as you need. Even if you fell asleep, there is no reason to worry. Often, self-hypnosis turns into a normal dream, after which you wake up rested.

In order to achieve your goal, you should follow some tips.

  • The external conditions of the place where you are going to enter a trance should be as comfortable as possible ( normal temperature air, no excessive moisture, etc.) and must not endanger you.
  • So that nothing distracts you from diving into a trance, you should satisfy everything immediately before self-hypnosis.
  • If you are very tired, you should not start self-hypnosis to fulfill your desires. It won't lead to anything good.
  • Try to relax every part of the body, starting from the top of your head and reaching to your toes.
  • Don't think too much, but focus on the important issue.

Common Techniques for Inducing Trance

  1. On the inhale, you rise a little, on the exhale, on the contrary, you lower. With each breath, dive deeper into self-awareness.
  2. Place your hand palm up and relax it completely. Then start slowly squeezing it in should take you at least 3 minutes. All attention should be focused on this hand, you should feel everything that happens to it.
  3. Imagine in front of you a long staircase, which you need to go down. Start slowly descending it, first lower one leg, then the other. You should feel the downward movement. Imagine that you have a brick wall in front of you that moves with you. With each step, you are more thoroughly immersed in self-hypnosis for the fulfillment of your desires.
  4. Imagine that you are a bird that slowly flies down from a great height. Imagine that there are white cumulus clouds around you, and you are smoothly falling through them. The gentle sun warms you, from this you are more and more immersed in a hypnotic state.

How to write formulas for hypnosis

Here are some examples:

  • I can handle difficult situations quickly.
  • Each time I start to believe in myself more and more.
  • All alcohol is unpleasant to me, and the smell causes hostility.
  • I sleep peacefully and have only pleasant dreams.

Guide to self-hypnosis for dermatological diseases advises to imagine the affected areas skin on which healing bandages are applied. Imagine that the itching or pain goes away and you feel good.

smoking and hypnosis

Hypnosis really helps to quit smoking, as American scientists have found out. True, you have to stick to a diet and do physical exercise. Most often, women do this faster than men. In our country, with the help of hypnosis, they have now learned to treat neurosis, obesity, alcoholism, phobias, and drug addiction.

Photo hypnosis

There are mysterious and fascinating photographs in the world. They grab people's attention with movement. Perhaps this is an optical illusion? But in any case, animated pictures with moving figures do not leave anyone indifferent. Photo hypnosis is often used to attract people to a blog, website, forum.

Self-hypnosis can be done regularly. Do not be afraid of him, he will not harm your health, and maybe even vice versa will help solve the problem. You must believe in it and make every effort to fulfill your plan. Self-hypnosis reviews are very diverse. Someone solves their problems in this way, while others have not even heard about it. Some manage to achieve desired result while others are unlucky.

Everyone wants their positive thoughts and wishes to come true. In childhood we are introduced to magic magic wands, genies, goldfish. People also invent different ways attainment of the most secret. But, unfortunately, few make any effort. Ours is beyond doubt. Long ago, scientists proved that every thought is transformed in the real world. So your fantasies can come true, you just have to try.

03.09.2016 14510

New psychological techniques Achievements are built on the fact that everyone has a clear idea of ​​​​the result that he is striving to achieve before he begins to act. And without a developed imagination and the ability to dream, this is impossible, because energy always follows thought.

For our psyche, the state of trance is very important - people used to satisfy this need during prayer. Now this place has been taken by many "rainbow dreams".

Falling asleep, a person imagines himself on the terrace of his own house on the Cote d'Azur. Or is he just remembering summer evening in the country: fragrant tea and contemplation of the sunset. Such desires are vital, because the mind must once rest.

The dream is given for a reason

If any dream appears, it is always for a reason. Through the layers of oppression of everyday life, prejudices, vices, “how to live”, a barely audible voice of the subconscious is trying to break through to you to give a signal that you really need to find happiness.

Therefore, proceed to the fulfillment of your dream, if you are very passionate about something. This is a progressive phenomenon, and the expected result will be sure. The main thing is not to become discouraged if the process of fulfilling a desire is delayed, that is, life circumstances do not turn out the way you intended.

Remember! Fulfillment of desire, his technique is not a means of realizing your dreams. In order for the technique to work, you need to act. And in the most active way.

Wish Fulfillment Rules

When dreaming about something, just in case, immediately make a reservation: “I really want my wish to come true. But if this does not happen immediately, then I will not be upset and wait. Basically, I'm fine with it." The technique of fulfilling desires is actually not difficult, you just need to believe in yourself.

  1. Matrix construction . So you want to live in a beautiful country house, and you have a room in a communal apartment. Start by imagining what a dream house should be like: in what place, how equipped, how many rooms. But do not share these dreams with anyone, so that "all the steam does not go off the whistle."
  2. Dive into the subconscious. Many give up their dreams, stumbling over the question: “How can my desire come true?”. A person tends to use linear logic, so he argues this way: if my salary is so much, then I will be able to save money to buy a house in 100 years. And this is his mistake: other laws work in life.

Therefore, it is necessary to correctly address the subconscious as follows: “What do I need to do to make my desire come true?” Information in the form of an answer may come in a dream, or from a conversation overheard by chance, or inadvertently catch your eye. This will be called the fulfillment of desires by the power of thought.

  • Mutual adaptation . Be on the lookout: positive events usually occur at this time. You begin to feel that you have little time left to wait, and life in a communal apartment no longer seems so depressing. Relax in anticipation, and act as if you already have your dream home.
  • Implementation . Options for the fulfillment of desires begin to appear in reality. Suddenly it turns out that one of the forgotten relatives bequeathed the house to you. Or enterprising neighbors in a communal apartment found a good exchange: a house in the village and two apartments. And another option: one of the colleagues goes abroad and wants to sell his house to a reliable person. This is just your chance - act, do not be afraid!

Fear of happiness

People tend to place happiness either in the past or in the future. When in reality everything begins to take shape, as we would like, some of us do everything to spoil the mood for both loved ones and ourselves. Therefore, no matter how useful and wonderful dreams are, you need to look for everything good and find it “right here and now.”

And then, having learned to live in reality and appreciate it, when you meet with a fulfilled desire, you will not faint, and will not try to spoil everything in self-defense.

Suddenly a magician will arrive

Wishing is harmful when people give all their strength to empty dreams. Or thinking that what you long for will never come true. No, it is necessary to wish according to the rules.

People often spend time without regret imagining where they would like to work, how to spend their leisure time, spend money, what kind of life partner to see next. In the meantime perfect option did not come true, until then they believe that they are only rehearsing, and not living “for real”.

These people are not going to bring the future closer. What is the reason here? In the desire to brush aside reality, to avoid the mobilization of forces, and only to indulge in illusions. And, often, they are quite comfortable in the eternal standby mode.

If a person lives only in that bright future, drawn to himself in his imagination, he will get used to it so much that the world will only disgust him. Everything will irritate him, and make him nervous with his routine.

Such a person will begin to curse his fate, circumstances, and fall into despair, not realizing that by doing so he only moves away from himself the realization of his desire. Fate loves and favors those who are grateful to her for small favors, and who believe in her.

How great way starts from the first step, and major changes- from a small deed that needs to be done here and now.


Self-hypnosis for the fulfillment of your desires can be viewed in the video below. To my deep regret, I do not own any methods of self-hypnosis. I do not read any mantras and prayers. I have no strong conspiracy for the fulfillment of a wish. I believe that to make your wishes come true, you just need to act..

I would also advise not to believe that there is a spell to grant a wish. I don't believe in anything magical or shamanic at all. That's all for today. Good luck and may all your wishes come true!

It is difficult to imagine a person who has never dreamed. And surprisingly, in childhood, almost all desires come true, but matured dreamers have to look for various techniques and tools to realize their dreams. This is because adults are guided by consciousness, and at the same time, it is known that the conscious processes of brain activity occupy only about 3-4% (some psychologists say that 17%, but even this figure is negligible), and everything else is our unconscious. It is no wonder that the most effective techniques, among which self-hypnosis is not the last, work precisely with the subconscious.

Why wishes don't come true

Before moving on to the technique itself, it is necessary to recall why it happens that a person dreams strongly about something, but, despite all the tools used, cannot come close to what he wants. This happens for the following reasons:

Violation of the free will of others.

Thoughts about the impossibility of fulfilling a dream.

Desire for something contradictory.
In the first case, we are talking about the fact that often people are afraid to achieve what they want, since the fulfillment of a dream will entail the appearance of something dangerous. For example, the desire to live in a house on the ocean is incompatible with the fear of a possible tsunami.

The second case implies the impossibility of fulfilling a desire, for example, to build a relationship with some person if he does not want such a relationship.

The third option says that our consciousness blocks the fulfillment of a dream, because it finds a million reasons why the realization of the plan is impossible. And a person begins to think not about how he lives in a house in Spain, but about how impossibly expensive such a house is, how unrealistic it is to get a residence permit and learn Spanish.

And it happens that a person dreams of the same house in Spain, because it is customary, because in his environment this is the right desire, but in fact in a dream he dreams of a small house on the banks of the Volga. And thus shows a bright “Stop” signal to the fulfillment of his “reasonable” dream.

Self-hypnosis technique for fulfilling desires

In fact, all desires are fulfilled if they are real. Self-hypnosis is not magic at all. Well, maybe just a little bit. The fact is that entering a state of self-hypnosis (deep meditation), that is, plunging into a trance, a person calms his mind and ceases to interfere with what he wants. The attachment to the result, obsession, is leaving, and on the contrary, some completely unexpected decisions to achieve a dream that the brain used to block before can be replaced.

In addition, when the conscious part of the brain falls asleep, an understanding of what restrictions stand in the way of what you want can come. Also, solutions that free from restrictions may become obvious, or a completely different desire may be formulated unexpectedly, which will seem very natural and correct.

How to enter the state of self-hypnosis

There are many positive aspects in the technique of self-hypnosis, one of which is the simplicity of actions. The first time, not everything can work out, but regular practice will make the process of diving into a trance pleasant and easy.

The procedure is as follows:

Before starting a self-hypnosis session, clearly articulate your dream, think through all the details, you can write it all down on paper. The main rule in such queries is to avoid negatives. It is believed that our brain does not perceive the particle "not", and instead of "do not do" it understands exactly the opposite - "do". And in dreams, such a discrepancy can have a very deplorable effect on the result.

To go into a trance state, you need to create comfortable conditions for yourself. You can sit comfortably in a chair, but you should not lie down, because you can just fall asleep and not achieve the desired result.

Next, you need to completely relax. There are many different techniques for this. For example, you can first strain each muscle very strongly, and then release the tension. Or you can relax individually all parts of the body, starting from the tips of the toes and up to the top of the head, moving your consciousness. You can choose any technique. The result is important - the body should completely relax.

After the body, you need to relax your mind. This does not always work out the first time, but the more you train, the better and faster the complete relaxation of the mind and body will be achieved, which is a trance.

Having reached the state of complete immersion in a trance, you need to imagine your dream. To feel emotions in details, to see, perhaps, some first steps on the way to realization. You can devote as much time to this item as you want.

At the end of the session, you must exit the state of self-hypnosis. This can help the repetition of some phrases, an object that needs to be felt and felt. It is not scary if the state of trance turns into sleep. The main thing is not to fall asleep at the very beginning of the session.
In addition, there are many more methods for transitioning into a trance state. This can be focusing the gaze on one point, and repeating a single phrase, as well as listening to a previously recorded text on your own. You can choose any of the methods that is comfortable for you.

No matter how easy the technique may seem, sometimes it is very lazy to start it. And these are the same blocks of consciousness again. It believes that there are no easy ways to fulfill desires. In order to slowly teach the mind the opposite, it is best to start with small desires, the achievement of which does not seem impossible or even difficult. Gradually, the fulfillment of a dream will become a habit, and the program of consciousness about the impossibility of easy ways will change to the installation that all dreams come true. This is the case when quantity works for quality.

Dream, and let your most incredible desires come true easily and at the right time!
