Things needed for the camp. What to take your child to children's camp

Well, the girls seem to have waited? Summer! Hooray! And soon a trip to camp and new friends awaits you! All that remains is to pack your suitcase! And we have just compiled a list of things for the camp for you, so that you can check it and not forget anything.

Find out more about the camp

There are a lot of camps now and the organizers come up with something special in each one. If, for example, there is a sports, scientific or music camp, you will need some special things. You can usually find out about this on their website or at a camp meeting (organizers try to arrange these a few weeks before the arrival). By the way, at the meeting you can meet the guys. Maybe you'll make friends beforehand and the ride will be more fun.

Choose a convenient suitcase or bag

Keep in mind that your parents won't be around, which means you'll have to carry your things yourself. Therefore, calculate your strength. It’s better to choose a comfortable suitcase with wheels and be sure to tie a bright ribbon or stick stickers on it. What if someone has exactly the same one - there will be confusion. And so you will recognize him immediately.

Make a list

Instead of happily stuffing everything you found in your closet into your suitcase, make a list of the things you need and strictly follow it. Yes, and don’t throw it away later, but take it with you - so you can check that you didn’t forget anything on the way back.

So, what exactly do you need:

Clothes (adjust the ratio of warm and light clothes depending on the weather forecast and the camp program)

    Cap or Panama hat

    Jeans, trousers

    Sports suit


    Warm sweater







    Sandals (just don’t take new ones to avoid chafing your feet)

If you think you won't feel like doing laundry, take more socks and underwear.

Personal hygiene

    Toothbrush and toothpaste. Look for an option in a small package or, if you are traveling alone with a friend, you can take one pasta for two.

    Soap/Shower Gel/Washcloth

    Shampoo and hair conditioner. It is convenient to pour them into small travel bottles.

    Sunscreen. If it gets hot, use it regularly.

    Regular and daily sanitary pads. Even if your trip to camp doesn't fall on your period, take a few just in case. Due to climate change and disturbances, the cycle may shift slightly.

    So that your legs are always smooth and you feel confident.


    Cotton pads

    Decorative cosmetics (if you use them)

    Comb and hairpins

First aid kit

Most likely, the counselors will have a standard first aid kit. But if you are taking any special medications, it is important to take care of this in advance. Ask your mom to help you put together a mini first aid kit. Put painkillers, bandages, disinfectants and repellents in it (if there are mosquitoes and midges around the camp).


Collect all documents and make several copies. Put them in a safe place or give them to a counselor. Take exactly as much money as you might need - no more.

Your child is preparing to go to children's camp and the question immediately arises: What to take with him to summer camp? Let's together make a list of things that are needed in a children's camp. The list will be long, but if you feel like we haven’t taken something into account, write to us and we will definitely add the right thing.

List of things to take to summer camp


  • travel package;
  • medical certificate from a pediatrician and medical certificate;
  • birth certificate or passport


The child stays in the camp for about 3 weeks - that's 21 days, and the weather can give a lot of surprises, so the list of clothes will be large. When choosing clothes, you need to take into account not only the weather, but also the fact that children get dirty much faster than adults, and there will be no opportunity to do laundry at summer camp.

  • several changes of underwear (3-4 pieces): T-shirts, T-shirts, panties, socks), for girls - pajamas;
  • shorts and skirts;
  • swimsuit, swimming trunks;
  • headdress - Panama hat or baseball cap;
  • tracksuit (light or warmer depending on the month of summer);
  • clothes for cool weather - a sweatshirt or warm jacket, windbreaker, trousers or jeans;
  • elegant clothes for discos or parties.


You shouldn't take a lot of shoes to summer camp. Most often, the child runs the entire shift in one pair of shoes.

  • sandals or light shoes;
  • sneakers;
  • flip-flops for going to the pool or the beach.

Personal care products

  • soap in a soap dish, washcloth;
  • toothpaste and brush;
  • shampoo (in a small volume or pour some into a small container);
  • toilet paper, handkerchiefs;
  • bath towel and hand towel;
  • comb;
  • manicure set (believe me, you will have to do a manicure in 3 weeks),
  • pads, tampons (for teenage girls).


  • sun cream;
  • spray (cream) against mosquitoes and ticks, mosquito repellent plates for rooms;
  • girls usually take cosmetics (cream, mascara, lipstick), as well as hair clips and adhesive tape.

Other things for camp

  • If possible, you need to give your child a phone (simpler, because the child can easily lose it). By phone you can always find out about your child and contact teachers through him. Don't forget to top up your balance!
  • Some money.
  • If there is a sea or lake (river) near the camp, you need to take a bedding or mat on which you can sunbathe.
  • Favorite hobby: books, magazines, player, knitting, felt-tip pens and notepad, etc.

Well, what would we do without some goodies? You can give your child dry cookies, chips, candies and other sweets, which can be stored for about a week at room temperature.

Things you shouldn't take to summer camp

In this list we will present a number of things that are either prohibited at summer camp or that it is better not to take with you.

  • Expensive jewelry (gold earrings, chains, rings).
  • Knives, scissors and other sharp objects.
  • Firecrackers and any other explosives.
  • Cigarettes, lighters and any other flammable substances.
  • Any alcoholic drinks and beer.
  • Any narcotic substances.

The long-awaited summer has finally arrived! It's time to forget about painful lessons and go on vacation to summer camp. However, many guys have a problem: due to the lack of travel experience, they don’t know what is best to take with them on the road. Well, don't despair. In today’s article we will tell you about what things a girl needs to take to camp to make her vacation not only fun and interesting, but also comfortable!

Choosing a bag

Before moving on to the list of things that must be in your bag, you must, in fact, first start selecting this very bag. Remember the main thing - it should not only be comfortable, but also as spacious as possible. This can be either a small suitcase on wheels or a large backpack. However, in both cases, make sure that the handles are very strong, and that the zipper and lock inspire confidence and do not come apart the first time you fasten them.

The name tag must be attached to the handle of the suitcase

We also recommend packing your bag yourself. After all, when you have to leave the camp, your parents won’t be around, and you’ll have to carefully pack your things yourself. Don't forget to take several large bags, because you will probably buy a lot of souvenirs, crafts and beautiful sea pebbles that will need to be put somewhere. So, it seems that we have sorted out the suitcase - it’s time to move on to the main question: what clothes are best suited for a holiday in the camp?

What things should a girl take to camp?


T-shirts. This is perhaps one of the most important and necessary items of clothing in the camp, so we advise you not to skimp on them and take at least 4 pieces, especially since they take up practically no space.

Tops, tunics. Also an excellent option, which is suitable for both a beach holiday and evening discos. Take one at a time.

Jeans. They will be your salvation on rainy days and in the morning when it is still cool enough to wear shorts. Place two pairs.

Shorts. There is no doubt that they are the main attribute of summer holidays. This can be denim, silk or knitted. Choose according to your taste! 2–3 pieces.

Denim shorts are a trend in recent years

Skirts. No girl can imagine summer without wearing a fashionable skirt! An excellent option for both discos and everyday wear. Take about three pieces.

Underwear. Take several bras (light and dark), panties (their number should be equal to the number of days you are staying in the camp), and a nightie.

Socks. At least 7 pairs.

Headdress. Panama hats and caps are the best protection from the hot sun that instantly hits small heads. A hat is ideal to protect your hair from the sun's rays. Take 1 panama hat or cap, as well as 1 hat.

Swimsuit. Believe me, you will be swimming a lot, so it is better to take 2 pairs (while one is drying, you can put on the second one).

Sundress or summer dress. You'll be wearing them all day long, so pack 2 of them.

Sweatshirt or blouse. In addition to jeans, it will be an excellent option for protection from rainy and cold weather. One piece will be enough.

Tolstoy will protect you from the wind and keep you warm in cold weather


  • Sandals or slippers (for relaxing on the beach, 1 pair)
  • Slides (for walking on the body, 1 pair)
  • Ballet flats (for everyday wear, 2 pairs)

Ballet flats are the ideal shoes for everyday wear.

  • Sneakers (for sporting events and as an addition to jeans and a sweatshirt in rainy weather, 1 pair).
  • Dressy sandals or shoes. One pair will be enough.

Personal hygiene items

Tampons and pads. Even if you haven’t had your period yet, it’s still better to take it just in case. Also don't forget about wet wipes.

Soap, washing powder. Soap will be needed both for washing hands and for washing personal items (socks, panties). We recommend adding a little washing powder at home, since an unpleasant situation can happen at any time in the camp when you urgently need to remove a stain from your favorite item.

Sunscreen. This product will not only protect your delicate skin from ultraviolet rays, but will also prevent sunburn.

Mosquito ointment. It is enough to put a small mini bottle to protect yourself from mosquitoes in the evening. And, believe me, there will be a lot of them, since most of the camps are located in forest areas.

Toothbrushes. Take two or three cheap options because they tend to get forgotten in the sink or get lost.

Usually cheap toothbrushes are sold in such packaging

Towels. One for the beach and pool, and the second for the bathhouse.

Razor. If you are removing hair on your legs or armpits, then you will definitely need a razor. After all, camp shifts usually last 21 days!

Deodorant. No explanation is needed here: it will save you from the smell of sweat, especially on hot days.

Other things

Mobile phone. Agree, this is perhaps an essential thing. Thanks to it, you can not only keep in touch with your family and friends, but also take photos that you will look at for many years to come. Don't forget to take your phone charger and top up your account.

Money. The financial side of the issue is individual for everyone, so it is hardly possible to name a specific amount that you will need to take. Of course, you shouldn’t refuse money at all, since at any moment an awkward situation may arise when you need a certain amount (at least for the same souvenirs).

Favorite hobby. Here everything also depends on your preferences: these can be either card or board games, knitting kits, or, if you like to draw, an album with felt-tip pens and pencils . You can take a crossword puzzle or your favorite book on the road.

Board games won't let you get bored during a tiring journey

Also, do not forget that to enter the camp, each child must have a certain set of documents:

  • a certificate from the children's clinic, form No. 079/u (it indicates the diseases suffered by the child, a list of vaccinations given, as well as diagnoses);
  • 3-day certificate of absence of infectious diseases (this can be obtained from your local clinic);
  • a trip to the camp;
  • photocopy of birth certificate or passport

You should not take medications with you, since the storage conditions for most of them require keeping them at a temperature of 0 to 25 degrees. In hot weather, and even more so if the medications are in a bag, they will quickly lose their properties. If you need to take certain medications daily, notify the head physician immediately upon arrival at camp.

A few words about cosmetics

This cosmetic bag should fit all your cosmetics.

Many girls, before going to camp, wonder: is it worth taking cosmetics on vacation? Naturally, little (9–11 years old) representatives of the fair sex don’t need it, but older fashionistas who want to win boys’ hearts at discos and just be on top will need:

  1. Mascara (take the regular non-waterproof mascara that you use every day. Why shouldn’t you take the waterproof version? It’s simple: if you use it more than 2 times a week, your eyelashes will turn whitish).
  2. Makeup remover (don’t be lazy and don’t forget to remove absolutely all makeup from your face in the morning and evening).
  3. Light foundation (use only in emergency cases and apply the lightest texture possible).
  4. Pencil or eyeliner (today it is considered very fashionable to make mesmerizing arrows that drive guys crazy. It’s up to you to choose what to use).
  5. Lipstick or lip gloss (we recommend taking lipstick with a discreet shade - you're not going to a romantic dinner, right?)
  6. Other cosmetic bag items (this includes: a set of cotton swabs, manicure scissors and nail polishes with liquid for removing them).

What is prohibited from taking to camp?

Prohibited items that should never be taken to camp include:

  • Piercing objects
  • Flammable substances (lighters, matches or cigarettes)
  • Explosives (firecrackers)
  • Toxic substances (mosquito sprays)
  • Drugs and alcoholic drinks

Also, you should not take expensive things to the camp: take the simplest phone, ordinary and unsightly clothes and shoes, and also try to go without expensive jewelry for three weeks. Cases of theft in the camp are not a myth, but a harsh reality. Make sure that at the end of your shift you don’t cry about your lost earrings or iPhone, thereby darkening your vivid memories of your vacation.

Usually you take the same products to the camp as you would on any other trip. We are talking about crackers, chips, dryers and sweets. In addition, don’t forget about fast food (“Doshirak” and “Big Lunch”).

Not worth taking on the road:

  • cream products (pastry and pies);
  • dairy and smoked products;
  • pies, salads and cutlets;
  • canned food, mushrooms.

As you can see, in order to get ready for camp, you need to get ready and think about all the things that will be useful to you. Don’t forget about warm clothes (after all, no one is immune from bad weather) and the mandatory documents required to enter the camp.

Video about what girls should take to summer camp


Even if it’s not your daughter’s first trip, it’s still better to pack things together: the child may forget to take something important with him, and you’ll have to urgently take the missing items to the camp. The girl should like the clothes that are collected for her, she will never wear something that she considers ridiculous, so build on her tastes, not yours.

List of things for camp

The first thing you need to do is purchase a spacious bag for your things. A small suitcase on wheels and a backpack are perfect for a girl. It is important that all fasteners and handles are strong and that the lock does not open spontaneously. It is recommended to mark the bags somehow to avoid confusion if one of the children has the same suitcase or backpack. For this purpose, you can attach key rings or multi-colored ribbons to the locks. Below you will see a list of things for children's camp, which will help you not to forget anything important.

Summer camps often host holidays and evening discos, so you and your daughter need to choose a beautiful suit, sundress or dress from your wardrobe. If a girl is involved in dancing or singing, she will most likely be given performance numbers. Pack your bag with an outfit that's appropriate for the stage. You also need to collect the following things:

  • skirts, shorts;
  • T-shirts, T-shirts;
  • T-shirt or long sleeve shirt;
  • jeans or pants;
  • sweatshirt/sweater;
  • sports suit;
  • socks (the quantity is calculated based on the duration of the shift: a pair per day);
  • briefs (pair for 1 day);
  • raincoat or jacket;
  • hat for visiting the beach;
  • pajamas;
  • swimsuit;
  • elegant clothes (for discos, concerts).

You should not take new sneakers, shoes or sandals - it is better for the girl to wear her shoes in advance before going to summer camp. This will help avoid the appearance of chafing, calluses and discomfort when wearing new clothes. You should take:

  • sandals/sandals (you can take 2 pairs - one for everyday use, the other for discos and performances);
  • sports shoes;
  • rubber boots;
  • flip flops/flip flops.

Such products should be packaged in separate bags so that if they leak from the bottles, they do not spoil clothes, shoes and other things in the suitcase. For a vacation at a summer camp, a girl should take:

  • shampoo, shower gel (you can take several disposable sachets or small bottles);
  • soap (immediately place it in a soap dish - this will make it more convenient to use and store);
  • toothbrush, toothpaste;
  • shower flip flops, washcloth;
  • towels (you should take 3 pieces at once - for washing, bath, beach);
  • toilet paper, wet wipes;
  • hairpins, elastic bands, comb;
  • additional bag for collecting dirty laundry;
  • band-aid, cotton swabs, pads;
  • deodorant (preferably roll-on);
  • face wash, acne cream (if the child has already reached adolescence);
  • remedies for tick and mosquito bites;
  • manicure set;
  • a cloth for shoes, a brush for clothes;
  • protective cream with a UV filter, hygienic lipstick.

You can give the girl a minimum set of decorative cosmetics, telling and showing how to use them. You can put light powder and lip gloss in your cosmetic bag. If your daughter wants to put on makeup before a disco, it’s better to do it with her own makeup, not someone else’s.


Papers should be copied in advance, making several copies of each document. They should be placed in a separate folder in the child’s suitcase or immediately given to the counselor. To attend summer camp, a girl needs to take:

  • voucher;
  • sheet with information about parents (telephone numbers, full name);
  • photocopy of the child’s documents (birth certificate, etc.);
  • 2 certificates from the clinic: a general one, which contains information about the child’s health, vaccinations, and a three-day certificate, indicating that the girl does not have infectious diseases at the moment;
  • a copy of the medical policy.


Valuables such as jewelry, a laptop or a camera should be left at home. A girl may need a mobile phone, so she needs to take it along with a charger to summer camp. The main thing is to remind your daughter not to leave him unattended. You will have to independently determine how much money to give your child for pocket expenses: she will definitely want to shop for souvenirs and trinkets that, upon returning home, she can give to her family and friends. You can take another girl to the camp.

The main problem with fees in winter children's camp It’s not that you’ll forget to take some things on your trip, but that many of them won’t come back. Accept this loss in advance. Choose cheaper things, say goodbye to each of them. Cry over your beautiful new hat... Then write list of things. Usually the camp recommends a list of necessary items, but this does not mean that you should not make your own list.

It is advisable to keep one copy of the list for yourself, and give the other to the child - with your signature. In case of missing items, the child must describe their signs in a statement addressed to the camp administration. Experience shows that just before departure, some guests may engage in theft. Many, seizing the moment, rummage through their already collected bags. At this time you need to be especially vigilant! In the event of theft, counselors are required to urgently inform the administration in order to have time to arrange an inspection of the belongings of those leaving who have come under suspicion. However, in such cases they begin to claim that this player is their own. And only with the list and application will it be possible to prove your property.

Advice: Try not to give new things to children of junior units. It often happens that the child cannot identify them, and after leaving, the camp administration collects a carload of “nobody’s” panties, socks, T-shirts, sweaters and even jackets.

During the process of getting ready, you must discuss with your child the choice of things, their functions, and the appropriateness of their use. But don’t turn the training camp into a reason for scandals, reproaches, or a fight for your authority. Let him take what he wants from their things - but with the awareness of full responsibility for them.

Advice: It often happens that the size, weight and number of suitcases are several times greater than the size, weight and number of children in the squad. It's not very good. Do not forget that the winter shift is short, and there is no need to take a lot of things, and the child will carry all his things himself.

List of things for a trip to a children's winter camp

A good list is half the price. Let it have the following sections:


Warm jacket. Preferably with a hood.
- Spare warm jacket. The first one may have a zipper break, or it may get wet while hiking or outdoors. While the first jacket is drying, you will need a spare one.
- Warm hat. Preferably two. Very warm (for severe frosts, for hiking) and ordinary. At a children's winter camp, very often you just need to walk to the dining room or to the nearest building. To do this, you don’t have to dress like you would for the North Pole.
- Warm pants: jeans or trousers. Again, it is advisable that some pants be very warm, and the other just warm. Boys also need to remember to wear underpants, and girls - warm tights.
- Scarf.
- Gloves. It is advisable to have 2 pairs - thin (for everyday use) and thick (for long-term outdoor use).
- Warm jacket, sweatshirt or sweater.
- Shirts. Considering that the winter shift at a children's camp is not very long, you can take 1-2, no more.
- Tracksuit (sports jacket, sweatpants, sports shorts)
- T-shirts (or tank tops) - wear under a shirt, or under a sweater, or simply for sports. Preferably 2-3 pieces.
- Boys should wear swimming trunks for swimming in the pool; girls should wear one-piece swimsuits.
- Underwear. Preferably, at the rate of 1 panty for 1-2 days. Your child won’t wash his underpants at camp (that’s not why he’s going there), so at least let him just change them every 1-2 days and put the dirty ones in a bag.
- Cotton socks - at the rate of 1 pair for 1 day. Your child will also not wash his socks, nor will he wash his underpants. In addition, socks often end up wet after walking.
- Warm socks (woolen) - 2-3 pairs. For hiking or long walks.

The girls add some more items to this list that only they themselves understand. We only recommend taking a nightgown or pajamas.

It is advisable to mark things.

Decide for yourself how much to take. The main thing is to take more socks, panties and swimming trunks. It’s good if clothes have zippered pockets. It's bad if the fly has buttons. Clothes should be comfortable. Without unnecessary ties and fasteners - so that you can quickly put it on and take it off. Convince your child to hang thick clothes in the closet on hangers - after all, in bags, especially if it is damp, they acquire a musty smell.


Outdoor sports shoes (lace-up sneakers)
- Sports shoes for the gym (not warm, comfortable)
- Warm boots (for walking in the forest).
- Shoes for the pool (rubber slippers, flip-flops or flip-flops);
- Slippers.

Advice: Children should not be given rubber boots to winter camp. They make your feet smell bad, and children will abuse them because they are the easiest to put on - no laces or fasteners. If the winter turns out to be without snow, but with puddles, it is still better to get by with good waterproof winter boots.


- Toothbrush in a case. Preferably 2-3, because they often get lost, disappear, forgotten.
- Liquid soap.
- Washcloth.
- Shower gel, shampoo in a small plastic bottle that closes well. But disposable bags are better, because a large bottle will spill on the road or be forgotten in the shower.
- Comb.
- Bath towel.
- Toilet paper (you probably won't need a whole roll).
- Pool cap.
- Pool glasses
- Handkerchiefs, preferably disposable ones.
- For young men - a razor. For girls - pads, tampons. And readiness for bleeding beyond the deadline.
- For teenagers - deodorant: roll-on antiperspirant with a weak aroma.
- Safety scissors. It will be useful to cut your nails or cut off a band-aid. Just under no circumstances give them to counselors to cut out paper tinsel! - the scissors will not return...

*Make copies of all documents.

Personal documents (certificate, passport, international passport)
- Medical certificate.
- Questionnaire. Some camps require descriptions of the child's chronic illnesses, allergies, personal preferences, hobbies, and other personality traits.
- Agreement with the rules and regulations of the camp.
- A copy of the medical policy.
- A travel package.
- To cross the border - notarized consent from the parents.
- Money. If this is provided for by the rules, they must be handed over to the accompanying or other responsible person - and the amount must be signed. The money that remains with the child should be kept in zippered pockets of clothing - and this clothing should not be left unattended. The worst way to carry money is in a wallet in the outer pocket of your bag. The only thing worse than this is in the fist.
- A notebook for drawing. Pens, pencils.
- Magazine, look through it. Or a small book - for those who like to read.
- A few decent photos of your adventures to show new friends.
- A note in the bag: parents’ full name, phone number, home address, camp address. In case they lose or mix up a bag, suitcase, or maybe even the child himself - many do not remember this information!


IN Children's camp is not allowed jewelry and expensive equipment. But if a young traveler stubbornly carries with him a player, a digital camera or a gold chain, let him take care of them - and keep them with responsible people, or never doesn't let you out of your attention. A player or a phone are wild animals. All you have to do is take them out for a walk without a leash, or leave them charging - and then turn away for a minute, and they will immediately run away!

Advice: Mobile phones should not be given to children at winter camp. In some camps they are banned because they cause too much trouble. Teach your child to address all his problems to the counselors, and not to call home and complain that his shoelace came undone, Petya hit Kolya, and Masha was scolded by the counselor.

Games, toys - small in size, ones that you wouldn’t be too sorry to lose. It is best to take a soft toy with you.
- Something for the New Year's masquerade. Jokes.
- Threads of two colors and a couple of needles.
- Adhesive plaster.
- Backpack with a volume of 25-40 l. (if there is a hike in the camp)
- Flashlight.
- Icon with name.


Children usually don’t travel very far to winter camp, which means the journey won’t be long.
If the bus ride takes no more than 3 hours, you should not give your child any food. If the trip is still long, then there is no need to give perishable food.


Before sitting down on the walkway, remove your luggage container from the storage area. On a hike, of course, you need backpacks, but if you don’t need to carry things very far, then a bag with pockets and a shoulder strap is much more convenient. It is best to carry a large bag (in luggage) and a small backpack (carry-on luggage). If the child still cannot lift the bag, then a suitcase with wheels will do. Instruct your child how to use it and how to get the handle. Explain that you can’t have suitcase races, you can’t jump along curbs and stairs.

Wipe off the dust. Check the locks and zippers. Hem it so that the zipper does not come apart on the other side, smear it with soap, this way the dog glides better. Check the handles, strengthen them so that they do not come off on the way. Sign the luggage. And hide it away from the cat, otherwise it will definitely mark it with urine.

So. We must remember that all small and large things can be stolen, broken, or lost. Therefore, do not get attached to them, take losses calmly. But if after the trip everything returns safe and sound, there will be a reason to be pleasantly surprised! Do not take anything heavy, perishable, secretly intimate (which could become a subject of ridicule), or especially valuable.
If the camp is nearby, it’s okay if you forget to put something in. You can always sit down and bring something to your child. At the same time, meet him if you are very bored!

Have a nice trip!
