Knitting needles how to knit a hood. How to knit a hood with knitting needles for a child and an adult: master classes

Learning to knit a practical hood

Spring is here and with it comes the need to refresh your wardrobe. What thing must be present in the wardrobe of every fashionista and every fashionista this spring? The answer is obvious - a jacket with a hood! Because it is this element of the wardrobe that is universal during the off-season, when the weather is so changeable, because the hood can easily protect your head from the wind.

We knit a hood

But many needlewomen face the question of how to knit such a sweater? It is the knitting of the hood that is a stumbling block for many. In this article we will try to describe in detail how to knit a hood with knitting needles. It's quite easy! And very soon you will be able to please yourself or your loved ones with an original and stylish thing.

It is worth noting that the hood can also be a separate element of clothing that will perfectly complement any outfit, and things. That is why every needlewoman needs to learn how to knit it.

Knitting steps

For work, we need only two components - knitting needles and woolen threads.

So, let's take a look at how we knit a hood:

1) First of all, along the edge of the neck, we collect the required number of loops. See picture #1.

2) Then we knit two full rows, after which we knit in shortened rows starting from the front of the neck, then moving to the back of it. You can find a more detailed description of the method of knitting with short rows on our website. An example of short rows is shown in Figure No. 2.

3) After that, the fabric is knitted in the forward direction, as shown in Figure No. 3.

4) It is also allowed to knit a hood with the so-called garter stitch, when all rows are knitted with facial threads. It is advisable to make not all rows, but only a few, for decorative purposes. An example is shown in Figure No. 4.

5) After the product reaches the required length, it is necessary to close the loops along the edges of the hood. The hinges that are in the middle remain open. An example is shown in Figure No. 5.

Following actions

6) After closing the extreme loops, it is necessary to connect the middle and side parts of the hood. This can be done in various ways. You can sew the components of the hood with a thread. This method is called "kickling". This method is rather laborious. You can find its detailed description on our website. You can also connect the parts of the hood by sewing a strap between them using a crochet hook. You can also learn more about this method on the pages of our website. Illustrative examples of sewing in the bar are shown in figures No. 6, 7 and 8.

7) After all parts of the hood are connected, it is necessary to tie them. To do this, you can use, for example, an elastic band.

An example of a finished product is shown in Figure No. 9.

Other knitting methods

There are several other ways to knit a hood. For example, first we knit a rectangle of any length, which will be the main part of the hood, then we start loops along the edges, after which we knit a simple fabric from them. In this way, hoods of various shapes and sizes can be made.

It is worth noting that, in addition to knitting needles, a crochet hook is also suitable for making a hood. This article does not have the opportunity to describe this technique in detail, so you can familiarize yourself with it using other materials that are located on our website.

Information on our website

We hope that the information provided was useful to you. Visit our website, here you can always find detailed diagrams, get advice from skilled craftsmen, participate in master classes, and also get acquainted with original ideas for future products. We are waiting for everyone who is fond of needlework!

26.10.2015 9 442 0 ElishevaAdmin

Trends / Inspiration

Hood should not be considered purely childish attribute. It is present in adult life in a variety of situations. First of all - in sports. All these ski suits, windbreakers and warm winter equipment are often equipped with hoods. The male half has mastered the hood for a long time, and in light knit and flannel shirts, and in jackets.

Women also got used to the hood quite firmly, and partially replaced traditional demi-season hats and even winter hats with them. And what - convenient, practical and even almost warm.

In women's fashion, attention has long been riveted to hoods, and they are divided into different types, depending on their functional purpose.

For example, not too voluminous hoods are practiced, well-fitting to the head and even equipped with the additional ability to tightly cover the face. This is a practical thing, it is mainly used to protect against wind, snow and rain. At the same time, the question “how do I look” goes into the background.

However, if a woman puts the creation of an image in the forefront, then she will not agree to neglect her hair for the sake of practicality. In this case, the hood she wears will beautifully set off her hair, match her makeup and fit well into the color scheme.

In this regard, the role of a knitted hood cannot be overestimated. Firstly, it is lightweight and does not deform carefully styled hair. Secondly, you can knit several hoods, from yarn of different colors, choosing them for specific sets of clothes. It is both inexpensive and makes you the owner of things absolutely unique.

You can also choose different styles of hoods: it can be snood, openwork and light, or voluminous and warm; hood complete with a scarf, decorative and elegant; decorated with colored ornaments or complex Aran patterns - in general, whatever. Thank God, the Internet is full of instructions for making such things using knitting needles or a crochet hook, and among the models there are both simple ones and very sophisticated ones. Often such snoods or hoods-scarves are decorated with fringe; for this purpose, brushes are sometimes used, which in the 2015-2016 season play one of the leading roles, competing with the role of pompons.

Here are examples of knitted hoods and snoods:

Hoods trimmed with fur are very popular. The fur goes very well to the female face, making it thinner and more tender. Volumetric hoods with fur make it possible to favorably present the hairstyle, especially since here you can beat the color of the fur trim, successfully fitting it into your own range.

Knitted hoods trimmed with fur look exceptionally original. Moreover, now such a thing as “knitted fur” has appeared. There is a special technology that allows you to weave narrow strips of fur into a knitted fabric during the knitting process. As a result of its use, light voluminous hats are obtained that look chic, and at the same time retain all the advantages of a knitted product - plasticity and the ability to warm.

Knitted hoods for adults and children

Hoods for children should be comfortable and warm first, and then beautiful. With women - exactly the opposite, but if we ignore such detail, then both properties, beauty and practicality, must be present in the hood, whether it is female or childish.

Let's ask ourselves a question: why is a hood so often used in children's wardrobe, from infancy? Yes, because it is convenient and safe.

Take, for example, the famous beanie hat and evaluate whether it is suitable for a baby? It does not have ties, so it will constantly move off the baby’s head, and he himself will safely pull it off if he reaches it with a pen. Well, you can provide such a hat with ties so that it is difficult to pull it off. But strong ties on a fragile children's neck are a dangerous thing, and they will interfere by cutting into the skin.

But if you use a hood instead of a beanie hat, and even a knitted one, then all problems are immediately solved. The hood covers both the neck and the head, and turns with it if the baby looks around. At the same time, neither the ears come out, nor the neck opens slightly, because the elastic knit tightly holds the hood in a given position, without causing any inconvenience to the baby.

Beautiful knitted hoods for women and girls

It is also convenient for small children to use knitted snoods. This soft and warm tube is easily pulled over the head, and the baby can be taught to do it himself during training for a walk. In the same way, he can take it off on his own when he returns home. This is much easier to do than tying and untying the ribbons of a traditional hat.

Caring mothers and grandmothers decorate hoods and snoods for children with either funny ears or even recognizable faces of animals, favorite cartoon characters and other fabulous paraphernalia. Also, the same brushes, applications, pompoms, flowers and pigtails are used.

Here, look at this variety:

The hood is a piece of clothing that can make any girl look stylish. In addition, it protects the neck and head in cold weather.. If a sweet lady puts on a sweater or puts on a tied hood on her head before going out, she will be able to complete her appearance. This can be achieved by wearing a bonnet knitted according to a scheme from the Internet as a headdress.

In contact with

On models of clothes for children and teenagers, a knitted hood looks especially beautiful. It is not necessary to purchase it or a hood in a store. If you have knitting skills, then you can easily create this wardrobe detail or a beautiful hood with your own hands. The latter will emphasize the elegant image of any woman, and besides, it will warm you in cold weather better than it will help you avoid a cold. To save money, you can knit a hood with your own hands. To do this, you just need to find a master class on creating this detail of a women's wardrobe. If you are more interested in a hood, then just find a knitting pattern for it and you can get an inexpensive new thing in your wardrobe.

There are two ways that are used to knit a hood. They are often indicated in master classes on their creation. The first is traditional, when this element is integral with clothing. And in the second case, it is a separate element. What are the differences between them, we will talk about this in more detail later.

Knitting a hood with knitting needles: traditional design

If you do not want to wear a scarf in cold weather, but want your head to be dressed in a hood that you consider more elegant, then you can knit this element quite easily, following the pattern from the Internet. You only need to have knitting skills and then you can easily cope with this task. During the creative process, you will not have any difficult moments. If you wish, you can even, without experiencing difficulties, tie a hood. But if you have little experience, then you should not worry, creating a hood will not be a serious test for you.

In describing the process of knitting it with knitting needles, experienced needlewomen often report nuances when creating this element of the wardrobe. Therefore, after reading the description, you can get valuable information that will allow you to avoid difficult moments in the manufacture of this part. In fact, the process of knitting a hood is the work of making a fabric. The same goal for the needlewoman also arises when she needs to knit a hood or scarf. It is shaped like a rectangle.

What will be the size of this piece of clothing is largely determined by the size of the head. When the hood is connected, then each craftswoman faces the task of how to connect this part with a jacket or. In the case of the hood, there is no such problem, because it is an independent part of the wardrobe. This is often reported in the description of this wardrobe detail. There are two ways that you can attach a hood to your clothes:

  • sewing method using threads and needles;
  • knitting from raised loops along the neckline.

We sew a knitted hood with clothes

If you have a desire to knit a simple hood that you want to sew to a jacket after making it, then you should start by dialing the required number of loops on the knitting needles. Every woman can easily cope with this. Note that the number of loops should be equal to the length of the neckline, back and front.

Some types of clothing do not have a cutout in the center, for example, jumpers. In this case, the length of the knitted hood should be 3 cm less. The knitting pattern for this item is quite simple. If we talk about the pattern of this element, then it can be absolutely anything. It all depends on your preferences.

When creating a hood, it is necessary to tie a rectangle whose height will correspond to the distance, starting from the neckline and to the top of the head. Additionally, you need to leave 5 cm in reserve. When you reach the desired length during work, you should close all the loops. After that, it is necessary to fold the product in half, and then sew one of the sides. The other should be sewn to the neckline. In such a simple way, you can get a sweater or jumper, complemented by an unusual detail..

Knitting from raised loops

In the event that you do not have a desire to sew a hood to the finished product, then you can lift the loops along the neckline and knit the fabric in the shape of a rectangle. It is sewn in the upper part, but before that the canvas should be folded in half.

Now you have information on how to properly modify clothes and add a knitted hood to them in an easy way. Using it, you can easily make clothes for your children in which they will be warm..

Knitted hood as an alternative to a hat

Now it's worth talking about creating a knitted hood as an independent thing. Such an element is rarely found in the wardrobe of women. It has several advantages:

  • it can be a great replacement for a hat. Due to the ease of inconvenience when wearing it does not occur. In addition, it is warm and soft to the touch;
  • a knitted hood, as an independent thing, can replace a scarf. After all, it covers the head and neck, so in such a headdress it will not blow you away.

If we talk about the principle of creating such a hood, then it is no different from sewn to clothes. Creating this wardrobe detail is an easy task if you have experience in knitting. It is enough to follow the knitting pattern, which can be found on the Internet, and you can get an equivalent replacement for a hat in your wardrobe. However, special attention should be paid to the following points:

  • when knitting, use thick yarn;
  • to the size that you need, you should add 4 cm in length and width;
  • large buttons should be used as decorative elements for the created alternative to the scarf.

The hood should be knitted like a hat, focusing on the following pattern. First, we collect the required number of loops, and after that we knit a fabric in the shape of a trapezoid. First you should stick to knitting, and then move on to the pearl pattern, while expanding the rectangle to the desired shape.

When the canvas is ready, it is necessary to fold it in half and sew its upper part. After that, you should pick up the loops along the bottom edge and knit on circular needles, while adding 6-9 loops in front. The pattern remains the same. When you finish knitting the neck, you can proceed to the decorative design of the product. You can come up with your own version of the design of the ears. But it must be remembered that they consist of two parts..

By adhering to this performance, they will become more rigid, which means that they will retain their shape much better. According to your taste, you can do the rest of the decoration of this product, which can be a great replacement for a hat.

How to knit a hood from the neck: a master class

In order not to wear a scarf every time in cold weather, you can knit a hood in the form of a hat. In your wardrobe, it will be an independent thing. Wearing it will make the image of any woman elegant and original..


To tie a good hood from the neck, it is necessary to prepare all the necessary materials in advance:

  • yarn. It will take 100%.
  • knitting needles.

How to knit a hood from the neck: step by step instructions

On circular knitting needles on the neck, you need to dial loops.

Knitting should take place in short rows. The first row must be knitted with purl loops, and in the second row six facial loops should be knitted. After that, knitting should be unfolded and then the process should be carried out in the reverse order. Purl stitches are knitted to the first two stitches. The first two and the last two loops in the created hood in each row must be knitted in garter stitch for the moment the strap is formed. Next, knitting should be deployed.

The next row must be knitted in its entirety using facial loops. Then the knitting is unfolded and 6 purl loops are knitted after the strap. Then the knitting is unfolded and 6 facial loops are knitted, but in the reverse order. The next step is to start in the opposite direction to knit a row consisting entirely of purl loops. Then again, knitting unfolds and we knit 12 facial loops after the bar. Then we turn around again and the process goes in the reverse order: 12 purl loops are knitted.

After this, the knitting unfolds, and then it is necessary to knit a row consisting entirely of facial loops. Next, change direction again and knit 12 purl stitches after the plank. After the next unfolding of knitting, we knit 12 facial loops in reverse order. And then we unfold the knitting and knit a row consisting entirely of purl loops. Having changed direction, we continue knitting, knitting 16 facial loops after the bar.

Next, the knitting unfolds again and 16 purl loops are knitted in reverse order, and then turning around again, we knit a row that consists entirely of facial loops. Having unfolded knitting, we knit 16 purl loops in the opposite direction after the strap. Next, knitting unfolds and knits 16 facial loops in reverse order.

In the process of work, at the same time it is necessary to make an addition. One crossed yarn over, which should appear in every sixth row, must be added after the first two loops of the bar. The same should be done before the last two loops of the bar.

After that, you need to close all the loops.

And then you should connect both parts with half-columns from the wrong side.

Then we steam the hood.


If wearing a regular scarf in cold weather is uncomfortable for you, then a knitted hood can be the solution. It is lightweight, warm and therefore able to keep you comfortable in cold weather.. In addition, a knitted hood allows you to make your image original. This piece of clothing, which can be worn instead of a scarf, can be knitted by every woman. Most are good at knitting. This means that they can not only create a knitted scarf, but also a hood. You just need to find a master class that explains how to knit a hood with knitting needles.

After spending some time, you can get a beautiful product. It is not difficult to make a knitted hood if you know about all the nuances of its manufacture. When it appears in your wardrobe, you can flaunt it on the street, surprising others and enjoying the warmth that this product gives in cool weather.

For a top-down hood, I usually pick up stitches with an open edge that, having connected the main fabric of the product, then return to the open loops of the neck and continue the hood without additional loops - it is convenient, neat, without seams and "ribs", in addition, it is always possible to adjust both the width of the neckline itself and the width of the future hood by simply adding or, conversely, reducing the number of loops. If the product was knitted from the bottom up, or initially the loops on the neck were cast on in the classical way, then, accordingly, along the neckline we collect the required number of loops for the hood. So, the loops are dialed.

1. Knit the first 3 rows with a 1x1 elastic band, or with a double hollow elastic band to form the so-called. "racks" - so in the finished product the hood at the base will not collapse and pull back. In addition, this part additionally creates a “shape” in which it will look beautiful and neat on the shoulders or dressed on the head.

2. When knitting a “stitch” for a hood in products for newborns, it is very convenient to provide a hemstitch line, into which later to skip the laces for better fixation on the baby’s neck.

3. At the very beginning of knitting the hood, it is desirable to reduce the number of loops so that no additional unnecessary volume forms along the neck and this part of the product fits neatly around the neck, does not fold, does not gather in a bag. The decreases are approximately 1/10 of the total number of loops along the neck. For example, if 62 loops are dialed, then the reductions, as a rule, do not exceed 5-6 p. - up to a total of 56-58 p. The hood sits neatly, moderately fitting the head, moderately loose for any cap.

4. If the product has straps, then it is possible to knit a hood in several ways:

- with the subsequent thin (not wide) tying - a single strap of the hood itself, for example, 1-2 rows of crochet, additionally along the upper edge of each finished strap on the shelf (regardless of whether it is one-piece knitted or tied separately later), get a few loops at a distance of 1 /2 plank widths. At the same time, in finished form, the hood will look neat when the shelves are buttoned.

As an example, on the slats, add 3 sts to the width of 1/2 of the slat itself. In the second photo - a finished view of the hood with a single narrow trim-strap of the hood, hemstitch with ties along the neck line.​​

- if a wide drawstring is planned, then, as a rule, ties along the neck line (hemstitching) are not required - the cord will be passed inside the drawstring, while the "rack" for the hood will in any case be beneficial to "keep" the shape of the hood. With this method of knitting, so that the subsequent hood trim does not protrude beyond the borders of the hood itself, it is not necessary to add additional loops along the upper edge of the slats, at this distance a double drawstring will just “fit”.

5. Be sure to form a greater height around the circumference of the face, we perform shortened rows from each edge of the hood - the total height along the edges differs from the height of the hood in the center of the back for babies by 2-3 cm, for adults by at least 4-6 cm

6. Depending on the style of the hood, after the formation of the “stitch”, and also, if necessary, knitting the hemstitch along the neck line, we continue to knit the hood fabric to the desired height, then “rounding” is performed in different ways:

like heel to toe, at which you need to divide the number of loops of the hood into 3 parts and then knit the central part without changes, and reduce the side parts in each row by knitting 2 p.m. at the beginning of the row. In this case, in order to reduce the depth of the hood in products for newborns, in the vast majority of cases, I knit 2 p.m. from the left needle (side parts) in every 2nd row;

by the method of simultaneous addition of loops along the line of the forehead. With this method, after adding the loops of the hood, they are transferred to circular knitting, then another 5-8 cm of the hood is knitted in a circle, then the bottom must be knitted, for which the total number of loops is divided into 6-8 wedges and with the help of decreases in each row a rounded upper part is formed hood;

- it is also possible to make a “triangle” hood: knit the fabric of the hood in a straight line, then divide all the loops in half, transfer the loops to the knitting needles in a “chessboard” order, i.e. alternating 1 st from each half, and close the open loops with a vertical knitted seam.

Knitting is a kind of needlework, which has a lot of subtleties and features. Even experienced knitters are constantly improving their skills, borrowing something interesting from each other. Beginning knitters, especially those practicing on children's things, sooner or later face the question of how to knit a hood with knitting needles from the neck. Many products for babies, and some for adults, suggest the presence of this element of clothing.

Knitting a hood

Now it is very important to make things that are in no way inferior to factory ones, and even more advantageous and exclusive. It requires knowledge, practice and extreme accuracy. And also things should be comfortable, comfortable to wear. Yarn should be chosen of high quality and predictable, otherwise it will be a pity for the time and effort spent.

Product types

There are many options for decorating the gate of the product. Tying with an elastic band, crochet "crustacean step", "collar", various turn-down or standing collars. Having decided to make a product with a hood, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of clothing and knitting techniques. This additional element can be associated with:

  • jacket, sweater, coat, jumper;
  • scarf-hood;
  • snud;
  • sleeveless vest;
  • hood.

Knitting methods

The head element can be knitted from the neck, the gate loops can be closed, or they can be left open. This is especially true for children's clothes, where a minimum number of seams and soft elastic edges are welcome. Otherwise, the part can be knitted separately and sewn to the product. Knitting methods:

  • Easy option. Gather loops on the knitting needles of the gate and knit in a circle to the desired height. Next, close the loops and sew the top.
  • By analogy with knitting the heel of a sock. The fabric is knitted to the desired height, as in the first version, but the details are not sewn, but the upper connecting strip is made.
  • Short rows are used for a better fit around the head.

Knitted hood with a description

Knitting a hood is easy. It is made separately from the main product and then sewn neatly, with inconspicuous stitches. You need to try to make the seam strong, but not too thick.

They knit a rectangular piece of the desired comfortable height so that it is not crowded, does not pull anywhere, or, on the contrary, is not too loose. An approximate calculation for a perfect fit: head height plus 4-5 cm for space, and the length of the rectangle is two head heights. Next, close the loops and connect the upper sides of the rectangle. Along the edge of the product, you can make a border, tie a strap or sew on a strip of fur.

Keep in mind that if the cutout in front is larger than on the back, then you need to knit the hood using shortened rows to equalize the height. That is, when knitting a row, they do not reach the extreme loop, but turn the work, making a crochet in order to avoid the formation of holes. It will then be closed along with the adjacent loop at the end of the work.

Thus, you can tie or sew a hood to any product. Or you can make a separate unique thing that combines two, such as a hat-scarf.

Knitted hat-hood

The scheme of such a product is simple, and you can connect it quickly enough. The thing is functional and mobile. A woman will look very original and fashionable in such an accessory. If desired, it can still be decorated with various patterns, braids, aran, sew-on beads, etc.

A scarf of the required length and width is knitted. Then mark its middle, which will be the center of the future hood. Having calculated its width and height, loops are picked up along the edges of the scarf and the hood is knitted in any acceptable way. And you can knit separately and sew to a scarf.

Now it’s important to knit another interesting women’s thing - snood. This is a scarf in the form of a closed tube. It is knitted on circular needles, the typed loops are closed in a circle. The work is carried out to the planned width, closed.

Along the edge of the snood, where there will be a hole for the head, you need to tie it tighter for a harmonious frame of the face.

Very in demand children's things with a hood. The child at any time can put on the hood and cover the ears, if desired, it is easy to throw it off. For a girl, you can make a knitted hood with knitting needles with a description somewhat different from a simple knitting of a hood. Work is carried out not from the collar, but from the oval of the face to the back of the head. It is necessary to measure the circumference of the face, add five to six centimeters and knit to the back of the head. Close loops. Sew ties at the bottom corners in front. The boy can knit a hat-helmet. For preschoolers, products can be supplemented with sewn-on or crocheted or knitted ears.

If there is a desire, then the hood can be made mobile, which is easy to unfasten. The line of attachment to the main thing can be made with a zipper or buttons.

The completed product must be steamed and, after shaping, dry on a horizontal surface to avoid stretching.

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