here it is....
correct formulation of the question.
almost on topic:

Part I

Vasya loved girls. Almost everyone. Because there was something good in almost everyone. But, unfortunately, each of them lacked something to become the one and only for Vasya. The kind and sympathetic were not beautiful enough, the beautiful were not smart enough, the smart were not kind enough...
And Vasya graduated from military school in six months. And he was blessed with many years of service in distant Zadripinsk. This is where Vasya’s mother became more active:
- Son, do you have a girlfriend?
- No... That is, there is no one, but there are acquaintances.
- You should get married!
- For what?
- Well, how are you going to serve alone? It’s boring in Zadripinsk - no girls, no entertainment... You’ll drink vodka with bachelors. Eat whatever you like. And if you get married, you will have a family and an interest in life. The wife will look after him and feed him delicious food. Give birth to a baby. You still need to get married! Think about it, while there is someone to choose a bride from.
Vasya thought. Necessary? To whom? Mom? Well, at least it’s a joy for mom. Or maybe she's right...
The one and only never appeared. Vasya decided to try his luck in the second class. But the second class unanimously refused to go with Vasya to Zadripinsk. I had to look for my wife in the third. Natasha agreed. The third grade is not a waste, but it will do for marriage.
Family life in Zadripinsk became a burdensome responsibility for Vasya. Vasya was tired of constantly performing duties around the clock: at work - official, at home - marital... And Vasya began to run from his wife, who was completely unnecessary to him, to the bachelor's hostel to drink vodka. And the wife, as a sign of protest, stopped caring for Vasya and feeding him tasty food. Vasya feels bad. Mom is happy.

Part II

Rita always had gentlemen. Only the one and only one – I haven’t met. And the existing ones behaved somehow strangely: they tried with all their might to get Rita to hint at marriage, and when she hinted, everyone began to break down like a beautiful maiden, demanding that Rita perform a feat in order to receive his, incomparable, hand and heart. The world has turned upside down, or what?
After a couple of similar experiments, Rita stopped encouraging these performances. The gentlemen were offended that Rita did not pursue them, and proudly walked away, waiting for her to show up in repentance. Rita did not push, new gentlemen appeared and the situation repeated itself with enviable consistency.
The next visit to visit my mother ended traditionally - with a visit from my mother.
- Rita, it’s time for you to think about marriage.
- For what?
- Like this? To have a family like everyone else.
- Why do I need a family now?
- So that there are children.
- Why do I need children now?
- Because all your peers already have it.
- Why should I?
- I want grandchildren.
- Why do you need grandchildren?
- It’s already uncomfortable in front of people. Aunt Klava constantly asks: “When will Ritochka get married?” Aunt Luda is interested. Alexandra Ivanovna also asked yesterday. All of their daughters are married, but they are younger than you. Is my daughter really the worst?
Rita did not consider herself bad. On the contrary – very good. And she loved her mother. Therefore, not having met that one and only, I chose the least awkward Shurik from the available contingent. And she got married. Mother gave birth to a grandson. Although, the mother’s interest in this grandson was purely theoretical. But my mother joyfully informed Aunt Klava, Aunt Lyuda, Alexandra Ivanovna and a whole bunch of other relatives, colleagues, friends and acquaintances about these events. Mom was congratulated - and forgotten. Mom calmed down and left behind. And Rita lives with her least absurd, without waiting to meet the one and only. The role of wife turned out to be a burdensome responsibility. Rita feels bad. Mom is good. And those strangers’ aunts, for the sake of whose opinion all this happened, in fact always did not give a damn about Rita’s personal life.

Vasya’s mother and Rita’s mother met on the street.
- Divorced...
- And mine too...
- What young people have become irresponsible...