The woman lowers her eyes. The most common female signal that men consider rejection

She constantly looks at you, laughs at your jokes, and seems a little uptight when she's around you. You don't know for sure if she's flirting, if she likes you as a friend, or if she doesn't like you at all. Whether you're in love with this girl and dying to know if the feeling is mutual, or you're just wondering if she likes you, there are several ways to check if a girl likes you or not.

    Follow her position. If a girl likes you, she will try to face you. If a girl openly turns to you, then she is ready to communicate with you. If a girl has a "closed stance" like having her arms or legs crossed, she's most likely shy or nervous when talking to you, but she might just be giving you a sign that she's not interested in talking to you.

    Pay attention to eye contact. If a girl likes you, she will most likely look at you for a few seconds or look away as soon as you look at her. Each of these options is a sign that this girl is interested in you. If a girl quickly looks away, it often means that she is worried or just not ready to reveal her feelings to you, but you can still be attractive to her.

    Pay attention to the context. The interpretation of body language depends on the context. For example, if you are talking with a girl alone, her touching your hand for a few seconds can be perceived as flirting. However, if she just pats you on the shoulder to get your attention and let you know that your friend is looking for you, you can hardly say that she is flirting, she is just trying to help.

    • If you are talking animatedly about something, the girl may look at you without breaking eye contact, but this does not always mean that she likes you. Maybe it's just her reaction to the conversation. However, if a girl maintains eye contact for a long time without talking to you, if she looks at you but turns away as soon as you look at her, she is most likely interested in you.
  1. Pay attention to whether she is trying to touch you or get closer. If a girl likes you, she will try to touch you, because this is a way to flirt, albeit a very obvious one. Thus, the girl draws conclusions about how you react. For example, she may take your hand when you say something funny, "accidentally" touch your shoulder or arm, or gently place her hand on your knee.

    • Not all girls feel comfortable touching a guy. In this case, you should not immediately take everything personally and think that she does not like you because she did not try to touch you. Maybe she's just nervous. If you like a girl, don't be shy, try to break the physical barrier between you yourself and see how she reacts.
    • She may find other ways to touch you. For example, playfully hitting you on the arm. Such a "friendly" gesture may be a disguised attempt to touch you and get closer, but without your friends noticing.
  2. Notice how often she "accidentally" hugs you. This is especially important if she only hugs you. Hugging is a friendly, affectionate way to get closer to a person and touch them without showing off your flirting skills. If you like a girl, hug her back, but if you don't want her to be delusional about you, politely refuse her.

    Pay attention to whether it copies your movements. If a girl constantly imitates you (for example, if you fix her hair, and after a few seconds you notice that she also corrects them), most likely, she is subconsciously copying your movements. This may indicate that she likes you.

    Notice if she's pulling her hair. If she playfully twirls a strand of her hair around her finger or just touches her hair frequently, she's most likely flirting.

    Watch for signs of anxiety or agitation. If a girl feels sympathy for you, she will touch her lips, collarbones and neck to draw your attention to these areas of the body. She can even make up her lips with lipstick in your presence.

    Pay attention to whether she smiles at you. This may be her signal to you that she feels comfortable and cozy in your presence. If a girl likes you, she will laugh at your jokes (no matter how funny they are).

  3. Strike up a conversation with her. This great way understand how much you are interested in her. During the conversation, try to pay attention to whether she makes any hints and shows you signs of attention, whether she tries to talk to you in a romantic tone. In addition, she can show her sympathy by often nodding to you and repeating some of your phrases.

    • To start a conversation, ask her questions that cannot be answered in one word. For example, about classes, about work, about pop culture. It could be something as simple as "what do you think of this band?" or “how was your day?”
    • Don't be upset if the girl you like doesn't try to start a conversation with you. If she likes you, she can be very shy and nervous when interacting with you. Even if she seems to you confident girl of everyone you know, she may have had bad experience in the past, or she is not yet ready to chat with you, but most likely she will be happy to talk if you start it first.
    • If you are already in friendly relations It's pretty easy to start a conversation. In this case, the most effective method understand that she likes you - pay attention to body language to see if she treats you differently than other friends.
  4. Be careful. If you like a girl, do your best to remember any details she mentioned. Listen carefully to what she says so that you can bear it in mind in the future.

    • For example, if she told you about her favorite band, try to randomly "remember" one of that band's songs the next time you talk. She will be surprised that you noticed this! Even if she doesn't feel for you romantic feelings, she may start to look at you when she realizes how carefully you treat her.
    • In addition, a personal conversation - a great opportunity evaluate body language, so keep an eye on her actions and pay attention to light "accidental" touches.
  5. Let the girl know that you like her. But only if you are sure of your sympathy and think that she likes you too. This is a simple step that may seem complicated, but if you are interested in a girl, and you are almost sure that this is mutual, the easiest way is to ask her out on a date with the certainty that she will agree.

    • You can let her know how you feel by saying something like, "I really enjoy being friends with you, but I'd like to be more than friends."
    • Don't tell her how you feel if you just want to know if she likes you. It will be very hurtful and cruel, besides, it will undermine her confidence.
    • A girl may like you, and yet you may not see any of the above signs. The best way clarify the situation - try to spend more time with her and observe what kind of relationship develops between you.
    • If a girl is very shy, it may be difficult for her to start a conversation with you in person. But, perhaps, she will dare to talk with you online. If you are easy to communicate online, but in real life she is embarrassed when she sees you, most likely she likes you, but it is hard for her to show it to you in person. So try testing her by smiling at her and asking some simple general questions like how her day went.
    • If you like a girl, don't flirt with others. If she sees you hugging another girl or flirting with others, she will assume that you treat her like everyone else and stop trying to get your attention.


    • If a girl seems reserved and avoids you, you don't have to give up right away because you could very well be wrong. Instead, relax a bit and give her some time and space. She may be interested in you, but she may feel awkward in public. In this case, most likely, you should be more delicate when expressing your sympathy.
    • If a girl is definitely trying to avoid communicating with you by any means, for example, trying to get away from the conversation, even if you are in the company, it is very likely that she knows about your sympathy, but she does not feel anything for you. There is also the possibility that she is simply reacting in this way to overly direct hints from you. In this case, it is worth taking her silence and ignoring as a signal that it is time for you to step back and leave her alone. You can try flirting with her again in a couple of weeks. If she still reacts negatively, it's best to stop trying.

A recent study showed that the movement of a woman's eyes, how and where they look after the first contact with a man, you can determine what chances this man has.

The female mind has always been a complete mystery to most men, and their mysterious thoughts and actions are almost impossible to decipher, however, only until now. Experts say that within the first 45 seconds of a meeting, it becomes clear whether love is in the air or whether the unfortunate man will receive a cold shoulder.

So, the first rule. If a woman lowers her eyes down to the floor and searches the floor with her eyes, as shown in the left photo, this means that she is not indifferent to the man. Such a look means that she is testing her inner emotions, in a word, she will fall in love if the man continues his courtship. According to experts, this look of a woman is the Holy Grail for him. If a guy is ready to move forward in a relationship, then he will meet a reciprocal feeling.

Rule two. If a girl shyly looks away, but then returns and looks away again, then this is not at all what many men think - as if the woman is avoiding them. Vice versa.

Third. If a girl looks at the guy directly for the first 45 seconds, then looks away and looks back at him again, this means that the man has a chance to start a relationship with the girl, and she herself faces the problem of whether the man she needs is in front of her.

Expert warns that many guys decide once a girl is after eye contact looks away, he is not interested in her. But the girl will look away, it is inevitable. This happens because we think so, evaluate our feelings. The expert notes that he asked hundreds of women about this. This look of a woman means that she is thinking to herself, and, if, there is something in her that may interest a guy. It is important to show what you really are.

But besides the good news for the guys, there is also bad news. If, after making eye contact with a man, a girl immediately looks over her head or directly into her eyes, then this means that he has no chance.

Rule five. The look is direct, with a challenge and even aggression. Don't try to flirt, get rebuffed.

Rule six. The look goes over the head, past the guy. You can keep ambition to yourself.

These two aggressive reactions mean that the man must quickly step back and shift his attention to something else to avoid an awkward scene.

When meeting, you can pay attention to other signs of a woman's predisposition to a man. For example, the position of the dominant hand, if the girl is right-handed, right hand closer to a man, so this is a step forward. Or, for example, gestures of hands and hair. Hands pulling hair good sign, even better, if the hair falls back, revealing his neck, chest or shoulders.

An old wisdom says: "Look a person in the eyes when you talk to him, the eyes are the mirror of the soul." When you communicate, look at the pupils of your partners and you will be able to understand them. true feelings. The expression of the eyes is the key to a person's true thoughts. For centuries, people have attached great importance to the eyes and their impact on human behavior. Expressions like "She just glared at him", or "She has the eyes of a child", or "His eyes darted", or "She has an alluring look", or "His eyes sparkled suspiciously", or "He has an evil eye", firmly settled in our language.
Watching the pupils of potential buyers was practiced by jewelers ancient China. They watched the eyes of buyers as they negotiated the price. In ancient times, belladonna was instilled into the eyes of prostitutes to dilate the pupils and appear more desirable. Aristotle Onassis always wore dark glasses during the conclusion of transactions, so as not to give out his true intentions.

Eye movements.
The basis for genuine communication can only be established through face-to-face communication. We feel comfortable around some people, awkward around others, and some do not seem trustworthy to us. It all depends on how they look at us and how long they keep their eyes on us during the conversation.
Like all other body language signals, the duration of the look at the interlocutor is determined by national traditions. In the south of Europe, people look at each other for a long time, which may seem offensive, for example, to the Japanese, who prefer to look at the interlocutor's neck rather than in the face during a conversation. You must always consider national traditions before jumping to conclusions.

business look
When you are conducting business negotiations, imagine that a kind of triangle is drawn on the face of the interlocutor. By focusing your gaze inside this zone, you will give the impression of a serious person. Your partner will feel that you are responsible and reliable. If your gaze does not fall below the eye level of the interlocutor, you will be able to keep the conversation under control.

What are the different views?
informal look
When the gaze of the interlocutor falls below the eye level of the partner, a friendly atmosphere arises. Experiments have shown that during informal communication, the face of the interlocutor can also be distinguished triangular zone. In this case, it is located between the eyes and mouth of the interlocutor.

intimate look
In this case, the gaze can slide over the face of the interlocutor, fall on the chin and other parts of the body. With close contact, this triangle can stretch to the chest, and if people are far apart, then drop to the level of the genitals. Men and women use this look to show their interest in each other. If a person is interested in you, then he will return the same look to you.
When a man believes that a woman is trying to lure him, then most likely he noticed that the woman is looking askance at him and her gaze glides over intimate area. If a man or woman wants to demonstrate inaccessibility, then they just need to avoid an intimate look and confine themselves to an informal look. If, during courtship, you use a businesslike look, then your partner will consider you cold and unfriendly.
Remember that when using an intimate look at a potential sexual partner you lose control of the situation. Your intentions become perfectly clear. Women are great experts in sending and recognizing such views, but men should still learn from them.
The eyes play a very important role in the courtship process. Women use makeup to enhance this effect. If a woman is in love with a man, then her pupils dilate when she looks at him, and he unmistakably recognizes this signal without even realizing it. That is why most romantic dates takes place in subdued light, which causes the pupils to dilate.
The intimate look of a man is not difficult to notice, but they themselves almost never notice it, to the deep disappointment of women.

Sideways glance
This is how people who are either interested in you or hostile look at you. If a person at the same time raises his eyebrows high or smiles, then he is clearly interested. This is a sign of courtship. If the eyebrows, on the contrary, are frowned and brought together at the bridge of the nose, and the corners of the mouth are lowered, then the person treats you with suspicion, hostility or criticism.

drooping eyelids
If the person we are talking to lowers their eyelids, it is very annoying.
The duration of visual contact depends on the distance between the interlocutors. The greater the distance, the more prolonged eye contact is possible between them. Therefore, communication will be more effective if the partners are seated different sides table, in this case, the increase in the distance between the partners will be compensated by the increase in the duration of eye contact.

Under certain lighting, the pupils can dilate or constrict, and a person's mood can change from negative to positive and vice versa. If a person is excited, then his pupils dilate. They can become four times their own normal size. Conversely, if a person is negative, irritated or angry, then his pupils narrow to minimum dimensions- "beady eyes", or "snake look".
Studies done on professional gamblers have shown that if their opponent wears dark glasses, the pros win fewer games.

Women look longer at those who are sympathetic to them, and men - at those who sympathize with them. Women in general use a direct gaze more often than men, and therefore they tend to perceive less than men gaze, as a threat, on the contrary, a woman considers a direct look an expression of interest and desire to establish contact. Although, by no means all direct views of men are perceived favorably by women, a lot depends on the man himself.

A man is looking for something completely different. Looking at the Stranger, he, as a rule, looks past the clothes. There, where a piece of snow-white skin opens. Or the contours of the chest, the bend of the waist, the rise of the leg are indicated.
If a woman constantly averts her eyes to the side, but at the same time she still tries to follow the gaze of a man, this indicates that she is not indifferent to the interlocutor.

If a woman looks over the interlocutor more often than at him, you should not flatter yourself - she does not experience romantic feelings, but most likely thinks about how best to use the gentleman who has turned up under her arm.
There are "shooting" looks, when a woman quickly looks at a man - and then immediately looks away. Even before he had time to intercept her "shot". And then when romantic acquaintance begins to tie up, when the man began to enthusiastically perceive the Stranger, a "languid" look comes into play. From under half-closed eyelashes. But it is no longer just interest. This look calls for a new relationship. He says that the woman really liked this man. And she wants to meet. After a "languid" look, there is nowhere to retreat. This look is an invitation to acquaintance. After him, the man should come up and say something.

Young lovers who stare into each other's eyes unconsciously expect their partner's pupils to dilate. This signal is very exciting.

You should not think that a direct look is a sign of honesty and openness. Well-trained liars are able to fix their eyes on the eyes of the interlocutor, and besides, they also try to control their hands, not allowing them to approach the face. However, if the liar is not trained, for example, a child, then his lies are easy to recognize, the liar's hands reach out to his face, block his mouth and nose, his eyes run around.

If a person is dishonest or tries to hide important information, his gaze meets the gaze of the interlocutor for less than one third of the total conversation time. If eye contact lasts more than two-thirds of the conversation, then this can mean one of two things: either your interlocutor finds you very interesting or attractive person(then his pupils will dilate). Or he is hostile towards you (in which case you will notice a non-verbal challenge, and the pupils will narrow to the size of a pinhead).

It's no surprise that a nervous, shy person whose gaze constantly darts to and fro less than 30 percent of the time in a conversation inspires little confidence. Going to business negotiations, do not wear dark glasses, as they can cause your partners to unpleasant feeling that they are considered point-blank.

What does look mean?
involuntary eye movements (noticeably "shifting eyes") - anxiety, shame, deceit, fear, neurasthenia;
brilliant look - fever, excitement;
enlargement of pupils - a feeling of interest and enjoyment of information, communication, photography, a partner, food, music and others external factors, acceptance of something, but also intense suffering;
chaotic movements of the pupils - a sign of intoxication (the more such movements, the drunker the person);
increased blinking - arousal, deception.
A subject who makes eye contact with you noticeably less than one-third of the entire communication period is either not being honest or trying to hide something;
the one who undisguisedly stubbornly peers into your eyes has an increased interest in you (the pupils are dilated), shows outright hostility (the pupils are narrowed) or seeks to dominate.
Constriction and expansion of the pupils are not subject to consciousness, and therefore their reaction very clearly shows the partner's interest in you. You can control your eyes, but not your pupils.
The expansion of the pupils shows an increase in interest in you, their narrowing will tell about hostility. However, such phenomena must be observed in dynamics, because the size of the pupil also depends on the illumination. In bright sunlight, the pupils of a person are narrow, in a dark room, the pupils dilate.
It is worth paying attention if the partner looks up to the left or just up (in relation, of course, to himself, and not to the observer) - he is immersed in visual memories.
Looking up to the right reveals a visual construction. Man tries to imagine what he has never seen.
Looking down to the left is an internal conversation with yourself.

Be attentive to people in order to understand them deeper!

In relation to you. He just doesn't need to look at you too often and keep his eyes on you for a long time.

An underhand look.
Such eyes may indicate that a man is unfriendly, that he is at you for something, and that you may annoy him with your behavior or communication. With this view, try to soften the situation by changing the subject, or it is better to end the conversation so as not to provoke a conflict.

Accentuated look.
Pay attention to where the man looks most often. If his gaze lingers on your eyes, face, hair, hands for a long time, then this one, of course, likes you. If he focuses his attention on the legs, chest, then most likely he likes your figure, and not you.

Thoughtful look.
If a man is constantly looking at one point with you, and, moreover, does this quite often, then this indicates that the person’s thoughts are somewhere else, but not with you. Often this can still be accompanied by inattention, unreasonable forgetfulness and stupid confusion.

Smiling look.
When a man begins to smile at the sight of you, and his eyes smile with him, then it is quite possible that he is set to flirt, and communication with you brings him pleasure.

Psychologists say that the pupils of the eyes are the most main indicator temperament. The wider the pupil, the more relaxed the man this moment, calm and friendly. If the pupil is often constricted, - the man is excited, aggressive and restless.

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All of the above signs male gaze can be reliable only at the beginning of communication. If you communicate with a person quite closely and for a long time, then his eyes and behavior in general can only be judged by certain circumstances in your relationship.

It is rightly said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. According to psychologists, in the eyes human contains about 80% of the information about it. Read human By eyes not difficult. Below is a list of things to watch out for.


Direction of gaze during conversation. If your interlocutor looks straight into your eyes, his eyes do not run around, he wants to hear what you are saying to him, then this sure sign that it is attentive, sincere, fair man. It is easy to establish contact with such people, they are sociable, easy to find with them. mutual language. If a person avoids the visual, when he is asked questions, often looks away, then, most likely, this is a secretive, cunning individual who is not averse to deception. These people are hard to trust.

Eye size. people with big eyes and impressionable, these are highly emotional, kind, creative, artistic personalities. People with small eyes and are distinguished by prudence, scrupulousness, lack of a great mind, but they are responsible. People with eyes and medium size, most likely have the following distinctive features: cleverness, suspicion, sly character.

Eye color. This one can tell a lot. Dark pupils and white whites of the eyes are a sign that this is a positive person. Proteins of yellow or red color signal that a person with such eyes and has any diseases, a difficult fate. Also, the pupils will not say anything good. light shades.

Eye planting. If the eyes are located at a small distance from each other, then a person with such eyes and most likely . It is very easy to offend such people, they remember the offense for a long time. People with wide eyes are optimists, people with a strong inner core, energetic. They see the world easier for us than others.

eye similarity human With eyes and animals and birds. The qualities characteristic of these representatives of the animal world can often be projected onto the eyes human. For example: the eyes of a lion - firmness, nobility, professionals to the marrow of bones; - courage, devotion, independence, willpower, decency, people with such eyes And - devoted friends; ram - quick wit, modesty, indecision; foxes - cunning, trickery, intrigue, owners of a small number of friends, despite seeming decency; snakes - variability, ruthlessness, you need to keep your eyes open with such people!

"Eyes are the mirror of the soul!" - a very precise, figurative expression. Therefore, it would seem that there can be no doubt: at meeting and talking, you need to look directly into each other's eyes. But not everything is so simple!

A direct look into the eyes from time immemorial has a well-defined role: it symbolized aggression, a willingness to measure strength. Yes and among, on at measures, such a look is akin to an immediate duel. Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully before staring into the eyes of the interlocutor with an unblinking gaze. After all, this can be regarded as rudeness, bad manners. In addition, such a look can simply confuse a delicate, impressionable person, make him feel insecure, constrained, in a word, at cause him obvious discomfort. On the other hand, when a person stubbornly avoids the eyes of the interlocutor, this may be an indicator of his duplicity, the desire to hide something, to mislead. "Hides his eyes, wants to deceive!" - the rule is also known from ancient times. How to be? Your behavior should depend on many factors: who is your interlocutor, how important is your relationship with him to you, what is your meeting, conversation, etc. On at For example, you communicate with a businesslike, casual train neighbor, an employee in a government agency, a client who has contacted your firm. In a word, your communication, although polite, is clearly not friendly, implies a certain restraint. In this case, you on his face, trying at while avoiding direct eye contact. That is, of course, you can meet his gaze, but literally for a second or two and then again look away a little to the side. By this you will demonstrate attention, respect for the person and do not put him in an awkward position. If you are talking to a person you know well, and your conversation is taking place in a warm, friendly (friendly) atmosphere, you can look at a wider area, not limited to the face, but also capturing the neck and upper part chest. This at will give your conversation even more uninhibited, not at needy character. Well, if you communicate with a person of the opposite sex, who is very at entails ( at than not only in the spiritual, but also in the intimate sense of the word), then you can let your gaze, as if by chance, glide literally over his entire body. Of course, try not to show it too clearly, especially if the meeting takes place in crowded place. Remember the wise rule: “Everything is good in moderation”, do not compromise either yourself or your interlocutor.

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Often you can hear the phrase: the eyes do not lie. And this is actually true - in most cases, you can find out what a person is thinking about, or what he feels, can be understood by the way he looks at you, and by the expression of his eyes at the moment of talking with you in principle. There are several key positions by which you can track what exactly is happening with a person at the moment of a conversation, regardless of what he says.


If the interlocutor looks up, it means that you annoy him, or he despises you.

If the interlocutor looks in the upper left corner, this means that he is trying to visualize something.

If he looks to the left, he is trying to imagine something that he has never heard or seen.

When looking at the lower left corner, a person is immersed in his emotions and experiences.

If the gaze is absent, this is an indicator of disinterest both in you and in the subject of conversation.

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Helpful advice

Try to use reasonably acquired knowledge - not everyone likes to be directly accused of something.


  • a site where you can learn about a person in 2019

In life, situations sometimes arise when it is very important to understand whether a person is lying or not. You can recognize a liar without using a lie detector. Sometimes all it takes is looking him in the eye.


See where the interlocutor's gaze is directed during the conversation. If up and to the right - a person remembers real events, up and to the left - he tells you about invented facts. A look directed to the left indicates that it is difficult for the interlocutor to find words, and if he looks to the right, it means that he remembers what he heard earlier. Down and to the left during a conversation, people look, immersed in their feelings and experiences, down and to the right - leading an internal dialogue with themselves (in left-handers Right side and the left are swapped).

Pay attention to whether the interlocutor looks into the eyes. Inexperienced liars often look away, or cover their eyes with their hands. Experienced - they know how to look the victim intently into the eyes, but they can be given out by frequent blinking.

Assess the size of the pupils of the interlocutor. Expanded - a reaction to truthful words, narrowed - to a lie. This happens because the body telling a lie starts producing special chemical compounds affecting pupil size. Because of this, by the way, a liar's nose or ear may still itch.

Observe how the interlocutor's gaze correlates with his words. If a person sincerely rejoices, worries, is surprised, etc., then these emotions will be very clearly reflected in his eyes. In a liar, the gaze either does not express any emotions, or these manifestations are significantly delayed.

Do you want to know if a young man really loves you or just flirting? Just look into his eyes carefully, and you will immediately understand everything. They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. And true love will definitely be reflected in this mirror. The look of a man in love cannot be confused with anything. In our article, we will tell you everything about how to understand with one eye that a guy is in love.

What is his loving look? How to describe it? There are several objective ones: direction, duration of eye contact, pupil size, concentration. We will talk about them first.

Direction of view

The lover carefully looks into the eyes, as if trying to understand whether his feelings are mutual. Often such men are so fascinated by the personality of the companion that they eagerly hang on her every word.

The gaze is dominated not by passion, but by tenderness and affection. As if you are a treasure that needs to be protected and from which you can not take your eyes off.

The gaze of a flirting man, looking for a fleeting connection, is fixed on the figure of a woman. If 80% of the time a man looks at your silhouette, hairstyle, neck, chest, waist, hips and legs - do not expect sincere feelings.

Attention to detail (clothing, jewelry, make-up) also indicates a superficial interest. Casanovas evaluate women as a commodity and willingly shower them with compliments.

Contact duration

In the psychology of relationships, the duration of a glance plays big role. According to research by scientists, interlocutors usually look into each other's eyes for 50-60% of the total conversation time.

If a man is in love, the duration of eye contact increases to 70-80%. Therefore, if you notice that a man almost without stopping looks into your eyes during a conversation, this means that you are not indifferent to him.

Flirting men rarely make eye contact when talking. They look briefly, and then the gaze moves to the lips or chest.

Men who have become adept at seduction are aware of this feature and therefore deliberately prolong contact for longer than is necessary for the situation. “Looks without seeing” - such an impression is formed from such fans.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women". You'll get step by step plan of 12 steps on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for years to come.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

Pupil size

"Bottomless" eyes are not just a beautiful metaphor. During strong arousal pupils dilate involuntarily. If you notice this effect when looking at you, this is another argument in favor of serious feelings and intentions.

If a man just flirts and does not feel at the same time strong emotions, his pupils will remain the same size.


A man in love is completely immersed in communication - when you are around, the earth stops rotating, and other people do not exist. He is focused, listens carefully and looks at you when you speak. Asks a lot of clarifying questions and remembers the answers! You do not get the impression that the thread of the conversation is only in your hands - there is a full-fledged exchange.

Flirting does not require full concentration on the partner - the man remains included in the world. He is distracted by cars passing by, signs in store windows and oncoming beauties.

Often, flirting men look into the eyes only during their own monologue, as if in control - did the fish get caught in the nets? When the initiative of the conversation is intercepted by the girl, the look becomes “glassy” or “running”. If after 5-10 minutes you ask a question on the topic of your story, you will not be able to get a clear answer.

If he is really in love, this will be reflected not only in his look, but also in his behavior. We chose .

Gestures, facial expressions and body language too.

If the guy is nice to you, why not. This will help him take the next step in your relationship.

Loving look in simple words

The look of a lover young man cannot be fully measured in seconds, millimeters and percentages. If you want to be 100% sure that he is in love, look at the emotions that are reflected in his eyes.

Loving eyes

  • Warm. The look of a man in love warms. You get the feeling that you are wrapped in a warm and fluffy blanket woven from love and adoration.
  • Attentive. The eyes of a lover become interested, attention to all aspects of your life is clearly read in them. You are talking nonsense for the second hour, and the man continues to look into your eyes carefully and seriously? This is Love.
  • Caring. A man in love wants to steal his Muse from this cruel world and surround her with boundless care - his eyes take on a “fatherly expression”, as if the responsibility for the life of a woman is placed on his shoulders.

flirting eyes

  • Perky. A frankly flirtatious man is not necessarily bad person he's just not in love. A playful look is inherent in flirting, it intoxicates with ease and ease.
  • Passionate. When a woman is seen only as a sexual object, the expression of the eyes becomes oily. Lust is clearly read in the gaze, which is reinforced by the direction of the gaze on the intimate parts of the body - the chest and hips.
  • Cold. The fire of passion is not able to warm, it is more like a bright Christmas garland than a warming fire. A flirting man is focused on his emotions and thoughts, so the look is often distant and indifferent.

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Don't relax! Evaluate. Did a man bombard you with a pile of gifts, take you around a cafe and reward you with compliments every five minutes? Do not rush to relax! Soberly evaluate the look to understand - is he truly in love? If you are looking for true love, then it makes no sense to waste time on a relationship with a person aimed at superficial communication and momentary pleasures!
