Andrei Malakhov is the second cousin of Nikolai Valuev. Malysheva discovered that Malakhov and Valuev are blood brothers Andrey Malakhov and Valuev

Boxer and TV presenter were shocked when they found out about their relationship

Photo: DR

Unexpected results were shown by a DNA test conducted by TV presenter Elena Malysheva as part of the Health program. Talk show host Andrey Malakhov and Russian heavyweight boxer Nikolai Valuev turned out to be paternal second cousins.

The men were shocked by such a genetic discovery, but acknowledged their relationship, hugged each other and even took a selfie together. And a little later, Andrei shared his emotions from a kind of sensation on his Instagram.

“For those who missed the Health program with Elena Malysheva, a summary: 2 months ago, the TV presenter took a DNA test from famous people in the country to find out their pedigree. Inviting to record the program, Lenochka announced sensational news: on the paternal side, my second cousin @nickvaluev! Our chromosomes match! I don’t know where the father’s relatives have inherited, but next to such a brother, much is not scary! - wrote the TV presenter.

Following the newfound brother, Nikolai also spoke:

“Genetic joke on the Health program, where it turned out that Andrei Malakhov and I are second cousins ​​in the Turkic line. So we are Genghisides and sultans. No wonder I'm on the list of the best Tatars in Russia, apparently. Oh, now I understand what my grandmother wanted to keep silent. Now let them talk."

By the way, a couple of months ago, the TV presenter took genetic material for research from other famous people: Leonid Yakubovich, Mikhail Boyarsky, Arkady Ukupnik. So, probably, the viewers of the Health program are waiting for new discoveries.

Recently, Elena Malysheva began to conduct DNA tests: specialists take saliva from Russian celebrities, and then Malysheva tells them the results on the program. Moreover, it tells not only about the predisposition to certain diseases and methods of prevention, but also about genetic relationships over several generations.


So, it turned out that Andrei Malakhov has a relationship with Nikolai Valuev. This was announced by the TV presenter himself on his official page on the social network Instagram. “The morning started with #shock! For those who missed the Health program with Elena Malysheva, a summary: 2 months ago, the TV presenter took a #DNA analysis from famous people of the country to find out their ancestry. Inviting to record the program, Lenochka announced sensational news: paternal line - my second cousin Nikolai Valuev! Our chromosomes are the same! I don’t know where the father’s relatives have inherited, but next to such a brother, much is not scary! " - having published a joint photo with a newly-made relative, Andrey Malakhov said.

By the way, Leonid Yakubovich and Mikhail Boyarsky took part in the program. Recall that recently a popular actor has mastered the profession of a presenter - he is the face of the entertainment program "Minute of Glory". According to Mikhail, for him this work is "a certain exam."

By the way, Boyarsky definitely would not have hosted a program like “Let them talk” or “Live”, hosted by the same Andrei Malakhov and Boris Korchevnikov. "They dig in such rubbish! This is some kind of horror. The problems that they put up for the whole country are so vile ... And everyone "eats" it. It's so strange. I am very embarrassed when personal fate is brought up for discussion. Weddings , funerals, other people's children ... What is all this for? a popular artist asked a rhetorical question in a recent interview.

Remember, in Bulgakov’s novel The Master and Margarita, Koroviev-Fagot, inviting Margarita to become the queen of the ball, says: “Ah, queen, questions of blood are the most difficult questions in the world!” Maybe it is, but not for Elena Malysheva - in just two months, the presenter found two genetic brothers in a country of many millions. They were Andrei Malakhov and Nikolai Valuev.

The program "Health", dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day, host Elena Malysheva began with a riddle:

Over the past few months, we have been conducting genetic testing of everyone we know and love. Today we have prepared a genetic surprise for you. It turns out that among the very famous people of our country there is a second cousin of Andrei Malakhov. Andryusha, who do you think your second cousin is?

Malakhov looked around. In the studio, besides him, Leonid Yakubovich, Mikhail Boyarsky, Arkady Ukupnik and Nikolai Valuev were invited guests.

Choose Kolya, - advised Yakubovich.

Kolya, what do you think, which of you is Malakhov's genetic second cousin? - Elena Vasilievna turned to the famous boxer.

In general, I am in the top hundred of the best Tatars in Russia, - Valuev admitted, - so I immediately thought: the Tatars have inherited somewhere again.

The evening ceased to be languid when Elena Malysheva began to talk about the results of the genetic analysis of Andrei Malakhov. It turns out that the ancestors of the leading father in the line were born in Africa, then they got to Iraq and stopped there. Then their descendants dispersed all over the world, and today Malakhov's closest genetic relatives can be found in Sudan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan and Dagestan. My mother's ancestors went almost the same way from Africa, but they got as far as China, and from there through America they got to Brazil. Among the famous genetic relatives of Malakhov there are members of the Rothschild dynasty (on the side of the father) and descendants of Genghis Khan (on the side of the mother).

And now attention: Andrey, your genetic second cousin is Nikolai Valuev, - the host of the Health program said with the air of a winner. - He said that there is a lot of Tatar blood in him.

Nikolai Valuev opened his mouth in surprise, but then he came to his senses with the words: “Hello, brother!” Malakhov hugged.

And Elena Vasilievna has already talked about Valuev's ancestors. The ancestors of Nicholas are all from the same Africa. Father's through several countries crossed the Red Sea and reached Kazakhstan. The mother line through Syria and Turkey passed through Europe and stopped in Italy. The closest relatives of the boxer on the mother's side live in the UK, Germany, France, Italy, on the father's side - in the Bryansk, Kursk, Oryol and Belgorod regions. The famous relative on my mother's side is actress Meryl Streep, on my father's side are the sultans of the Ottoman Empire and Genghis Khan.

Andrey, you and I are real Chingizites, - exclaimed Valuev. - It's time to look for treasure.

By the way, dad's relatives live in the Belgorod region, - Andrei Malakhov recalled, - and dad was a boxer in his youth. So we definitely have something in common.

So, Andrey Malakhov and Nikolai Valuev are second cousins, - summed up Eden Malysheva. - This means that they come from approximately the same area and some of their relatives have lived within a closed community for a long time. Therefore, Andrei and Kolya have approximately the same set of genes in terms of genetic roots. Now these two wonderful people need to look for the area where, according to family legends, either the female or the male line came from both. And this is not a joke, it is actually a complete genetic surprise. So be friends, help and protect each other.

In today's morning issue of Health, host Elena Malysheva surprised many, including the subjects themselves, with a genetic surprise.

Andrei Malakhov underwent a genetic examination on the maternal and paternal lines. 2 months ago he passed the test and today announced his result.

As it turned out, the paternal family, like many on the planet, originates in Africa. Andrei has a genetic relationship with the Rodschild family on the paternal side and with Genghis Khan on the maternal side.

But Malakhov was more surprised and amazed by the news about his second cousin. It turned out to be Nikolai Valuev - a famous boxer in the past, and now.

“Andrey, you and I are real Chingizites. It’s time to search for a treasure, ”Nikolai joked in his characteristic manner.

Malysheva spoke about him and named his titles. One of the most significant is the intercontinental champion among professionals.

A detailed genetic study was also carried out by Valuev. An interesting fact was connected with the paternal line.

Now his closest relatives live in the Bryansk, Oryol and Kaluga regions. At this news, Nikolai several times pointedly exclaimed: “Bryansk region, Bryansk region!”

At the end of the program, it was concluded that the two celebrities have common roots. Their relatives most likely lived in the same village or district for many years even before the revolution.

Several generations of distant relatives got married and had children. Hence the similarity of genotypes.

Everyone is used to the fact that Andrey Malakhov is the main exclusive on Russian television, but recently Elena Malysheva managed to make the TV presenter doubt this. Two months ago, the Health program team took a DNA analysis of several famous people, including Andrei Malakhov, Nikolai Valuev, Mikhail Boyarsky, Arkady Ukupnik and others. The results were made public in a recent issue, and it turned out that Andrei and Nikolai are second cousins. Celebrities were shocked no less than the fans.

Nikolay Valuev and Andrey Malakhov

The morning started with #shock! For those who missed the Health program with Elena Malysheva, a short summary: 2 months ago, the TV presenter took a #DNA analysis from famous people of the country to find out their pedigree. Inviting to record the program, Lenochka announced sensational news: on the paternal side - my second cousin @nickvaluev! Our chromosomes match! I don’t know where the father’s relatives have inherited, but next to such a brother, much is not scary! - Andrey wrote on Instagram today.

Genetic joke on the program "Health", where it turned out that Andrei Malakhov and I are second cousins ​​in the Turkic line. So we are Genghisides and sultans. No wonder I'm on the list of the best Tatars in Russia, apparently. Oh, now I understand what my grandmother wanted to keep silent. Now let them talk,” Nikolai wrote on the same social network.
