Pregnancy without signs: description, features and recommendations of specialists. Signs of conception by a girl

Is it possible to determine the onset of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation? Are there early signs of pregnancy, even before the delay? After all, many women say that they knew about their pregnancy even before a positive test result? Or maybe you have already noticed some changes in your body?

All over the world it is customary to count the beginning of pregnancy from the first day of the last menstruation. And since ovulation occurs on average on the 14th day of the cycle, the first two weeks of pregnancy, in fact, you are not pregnant yet. During this period, an egg begins to form, which can later be fertilized. So the first signs of pregnancy appear 2-3 weeks after fertilization, in fact, already at 4-5 weeks of pregnancy. Simply put, at the 4th week of the cycle, even before the delay in menstruation, the onset of pregnancy may manifest itself with some signs.

In the event that fertilization has successfully occurred, the body of the expectant mother begins an active restructuring aimed at successfully bearing and giving birth to a child. These changes cannot occur imperceptibly and asymptomatically, the first minor signs appear, which, even before the delay in menstruation, may indicate the onset of pregnancy. Often they cause some inconvenience for a pregnant woman. But they are worth it! Having passed all these tests, the woman receives a well-deserved reward, a small miracle, her baby!

Even before the delay of menstruation, many women begin to listen to their body, here it hurts in the lower abdomen, they feel sick in the morning or have a headache. Could this be the first sign of pregnancy?

So, what happens in the body of a pregnant woman and what signs can indicate that pregnancy has come, even before the delay in menstruation? So, let's figure it out.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: slight bleeding.

Small spotting about 6-12 days after intercourse can be the first signs of pregnancy. A woman may have the idea that menstruation begins, but somehow unusually and at the wrong time. These secretions indicate that the fertilized egg is implanted in the wall of the uterus. Implantation discharge, as a rule, is not abundant, yellowish-brown in color.

Small spotting may occur after a delay, but in this case, you should be wary and immediately consult a doctor, as they may be a sign of a miscarriage that has begun.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: a change in basal body temperature.

Women who keep a chart of basal temperature can easily determine the onset of pregnancy. An increase in basal temperature to 37 and above can be one of the first signs of pregnancy, even before the delay. If, in the absence of pregnancy, the basal temperature returns to normal a day or two before menstruation, then when pregnancy occurs, it remains at high values.

Basal body temperature is measured in the rectum, vagina, or mouth. Moreover, the measurement in the rectum is considered the most reliable. It is necessary to measure the basal temperature immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed.

An increase in basal temperature is a consequence of a change in the hormonal background of a woman, there is an increase in the hormone progesterone, which causes an increase in BBT.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: implantation retraction.

Implantation recession on the basal temperature chart is one of the first signs of pregnancy. There is a sinking in the second phase of the cycle for one day, when there is a sharp drop in temperature and then again an increase. This is a consequence of hormonal changes. Progesterone causes an increase in temperature, and with the onset of pregnancy there is a sharp release of estrogen, which causes a sharp drop in temperature.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: sometimes hot, sometimes cold.

“It’s hot, it’s cold” is one of the first signs of pregnancy. This is due to an increase in body temperature in the first weeks of pregnancy. That is why women complain, now of the heat, then of the cold. Sometimes it becomes unbearably hot and you want to open a window in winter, when all the family members are freezing, then it’s impossible to warm up under a warm blanket, it’s freezing and shivering. Also, a consequence of an increase in temperature in a pregnant woman may be reddening of the skin of the face in the evening.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: malaise.

Due to the increase in body temperature in the first weeks of pregnancy, many girls think that they are sick. Since even a slight increase in body temperature to 37 is quite noticeable and not all women tolerate it equally well. General fatigue, working capacity increase and there is a feeling of malaise.

Also at this time, it is not uncommon for pregnant women to have symptoms of a cold, cough, sore throat, runny nose. This is due to the fact that in the first weeks of pregnancy, the general immunity of the woman's body also decreases slightly. These symptoms can be considered the first signs of pregnancy before a missed period.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: breast tenderness.

An increase in breast sensitivity is one of the first signs of pregnancy before a delay. Many women note that the breast increases, swells, and its sensitivity increases. Any touch becomes painful. Sometimes the chest hurts so much that it becomes almost impossible to touch it.

There are also changes on the skin around the nipples, the bumps in these places become more noticeable and liquid is released from the nipples when pressed. This suggests that the body is preparing for such an important process as breastfeeding. This symptom can appear even before the delay of menstruation, in 1-2 weeks of pregnancy.

Conversely, it is not uncommon for the chest to give no symptoms. Women notice that there are no changes in the breasts, whereas usually at this time before menstruation the breasts became painful.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: feel “fullness” in the lower abdomen.

In women during pregnancy, blood flow to the pelvic area is observed, and the uterus begins to grow rapidly. It is with this that the feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen is associated. The feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen can be considered one of the first signs of pregnancy. Women who are expecting a baby feel the uterus already from 1-2 weeks of pregnancy.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: increase or decrease in sexual desire.

Hormonal restructuring of the body is also responsible for the sexual desire of a woman. In the first weeks of pregnancy, it may decrease or, conversely, increase. And if there are no medical contraindications to sexual activity, for example, the threat of miscarriage, then you should not deny yourself the joys of sex.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: tingling in the uterus.

Pregnant women always have colitis somewhere. Tingling in the uterus is a faithful companion of pregnancy. This is due to the rapid increase in the volume of the uterus, and in earlier periods, when it is too early to talk about the growth of the uterus, this is due to the fact that the blood flow to the organ area in the small pelvis increases, which causes tingling in the uterus. Tingling, strong or not so much, pain in the lower abdomen, either on the right or on the left, depending on which ovary the egg has matured in, are the first signs of pregnancy before the delay.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: insomnia.

The first signs of pregnancy before a missed period include insomnia and restless sleep. Many women note that they want to go to bed earlier and fall asleep very quickly and soundly, but at the same time they wake up early, but they can’t fall asleep again. Or vice versa, in order to fall asleep you have to toss and turn in bed for a long time, and sleep becomes very restless.

33 first signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation: distraction, drowsiness, fatigue.

Absent-mindedness, drowsiness, forgetfulness, fatigue - these are the companions and one of the first signs of a pregnancy that has begun even before the delay. This is due to the hormonal restructuring of the body - the woman's body prepares for pregnancy and makes the appropriate adjustments. The hormone progesterone is growing intensively and it is he who causes the oppression of the psyche of the pregnant woman. It becomes hard to concentrate on work, you want to sleep, or you just don’t feel like doing anything.

But do not worry, this condition will not last the entire pregnancy! Already at week 10, the production of the hormone estrogen by the placenta will begin, namely, it has an exciting effect on the psyche of a woman, is responsible for a good mood.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: pain in the lower abdomen.

The onset of pregnancy can be confused with the beginning of menstruation. Pain in the lower abdomen, as before menstruation, is one of the first signs of pregnancy. But menstruation does not start either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow ... In this case, you should go to the pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test. Many women complain that the pain in the lower abdomen continues during the entire pregnancy, precisely on the days when menstruation should be.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: back pain.

Pain or backache in the sacrum may indicate a pregnancy. Moreover, the lower back can hurt not only while standing or walking, but also occur during sleep, when it is impossible to find a comfortable position. The lower back hurts both in the supine position and on the side, and goes away when you get out of bed. And vice versa, there may be relief in the supine position, but pain when walking. Pain and backache can accompany a woman throughout pregnancy and are the first signs of pregnancy before a missed period.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: aversion to smells.

Aversion to odors, one of the milder variants of toxicosis. This symptom is one of the first signs of pregnancy even before the delay. There is no vomiting, but some smells that previously did not cause any emotions, such as the smell of boiled meat or some other food, may be disgusting and seem unpleasant. Rejection can be caused not only by the smells of food, but also by perfumes, cosmetics and others.

33 early signs of pregnancy before missed period: changes in taste.

A change in taste preferences is a clear sign of pregnancy and can appear as early as 1-2 weeks after conception, that is, even before the delay. In connection with the hormonal restructuring of the body, the tastes of a woman also change. Those foods that were loved before pregnancy suddenly become tasteless or even disgusting. And vice versa, it can pull to eat something exotic and not familiar, which in ordinary life before pregnancy was not at all desirable.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a delay in menstruation: toxicosis.

Not infrequently, toxicosis begins from the first week and is the first sign of pregnancy even before the delay in menstruation. It presents with nausea and vomiting. As a rule, moderate toxicosis does not threaten the health of either the woman or the child. It becomes dangerous only if, due to nausea and vomiting, a woman cannot take food and drink, as a result of which dehydration and weight loss begin.

From the first weeks of pregnancy, toxicosis can manifest itself as motion sickness in transport, intolerance to odors, and so on. However, as a rule, by the second trimester, these symptoms cease to torment the pregnant woman and the woman can return to normal nutrition.

By itself, nausea can be a symptom of many other diseases, poisoning, and without other signs, it cannot be considered a clear symptom of pregnancy.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: a feeling of discomfort in a sitting position.

The first sign of pregnancy even before the delay is a feeling of discomfort in a sitting position. Pregnant women complain that they can't find a comfortable sitting position. You have to constantly “fidget in your chair” before you manage to somehow more or less comfortably sit down.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: aversion to alcohol or simply rejection of it by the body.

In pregnant women, immediately in the first weeks of pregnancy, even before the delay in menstruation, there may be an aversion to alcohol, up to vomiting. The same applies to tobacco smoke. This is again due to hormonal changes in the body and changes in taste preferences.

Although it may be the other way around, suddenly there is an irresistible craving, for example, for beer, which the woman did not drink at all before pregnancy and the taste was disgusting.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: frequent headaches.

Headaches often occur in pregnant women in the first trimester. These symptoms can serve rather as an indirect sign of pregnancy. This is due to a sharp change in the level of hormones in a woman's body. These pains, as a rule, disappear by the end of the first trimester, when the body has already completely rebuilt and prepared for pregnancy, and the level of hormones has leveled off.

33 first signs of pregnancy before missed period: frequent urination.

Frequent urination is not a very pleasant sign of pregnancy and may appear even before a missed period. Often, a pregnant woman can get up 10 times, or even more, during the night for a small need. This is connected again with the growth of female hormones, the restructuring of the body. The work of the kidneys changes temporarily. There is an intense flow of blood to the uterus, it increases in size and puts pressure on the bladder of a pregnant woman, which leads to an increase in the frequency of urination.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: increased vaginal discharge.

As mentioned earlier, during pregnancy there is a sharp flow of blood to the organs of the small pelvis, in particular to the uterus. This causes an increase in vaginal discharge.

An increase in vaginal discharge, in turn, plays a protective function - hydrogen ions, contained in large quantities in the vaginal fluid, protect the body of the expectant mother from harmful microorganisms.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: thrush.

But also, you should know that in this environment - the vaginal secretion - a favorable environment is created for the reproduction of Candida yeast fungi, which cause the development of thrush. Thrush must be treated, as during childbirth it can increase the number of ruptures, and can also cause infection of the fetus.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: darkening of the skin around the nipples.

As already mentioned, the breast is one of the first to react to the onset of pregnancy and the darkening of the areas around the nipples may be the first sign of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation. However, this sign is rather indirect and without other more obvious signs of pregnancy...may be a symptom of PMS.

33 first signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation: irritation of the salivary center.

One of the first signs of pregnancy before a delay is an increase in salivation in women. Sometimes this can lead to a sharp weight loss, up to several kilograms. For pregnant women, such weight loss is not desirable and not safe. If this saliva is swallowed, it can lead to a change in the acidity of the gastric juice and, as a result, to problems with digestion.

33 first signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation: slight swelling of the hands, feet.

Slight swelling of the arms and legs is one of the first signs of pregnancy. As mentioned above, in the first weeks of pregnancy, i.e. Even before the delay in menstruation, a sharp increase in the hormone progesterone is observed in the woman's body. Progesterone, in turn, causes a delay in the woman's body of salts and excess fluid. Which leads to minor swelling of the hands and feet. If you clench your hand into a fist, it becomes noticeable that they have slightly increased in volume.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: bloating, indigestion.

One of the early signs of pregnancy, even before the delay in menstruation, can be considered an increase in the volume of the abdomen, when the uterus itself is still quite a bit enlarged. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy there is a slowdown in the bowels, which can lead to bloating and constipation. And also, due to hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman, blood flows to the pelvic organs, which leads to swelling of the intestinal walls.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: low blood pressure, fainting, blackouts.

A decrease in blood pressure is a fairly common sign of pregnancy and can appear even before a missed period. A decrease in pressure can lead to frequent dizziness, headaches, weakness, and sometimes even fainting. Often this happens in hot weather, when a pregnant woman has to stand for a long time or perform some other heavy load. Also, dizziness and fainting are possible after a hot bath, on an empty stomach.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: increased appetite.

An increase in appetite, one of the most well-known signs of pregnancy, can appear even at an early stage, even before the delay. The woman is suddenly attacked by "gluttony", there is an irrepressible craving for eating any products that were not wanted before, sometimes specific in taste.

33 early signs of pregnancy before a missed period: mood changes.

Frequent mood swings are a companion of pregnancy. Irritability, frequent mood swings, tearfulness can manifest themselves at an early stage of pregnancy, already in the first week after conception, that is, even before the delay in menstruation. A woman can be cheerful and suddenly start crying for no reason, or vice versa, an attack of bad mood can instantly change laughter and fun.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: feelings of anxiety and fear.

A consequence of hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman may be a feeling of anxiety and fear that occurs for no reason. As well as nervous excitement or causeless melancholy. These signs of pregnancy can appear as early as 1-2 weeks after conception, even before the delay in menstruation.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: HCG rise.

The growth of the hCG hormone is an objective sign of pregnancy. HCG is responsible for the normal course of pregnancy in a woman and is found only during pregnancy and sometimes with certain diseases. An increase in hCG is noted already in the first weeks of pregnancy, even before the delay in menstruation. You can track the growth of hCG using laboratory tests of urine and blood. A blood test for hCG allows you to detect the growth of hCG at the earliest possible time. You can also determine the growth of hCG using pregnancy tests. It makes sense to determine the level of hCG no earlier than 10-12 days from the intended conception.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: delayed menstruation.

A missed period is one of the most obvious and well-known symptoms of pregnancy. However, a delay in menstruation can also be with a number of certain diseases, as well as the body's reaction to stress, hypothermia or a sharp change in time zones, for example, when traveling, going on vacation. But if you have an active and regular sex life and you have a delay in menstruation, you need to do a pregnancy test to confirm or refute doubts.

33 first signs of pregnancy before missed period: positive test.

One of the easiest and most affordable ways to determine pregnancy is a pregnancy test. It is not expensive, the price starts from 12-15 rubles. It is very easy to use and is sold in almost every pharmacy. When can I do a pregnancy test? In this question, you must follow the instructions for the test. Most tests are designed to be used from the first day of a missed period. But there are more sensitive tests, the manufacturers of which assure that testing is possible at earlier dates, even before the onset of a delay in menstruation. It is advisable to do the test in the morning, while not urinating before the test for at least 6 hours. Then the concentration of hCG in the urine will reach the maximum level and more likely to get accurate results.

It should be noted that a positive test almost always means the onset of pregnancy, except in exceptional cases, when in some diseases an increase in hCG in the blood is also observed. However, a negative test does not always indicate the absence of pregnancy. Sometimes there are also cases when the second strip is visible very weakly and not clearly. In these cases, it is necessary to repeat the test after 2 days to confirm or disprove all doubts.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that the first signs of pregnancy before a delay in menstruation are always relative and may be symptoms of prolonged PMS. The most accurate sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation. In this case, to obtain an accurate result, you must consult a doctor.

Here is what medicine says about the first signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation. And psychologists advise women to relax and not rush in this important matter. Hurry and motherhood are not compatible. Therefore, we need to learn patience now. If the first signs of pregnancy appear before the delay in menstruation, you should wait for the first day of the delay and take a test. If the test is negative, there are no periods, and the first signs of pregnancy persist, you should wait two days and repeat the test. And it makes no sense to buy packs of tests, disappointed when one test after another shows a negative result. Attributing everything to the fact that the tests are not of high quality or you did them early. Such behavior leads to neurosis, which in turn leads to disturbances in the hormonal background of a woman and does not contribute to pregnancy. Tune in a positive way, you will become a mother in any case, not in this cycle, but in another!

You can talk about some more or less reliable signs no earlier than five weeks of pregnancy. It always refers to the obstetric period. What it is?

The gestational age is never counted from the moment of conception, because it is impossible to determine this date (even if you know when there was sexual contact).

In order not to be confused, the gestational age is considered from the first day of the last menstruation. It is always measured in weeks, not months.

So why can't pregnancy be determined before five weeks? Let's take a quick look at the theory.

For a pregnancy to occur, the egg must meet with the sperm in the fallopian tube. This should happen within one or two days after ovulation - the maturation of the egg in the ovary. A fertilized egg from the fallopian tube travels to the uterus to attach to it.

Several days pass between fertilization and attachment of the embryo to the uterus.

What does this mean for us? This means that trying to detect pregnancy immediately after sexual intercourse is pointless.

As a rule, it is not possible to understand that you are pregnant until the fifth or sixth week of pregnancy.

That is, from the first day of the last menstruation, about five weeks should pass. During this time, conception occurs, the egg attaches to the uterus, the body begins to produce hCG (a special hormone necessary for the successful start of pregnancy), the fetal egg becomes visible on ultrasound. And this despite the fact that you have a standard menstrual cycle - from 21 to 32 days. For exceptional cases, the timing will be different.

Signs that indicate pregnancy

As we have already understood, immediately after sexual intercourse, there is no need to talk about any special signs of pregnancy. Sometimes there are especially sensitive women who, at the level of intuition, can determine that something has changed in the body. But such sensations cannot be measured or confirmed, so it will not work to determine whether you are pregnant or not.

How to suspect and confirm pregnancy?

no menstruation

A delay of more than seven days is a reason to go to the doctor and take tests that will show exactly what happened. Sometimes during pregnancy there are false periods, implantation bleeding. If the usual menstruation somehow goes wrong, it makes sense to check why.

Chest hurts

This is an indirect symptom that may not appear at all or signal breast diseases (or about). Breasts usually respond to hormonal changes in the body.

Positive pregnancy test


Pharmacy tests reveal the level of hCG, the very hormone that is released when the ovum is attached to the uterus. In terms of timing, this happens at the same time at which menstruation is delayed. Therefore, tests are recommended to be done from the first day of the delay.

Any home test can show a false result, so do not be too lazy to repeat the test, and if in doubt, conduct an accurate examination.

Blood test for hCG

For analysis in the laboratory, you need to donate blood from a vein on an empty stomach. Such a check is more accurate than pharmacy express tests, and you will still get the result quickly, maximum in a day.

The result may be false, but in very rare cases, usually talking about some kind of disease, but this is already a topic for communication with a doctor.


With an ultrasound examination after the fifth week of pregnancy, the doctor can already see the fetal egg, recognize an ectopic pregnancy, and check the condition of the organs.

Fetal heartbeat and movements

An obstetrician-gynecologist with the help of special equipment can hear the fetal heartbeat from the 8–9th week, and from the 16–18th week, only a stethoscope is required for this. By the 20th week, fetal movements are already felt, and the forms often speak for themselves - this is the middle of pregnancy. But there are also cases when a woman is unaware of her condition even at this time.

Special condition of the organs

Some signs of pregnancy are visible only to the doctor, and he will definitely note them during the examination.

Early signs of pregnancy that don't mean much

The woman's body reacts to the new position, so the condition of the pregnant woman is different from the usual. Some reactions will tell you what's going on.

Rising basal body temperature

This can be noticed only by women who check this very temperature every day and do not make mistakes when measuring. An increase in basal temperature indicates ovulation (a favorable time for conception), pregnancy. Or just that she has risen. Or even the usual statistical error.

Nauseous in the morning

They like to demonstrate this sign in films so that the viewer understands that the heroine is pregnant. Toxicosis in the first or second trimester really often torments pregnant women. But toxicosis does not begin immediately after conception.

Nausea a week after the alleged conception is more of a digestive problem, not toxicosis.

Everything has changed

Because of the new processes in the body, many things change.

  • Always want to sleep.
  • The mood becomes unstable, irritability and tearfulness appear.
  • New taste habits appear: you want sweet, sour, salty, unusual combinations of products. And the dishes you used to love, on the contrary, cease to be liked.
  • Feels unwell, like a mild cold.

All of these signs are unstable, do not accurately indicate pregnancy, and provide an additional clue in case of a delay.

Often want to go to the toilet

Due to the fact that the level of hCG is growing, even at a fairly early date, a woman has to visit the toilet often: it seems that the bladder is constantly full, although this is not so. This sign appears after the attachment of the fetal egg to the uterus.

Also, frequent urination is a symptom of an inflammation of the bladder, so do not confuse.

The fish dreamed

Even if the fish spawned, there is no need to count on omens. And try to detect pregnancy by methods with iodine, a ring on a string and fortune-telling. A regular test is done faster, and the results are obviously more accurate.

How to detect pregnancy

To begin with, listen to yourself, but do not go crazy. More or less reliable signs appear a few weeks after conception, so you don’t need to do a test every day and look for two strips under a microscope. If you are very worried about the possible, then you can get a full set of false symptoms: morning sickness, mood swings, and love for lemons with salt.

And when the body sends unambiguous signals - delay, pain, other signs - you must definitely go to the doctor.

Do you know the first symptoms of pregnancy?
Twenty-five symptoms will be outlined next. pregnancy. All symptoms are divided into three groups according to the degree of reliability: possible (the detection of these symptoms indicates the likelihood of pregnancy), probable e ( which indicate a high probability of pregnancy), and precise (the presence of these symptoms makes it impossible to doubt).

Possible pregnancy symptoms

Not onset of menstruation
In case of delayed menstruation, the first reason is always pregnancy. The concept of " delay» can be used when, with a normally constant cycle, bleeding did not occur after the usual period of time.
But a similar symptom can speak not only about pregnancy. Delayed menstruation can happen due to:
  • stressful state
  • physical surge ( preparation for sports competitions)
  • ailments
  • Sudden violation of the schedule of life ( Change of work schedule from day to shift)
  • The use of certain types of drugs ( primarily steroid)
  • exhaustion
  • Errors in calculations
  • Age suitable for menopause
Uncharacteristic menstruation
Any change in the normal menstrual cycle falls under such a definition: too short, too long, bleeding came too late or vice versa, as well as a change in the nature of bleeding: more abundant or more scarce.
It must be said that such violations are also characteristic of a number of diseases of the reproductive system, in connection with this, the appearance of such symptoms is a reason for consulting a gynecologist.

Unusual sensations
In the early days of pregnancy, many women experience mild pain or uterine cramps. Such pains are similar to pains during menstruation.

Vomiting and nausea
These signs are very often observed during pregnancy. True, usually such signs are found starting from the sixth week of gestation. But sometimes they appear earlier. In such cases, they speak of early gestosis.
The same symptoms may appear with other ailments, for example, diseases of the digestive tract ( enterocolitis, gastric or intestinal ulcer, gastritis, enteritis). But with such ailments, vomiting and nausea are usually combined with other signs of indigestion that are not observed during pregnancy.

Change in sex drive
Sexual desire changes due to the fact that a variety of processes take place in the body during pregnancy. Libido can either disappear altogether or become more pronounced. Changes in the physical plane should include an increase in the sensitivity of the mammary glands, which sometimes even causes disgust when touching the nipples ( and sometimes vice versa), urge to vomit, increased blood circulation in the genital area. The processes of change affect both the psyche and the functioning of the nervous system of a woman, they are influenced by pregnancy hormones.

Soreness of the mammary glands
The period of pregnancy is preparatory for breastfeeding. Therefore, a number of processes take place in the mammary glands:

  • Increased sensitivity up to soreness
  • Discoloration of the nipples and areola, as well as their swelling
  • Growth in the size of the mammary glands
  • When you press on the areola, a drop of colostrum appears.
Similar processes are also characteristic of ailments of the endocrine system ( increased production of the hormone prolactin)

Growth of mammary glands
Despite the fact that this symptom is not considered indispensable, it is observed in most women. If pregnancy has come, then the mammary glands increase in exactly the same way.
If only one gland increases, or some part of it swells, this indicates the presence of diseases.

Frequent urge to urinate
This symptom often pesters women from the shortest terms of gestation. At the same time, very little urine is excreted. A similar symptom develops because the uterus increases in volume, and the bladder has less and less space, so less urine can be collected in it.
A similar symptom is also characteristic of ailments of the urinary system, such as urethritis or cystitis ( in these diseases, the desire to urinate is usually combined with an increase in body temperature, burning during urination, and pain in the groin). Also, a similar symptom can be observed with ailments of the endocrine system ( diabetes mellitus, in which the patient is thirsty all the time and passes a lot of urine).

perversions of taste
The vast majority of people believe that during the period of gestation, all women eat pickles and ice cream without exception. In fact, taste changes can affect completely different food groups. According to scientists, sixty-five percent of women experience rather strange taste changes during the gestation period. Some even want to eat chalk, raw meat, earth or green fruits.
Usually such perversions of taste do not pose a threat to health, but sometimes women suffer from cravings for completely inedible objects and substances, such as starch or lime.
Taste perversions can be observed with a lack of any trace elements in the body, such as iron. In such a case, this violation is combined with fragility of the nail plates, hair, dizziness, weakness, pallor of the face.

In the body of a pregnant woman, a lot of serious processes are carried out, which at first may not appear at all. In this regard, the body needs new energy resources. Therefore, during the bearing of the fetus, women quickly get tired and sleep a lot.
This phenomenon cannot be used to determine pregnancy, because lethargy or a decrease in endurance are also observed with a huge number of ailments, and also caused by non-compliance with hygiene at work and rest.

Tubercles of Montgomery
Tubercles of Montgomery- these are small growths ( type of small warts) formed on the areola. Such growths are completely safe for the woman's body, while they often indicate the onset of pregnancy.

Changes in the skin
Due to the fact that a large number of various processes occur in the body, the skin also undergoes changes. This may appear:

  • Chloasma or pregnant mask - the appearance of age spots on the forehead, cheeks and nose. You should not be afraid, because after the birth of the baby, all spots will disappear on their own over time.
  • Dark line from navel to pubis . This strip may become noticeable after the twelfth week of gestation.
  • Acne . This sign is not typical for everyone. There are women in whom, during the period of gestation, on the contrary, the skin becomes clean and well-groomed. But sometimes acne is formed due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Vascular asterisks formed on the legs, neck, arms, chest, cheeks. They are formed due to an increase in the amount of female sex hormones in the body. They look like small spiders and are dark red or bluish in color.
  • Stretch marks- most often observed starting from the twenty-second week of gestation. The intensity of their formation depends on the number of kilograms gained, genetic predisposition, and the nutrition system.
  • The appearance of red spots on the palms - erythema. Called all the same estrogen.
  • Other types of changes: increased growth of nails or hair, a change in their quality, increased work of the sweat glands.
Stretch marks
Stretch marks are the result of destruction of the connective tissue of the skin. These are completely painless phenomena, which only in rare cases cause a slight burning sensation. During the period of gestation, as well as after the birth of a baby, stretch marks are observed in sixty to ninety percent of women. Their usual place of formation is the lower abdomen and thighs, but they are sometimes observed on the chest, as well as on the upper parts of the arms.
The number and intensity of stretch marks depend on such parameters as:
  • genetic predisposition - in the event that most women in the family have stretch marks, then there is practically no chance to avoid them.
  • Rate and intensity of weight gain . If too many kilograms are gained or in too short a period, then the likelihood of stretch marks increases.
  • Pregnancy with twins or triplets are also a factor predisposing to the formation of stretch marks.
  • Nutrition specifics . If the menu is sufficiently balanced, there is a lot of fluid in it, then the skin will be more elastic, which means that there will be fewer stretch marks and they will be less intense.
Growth of the uterus
Over time, the fetus increases, which entails an increase in the volume of the uterus, and, consequently, the size of the abdomen.

An increase in the size of the uterus and abdomen is also characteristic of uterine neoplasms.
There are also diseases that only cause an increase in the volume of the abdomen, and the uterus remains of its normal size. This is ascites obesity or hyperplasia of internal organs.

During the first pregnancy, movements are detected approximately at the twentieth week of gestation. And moms with experience feel movements already at the sixteenth - eighteenth week.
It must be said that as a sign of pregnancy, movements are detected earlier than movements of the anterior wall of the abdomen, which is considered one of the exact signs.

The appearance of colostrum
Colostrum is the first food of a newborn baby. Colostrum contains all the nutrients your baby needs. Most often, in the last weeks of gestation, a clear liquid appears from the mammary glands, this is the secretion of colostrum.

Possible symptoms of pregnancy

Growth in belly size
The expectant mother, who already has the experience of childbirth, discovers an increase in the size of the abdomen as early as the ninth week. But usually this sign appears after the twelfth or even the sixteenth week of gestation and later. From the twelfth week on palpation, you can find the uterus.

The uterus changes
The shape of the uterus also changes. But a similar sign is found only at the consultation of an obstetrician or during an ultrasound examination.

Braxton Hicks contractions or practice contractions
Braxton-Hicks contractions are short-lived and completely non-painful phenomena that occur at intervals of ten to twenty minutes and in some cases are observed after the first three months of gestation. Such phenomena are also called training bouts. Not all expectant mothers have such manifestations, and there is an opinion that they are more pronounced during the second and further pregnancies. In a number of women, such contractions manifest themselves in the form of tension in the lower abdomen. These contractions are much weaker, shorter than generic contractions, and the intervals between them are not the same. When the woman takes a horizontal position, the contractions stop. In the case when, with a period not reaching thirty-seven weeks, such phenomena occur frequently, repeating them every ten minutes, this indicates the need to visit a doctor, as it may indicate preterm birth.
The table discusses in detail how labor pains differ from Braxton-Hicks contractions.

If you find one of the above symptoms or several, you should immediately go to the doctor so that the doctor identifies the cause of their appearance.
The determination of pregnancy should be carried out as soon as possible - this must be done to prevent complications of pregnancy.

Rapid Pregnancy Test Results
A rapid test, which can be bought at any pharmacy, gives objective results five or more days after the first day of the expected menstruation. However, such tests often give erroneous readings ( more often false negative readings). This happens due to the fact that the test reacts to the amount of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin in the urine of a woman. The level of this hormone increases slowly in the first months as pregnancy progresses. In the case when you need to know about the onset ( or not getting pregnant) before five days of delay, you can do a test in the laboratory, it has more objective results.
An increase in the amount of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine also occurs with certain neoplasms of the uterus.

The exact symptoms of pregnancy

Fetal palpation
With palpation of the abdomen at a later date, you can feel the developing baby. Doctors thus check how the fetus is located before childbirth.

Fetal heart rate detection
From the twentieth week of pregnancy, a special stethoscope can be heard through the anterior abdominal wall of the fetal heartbeat. And an electronic stethoscope makes it possible to detect heartbeats as early as the tenth week. Indicators from one hundred twenty to one hundred and sixty cuts per minute are considered normal.

Diagnosis of pregnancy using ultrasound
It is desirable to carry out a similar study from the seventh to the twelfth week. But this method can show the presence of pregnancy from the second week.

Pregnancy detection using X-ray
X-rays are never used to diagnose pregnancy, as the mother and developing embryo receive a dose of harmful radiation. But sometimes pregnancy is detected with an x-ray of the internal organs. Then the skeleton of the fetus is visible in the picture.

Signs of early pregnancy

Every woman is simply obliged to know the signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception. This is important, because then you can give up some bad habits in time, change plans - for example, do not drink alcohol at a festive feast or start going to bed early so that the body has the strength to cope with future changes.

Physiological features of the course of pregnancy in the first two weeks

The onset of this condition is possible only during ovulation, which normally occurs approximately on the 14th day after the onset of menstruation. During ovulation, the egg begins to slowly move towards the uterus, during this movement, and fertilization occurs. After that, the egg continues to move through the fallopian tube, and after about 7 days, the embryo is fixed on the wall of the uterus. From this moment, the development of pregnancy begins - the stage is called embryonic.

How to accurately determine the onset of pregnancy

There are three reliable ways to identify the accomplished conception. Deciding which one to use depends on the urgency and importance of the information.

Gynecologist visit

The doctor will conduct a gynecological examination, as a result of which, according to the change in the condition of the uterus and cervix, he will tell his opinion. The earliest time when a doctor can determine pregnancy in this way is 7-10 days after fertilization, when the embryo is already fixed on the wall of the uterus.

Perhaps the most reliable method. The terms are the same - 7-10 days after conception.

test strip

It is also a very accurate method, but you need to be able to use it correctly. The time when the test strip will give the correct result is approximately 14 days after fertilization.

The test strip reacts to the presence of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the blood - it is produced by the placenta.

The concentration of the hormone in the blood begins to increase after the embryo is fixed in the uterus and reaches the concentration necessary for the reaction after about 14 days.

If you do a test earlier, it will not show the presence of pregnancy due to too low a hormone concentration. Therefore, it is important to repeat the test every 2 days for a week. The fact is that in the first days the content of hCG increases very quickly - every two days its concentration doubles. It is possible to determine the conception that has occurred no earlier than two weeks after fertilization.

Symptothermal method

The reliability of this method is very high, and with the help of it, a woman can already tell on the second day whether she is pregnant or not. The method is based on daily monitoring of the state of your reproductive system.

Every day, readings of basal temperature, the condition of the mucous membrane of the cervix are taken. The data is entered into a special chart.

The method allows diagnosing any changes in the reproductive system with great accuracy. For example, you can know with 100% accuracy that today is the day of ovulation. To use this technique correctly, you must first undergo special training, and then practice daily self-monitoring.

From the foregoing, it is necessary to remember: until the egg is fixed in the uterus, it is impossible to determine the onset of pregnancy in the first three ways. And it is pointless to use a test strip earlier than 14 days after the intended conception.

The main signs in the first few days after fertilization

If there is no urgency, then, by observing your body, you can guess about it yourself already for a period of 7-14 days, when the test strip will still be “silent”. Consider what symptoms of pregnancy in the early days may be, depending on the characteristics of the woman's body.

Breast changes

The mammary glands swell, become tight, you can feel fullness and tingling in the chest. In this way, the breast can also react to ordinary menstruation, but, firstly, when pregnancy occurs, these manifestations are much brighter, and secondly, they occur earlier than the expected date of the next menstruation.

Drowsiness, dizziness, throws it into heat, then into cold

All these are eloquent signs that a change in the hormonal background in the body has begun. This restructuring begins from about 10-14 days of pregnancy and usually lasts 2-3 months. These symptoms disappear within a week, when the body adapts to the process of restructuring. This adaptation is different for everyone.

You may not feel all of the listed symptoms at all, and do not pay attention to the resulting drowsiness within 3-4 days.

Change in the appearance of the abdomen

When the egg is fixed, the uterus reacts by lifting up a little. Outwardly, this can be seen from the tubercle on the abdomen, which becomes higher. They say, "the stomach has risen." This subtle change can be observed as early as 8-10 days after the intended conception and usually only in thin women.

Delayed menstruation

If the cycle of menstruation is normal, that is, approximately 28 days, then the next menstruation comes 14 days after ovulation. And in the event of conception during ovulation, after 14 days there is a lack of menstruation.

Small spotting

Occur 7-10 days after fertilization. This feature is rare. Such discharge occurs due to ruptures of blood vessels at the site of attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus. 1-2 days continue.

Usually they occur immediately 1-2 days before menstruation. And in the case of pregnancy, they can appear at the “wrong” time. They do not last long and usually do not bother much. If there is an assumption that conception has occurred, and it is known on what day, then it remains to be patient and wait a week, and then strengthen self-monitoring.

If there is drowsiness and nothing else, you should not think that there is a pregnancy. To draw conclusions, it is necessary to note the presence of several signs or, conversely, their absence. Especially if this is the first time and there is no personal experience yet.

How is pregnancy in the first weeks

So, the pregnancy did come. What changes are taking place in the body now, and what conditions can we expect?

Weight change

Normally, the weight should now gradually increase every week. This indicator is necessarily monitored by a gynecologist when a pregnant woman is registered in a antenatal clinic.

Weight should not grow too fast, but it should not stand still either. In practice, everything happens, even its reduction.

This may be due to a heavy load at work or at home, as well as stress, lack of sleep and malnutrition.

These are signs of toxicosis of the first trimester. Not everyone has toxicosis, and the exact causes of this condition are still unknown.

Frequent urination

This symptom appears twice during the entire period: in the first trimester and in the second, only the causes are different. In the first trimester, the cause of frequent urination is a sharp rush of blood to the pelvic organs, as a result of which the kidneys switch to a different mode of operation for a while. Usually this symptom manifests itself in 1-3 weeks.

Light vaginal discharge

This is cervical discharge, they are the norm. During the entire period of bearing a child, the discharge changes its color and consistency.

The uterus continues to grow

Every week, the gynecologist records the rise of the uterine fundus. This is one way to monitor the development of pregnancy.

This happens gradually during the first trimester. The pressure drops from the normal 120/70 to about 100/60, but this figure is very individual.

This happens because the volume of blood in the circulatory system of a pregnant woman increases by 1.5 times.

Constipation, accumulation of gases in the intestines

This unpleasant symptom occurs due to weak intestinal motility against the background of a changed hormonal background during the period of bearing a child. The fact is that one of the main hormones at this time is progesterone, which has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles, which is primarily necessary to maintain the uterus in a relaxed state.

The action of progesterone also affects the intestines, worsening its peristalsis. To prevent constipation, it is important to adjust the diet.

Also, during pregnancy, a woman may change her attitude to certain smells, a change in taste, an addiction to some product may appear. The latter may indicate a lack of vitamins and minerals. Micronutrient deficiencies can also present with other symptoms. For example, with a lack of calcium, muscle cramps can occur.

You will be able to determine pregnancy even before the first symptoms appear. However, even when observing a clear “picture” of conception on the chart, I want to find a few more confirmations of my guesses. It is best, of course, to pass or at least take a test, but you can also listen to your feelings and look at the changes. Sometimes the symptoms of pregnancy appear already in the first days after conception.

Of course, it cannot be said that you will notice changes almost a few hours after intercourse. But after some time, the body will gradually begin to rebuild itself under the new regime in order to ensure the safety of the fetal egg and favorable conditions for its development. The symptoms of pregnancy in the first days are not pronounced and not always, however, some of them are able to recognize a particularly sensitive and attentive woman.

Bloody issues

On the 6-12th day after conception, a woman can observe herself. It can be ordinary leucorrhoea with impurities of blood or blood streaks, as well as creamy discharge of a yellow, beige or pinkish hue. The entry of blood cells into the vaginal discharge is explained by the implantation of the fetal egg: just by this time it reaches the uterus and makes its landing. To attach to the surface, the blastocyst scrapes a small depression in the uterine epithelium in order to take root here. Scanty spotting can resume on days of increased activity of the fetal egg. Very often, women take them for the beginning of the next menstruation.

It should be noted that this symptom is not observed in 100% of cases. Then other symptoms of pregnancy in the first days can indicate the conception that has taken place.

Symptoms of ARI

Around the same time, you may feel unwell. A woman who does not suspect pregnancy is sure: she caught a cold. Against the background of elevated body temperature, a runny nose, sore throat, body aches, severe physical fatigue appear. The attacks of heat are replaced by chills, the woman cannot warm up in any way, and suddenly she suddenly becomes unable to breathe.

It’s good if you are not used to being treated or prefer harmless folk methods (warm tea, bed rest), because medicines can harm the unborn baby and even cause it.

Such a “disease” in the first days of pregnancy is quite understandable: the body temperature rises under the influence, the level of which in the blood increases intensively with the onset of pregnancy. Other symptoms join due to a temporary drop in immunity, which is necessary to secure the fetal egg: the female body perceives it as a foreign body and tries to get rid of the "invader". A decrease in the protective functions of the mother helps the unborn baby to take root in the uterus.

Sleepiness and fatigue

At the same time, symptoms of general fatigue join. Some women feel the real physical and moral exhaustion: they are exhausted, they constantly want to sleep, apathy may even develop. Sleep becomes stronger in the evening and interrupted at night and in the morning. Sometimes it seems impossible to get up: during the night you didn’t sleep at all.

These symptoms are observed in the first days after conception and are also due to the activity of progesterone and the huge work that your body has begun to change its condition. The mood can sometimes be completely bad: others notice that you have begun to flare up over trifles, and this, of course, annoys you even more. After the second month, the situation should change: estrogen will take care of the stimulation of the psyche, the level of which will increase with the increase in the period.

Nausea and vomiting

Not in the first place, but still very often these symptoms of pregnancy in the early days find their expression. A woman turns up not only from smells, but even from thoughts about certain products. Taste and smell preferences change dramatically.

Feeling unwell and increased salivation can be mistaken for poisoning, especially if vomiting also joins them.

All these reactions are defensive and do not pose any threat if they are not strongly expressed. In case of large losses of saliva and often repeated vomiting, the condition of the expectant mother worsens, which also has a negative impact on the development of the fetus. Therefore, you need to discuss this issue with your doctor.

The opposite turn of events is also possible: the woman's appetite improves so much that it can even frighten her. And usually you want something specific, often incompatible with each other.

Breast changes

For many women, the breasts swell a little and become more sensitive every time before menstruation. But with the onset of pregnancy, you notice that this time is not the same as usual. Sensitivity is increased so much that any touch to the chest causes pain and discomfort. The breast itself becomes noticeably heavy, and the nipples and areolas may even darken.

The opposite effect is also possible: the breast, which is extremely sensitive before each menstruation, this time surprisingly does not hurt.

Changes in the uterus

Of course, the sensations in the uterus are also present. It swells and increases in size due to a sharp increase in blood circulation. These changes are quite noticeable, women note a feeling of fullness from the inside. The uterus can ache and tingle, often there are pulling pains.

Other pains and disorders

In general, with the onset of pregnancy, almost anything can hurt, and this disgrace will continue throughout the entire bearing of the child. Very often, expectant mothers complain of pain and shooting in the back and lower back, extending to the coccyx. Legs, head, teeth may hurt. What can we say about chronic sores that, with the onset of pregnancy, come out like mushrooms after rain. The limbs may swell a little, the pressure decreases, dizziness and fainting are possible.

Increased urination

In addition to the whole picture, you also start running to the toilet, including at night. This will not always be the case, but in the first trimeter, such symptoms are a frequent occurrence.

With the onset of pregnancy, urges noticeably become more frequent, but at the same time, they are not normally accompanied by “pathological” symptoms: burning and cutting in the lower abdomen. If you feel pain against the background of frequent urination, then it is likely that genitourinary infections have worsened. Be sure to check with a doctor!

Basal temperature

And finally, what we started with. By measuring the basal temperature, you will certainly determine the onset of pregnancy by indicators. If conception has occurred, then the basal temperature in the corpus luteum phase is kept at elevated levels and does not fall. We can talk about pregnancy with a high degree of probability if the indicators remain at the level of 37.1-37.3 C for at least 18 days in a row.

A characteristic symptom of pregnancy is the so-called implantation drop in temperature: against the background of increased BBT, one day it falls, then returns to the rise.

With the onset of a delay in menstruation, suspicions of pregnancy naturally increase. Take a pregnancy test, repeating it after a few days to make sure the results are reliable.

I would like to note that it is not at all necessary that you will observe one or more of these signs in yourself. It is possible that the symptoms of pregnancy in the first days in your particular case will be different. Some women note reddening of the face (especially in the evening), others have aggravated thrush or hemorrhoids, others experience bloating and suffer from constipation. Everything is individual.

If the pregnancy is confirmed in your case, we wish you to bear a healthy baby easily and without complications!

Especially for- Elena Kichak
