What can replace food paper. How to use parchment paper for baking in the oven, multicooker and for frying without oil? What can replace parchment paper for baking? How to buy parchment paper for baking and packaging on Ali

When inspiration comes to cook something, but there are not enough ingredients or tools for this at home, you have to look for alternatives and improvise. Parchment paper is a thick and smooth material suitable for work with cooking in the oven. Sometimes you do not notice how it ended, because. Do not use the product every day. In this case, you can replace it with other options, especially for baking.

Parchment or baking paper

On the shelves of supermarkets in the confectionery department, you can see not only parchment, but also baking paper. Often, consumers purchase these products thinking that they are the same in their properties. But is it? How do these products differ and for what purposes is each suitable? Let's try to figure it out.

Baking parchment

This type of baking paper is very popular among cooks. And this is not surprising, because. Parchment has many useful properties:

  • retains fat and moisture;
  • withstands high temperatures;
  • made from natural materials;
  • can be used as a packaging material;
  • does not crumble.

The peculiarity of parchment paper is also that it can not be lubricated with oil. Even the most sticky dough will easily move away from a sheet of parchment. Use does not require special knowledge. A piece of parchment of the desired size is cut from the roll and laid out on a baking dish. It is better to cut off the excess along the edges of the form so that it does not wrap itself inside. Parchment paper does not require special storage conditions, but it is desirable that moisture does not get on it.

Baking paper

The use of this paper is also widespread in the economy. Baking paper is a material that is made from fatty milled cellulose. It differs from parchment in that it can only withstand fat. Moisture and other liquids freely pass through it, without lingering on the surface. The maximum temperature that baking paper can withstand is usually 170°C. It is allowed not to be lubricated with oil if products from greasy shortcrust pastry will be baked on it. In all other cases, in order to avoid paper sticking to the finished product, it is better to oil it.

What can you substitute for parchment paper in baking?

Sometimes the inspiration to bake some kind of cake or cookie is taken by surprise when there is no pastry parchment at home or in the nearest store. In this case, you have to replace the parchment with what you have. Depending on the dish, this versatile culinary item can be successfully replaced with foil, sewing tracing paper, a silicone mat, regular writing paper, or flour (breadcrumbs, semolina) sprinkled on top of a baking dish. Each replacement option has its pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at each of them.


It is possible to use foil instead of parchment, but some nuances should be taken into account:

  • for baking confectionery, the product must be lubricated with oil;
  • when baking meat dishes, oil may not be needed;
  • products are laid out on the shiny side;
  • during cooking, a small part of the aluminum from the surface can get into the dish.

A significant advantage of this naaog is that, due to its properties, any desired shape can be made from it (for example, for a pie). To prevent the dish from burning during the cooking process, the form with the culinary product should be covered with a sheet of foil.

Sewing tracing paper

This paper differs little from parchment: color, density, material of manufacture. As a substitute, sewing tracing paper is perfect for baking confectionery from shortcrust and yeast dough. You just need to oil it first. This option is also relatively cheap. It is convenient to bake cookies on tracing paper, but it is not recommended to cook a biscuit or meringue on it, because. it can get wet and stick to the finished dish.

Silicone mat

This is a very ergonomic device for baking and roasting. Culinary products do not stick to the surface of the mat. A silicone mat with proper use and care will last a long time. It is convenient to bake almost any confectionery dish on it: from meringue to pies. With the help of a silicone mat, you can cook a dish without staining the baking dish at all.

Writing paper

If you don’t have any baking alternatives to parchment at hand, then ordinary writing paper will do. Of course, it is not recommended to use it for baking. But why not try? The sheet must be well oiled and the dish baked on it at a relatively low temperature, because. there is a risk of fire. When working, you should be prepared for the fact that it can get wet or stick both to the form and to the confectionery itself.

Flour (crackers, semolina)

It is permissible to sprinkle the surface of the mold or baking sheet with flour, breadcrumbs or semolina if you plan to bake from shortbread or yeast dough. When using this method, you should carefully monitor the baking process, because. these types of powders can start to burn, and the product will absorb the smell of burning.

Fat (butter or sunflower oil, margarine)

These are good substitutes for parchment paper, but they cannot save the confectionery blank from sticking and burning. A significant disadvantage of this method is that the product can absorb the taste and aroma of these products.

With a strong desire, a way out of the situation can always be found, even if there was no parchment paper in the house. The main thing is to act wisely and evaluate the consequences of using alternative improvised means when baking. And, of course, it is better not to forget to purchase the necessary tools for cooking delicious dishes for the future.

For a long time, foil or parchment paper has been used for baking. This material is used for packaging dishes, gifts, food. In the latter case, parchment has found wide use in everyday life due to the fact that it does not allow fat to pass through, therefore it will not allow the cake to stick to a baking sheet or mold. This will allow the hostess not to waste time washing dishes after baking cakes or cookies, plus culinary masterpieces will retain their aesthetic shape.

What is parchment paper

Baking paper is made from porous filter paper. It is treated with a weak solution of sulfuric acid. This technique allows you to partially destroy the cellulose and clog the pores. This makes the parchment waterproof. It is important to remember that in the manufacture of such material, raw materials are subjected to forced drying. The main advantages of roll sheets:

  • air is exchanged through them;
  • resistant to high temperatures;
  • moisture and grease resistant;
  • retain their properties when wet;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • can be used in baking more than once.

What does it look like

The areas of application of parchment are very wide, for example, in the furniture, clothing, fast food, household, and medicine industries. In appearance, this material is thin and transparent, depending on the scope of application, it is divided into the following types:

Parchment brand name

Where applicable

Additional feature

"A B C".

Food packaging.

Fatty foods.

Production of multilayer packaging. When filtering, laminating.

Maintains temperature of 230 °C.

For packaging medicines.

You can pack dressing material.

"N", "NZh", "N-bio".

Food storage up to 30 days.

Packaging material for long-term storage of products.

For packaging low-fat products.

It is easy to apply printed images on paper, it can be laminated, metallized, laminated.

Packaging of household chemicals.

Can be used for packaging cosmetics.

What are they made of

Baking paper is produced in a factory from rag paper, which contains only organic substances. To dissolve the cellulose membrane of plant cells, special reagents are used. Thanks to this technology, the partially dissolved cell membrane is deposited in the pores of the parchment and makes such products strong and waterproof.

What is needed for

Main applications:

  • Paper for baking in the oven can be represented by different materials, for example, thin tracing paper. It is considered fragile, it not only sticks to the biscuit, but also quickly becomes saturated with moisture. If the dish is cooked in the oven for several hours, the tracing paper may crumble or become brittle. Such paper is pre-greased before being used in cooking.
  • Smooth universal baking parchment has a thin silicone coating, so it does not stick to cooked food. Such sheets do not need to be lubricated, they do not allow moisture and grease to pass through. They are reusable and can withstand high temperatures.
  • Durable thick brown baking paper is used for baking dishes from any kind of dough. It absorbs fat well, but if the baking is low-fat, then the parchment is pre-lubricated with oil.
  • Silicone parchment paper has a double coating, because of this, the price is higher than that of cheap counterparts. Expensive material has a three-dimensional baking structure, plus a special air gap. It looks brown, on sale it looks like sheets.

Baking parchment

You can buy parchment paper in a roll at any supermarket. Manufacturers on the packaging indicate recommendations for use. It is important to remember that if the composition includes silicone, then parchment can be used more than once, and if only cellulose is included, then this is a one-time option. If the packaging indicates that parchment can only be used for baking, then you can not bake meat or vegetables in it - dishes can be spoiled.

Thick parchment for reusable use is used to prepare only the same dishes. For example, after baking meat, you cannot use the same material for sweet pastries and vice versa. Parchment is also used to roll out thin dough, often rolled sheets are used for different types of shortcrust pastry, meringue. Such material is also used in order to lay out cooked dishes on it.

What can replace baking paper

Where to buy parchment paper for baking? This question is asked by every hostess who needs to bake something. Although, if necessary, you can find a replacement for such paper, for example, drawing tracing paper or A4 paper is suitable - they must be lubricated with oil. You can also use food parchment, which is used in supermarkets for food packaging or foil. How to replace parchment paper when baking? This question is of interest to many. If there was nothing at hand, then instead of parchment, breadcrumbs should be sprinkled on a greasy baking sheet, and dough on top.

How to use baking paper

Parchment paper is widely used for baking air dough in a slow cooker. It is necessary to line the bowl so that the sheets peek out after pouring the mass. After baking and cooling, holding the edges of the parchment, you can correctly remove the fragile, airy product, plus the paper will prevent the baking from burning. In this way, biscuit dough is baked for various confectionery products.

Should I lubricate with oil?

Sometimes housewives do not know if it is necessary to grease the paper before pouring batter onto a baking sheet? If subparchment was used and there is no silicone layer, then it is better to lubricate. In appearance, such paper resembles drawing paper. The cost of parchment without a silicone layer is several times lower. Many housewives use baking paper greased with oil when baking pizza. They roll out the dough on it and bake it.

Which side to put on the baking sheet

You can use foil instead of parchment, but you need to know which side to place it on the baking sheet. Before tearing off a piece of foil, you need to know the approximate size of the baking sheet, then grease it with oil on both sides and line it with either side. Although many housewives claim that the glossy side, in contact with the dough, improves cooking, forming a golden crust. Instead of foil, you can use parchment, which is laid on a baking sheet with the smooth side up.

parchment paper price

In Moscow, St. Petersburg or other regions of Russia, the purchase can be made not only in large supermarkets, but also in online stores with cheap mail delivery. You can order any kind of parchment in rolls or sheets, it will cost differently, the price depends on the quality:

How to choose parchment paper

The usual proven way is to purchase any product in supermarkets - this way you can avoid fakes. It is better to give preference to parchment, which is packed in a special cardboard box - this way the roll is easier to store. On the packaging, the manufacturer indicates the composition and application, so before buying, you should carefully read the characteristics. The price plays an important role, quality parchment will always be expensive.

Video: How to make parchment paper at home

To prepare homemade pastries, housewives use parchment paper. Sometimes it happens that such an item in the house was not at hand, and the dough is already ready. However, there are other products that can replace parchment paper. They also have their own advantages, which will be interesting to learn about lovers of baking cakes and other goodies from the dough.

What is parchment paper for?

Back in the last century, confectioners began to use parchment paper for baking. Such material is used in the packaging of various items:

  • dishes;
  • food;
  • gifts.

In cooking, he found application for a simple reason - the ability to not skip fat. This prevents the dough from sticking to the mold or pan. Ready-made cakes, cookies or other pastries can be easily removed and do not stick to the surface of the dish. This makes it easier for any housewife, she does not need to wash dishes for a long time, and culinary products always retain their attractive appearance and shape.

Such material is produced from porous filtered paper, and only organic substances are present in it. In the production process, special technology is used. The material is impregnated with a light solution of sulfuric acid. Impregnation allows you to partially destroy the used cellulose and clog the pores. This technology makes the material waterproof and strong. The raw material used for the production of parchment paper is subjected to forced drying. This gives the finished rolls its advantages:

  • they let air through;
  • high temperature resistance;
  • do not pass fat and moisture;
  • when wet, retain all properties;
  • multiple use is possible.

Baking paper for baking in the oven makes it possible to roll out puff and shortbread dough very thinly . It is usually laid out between two sheets of paper. to quickly and conveniently transfer to a baking sheet.


Parchment is widely used in everyday life, production and medicine. It is used in the clothing industry, furniture production. It is in demand in the fast food industry. Parchment is mostly thin and transparent, and depending on the scope of its application, it is divided into several types:

You can buy parchment in any supermarket. It is sold in rolls, and there are always recommendations for use on its packaging, containing information on how to use baking paper correctly.


Parchment is used not only for baking in the oven. It is used for cooking dishes in a slow cooker. In this case, you need to cut a layer of parchment so that its edges peek out from under the mass of dough. When the dish is ready, the edges will help to remove it whole and intact. It is especially useful to use parchment when baking biscuit dough. It will also prevent it from burning and sticking to the bowl.

Confectionery paper is used by many housewives not only for baking flour products. It is also used for cooking dishes from meat, fish, mushrooms. There is parchment, which is intended only for baking dough products. Not suitable for meat or fish., because you can spoil the dish. When a dense material is used, it is used repeatedly, but only for the preparation of the same dishes.

The desired piece of paper is spread on a baking sheet and spread the dough. If necessary, parchment can be greased with vegetable or butter. Bake products at the usual temperature and for the time indicated in the recipe.

How to replace baking paper in the oven

Parchment protects the dough from burning, especially if it is baked with a filling. It happens that the house has run out of baking paper, and then you need to replace it with something else. There are several replacement options that will almost always be found in the house.

Most often, drawing tracing paper is used as a substitute at home. It is oiled on both sides.

A good option is clean office paper, also oiled on both sides. Food bags are made from thick food parchment. They are used in supermarkets for packaging baked goods.

If suddenly there was none of the listed options in the house, then you can use semolina or breadcrumbs. Grease a baking sheet with oil and sprinkle the surface with a thin layer of semolina or ground crackers. It also saves from burning and helps to remove baked goods easily.

Now there is an opportunity to buy a special silicone mat. Such a product has become a real find for culinary specialists. This is a very convenient item for rolling out dough, giving it the desired shape. It perfectly withstands high temperatures and does not react with the products used. Silicone is absolutely harmless to health, therefore it is widely used for culinary purposes. It is durable, such an item will last more than one year.

Some housewives also use foil, however, there are some nuances here. The foil must be lubricated with oil if the dough is baked. For cooking meat or fish dishes, this is not necessary. The foil is laid with a matte side on the surface. Food foil is ideal for cooking meat and fish, but it is not the most suitable option for dough. It speeds up the cooking process, so the dough can burn.

Folk remedies

Folk methods were invented when there was a problem, what can be replaced with parchment paper for baking. All of them are simple, and with their help, pastries will not burn and will not stick to the walls and bottom of the mold:

It is not recommended to use scribbled sheets of paper, newspaper. Printing ink contains toxic substances harmful to health. Do not use polyethylene, because it will immediately begin to melt under the influence of high temperatures.

Improvised means are often used by housewives in the kitchen, but they also need to be used correctly, and then the pastries will turn out to be delicious and beautiful.

Who doesn't love to treat themselves to fresh pastries for dinner? Light and airy meringue, soft puffs with raspberries, pies, sweet and salty - everything your heart desires. Every housewife has her own culinary secret. One uses parchment paper for baking and baking, the other uses oiled paper or foil. The taste of the prepared dishes also depends on how to cover the baking sheet. Of course, the most convenient way is parchment paper. But if suddenly there is no such paper at hand, you can find a replacement for it.

What is baking parchment

Parchment paper, or, its other name, baking paper, is a unique material that has a lot of advantages. It does not burn, does not soak or crumble, is greaseproof and resistant to high temperatures, and also retains the shape of baked goods and its aroma, preventing foreign odors from entering. The parchment is impregnated with a solution of treated sulfuric acid (during the manufacturing process, after applying the solution, the parchment is immediately washed), and it is absolutely harmless for the preparation of confectionery and any other products on it, it can be used repeatedly, maybe once, depending on the quality of the parchment sheets.

How to use baking paper

Such paper is placed on a baking sheet, covered with a baking dish and baking dish. It serves as a layer between a baking sheet, a frying pan or a special form and the dish that is being prepared on them. So the product will not burn, will not stick, and will not damage the dishes, which is also a clear plus. It must be remembered that the parchment should not touch the walls or the oven door, it should only come into contact with the baking sheet itself, the shape and the dish. Also, parchment paper can be used in the preparation of confectionery products in a cold way, such as cheesecakes, in this case its main function is to preserve the shape of the product.

Parchment and baking paper - is there a difference

There is a difference, but it is quite insignificant. Parchment is denser and is well suited for baking oil products, while paper will get wet from the released fat.

Parchment is intended both for baking products and for their storage. It usually stores very fatty or very moist foods such as butter, spread, margarine or curd products. Confectionery and bakery products are baked in parchment. If the parchment is additionally covered with a silicone film on top, its water and grease repellent properties increase, then it is used for baking butter products from batter.

Baking paper is usually suitable for baking and storing products with a medium fat content - these include, in addition to confectionery, hard cheeses.

Important: Baking paper, parchment, is for baking only, and you should not bake meat, fish or vegetables in it. For such purposes, there is a baking sleeve that will not get wet, tear or spoil the appearance of the product.

Do they need to be oiled?

Parchment paper for baking fatty products is not lubricated, and for cooking low-fat and non-greasy products, additional lubrication is required. Paper has less grease-repellent properties than parchment, and to avoid products sticking to it, it should be lubricated.

What can replace parchment paper for baking?

There are situations when you really want to bake something, but there was no parchment paper at hand. How it can be replaced - consider in the table.

Table: pros and cons of various options for replacing parchment paper.

Replacement optionsprosMinusesIs lubrication requiredWhat can be baked?What can't be baked?
Drawing (or sewing) tracing paper
  • Can be bought at any stationery store;
  • Affordable.
  • Too thin;
  • Soaks from juice from products;
  • Baking may burn;
  • Sticks to the bottom and sides of baked products;
  • Cracks at temperatures over 200 degrees.
RequiredSuitable for baking with a high fat content (e.g. shortbread or yeast dough) and for cold baking (cheesecakes).
  • You should not use it for making biscuits and muffins, as well as other products with a small amount of fat - it will simply stick to them, even if it is well oiled;
  • Remember that tracing paper is a thin material that can easily get wet, so pies with berry or fruit fillings are not baked on it.
  • Does not burn;
  • Absorbs released moisture;
  • It is possible to apply up to six times;
  • Suitable for freezing preparations.
  • Heats up quickly.
Not requiredMoisture-absorbing paper is suitable for baking products with medium fat content - cottage cheese products, bread, kefir baking. Even without lubrication of such paper, they do not stick.It is impossible to bake very fatty products on such paper, such as cookies with sour cream or shortbread, butter baking.
Plain office paper impregnated with oil
  • Baking burns;
  • Products stick to office paper;
  • Do not leave in the oven for a long time;
  • May begin to crumble;
  • If not impregnated with oil, at high temperatures (250–300 degrees), fire is possible.
RequiredGreased office paper is suitable for baking unpretentious and uncomplicated products, such as Easter cottage cheese or cookies.Not suitable for baking French macaroons, strudel.
  • Not afraid of heat;
  • Allowed to use many times.
Not requiredA silicone mat is a universal device, you can bake anything you want on it, its surface will not damage the shape of the products and will not affect their structure.
Silicone Coated Paper
  • Reusable (up to eight times);
  • Doesn't dry out the dough.
Not requiredSilicone-coated paper easily falls off baked goods, so it can be reused many times and is suitable for any kind of dough (for whimsical biscuits, use it only once, otherwise it will start to stick).
Baking bag
  • Does not allow food to burn.
  • Cannot be used at temperatures above 200 degrees.
Not requiredShortbread cookies can be baked on a baking bagYou can not bake juicy pies and pies
  • Baking can burn due to the fact that the foil raises its temperature;
  • You need to follow the process - turn the baking sheet with foil.
RequiredCookies can be baked on shiny foil, but there is a high risk that they will burn.Foil as a material is more suitable for baking juicy things, not for baking.
  • Products do not stick to such forms;
  • Ready-made pastries are removed from them without difficulty;
  • Heat-resistant (maximum withstand 250 degrees);
  • They are easy to wash.
Not requiredAny kind of dough is also baked in silicone molds, it is important to remember that they are filled only by one third, because the dough greatly increases in volume during baking.
Paper molds for baking
  • Products do not burn;
  • Baking is portioned;
  • You can use bright colors.
Not requiredPaper forms are suitable for baking muffins, muffins, Easter cakes and cupcakes.Not suitable for batters such as eclairs and profiteroles

You can not use the intermediate layer in the form of a variety of papers, but simply grease the baking sheet with margarine, spread or butter. There is an option to stop at this, or to fill the oil layer with semolina, flour or breadcrumbs on top. Be careful, flour can burn.

An oiled baking sheet can be used for making pies, pies, casseroles. You can’t bake tender meringue or French macaroons on such a baking sheet - they will definitely burn.

On an oiled baking sheet with sprinkling, cake layers are prepared and cookies are baked.

Also, one of the options for replacing the use of baking paper is baking on non-stick baking sheets, in which case they do not need to be lubricated with oil.

Some housewives use a non-stick mixture, lubricate its baking dishes or baking sheets. Here is her recipe:

  1. We take half a glass of any flour of any kind, vegetable oil and cooking (confectionery) fat. Ghee and even lard can be used as fat, everything except margarine. Fat must be cold.
  2. Mix all the "ingredients", start beating with a mixer at low speed, at low speed.
  3. Gradually increase the whipping speed until the mixture turns white and increases in size.
  4. As soon as the non-stick mixture turns a silver color, we turn off the mixer and can use it.
  5. The mixture is applied to the bottom and sides of baking sheets and baking dishes with a special silicone brush.

Such a mixture is prepared more than once, and it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one year and used not only for baking, but also for other culinary purposes - for example, roasting meat, fish or vegetables.

Video: how to make a non-stick baking mixture

Using parchment paper, you can cook meringues, eclairs and custards, bake cakes - delicate and fragile sweets will not stick to the baking sheet, and their shape and structure will not be disturbed. Parchment also helps when baking from yeast dough with fillings - berry or fruit, which involve the release of sweet fruit juice, without parchment it can leak out and turn into fruit caramel right on the baking sheet, and it can be very difficult to wash it off. Such capricious things as a biscuit, which loves to stick, are also baked on parchment.

Baking parchment substitutes: examples in the photo

Tracing paper has a very low density Moisture-absorbing paper suitable for baking cottage cheese and kefir products Silicone baking mat - versatile Silicone coated paper is reusable Getting ready-made pastries from silicone molds is very simple - you just need to turn them out Cookies in silicone molds are very beautiful Baking in paper forms turns out portioned and beautiful Paper tins are great for baking cupcakes and muffins.

When the replacement will be unequal

Despite the variety of "substitutes", it is important to remember those things that are absolutely impossible to use for baking. This is for example:

  1. Newspapers - firstly, there is a high risk of fire, and secondly, when heated, they release toxic, poisonous substances contained in printing ink, which can become a source of poisoning.
  2. Scribbled notebook sheets - the ink also contains substances that become hazardous to health when heated.
  3. Non-oiled office paper - can easily catch fire.
  4. Vegetable oil - does not protect the product from burning, is smoked, and because of this spoils the taste of the dish and gives it a not particularly appetizing smell.
  5. Plastic bags - melt at high temperatures and release toxic substances.

Good housewives know many interesting secrets, many of which we have now shared with you. Cook with pleasure and remember that the absence of baking paper is not a reason not to please yourself or your family!

Each housewife may have such a situation - it is urgently necessary to bake a delicious cake for the arrival of guests, and there was no suitable means to protect the baking sheet from sticking dough at hand. And you need to urgently figure out how to replace parchment for baking.

What can you choose instead of baking paper?

1. Use tracing paper - such translucent paper. It is usually used by seamstresses - to accurately cut out the details of the wardrobe.

2. Someone fit for this purpose standard parchment , which is intended for packaging households. goods. However, this option is somewhat dangerous for the pie - very dangerous components can be present in this type of parchment. It is recommended, if such an option is already chosen, to additionally coat the parchment with a layer of fat.

3. If there is absolutely no time to go to the store, and there is nothing else at hand, you can soak sunflower oil sheet of plain office paper . Then put on a baking sheet to replace the parchment when baking.

4. Currently available for sale cooking paper , it is specially intended for baking. And an additional layer of fat is no longer required to lubricate.

5. Some housewives prefer to do without any interlayer "helpers" at all - they are good rub baking sheet oil painting or margarine . In some cases, the already greased surface of the baking sheet sprinkled with breadcrumbs or semolina - if this is allowed by the pie recipe.
